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03x16 - Zou and the secret admirer

Posted: 07/30/23 11:32
by bunniefuu
(bird chirping)

♪ Say hey say hi Say how do you do ♪

♪ To a fine young zebra by the name of Zou ♪

♪ Oh oh oh Oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ Meet Mom and Dad Nanna too ♪

♪ Grandma Grandpa all of you ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪


♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪

♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪


Zou and the secret admirer

- Oh, good!

- Yes! Lovely.

- Hm...

- Look! That's my painting!

- You know... that face reminds me of someone!

- Well done, Zou!

It's beautiful.

- Yes. Nearly as beautiful as the model.

Looks like we've got a real painter in the family!

- Oh, that reminds me! I've got to put a lick of paint on the fence today!

See you later!

- Hello!

- Hi, Zac!

- Wow!

It's brilliant!


- I'd like to have a painting in an exhibition one day.

- Maybe you will!

- We've got a good crowd!

It's been like this all week.

The exhibition is a huge success!

- Do you hear that, Zou?

They'll probably ask you to start planning another exhibition!

- Heh heh! That'd be great!

(Poc chirping)

- And next time I think I'll paint...

um... a portrait of Dad.

- Hmm!

(Zou giggles)

- Okay, Poc. You can be in it too.

(chirps happily)

- Here, Zou. A letter for you.

- For me?

"You are a very talented artist.

I hope to see much more of your work very soon."

- Well, well, well.

Seems like you've got an admirer.

Your first piece of fan mail!

- How exciting!

Who's it from?

- Um...

I don't know. It just says...

"One of your most devoted admirers."

What does that mean?

- It means you've got a secret admirer.

- A secret admirer? Um...

(Poc chirping)

Grandpa! Grandpa! Look!

I've got a secret admirer!

- Well now!

You know, I've been painting all these years

and I've never had one single admirer...

- Hey, Grandma!

It looks like my exhibition's made me a bit famous!

I've got a letter from a secret admirer!

- Oh... that reminds me.

Once upon a time, when I was a lot younger,

I had a secret admirer too...


- Hey! What's this?


A dried flower!

- Hmm... it looks like one of Zena's poppies.

- So this flower may have come from Elzee's house?

Um, maybe my admirer's a girl!

And I know how to thank her!


- Hi!

Elzee? I painted this for you!

- Ooh!

Thank you, Zou!

- Do you like it?

- It's really good!

But... It's not my birthday or anything, so why?

- Beause I wanted to do something for my secret admirer!

- Your secret admirer?

I love your paintings, that's no secret.

- Oh.

So... What about the letter then?

- What letter?

- This letter.

I didn't write it, Zou.

Still whoever did likes your paintings as much as I do.


- This flower was in the envelope too.

Grandma said it's like the ones in your garden.

- Yeah, it is.

I think it's one of the poppies Mummy grows.

Let's go and ask her!

- Hello!

- Hello, Zou!

- Excuse me; is this one of your poppies?

- Yes, it is. I'm drying these for Mr. Zoey.

He asked me if he could have some for his shop.

- Mr Zoey? Hmm.

I wonder...

Zak was saying a lot of nice things about my painting!

- So maybe he's your secret admirer!


- No, no... not in that direction.

- Oh?

So there's a right direction to paint in now, is there?

(Grandpa gasps)

- Oh, sorry.

- Dad! Grandpa!

Can you come to Mr Zoey's shop with us?

- Whoa! Someone's in a big hurry!

- Yes!

We think we know who my admirer is!

- I wish I had an admirer...

(Poc chirping)

- I'm sorry, Zou. I can't take you right now.

I've got to finish the fence before it gets dark.

I'm sure Dad can take you though...

- Of course I can!/|

(both): Yay!

- Zak?

- Hello!

- Hi!

- HellO! Can I leave Zak with you? I've got some shopping to do.

- Yes, of course, Mrs Zolli.

- Zak, did you write this letter?

- Er... no.

I haven't learnt how to do joined up writing yet!

- So... who did write it?

Why don't you ask Mr Zoey?

After all, Zena gave him the dried poppies.

I'll wait for you. Don't be too long.

- Okay!

- Thank you, Mr Zoey!

- Just a moment, Mrs Zolli...

As one of my most loyal customers, I'd like you to have this.

(all gasp)

- Your mum's poppies!

- Just to say thank you.

- Hmm, thanks!

(all): Hello, Mr Zoey!

- Hello there!

And what can I do for you?

- We just were wondering...

who else have you given those flowers to?

- Well... er... To all my best customers!

- Um, oh...

That makes a lot of people!

- Don't worry: I've still got some for you!


(all): Thanks, Mr Zoey.

- Bye!

- Good luck!

(Zou sighs)

- I'll never find out who my admirer is...

- Well, shouldn't a secret admirer be...

...a secret?

- Suppose so.

- Well, how did the hunt for the secret admirer go?

- Not very well...

- They didn't find out who it is.

(Zou sighs)

- Like Dad says.

It's going to have to stay a secret.

- Zou!

I've had a letter too!


(Poc chirping)

- You mean...

You've got an admirer as well?

- Yes! And look!

No signature but it's got a dried poppy in!

Just like your letter!

- Ooh... Do you think it could be the same admirer?

- It looks like it!

- Let's compare the writing on our letters!

- Oh, good idea, Elzee.

- The "e" and the "t" are the same!

So they must both be from the same person!

- But we still don't know who it is...

- Have you had a good look in the envelope?

There might be another clue...


(Pop chirping)

- That's funny:

there's no stamp on the envelope!

- So it must have been posted straight into the letterbox!

- Why don't you go and check.

- Yes!

- Mum!

- Yes, Elzee?

- Did you see who delivered this letter?


Actually, I haven't seen anyone in the street today,

apart from your mummy, Zou.

- Mum? Ah


I think we've found our lady admirer!


Mum! Mum!

Oh! She's not here!

- Uh... She's, uh... gone to do some shopping, Zou.

She shouldn't be long.


- Hmm...

Look, a shopping list...

Mum must have forgotten it.

- Why don't you check the writing?

- Yes!


It's the same writing!

So that's it! Your mum wrote the letters!

(Poc chirping)

- Phew!

I thought I'd never finish painting that fence!

Oh, bother!

Looks like your mum forgot to take my shopping list!


- Your list?

- Did you write it?

- Mm


(both gasp)

So that means...

(both): You're the secret admirer!

- Heh heh heh!

Looks like I've been found out!

- But how did you do it?

We thought it was Mum...

- I posted the first letter myself.

I asked Mum to post Elzee's.

- But why did it have to be a secret?

- You could have just told us you liked our paintings...

- Well... Sometimes it's very nice to be admired in secret!

(chuckles) Isn't that right?

(laughs shyly)

(whispers): That's right.

- Hello, Elzee!

Zou, this is for you!

- For me? Are you sure?

- Yes! I found it in front of the gate.

I think it must be from your secret admirer!

(Zou giggles)

- Not me this time!

- Oh!

So now I've got a new secret admirer!

(all laughing)