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01x19 - Running

Posted: 07/30/23 10:15
by bunniefuu
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♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Martin: I'm up! I got it!

Ha ha ha! Yeah!


Chris: great wipeout, martin.

Martin: thanks, chris.

We don't exactly surf like penguins.

Chris: they're some of the best surfers.

Penguins have the moves!




Ha ha!

Together: uh-oh!

Our hiking boots.

They're gone.

Where are they?

Maybe zoboo knows.

Let's call him!



Help us call zoboo.

Come on!

Together: zoboomafoo!

There he is!

Chris: hey, zoboo!

Martin: how you leaping, lemur?

Zoboo, you're pretty speedy today.


Whoa, zoboo!

Ha ha ha!

What does zoboo want to eat today?

How about apples?

All right!

Zoboo, here's an apple for you!

Zoboo loves apples.

There you go.

Not the whole thing!

That's too much!


Zoboo: excuse me.



Chris: let's leap like lemurs!

Zoboo: leaping kratt brothers!

Where did you learn to leap?

From you, zob.

Well, you're pretty good.


I don't run. I jump.

But the animal I saw was running.

Who was it?

I don't know.

My mind said, "who could it be?"

♪ Who could it be

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Zoboo: his legs and neck were long.

He had a pointy thing

With a hook on the end!

♪ Who could it be

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Mangatsika

♪ Mangatsika animal

When he ran, he ran fast.

♪ Who, ahh, who, ahh ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey

♪ Who could it be

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

A long-legged, long-necked runner.

Do you know who he is?


Round, feathery body.

Long neck and long, long legs.

Wings, but can't fly.

[Drumming sound]


I didn't make that sound.

The mystery animal must have.

He must be...

Mangatsika! Mystery animal's here!

Together: an emu!

Ha ha ha!


Zoboo: that's who I saw!

What an incredible creature!


[Peck peck]


That's not your daddy!

He's too big!

Most birds are small...

Like this merlin.

But this guy is huge!

The emu, one of the world's largest birds.

Zoboo: such a long neck!

It's longer than I am!

Martin: and even longer legs.


Long legs are great for running.

Running is one thing emus do best.

Don't forget flying.

Emus don't fly. They run!

An emu's wings are too small for flying.

Plus, emus are way too heavy.

Ugh! Ugh!

I'll lift you, emu. Ugh!

Heavy, yup!

He's heavy.


That's why emus run.

Remember when we were in australia?

Chris: yeah. We saw emus hanging out in the outback.

They were pecking around, eating seeds.

One of them spotted something.

Zoboo: what?

Chris: dingoes!

Dingoes are predators of emus.

With dingoes around,

There's only one thing to do:


The other emus took off behind him!

Boy, are emus fast!

Martin: look at these spiky feathers

On top of his head.

When he runs, do they do this? Whoosh!

Oh, mine do! Mine do!


I've always wanted to run with an emu.

Except for one problem.

No shoes!

There's got to be shoes somewhere.

Aha! Shoes!

I'll just put them on...

And run with the emu.

This will be great. Ready, emu?

Zoboo: he's ready!

Chris: let's run!

Hey! I'm getting nowhere!

Zoboo: nowhere fast!

Ha ha!

Run! Run!

I thought you were running!


I couldn't keep up with an emu

With theseshoes on.

Slippers are smooth and slippery,

Not like an emu's feet.

Martin: an emu has toes on each foot.

, , .

Yup. Toes.

That tickles!

With a claw on each one,

Keeping him from slipping when he's running.

Slippery's great for sliding!

Some creatures run sideways,

Like fiddler crabs.

I like them.

They run sideways. I jump sideways!

Let's all run sideways.

Come on!

Chris: running sideways! You can do it!

Zoboo: or jumping sideways like me!


Sideways is...tricky.


I smell mud.



Did you hear zoboo sneeze?





Ha ha! When you're running sideways,

Make sure you looksideways.

Chris: whoo! I'm going to need energy

If we're going to keep running.

Hey! Ha ha ha!

I guess the emu's hungry.

Emu food coming up!

Let's see. Penguin?

No, that's not it.

Not me either. I've eaten.

Martin? No.

Chris? No.

Ahh! Emu!



Where's the food?



Come and get it!

I didn't say run and get it!

I'm out of here!

Emus like eating seeds and grasses.

His head touches the ground while he's standing.

That's why he has a long neck.

His head can touch the ground without bending.

Stiff neck! Ohh!

Shoes, shoes...

We need shoes to run with the emu.

Martin: check this out.

Geckos have sticky suctiony pads

On their toes.

That helps them run up or down walls.

Who climbs with sticky pads?

Not me. Do you?

Shoes, shoes, shoes!


Chris, I just found the most mangatsika runner!

Look at all those legs running!

It's a millipede!

Millipedes have hundreds of legs.

Her legs move in waves.

Oh, yeah.

Let's follow a wave.

See that?

I can't believe my mind!

Doesn't she ever trip?

You'd think so,

But she doesn't.

Imagine having all those legs!

Martin: , , , , , .

Ha ha ha!

That would be pretty weird.

Millipede martin! He's a bug guy.


Emu, you still hungry?

No. They don't eat that.

They wear it.

I don't get it.

A shoe?

Why do they wear these to run?

They look funny, not runny.

[All laugh]

Zoboo, you found our sneakers!

Where were they?

In the snack machine.

Thanks, emu.


Press the button, martin.

Then they can run like emus.

Great idea.

And here's... My running shoe.


Now we can run with the emus.

Let's go!


I'm feeling emuish!

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feelin' I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel emuish, how 'bout you? ♪

♪ Emuish

♪ I feel emuish

♪ Emuish

♪ I'm a long-legged emu, sprinting all around ♪

Chris: come on, runners!

It's a creature stampede!

Zoboo: ♪ emuish

♪ I feel emuish

Martin: everybody's running today!

Zoboo: ♪ emuish

♪ I'm a long-legged emu, sprinting all around ♪

♪ Emuish!

We did it! We ran with emus!

Running is great...

Whether you run like a gecko, millipede, or fisher!

Zoboo: don't forget puppies!

They're all runned out.'s our nap time.

After all that running,

You're bound to be tired.


Ha ha ha ha!

He wants to clean my teeth!

Time to get up!

All right!

[Low purring sound]

Emu's making the sound.

What does that mean?

He's calling his chicks.

[Low purring sound]

Here they come.

Zoboo: I can't believe my mind!


Martin: an emu chick can run soon after hatching.

Those long legs help her keep up.

Emu dads are great dads.

They hatch the chicks

And watch over them.

Zoboo: look at them go!


Martin: come on, everybody!

Zoboo: I'll run, too!

Martin: run like emu chicks.

You can do it!

Zoboo: this is fun!

Ha ha!


Zoboo: follow me, chicks!

Martin: emu chicks are super speedy,

And they have racing stripes!

Whoa! Run!

Oh! Oh! Tired!

Zoboo, why are you tired?

Hmm? Ohh...

Too much leapin', not enough sleepin'.


[Muttering softly]

Martin: the emu dad and chicks are leaving.

See you later!

There goes a great runner.

Here comes a great flier!

Incoming falcon!


It's not a duck,

And he didn't land on the barrel.

You're right. He's a duck hawk.

Or peregrine falcon,

One of the world's fastest fliers.

He has a strong chest and long wings.

He dropped a message from jackie.

Read it! Quick!

Hi. We're going to the park.

Who's "we"?

Me and my friends!

These are dogs that live in the neighborhood.



Woman: hi.

Hi. Is scooter here?


We'll be back soon!

Come on! Let's go!

Matt and I are dog runners.

We take dogs for a run...

Or they'll take us for a run!

Dogs love running, and we love running with them!

With our new sneakers,

We'll run with lots of animals!

And find out how different animals run.

Our new sneakers will be perfect for this.

To the closet.

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

Uh-oh. You know what happens when we open the closet.

We got to do it.

Do we need anything from the closet?

Not this time! Run!

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

See you later, zoboo!


Whoo! I am really moving!

Chris, maybe you should take a break.

My brother's a little excited.

We're getting a ride to the grasslands

To run with animals!

And look at them run!


One is headed this way.


Have you ever noticed how tall giraffes are?

As tall as your house!

That neck has lots to do with it.

A giraffe's neck has the same number of bones

As you have in yours-- !

But a giraffe's neck is so much longer!

A giraffe has bigbones in his neck.

Do you want to run like a giraffe?

Let's go!

Everyone runs a little differently, including giraffes.

Martin: giraffes put their back legs in front of their front legs.

Oh! Ha ha ha!

Try it!


Maybe we should just run with giant giraffe steps.

Martin: this trip is going great.

We found a brand-new running style,

Taking giant steps like a giraffe.

Our new sneakers are doing a great job!

Some animals run fast!

Some animals run slow.

Some hop when they run.

Some animals just kind of lumber along like...

A rhinoceros!

He's headed this way.

A rhino is a horned creature

That looks like a dinosaur.

A rhino can get as heavy as this truck, but he's peaceful.

Usually, he just walks around the plains.

But when he wants to run,

A rhino can gallop as fast as a horse!

Want to run like a rhino?

Then just put your head down and go!


Running is so much fun!

I could run with the animals forever!

Only one problem, martin.


Our sneakers!

They're getting worn out!

We've got one more run left in them.


Antelopes. Let's do it!

Martin: a herd of antelope

Is one big family that runs together.

Like me and martin. We're a herd of kratt running together.

Do you ever wonder where everybody's running to?

Let's find out! Come on!

Chris: this is the place!

Martin: a water hole! Of course!

Chris: after running all day,

Everyone needs a drink of water.


That's better!

Uh-oh. Look at our sneakers! They're ruined!

They're wrecked!

All that running totally destroyed them!

That's ok because we ran with a lot of great animals.

But we're not done yet! Look!

A cheetah!

Amazing! Let's go!

Martin: he's leaving us in the dust!

Chris: where's he going in such a hurry?

We made it!

Hey, zob.

Hey, guys!

These shoes don't have any running left in them.

Neither do i.


Together: ahh...

Zoboo: what took you so long?

The cheetah!

He beat us!

Martin: ha ha! We should have known.

The cheetah is the world's fastest runner.

But he's a slow licker.


Martin: cheetahs don't always run fast.

They spend most of their time walking really slow

So when they dowant to run fast,

They can explode in a burst of speed.

Zoboo: mangatsika!

Cheetahs have long legs, too.

Long legs are great for running, right?

Right, zob.

After a long run, I like to have a drink...

Just like the cheetah does.

His tongue picks up water!

Look! He's using his tongue as a spoon.

A spoon?


Not bad.

After a run like that,

Every cheetah needs a rest.

Oh, nap time. ♪ Doodee doodee dum

[Zoboo snoring]

Uh! Hee! I meant to do that.

Martin: ha ha! Zob!

That's our zoboo.

What a nutty lemur.

I--i--i got licked by a cheetah!

Ha ha! Hey, chris, martin...

I think he likes me.

Martin: that's for sure, zob.

It looks like he's off to chase another antelope.

Bye, cheetah!

I know lots of great runners in zobooland.

So I was leaping along...

Leap, leap, leap, leap,

Leap, leap, leap, leap...

When I heard somebody say...

Hey, zoboodabadabadoo!

Hey, who said that?

Dobodee, it's me!

Who's "me"?

It's me, zobster.

Oh, hi, bugly.

Zoboo, my leaping little lemur,

Want to go for a run?

Whoa! I guess so.

Hang on!

Whoa, you run fast!

Why, thank you, zoboodoobadee.

Ha ha!

I run fast because I have grippy feet

And long legs.

I run like the wind!

Let's go! Ha ha!

Can you go faster?

Does a bug have a lot of legs? Sure, I can!

We went faster and faster and faster

Until--ha ha ha! We were flying!

We were flying high!

Bugly: high in the sky next to a dinosaur eye!

Martin: great story, zob.

I have to try a bug ride.

What was your favorite part of the day?

When you ran with the emu.

When jackie ran with the dogs.

Running with the giraffe and the cheetah.

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by

♪ We're glad you came

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today, yeah! ♪



Bye, guys!

See you later, zoboo!

Bye, zoboomafoo!


What's the matter?

My nose is running.

We're going river running!



Martin, where's your kayak?

It's down at the river!

See you next time!

Hello. My name is hannah,

And this is my pet emu tweety.

I helped raise her.

We never get too close to an animal we don't know.

Always give an animal her space.

Never get close unless an adult says it's ok.

There's somebody we all know--zoboomafoo!

To and now for a joke abofrom zoboomafoo...


Hey did you know that dogs love to play

Because they are hunters by nature.

- Yeah! I knew that!

- Yeah!

That's why they love to run around and jump,

And grab things with their mouths!

- Yeah! Because they're hunters by nature.

- Ok zoboo! I've got a riddle for you.

- Ok.

- What time is it when you have two pug puppies,


A bucket of balls?

= It's playtime!

Hey puppies! Come play with me!

Hey puppies, how are you?


No, no, no let go!

Woah! Hey! Hey!

I'm stronger than you are.