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01x10 - Climbing

Posted: 07/30/23 10:08
by bunniefuu
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♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Chris: martin, hurry!

I'm trying. It's a tight turn.

Whoo! We're here.

We made it to animal junction in record time!

Let's synchronize our watches.

All set!

A bear and her cubs pass by every day at lunchtime.

I'll set the timer so we won't miss them.

The kratt clock is ticking along nicely.

For backup, the hourglass.

There's no way we'll miss the bear and her cubs.

No way, no how.

Are you excited to see them?

Zoboo is, too!

Hey, zoboomafoo!


Hey, zoboo!

How are you doing, buddy?

What kind of animals did you see today?

Wow! He's climbing high.


That leaping lemur!

Come on! Leap like a lemur!

You can do it!

Snack time!

Hey, zoboo!

You want some grapes?

No! Wait!

Save some for us.

Here you go, chris.


These are great!


[Burps] excuse me.




You sure gulped those grapes.

I was hungry. Now I'm ok.

Here's the plan.

The bears will pass by at lunchtime.

I want to set my watch,

But what's a watch?

This is a watch.

We use it to tell time.

How will I know when the bears are coming?

We have the kratt clock,

The egg timer, the cuckoo clock,

The hourglass.

We are sure to see the bear family!

Everybody's excited.







Today I saw mangatsika animals.

Who could they be?

All: ♪ who could it be

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Zoboomafoo: that nose!

You couldn't miss it.

He had legs, too,

And they were great for climbing.

All: ♪ who could it be

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Mangatsika

♪ Mangatsika animal! ♪

Zoboomafoo: that nose just kept sniffing.

Then there was another one.

♪ Ha-la ha-la whoo-ha ♪

♪ Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! ♪

♪ Who could it be

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

They're wiggly-nosed, stripy-tailed climbers.

You know who they are?

Chris and martin: wiggly noses.

Long claws and long snout.

A tail high up in the air.

Do you know who the mystery animals are?

A bunch of coatis!

Mangacoati! Mystery animal's here.


Wow! What a nose!

Martin: watch their noses really closely.

Their noses move around at the end of their snout.


Zoboomafoo: coatis!

Coatis in animal junction.

I can't believe my mind!

Coatis have everything a climber needs.

I know. I climb, too.

Coatis are great climbers!

I want to climb, too.

Here goes!

Ha ha ha!

Coatis can climb ladders upside down.

Come on up, guys!

It's a great view!

Should we head down?



Look at this guy!

He can hang right off a towel.

There goes that apple,

But the coati's after it.

Nothing gets away from a coati.

Those sharp claws dig into the blanket

So the coati doesn't slip.

In addition to their claws,

Their tails help them keep their balance,

So they don't fall. Whoa!


His watch fell in the snack machine.

He didn't see it.


Humans don't have tails,

So we're not as good at keeping our balance.

My brother needs practice climbing like a coati.

There are many climbing creatures.

Each one has something that helps them climb.

Porcupines get help from their tails.

Orangutans use their long arms and hands.

Geckos use their sticky feet pads.

Zoboomafoo: so many great climbers,

And so many great coatis!

Coatis get into everything--

In between climbing.

You know what?

This is making me feel coati-ish.

Do you feel coati-ish?

All right!

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel coati-ish, how about you? ♪


♪ I feel coati-ish


♪ I'm a nosy little climber, I'm a coati ♪



Nothing could be finer than swinging on a "viner."




Whoa! Whoa!


Martin: I can't believe it!

What's the matter, martin?

My watch is broken.

That kratt fall was one too many for my watch.

We still have mine for the bears.

I don't think so, chris.

Your arm has lost your watch.


When did that happen?

Maybe when you went climbing. Remember?


Oh! Oh! Oh!

Oh, I remember.

I remember.

It's got to be somewhere.

Good luck!

I hope he finds it.

No watch, but there's a tire-tread eel, a snail, and a newt.


See, zob?

There's the paddle-tail newt,

And the tire-track eel is over there.

There's the gold inca snail.

I never knew so many creatures lived underwater.


No watch in here.

Martin, help us find it.

I'll be right there.

I'm climbing with the coatis.



Well, I was climbing.

That makes me think of one time in zobooland.

It was great.

I was leaping along...

Leap. Leap. Leap.

Then I heard a funny noise that sounded like narchi.

It was narchi,

Climbing the hill pushing a zoot fruit.

Then he sneezed,

And slid down the hill.

The zoot fruit rolled after him.

He tried again,

Climbing the hill, but sneezed again

And slid down the hill.

The zoot fruit rolled down.

He said, "I can't get to the top!

I said, "why don't you climb a different way?"

I only know one way.

Here's another.

Your nose can help.

Turn around and climb with your sneezes.


You can do it.

Thanks, zob. [Ahchoo]

That's it! Good!

Oh, good for you!

I did it!

We sat on top of the hill

And nibbled on zoot fruit.

The end.


It was yummy!

That coati's still climbing.

Hey, coati--

Which one was he?

There are so many.

I've got an idea.

I'm going to give you names.

I'll call you climber,

And you climby,

And climate.

And let's see...

Oh, you can be climberadoo.

Hey! Where's the fifth coati?

There he is!

I think I'll call him stinky.

Why stinky?

Because I like that name.

Chris: it's hard to tell coatis apart,

But coatis recognize each other.

Because each coati has his own smell.

That's how they know who's who.

Hey, everybody! It's snack time!

[Glass breaking]

Oh, no!

There goes the hourglass.



Clock: cuckoo!


[Cuckooing slows]

Uh-oh! The cuckoo clock's broken.

Somebody catch that ball!

It might break the last clock!

I got it! It's mine!


I slipped!

Oh, no! The kratt clock is broken, too!

All the clocks are broken!

Now I really need to find my watch.

Coatis are great diggers and sniffers.

They can smell food underground and dig it up.

Coatis love to dig up turtle eggs.

"Dear zoboo," that's me!

"Wish you were"-- hair? Hair?

Here! "Wish you were here.

Martin and chris."

Here's that postcard from the big mountain.

What a mountain!

Where did you get this?

The coatis dug it up.

They're great diggers! Right, climber?

Hmm. I better make sure they're all still here.

Climber's up there, and climby's over there,

Or is that climate?

Over there is climberadoo,

And there is stinky.

It's hard keeping track of coatis,

It's hard keep track of time without a clock.

My watch is busted.

So is the clock.

But the egg timer?

It's broken, too!

With the clocks broken,

How will we know when the bears come by?


I feel an idea coming on. What is it?

The sundial!

Sundials have been used for thousands of years.

All right!


Let's build a sundial!

Ta-da! Ok! Ok!

What does it say?

The time is--


The sun's gone behind the clouds.

You need the sun to read a sundial.

How will we know when to look for the bears?

Wait for the sun.




[Martin yawns]


My stomach!

It's better than a watch,

Because when my stomach grumbles, it's lunchtime!

And time for the mom bear and babies.

There they are!

Yeah! All right!

Ha ha!

A grizzly bear mom and her cubs!

Looks like it's lunchtime for the grizzly bears, too.

Grizzly bears eat grass.

Zoboomafoo: grass is yummy.

Do you know what time it is now?

Playtime for grizzly bears!


[Growling playfully]

What a great creature family!

We did it!

We got to see the bear family.


That's not a bear. That's my stomach!

Boy, am I hungry.

Me, too.

Hey! Wait for me!

Whoo-ha-ha! Even stinky's hungry.

And I need some spaghetti.

Chris, your watch!

All right!

It must have fallen into the snack machine.

You almost got watches instead of meatballs

With your spaghetti. Ha ha!

Hey! The coatis are leaving.

Bye, climate! Bye, climberadoo!

Bye, climber! Bye, climby!

And good-bye, stinky.

All: bye, everybody!


Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?

No, it's a--


It's sticky feet!

The peregrine falcon.

Is sticky feet a good climber like the coati?

Sticky feet can fly instead of climbing.


A message from jackie.

There's a kitten stuck up this tree.

The poor kitten climbed up,

But he can't climb down.

We have to help.

It's ok.

Don't be scared.

I'm just trying to help you.

There you go.

You're safe now.


Ok! Lower the basket.

When the kitten grows up,

He'll climb better than I can.

For now, he needs our help.

Some animals can climb higher without getting scared.

Let's go inside and get it some milk.

Cats are pretty good climbers!

So is jackie.

There are many climbing creatures in the wild.

You find them in the mountains.

Both: are you thinking what I'm thinking?

I think so.

I think you think I'm thinking--

I think we all know what you're thinking.

You're going on a trip

To the mountains.

To the mountains.

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ To grab their stuff and split ♪

Both: oh, no! Avalanche!





Climbing shoes!


Water bottles!

And a coconut!

Ok. Let's go!

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

See you later, zob.

Bye, buddy.

Bye, kratt brothers.

Here's the mountain.

And there's the top.

We're going to climb all the way to the top.

We'll meet one of the highest climbers in the world.

I wonder who it will be.

Careful as you go!

Climbing a cliff isn't exactly like climbing into bed.

We should be seeing some climbing creatures now.

You're right, chris.

Keep your eyes open.

We're getting closer.

A pika!

You're up high when you see a pika.

They live high in the mountains.

A pika fills his cheeks with grass and carries it home.

A pika doesn't slip off the rocks,

Because he has grippy little toes.

Wouldn't it be cool to have feet like a pika's?

You wouldn't need sneakers.


Phew! Martin has stinky feet.

Put your shoes back on.

Ok, chris.

Let's keep climbing.

I can't wait to find out who's at the top.

Whoever she is, she's got to be a great climber.

I can't wait to see her.


Time for a break.

A little rest.

A little water.

And a little snack.

You know, I was thinking,

Cougars are great climbers.

Maybe we'll see one.

We might not hear them,

Because they are silent climbers.

That's why they call them the ghosts of the rockies.

Ready, martin?

Ready, chris. Let's go!

Ok, the final ascent.

We're almost to the top, bro.

We're here!

We made it to the top!


The climbers at the top of the mountain

The bighorn sheep.

Look at them go!

They must be the best tacklers!

I bet you could never catch them.

Why don't we try it?

We'll be bighorn sheep,

And you try to catch me.

Great idea! Only one thing--

You try to catch me.

You're it!

Got you!

Remember-- it's all in the feet.

Bighorn sheep have hooves

That let them grip slippery rocks.

Even when they're butting heads.

In the winter, male bighorn sheep

Have incredible head-butting contests.

That's got to give you a headache.

But bighorn sheep has an extra layer of bone in his head.

Kind of like our climbing helmets.


You thinking what I'm thinking?




Never butt heads

Unless you're a real bighorn sheep.

I like pillow fights better.

Me, too.

Pillow fights are a little softer.

[Children laughing]

We're at the top of the world.

And we've met animals

That live in the highest places.

Mission accomplished.

Time to head back down.

Let's go!



Too bad we never saw a cougar.

Maybe next time.

Wait till zoboo hears about our climb.

Zoboo: one pin, then another pin.

You're a good climber now.

What's zoboo doing now?

Want to find out?

All right.

Yup, and another pin.

Hey, zob!

Hi, guys.

Little leaper and I are good teachers.

We taught this mangatsika creature how to climb.

He already knows how to climb.

That's a mud skipper.

Mud skippers are a type of fish that can climb.

A climbing fish.

Why doesn't he stay in the mud?

Sometimes mud skippers come on land to eat or climb around.

Hey, there goes little leaper.

Little leaper's a great climber.

Show them your stuff!

He's almost as good as me.

Little leaper and I can't believe

There's a climbing fish that doesn't live underwater.

Mud skippers are amazing.

They can live in or out of the water.

He has special breathing skin in the back of his throat to breathe air.

He also has gills for breathing underwater.

He can breathe two ways-- underwater

And not underwater!

A fish that climbs trees and breathes out of water!

That reminds me of some climbers from zobooland.


I was leaping along...

Leap. Leap. Leap.

Leap. Leap. Leap.

And then I stopped because I wanted to climb

To the top of mount zoboomafoo.

And then wiggy flew by.


I want to climb, too!

Let's climb.

I want to climb, too.

Let's all climb.

I might need help.

I'll help!

So my friends followed me as we climbed up the mountain.

It was a long way to the top--

I like climbing.

But we kept climbing, and climbing, and climbing.

We heard a friendly voice.

You made it! You're good climbers, good climbers.

It was snow lemur.

We jumped around the mountain top

And had great fun.

The end.

Today was a real mangatsika day!

What was your favorite part?

Climbing with mud skipper and little leaper.

I loved seeing the coatis climb.

We got to see the bears.

Thanks to martin's stomach.

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by, we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪


I'm climbing a tree like a mud skipper.

See you later.

Bye, zob. Happy climbing.

Hey, let's go caving!

Yes! Caving is climbing underground.

All set, martin?

Oh, yeah!

We'll see you later.

My name is skip, and this is my pet, zsa zsa,

And I love her.


Hi. We're the kratt brothers.

We never get close to an animal we don't know.

Always give an animal her space.

Never get close to an animal unless an adult says it's ok.

There's somebody we all know!


Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

- Did you know that these black and white spotted dogs

Are called dalmatians?

Most dalmatian puppies are all white when they're born.

And then, they get spotted when they're older.

- Hey chris wanna hear a joke?

- Yeah zoboo!

- Why can't a dalmatian pup hide from his mom?

- I don't know, why?

- Because he's already been spotted!

Good huh?

Thought of that myself!

- Did you know that male bighorn sheep are called rams?

Rams use their horns to have huge headbutting matches.

- Hey chris, chris, chris I got a joke for you.

- Yeah zob!

- Why is it hard to talk to a ram?

- I don't know. Why is it hard to talk to one?

- Because he is always butting in.

- Good one zob. - Get it?

- I get it zob!
