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03x12 - Zou and Grandpa's puppet

Posted: 07/30/23 11:29
by bunniefuu
(bird chirping)

♪ Say hey say hi Say how do you do ♪

♪ To a fine young zebra By the name of Zou ♪

♪ Oh oh oh Oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ Meet Mom and Dad Nanna too ♪

♪ Grandma Grandpa All of you ♪

♪ Oh oh oh Oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪


♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪

♪ I've got a friend in you ♪

♪ I've got a friend in Zou ♪


- Hello, everybody!

Now, I hope all you youngsters

have got someone from your family with you.

(Zou and Elzee): Yes!

(excited chirping)


(Zoroaster): Zak, who's with you?

- No one. My dad's late.

- Oh, he'll be here soon, I expect.

- Mm


So today, we're going to make something

to do with your family.

You could paint a picture of a relative,

or make something that reminds you of someone.

The choice is yours!

- I know what I'm going to do.

(phone ringing)

- Hello?

- What do you think, Zou?

What shall we make?

- Um... I know!

How about something that you had when you were little?

(excited chirping)

- That's not a bad idea.

Let's see. Um...

Ah! I did have a puppet when I was about your age.

Zouk, he was called.

I took him everywhere!

- So, that's what we'll make! Another Zouk!

(phone beeping)

- Good idea!

- Zak?

- Huh?

- Your dad just called.

He's been held up at the shop.

I'm sorry.

- Aw...

- I'll tell you what, Zak.

Why don't you help me and Grandpa instead?

- Ooh! Thanks, Zou!

(bright music)

- No, no, no, no.

Let's see, um... Oh.


I'm sure it was here somewhere.

- Um... Is this it, Grandpa?

- Oh, yes! Well spotted, Zou!

My old photo of Zouk!

(Zak): Why's he all tied up like that?

- Well, he was a string puppet!

You pulled the strings attached to the wooden cross.

There, see?

And you could make him walk, and jump, and dance!

Right. First we'll need some wood and some string.

- I've got the string!

- Is this wood okay?

- Oh, just the very thing, Zak.


So, let's get started!

(excited chirping)

(Grandpa): Uh




(Zou and Zak): Wow!

- Now for some paint.

What colour should we make him?

- Black and white, like us!

- Yes, but what about his clothes?

- Uh... Yellow and green!

- Oh! I think he'd look better in red and blue.

- Oh...

- Hmm...

I know! Yellow and red!

A colour each.

- Okay!

(bright music)

- Um... there!

- Well, I think we've done a grand job.

They could be twins!


Happy memories. Mm...

I think I'll get my camera.

We need a picture of this!

(Zou): See you later, Grandpa!

(chuckling) Hello!


- Zou? Do you think it needs to be a bit shinier?

Like in the picture?

- Um, maybe.

- I'll give it a polish!

Ah! Oh no!

- Oh no!

- Sorry, Zou!

What's your grandpa going to say?

(soft chirping)

- Um...

It's alright, Zak. We can mend it.

(bright music)



I hope he doesn't come back before we've fixed it!

- Oh, uh...

Camera, camera...

I'm sure it's here somewhere.

Um... Oh...

- Oh! Oh...


- There!

- Hmm... Oh no!

- I think we need to start from the beginning.

(soft chirping)

- Can you carve wood like Grandpa?

- No. And anyway,

I'm not allowed to use his chisels.

They're too sharp.

- What are we going to do?

(Zak whimpering)

- Um...

(doorbell ringing)

(Elzee): Hi!

(Mum): Come in, Elzee! Zou and Zak are in the kitchen!

- Hi, Zou. Hi Zak.

I've finished my project!

What's yours like?

- Broken, and I can't carve another.

- Well, why don't you make it out of something else?

- Like what?

- Uh...

You could use modelling clay.

- I suppose.

- We could use chips!


- Looks like you three are having fun!

I'll just put the shopping away,

and then let you get on.


- Hey! Sponges!

We could make the new puppet out of sponges!

- Sponges?

- Well, it's certainly different!

(whispering): I'll get the sponges!


(effort grunts)


- Yes! Huh?!

- Here. You'll be able to carry them more easily in this!

- Uh... carry what?

- The sponges you need for your puppet!

You'll need a lot!

- Oh...




- That's all I've got!

- Wow!

- But Grandma and Nana might have a few more.

- Thanks, Dad!


- Sponges? Yes, I think I've got some.

- Oh, maybe I left my camera here.




- Oh!

- Hmm?


- Better not let him find it.

- Yeah. Got to finish the puppet first.

I'll distract his attention!

Um, Grandpa?

Have you remembered what colour clothes Zouk had?

- Well, I'll have another think.

Um, let me see...

Yellow and black?


No, green and blue!

- Phew!

(giggling nervously)

No, no, no...

Brown and... and...

Nope, nope, it's gone.

(mumbling gently)

(Grandma): Ah, nice. There we go.

- Hmm... Sorry, Zou. I just can't remember.

- It's alright, Grandpa.


(Grandpa): Oh!

Was there something on the table earlier?

(all): Uh, no.


- Here are those sponges you asked for.

- Brilliant! Thanks, Grandma!


- I found a great hiding place for the camera!

Your grandpa will never find it!

- Good! Let's make the puppet before he does!


- There you are. Three sponges!

- Thanks, Nanna! I think we've got enough now.

- Oh!

Isn't that a picture of your Grandpa's Zouk?


I remember him and his jolly little

orange and purple outfit!

(Zou and Zak): Orange and purple!?!



(bright music)

(chirping, giggling)

- I don't know.

Sometimes I think I'd forget my head

if it wasn't screwed on!

You'll never guess where I left my camera!



- Goodness me!

That puppet's certainly changed a lot

since last time I saw him!

- Uh...

- Sorry, Grandpa. It's my fault.

I broke the wooden one.

But it was an accident.

- But Zou, I



- But we made another one.

It's not as good as the one you carved.


- Hmm...

No. It isn't as good.

It's so much better!


The same colours as my old Zouk,

and a much funnier shape!

- I broke the puppet.

It wasn't Zou.

I was going to tell you, but



- Don't worry, Zak.

All forgiven. Zou?

I know you were trying to protect Zak,

but in the end, it's always better to tell the truth.

- Yes, Grandpa.

- I'd better tell the truth too.

You didn't leave your camera under the bed.

I put it there. Sorry.


- Oh! Any more truths to tell?

- Yes! I'd like to own up to...

Wanting to take a photo of you all

so we can remember the day Zou and his friends

made Grandpa's puppet!

- There you go.


(Dad): Say cheese!

(all): Cheese!

(camera clicking)

- Here, Zak. Why don't you take this

and show it to your dad?

You helped make it.

- You mean I can keep it?!

- Of course! I've got this photo!

That'll remind me of Zouk, and Grandpa's puppet too!

(all laughing)