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01x16 - Itchy

Posted: 07/30/23 10:12
by bunniefuu
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♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Chris: run! I'm getting eaten alive!

Martin: we're almost there!

They're on our trail!

Get in there!

I'm hurrying!

[Door closing]

We beat the mosquitoes.

That was close.

I got bit.

They got me, too.

They're so itchy.

Did the mosquitoes get zoboo?

Let's call him.



Chris: the lemur has landed.

Zoboo, buddy, good to see you.

Zoboo's here!

That leaping lemur.

Zoboo's feeling itchy today.

He loves a good scratch.

Ha ha ha!

Zoboo is itchy.

What do you feed an itchy lemur?

Don't ask zoboo.

Zoboo doesn't like to talk before he eats.

I've got it! Scritchy, scratchy...


Good for eating...

And for scratching.

Zoboo, how about celery?

Here, have this one.

That will fill your lemur belly.

Let me have one of those.


Celery's pretty good.



[Burping] excuse me.


Ha ha!

I saw an itchy creature!

All creatures itch.

Monkeys to meerkats...

Fish to frogs...

Kinkajous to kratt brothers.

Are you itchy, too?

I'm itchy just thinking about it.

The creatures I saw were itchy, too.

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Ok, legs.

I counted them myself-- legs--

And two round eyes that looked at everything.

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Mangatsika, mangatsika animal ♪

And then there were two-- two baby creatures.


♪ Ha ha, hoo ha

♪ Heh, heh, heh, heh ♪

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Two creatures itching to play.

Do you know who they are?

Martin: I think I know.

Hey! Ha ha ha!

These cubs are brothers, just like us.

Mystery animal's here, and they're brothers, too.

Zoboo: hey! Brothers just like you,

So I'll call them chris and martin.

Martin: something really cool about lion brothers--

They grow up together, hunt together,

And take care of a pride together.

The rest of the pride, or group of lions,

Are lionesses and cubs.

Hanging out with lions is something

You can only do in animal junction.

Zoboo: lion cubs are mangatsika,

And they're itchy like us.


Are you itchy?

Chris: this one is. Yeah.

An itchy cub can use his back paw

To scratch behind his ear...

Martin: if his brother lets him.

Zoboo: itch, itch, itch, itch, itch.

I'm so itchy!

I think the itch is here!

Yeah. He's scratching my shoulder.

Way to go. I'll scratch you now.

Chris, could you scratch me?

Chris: sure, zob.

Oh. Oh. Oh, yeah. Down, down.

Oh, yeah, down more.

Oh. Ohh...

I meant to do that.

Come on, guys!

I'm still itchy! It's the itch!

The cubs are itching to play.

Is a lion as fast as a lemur? Ha ha!

Here, martin. Pass!

Good pounce!


Whoa! Nice grab.

Let's see that again!

The charge.


The pounce.

Wow. What little hunters.

Ha ha ha!

Look at these claws. They're sharp.

If you want a good scratching, go see a lion cub.

No way! The lion cubs are still itchy.

Whatever it is, it's making me itch, too.

Me, too.

Me ...

, ...

Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, right on the back.

Come on. Oh...

That feels good.

Oh, yeah. Oh...

Oh, more, more, more.

Oh! I meant to do that.

[Panting] he always says that.

Martin: why do the lions have an itch to play?

Because it's fun!

That, and because when they play,

These little hunters are learning to become big hunters.

When lions hear a noise...

They turn their ears towards the sound so it can come in.

Chris: when hunting, a lion first listens.

She listens for creatures she hunts, like a warthog.

Those swiveling ears are important because that's how lions listen.

I do that, too.

I should have had my ears pointed towards you, huh?

Ha ha ha!

I hear two cubs charging.

That's the next stage in the hunt.

This is how a lion hunts.

Zoboo: first he listens.

Then he st*lks, quietly sneaking up on his prey.

He pounces on his prey,

But it's his brother.

Martin pounces on chris.

Playing is a great way to learn to hunt.

Everybody gets into the action.

That's how they become big hunters.

Yeah. I want to be a big hunter, too.

We're playing tug of w*r. The cubs are winning.

[Chris and zoboo grunting]

I think we won!

Oh, wait! He tricked us.

Too strong for me.

They're strong-- even little cubs.

Come back here!

He ran away with it.

Lion cubs are strong.

Zoboo: these little hunters are learning how to be big hunters.

He's getting the hang of it.

See what I mean?

Lion cubs always have an itch to play.

Martin: yeah, and I'm getting itchy again.

The itch-- it's still here.

You're right, zob.

Zoboo: no! Stay away from that bag!


Don't get into it! Don't scratch it!

[Coughing] oh, no!

I'm in a dust bath.

Zoboo, you got dusted, too!

There's nothing like a dust bath

To shake off an itch!

I'll shake this itch!

What does an elephant calf do when she's itchy?

She finds elephants in her herd

Who are giving themselves a dust bath,

Stands under them, and gets dusted, too!

That's how elephants lose the itch!

Brushing also works when you have an itch.

Yeah! Ha ha!

Uh-oh. Itchy nose!


He's going to sneeze!

There he goes!



Cubs, it's safe to come out now.

You on the prowl?

Many animals have been through animal junction.

The cubs smell them...

Like the african crowned crane! Ha ha!

All the animals coming through here

Are itching and scratching.

What's making them itch?

Zoboo: it's the itch!


The itch!

That's what I've been telling you--

The itch is here. That's why we feel itchyish!

It's got me. The itch is back!

This itch is driving me crazy!

This itch is driving me nuts!

It's driving me garbanzo beans!

Huh? Huh?

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel itchyish, how about you? ♪

♪ Itchyish, I feel itchyish ♪

♪ Itchyish

♪ I'm an itchy creature, and I got the itch ♪

♪ Itchyish

There's only one thing to do.

We have only one choice.

But we haven't built one in ages.

Still remember how?

I couldn't forget.

Let's build the--

I don't know what they'll build.

Both: scratching machine!

Yeah! Great job, bro.

All right!

Well, it's not doing anything.

I'm still itchy!

Turn the pedal.

Turn the pedal. Yeah! Turn the pedal.

Mangatsika! It's alive!

It's alive! Ha ha!

It's not scratching me. How does it work?

Like this!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Ha ha! Relief at last!

Chris: this is heaven.

Ahh. Hey, martin, try the claw.

Zoboo: the claw?

Let's switch! Oh! Oh!

Ah, yeah.

I want to try! Looks like fun.

Your turn, zob.


The itch is back!

Maybe the scratcher wasn't fast enough.

Crank her up.

I'm ready. Scratch me.

Oh, it feels good.

[Sighing and groaning]

How does it feel?

Oh, no! She's going to blow!

Ha ha! That feels good!

That feels good! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch!

That feels good! Yeah! Ha ha!

Bail out!

That's some scratching.

Oh, I smell mud!

Whoa! Whoa!

Zoboo: mud makes my nose itchy.


Martin: that was wild. Is everybody all right?

Chris: yep, everybody's ok.

The mud worked. I'm not itchy anymore.

It's cool and refreshing.

Hyenas use mud to stop itching.

After a hyena eats, flies crawl on his face.

It gets really itchy.

He'll wade into a mudhole

And stick his face in the mud.

Then he won't be itchy.

I still am. Mud wasn't the answer.

We looked at why animals itch...

And what makes animals itch.

We don't know why we'reitching.

We've looked at how animals stop the itch.

But we're still itchy.

Zoboo's right.

Sometimes you get an itch and don't know why.

You can't get rid of it because it's...

The itch! In zobooland, we have

A different way of chasing away the itch.

I was leaping along.

I landed next to snow lemur.

He was playing in the sand.

Hi, snow lemur.

Hi, zoboo. When I come to zobooland,

I like playing in the sand.

It's cool, like the snow on mount zoboomafoo.

It feels good when I'm itchy.

I like sand, too. It helps my itch and scratches my fingers!

The sand scratches my side, too.

It scratches myside, too!

Ha ha ha!

Oh, that feels good. Ahh, yeah...

Wait a second!

Sand can't scratch our sides.

What's going on?

It's me! I'mgoing on! Me--fibby!

I'm the one who's scratching you!

Thanks, fibby, but it's not getting rid of the itch!

What do we do?

To get rid of the itch, you do the malagasy chant.

That's it, snow lemur!

♪ Valoo, ma

♪ Mawn day, hawn day ha, runnama, funna ♪

♪ Valoo, ma

♪ Mawn day, hawn day ha, runnama funna... ♪

Zoboo, voice-over: our chant chased the itch away

And out of zobooland,

And we weren't itchy anymore. The end.

Let's try that in animal junction.

♪ Valoo, ma

♪ Mawn day, hawn day ha, runnama, funna ♪

♪ Valoo, ma

♪ Mawn day, hawn day ha, runnama funna ♪

♪ Vooky bay, key doo sa la mah tookoo ♪

♪ Mah fee vooky bay, key doo sa la mah tookoo ♪

♪ Mah fee vooky bay, key doo sa la mah tookoo ♪

♪ Mah fee vooky bay, key doo sa la mah tookoo ♪

♪ Ahhh

[Wind blowing]

Zoboo: it's working!

Yeah! Wow!

The itch is gone.

Yeah! So are the lion cubs--

Chasing the itch, going back to their pride.

Both: living free in the wild!

Martin: incoming! Duck!

Zoboo: thanks. I like to be scratched.

A little to the left. Oh, that's good.

Can you go in back?

Oh, that's good. Oh, yeah.

Did you ever have a peregrine falcon scratch you?

It's good. I should have called you "scratchy feet."

Just over there. Oh...

While zoboo's getting scratched,

Let's see what jackie's up to.

Jackie: goldie and I walked in the woods today.

A lot of burrs stuck in her fur.

Burrs make goldie itchy.

Burrs are hard to get out,

And they're prickly, too.

There. That's the last one.

Chris: what a great animal helper.

Martin: they got rid of the itch.

The itch isn't here anymore.

The itch travels the world.

Let's follow the itch...

And see where it leads us to.

Both: to the closet!

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ To grab their stuff and split ♪

Whoa! Whoa!

Ha ha!ha ha!

Binoculars always come in handy on an adventure.

You can never go wrong having a map and compass.

♪ They're goin' on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪


Martin: ahh! Kayaking's the best.

All right!

The itch is gone. Where did it go?

Let's follow the scratching.

Whoo! Rapids!



What an amazing ride!

This way! There's somebody the itch has gotten to.

A shedding snake.

This snake is scratching off her old skin.

A snake sheds her skin inside out. See how?

She crawls between a couple rocks,

And her old skin peels right off.


What are you doing?

The itch has got me again!

You got your paddle top off

Just like a snake does--inside out.

Wow. That's some snake skin.

The itch has definitely been here.

The grizzlies feel it!

Creatures also deal with the itch

By going somewhere cool and soothing.

Let's hit the water!


Chris: he's scratching with a stick

To get rid of the itch.

Grizzly bears love the water,

And they're great swimmers.

Let's head out and see who else has the itch.

Come on! Let's go!


Did you hear that?


Amazing! A herd of elephants!

They've got the itch, too, and bad!

That's a big scratcher.

Elephants have lots of ways of dealing with the itch.

For starters, they spray themselves with water and mud.

That feels good.

Sometimes a tree gives an elephant

All the scratching she needs.

That's a big back scratcher for an itchy creature.

Sometimes elephants deal with a big itch

By rubbing against each other.

To a baby elephant, her mom's leg

Is a lot like a tree. That's teamwork.

The itch is too much!

It's too strong!

Scratching isn't working!

Run!back to the itch-free zone!

Back to animal junction! Let's leave this itch behind!

Zoboo: does that feel good?

Something's going on.

Want to find out what?

Hey, zoboo!

Who are you hanging out with?

Dog was itching. I'm scratching.

The itch came back with the dog.

Dogs are great scratchers.

A dog can scratch any itchy spot

With their nails or teeth.

Martin: a brushing feels good when your dog itches.

It's funny how her leg moves.

Here we are with the itch.

Is there another way to get rid of it?


They're itching to play.


Great catch!

She catches it before it lands.

Yeah! Nice one!

The itch is hard to ignore.

Hey, zob, here!

Hey, I caught it.

Nice catch, zob! Throw it back.

Ok, catch!

She's a frisbee dog, and I'm a frisbee lemur.

Who will get it first-- chris or the dog?

Zoboo: whoa! Super catch!


Zoboo: I love playing frisbee!


This is working. I'm not itchy anymore.

Come on, let's go!

Zoboo: we've played the itch away!

That reminds me of one time in zobooland.

I was sleeping along--

Sleep, sleep, sleep...

[Talking sleepily]

[Whispering] zoboo's sleeping. Better be quiet.

[Shouting] hey, zoboo, are you sleeping?

I'm not sleeping anymore.

Oh, then could you help me? Argh!

Oh, sure, I'll try.

I've got an itch on my tail!

Ok. Now--whoa! Whoa! I'll get it.

Just hold still!

I can't! It's too itchy!

Please scratch me!

Zoboo, voice-over: I started scratching his tail.

That feels good, and it's fun, too!

Not so fast! I can't hang on!


Say, what are you doing up there?

Helping baby zoboomafooasaurus stop his itch.

It worked. Thanks, zob!

I'm itchy. Can you scratch me?

Sure, zob!

Zoboo, voice-over: slimantha tried to scratch me.

I slipped out of her hands. The end.

We finally beat the itch.

I'm not itchy.

We did everything we could to scratch those itches.

We're not itchy anymore.

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All of the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by, we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today, yeah ♪

Bye, kratt brothers!

Keep on leaping, lemur!

Bye, zoboo!

Let's see what whales do when they get itchy.

See you.

Hi. I'm jesse. This is my hamster hammy.

The kratt brothers never get close

To an animal we don't know.

Always give animals space.

Never get close to an animal

Unless an adult says it's ok.

There's somebody we know--zoboomafoo!

To learn more about zoboomafmenow for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

- Did you know that these black and white spotted dogs

Are called dalmatians?

Most dalmatian puppies are all white when they're born.

And then, they get spotted when they're older.

- Hey chris wanna hear a joke?

- Yeah zoboo!

- Why can't a dalmatian pup hide from his mom?

- I don't know, why?

- Because he's already been spotted!

Good huh?

Thought of that myself!

- Did you know that male bighorn sheep are called rams?

Rams use their horns to have huge headbutting matches.

- Hey chris, chris, chris I got a joke for you.

- Yeah zob!

- Why is it hard to talk to a ram?

- I don't know. Why is it hard to talk to one?

- Because he is always butting in.

- Good one zob. - Get it?

- I get it zob!
