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03x23 - Zou and the wheel of questions

Posted: 07/30/23 11:39
by bunniefuu
(bell ringing)


♪ Say hey say hi say how do you do ♪

♪ To a fine young zebra by the name of Zou ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

(whistling) ♪ Meet Mom and Dad Nanna too ♪

♪ Grandma Grandpa All of you ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪


♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪

♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪


- Oh, it's a scandal!

A scandal!

- Is something the matter, Nanna?

- I'll say there is!

They've taken off The Wheel of Questions!

My favourite program! And look what's on instead!



(laughing) Ha!

Ridiculous! Not a patch on The Wheel of Questions!

- Hmm. It does look a bit silly.

- Silly? It's...

it's... a scandal!

Now I'll never get to be on it.

And I'd written in so many times.

- Um, well, perhaps we could play something else instead.

Uh, how about hide


-seek? Or I Spy?

- Oh. That's very sweet of you, Zou, dear,

but they're not quite the same as The Wheel of Questions.

- An elephant has escaped from the local zoo and is now at large...

- Hmm.

- The zoo has offered a reward for the safe return...

- Hmm. I know!

- Oh! What?

- We interrupt this program to bring you a newsflash.


- Grandpa, Grandpa!

- Yes, Zou?

- Could you help me?

- Uh, uh, of course.

Um, with what?

- Well, Nanna's favourite TV program's not on any more.

- The Wheel of Questions. Yes, I heard.

Ooh, she's not going to be happy about it.

- Mm. She isn't. "It's a scandal!"

So I thought: Why don't we do the Wheel of Questions here?

Then Nanna could be on it like she's always wanted.

- Now, that sounds a good plan!

But, um... how?

- Um. Hmm...

We could start with that!

- Oh, yes!

That wheel might do the trick.





(chuckling) Not bad, eh?

- It's brilliant, Grandpa! Just like the real thing!

You're the world's greatest DIY'er!

- Oh, I wouldn't go that far, Zou.

(chuckling) Not a bad job, though.

- But we're missing one very important thing, Grandpa.

- Uh, are you sure?


-I thought I'd



- The questions!

The game's called The Wheel of Questions, remember?

- Oh, the questions! We'll need them alright.

- I'll think of some! Oh, and don't tell Nanna. It's a surprise.

- Not a word.

(Zou laughing)

- There you are, Bizou.

Zinnia's come to play!

(Zinnia laughing)

- Ah!

- Oh, right.

Well... maybe you could help me with something.

Can you keep a secret?

- Of course I can keep a



- Shhh.



-keep a secret.

- Good. Come on.

So we need to think of some good, hard questions for Nanna.

Just like they have on the real program.

- Oh, okay! Like, um... oh...

- Um, what planet does Zordorak come from?

- Ooh, yes! Good! That's really, really hard!

Oh! Here's one. Does Zak like chips?

- Yeah, that's a good question.

Does... Zak... like... chips?

- So if Nanna wins, what prize does she get?

- Oh, yes. I hadn't thought about prizes.

- Of course you need prizes.

It wouldn't be The Wheel of Questions without prizes.

- So what about some of Nanna's favourite cookies?

- Ooh, yes! She'd like that!

They'd be a great prize.

- Lovely. Can you make enough for me to have some too?

- No. Not unless you win at Wheel of Questions.

Dad, can you help us write Nanna's invitation?

- Of course I can.


- Here are the prizes!

- Mm, yum!

- Yummy!

(Dad laughing)

- You've got to win them first. They're prizes, remember?

- Ooh. Yeah.

- Oh, yes, I forgot.

(sad tweeting)

- And here's the invitation.

- Thanks, Dad. Thanks, Mom.

Okay, Poc, I've got a job for you.


Here. Take this to invitation to Nanna.

You know where she lives.


- Oh.


Thank you, Poc.



(mumbling) Hmm?

- And here's our next contestant!

Let's give a warm welcome to... Nanna!


- You... you've done all this for me?

(all): Mm.

- Now, Nanna, you know the rules of the game.

- Oh, yes!

I certainly do.

- Ha! Here we go!


Oh! Oh!

It's blue!

- Um, blue. So that means the question is...

- Uh, speak up, Zou! I can't hear you!

- Maybe you should turn up the volume.


- Ahem. Now, blue is for films.

And here's your question on films.

In Return of the Dribulons,

which planet does Zordorak come from?

- Hmm.

- Who's Zordo... Zordo...?

- Oh. Everyone knows who Zordorak is.

(Zou): Shhh. Uh, that was a test question.

Your real question is:

What is the name of the green monster in Masters of Planet X?


(Zinnia giggling)

- Hmm?

(all): Hmm.

- Yes.

Oh, well, I don't know.

- Big Snargle!

(Zou gasping)

Oops. Sorry.


- Oh, I've just noticed that these are not the correct questions for this contestant.

- They were! We did them



- Shhh.


- Uh...

- Hmm.

Dad, I don't think our questions are right for Nanna.

- Mm. I think you're right, Zou.

- Can you help us think of some?

- Mm.


- Mm


- And we'll be back with part two of Wheel of Questions

right after this message.

(Zinnia laughing)

(giggling) Zeebro Krunches are such fun!

Good for you and me and everyone!

Full of natural goodness too!

With healthiness the whole way through!

- Uh...


- And welcome back to part two of Wheel of Questions,

where we now have the correct questions.

- And here we go!


- Yellow. That means a family question.

- Oh!

- What was the name of Dad's cuddly toy when he was little?

- Leo! Oh!

I don't know how many times I mended it for him.

- Leo is the correct answer.




- And here is your prize.

(Nanna laughing)

- Oh.

(Zinnia giggling)


- And who is the world's greatest DIY'er?

- Your grandpa!

- Hmm.

(Nanna laughing)

(Zinnia giggling)

- Mozart!

- It's another correct answer!

- A vulture!

The turnip!

(Zinnia laughing)

- And the winner is... Nanna!!!

- Oh.



(Mom laughing)

Oh, thank you both.

Oh! I did enjoy myself.

- We tried to make it just like the real show, Nanna.

- And you did.

(laughter) Mwah. Mwah.

It was even better.

(laughter) But... is there another show next week?

- Um...

- Mm


- Of course, Nanna.

See you next week. Same time, same place,

for another round of Wheel of Questions!

- Yes!


- Well done, Zou!

(Zou laughing)