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07x05 - The g*ng's All Here

Posted: 07/30/23 09:16
by bunniefuu

The Lobos are moving in
on our turf.

Do something about it.

We did.

They got Pot's girl to split
to the beach with them.

We called them on it.

They laughed in our face.

They didn't laugh in mine
when I was running the Nomads.

How did you do it, Deetz?

They jammed me,
I jammed them back.

You show them enough clout,
they'll get the message.

I wait any longer, Art,
he'll be on his way to nowhere.

I'm going in.

Get here as soon as you can.

Anybody nosing around?


I packed your suitcase.

Now, you wait here a week,

then you hop a plane
for Vancouver, okay?

Red... you k*lled a guy.

I don't like the idea
of staying here alone.

He could have
interested friends.

You know what I mean?


Feel better?

Oh, do you have to go
right away?

Hey, Vancouver's full
of rainy days, baby.

Hold it right there, Deetz.


Hold it, Deetz!

What happened?

Make a break for it?

It'll all be in my report.

You'll have it Monday.

before the captain leaves.

Can't. I've got to catch a plane
to Summer Grove at :.

It'll have to wait.

Now, look, Art, it's my father's
th birthday.

I'm sorry, Joe,
but the captain isn't going home

till he gets the report.

All right, Art.

Tonight it is.

All right, move back.

Step back. Move on.

Stop looking.

Come on. Move it.

I was talking to him
just a minute ago.

You saw me talking to him.

What happened? Who is it?

No kidding?

Who did it?
That dude.

His name is Mannix.

Private eye?

One shot-- pow.

He's got to be
one tough private eye.

Now, there's a guy with clout.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

Yeah, but I'm scared
of what I'm thinking.

Well, we got to do something,
don't we?

Mannix ain't from around here.

We'll need a car.

Hey, Artie,
you ain't never seen

the Nomad clubhouse, have you?

I better not.

Thanks just the same.

Hey, he can't be a Nomad.

His old man was a cop.

What's that got to do with it?

Once a cop, always a cop.

That goes for a cop's kid, too.

Besides, he's chicken.

I ain't chicken.

No, course he ain't.

How can old Artie be chicken
when he's going to be a Nomad?

Come on.

We'll show you the club.

It's pretty.

Like, uh, artistic.

Who did it?

Oh, we all took a crack at it.

Where'd you get the g*ns?

The walkie-talkies?

My brother's in the Marines.

You know, the Reserves.

He rips something off
every weekend.


Hey, Artie, you, uh,
got a car, ain't you?

My mother does.

She works nights, don't she?

So you can get the keys, huh?

Just for an hour or so.

Guess I could.

Give me your hand.

Hey, here it is.

Mannix, J.

Paseo Verde,
West Los Angeles.

Write it down.

Here you go, Artie.

Now you're a Nomad.

You joined them, didn't you?

Don't bug me, Ma.
It's just a club.

That's not a club;
that's a g*ng!

Vicious little punks.

Thieves, muggers, hoodlums.

You got it all wrong, Ma.

I work in that dumb restaurant.

I know this neighborhood.

What would your father
have said?


Your father
was a police officer.

He was something else, too,
wasn't he?

What was he?

Tell me.

What was he?

A dope pusher.

Everyone knows it.

Why not say it?

Oh, Artie.

What am I going to do with you?

I got to go.


He was not a dope pusher.

He was a fine, honorable man.

I don't know how many times
I gotta tell you that.

They never proved anything.

It was just gossip.

Okay, it was just gossip.

I'll see you later.



Want some supper? Hmm?

Leave me alone, will you?

Oh, God, I try.

End of report.

Type it up, will you, Peg?

I wonder how does somebody
get this way.

Get what way?


They start young.

It's progression.

Misdemeanors, felonies,
m*rder One.

Each arrest gives them
more prestige.

Salt that with a little heroin,
what have you got?

Red Deetz.

I knew I'd heard that name

with that dope case
a couple of years ago.

That scandal
with the police officer.

Yeah, Sergeant Paul.

He was on the take.

Well, nothing was ever proved
one way or the other, was it?

Well, it was investigated.

Officially, Paul was guilty.

Are you going to type up
the report?

Oh, you are in a sour mood.

The machine is that little thing
under that cover.

Look, Joe, why don't you go
to the airport

and take your plane
to Summer Grove?

You'll miss the party,
but at least you can have

some cake with your dad.

I've got to take the report

I'll take it for you.

Yeah, what about your dinner?

I'll go out and get a sandwich

and bring it back here.


That's on me.

There you are.

Oh. Thanks, Joe.

And give my best to your dad.

Will do.

Oh, Joe.

Um... you better change
your tie.

There's blood on it.

Maybe he's gone.

His car's parked outside,
ain't it?

Ten dollars.

Hi, kids.


What can I do for you?

Well, now, just a whole lot.

Yeah, you can do
a whole bunch for us.

Look, I'm sorry.

I was just on my way out.

Now, if you'll...

How old are you kids?

I'm seven and a half,
and he's eight.

Empty your pockets on the table.


Well, now that you've ripped off
the place, as they say,

why don't you leave?

If you're lucky,
you'll maybe get

as far as a block or two.

We're going,
but you're going with us.

Beat it.

You don't understand, Mannix.

I said you're going with us.

Now, move.


Joe, I'm back.

Mr. Mannix's office.

Oh, hi.

How's the party?

He's on his way.

He just left for the airport.


Oh, and Mr. Mannix,
happy birthday.


Geez, Monkey, you look
like you could use a fix.

Oh, my guy wasn't in, okay?

Where you been?

Juvenile hall.

I got picked up
with a dime bag on me.

A guy with arrests,
you sure got out fast.

Uh... sure you didn't
make a deal with the cops?

Look, my mother come
and got me, okay?

I thought your mother
was in Vegas.

Well, she came back.

What are you guys doing
out here, anyway?


I have to take
the car back now.

This way, sir...

After you, Mr. Mannix.

This way.

Hey. Who's that?

That's Mannix.

He shot Red Deetz,
right between the eyes... pow!

Come on.

Get lost, doll.

All right,
let's get this over with.

I've got to catch a plane.
What's on your mind?

We're having trouble
with another g*ng-- the Lobos.

I talked to Deetz about it.

He says you gotta have clout...

nail it down,
right in front of 'em.

What's that got to do with me?

Well, this clout--
you're going to give it to us.

One shot... pow!

Who's gonna do it?

I will.
Let me do it, Bird.

We cut the cards, huh, Bird?

No cards.



One shot... pow!

You're going to "pow" me,
is that the idea?

Right on.

You've got to be kidding.

Nobody's laughing.

What about it, Artie?

S-Sure, Bird, if you say so.

Party's over, kids.

Now why don't you all go home
like good little boys, huh?


I don't think you guys
got the guts.

Stick around.

Wait for the engines,
then sh**t him in the head.


Jam him. sh**t!


Jam him! sh**t!

I winged him!

Ain't nowhere
you gonna run, Artie.

I'll see you at the clubhouse.
Watch him, Ox.

Come on!

He's gotta be here somewhere.

Spread out!



Pot, can you hear me?

Yeah, we hear you.

We're on th Street.

Punch Bowl, where are you?

We're taking th Street.


I've got to use your phone.
It's an emergency.

Oh, sure.


Hey... you're Mannix.

This guy here that got Deetz.


Who shot you?


Bird? Pot? Those kids?

Give me the g*ng Squad.
Sergeant Packer.

No way!

Nobody's blowing the whistle
on those kids over this phone.

If they was to find out,

they'd burn this place down...
and me!

No, they're not going to
set fire to any place.

They're gonna go to jail.
Like hell they are.

They'll be out on the street
before I get up tomorrow.

Now, look, buddy, do me a favor
and get out of here.

I don't care if you bleed to
death, but not in my store.


Here, come here. In here.

In there.

Look, I told you before,
I don't sell to juveniles.

We're looking for a guy.

Name's Mannix. He been here?

Nobody like that.

Now get out.

After I use the phone.

Look, Mannix,
die somewhere else.

Here's a dime... here.

There's a, there's
a phone booth outside.


Give me the g*ng Squad.

Hey, listen... let's, um,
let's split here.

I'll go that way,
and you go around the block,

and we'll meet in the alley,

Yeah, okay...

Hey, Punch Bowl...

Phone booth.

g*ng Squad.

Sergeant, this is Monkey.

I'm calling like we said.

Look, I...
I only got a minute.

A guy named Mannix...


Hello, Monkey?




I'm looking! I'm looking!







Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!

W-What are, what are you
doing in here?

Who are you?
Who are you?

I live here.


You're bleeding something awful.

Somebody sh**t you?



Ah, yeah,
they're-they're a disgrace.

Awful situation.

Oh, yeah, you're bleeding
something awful.

There's some paper towels
in the men's room.

You-You really ought to call
the police, though,

is what you really ought to do.

You... You got a phone here?

Uh, disconnected.

But I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll-I'll go out
and phone them for you, huh?

I come in and out
through the roof, see.

But you gotta be
a acrobat to do it.

Besides, those kids see you,

they're liable
to sh**t you again.

Except, only thing is,
I ain't got no dime.

I drunk up my money.

Could you lend me a dime?

I haven't got one.

Oh, yeah, they robbed you,
too, did they?


Boy, that's terrible,
that's terrible.

We're raising a nation
of thieves and murderers

is what we're doing.

Come on...

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

You, uh... you got
something around here

that I could clean this up with?

Some rubbing alcohol, maybe?

I don't know.

Let me see what I got.

I'm the janitor of this place,
you know.

Least, I was until the New
Year's Eve it was closed up.

No... no rubbing alcohol.

Just this stuff.

Spot remover.

I couldn't recommend it, though.

I took a swig of it once.

If there was any spots on my
stomach, they ain't there now.

You know, seeing you reminds me,

it was a m*rder
that-that closed this place up.

Right here in this gent's room.

How it happened was, you know,
I was, I was in this last stall

right down here,
doing some refurbishing.

And a fellow named Deetz

comes in carrying a package,
expecting to meet a pusher.

But a cop comes in instead, see.

When he tries to arrest Deetz,


Kills him with his own g*n.

Well, then I, then I seen him

plant this package of heroin
on... on the, on the dead cop,

then goes right out
through that window there.

Pretty soon, the whole place
is swarming with cops.

But they, they never-never do
find out it's a frame.

And then the owner
gets all disgusted

and shut the place up,
walks away.

What was this cop's name?

Was it Paul?

Name, name.



Sergeant Paul.


Did this, uh, Paul have a son?

Yeah, a kid named Ar-Arnie--
Artie, Artie.

Had a wife, too.
Waitress around here somewheres.

Why... why didn't you
tell anybody the truth?

Well, the cop was dead already,
wasn't he?

Besides, if-if that Deetz
ever found out |-I was the one

that-that told on him,
he'd have k*lled me, too.

He was a bad one.

I heard some detective shot him
this afternoon.

Can't say as
I'm too sorry, either.

Maybe-Maybe now I'll tell
what really happened.

Put things to rights.


Why didn't I think of that?!

Them little things
is gold mines!

Here, now go...

go make that phone call.

My name is Joe Mannix.

You bet. You bet.

And don't you worry
about a thing.

You're... You're as good
as in the hospital.



Mr. Mannix's office.


Well, it was
over... over two hours ago.

I'm sure it's a delay
at the airport, Mr. Mannix.

I'm-- don't worry.

And save him a piece of cake.


Mr. Mannix's office.

Oh, hi, Art.

I just finished
typing that report.

I'm going to bring it down now.

All right, Peggy, I'm waiting.

Art, I don't like
what's going on here.

Say that again.

Well, something strange
is going on here.

I went out to get a sandwich.

I left Joe here.

When I came back, he was gone,
and ten dollars out of my purse.

I don't see the connection.

Uh, hold on a minute,
will you, Peggy?

Yeah, what is it, Les?

Joe Mannix is coming down here
tonight, isn't he?

He was. Why?

One of our informers called us

from a phone booth
on Halpern Street.

A Nomad.

He mentioned Mannix's name

just before he took
a knife in his back.

Peggy, where is Joe?

He's on his way to Summer Grove.

But he hasn't gotten there yet.


An informer mentioned his name
just before he was k*lled.

A kid down on Halpern Street.

Halpern Street.

That's near where
Deetz was k*lled.

I'm going down there
and take a look.

I'll meet you.

I don't know where I'll be.

Please, Art.

Al right.

Th-There's a restaurant
down there-- Lardelli's.

Wait for me there.

Yeah, bye-bye.

Let's go.

Two cops by the phone booth.

Stay away.

I suppose you're claiming
Miranda and Escobedo?

We don't know
what those big words are.

What do they mean?

Book 'em.

Curfew, if nothing else.

I talked to the guy
in the liquor store.

Mannix was in there earlier.

Been shot in the side.

Guy said Deetz hung out
in that bar.

I'll try it.

Oh, yeah, I was, I was maybe

, when I tried out
for the New York Giants.

Look at me now
you'd never believe it,

but I had an arm on me then
the likes of which

very, very few major leaguers...

Yeah, sure.

Yeah, what'll you have?

The name Joe Mannix
mean anything to you?


How about Red Deetz?

I think he was in here once
last Christmas.

Oh, excuse me.

Any use in my asking
if you've seen Joe Mannix?

At what point in time, Senator?

Since he chased Red Deetz
out of your room.

If I had,
I'd have shot him dead.

That answer your question?

One more.

Deetz used to be a Nomad,
didn't he?

Deetz used to be alive.

Beat it, cop.

First, they wanted to try me out
behind the plate, you know.


I says, "No, sir, I ain't
getting hit in the head

with no swinging bat."”

What'd you say to him?

Just that I ain't seen
Joe Mannix.


I clean forgot.

I got to make a phone call.

you believe it?

Them-Them kids got
that Mannix fellow

trapped in
the Stukie Dance Hall.

He got a b*llet in him.

I was, I was supposed
to call the police,

but I ain't-ain't got no dime.

Lend me a dime, Chester.

You know I got a rule
against lending to you anytime.

That's all right, Willy.

I'll make the phone call
for you.

Oh, no, no, |-I really
ought to do it myself.


Have a drink.

Oh, I'm much obliged to you.


Well, now, where was ?

Your throwing arm.


I gotta tell you...

Hello, Artie.

Where are the Nomads?

I don't know. Why?

I have a message for them.

I'm a Nomad.

Or was.

What's that supposed to mean?

They had Mannix.

Guess it was me
who bungled things up,

let him get away.

Artie, I think I know a way that
you can make it up to them.

I can never make it up to them.

You can, if you k*ll Mannix.

He's at Stukie's Dance Hall.

Just finish him off.

Well, they took all the g*ns.

Belonged to Deetz.

Oh, Art.

He's down here
and you haven't found him.

In a nutshell.

And he's been shot.

Joe out there,

maybe bleeding to death,

and I'm sitting here
drinking a cup of coffee.

Peggy, Sergeant Packer's been
on the g*ng Squad for six years.

He knows his job;
let him do it.

Oh, Art, I feel so helpless.

Is that... you're...

Helen Paul, aren't you?

Hello, Lieutenant.

It's been a long time, Helen.

What'|| it be?

Oh, just some coffee.

How've you been?

How's your boy?



Yeah, please.


I want you to know something--

I never did
buy that story about Jim.


Well, that's interesting.

Everybody else did.

Not everybody.

Picked up
a couple of more Nomads

name of Punchbowl and Ox.

Did they talk?


Picked them up for what?

Joe Mannix has been shot.

And you think some kid from
around here did it?

We know some kid
from around here did it.

I'll, uh, I'll get your coffee.

Excuse me.

Get out of my way, Lieutenant!

Helen, your boy-- Jim's son--
he'd be about .

Is he a member of that g*ng?

Let go of me.

He is, isn't he?

Well, why shouldn't he be?

His father was a crooked cop,
wasn't he?

Sure he's in the g*ng.

Where is he now?

I don't know.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna find him,
what else?

Let the police do that.

So they can sh**t first
and ask questions later?

Helen, they want to find him
before anything worse happens.

I don't know...

I just don't know.

It's gotten beyond me-- this
neighborhood and the kids in it.

He... Artie...

he's got no respect
for his dead father.

He's got no foundations
to build on; no base.

He's got...
no one to look up to.

And so he's gonna get k*lled.

I mean, if not tonight, then...
tomorrow night...

and they're gonna
k*ll everything

that his father
ever hoped for him.

Come on, I'll see you get home.

No, I gotta... gotta find him.

Please, Mrs. Paul.

Who's she?

Some policewoman?

I'm Joe Mannix's secretary.

So, you see, we both have
a stake in this, don't we?

I'll take you home...

and we'll wait there together.

I wonder which one's gonna win?

I'd say it's about
six-two and even.

And Mannix?

No bet.

Home plate's out there.

You think you can make it?

I'll slide in under the throw.

I told you kids
a hundred times-- no drinks.

Besides, it's closing time.

We're looking for Joe Mannix.

Ask Luana.

I'm out of this.

Stukie's Dance Hall.

Don't say I said nothin'!

Well, uh...

now you got yourself
a second chance.

Think you can handle it?

I'll handle it.

You got a cigarette?

Am I gonna have time
to finish it?

You can finish it.

I figured you'd let me.

What do you mean by that?

I think you're a lot smarter

than those punk friends
of yours.

I'm just like
they are-- a Nomad.

No, no, you're not.

I'm gonna try to be.

You figure that's gonna get you
some respect, huh?

I'll tell you
what it's gonna get you--

It's gonna get you
into juvenile hall.

Gonna get you a dope habit;
before you know it--

Finish your cigarette.

You'll probably end up a victim,
like your father.

What do you know
about my father?

He was a cop.

And he was shot and k*lled--
New Year's Eve, --

right here in this ballroom.

Everybody thought
he was on the take.


So you get to feeling sorry
for yourself,

you figure you're gonna
follow in his footsteps.

Here you are...

ready for m*rder One.

What do you mean "thought"?
He was on the take.


He was framed.

That's a . police special.

Who gave it to you, Artie?

Deetz, or one of his friends?

Your father carried a g*n
just like that.

It could've been his, Artie.

You know...

a lot of cops...

carve their initials
on the grip.

Why don't you take a look at it?


Well, it's pretty obvious
you're not gonna sh**t me.

Maybe we ought to try and climb
back out that window.

Now, wait a minute...

Better get that g*n.

It may come in handy all around.

It's me-- Artie!

How'd you get in?

A window.

Thought Mannix might be hiding
in here, but I guess he isn't.

He's gotta be.

We was told he was.

Start looking.

Top to bottom.

Okay, he was in here...

...but I let him go.

You let him go? Why?

'Cause I don't want to
be a Nomad anymore, that's why.

Okay, what are
we gonna do with him?

Jam him.

Jam him good.

Come on.
Hey, what about him?

Let him burn!

Hold it!




Hi, Peggy.

I called your father
and he's coming down.

Some birthday.

It's the best ever.

You're alive.

How's Artie?


That Deetz report, Peggy...

you're going to have
to re-type... type it.


There's more to it
than we thought.

Later, Joe.


It's important, Peggy.

Now... now...

Tomorrow, Joe.