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01x09 - Night Time

Posted: 07/30/23 10:07
by bunniefuu
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♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running, and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Martin: I love that creature!

What a great day.

All the animals are on the move.

Cheetahs are playing.


Elephants taking mud baths.

Warthogs jumping around like popcorn.


Let's end our creature adventure with a camp-out.

Tonight we're camping in animal junction.

Want to camp with us?

Great. Let's set up the tent!


Let's call zoboo. He loves camping.




Come here, zoboo!

Where is he?


Where's zoboo?

We've been calling him forever.

Do you see zoboo anywhere?

Where is he?

Chris, look up.

Hey, buddy.

You are one sneaky lemur, zoboo.

Ha ha ha!

I'll get zoboo a snack.

Woo! Yeah! Whoa! One-handed! Ha ha!

You're a strong lemur, zob.

Yeah, the perfect lemur snack.

We always have great snacks in animal junction.

Zoboo, I've got sweet potatoes!

Ha ha! Zoboo loves sweet potatoes.

Don't you, zob?


Excuse me.


Ha ha!

I can't believe my mind!

Whoa! This is great! What is it?

A tent for sleeping in.

Want to camp out with us?


What surprised you?

I saw an animal sleeping.

He woke up when I jumped on him.

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be? This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Her tail was long, black, and thick.

It moved like a snake.

It even grabbed on to branches.

♪ Who could it be? This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Mangatsika

♪ Mangatsika animal

She was sleeping in the daytime.

I woke her up.

♪ Ha ha, hoo ha

♪ Heh, heh, heh, heh ♪

♪ Who could it be? This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

A black-furred, grabby-tailed day-sleeper.

Do you know who she is?

Martin: she has furry black hair with gold tips.

Walks on legs and loves to climb trees.

A long, thick, strong tail.

It can't be.

Think so?

Yes! She's a binturong.

Mystery animal is here!

I've been to the forest and the desert,

But I've never been to rong.

Not "been to rong" as a place.

This is a binturong.

Binturong! What a mangatsika name!

For an incredible creature.

Hi. Ha ha!

She likes you, zob.

She's sniffing me! Ha ha!


Whoa! Whoa!

She wants to explore animal junction.

Martin: let's follow her.

Zoboo: there's a lot of great stuff here, binturong.

Make yourself at home.

The pond is a little cold.

Chris: hey, now she wants to climb.

Mangatsika! Look at her!

She's a climber.

Nobody knows very much about binturongs.

There aren't many around.

They live deep in the forest.

They're nocturnal. They sleep all day and come out at night.

Nocturnal-- come out at night.

She's rarely up during the day.

Sorry to wake you.

Let's help her get to sleep.

Let's start by finding her a nice, quiet place.

Where can she sleep?

Maybe the binturong can sleep in there.

We'll need head lamps.

Will this help you see in the dark?

That's not a head lamp. That's a lampshade.

Head lamps help you look inside caves.

[Bats squeaking]

Somebody's already sleeping in here.

More nocturnal creatures.

Bats--ghost bats.

Bats find dark, quiet places to sleep in during the day.

Any luck in there?

Shh. Bats are sleeping. They're nocturnal.

Sorry, zob.

Let's find you a place to sleep.

Can binturong sleep in the hole in this tree?

Look inside, zob.

Hey, it's flying squirrel babies!

They're sleeping in there.

Yeah. Flying squirrels are nocturnal, too.

Besides, this hole is way too small for a binturong.

Shh. Flying squirrels sleeping.

Martin, I think she's found a place.

Binturongs are heavy creatures.

I think we better find you a different place to sleep

Because this won't work.

Here. How about over here?

Let me try this.



There you go.

Let's keep looking.

Another nocturnal creature fast asleep.

It's a kinkajou.



A kinkajou spends the night eating fruit

And the day sleeping in the trees.

All the sleeping spots are taken!

Everybody's asleep in animal junction.

So many creatures sleep while we're awake.

Lots of animals come out at night,

Like bats.

At night, they fly off looking for food.

Flying squirrels leave their tree holes at night

And glide from tree to tree, searching for nuts.

It's getting dark.

This binturong needs to get some sleep.

Can binturong sleep here?

Chris: that's where binturong likes to sleep.

She curls up in the treetops.

Like me, but binturong is climbing!

Maybe she wants to climb a little

Before she goes to sleep.

Binturongs are excellent climbers.

Those sharp claws really dig into the tree bark.

That way, they don't slip or fall.

A binturong's tail really helps her climb.

Her tail can grab things like a hand.

When a binturong is climbing trees,

Her tail grabs on to branches.

If she slips, her tail can grab--

I smell mud.


Hey, prehensile tails really work!

Good thing I had my rope tail.

Let's climb like a binturong.

You can do it!

Ha ha!

I love to climb.

Chris, you're way up there! So is binturong.

How can we get this binturong to sleep?

Zoboo: I know how.

Maybe she needs a bedtime snack.

Binturongs eat lots of different kinds of food--

Eggs, leaves, fish, insects--

But they like fruit best.

Ok, we have pineapples...bananas...



Take your pick.

Martin and chris: pineapples!

The binturong likes pineapple best.

Yeah, me, too. Let's see if we can break into this one.

Look at that tongue!

Hey, what about kiwis?

I don't know, zob. Let's see.

No? She doesn't like kiwi.

She likes pineapples the best.

Wait a second. Going for the plums?

Yes, plums! Ha ha ha!

Second course-- plums.

To eat like a binturong,

Hold your chin high in the air.


Oh. She's finished.

Binturong, time to go to sleep.

Binturong's still not going to sleep!

Can you believe that?

I always get sleepy after a snack.

Maybe she'll fall asleep if we watch a movie.

Daymare on oak street.

I hope it's not too scary for binturong.

Maybe she likes scary movies.

I thought you guys said this was scary.

It's bright and sunny!

This isn't a scary movie.

What if you were a nocturnal creature?

Whoa! I guess you're right.

Daytime is as scary for binturong

As nighttime is for me.

Martin: pass the popcorn.

I don't have any popcorn.

Me neither. What's popcorn?

I smell popcorn.

Hmm. Me, too.

It's coming from over there.

All I smell is binturong.

Of course, zoboo.


Binturongs smell like popcorn!

What does popcorn smell like?

I'll be right back with the answer.

Close your eyes.

Ok, they're closed.

No peeking, zoboo.

Now see if you can find the binturong by smelling.

[Sniff sniff]

First smell here.

I'm smelling!


Now smell over here.

[Sniff sniff]

Oh, this is easy.

Which is the binturong?

Oh, this is easy.

This is popcorn.

And uh, uh--

Yes, that's the binturong.

Now take a look.

Thisis the binturong. That'sthe popcorn!

I got mixed up. You smell like popcorn.

Let's callher popcorn.

Popcorn, you should be sleeping

Because soon you and all the nocturnal creatures have to wake up.

Chris: too late. The moon's out.

It's already nighttime!

Now the day creatures sleep

And the night creatures wake up.

It's wake-up time for night creatures!

They're on the move!

Martin: binturong's raring to go,

Although she didn't sleep all day.

I hope she's not tired for tonight.

She didn't mind. She had fun.

Good. I had fun, too.

You know, I'm feeling binturongish.

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel binturongish, how about you? ♪

♪ Binturongish

♪ I feel binturongish

♪ Bintu-bintu- binturongish ♪

♪ I've been up all night, I'm a binturong ♪

♪ Binturongish

Hey, chris.

Hey, zob. Look.

Popcorn smells something.

What could it be?

Serval kittens!

Binturongs have great senses.

They use their nose to find fruit in the dark.

That reminds me of sensit.

He had good senses.

Zoboo, voice-over: I was leaping along

When I bumped into sensit. He was very excited.

Zoboo, I really want to test my senses--

My smelling, feeling, seeing!

Can you hide so I can find you?

Sure, sensit!

, , ...

Zoboo, voice-over: I knew how I would hide.

I ate striped fruit and turned stripy

And camouflaged into the striped tree.

Even sensit can't see me here.

Zoboo, I can smell you,

But I can't see you.

I'm over here!

My ears are so super

They can hear a striped tree talking!

It's not the tree talking.

It's me--zoboo!

Zoboo, voice-over: sensit laughed

For the rest of the day. The end.

Martin: that was a great story, zob!

Binturong's taking off.

Maybe she smells some fruit in the forest. Bye!

It's bedtime for day creatures...

Chris: even though you might not want to go to sleep.


Camping out in animal junction is great, huh, zob?

It's too late, chris. He's already asleep.

[Sleepily] binti, binti...

Binturongish, binturongish...

Zob, you're talking in your sleep.


What's that noise?

I'll never get to sleep with that noise!

What is it?


I know who made that noise.

A duck...

A duck...

A great horned owl.

Chris: I'll go see.


What an incredible night creature.

Check out those eyes.

It isn't even dark to this great horned owl.

Hey, chris, what's going--

Ugh! Agh! Ha ha ha!

Having eyes like an owl

Would be great for getting up at night.

I love how his head swivels around

So he can see in any direction.

Look at this!

A message from jackie.

Jackie: sometimes my parents let me stay up late

To watch the night creatures.

Raccoons usually sleep during the day,

Like many creatures.

They're playing with my mom's furniture.

They were so cute.

I rarely get to see these guys during the day.

There's a whole different creature world at night.

It would be great to be a night creature.

Jackie's right.

Let's prowl with the night creatures.

[Sleepily] I like it.


Maybe we'll figure out who's making that noise.

That's a weird sound.

There's no stopping us now.

We're going on a trip.

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ To get their stuff and split ♪

We have our head lamps. We don't need anything else.

Where's the door?

Aha! Here it is!



Wrong door.

It's the closet.

Let's head the other way.

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ Then they're headed out the door ♪


More creatures are active at night than during the day.

Each makes a special sound.

One of these creatures is keeping me awake.

Let's find out which one.

It won't be easy finding one sound.

The night is full of sounds

Being made by lots of incredible night creatures.

[Roaring and chattering]

Let's see some night creatures!

There's a genet.

Jackal at o'clock!

A hippopotamus!


Let's go, chris.


Hear that?

A leopard!


And her cub.

Her mom looks worn out from hunting,

But that cub wants to play.

Sometimes your parents are too tired to play.

It's the same with leopards.

Martin: nocturnal living makes me hungry.

I'm going to the jeep for a snack.


Where's that sound coming from?

There's who's making that sound--


Nighttime is the right time for lions.

A lion's daytime eyesight is the same as ours.

At night, it can see times better than us.


Another growling sound. That isn't a lion.

That's what's keeping me awake.

Ha ha ha!



We might have figured this out.

Martin's stomach was growling!

[Stomach growling]

I knew I should have eaten more popcorn.

Eat up so when we get back,

Your stomach won't be growling and we can sleep.

Martin: nighttime is the right time

To see many creatures.

[Zoboo laughing]

That's a sound I know. It's zoboo!

He's definitely not asleep.

What's he doing?

Let's find out.


You made it back for the party.


We're having a nocturnal party--

Me and the nocturnal animals.

Oh, african dormice.

They're my pals.


These big ears help the dormice

Pick up sounds and find their way in the dark.

Over here is another nocturnal friend I made.

Martin: wow. I can't believe it.

A ringtail. Hi.

Come here. Look at this tail.

No wonder she's called a ringtail.

She's good at moving through the night.

Those eyes can see anything in the dark--

Even a dormouse.

She can see, smell, and hear in the night.

She's an ultimate nocturnal creature.

Ha ha! Great senses like me!

A ringtail is in the same family

As the kinkajou and the raccoon.

She has a kinkajou's face

And a raccoon's ringed tail.


Always give a creature her space.

It's close to morning.

Maybe ringtail wants a snack before she sleeps.

Ringtail, want a bite? It's a banana.

I can't believe my mind.

Nocturnal animals are great!

They do what we do, only at night.

Like sensit.

It was the first time I met him in zobooland.

I was leaping along--

Leap, leap, leap, leap--

When someone suddenly leapt from a zango bush.

I thought, "who's that scary creature?"

I'm sensit, not scary!

He heard me think.

People think I'm scary

Because I'm different

And I do things at night.

You're not scary. You're just nocturnal.

I'll stay up and play with you.

Zoboo, voice-over: we sat and waited until night.

Ha ha! It's nighttime!

Oh, boy, zoboo! Oh!

Zoboo, voice-over: we did what sensit does at night.

We slid down the sleeping zoboomafooasaurus.

Whoa! Ha ha!

Ha ha! Whoa!

That was fun.

Follow me!

Let's do it again! Oh!

Me and sensit played all night long.

That's how I met my friend.

Believe me, he isn't scary.

Whoa! The end.

Great story, zoboo.

Thanks. Nocturnal animals are great.

Maybe I'll be nocturnal.

Better get to sleep then. It's morning.

Ringtail's going to sleep for the day.

Sleep well, buddy.

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by ♪

♪ We're glad you came

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪

♪ Yeah

Can I have a snack for when I go to sleep?

Two garbanzo beans coming up.

Here you go.

Ha ha ha!

Good morning, zoboo!

Have a great day's sleep.

Bye, kratt brothers!

We better sleep, too. We've been up all night.

Wait! We can't miss the day creatures!

You're right, martin.

No time to rest for a creature adventurer.

To the creatures!

See you next time. Wait!

I'm alley. This is my cat maggie.

She loves to purr.

We're the kratt brothers.

Creature adventurers are careful around animals.

Animals can get scared of you.

They might try to defend themselves.

Only get close to an animal

When an adult says it's ok. Right, zoboo?

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

Did you know that black bears are really good at climbing trees?

The sharp claws on the bear's feet help a lot.


Human barefeet aren't as good at climbing as bear barefeet.

- Hey martin?

- Yes zob!

- Why does a dog have fur?

- I don't know!

- Because if he didn't, he'd be a little bare.

Good joke, huh muscles?

- Did you know that there are about

Different kinds of monkey in the world?

This is a capuchin monkey.

- Hey martin, I have a joke for you.

What did a capuchin say to the kratt brothers?

- What zob?

- Monkey around!

- Hey fling!

- Fling the capuchin monkey!