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03x21 - Zou and Nanna's memory book

Posted: 07/30/23 11:37
by bunniefuu
(bell ringing)


♪ Say hey say hi say how do you do ♪

♪ To a fine young zebra by the name of Zou ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

(whistling) ♪ Meet Mom and Dad Nanna too ♪

♪ Grandma Grandpa All of you ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪


♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪

♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪



- I don't think your pencil sharpener's in here, Nanna.

- I'm sure that's where I put it.

- Huh. Oh, yes. Here it is. Oh!

Sorry, Nanna.

(Nanna laughing)

- No need for you to be sorry, Zou.

I ought to be more careful where I put my happy memories.


I've got an old photo album somewhere.

I should put them in there.


- Got it!

Here you are, Nanna.

- Thank you, Zou.

Oh, dear! Oh, it's falling apart.

- Oh, there's some more photos here too.

You've got a lot, haven't you?


- I have, Zou.

And when I've put them in my album,

they'll all be in one place.

(Zou laughing)

Now, where did I put my sticky tape?

- I can stick those pages back for you with Grandpa.

And we could put all your photos in too.

- Thank you, Zou.

- Glad to help, Nanna.

- Oh, mwah!

- Oh. See you later.

- There we go.

Nanna's photo album won't fall apart now.

- Hmm. Grandpa, this album looks a bit, mm, ordinary.

Oh! What if I make her a proper memory book,

for photos and postcards and letters and other things?

- That's an excellent idea, Zou.

- I'll need to get a special book to put everything in!

- No time like the present.

Let's go and see if we can find something nice in your Uncle Zavier's shop.

(Zou laughing)

- Oh, so no fancy notebooks, then?

- No notebooks at all, Zou.

Not even plain ones.

They're on order, but there's a two

-week wait. I'm sorry.


- Oh, well. Let's go and see if Mr. Zoey's got any.

Thanks, Zavier.

- I'm sorry, Zou. I don't think I've got any.

Oh! Hang on.

(tweeting) Here we are.

Looks like you're in luck!

- Thanks, Mr. Zoey.

Mm... but it's a bit dusty and the cover's a bit bent.

- Hmm, yes.

You're right, Zou. It is a bit tatty, isn't it?

But why don't you take it anyway? No charge.

- Thanks, Mr. Zoey.

It was kind of Mr. Zoey to let me have this,

but I wish we'd found something a bit smarter.

- Nanna will be so happy with what we put inside,

she'll hardly notice the outside.

- I know, Grandpa, but...

I really wanted it to be a special memory book.

- It will be, Zou.

- She's got so many photos.

Which shall I put in first?

- Hmm. I'm not so sure. I don't know who all these pictures are of.

- If we guess which are the older ones,

then Nanna can move them around the way she wants!

- Yeah, that would...

(doorbell ringing)

Oh, I wonder who that can be.

(Zou laughing)

- Hi, Elzee!

- Hello, Elzee.

- Hi!

Want to come out and play, Zou?

- Not just now. I'm making Nanna a memory book.

Well, I'm trying to. Do you want to come and help?

- Oh, okay.

- I wanted to get a really nice notebook,

but this is all Mr. Zoey had.

- You could make a new cover. You know, with some nice paper.

- Hey, that's a brilliant idea!

- Grandma's got lots of wrapping paper.

Let's go and see if she'll give us some.


- Wow!

(Grandpa laughing)

- Grandma's quite the collector.


- Um, this piece looks nice.

- Yes, it does. I'll trim it down a bit,

and then you two can stick it on with sticky tape.

- Uh, why don't you just draw right around it, Grandpa?

- You need a bit extra to fold over the edges of the notebook.




- Hmm. It looks okay,

but, um, it still isn't quite special enough.

- I'm sure Nanna will love it.

- Your Grandpa's right, Zou. But if you think it needs something else,

we could ask my mom if she's got any ideas.

- Oh, yes!

- Oh! Oh, you've made the cover look nice, Zou.

- Hmm. But it's not special enough for Nanna.

The paper's a bit thin. It might tear.

- Well, it's easy to make your own paper.

- Is it?!

- Yes!

Now, if you could tear up these newspapers into little bits.

- Like this?

- Just like that.

Perfect. And when you've done that,

we'll put them into a big bowl of water.

We put them in the water.


And now we mix it all up.

Now, that gooey mixture's called "pulp."

(both): Ew!

- And then we add some cornstarch.

That'll make the paper firm enough to stick photos to, and other things.

- Wow!

- Cool.

- That screen will stop big pieces of paper going in the mix.

Now watch.


And nearly done.

(tweeting) Ah...

You could put some of those dried petals in if you like, Zou.

- Hmm.

- They'll make your paper look pretty.

It'll smell nice, too.

- Like this?

- That's right.


- It looks nice.

- This cloth will dry out the pulp.

- Do we need any more bits?

- Yes, please. The more we have, the more special paper we can make.

- Yay!


- Excellent. Thank you.

That's one sheet down, quite a few more to go.

(laughing) Sorry, Zou, this is going to take a little while.

I can take care of it if you have other things to do.

- I do need to collect stuff to put in Nanna's memory book.

- Okay. You do that, and when you come back, the paper should be ready.

- Brilliant! See you later!

Oh, and thank you very much.

- Bye, Zou!

- Bye!



(Mom laughing)

- Oh, this is taking me right down memory lane.

Cards, notes, an invitation to your Nanna's birthday party!

- How old was I then?

- Oh, you weren't even born then, Bizou. I'd only just met your dad.

- So was that a happy memory?

- Oh, yes. Yes, it was.

- Here you are, Zou.

Photographs and postcards of holidays your Nanna took me on when I was a youngster.

- Wow! You and Nanna went everywhere, Grandpa!

- We did get around.

- Elzee's mom said the paper should be dry now.

Maybe we can finish making the book.

- Let's go and see.

- Oh. See you later.

- Mwah.


- This looks wonderful, Zou!

How clever of you to make your own paper.

- It's easy, Grandpa. You just tear up loads of newspaper!

- Well, I think it's worked really well.

And the dried flowers you've added smell lovely.

Heh. Nanna will be thrilled!

- Oh! This photo feels thicker than the other ones, Grandpa.

Wow! Look! Two photos stuck together.

- So there are.

- It's Nanna when she was young. Who's that with her?

- I don't know, Zou. I don't think I'd been born then.

But Nanna will be able to tell us.

- A hidden photo. I hope she'll be surprised.




You can open your eyes now, Nanna.

- Oh, my word!

Look at this!

It's beautiful.


And full of my old photos! Oh, and cards.

It's wonderful!

- It's called a memory book.

- Zou made the paper himself, you know.

- How clever! Oh!

(Zou laughing)

Oh, and it smells lovely, too!

- That's because of the dried flowers, Nanna.

- Oh, it's very, very special.

Yes. Oh! Oh!


Oh, my word! Look at this!

It's Zola, my best friend from school!

I've looked everywhere for this photograph.

Where did you get it?

- It was stuck to another photograph.

- It was Zou who noticed it.

- Oh!

Another perfect memory for my perfect memory book!

Oh! Mwah!

Thank you for my beautiful...


perfumed present, Zou.

(laughing) I... I shall treasure it.

- And here's even more happy memories, Nanna.

- Oh, how lovely!

(camera shutter clicking)


(Grandpa): Hurray!