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01x13 - Puppies

Posted: 07/30/23 10:10
by bunniefuu
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♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running, and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction, we're waiting for you ♪

Martin: maybe I left it in animal junction.

Oh, I lost one of my hiking boots.

Have you seen it?

Oh, there it is.

Hold it! A creature adventurer

Always checks his boots before he puts them on

Especially here in animal junction.

Thanks, bro.

Somebody's in there. See him?


It's furry, but it's not my sock.


It's a tarantula.

These amazing spiders live in burrows.

Thanks for dropping by.

We found a tarantula, but where's zoboo?

Let's call him.

Hey, zoboo!


Zoboo's here.

We're going to have fun.



Zoboo's hungry, so I'll make him a snack.

Don't worry, martin.

Zoboo already has a snack.

So I'll have this snack myself.

Zoboo loves eating leaves.

He eats leaves just like you eat salad.

Zob, you want some salad?

No way. He's eating leaves.

I guess that's why they call it tossed salad.

Zoboo, you want some mimosa leaves?

He likes those.


Excuse me.


Ha ha!


Hey, zoboo.

Your breath smells good, like onions.

Onions were in the salad.

I love onions.

And you love those leaves.

Leaves are one of my favorite foods.

Who did you see today?

What animal's headed this way?

I didn't see anybody.



Has this ever happened?

I don't think so.

[Distant grunting]

What was that noise?

That's a mystery. Where's it coming from?

Zob, is your stomach making noises?

No. I ate a lot of leaves.


Then who is making that noise?

Let's find out.



I found out who it is,

But I don't know who the who is.

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

That's it, and I think he's a baby because he's small,

As small as a ball!

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Mangatsika, mangatsika, animal ♪

Ok. He has two ears, a tail, a waggy tail.

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Do you know who he is?

I know who the mystery animal is. Do you?

I'm thinking.

I think there's more than one.

Mangatsika! Mystery animal's here.

Do you know who it is?


And they are as small as a ball. Look at them crawl!

It's a puppy invasion.

These puppies are always on the move.

Martin: you know puppies.

Everything's new to them, and they like to explore.

There's lots to explore around here.

Puppies have a great sense of smell.

Their tails are really wagging.

That means they're happy to see you.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, that tickles.

These puppies remind me of a special friend I met in zobooland.

I was leaping along...

Leap, leap, leap...

When I heard something.

Grrr! Grrr!



A little green puppy ran up to me.

I like you.

She licked my tummy. That tickles.


Oh, that tickles.

I like you.

Stop licking my tummy.

And then, uh, um, oh...

Then what happened, zob?

I can't remember for now.

Zoboo, what's he saying?

He's saying, "grrrrwwwwrrrr."

Oh, the puppy sound.

Can you make the puppy sound?


What does the puppy sound mean?

Tell me what you said again.

Oh. I think they want their mommy.

Their mommy!

Where is the mother dog?

Mother dogs never leave puppies for long.

She must be close by.

She must be around here somewhere.

Mommy dog, where are you?

We'll look after her puppies until she gets back.

What do we do?

First we give them water.

To swim in?

No. Because they might be thirsty.

They're sticking their faces in the water to drink!

I get my water from the leaves I eat.

We drink water from a glass.

Puppies lick up the water with their tongues.

These guys are like the wild dog puppies from africa.

Like all puppies, wild dog puppies are just as playful

And need to be watched over.

Wild dogs live in packs,

So even when the mother dog goes hunting,

There's always a puppy-sitter around.

Bringing up wild dog puppies is a job for the whole pack.

Great. Now I'm going to teach them how to climb.

Puppies don't climb. They walk.

I guess that puppy isn't climbing.

He's walking.

He's too close to that water.

That puppy's too little to swim.

Hang on!

Got you, buddy. Yeah!

That was close.

Zoboo: put him where I can watch him. Now they're all together.

Except for that one.

She's too close to that tarantula.

A tarantula is poisonous, and she can really bite.

That's why puppies need their mommies.

Where is the mother dog?

I don't know, but these puppies need more water.

Their bowl is empty.

Except it has a puppy in it.

I'll get the water.i'll get it.





That's got to be squishy.

Ha ha!

Taking care of puppies is really hard work.

I wish their mom would come back.

We need to clean off.

Thanks, zob.

Thanks, zob.

[Dog barking]

Zoboo: who's that?

It's the mother dog!

That's one big puppy.

It's the mother dog.

She hops like I do. Let's call her hop.

I'm so happy the mom came back to her puppies.

Why did she leave them to get a rag?

To make her bed softer and more comfy for her puppies.

Like when your mom or dad gives you a blanket.


It's great being tucked in with a soft blanket.

Dogs like it, too.

She gives them a blanket because she loves them.

I want to be a puppy.

All you have to do is crawl around and make growly sounds.

Let's run like puppies. Come on, guys!

She tripped me!

But she's ok.

Zoboo: this makes me feel puppyish.

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel puppyish, how about you? ♪

♪ Puppyish

♪ I feel puppyish

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

♪ Puppyish

♪ I'm a roly-poly puppy wrastling on the ground ♪

You got it! You're a puppy,

But do you have puppy breath like our puppies?

What's puppy breath?

Do these puppies have puppy breath?

This one sure does, and his tongue tickles my nose.

See for yourself.

You're right-- she does.

And her tongue does tickle!

Hey, feel this.

Let me wipe this puppy breath away,

And let's find out how many puppies there are.

I'll count them, and you can help me.

Puppies. I've never seen so many puppies before!

I've never seen any puppies before.



She's not a duck. She's moonface.

Moonface doesn't have puppy breath.

Martin: she has barn owl breath.

I wonder what jackie's doing today.

Jackie: the animal helpers and I were riding our bikes,

And you wouldn't believe what we saw.

Do you think this calf belongs over here by herself?

She belongs over there with her mom.

Let's go.

The calf's a bit scared.

He doesn't understand what we're doing.

Come on, little cow, let's go to your mom.

When he gets back inside, he's really happy,

And he's really hungry, too.

There. See how happy they are now?

Great work, animal helpers. Let's go.

You really have to watch on baby animals.

Sometimes they wander off and get lost.

I better count the puppies again.

Ready? , ...

You're . You're supposed to be over there.

Ok. , , Um, you're . Where's ?

Oh, . . , ...

Oh, no! There's only puppies. One of the puppies is missing!

Oh, no!

We've got to find the puppy.

Here, puppy, puppy.

Where's that puppy?

Where is he?

He must be somewhere.

Look. Hop's trying to sniff him out.

Maybe in here.


Ha ha ha!

There's no room in there.

Look, a hole.

Martin: he's outside.

What? Hop's worried. She can't find her puppy.

We'll help you find your lost puppy.

Let's take a trip and find him.

I'll puppy-sit so no more puppies get lost.

Great idea.

We'll be back soon.

All right. Now, the puppy couldn't have gone very far.

Let's go. Let's go.

See her?

Where could that little puppy be?

We got to keep looking.

Here, puppy, puppy.

Puppy, where are you?

Where's that puppy gone?


Maybe the puppy crawled into those rocks.

Let's have a look.

He's not here.

He's not here either.

This puppy's got to be here someplace.

Let's try that way.

Here, puppy, puppy.

Where is that puppy?

Here, puppy!

Hmm. This little puppy is hard to find.

He must be around here somewhere.

[Puppy whimpering]


Here, puppy, puppy.

Here, puppy, puppy.

Chris, where's hop?

Finding the lost-


Martin: I can't see a thing.

Because you've got mud in your eyes.

[Hop barking]

She sounds happy.

Yeah. I wonder why.

[Hop barking]

Hop's found her puppy!

Hey! Good job, hop!

Hey, you guys. Good job.

Oh, this is great. Great to see you.

Great job, hop.

We were looking all over for you.

This is the lost puppy, all right.

He's small, he's furry-- this is him,

And he has puppy breath.


Let me wipe that off for you. Oops.

The puppy is happy to see mom.

And hop is happy to see her puppy.

Let's get clean.



Going home.

Let's head on back to animal junction.

We found the lost puppy, zob.

Hooray! I knew you'd find him.


Whew. I've been counting the whole time,

And they're all still here.

I named them all.


Ruffy... Yellow dog...


That one's chris,

And martin is over there.

What are you going to call this guy?

Him I'm calling lost and found

Because he was lost, and now he's found.

[Hop barks]

Ok. The puppies are hungry.

Martin: must be suppertime.

Let's get these puppies some puppy food.

The snack machine is on the fritz again.

Hit it again.

Hey, now, that's a lot of puppy food.

For a lot of puppies.

I'll feed them.

I'll fix this.

Martin: puppy food tastes as good to little puppies

As chocolate cake does to us.

We'll gobble it down just as fast and just as messy.

They're stepping in their dish.

These puppies are old enough to eat puppy food.

Not too long ago, they were drinking milk from their mother.

They each found a nipple and sucked down the milk.

These puppies are still little enough to drink milk.

Zoboo: can I try some?

Sure. Here you go.



Whoa, that was good.

Zoboo, know what? You have puppy breath!

Ha ha ha!

Puppy breath must come from drinking milk.

You can have puppy breath, too, if you drink some milk.

Now we all have puppy breath.

Ha ha ha!

I remember the rest of the story

When I met the green puppy in zobooland.

I was leaping along...

Leap, leap, leap, leap, leap, leap...

When I heard something.

Grrr! Grrr!



A little green puppy ran up to me.

I like you.

She licked my tummy. That tickles.


Oh, that tickles.

Stop licking my tummy.

Then she licked my face.

That tickles, too.

You have puppy breath.

Yes, yes. I've got puppy breath.

Yes, yes, yes. Puppy breath.

Puppy breath, puppy breath,

Puppy breath, breath, breath.

I like you.

I like you, too.

That's how green puppy and I were best friends. The end.

So, zob, why is green puppy green?

Because green is a yummy color.

I love all puppies.

That's why I loved today.

Me, too, zob.

I loved when we were crawling around with the puppies.

That was fun.

I loved puppy-sitting when all the puppies played on top of me.

That tickles.

I loved it when we fell in the mud and found the lost puppy.

Great to see you.

Oh, yeah.

Look, some of the puppies are sleeping.

They had a big day. No wonder they're tired.

Especially lost and found.

He's so pooped, nothing will wake him up.

[Cooing and grunting]

The puppies are snoring.

Martin, I think I'll sing sleepier today so I don't wake the puppies.

Good idea, zob.

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of their nose to their funny behinds ♪

♪ All the friends we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by

♪ We're glad you came

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪

I should have a snack before I go.


Another onion?

Here you go.


Excuse me.

See ya!

See you later, zoboo!bye!

Hop doesn't need puppy-sitters anymore.

Bye, hop.see you, floppy.

Bye, stinky, heidi!ruffy!

Yellow dog, lost and found!

Martin! Chris!


♪ Puppy breath, puppy breath, yes, yes, yes ♪

Hi. I'm alex, and this is my soccer dog, rascal.

We never get too close to an animal we don't know.

Always give an animal her space.

Never get close to an animal unless an adult says it's ok.

Hey, look!


To learn more about zoboomafoo, please visit our web site at...

And now for a joke from zoboomafoo...


Hey did you know that dogs love to play

Because they are hunters by nature.

- Yeah! I knew that!

- Yeah!

That's why they love to run around and jump,

And grab things with their mouths!

- Yeah! Because they're hunters by nature.

- Ok zoboo! I've got a riddle for you.

- Ok.

- What time is it when you have two pug puppies,


A bucket of balls?

= It's playtime!

Hey puppies! Come play with me!

Hey puppies, how are you?


No, no, no let go!

Woah! Hey! Hey!

I'm stronger than you are.