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03x29 - Zou and Mum's present

Posted: 07/30/23 11:45
by bunniefuu
(bird chirping)

♪ Say hey say hi Say how do you do ♪

♪ To a fine young zebra by the name of Zou ♪

♪ Oh oh oh Oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ Meet Mom and Dad Nana too ♪

♪ Grandma Grandpa all of you ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪


♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪

♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪


- Zou and Mum's present.

(voices on TV)



- Excuse me, everyone,

could you get up for a second, please?



Oh, thanks. You can sit down again.

- Um... Looking for something, Mum?

- Oh, don't worry.

You carry on watching TV.

- Can we help you find it?

- Yes!

I often help my Mum find things she's lost.

- I think, I'm not sure, but I might have lost

that little mirror you gave me.

But it can't have gone far; I had it just now!

- Oh... The one I gave you for your birthday?

- Bizou... I know how much trouble you took to decorate it,

collecting all those shells and



- Don't worry Mum. We'll find it.

- I'll help!

- Thanks, Elzee.

- Me too!

- Now Mum. Where was the last place you had it?

- Um... in my bedroom!

- Good. Let's retrace your steps.

You know; like going back in time!

- Going back in time?

Okay. Here we go!


So: I was in my bedroom putting on my makeup.

Then the phone rang, I came out and... Yes.

I still had the mirror in my hand!

- And what then?

- I went to the living room to answer the phone.

- So it's back to the living room!

(bright music)

- I answered the phone and then...

Grandma called me.

She needed a hand to take a dish out of the oven,

so I went into the kitchen!

When I came in, there was smoke everywhere:

Grandma had burned her tart.

- Maybe you put the phone and your mirror down somewhere to help her?

- But if I did, I can't remember where.

- It must be here somewhere.


- Oh!

I remember!

Next I went to collect the post from the letterbox!

- You were busy! Let's go and have a look.

- And then I went back into the house.

- We haven't looked in the letterbox yet.

- Oh, you're right.

It was a good idea, Elzee. But...

- Hello there.


(all): Hello!

- Elzee? Have you seen the stickers anywhere?

I can't find them...

- It must be national "Mum



-thing" Day!

I'll be right back!

Coming, Mum! I think I know where they are.

- Okay. Back to our hunt!

- How hard can it be to find a mirror decorated with shells?

- Yes!

- Zou?

- I did decorate it with shells but underneath, it's metal.

And Uncle Zavier's got a metal detector, hasn't he?

- Yes! We've seen him treasure hunting on the beach!

- Do you think he'd lend it to us?

- Of course, Bizou! Good idea.

- Here's you are! It's the latest model you know.

Very sensitive.

It detects all sorts of metal.

But do be careful with it.

- Wow! We will! Thanks, Uncle Zavier!


- Put the headset on, then listen for the signal that...

- Oh, I'll leave that to Zou!

His ears are much sharper than mine!

- All right.

Now Zou,

the closer you get to the metal the louder the beeps get!


- Okay, Uncle Zavier.

- You know, that's a terribly clever idea of Zou's.

You should have thought of that when I lost my earring yesterday.

- Yes, dear.

- I'll help you look for it, Uncle Zavier,

as soon as I've found Mum's mirror.

- Thank you, Zou! And happy hunting!



- I can hear something!

Over there Grandpa!

- Good work Zou!

- The beeps are getting louder!

(sighing) Just a trowel!

- Not just a trowel, Zou!

I've been looking everywhere for this!

- Well, at least we found something.

Shall we carry on Grandpa?

- I should think so, Zou!

We treasure hunters are only just warming up!

(bright music)

- Hmm... Nothing!

And I was sure I must have left in the kitchen.

- If it's not in the kitchen or the garden

then it's got to be in here!


Grandpa? It's beeping again!

- Ooh, is that it?

- Hurray!

- It's just a pen, Grandpa...

- Just a pen? It's my favourite pen!

And I was certain I'd lost it.

- Isn't that typical! You look for one thing

and find something else completely different!

- Yes, but we still haven't found your mirror.

- Oh well. Maybe it'll turn up when we're looking

for something else we've lost.

- But... we're not going to give up, are we?

- We've looked everywhere, Bizou.

Even the metal detector couldn't to help.

- But it's got to be somewhere!

Right, Grandpa?

- Right, Zou! Let's keep on searching!


- Yeah!




Hang on!

A bit higher up...

The signal's getting stronger!

- It's probably just the metal bits in the phone.

- Hmm...

But I can still hear the beeps!

Here it is!

Mum! Mum! We've found it!

- Oh, well done, Bizou!

I must have put that dish down there just before I picked up the phone!

- This must be a first for Uncle Zavier's metal detector!

I don't think he's ever found anything with it!


(bell rings)

- I found the stickers,

so I've come back to help you look for...

- Ta


- It was just beside the phone.

- Oh good! I'd have liked to help.

But I'm pleased you found it!

- Hey Elzee! You still can help.

Could I have some of those stickers, please?

- Uh... Yes, of course, I'll be right back!

- Now Mum, watch this.


Now, if you lose it again,

all you have to do is turn out the lights and you'll find it!

Clever, eh?

- Wow, it's really pretty!

- Hmm and very clever, too!

- Come here, Bizou and give me a kiss!

- And now, can we find Aunt Zelda's earring?

- Another hunt? Tally ho!


(rhythmic music)