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06x24 - The Danford File

Posted: 07/30/23 09:13
by bunniefuu

Joe Mannix?

Wow, is it good to see you!

Hello, Barney.

What's it been, ten years?


Man, you haven't changed
one whisker.

What's your secret, Joe?

Staying away from crowded
cocktail parties.

I really appreciate
you showing up.

Well, only for my favorite
blocking back.

I mean, if it hadn't been
for you,

I wouldn't have made

and had my pick
of the campus beauties.

Hey, come on, let's get
to the bar and get you a drink.

You think we can make it?

Sure, follow me.

Once a blocking back,
always a blocking back.

Two scotches, Harry-- neat.

Right, Joe?


Well, I bet you were surprised
hearing from old Barney

after all these years.

Yeah, I was surprised.

I thought you were permanently
settled in Hawaii,

running a public relations firm.

Well, I quit that a couple
of months ago.

Thanks, Harry.

I thought it would take a
sledgehammer to bust you loose.

Well, come meet the sledgehammer
and the next governor of Hawaii.

Feast your eyes
on a winner, Joe.

His name's Arthur Danford,

and he's my one and only project
from now on.

I'm handling his campaign.

Come on.


I'd like you to meet
an old buddy.

This is Joe Mannix.

Arthur Danford.

Mr. Mannix, a pleasure.

Nice meeting you, Mr. Danford.

Good luck with your campaign.

Oh, thank you,
thank you very much.

Even though my candidacy
isn't official yet.

Come on, you're a shoo-in.

Once the big boys fly down
from Washington

and give you their blessings.

That's what I hate about Barney,
always trying to tear me down.

Well, now you can meet the
real reason some people think

I might be able to attract
some votes, Mr. Mannix.

My wife Laura.

Excuse me.

Look at them, Joe.

The all-American couple.

How can I lose?

Mr. Danford, I'm afraid
I have an appointment.

Thank you very much
for the party.

Well, thank you
for coming.

Come on out.


Darling, I want you to meet
a good friend of Barney's.

Mr. Joe Mannix, my wife Laura.

Pleasure, Mrs. Danford.

Welcome to Los Angeles.

Is something wrong, darling?

Oh, no, no.

It's probably
all the excitement.

Thank you, Mr. Mannix.

There's Senator Ames
and his wife.

Would you excuse us, gentlemen?

Come along.

Lovely evening.

Yes, it is, Mrs. Danford.

You did recognize me,
didn't you?


Your name was Laura Rand.

You were hiding in a closet
the night Vince Cola was k*lled

♪♪ years ago.

It was a professional
gangland slaying

that you had nothing to do with.

You can say the rest of it,
that I was a...

An innocent,
stage-struck kid of ,

who'd been in Hollywood
exactly a month.


That's why I got
Lieutenant Malcolm

to squash the charge
against you.

That's why I put you on the bus
and sent you back home.

I believed your story then.

I believe it now.

I guess I never did properly
thank you for what you did.

Well, you were pretty upset.

I'd say you still are.

That night never ended.

Someone else knows.

I'm being blackmailed.

How much do they want?

This time, $,.

Meaning it's happened before?

In Hawaii.

Right after Arthur and |
were married,

our photograph was
in the papers.

A few days later,
I received a letter.

What was the price then?

Five thousand.

I managed to raise the money and
send it to a post office box

here in Los Angeles.

He swore it would
never happen again.

Who swore?

Hank Varsey.

He was my boyfriend,
the one who drove me

to Hollywood
when I ran away from home.

We were in love,
were going to be married.

He was so sure I'd become
a great actress.

Like most pipe dreams,
it ended badly.

When our money ran out,

he talked me into going on dates
with men like Vince Cola.

Said it would help my career.

Now he figures it's time
to cash in again.

I suppose so.

How did he get in touch
with you?

We rented this house
for a month.

When we arrived yesterday,
there was a letter waiting.

It reminded me again what
exposure of my past would do

to my husband's
political career.

Anything else?

Just instructions where
to leave the money.


Tonight at :.

Do you have it ready?

It's in my bedroom.

I've been trying all day
to think of an excuse

to tell Arthur
when I leave the party.

I could deliver
the money for you.

If you could get it to me.

I don't understand.

Maybe I can persuade Mr. Varsey

that this is
the end of the line.

You'd do that for me?


Well, let's just say that I bet
on a girl I met years ago.

The bet's still on.

Peggy, how about the coffee?

Coming right up, Joe.

That party you attended
last night at the Danfords'

made the society page.

Pretty fancy.

Very fancy.

I wore my Sunday suit.

May I help you?

It's all right, Peggy.

Mrs. Danford, this is
my secretary, Peggy Fair.


How do you do, Mrs. Danford.

Would you like some coffee?

Oh, no, thank you.

Come in.

Excuse me.

Did you, um, did you
make the payment?

I didn't get a chance to.

What does that mean?

Well, obviously
Hank Varsey didn't like

my standing in for you.

He might have figured
it was a double-cross.

He took off.

Now what do we do?

Well, uh...

Maybe we try... reaching him.


Is there anyone else
you remember

from that period of your life?

Even one name might help.

We've got to find him.

Trust me, Laura.

Well, there was Roy Benson.

Hank knew him from the Army.

He called him the day
we arrived.

Roy was a theatrical agent,
not very successful.

Anyone else?

Belle Hogan.

Roy introduced me to her.

She ran a telephone service.

Actually, it was to arrange
dates for her girls.


And she set you up
with Vince Cola.

He liked me.

He told Belle not to send me
on any other dates.

The second time I saw him,
he was k*lled.

And you're sure there's no one
else who knew you

during that time?


Al right.

I'll check out Benson
and Belle Hogan.

I'll be in touch with you later.

You know, I was grateful
for your help once.

This time I don't think I could
survive without it.

No... tell him.

No, Art, he's not,
absolutely not.

No, Arty, no,
absolutely not.

No, I'm telling you.

Okay, call me back
if you want it.

Well, welcome to the
Benson Acting Academy.

Before filling out
an application for membership,

you should know there's
a $ initiation fee,

which is reimbursed soon as |
get your career off and running.

Now, what's your name?

Joe Mannix.

And thanks, but, uh, I've
already got a profession.


Private investigator?

Hey, I run a legitimate
business here,

in stars of tomorrow.

How are you with the ones
from yesterday?


Uh, forget it.

I'm looking for Hank Varsey.

I was told you and he
were old Army buddies.


Get in touch with him.

Tell him I'm representing

the lady he was supposed
to meet last night.

I've got what he's looking for.

What lady is that?


That's between Varsey and me.

But there's a hundred dollars
in it for you if we connect.

I'll be waiting in my office.

Look, I haven't seen
Hank Varsey in years.

So, run him down.

Hundred dollars, you don't
even have to audition.

Any calls, Peggy?

One-- Hank Varsey.



What did he say?

Well, he got your message
and he'll meet you tonight

same time, same place.

Anything on Belle Hogan?

Nothing yet.

But Joe, these people,
Roy Benson and Belle Hogan,

their backgrounds are...
well, you know.

What can they possibly
have to do

with a person
like Laura Danford?

Just ships passing
in the night, Peggy.

Hey, you're right on time,


Where's Varsey?

Inside, waiting.

Come on.

Just like you said,
, beautiful dollars.

One grand is mine, right?

How's your head?


Well, it looks okay.

Well, you ready to talk
about the late Roy Benson?

Yeah, well, I met him just once
before, earlier today.

Why did you meet him here

I was making a drop
for a client.

Who's being blackmailed?

I can't answer that, Adam.

But just so you won't go away

I'd suggest you put out an APB
on Hank Varsey.

The blackmailer.


And the man who m*rder*d
Roy Benson.

Wrap it up, Charlie.

Mr. Mannix, hello.

Mrs. Danford, please sit down.

Thank you.


Yes, please.


Same for me,
a martini for the lady.

I read about Roy Benson's death.

Did Hank k*ll him?

It looks like it.

They were probably working

Did he get the money?

I assume he did.

It was gone.


Mrs. Danford... Joe.

Barney, sit down, join us.

Mrs. Danford, I must insist
that you leave at once.


Out in public drinking with
a man who's not your husband?

What if someone recognized you?

Barney, we were just
having a drink.

Have you any idea what even
a hint of scandal would do

to your husband's chances
at this time?

Oh, come on, Barney.


Here we are, sir.

Thank you.

You've been around
long enough to know

how damaging a rendezvous
like this can be.

Right this minute,

Arthur's meeting with
the chairman of his party.

The endorsement is practically
in his hands.

And here you two are preparing
to flush it down the sewer.

Barney, this was a perfectly
innocent meeting.

I don't care if you're
a brother-and-sister act.

Laura must not be seen
in a place like this

with anyone but her husband.

All right, Barney.

It won't happen again.

I think you better
leave first, Joe.

Don't worry about the check.

I'll take care of it.

Maybe you haven't noticed,

but these days I'm calling
my own signals.

Look, Joe, I'm sorry
for coming on so strong,

but there's a lot riding
on this.


Sorry, Mrs. Danford.

That's all right.

Mr. Mannix, phone call for you.

Thank you.


Oh, yeah, Peggy.

I just got word on Belle Hogan.

She's working
the Hill Street bazaar

under the name of Madame Ondine.

Well, at least she's kept
the same first name.

This time she has
a fortune-telling setup.

Maybe she can tell me
where to find Hank Varsey.


Oh, and Joe...

There's something else.

What's that?

While I was getting a lead
on Belle Hogan,

I had the funny feeling
I was being followed.

You see anyone?

No, it was just a feeling.

As though I was being watched

by someone who really knew
his job, a professional.

Okay, Peggy, you stick
close to the office.

I'll phone you later.

Where are you going?

To look into a crystal ball.


Anybody home?


You're not supposed

to be here till Tuesday.

I'm not?


My crystal ball is never wrong,

and it said that's
when you're coming

to turn off my electricity.

I'm afraid your crystal ball
is a little fast.

You're a customer?

You might say that.

Oh, well...

Step right this way, sir.

You've come to the fastest
fortune teller in the West.

Now, what would you...

What would you like to know?

Someone's address.

This someone got a name?

Hank Varsey.

Are you a cop?


My crystal ball
don't work for cops,

private or otherwise.

How much would it take
to get it started?


I see some lucky numbers.

I see the number .

What do you see?


I see the number .


And now, now I see the number
and the number .


I ain't seen Hank
or his crowd in years.

I got no idea where they are.

His crowd?

Well, you know, that creep
he hung around with,

that Roy Benson.

Losers, both of them.


Oh, and those two girls
they brought me.



Laura something.

A real doll.

What about the other girl?

Dark-haired, cute...

They both could have passed
for movie stars.

Yeah, what was her name,
the second girl?

Oh, I can't think.

They roomed together.

They hit it off real great.


No, that wasn't it.


Brooke something.

Oh, I could have made a fortune
off the two of them.

What happened?

It all fell apart.

First this Laura kid disappears.

Then two days later,
Brooke was gone.

She took all her clothes
and everything.

I haven't seen hide nor hair
of either one of them since.

Are you sure about that?


And that goes for Var...
what is it?.. Varsey, too.

He thought he was such
a big ladies' man.

When his Laura left,
he just went to pieces.

Last I seen of him, he was
hustling free drinks downtown.



No offense.

But you've got
your bucks' worth.

Do you have any idea why
anyone would k*ll Roy Benson?

When did that happen?

Last night.

Well, what's that got to do
with me?

I think it's got something
to do with Hank Varsey.

That's why I want
to track him down.

Well, I'm sorry,
I can't help you.

I told you, they came
and they went,

and I never saw
any of them again.

What did this "Brooke something”
look like?

Like I said, dark-haired,
kind of, you know...

Yes, sir?

Are Mr. Danford
or Mr. Edmonds in?

No, sir, they're out.

Good. I'll talk
to Mrs. Danford.

She's on the terrace, sir,
but I'm not sure...

That's quite all right.

I'm expected.


What are you doing here?

Did something happen?

Belle Hogan was just m*rder*d.


Why do you look at me
like that?

Hank Varsey is using me as a
bird dog, and I don't like it.

I want to know everything
you've been holding back.

Holding back?

Who's Brooke?

I don't know.

Well, then let's get you

She was your roommate,

the party girl who also used
Belle Hogan to set up her dates.

Al right.

But Brooke had absolutely
nothing to do

with these murders
or the blackmail.

What makes you so sure?

I know her.

Brooke was the closest friend
I ever had.

She could never be involved
in anything like this.

Where can I find her?

Joe, please, don't ask me
to do that.

Then you do know.


But I can't tell you
anything about her.

She mustn't be involved.

What makes her so special?

Please, Joe,
leave Brooke out of this.

She has a good life now.

For her, the past is dead.

With Roy Benson
and Belle Hogan gone,

she could be the last link
to Hank Varsey.

I can't!

Now look, her life is in danger.

She's got to know
what's going on.

But her husband might find out!

I'll do everything I can
to protect her.


It could save her life.

Her name was Brooke Maxwell.

Her married name is Cornell.

They live in Malibu
on Sea Breeze Road.



Oh, there's my lady.

And Mr. Mannix, how good
to see you again.

Mr. Danford.

And it seems I lost
a cufflink the other night.

Your wife found it for me.

I was just leaving.

No, no, this is a time
for celebration.

The party's just given me
its official endorsement.

Oh, Arthur!

Oh, I'm so happy for you!

Please stay, Mr. Mannix.

Barney, break out
a bottle of Champagne.

Uh, thanks anyway, but I've
really got to get going.


Thanks again, Mrs. Danford.

Well, tell me all about it.

I told you how I felt, Joe.

You've got it all wrong.

This campaign means more to me

than anything I've
ever worked on.

We're a winning team here.

This isn't the Super Bowl.

I'd appreciate it if you
didn't come here again.

I hope the winning
is worth it, Barney.

Hi, Joe.


Where have you been?

Did you check out that Malibu
address, the Cornells?

I did, and you've got
official company.

Hello, Adam.

Hello, Joe.

What brings you here
this time of day?

You know why I'm here.

I just left a fortune teller
who ran out of a future.

Madame Ondine,
alias Belle Hogan.

And guess what we found
on her crystal ball?

My fingerprints?


You think it's trying
to tell me something, Joe?

I called your department
the minute she was hit.

Yeah, well, you should have
left your name.

Now listen, before there's...
Adam, don't ask me.

I've got to know
who your client is.

I can't tell you that, Adam.

Why don't you settle for the guy

who's behind these deaths,
Hank Varsey?

Oh, yeah, yeah, Varsey.

Well, we checked him out
all right.

He's got an alibi.

It won't stand up.


It's airtight.

Are you sure?

Fairly sure.

He's been dead for five years.

Mrs. Cornell?


If you're Fluffy the Clown,

you can change your costume
right in that room.

Oh, and you better hurry,

because the kids will be here
directly from school.

I'm afraid I'm not Fluffy.


My name is Joe Mannix.

Well, you must have
the wrong address.

Oh, but while you're here, would
you mind handing me that tape?

There you are.



Do you like it?

Very, very nice.

Now you just tell me
who you're looking for

and I'll steer you
to the right house.

I am at the right house,
Mrs. Cornell.

Laura Rand told me about you.

I'm a private investigator.

She really didn't want
to give me your name.

But you have my word that no one
else will know why I came here.

There's been some mistake.

This is an emergency.

Otherwise I wouldn't have come.

Someone is blackmailing Laura.

They've already k*lled
Roy Benson and Belle Hogan.

I don't want to hear any more.

All I want from you is a name.

Any name you can remember

from that time that you
and Laura roomed together.

That was so long ago.

There's got to be someone
you remember.

Someone you might have
accidentally told

about Laura's past?

I never told anyone about Laura.

You've got to believe me.

Please, look, this is my
daughter's eighth birthday.

The children
will be coming here.

I swear, I don't know
anything or anyone.

All right, Mrs. Cornell.

I'm sorry if I interrupted.

I won't bother you again.

I've got a feeling your
daughter's a very lucky girl.

Hold it! Hold it right there!

All right, Mrs. Cornell.

Call the police.

His name was Carl Sampson.

And he's got a police record
dating back about years.

Anything else?

Yeah, ballistics confirmed
it was his g*n that k*lled

Roy Benson and Belle Hogan.

No mistake?

No, he's strictly
a g*n for hire.

Matter of fact, we've had
a warrant out on him

since last year
on another m*rder case.

Will somebody tell me why it is
I always get ham and cheese

when I order pastrami?

How come you haven't been able
to get your hands on him?

Well, he slipped out
of California

and holed up in Hawaii.


Yeah, he finally got work
on the island of Oahu.

Doing what?

Well, he was a driver for...
Danford Shipbuilding Company.

Ever hear of it?

Yeah, I've, uh... heard of it.

Mrs. Danford in?

No, sir, she's gone for the day.

Good. It's a beautiful
afternoon to be out.

Where's Mr. Danford?

In the study, but he left orders
he's not to be disturbed.

Well, it just isn't his day.

Well, Mr. Mannix.

Don't tell me you lost
something again.

Just my good sense.

Well, now, what does that mean?

Ambition is fine, Danford.

But not when it takes
second place to m*rder.


What are you talking about?

I'm talking about Roy Benson
and Belle Hogan, who are dead.

And Brooke Maxwell, who almost
died because you were afraid

they could damage you

I've never heard
of these people.

Then try Carl Sampson,
the k*ller you hired

to destroy all the links
to the past

so that you'd have a clear road
to the governor's mansion.

Mr. Mannix, you're making

that you can't prove,

and which I certainly don't have
to stand here and take.

Now please get out.

Are you telling me
you don't know this man?

That's right,
I've never seen him.

For over a year,
he worked in your shipyard

as a driver.

Mr. Mannix, I own
several shipyards,

and I employ
well over , people.

Obviously I can't be expected to
know the names or even the faces

of all my employees.

Maybe this man did work for me.

If you're searching for him,

I suggest you contact
my director of personnel.

For that matter, maybe my wife
could help you.

Your wife?

Yes, Laura's been
a staunch supporter

of minority hiring practices,

so for the past several years,
she's been, oh...

unofficially supervising
all our employment programs.

And Mrs. Danford would know
Carl Sampson?

She might.

Is this the man you suspect
of being a m*rder*r?

Where is your wife, Mr. Danford?

She left a little while ago to
visit a child care day center.

Then she was going
to our California shipyard

to christen a hospital ship.

Barney's idea, you know.

Sort of to get her
in the swing of things

for the coming campaign.

Where would she be right now?


According to the schedule, still
at the Windale Child Center.


I'm going with you.

Now look...

If my wife's in trouble,
I want to be there.


Hi, Barney.

Are you sure this is the place?

Well, we're a little early,
that's all.

It looks so deserted.

Well, come on inside.

Let's see if we can find someone
to direct us to the ceremony.

Is she there?

She didn't show up.

Somebody called
and canceled her visit.

Uh, you said next stop on her
schedule was the shipyard?

Yes, but the launching isn't
scheduled for another two hours.

We'd better check it out anyway.


Did you find anyone?

Not a soul.

Obviously this is
the wrong time and place.

I can't believe it.

Precise, punctual Barney Edmonds
making a mistake.

I don't make
many slip-ups, do ?

As far as I know,
this is a first.

Arthur won't believe it either.

That's what I'm counting on.


That's why I brought
you here, Laura.

I'm going to have to k*ll you.

k*ll me?

You're a liability, the only
flaw in a beautiful dream.

You see, I believe
in your husband.

I've studied him.

I've seen the way crowds
respond to him,

the excitement he generates.

With the right guidance,

he doesn't have to stop
at being governor.

Someday he could win
all the marbles.

Barney, please.

Please, I'm his wife.

I wouldn't hurt his chances.

You and your past would destroy
him before he even gets started.

You sent the letter in Hawaii.

The first link in the chain
to wipe out your past.

The last was finding a man
willing to k*ll for a price.

Carl Sampson, the ex-convict
you hired for the company

under your rehabilitation

Well, you should have
investigated him

more closely, Laura.

The way I investigated you and
your little group of friends.

Barney, please.

It happened so long ago.

It happened!

And it has to be erased,

right down
to the last blemish, you!

Now move!

Keep moving.

There's a door out there
that leads onto the pier.

If you sh**t me, they'll know.

There'll be an investigation.

Not if it was an accident.

That's why we came
in separate cars.

You arrived first,
took a stroll on the dock,

slipped, hit your head,
fell into the water.

By the time I arrived
and dragged you out,

you were already dead.

It's a tragedy,

but think of all the sympathy
it'll generate for Arthur.

Barney... Barney, I've been
a good wife to him.

No one has to know.

I'm sorry, Laura,

it's just that when a man is
destined for greatness

the way your husband is,

certain sacrifices have
to be made.

Hold it!

That's Laura's car and Barney's.

The launching's at the other end
of the shipyard.

What are they doing there?

Let's find out.



Uh, look, why don't you check
up this way?

I'll go around the other side.

If you see anyone,
give a call, huh?

You do the same.


Keep back, Arthur!

You've got to understand,
this is all for you.

Let go of her, Barney.

Barney, if you harm her,
if you k*ll her,

you're going to have
to k*ll me too.

Don't be a fool!

She'll ruin you.

She'll ruin everything.

You never knew what
she really was-- a call girl!

The voters would drop you
like you had the plague.

Keep back, Arthur.

Don't you understand?

She has to die.


You're going to have
to k*ll me first.

When it's done,
you'll understand.

We'll say it was
an assassin aiming for you...


{motor starts up

You invited me to that party

knowing I'd get involved,
didn't you?

You used me to bird-dog all the
people you wanted to get rid of.

That was the game plan,
wasn't it, Barney?

Yeah, well, in the old days
when I opened a hole for you,

you always went through.

Yeah, one question, Barney.


After years
of backing losers,

I knew gold when I saw it, and
Arthur Danford was solid gold.

A -karat winner!

And he was mine, Joe.

I found him.

I could have taken him
all the way.

Governor, senator, right up
the steps of the White House.

Let's go.


What he said, it's true.

I know.

When I asked you to marry me,
I wanted to know all about you.

And when you found out?

It didn't matter?

It mattered.

It mattered, but something
mattered even more.

I loved you.

That's never changed.


You know something, Barney?

You should have left
well enough alone.

A lot different today.

You probably would have made it
just the way it was.