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01x06 - Swimming

Posted: 07/30/23 10:04
by bunniefuu
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♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur

♪ Who liked to bounce and play

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

Where are they going?

♪ I don't know

How do we get there?

♪ Come on, let's go

♪ Me and you

♪ And zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leaping ♪

♪ Wild dogs running, and nobody's sleeping ♪

♪ Me and you

♪ And zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you

♪ And zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction, we're waiting for you ♪


Chris: great waves today!

Martin: I love surfing.

You feel like you're a swimming creature riding the waves!

Look! A black jaguar!


How's the water, martin?

A good thing I love swimming.

[Whispering] and so does chris.




There are so many great swimming creatures.

Chris: like sharks.

Martin: manatees!

Chris: all sorts of amazing fish!

Martin: yeah, including moray eels!

Chris: dolphins!

I love the water!

Yeah, except in my ear.

Is zoboo up for a swim?

Zoboo! Zoboo!

Hey, zoboo!

How are you doing, buddy?

We've got a great day today.

No chatting till he's been snacking.

Chris: how about mangos, zoboo?

Mangos are slimy!

But zoboo loves them.

Zoboo's noisy when he eats.


Zoboo: excuse me.


Mango's a pretty slippery fruit.

Wet and slippery.

I saw some slippery creatures on my way here.

They were playing and having fun!

Who could they be?

♪ Who could it be?

♪ This animal who I did see

♪ Can you help me guess

♪ This mystery?

When I saw her, she jumped in the water.

Then there was another! They swam round and round.

♪ Who could it be?

♪ This animal who I did see

What a face!

With whiskers, too!


♪ Who could it be?

♪ This animal who I did see

♪ Can you help me guess

♪ This mystery?

Hmm. Two short-legged, furry swimmers.

Do you know?

Martin: long body, short legs.

Long, flat tail with whiskers.

Sounds to me like you saw...

Mangatsika! Mystery animal's here!

Hey, river otters!

Look at these guys!

Hey, how are you doing?

Martin: river otters are water-loving weasels,

But can travel up to miles on land.

Zoboo: that's far. Why are they here?

Chris: what are they looking for?

Martin: I don't know. But I know who is who.

The female has lighter fur.

The male has darker fur and is bigger.

They love being together.

Zoboo: yeah. Hmm...

Martin: I love otter faces.

They have tiny ears, whiskers, black nose,

And their heads are flattened.

Their faces are built for swimming.

Chris: they're looking for a place to swim!

Hey, we have an empty pool.


Martin: otters love the water,

How about swimming with them?

Hit the water.

There's no room!

What do you mean?

There's a jaguar in there.

I can't believe it!

Martin: he beat us to it.

Look at him wrestle.

Jaguars are water-wrestling wild cats!

He may stay in all day!

Jaguars are one of the few big cats who love swimming.

Martin: only one thing an otter can do.

Chris: wait till the jaguar gets out.

Wait then swim!

Exactly, sensit!

These are river otters.

There are different kinds of otters.

Martin: giant otters love to eat fish and swim.

Chris: they even eat fish while swimming.

I think he likes this. Did you hear that sound?

Otters make different sounds to communicate.

Sounds to say hello, back off,

And to warn of danger-- like a jaguar.


Martin: even when otters are lazing around,

Somebody always watches for danger.

If an otter spots a jaguar, she gives the warning.


As long as they know the jaguar's around, they don't worry.

A pack of otters is one tough bunch.

Chris: our river otters are still waiting for the jaguar to leave the pool.


If you want to be an otter,

Lie down flat on the ground.

Give it a try.

Zoboo: ok.

Martin: lie flat on your belly.

Zoboo: how's this?

Martin: right, zob.

You got it.


Martin: giant otters like to sleep by pulling out onto a log.



Sorry, I fell asleep.


Zoboo: the pool is empty! Time for a swim!

Chris: let's go swimming!

Hey, nice jump!

We're on the move!

Follow me!

To the pool!

Let's walk like an otter.

Keep your back arched and your legs short.

Soon we'll be swimming like otters!

Uh-oh! Penguins-- they beat us to the pool.

The otters have to wait again.

Chris: what do we do now?

Maybe the otters will play ball while we wait.

Zoboo: playing ball's fun!

Good catch!

Martin: I love it when otters walk.

They look like furry snakes.

Chris: yeah!

Look where he's going!

Otters can get into really tight places.

Zoboo: the penguins are leaving! Pool's empty again!

Ready to swim?

Zoboo: yeah, let's go!

There's somebody in the pool.



You can't keep a great swimmer out of the water.

Capybaras! The world's biggest rodent is a swimmer.

When it's soaking time for capybaras, it's--

What is it time for us to do?

Time to wait!

And do something else!

The otters want to slide.

Chris: of course! Otters love to slide.

In the winter,

Sliding is an easy and fun way to go down a hill.

Time to build a slide!

A water slide.

Let's get the supplies!

All right! Yeah!

Zoboo: capybara's leaving! The pool's empty!

They can swim!

No more waiting.

Ready, martin?

Put it over here.

Martin: they'll love this.

Let's make adjustments. Zob, give us a hand.

Where do I start?

Over there.

[Electric drill whirring]


Slow down, zob!

Round and round he goes!

I can't stop! Whhoooaaaahhh!


Yeah. I think next time I'll just watch.

They want to get in.

There's no slip to this slide.

And when there's no slip, there's no sliiiddee!

It works! Time to slide.

Come on in!

Everybody in the pool!

I'm out!


They're in!

They're swimming!


Swimming is fun for otters.

Chris: I'm coming in!

It worked!

Too cold for me.

Otters have no problem in cold water.

Their waterproof fur keeps them dry and warm.

Zoboo: brrr! Lucky for them.

Chris: you need fur to swim in the winter.

I got water in my ear again!

Otters never get water in their ears.

Their ears close underwater.

I bet martin wishes he had otter ears.

So do i.

Ahhhh! This time I got water up my nose!

Otters' nostrils close when they're swimming underwater.

Chris: otters have two eyelids.

One helps them see underwater,

And the other eyelid is just like ours.

I bet martin wishes he had otter ears and nose!

No water in my ears, my eyes could stay open,

No water up my nose, and I could hold my breath for a long time.

Bet youwish you had that.

Wait a second. He does!

Chris: look at those whiskers.

They use them to feel around in murky water.

When an otter swims,

He kicks his hind feet like we do.

To really move, he goes underwater and twists his body and tail.

Chris: otters use the back half of their bodies

To swim fast, turn quicker.

Zoboo: this splashing makes me otterish.

I'm going back in!


♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel otterish! How about you? ♪

♪ Otterish

♪ I feel otterish

♪ Otterish

♪ I'm a playful little swimmer, splashing in the tub ♪

♪ Otterish

Hey! The otters are leaving.

Great swimming with you, otters!

See you later! Come back soon!

I love otters.

Zoboo: me, too. I love otters.

Martin: incoming!


Sticky feet, the peregrine falcon's here.

With a message from jackie.

Does this look like littering? I don't think so.

We've been playing with derby all day.

Earlier, we didn't know what to do.

It was hot. Even the dog was tired.

Until we thought, "hey! Let's go swimming!"

We had fun.

Derby can't get enough of the water.

It's great exercise and a lot of fun.

Plus she got a bath.

Swimming is fun,

Especially with a great animal like derby.

Martin: swimming creatures know how to have fun.

Even a peregrine falcon likes an occasional bath.

Let's swim with a creature that loves it the most.

To the closet!

♪ They're going to the closet

Time for swimming supplies.

Masks, snorkels, patch kit.

♪ To grab their stuff and split ♪

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

See you!

Uh-oh! [Splash]

We're on the ocean to swim with sea lions!

I don't see any.

Look down!

Cool! Sea lions.


Chris: look there!

They're leaving. Let's go!

[Motor whirring]

Whoa! A rock!



Are you ok? That was a bumpy landing.

Yeah. But we did it sea lion style.

Now let's go swimming with sea lions!

Martin: right! Grab the stuff.

[Air escaping]

Hold it. What if the boat has a hole?

I've got the patch kit.

If there's a hole, we'll fix it later.

Sea lions are friendly.

They're not afraid of people.

Somebody tickled me! Let's find out who.

Chris: look at them all!

Martin: yeah! They all want to play.

Hey, nice move!

Did you see that?

That was the sea lion superloop!

Let's try it!

Martin: my turn.

Up, up, up, up, and over.


Chris: I'm going to try the swim twist.

Whoa! Whew!

He's doing it, too!

What super swimmers.

Where's my patch kit?

Have you seen it?

The sea lions!

Wait! Come back! No!

Did you see that? She took our patch kit!

We better make sure our boat's ok!

Chris: oh, no!

The boat's flat!

We can't fix it. We lost the patch kit.

Now we can't leave.

We're stuck here.

I guess we'll hang out with the sea lions.

Chris: sea lions love to rest on the beach.

Young sea lions love to run around and chase each other.


This is the land of the sea lions!

It's amazing!


Walk like a sea lion!

Chris: sea lions have flippers instead of feet,

So it's a little hard for them to walk on land.

Martin: ugh. Tell me about it.

Arf! Arf!


This is the life.

Spending a day with the sea lions.

Sea lions are great. If we stay here, I'll miss zoboo.

If only our boat wasn't flat.

I wish we had a patch kit.

What's that?

It's a patch kit!

We can fix our boat!

I wished for it, and here it is!

Wow! Lucky us!

Now I'm going to blow it up.



We're all set!

We swam with the creatures who love swimming--sea lions!

Swimming with sea lions is like having a party underwater.

Hope your party lasts forever!

Bye, sea lions! We'll come back soon!

Chris: when zoboo hears about this,

He'll want to go swimming again.

Sounds like somebody's already swimming.

Let's check it out!

Guys! Look at my new friend!

Look at this swimmer!

Zoboo: he can stay underwater for a long time.

A soft-shelled turtle!

A great swimmer.

He's flat and round like a pancake.

That's his name-- pancake!

He has a hard shell for protection.

That's a softshell turtle. His shell isn't hard.

Chris: softshell turtles don't hide in their shell

Like most turtles.

Zoboo: he doesn't have to.

He doesn't need protection from me.

Chris: they are great swimmers

Because their webbed feet work like paddles.

His shell issoft.

It's so soft I can feel him breathe through his shell.

They have one of the longest necks of all turtles.

It's almost as long as his body!

Zoboo: that's a longneck!

There you go, buddy.

Zoboo: pancake can really stay underwater.

Because of his long neck and long nose.

He can stick up his neck like a snorkel,

Breathe air from the surface,

Duck back down, and keep swimming.

That reminds me of my story.

I met someone who lives underwater in zobooland.

I was leaping along, leap, leap, leap...

When suddenly I bumped into narchi!


Hi, narchi.

Hi, zoboo!

Want to play goobleberry ball?

"Sure," I said.

I threw the goobleberry ball to narchi,

And he threw it back to me.

Hey, zoboo, catch this!

It's my superduper double looper!


Uh-oh. That was our only goobleberry.

Suddenly, the goobleberry blew right back to us.

Who blew that goobleberry?

[Gargles] nobody.

Then who threw it?

[Gargles] me.

Who's me?

Yeah! Who's me?

[Gargles] me. Fibby.

Zoboo, voice-over: fibby was shy,

But that was ok.

Every time our ball went splash,

Fibby got it.

And we played loopedy loop ball all day.

Zoboo: fibby, throw it over!


The end.

Fibby sounds like a great swimmer.

There are so many great swimmers.

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by

♪ We're glad you came

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪


Zoboo: bye, kratt brothers!

See you later.

Keep on leaping, lemur.

Let's go water-skiing.

Let's hit the water!

Martin: just one thing we need--a boat.

I'm alison,

And this is my crab herbert.

I'm melissa,

And here's my crab herman.

Hi. We're the kratt brothers.

You have to be careful around animals.

If an animal gets scared of you,

She might defend herself.

Only get close to an animal

When an adult says it's ok.

Right, zoboo?

To learn more about zoboomafoo,

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

Did you know that skunks actually do handstands

When they spray their skunk stink?

These baby skunks are practicing their handstands.

- They're doing pretty good.

I bet they'll be really stinky when they get big.

Hey martin!

Why are skunks so smart?

- Why zob?

- Because they have lots of sense.

Stinky sense.

Stinky sense! Ha ha!

Stinky sense!

Ha I like that!

- Did you know that a baby chick has a special tip

On the end of her beak called an egg tooth?

That helps her crack out of her egg.

- That reminds me of a joke.

Hey chris?

- Yeah zob?

- What did one egg say to another egg?

- I don't know! What?

- Get cracking!