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06x07 - To k*ll a Memory

Posted: 07/30/23 09:00
by bunniefuu
♪♪: noon, Sunday, hours--

My office--
and we're set for life.

And we're set for life...

My office...

♪♪: noon, Sunday...


My office...

Noon, Sunday, for life...

Noon, for life...

Li-life, li-life, li-life,
li-life, li-life...

Better phone to see
if the house is ready.

Duke, get the baggage;
Dan, round up a cab.




Anything wrong?

No, I'm-I'm fine.

I'll get us a cab.

Al right.

What's wrong with you, man?
I almost...

I could have k*lled you.

Alex! Alex!

You're alive!
You're alive!

Harry, it's Alex!


Oh, Alex!

Oh, I love you so much.


What's wrong?

Don't you know me?


Mr. Lachlan?

I'm Joe Mannix.

Oh, thank you for coming,
Mr. Mannix.

Come in.

This is my daughter-in-law,
Jan, Alex's wife.

How do you do?

And her brother Harry.


Where's your son?

He's in Harry's room resting.

Dr. Wade gave him a sedative.

Doc said it's amnesia.

Could be he was shell shocked.

And he remembers
absolutely nothing?

Complete blank.

Two years since he was k*lled,
we thought, in Vietnam.

Department of Defense
thought so, too.

And then, a couple of hours ago,
he-he just walked in.

Did you, uh, notify the Army?

When I turn Alex
over to the Army,

I want to make sure that...

well, that he hasn't been
in any kind of trouble.


Do you think he has been?

He had these.

False passport, his picture,
the name of Dan Turner.

And a Hong Kong visa,
a U.S. immigration stamp.

Today's date, Los Angeles.

And other papers
in his wallet there,

all in the name of Dan Turner,
and over $, in cash.

We feel we better
have some answers

before he gets tied up
in Army red tape.

Well, I'll, uh, talk to him,
see what I can find out.

I'll take you to him.

Oh, uh...

maybe I better
talk to him alone.



Alex! Alex!




I'm hit!

I'm hit! I'm hit!

I'm hit!

You all right?

Sure, Duke, I can do it.


It's just a matter
of knowing how.

Duke, uh... does the name Duke
mean anything to any of you?


Maybe someone in the service?




The Army, Alex.

Third Special Forces.

Ranger outfit.

Your CO was Red McCullany.

Red's Raiders!


I'm sorry, I don't.

Harry, you tell Mr. Mannix.

Well, we were on
a special assignment--

Me, Alex, the whole squad.

Um, it was a wooded area about a
half a mile from the fire base.

There was a bunker,
's, mortars.

They had to blow it up.
Well, we got to it and we did.

We blew it sky-high,

but coming back we had
to cross, uh, a clearing,

and they had it zeroed in.
They opened up on us.

They were eating the squad.

And they all got it fast
except me and Alex.

We almost got across,

but they opened up
on us from a hill,

and Alex was hit.

And then what happened?

Well, I thought he was dead.

I ran to him.
I tried to pick him up.

But mortars were
falling all around.

I had to get out of there.

Then, about three days later,
we retook the area.

But we couldn't find anything.

So we figured that the enemy
must have buried him

along with the others.

You don't remember
being hit, wounded?


Or picked up?

Picked up.

The old people.

The villagers.

In a truck.

Go on.

I'm sorry, I-I-I...

I don't remem...
I don't remember.

Who is Duke?


Uh, maybe a nickname.

You said, "Sure, Duke.
I can do it."

I... don't ever remember
saying that.

You recognize this?

Oh, sure.

It's a solid laser.

It's ruby rods,

X and flash lamp coils,

and KB trigger.

That's right.

You designed it.

I don't ever remember doing it.

But your name's on them.


Alex Lachlan-- You see?

Ale-- you're my son, Alex.

Look at me.

Look at me.
You've got to remember.

I... I-I'm sorry, I...

I... I-I just don't remember.

Not even this, Alex?

June the th.

Four years ago.

Right here, in this very house.


I'm sorry.


I just don't remember you.

But you do remember coming to
this house a couple hours ago?

Yes, of course.

How did you get here?

Took a cab.

No, wait, I-I...
I, um, took a bus here.

But I thought...

You thought what?

I was supposed
to get a cab to...

take us to an address.

Um, Bellevue Road.

Bellevue Road.

You said us.
Who else was with you?

I don't know.

Bellevue Road
and a man named Duke.

That's all we've got.

But it is something.


Well, hi.

My name's Lolly.

Fly me to the moon?

Well, uh, would you settle
for the bar?

I might as well.

I got us free fuel,
Lolly, honey.

Come on.

, uh, I'll catch you
on the return flight.

Scotch, neat.

Say, I don't think we met.

Well, it's my first time.

Uh, looking for a friend
who invited me.

And who would that be?

His name is Duke.

I don't know the rest of it.

It was one of those quick
introductions on a golf course.

Just Duke.

I don't know of anybody
by the name of Duke,

but if I run into one,
I'll let you know.

Duke, the man at
the bar's looking for you.

I've saved you my olive.

Your martini, your olive.

But mother taught me to share.

About that friend
you're looking for,

Duke, I think you said?

That's right.

Mr. Thompson might be
able to help you.

Mr. Thompson?
Oh, fine, fine.

He's out by the pool.

Thank you.

Do you, uh, know who
Mr. Thompson is?

The first rule of a swinger
is always know your host.

Yeah, and I guess the second
is not to keep him waiting.

Now, don't drown that olive.

I'll be back.

Don't do it, Duke.

Turk will pour some
bourbon on him.

We'll walk him out
of here like a drunk.

What I mean is, if we don't
make it this Sunday,

we can kiss
the whole job good-bye.

And we can't make it
without Dan Turner.

What makes you think so?

How else would he have
gotten your name?

Well, what if he shot off
his mouth about Sunday?

That's exactly
what I have to find out.

So we don't want our friend
dead just yet.


Mr. Thompson?

That's right.

I don't think we've
ever met, have we?

My name is Joe Mannix.

Frankly, I'm a gate-crasher.

And when you're not
crashing gates?

I'm a private investigator.

I understand you're looking
for a man called Duke.


What makes you think
he might be here?

An anonymous call.

Would you like to be
more specific?


I suppose there's
a client involved.

There is.

What's his name?


All right, Mr. Mannix.

As far as this Duke
is concerned,

there must be at least
a dozen people here

I've never seen before.

Including yourself.

Now, if that's all...

Thank you.

Follow him.

Stay with him.

Till I call you off.



Hello, Benjy?

Joe Mannix.

Yeah, I want a rental car.

No telling, could be a day,
could be a week.

Yeah, one of those.

No, no, no, no.

Uh, park in the alley behind
the Paseo.


Meet me in the office.

I'll be there, don't worry.

Don't worry about a thing.

Hong Kong.

Airp... me, you and Thompson.

{muttering continues


Me, you and Thompson.

... airport.

Al right.

Is there any connection
between that man and Duke?

I don't know.

Well, do the names Duke
and Thompson go together?

I'm sorry, I really don't know.

Oh, would you get it, Jan?

What about the house?

Do you recall ever seeing
the house before?


Nothing comes...

Good morning.

I'm John Thompson.

I hope I've not come too early.

Oh, no. We're pretty early
risers out here.

Did you want to see Mr. Lachlan?

We were just getting ready
to leave for church.

No, I'm here to see,
um, Dan Turner,

if I've come to the right place.


This is Mr. Thompson,
Mr. Mannix.

Yes, I know.

Mr. Mannix.

Did you ever find
your friend Duke?

No, not yet.

Uh, this is my father-in-law,
Mr. Lachlan.

My brother Harry.

Mr. Lachlan, Harry.


Of course I know Dan.

Hello, Dan.

Don't you remember me?

Uh, I'm afraid I don't.

His, uh, real name
is Alex Lachlan.

What do you know about him?

Don't you remember anything
about me, Dan?



Or any of our associates?

I don't remember anything beyond
taking a bus here yesterday.

Well, I can see why, now,
you've hired Mr. Mannix.

To find out where Alex has been
for the past two years.

And what he's been doing.

Yeah, well, I can take you back,

only a couple of months.

I do a lot of business
in the Orient.

Mostly Hong Kong.

Is, uh, that where you met Alex?


The Aberdeen area.

A floating village.

He was in rags, starving.

You couldn't remember anything
about yourself.

I took you in, fed you,
clothed you.

a fellow American.

How did you know that?

The only thing he had of value
on him:

a passport issued in
San Francisco...

in the name of Dan Turner.

And you, uh, brought him back
to the States with you.


We arrived in Los Angeles

Before we left the airport,

he, uh...
simply disappeared, vanished.

Naturally, I was worried
about him.

So I came looking for him.

However I can help you again...

Bellevue Road,
right here in the city.

I'm in the phone book.

All right.

Mr. Lachlan.


I'm very grateful to you,
Mr. Thompson.

I'm happy to be able
to help.

I hope I haven't made you
late for church.

No, no, no.

Mr. Thompson...

How did you manage
to find this place?

Your man is still sitting
in a car outside my office.

My man?

And how does
an amnesia victim manage

to get a U.S. passport legally?

I really don't know.

But he had it on him
when I found him.

Good day.

Mr. Mannix, you practically
told him he was lying.

I think he is.

Certainly about the passport.

But why?

When I get the answer
to that question,

I'll know just what kind
of trouble Alex is in.


This is Thompson.

Mannix should be getting there
any minute.

Take care of him.



Peggy... I need help.

Run down a license number.

Uh, -EJC.

Why are you taking those down?

I'm changing things around.

But why?

They're my w*r pictures.

Those, uh... medals,
are some of those mine?


They're mine.

They're all mine.

See this?

It's a picture of me...

and I've just had
the medal pinned on me.

This medal right here.

The same...
it's a bronze star.




Bunker, uh, grenades.

How did you win this, Harry?

They're all mine.

How did you get it?!

I won "em with my leg!

That's how I won it!

What are you hiding?!

They're mine!

Don't you think
I deserve 'em? Huh?

It's all I've got.
It's all I've got.

And when I go into town,
they look up to me.

And you're not gonna take
that away from me.

Nobody's gonna take that
away from me!





Be at the office at :.

It's almost :.

It is :.

Who are you?

It's almost : now.

Where's Duke and Thompson?

They're waiting for you.

Who are you?

You better hurry.

Hurry up.
You can use my car.

It's outside.

Just hurry.

Hurry, it's almost :.
Hurry up.

They're waiting for you.


Thanks, Bill. If I could
ever be of any help,

just let me know. Bye.

Sure appreciate it, Doc.

Is he all right, Doc?

I think he'll live, Peggy.

If he doesn't die
of the tetanus shot.

What'd you find out, Peggy?

Considering it's Sunday, a lot.

Sedan license: -EJC,
registered to Jack Gordon.

West th.

Pink slip held by
Aberdeen, Limited,

Welborn Building,
Second and Center Street.

A California corporation.

Corporate officers?

President John J. Thompson,
of Bellevue Road.


Shouldn't you get some rest?


I knew he wouldn't show.

In which case it's off.

He's the only man I know who
could abort that radar alarm.

Seeing me this morning
might have jogged his memory.

If it did, there's still
a chance he may show.

We'll give him
five more minutes.

Even if he does show,

we're crazy trusting a guy
with amnesia.

After we get the stuff,
you're gonna k*ll him.

He'll remember
now that he's home.

He's just got to.

What happened?

Where's Alex?

No, he's gone.

Gone where?!

We had a fight!

Fight?! Who?! Why?!

Alex and me!

Why, Harry?

Leave me alone!


I got rid of him!

What have you done with him?

What did you do, Harry?




Hi, Duke. Hello, John.

Sorry I'm late.

You cut it pretty fine.

Get in.

You know, today's Sunday.


We had a very important date
scheduled for noon.

I know.

Where have you been
since yesterday?

Well, John, I really don't know.

You sent me for a cab
at the airport,

and the next thing I knew,

I was in a brawl with some guy
out in the woods.

I took his truck, and here I am.

Did you get all the baggage?

Yeah, I got the baggage.

Did you run into anybody
you know?

I don't know anybody here,
I mean, outside of you and Duke.

Who's he, anyway?

Turk, this is Dan Turner.

Hi, how are ya?

How you doing?

Alex, better have another look
at that schematic.

Who's Alex?

That's Turk's middle name.

He actually prefers it.

Do you think
you can handle it, Dan?

Oh, sure.

I know it with my eyes closed.

And you're ready to go through
with the job?

Yeah, of course.

I mean, after what you did
for me, I owe you, John.

It's a heist, Danny.

I know, but, uh...

I mean, I'm with you
all the way.

What else have I got?

All right, let's go.

The equipment's at the office.



What are you doing here?

Alex left, and I came to take
him home, but he's not here.

Nobody's here.
What made you think

he'd be here
at Thompson's house?

Alex-- it's the address
he was talking about.

I thought he would come here.

I was worried.

Now, were you really?

Yes. Why wouldn't I be?

Okay, you tell me.

All right, I'll tell you.

How did Thompson
get to your place?

He didn't tail me there.

You called him,
didn't you, Harry? Didn't you?

No. No!
Didn't you? Didn't you?


Yes, I called him.

Why? Why did you want
to turn Alex over to Thompson?

I didn't want to turn him over.

I didn't want to,
but I just wanted him to...

to go back to Thompson,

to... to anybody
just to get out of my life.

Why? Why?

What difference does it make?

I had my reasons. I...

They were cockeyed.
I know that now.

I... but... I want to help him.

You've got to believe me.

All right. All right.

All right, now, take it easy.

I believe you. Now, think.

Did he say anything else
about where he might be going?

Uh, I... I don't know.

Think, Harry. Think.

Some-something, um... uh...

♪♪: noon. : noon?

Like he was going to...

going to meet somebody
or something. I don't know.

Anything else?

Was there anything else, Harry?

Yeah. Yeah, something, uh...
uh, at the office.

Whose office?

I don't know.

Maybe Thompson's office.

Aberdeen, Limited downtown.





There it is.


There it is--
Aberdeen, Limited.

That's Thompson's office,
fifth floor.

They went to the top.

We'll stop
by Thompson's office first.

If they're not up there,
we'll go to the top.


I don't get it.

Looks like they've crossed over
to the Milbank Building.

There's a top diamond merchant
over there.

The only way in
is through the roof.

They're probably using Alex
to knock out the alarm system.

If my guess is right,

the minute they've got
what they want, Alex has had it.

I've got to get over there
and fast.

But how?

My only chance
of surprising them

is to go in
the same way they did.

You go get the police.
But I want...

Just go get the police.

Go get the police!


You all right?


Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm fine.

It's clear.

Okay. Come on.


Hold it right there!

Thompson, hold it!

I'm hit.

I'm hit.

Help me.

Help me. I'm hit.


Do you remember me?



I'm hit!

Harry, I'm hit!

Help, Harry!

Harry! Harry, I'm hit!

Help me, Harry!

Help me, Harry!

Harry! Harry, I'm hit!

Harry, help me.

Help me.


I was hit, Harry.

I was alone. You left me.

I yelled for you,
and you... you didn't come back.

I was alone, Harry.

I'm sorry.

Alex, I'm sorry.


You left me, man!

I was hit!


I don't know what happened.

I... panicked.

And I ran.

I'm sorry.


He came back this time.

I'm sorry, too, Harry.

It's okay.

Well, uh...

let's go home.