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07x07 - Silent Target

Posted: 07/30/23 09:17
by bunniefuu
Here are your tickets, Joe.

Oh, thanks, Peg.

The plane leaves at :.

A rental car will be waiting
for you at the other end,

and I confirmed your
reservations at Turtle Lake.

Oh, great.

You have a shack
with running water.

The lake.

Mm. Seems you've thought
of everything.

Except the fish.

There, you'll have to muddle
through without me.

I think I can manage.

Just have a good time.

Mm-hmm, thanks, Peg.

Mr. Mannix's office.

Oh, yes, Miss Thompson.

Oh, I'm sorry,
you just missed him.

Oh, very hush-hush.

No, he couldn't even tell me.

But just between the two of us,

I'd say that
he's really after some big fish.







Help you?


Need something?

My car overheated down the road
a couple of miles.

I'd like to use your telephone.

That's tough luck.

Wish I could help you,

Mannix. Joe Mannix.

I'd like to use your telephone.


Winds tore the lines down
one night last week.

Well, do you have
a car or a truck

that could take me
to a garage, maybe?

I'd be glad to pay.

My son took the car into Reno.

He gets bored up here.

No telling when he'll be back.

Is there any place else around
where I can get some help?

Not for miles.

Why don't you come on up?

You're not making any money
standing down there.

My name's Murrell.

J.H. Murrell.

Mr. Murrell.

What brings you up to this part
of the country, Mr. Mannix?

Well, I just flew in from L.A.
to do some fishing.

I hear they're hitting
pretty good at Turtle Lake.

Turtle Lake?

That's the back end
of the world.

A fisherman goes where
the fish are.

I hope I'm not intruding.

I like a full house.
It gets lonely up here.

My son goes up to Reno,

I'm stuck here.

These are paying guests;

people who want
to get a divorce.

There's a residency requirement
in this state.

Don't any of them have cars?

My son picks them up
at the airport,

when he's around.

Frank Durovic, Joe Mannix.

His car broke down.


Elena, this is Joe Mannix.



I'm sure he could use a drink.

Excuse me.

Scotch and water, right?

How'd you guess?

You look the type.

Well, is that good or bad?

I'll let you know.

I'd like for you to meet
another of our guests.

Joe Mannix, Carlos Hendry.

Half-Apache, he claims.

Comes in handy in the desert.

This your first trip out here,
Mr. Mannix?


Hope you enjoy it.

Thank you.

Uh, his car broke down.

What's wrong with it?

Water pump.

That's about as unlucky
as you can get out here.

Yes, I was thinking that myself.

Well, there hasn't been
a vehicle made

Carlos couldn't fix
with a nail file,

some chewing gum
and a paper clip.

Your drink all right?

Yeah, fine.

You a mechanic?

I'm... in sales.


But I know engines.

Well, you, uh...

think you could fix
my water pump?

Have to see it first,
wouldn't ?


Uh... anytime you're ready,

if you don't mind a little hike.

What's wrong with driving down?

I, uh...

thought you s...


Seven ball in the side pocket.

We found his car okay.


Just a lot of fishing
and camping equipment.

Is that all?

He told the truth.

The water pump's out.

L.A.'s checking out his driver's
license and everything else.

And if he checks out okay?

We send him on his way.

He's trouble.

There's something about him.

I'll cover.

What do you say, Harry?

Didn't expect you so early.

Murrell around?
He's inside.


She's waiting for you.
As always.

Have a good time?

Always do.

Miss me?

Always do.


Here's your subject.


Hi, Harry.


give me the details, huh?

Well, he arrives at LAX
at :.

There'll be reporters, so he'll
have to stop on the landing ramp

after the other passengers
are off.

They figure if you do your job,

he'll never get
to finish his interview.

Anything else?
That's all.


So why all the long faces, huh?

Something's wrong.


Like what?

Some dude came hiking up here.

Said his car broke down.

For real?

It could be.

Said he was on a fishing trip.

A plant?

We don't know.

Anyone thought of asking him?

I had Elena fix his drink.

He's out.

At least until tomorrow.

And none of you guys know
whether he came alone or not?

That's right.
But we're working on it.

So far, all we know is
that he's out of L.A.

Name's Joe Mannix.


What is it, Harry?

I want to see this guy.

I want to see him now.

I know this clown.

Dump him.

Dump him...

...or I don't do the job.

He's a private cop.

At least he's private,
not the law.

Come on, Harry.

You know who goes into
a garbage business like that.

Not this guy.

This guy's trouble and a half.


It's still possible
he's here by accident.

The car did break down.

There was fishing equipment.

It's window dressing.

He's here on business.

I tell you,
somebody knows something.

About us? About this place?

Or the hit
you're going on tomorrow?

No hit!

Not with him alive behind me.

No sweat.

When he wakes up...


Look, Harry, don't throw
your weight around with me.

I live here!

I want to know what
he came here for, what he knows.

Murrell, if I don't make
this hit tomorrow,

my pigeon's gonna be out
of the country.

And on this particular job,

we both know there is
no second chance for me...

or for you.

Okay, after we talk
to him in the morning,

we dump him.


See you later.


You mind telling me
what this is all about?

You want to get away
from here, don't you?

Do you know a way?


Well, what about you?

Suppose they guess you're
the one that turned me loose?

Harry will take care of me.

Harry who?

Harry Tass.

Harry Tass?!


You know him.

Yeah, I know him.

He wants you dead.


You'll have a good head start.

They don't expect you
to wake up until morning.

Hey, by the way, uh...
thanks for that message.

Otherwise, I might have

finished that drink.

Are they all in the same
business as Harry?

Yeah, it's a pool.

You know,
like a secretarial pool?

Only this is one for hit men.

A place to cool off
between jobs...

draw weapons, get assignments.

Is that why Harry's here,
to get an assignment?



You better worry about yourself.

Who's Harry's target?

Drop it.

I know Harry Tass enough to know

that he's only used
for top jobs.

I said drop it.

Did he say anything?

Give any hints?

Harry is my man.

You're just passing traffic.


the man he's gonna k*ll must be
somebody pretty important.

Doesn't that
mean anything to you?

No, not if it'll hurt Harry.

He's your man.

That's right.

We can go now.




Here's the key
to that station wagon.

You better come with me.

If Harry finds out,
he'll k*ll you.


I need him and he needs me.

He'll know who gave this to me.

I'll take my chances.


Good luck.

Good luck.

Out! Out!

I wonder how he found the keys
to my station wagon.

Guess he was just lucky, huh?

All right, Mannix, let's talk.

Who helped you?

One of your people out there?

We know
the fishing trip's a cover.


And maybe we'll discuss
your problem.



you know me, right?

I know you, Harry.

I don't play games, right?


Whoever sent you here, they've
thrown you to the wolves.

Is it worth it?




Well, to begin with, they know.


About your hit.

You'd be walking
into a hornet's nest.

Who was the leak?



What happened?
He broke out.

He has to be out there.

Some things we got to get
straightened out, right?


It's just
for my own peace of mind.

Without peace of mind,
I... I can't think straight.

Whatever you say, Harry.

Now tell me...


I mean, what are you, huh?

You see a new pair of pants,
you go ape?

What'd you do, fall in love?


I love you.

You know, until I picked you up,

you had to fight the cockroaches
for your breakfast.

What are you now?

What did he say to you?

What did he promise you?

What are you getting out of it?

I don't even know myself.


You still love me, huh?

You still want to stay here,
that the story?

I only know I didn't
want you to k*ll him.

Look, you've seen me
go on lots bigger jobs before,

bigger names than
some two-bit private cop.

You never said boo.


All those others
were just names...

But this one... I could see.

I talked to him.

Don't you understand?

That all there was to it?


He looked at me
like I was a human being.

How do I look at you?

Like the way
you look at your car.

He looked at me
like I was somebody.


It wasn't Murrell who told him
about the hit.

Now that leaves you, baby.

I didn't
tell him anything, Harry.

He knows what you do.

He just guessed.

Does he know who, where, when?


I swear I didn't tell him!

He doesn't know!

I don't know.

I don't know if you're
straight with me or not.

But this job I got to do
tomorrow pays me grand

and I only get one shot at it.

I know I gotta have myself
some peace of mind.

You understand me,
don't you, baby?


Yes, Harry.

I wish there was more time.

I hate doing it to you,
of all people.

I always liked you.

I looked forward
to coming back here, but...


I gotta have peace of mind.


Come on. Let's go.

Running in the desert at night,

that is a sure way to end up
with the vultures.

We'll just have to find some
cover and wait till daylight.

Let's go.

What happened?

Mannix came back.
He took Elena.

And he'll know better
than to move at night.

Well, we don't take any chances.

You and Santee take the car

and cover the section
down to the highway.

Tomorrow's roundup time.



Anything, Harry?


We'll keep "em between
us and the highway,

back 'em up into the mountain.

Is that a house
or is the sun getting to me?

Face it.

We're finished.

You got a lot more mileage left
than you think...

without Harry Tass.

What's it to you?

I don't like walking away
from unfinished business.

I'm not business!

Not yours, anyway.

Look, I'm just a dumb broad

who went for the shortcuts

and had a good run for her money
while it lasted.

You are my business now.

Al right.

If I'm your business...

I'm gonna tell you something...

and you better listen because
I'm not gonna say it twice.

There's some heavy foreign dude
changing planes

at the L.A. airport at :
this afternoon.

Now, I don't know who he is

or what makes him worth
a $, contract.

All I know is he's got
something to do with oil.

Now, if you can work your way
out of this sand trap,

the dude may still
be alive tomorrow.

Stay here with me,
and he's cold meat...

and so are you.

What happens
if Harry doesn't get there?

It's off for good.

The foreigner goes home.


That's something, anyway.

I'm telling you this so you can

make it out of here
on your own...

'cause this is as far as I go.

Get up, Elena.

And do what, salute the flag?

We're getting out of here.
Both of us.

I told you, I can't.

And I say you can.

I bet you believe
there's a Santa Claus!

That's right.




There were
fresh footprints out there.

They were here
just a few minutes ago.

No wheels, no water,

to the nearest traffic cop

and five of the best hit men
in the country

close enough to breathe on us.

Oh, man, I should've cut
my throat while I was ahead.


That's what I liked
about you right away,

always looking on
the brighter side.

Pollyanna-- that's me.

Can you still see them?


If they think we got away,

they might stop looking for us.

They might.

Not Harry.

They still think you're
some kind of decoy for the law.

I mean, it's business with them.

If they lost us, they'd scatter.

With Harry, it's...
it's different.

It's personal.

He'll never give up.

To Harry, we're like a...

a wound that has to be healed
before he can go back to work.

He'll even risk
that $, contract

to square himself with us first.

Only it won't be
much of a risk for him.

That's some fellow
you picked out for yourself.

Well, there's another side
to Harry.

You can still say that?

I guess I just did.

They have to be
inside the circle.

Let's close it up, huh?

First, we better get you
to your car.

You want to catch the plane
to LA.


There's still time.

We'll take care of them, Harry.

How far do you think
they can get?

They are mine.

You said it yourself, Harry.

If you miss the appointment,

our clients won't forget
or forgive.

Two bodies.

Then you talk to me
about business.

See, the-the thing...

Wait, wait... wait a minute.

Let's make a run for it.

Are you all right?
Good as I'll ever be.

Let's go.

Go on!

Come on!
You can make it without me!

Let's go!

You should have caught
that train.

Well, if he didn't like
my sh**ting at him,

he just might complain
to the law.

You think people
still go to the law?


How many b*ll*ts you got left?


You better save one.

For who?

If and when they're ready
to k*ll me, they'll...

they'll do it without much fuss.

I can count on Harry
for that much.

But you...

well, if they catch you...

I don't even want
to think about it.

I've got to stop.

All right, let's take
a minute-- over here.

You all right?


Only don't enter us
in any mixed doubles.

You look more like
the stickball type.


Where I come from,
if you had a dime for ice cream,

you better have a stick
in your other hand.

I'm sorry--
we should get moving.

If we can stall Harry
for another hour,

he won't get to L.A.
to do that job.


Guess she's told him everything
by now, huh?

You lie down with dogs,
you get up with fleas.


Don't you ever say that
about Elena again.

Never again.

Okay, Harry.

No sign of them.

Got to be back there somewhere.

Just a matter of time.

Yeah, maybe our friend
on the train got my message.

They won't see us.

Hey! Hey!

Stay down.
But they...!

Shh! Be quiet!

Hold it.

What's the matter?

I thought I saw them over there.



Are you all right?

No-- my feet.

Can you make it
back to the house alone?

Yeah. Yeah.

Where are they?

They're out there somewhere,
in the brush.

Let's go.

One thing.

You spot them, don't sh**t.

They're mine.


We've been going in a circle.

I know.

Well, when that helicopter
heads back home,

I want to make sure he sees us.

Which better be pretty soon.

Here he comes.

Now, you just stay put.

What are you going to do?

Try writing a letter
to Santa Claus.



They're coming!

Just keep him pinned down, huh?


Here I am!

Elena, get back!

Do you want me back,
or do you want me dead?


Harry, we could still make it.

We could still get away--
just... just you and me.

We could just start all clean.

Hold it right there.

We've got you all in gunsight.

Drop your g*ns.


First time Harry
ever k*lled anybody for nothing.