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01x04 - Who's In the Hole

Posted: 07/30/23 10:03
by bunniefuu
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♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Captioning made possible by u.s. Department of education and pbs

Chris, come on! Let's get going.


It's a corn snake!

Where are you going?

Martin, I just saw a really cool snake.

Uh-oh. I'm stuck.

I'll get you out.

Pull harder, martin.

I'm pulling!

Ok. , , !

That's teamwork! Where's zoboo?

We can call him with this horn.

You talk through this little hole...

[Echoing] hey, martin. Hey, martin.

And when it comes out this end,

It's louder and deeper.

Hey, martin! Hey, martin!

Zoboo will hear this wherever he is.

Zoboo! Zoboo!



Hey, zoboo's here!

Zoboomafoo! That leaping lemur.

Ha ha! He's got my nose.

How do you hold onto things with your feet?

Zoboo? Of course.

It's snack time before talk time.

Let's see what we have.

Apples! Zoboo will love these.

Come on, zoboo. We have apples today. Yeah.


Excuse me.


Ha ha!

Ha ha ha! Oh! Oh! I can't believe my mind.

Breathe, zob, breathe.

Martin: who'd you see, zob?

I saw the furriest little creature.

She can run, climb, jump, and fly.

A furry flier?

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be?

♪ This animal who I did see

♪ Can you help me guess

♪ This mystery?

Zoboo: she was furry and hungry.


Her tummy rumbled.

She started jumping and looking for nuts.

♪ Who could it be?

♪ This animal who I did see

♪ Mangatsika

♪ Mangatsika animal

She ate those nuts. She liked them.

And then her arms turned into wings!

Ha ha!

♪ Who could it be?

♪ This animal who I did see

♪ Can you help me guess

♪ This mystery?

She's a bushy-tailed, furry flier. Do you know her?

Furry, bushy tail...

Legs that turn into wings.

I know!

A flying squirrel.

Mangatsika! The mystery animal is here.

Wow. What an entrance!

Let's watch again.

I think she thinks I'm a tree.

Moving fast. He's in your pocket!

Ever had a squirrel in your pocket?

Hey, where you going?

He's up again.

Flying squirrel on the head.



They're nutty. No wonder the squirrel likes them!

Flying squirrels love cozy places

Where they can curl up and feel safe.

Zoboo, you won't believe this!

The animal you saw is a flying squirrel.

Hello, flying squirrel.

I love your big, round eyes.

Those help her see at night.

A flying squirrel is up all night

But doesn't need a flashlight.

She sees in the dark.

She spots a branch, leaps...

And lands perfectly.

Flying squirrel eyes are incredible eyes.

I've never felt such soft fur before.

Go ahead. Feel it.

Ok. I'm going to be very gentle.

She's small. I don't want to hurt her.

I got that from you.

Wow. We've got twin fur. Ha ha!

Yeah. You both have soft fur.

Yeah, but her fur has extra.

It's way too big.

That's how it's supposed to be.

A flying squirrel has loose skin between her arms.

That's the secret to her flying.

Watch this.

When a flying squirrel jumps, she makes a jumping jack shape.

Her skin stretches out like wings, like this!

She flies like a bird, right?

Well, not really.

She doesn't flap like a bird does.

A flying squirrel glides.

Oh. A bird flaps...

And a squirrel glides.

Oh. The bird's flapping away.

You could say that. Right, martin?


Chris, zoboo, up here!

I'm gliding like a flying squirrel!

Martin: whoo hoo!

It's martin.

What's he doing?

Look through the binoculars.

He's hang-gliding.

No wonder flying squirrels like gliding!


Where'd martin go?

There he is.

I feel a crash!

Hey, martin, look out!

Run for cover! Run for cover!

Martin: I'm going down!



Ow. Ha ha ha.

Ohh. That's a big drop.

You have to be a flying squirrel to make a perfect landing.

A flying squirrel steers with her legs and tail

And can glide yards!

That's like gliding over houses.

I can jump far, but not that far.

I love flying squirrels.

Hey, guys, the flying squirrel is on the move.

Whoops. She's gone.

She's looking inside the hole.

Flying squirrels love holes.


That's where they live.

You'll never guess how a flying squirrel gets a hole. Listen.

In the woods, I saw a woodpecker tapping a hole in a tree.

When he finished, he flew away.

Later I looked at the hole, and I saw her.

A flying squirrel landed on the tree and went to the woodpecker hole.

She made herself nice and cozy in her new home.

Does she live in there now?

I don't know. We'll wait and see. Let's watch.

When you're watching animals that live in holes,

Like flying squirrels, rabbits, or mice,

Sit quietly until the animal pops out.


Did you hear that?

Oh, I heard it!

That's our squirrel.

Sounds like it's coming from over there.

Maybe she's in this hole.

Let's watch this one.


Listen! That sound again.

Behind us.


Don't worry. We'll find him.

No. Over there-- rats!

Oh, thosekind of rats.

Where is our squirrel?

Let's all watch different holes.

Then we'll see the flying squirrel pop out.

Good idea.

I'll watch this hole.

I'll watch this hole.

And I'll watch this hole.


I think I hear her.


Me, too. Me, three.


There you are.

I guess she didn't like those holes.

Let's help her find a hole she likes.

Eyes are better than .

You could travel right in here.

She likes your pocket.

She loves it.

All right, let's go.

Hmm...she can't live here

Because somebody's already living here.

This hole is already occupied by a porcupine.

Porcupines are really messy.

They leave twigs, branches, quills, and even poop

All over their homes.

You don't want to live here.

Besides, porcupines are very prickly.

Ok. So let's keep those big eyes peeled, flying squirrel.

She can't live here, either.

Someone else is living here--a corn snake.

Corn snakes don't dig holes.

They find holes in rocks, trees, or other spots.

Zoboo: I knew somebody who was looking for a hole in zobooland.

I was leaping along when I bumped into noggendrill.

Ha ha!

I said, "hello, noggendrill. Ow! Ooh!"

You seen any holes I can live in?

Hmm. Well, there's a hole.

Maybe you can live there.

My home. My home!

This hole's taken. Wiggy waxwing lives here.

Every hole I find has someone living in it.

Then, um...i can't remember the rest.

Chris, remember those creatures in africa?

Many creatures live in holes over there.

Like warthogs.

Don't forget insects like termites.

Yeah, and how about hyenas?

And meerkats.

This looks like the perfect hole.

This is my cubbyhole.

It's too big for a flying squirrel.

And too messy-- like a porcupine.

Wait a second. My pocket's empty.

The flying squirrel's gone.

I found her!


Oh. Uh...whee! Oh.

I think the flying squirrel found a hole she really likes.

There she is.

She will make this her home.

She likes it best.

You know what? I'm feeling flying squirrelish.

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel flying squirrelish, how about you? ♪

♪ Squirrelish

♪ Flying squirrelish

♪ Squirrelish

♪ Flying through the trees, a flying squirrel, that's me ♪

♪ Flying squirrelish

Great glide, zoboo!

I'm not zoboo. I'm a glider.

Where'd the flying squirrel glide off to?

She's probably napping. She must be tired after gliding.

I am.

Every glider deserves a nap.



She's an owl, not a duck.

Moonface, did you fly good today?

Open it! It's from jackie.

Let's see.

Hey, wait! Don't cut this dead tree down.

It's a creature home.

An owl sleeps in this dead tree during the day.

At night, she sits looking for prey.

Squirrels love dead trees, too.

Dead trees have holes for squirrels to live in.

They stay warm all winter and dry when it rains.

A dead tree is great for a raccoon and her babies.

When those babies grow up, they'll live in their own dead trees.

Skunks live under dead trees.

Dead trees are good. We need to keep them standing

Because so many creatures depend on them.

Holes are great. Holes are everywhere.

I've got an idea.

Yeah. Let's meet a creature that digs millions of holes...

And makes the biggest underground home in the creature world.

Trip time!

♪ They're going to the closet, they're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet to grab their stuff and split ♪

You ready? Here goes.

[Horse whinnies]

Hey, did you hear that?

A horse!

Hey. You want to come, too?


Oh, hi, horsy.

Let's ride.

Ooh. Except there's only one horse.

That's ok. I'll walk,

And I bet I'll beat you two.

Yeah, right.

You can't beat chris on a horse.

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

Wonder who will get there first.



Chris. No. Martin.

It's a badger.

I love badgers.

Hey! There's her baby. Amazing!

Even though they're great diggers,

Badgers don't build the biggest underground homes.

We'd better hurry to beat martin.

I don't believe it. Martin beat me!

Hey, chris, what took you so long?

I saw a badger.

Welcome to prairie dog town.

This may not look like a town

Because people don't live here-- prairie dogs do.

Prairie dogs live in these holes.

Let's see if anybody's home.

There are hundreds of holes.


See anybody down there?

This hole's empty.

Let's try over there.

Hello? Anybody home?

Nothing. Let's try another hole.

How about that one?

Hello? Hello?

Any prairie dogs down there?

I guess not. Where is everybody?

I wanted to see some prairie dogs.

Where are they?

Is this town deserted?

There aren't any prairie dogs here.

Maybe I was wrong.

Prairie dogs!


Another great rodent that lives in holes.

They werehome.

They were underground in their homes.

It's strange that they are called prairie dogs.

They don't look like dogs.

They make a sound when danger is near...

Like a dog yapping.

Hear that?

That's a prairie dog.

He's letting other prairie dogs know

There's danger around.


Look! It's a red-tailed hawk.

Uh-oh. They eat prairie dogs.

Everyone to their holes! That's a safe place.

There goes the hawk.

Hey, now he's doing the jump-yip call.

That means it's safe to come out.

[Chris jump-yipping]

Prairie dogs work as a team and look out for each other.

This prairie dog town is one of the best towns to live in.

Why not?

Let's dig a hole.

We brought the shovel.

Let's put our hole right here.

Ahh. This is the life.

Prairie dog towns are great.

The biggest prairie dog town ever

Had over million prairie dogs.

That's about as many as the hairs on your head.

We found the biggest underground home-- a prairie dog town.

Time to go back to animal junction.

Bye, prairie dogs.

Take care of our hole. We'll be back.

Hey. I wonder who made this hole.

This is nice work.

Hey! You know who dug this hole?

A red fox!

Me, too. I'm helping.

Digging is fun.

I feel like a fox. I'm feeling foxish. Ha ha!

Hey, zob, you're digging as fast as the fox.

Whoa! Look at that fox move.

Just like me!

He's tired.

Martin: how do you know?

He's been digging holes like crazy the whole time.

He dug holes here...

And here...and here.

Why so many hol-- whoa--holes?

When a fox makes a den--

What's a den?

A fox's home.

A fox digs lots of holes

To have many ways in and out.

Like a lot of doors.

The den is where the fox family lives.

The kits are safe in there.

Zoboo: like a kid person?

No. K-i-t. That's a baby fox.

Can babies dig?

They have to learn.

I helped someone learn to dig once-- noggendrill.

I remember the rest of my story now.

I was leaping along when I bumped into noggendrill.

I said, "hello, noggendrill. Ow! Ooh."

You seen any holes I can live in?

Hmm. Well, there's a hole.

Maybe you can live there.

My home. My home!

This hole's taken. Wiggy waxwing lives here.

Every hole has someone living in it.

I have an idea. Dig your own hole. Use your head.

My head? Ok.

How's your hole, noggendrill?

It's perfect!

Come see my new home.

So I did.

Ouch! Sorry.

The end.

Great story, zobster.

I love stories.


Remember that sound?

The flying squirrel.

Zoboo: sounds like more than one.

Yeah. She must have moved her family into her new home sweet hole.

It's the flying squirrel in her home.

Welcome home.

You know what I loved?

When the flying squirrel crawled on us.

Me, too.

I liked the prairie dogs popping up.

Me, too--and digging with the foxes.

How can you have favorite parts?

Everything was my favorite part.

It was all great.

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by, we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪


I'm going home now. Bye!

See you later, zoboo.

Bye, zoboo!

Creatures who dig are amazing. You never know--

We'll see you next time!

Ha! Keep looking for animal holes.

If you see a hole, it might be an animal's home.

Hi. I'm nigel, and this is my pet worm slinky.

We're the kratt brothers.

We stay away from animals we don't know.

Always give animals space.

Ask an adult before getting close to an animal.

There's somebody we know--


To learn more about zoboomafoo,

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

- Did you know that these black and white spotted dogs

Are called dalmatians?

Most dalmatian puppies are all white when they're born.

And then, they get spotted when they're older.

- Hey chris wanna hear a joke?

- Yeah zoboo!

- Why can't a dalmatian pup hide from his mom?

- I don't know, why?

- Because he's already been spotted!

Good huh?

Thought of that myself!

- Did you know that male bighorn sheep are called rams?

Rams use their horns to have huge headbutting matches.

- Hey chris, chris, chris I got a joke for you.

- Yeah zob!

- Why is it hard to talk to a ram?

- I don't know. Why is it hard to talk to one?

- Because he is always butting in.

- Good one zob. - Get it?

- I get it zob!
