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01x11 - Fierce Creatures

Posted: 07/30/23 10:08
by bunniefuu
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♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running, and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction, we're waiting for you ♪

Chris: what a hike!

Martin: yeah. Animal junction, here we come.

How you doing?

Hold it, martin.

What? What?

Someone hitched a ride.who?

It's a tarantula.


That's one amazing spider.

Hey, you know, zoboo loves spiders.




Leaping lemurs!

Hey, zoboo!

He's here.

Chris: look at the tarantula.

We found him on martin's backpack.

Yeah. He snuck up right behind me.


Let's try to sneak up on zoboo.



Over here, zob.

Wa. Hey, hey, hey.

Zoboo always gets a snack when he gets here.

Zoboo, how about some kiwifruit?

Zoboo loves kiwi.

There you go.

Great snack, huh, zob?


Excuse me.


Ha ha!


Zoboo, what has you so excited?

I was just playing with some creatures.

Who could they be?

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Ok. She walked on legs,

And she had a long, pointy nose, pointier than mine.

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Ah, gatsi ga, ah, gatsi ga, animal ♪

She liked to pounce

And catch things with her big paws.

[Distant howling]

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

A pointy-nosed, big-pawed howler.

Do you know who she is?

Whitish-gray fur...long, bushy tail.

They love to howl.

[Awoo] [awoo]

I know who the mystery animal is.

Do you?

[Gasp] [gasp]

Wolf puppies!

Wolves are the largest wild dog,

But they're pretty shy.

Let's be quiet while they come in.


Wolf puppies in animal junction.

Yes, yes. Mystery animal's here.

Zoboo: that's them! That's who I saw today!

Hi, wolf puppies! Make yourselves at home!

He's saying hi, martin.

These are arctic wolves.

I love these wolves.

We're playing with wolf puppies.

This only happens in animal junction.

There were two bigger ones, too.

Bigger like those two?

Yeah, yeah. That's them.

Yeah. Mom and dad arctic wolf are here.

Those wolves are probably here to take care of the puppies,

But they might not be the puppies' parents.

They're helping the mother and father.

That's right, zob. You got it.

Wolves live in big families called packs,

And they look out for each other.

They climb over each other, too.

Everyone has something to do.

Some hunt, and others puppy-sit

When the hunters are out.

These are the puppy-sitters,

Like when someone watches you when your parents are out.

Cheers. Drink up.

I love these wolves.

Tell me how to be a wolf.

You sure?

Yeah. I want to be a wolf!

Great. Do you want to help us show zoboo how to be a wolf?

First, howling. Howling keeps a pack together,

So you have to know how to do it.

[Awoo] [awoo]


Keep going, zoboo. You're sounding just like a wolf.

All wolves howl, including timber wolves.

A wolf's howl can be heard from miles away.



Now I'm in the wolf pack.

Martin: not so fast.

There's more to being a wolf than howling.

It's all about teamwork.


Wolves cooperate to survive.

Right, pups?

Wolves have to work together to catch food, like caribou.

So when a caribou sees a wolf pack, she's out of there.

This time, the wolf pack has to find dinner someplace else,

Because the caribou got away!

If you want to be in the pack,

You have to hunt like a wolf.

Let's pretend chris is a caribou.

You hit him high. I'll hit him low.

Ok. It's time for a sneak attack!



Whoa! Uh-oh.

Oof! Oh, I think I missed. Oh.

These wolves need more practice.

Let's see that again!

Whoa! Uh-oh!

Oof! I think I missed. Oh!

It was a good try.

Now I'm being hunted.

He's just playing with you.

I love playing with wolf pups.


You're doing great. Let's see how he fits into the pack.

Now I'll really be a wolf.

Ha ha!

You sure know how to play.

This wolf pup is playing rough.

That's because they want to be

The alpha male and the alpha female of the pack, the leaders!

Martin: to be the leader, a wolf has to be strong.

Playing makes wolf pups strong.

These pups might look playful now,

But one day, any one of them might become an alpha wolf.

I think all these wolf puppies want to be alpha wolves.

If you want to be a wolf,

You have to be tough to survive in the wild.

Being tough doesn't make you bad.

Like my pal in zobooland.

I was sleeping along...

Sleep, sleep, sleep...


Zoboo's sleeping. Better be quiet.

Hey, zoboo! Are you sleeping?!

You scared me with your tough voice.

I have a tough voice, but that's not bad for a dinosaur.

Then the ground shook. It was zoboomafooasaurus.

Hi, zoboo.


Mom can be tough, too, but not all the time.

I know.

Do you want to slide?

Hmm. Of course I do!

Ok. Here goes.

Hike, hike, hike.

This is fun! Whee!

Do it again, mom!

Just because dinos are tough doesn't mean they're bad!

The end.

Great story, zob.


I think the adult wolves

Want to teach these puppies about hunting.

Martin: that's how puppies learn--by watching the adults.

Hug me! Hug me!

Ha ha ha!

You didn't get me yet!

Ooh, that tickles! That tickles!

Ha ha ha!

You've got me now!


Ok, ok. I give. I give!

Yeah, yeah. That was fun.

Don't you just love wolves?

Wolves track their prey by sniffing the scent the prey left behind.

They use teamwork to bring their prey down.

Remember the plan?yeah. Let's get him.


Hunt like a wolf-- teamwork.

Ok. Here we go. Oh, yeah.


Yeah, yeah, ok.

, , , Go!


They got me.

We did it!

Yeah! Wolf teamwork!

We got him!

Good one, zob!

I love being a wolf!

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel wolfish, how about you? ♪

♪ Wolfish

♪ I feel wolfish

♪ Wolfish

♪ I'm a fun-loving wild dog running with the pack ♪

Hmm? Huh?


The wolf pups are tired from all that hunting and playing.

And hungry. We need snacks.

I'm going to get them. I love snacks.

Wolf. It's wolf pup snack time.

I can't believe how fast they eat!

Yeah. Wolf pups really wolf down their food.

Wolves eat fast because they never know when they'll get another meal.

Sometimes wolves grab food

And take it somewhere private to eat it in peace.

Zob, you have to eat like a wolf.


Here. Have a taste.



This wolf would rather stick to carrots.

[Wolves howling]

Listen, it's the wolf pack. They're back.

Ha ha! Time for me to join my pack.

I'm coming!

Martin: there they go.

Rest time is over.

It's time for the pups to rejoin the pack.

If I'm going to join the pack,

Time for me to go, too.


Wait up!

You better take a few snacks along with you.

They're in here.

Thanks a lot.

Think zoboo can make it in the wild with wolves?

I don't know. I don't think zob's a hunter.

Brothers, I decided not to go.

I love wolves, but I'm a lemur, not a wolf.

But I still love to howl.




She's not a duck. She's a barn owl. Hiya, moonface.

And she brought us a message from jackie.

I had the neatest day.

My friend asked me to help on a rescue mission.

A spider was stranded on the bottom of her tub.

He couldn't get out because the tub walls were too slippery.

We got a towel and laid it over the side of the tub.

The towel is not slippery.

Once he climbs up, you can take him outside,

Where he's happy and free.

Spiders are great because they eat flies and mosquitoes.

Everybody has to eat. In the creature world, that means hunting.

There are fierce creatures that hunt to stay alive.

Let's go see who's hunting.

Sounds like a trip to me.


♪ They're goin' to the closet, they're goin' on a trip ♪

♪ They're goin' to the closet to grab their stuff and split ♪






Whoa! Whoa!

♪ They're goin' on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet, and they're headed out the door ♪

See ya, zob!

Bye, kratt brothers!

Come on.

Yeah. We're on the lookout for fierce creatures.

Everybody thinks the grizzly bear is fierce.

We're going to see how fierce she really is or isn't.

I know how to find one-- ride a horse.

I think we should go by kayak.





Ok, you go by kayak. I'll go by horse.

We'll see who finds a grizzly first.

A coyote.

She's hunting mice.

Watch how she hunts.

She listens, watches, and waits,

And when she's ready, she pounces.

What a jump! That's how she gets a mouse.

You can see so many amazing creatures on horseback.

I should be getting close to a grizzly bear right about now.

There's a bison.

Bison aren't hunters, but they can be really fierce creatures.

Bison sometimes k*ll wolves that attack them.

Maybe bison are the fiercest creatures of all.

You see so many creatures when kayaking!

This looks like perfect grizzly habitat.

[Horse neighs]


Hey, I think there's something on the other side of those bushes.

There's something over there.

Hmm. I wonder if it's a grizzly.

Maybe that way.

Thick willows-- not the greatest place to meet up with a grizzly.

I don't want to meet a grizzly here.

Aah! Aah!

I thought you were a grizzly bear.

I thought you were, too.

Hey, look! Grizzly bears and cubs, too.

Incredible-- a mom and her cubs.

Let's stand back yards and watch.

A grizzly bear's big, so she needs a lot of space.

Especially when cubs are around.

Mom keeps her eye on them.

Cubs are good climbers, but when they grow up, they are too heavy.

Here comes mom. She's a great mom.

She protects them, feeds them, and teaches them how to find food.

Cubs drink milk until they're a year and a half old.

When you watch a grizzly for a while,

They don't seem that fierce.

Just give them plenty of space.

Riding a horse was a good idea.

Same with the kayak.

Mind if I take the horse back?

No. I'll take the kayak.

See you back at the junction.

Martin: hear anything, chris?

No. Nothing.

It's pretty quiet in here.

Wonder where zoboo is.



I'm hunting you.

I'm teaching them how to hunt.


Oh, them.

Are you terrified?

Nurse sharks!


Shark. Nurse shark. So that's who they are.

Sharks are some of the best hunters in the ocean.

They don't hunt like other sharks.

Most sharks hunt by surprise.

They sneak up on their prey and then grab it really fast.

But nurse sharks are different.

A nurse shark

Explores the ocean bottom looking for food.

Mangatsika. Look at those teeth.

Those aren't teeth. They're barbels.

They're like a cat's whiskers.

Barbels are used to feel around in the sand for prey,

Like lobster or shellfish.

They suck up food like an underwater vacuum cleaner.

They suck up their food off the bottom.

Would they suck me up?

Their mouths are too small.

Then I'm going back in the water.

Some sharks can be pretty dangerous.

Don't get too close to them.

Nurse sharks are pretty harmless.

Just give them space, and don't bother them.

Most sharks are like that.

That reminds me of a story.

I was leaping along... Leap, leap, leap, leap,

When all of a sudden, someone leapt from a bush.

I thought, "that's scary."

I'm sensit, not scary.

He heard me think!

People think I'm a scary monster,

Because I like to do things at night.

You're not scary. You're just different.

I'll stay up and do things with you.

So we waited for night.

Ah! It's nighttime. Oh, boy, zoboo.

We did things that sensit likes to do at night.

We played slide down the sleeping zoboomafooasaurus.

Whoo! Whoo! Ah!

That was fun.

Let's do it again.

So me and sensit played all night long.

And believe me, he isn't scary. He's just different.

The end.

Sensit's not scary. He sounds cool.

My favorite part of the day was joining the wolf pack.

I loved hunting my brother wolf style.

I liked hearing a lemur howl.

[Awoo] [awoo] [awoo]

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by

♪ We're glad you came

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪

Bye, guys.

See you later.bye, zob!

How about another fierce creature?

Yeah! Let's go prowling with wolverines.

See ya!

Hi. I'm jose, and this is sarah.

We're the kratt brothers. Be careful around animals.

An animal can get scared of you and try to defend herself.

Only get close to an animal when an adult says it's ok. Right, zoboo?

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo......

Chris, I got a joke for you.

- What is it?

- What do you get when you put together

A bird, a car and a dog?

- Hmmm... Let me see.

A bird,

A car

And a dog.

I don't know zob, what?

- A flying car-pet.

- A flying carpet!

- A flying carpet because the bird flies,

And a car, and the dog is a pet.

Oh, I thought it was funny!

I'm glad somebody liked it!

- Did you know that ducks can fly

Over two thousand miles when they migrate?

- I got a joke.

Why don't ducks tell jokes when they are flying?

'Cause they would quack up!