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01x14 - Tracks

Posted: 07/30/23 10:11
by bunniefuu
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♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Zoboo: I can't believe my mind.

It's cold outside.

That's why I came early.

So did the duck.

Mangatsika! Lots of creatures are coming in from the cold.

I've never seen that type cat.

Martin: I'm onto something!

Chris! Over here!


Lynx tracks!

They're lynx footprints, all right. Beauties!

Let's follow them!

Right behind you!

Zoboo: ah-choo!

You stepped in the mud.

Now your footprints are all over!

He's making tracks!

I'll follow them.

Those tracks are big, real big.

Zoboo: hi, bigfoot cat.

Your feet are giant.

Let's call chris and martin.

They'll want to meet this cat.

The tracks go down the hill!


Zoboo: I don't think they can hear us.

Let's call louder.

Chris! Martin!

Zoboo: kratt brothers!

Chris! Martin!

I hear something.

It's zoboo!

He's at animal junction!

Come on!

That's fast.

What are you doing here?

I beat you here, so you have to be a lemur.

No problem.

Martin: good leaping, chris!


Leap like a lemur!


Come on! We leap higher than that!

Whatever you say, zob!

Leaping lemurs!

You can't talk!

First snack, then talk.

I'll get the snack.

Chris, pizza.

Martin, spaghetti.

Chris and martin like their snacks.


Excuse me.


Excuse me.

They snack, they burp, they talk!

Did you see the mystery animal?

We saw tracks. We know whose.


Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be?

♪ This animal who I did see

♪ Can you help me guess

♪ This mystery?

Chris: pointy ears. You see them right away.

Martin: and big paws.

♪ Who could it be?

♪ This animal who I did see

Chris: it's a wildcat.

Martin: who loves to jump and pounce.

♪ Who could it be?

♪ This animal who I did see

♪ Can you help me guess

♪ This mystery?

Chris and martin: do you know?

Zoboo: let's see...

Big feet and pointy ears.

Sounds like-- I know!

You followed bigfoot cat!


I can't believe it!

Mystery animal's here!

Martin: he's a lynx, zob.

A bigfoot lynx cat.

He made the tracks.

A young lynx.

He left his tail in the woods.

Nope. Their tails are short and stubby.

Looks like your nose, narchi.

I like it! I like it!

Martin: you can only pet it in animal junction.

His ears are pointy.

Black tufts of hair.

Big feet, short tail, pointy ears?

Mangatsika! I love him.

He's looking for something.

His head's always moving.

He's looking and listening

To the sounds.

He's looking for something.

What is he looking for?

Maybe someone to play with.

Come on! Play with me!


I'm being lynxed! Hoo ha ha ha!

Whoa! You're really fast!

Those paws are fast and strong.


Lynx love to play.

That tickles.


Play with me!

When those feet have you, they really have you.

Chris: right, zob. Look at them.

They're incredible.

Thanks. I was born with them.

He means the lynx's feet.

Oh, yeah.

Martin: they're big and furry.

And they don't sink in snow.

Like these things.

Yeah, snowshoes.

Yeah, snowshoes.

They'll help us run in snow like a lynx.

Want to try it? Come on!

Snow, here we come!

You don't make a good lynx, marty!

Yeah? Watch this!




Lynxed you!

Chris: you make a good lynx after all.

Martin: in spring, the lynx sheds the fur on his feet.

Without snow, he doesn't need snowshoes.

Zoboo: what are you sniffing for?

The lynx is looking for something.

Oh, no! Watch out!

Yellow paint on the floor.

Oh. Mouse likes it.

He's leaving yellow tracks everywhere.

Snake's making slidey tracks!

Super cool slidey tracks!


Look what the lynx did.

Look at all the tracks.

What are these ones?

A kangaroo!

Big feet, big tracks.

Look at this!

Like a slippery, slidey snail trail,

Only bigger.

It's a boa constrictor!

He made that track.

Wow. Look at his tongue.

It's flicking in and out.

How does he make a track with no feet?

With his whole body.


He slithers along

And leaves a squiggly track.

Snakes are like one long foot.

He's solid muscle and so heavy.

There are tracks all over this place!

I think I'll make my own tracks.

Hmm, I wonder what made these.

Whoa. Big feet.

Big creature.

A creature didn't make these tracks--

A creature adventurer did!

Martin, you left your feet!

Great tracking, zoboo.

Shh. I'm going to play a trick on zoboo.

I can do that.


What's that?

Look at these tracks.

Whatever foot made these tracks--

I can't believe my mind. They're gone.


That's a real mystery.

It looks like mine, but it's bigger.




It's your hand footprint!

You got me, zob.

Silly guy.


Chris: everybody can make tracks.

You can, too.

Me and my friends made tracks in zobooland.

I was leaping along...

Leap, leap, leap...

When I saw tracks.

What creature made those?

I followed them.

Leap, leap, leap--

And I bumped into sensit.


I'm following tracks.

Zoboo! Those are mytracks!

I've got an idea!

Let's all make tracks!

Yeah!let's make tracks!

So we all made tracks together,

And we did it our own way.

Snow lemur left waddly tracks.

Sensit did it with his fingers.

I leapt along, so my tracks had big spaces.

Slimantha left two kinds of tracks--

Walking ones and sliding ones.

We bumped into gooble.

More nice tracks! Let's make more!


So we made a whole bunch more.

The end.

Martin: great story.

But what is the lynx looking for?

Zoboo: he's looking for someone to play with.

Let's play ball.

Here you go.

Catch it nice.

Nice bouncing, martin.


Got it lynx-style.

Playing ball with a lynx.

Here's your ball.

Thanks, zob.

It's fun to play catch with a lynx.

Martin: only at animal junction.

Uhh! Nice toss.

Cats love to pounce,

Especially kittens in the wild.

We saw two lynx kittens wrestling in the grass.

Their sister wanted to get in on the action.

She could hear them.

She followed the sounds.

Her ears led her right to her brothers.

Soon all were having a great time,

Thanks to those ears.

I can't believe my mind.

His ears are so soft and big.

He needs those ears.

He's not the fastest cat.

To hunt he relies on his smooth moves,

His great eyesight,

And those excellent ears.


Martin: check out that cat.

Want to go back down?

Martin: he's headed towards the--


Cat prints.

Cat paws are a lot like lynx paws.

She was looking for the cat.

Chris: wow!

That's weird.

Martin: a cat and a wild lynx--friends?

Only in animal junction.


Lynx found his friend!

I'm feeling lynxish.

♪ I feel different

♪ Not the same

♪ This kind of feeling

♪ I can't explain

♪ There's only one thing

♪ That I can do

♪ I'm feeling kind of lynxish

♪ How 'bout you?

♪ Lynxish

♪ Feelin' kind of lynxish


♪ Lynxish

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ I'm a big-footed cat

♪ Who knows where it's at

♪ Lynxish

Hear that?


Chris: they're purring.

That means they're happy. They're pals.

Zoboo: bye, lynx! Bye, orange cat!

There goes my bigfoot friends.


Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?no, it's a--


Zoboo: no--

It's moonface.

The barn owl.

He doesn't leave tracks when flying.

A message from jackie.

Do only birds eat from a bird feeder? I don't think so.

Squirrels and chipmunks love seeds.

But they eat so much, there's hardly any left.

Here's the solution:

I made this so they can't get to the feeder.

They get seeds off the ground.

Some birds get more food on the ground.

Both birds and squirrels get to eat.

Another cool thing about feeders--

They're a great place to find animal tracks.

Martin! Chris!

Think you can follow mytracks?

And don't forget, make sure your feeder

Is filled all winter long.

The birds will count on you.

Where's she gone?

We'll have to follow her tracks.

Sounds like a trip.

Me, too.

♪ They're going to the closet

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet

♪ To grab their stuff and split ♪


Let's go track jackie!

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

I'm going to fool martin and chris.

They'll see my footprints stop and think I disappeared.

I'm walking backwards in them.

Martin: chris, this way!


Human foot in a size boot.

Jackie tracks for sure.

We got her now, no problem.

No jackie.


Her tracks stop!


Did she learn to fly?

I don't think so.

They'll never find me.

Martin-- different tracks!

Let's see.

Two toe prints, clean break down the middle,

Not as pointy as deer tracks.

These tracks were made by a...

Bighorn sheep!

Chris: they use front feet to dig in the snow.

They look for grass and other stuff to eat under the snow.

Good idea! Dig for food.

Whoa! A granola bar!

Good find, chris!

Top that, bro!

Let's see...

Hot chocolate!


You never know what you can find under the snow.

They'll never find me up here.

Chris: figuring out tracks

Is like solving a puzzle.

You have to figure out what animal has a foot shaped like that.

Jackie tracks.

Somebody in the weasel family made these.

Who? Long-tailed?


Skunk? Otter?


One way to find out.

Follow them.

Martin: these tracks look fresh.

Jackie: here they come.

You thinking what I'm thinking?




Gotcha, guys!

You used that old creature standby.

When they're on your trail, climb a tree!

I had company up there.

A fisher chased a porcupine up the tree.

There's the porcupine.

There's the fisher.

When there's snow on the ground,

A fisher can jump feet out of a tree.

Jackie: look at him go!

In winter, they cross huge distances looking for food.

A porcupine is their favorite meal.

A porcupine's safe as long as he has quills and can climb trees.

Hear that? Sounds like bells.

That's our ride home.

Excellent! Let's go!

Chris: cool!

Martin: great idea.

Jackie: no problem.

Thanks for picking us up.

Chris: going home!

Zoboo: sorry I broke your branches.

Can I make it up to you?

Chris: a caribou!

How's it going, zoboo?

I broke the creature.

These branches broke off its head

When I was climbing on them.

Don't's fine.

These branch-like things are called antlers.

They grow on a caribou's head and fall off in winter.

So you helped the caribou out.

Oh. You're welcome!


Great job, zob.

Martin: an eastern woodland caribou

Is also called an american reindeer.

She likes the cold, like me.



Did you hear that? It burped!

Zob, it burped just like you do.

I knew I liked something about her.

Martin: through spring and summer, her antlers grow back.

By wintertime, they'll be even bigger than the year before.

Chris: they'll be huge!

Zoboo: yeah. Like big, moving tree branches.

Martin: reindeer are the only deer

Where both males and females have antlers.

Why is her fur falling off?

Besides shedding antlers, a caribou also sheds fur.

It comes off in clumps.

Chris: caribou get a new coat once a year.

Zoboo: look!

It's making tracks, too.

Yay! More tracks!

I love tracks!

Martin: another amazing thing is that great nose.

It can smell food buried feet under the snow.

And in the snack machine.

Zoboo: she wants a snack.

Ialways do.

Come and get it!

Eat up, caribou.


These are giant footprints.

Much bigger than those in zobooland.

I was leaping along...

Leap, leap, leap--

Then I saw something that made me stop.

I've got to follow these tracks.

The tracks led me to sensit.

He was under a striped fruit tree.

Hi, zoboo.

Hi, sensit. Did you make these footprints?

Just the big ones.

Who made the little ones?

They did-- my little sisters.

Want to help me baby-sit them?


So we took care of them.

We played all kinds of games.

When they got hungry, we fed them.

One of them said:

Want to make funny tracks? Ok.


Then we all jumped around and made funny tracks.

The end.

Caribou's making tracks.

Martin: see you later.

Bye, reindeer!

Come back soon!

I like calling them reindeer.

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we've met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by

♪ We're glad you came

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim

♪ Crawl, fly, and climb

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪


Keep making tracks, zob!

See you later.

[Sleighbells ringing]

Who could that be?

Man: ho ho ho!

Could it be?

You think so?

Hi. I'm josh. This is my pet rooster spike.

We're the kratt brothers.

You should be careful around animals.

Sometimes they can get scared and defend themselves.

Only get close to an animal

When an adult says it's ok.

Right, zoboo?

To learand now for a joke mafoo, plefrom zoboomafoo...

Now this one looks like ablack panther to some people,

But it's not.

It's a water-loving black jaguar.

- Knock, knock?

- Who's there?

- Panther!

- Panther who?

- Panther no pants!

I'm going swimming!

- Zob are you ok?

- Yeah!

Just fine!


Pants or no pants I'm going swimming!