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06x01 - The Open Web

Posted: 07/30/23 08:56
by bunniefuu

Hi, Joe.

Ken! Come on in!

Crazy time of night to be
dropping by,

but I saw your light on.

Hey, anytime.
What's new?

You ready for this?
♪ finally made it. ♪

Tomorrow I report
to the detective division.

Oh, that's great, Ken.

Well, you know
who I have to thank.

Sure, a lot of guys.

Mostly one guy, Joe.

If you hadn't showed up in
a dark alley one rainy night,

why, they'd be promoting
a dead man.

You know,
when a guy makes detective,

he deserves -year-old Scotch,

not this stuff I give
to the paying customers.

I'll get it, Joe.

Thanks, Ken.

Move out!



I thought you'd be alone.

You should be dead, Mannix.

That was supposed to be me, Art.

A combination of bad light
and lousy thinking

of the judge that cut Roarke
loose on bail.

Yeah, I'd heard through the
grapevine he was gunning for me.

I thought it was just talk.

What would you have done
differently if you believed it?

I don't know, Art.

It had to happen, Joe.

You spoiled
a half a million dollar heist

when you nailed Roarke
in that getaway car.

He was just trying to make
points with his pals.

How do I explain
that to Ken Gordon?

All right,
get him out of here.

I... I'd like to see my lawyer.

Yeah, I know.

Thanks, man.






I guess
♪ didn't make it upstairs. ♪

Is there anything I can do?

No, Peggy.
It's all done.

There's nothing anyone could do.

I'll get the day started.

Peggy, uh,
how old was he, ?

The news said he was .

Young for a detective.

Yeah, for a dead detective.

I'll take care
of the flowers, Joe.

Oh, uh, Peggy,

Ken had a sister in, uh...

Maybe you can find out
when she's coming in,

meet the plane, huh?

I'll be there.

Mr. Mannix's office.

Well, you can pretty well guess.

I'll see.

For me?

Art Malcolm.

Hello, Art.

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

You did?

About what?

And what do you make of it, Art?

Yeah, I'll, uh, I'll be
right over there,

soon as I get cleaned up.

Roarke, he says he want to talk.

That doesn't sound like him.

♪ know. ♪

What does he want
to talk to you about?

He didn't say.

Joe, you know he's capable
of doing anything.

Yeah, don't worry, Peggy.

He's gonna pay.

How could I represent
a client so dumb

that he would
go after Joe Mannix.

Stop crying.
You're being well paid.

I suppose you instructed
your client not to talk?

That would depend of what you
wanted to discuss, Lieutenant.

♪ won't permit him to
incriminate himself, no. ♪

He won't have to.

He k*lled a police officer
in cold blood.

You don't think he had
the right to defend himself.

That's your plea, self-defense?

That's a little far out,
isn't it?

Why is that?

Mr. Roarke went
to Mr. Mannix's office

to chat about the circumstance
of their last meeting.

The door was opened
by an officer

who immediately drew his g*n.

It was still in his holster
after the sh**ting.

There was nobody present
to see you put it back

in the officer's holster
after the sh**ting.

Only me. I saw that.

Save it for the jury, Roarke.

You're going to need
all the defense you can get.

Hold it, Joe.

You sent word down
that you were ready to talk.

So far I haven't heard anything
worth the elevator ride.

You change your mind?

What's that all about?
You didn't tell me.

Cool it.

I want to make a deal.

No deals.

Oh, sure. Yeah, sure.

I understand, Lieutenant,
you're lily white,

but juries are paid to listen.

And don't you forget
where you heard

what I'm going to tell you.

Look, I don't know what
you're getting at, but shut up.

There was a judge that
disappeared about a year ago.


Judge Bishop?

Yeah, that's the one.

What about him?

I know where he's buried.

You must be out of your mind.

You want to be charged
with that, too?

I wasn't even around
at the time.

A friend of mine told me.

No names, Lieutenant,
or I'm a dead man.

Victor, listen,
you're confessing

to withholding evidence.


But maybe I'll buy a little
consideration from the jury.

Maybe they'll understand

that, at the time,
I was too scared to talk.

So I have this on my conscience,
and I want to get it straight.

That's stupid.
You're only buying yourself

a cell eight feet by ten.

Lieutenant, do I have
to listen to this clown?

I'll answer that for you,

You get yourself another lawyer.

Are you sure this is the place?

There's the fire road.

All right, Dale.

What did your friend
have to do with this,

the one that told you about it?

He drove the car.

That's all I'm going to say now.

In court, it could be different.

That should be it right there.

He said they buried him
to the left of a small pine.

This dirt looks like
it's just been turned.

Maybe he was conning me,

but I don't think he'd do
a thing like that.

Well, it won't hurt
to scratch around.

Go ahead, Dale.

Control One.

This is One-King-Four-One. Over.

Go ahead, One-King-Four-One.

Art Malcolm here.

I'm two miles west of Mulholland
on Fire Road Zebra -.

There's a helicopter

Run a check on any aircraft
in the area, will you? Over.

Roger, One-King-Four-One.

And I'll sh**t one of our
choppers over there right away.

Stand by. Over.

Control One,
this is One-King-Four-One.

It's okay on that helicopter.

It's our friendly neighborhood
sheriff, NG.

Thanks just the same. Over.

Everything okay down there?

Don't anybody move!


Okay, put your g*n...
Throw it down!

Throw your g*ns down!
Get these cuffs off!

You haven't got a prayer.


If I don't make radio contact

with headquarters
every five minutes,

there's gonna be an army
swarming up here.

Five minutes is all I need.

By that time, we'll be in
freeway traffic, lost.

No way you're going to find us.

Come on. Get in the chopper.
Let's go. Come on, Mannix.

Control enter says

no sheriff chopper NG.
No sheriff chopper NG.

Come in, One-King-Four-One.

Hold it, Mannix.

This is where
we finish our business.

You step right over there.

Come on. Let's go.


Come in, One-King-Four-One.

This is Central Control
standing by. Over.

do you read me? Over.

I'm all right.

Can you walk?

Come on.

Come in, One-King-Four-One.

This is Central Control
standing by. Over.

One King four one,
do you read me? Over.

Control One, this is Joe Mannix.

We were bushwhacked
by Victor Roarke's boys.

Officer Collins is wounded, and
the took Lieutenant Malcolm

as hostage in the helicopter
with the phony markings. Over.


thought there might be trouble.

We got help on the way.
Should be there any second.

Could you give us directions
of the chopper? Over.

Uh, it was headed due north,

toward the top of the Santa
Monica mountains. Over.

Read you,
One-King-Four-One. Over.

Collins is in the back seat.

Top of the mountain.

Stay where you are.

Don't move!

Stay where you are!

You can't go anywhere.

We've got patrol cars covering
the whole area.

Stay where you are!

All right, in the building!

Take it easy! Don't panic.

Hey, what do you want here?

Move in here
to the, uh, living room.

Come on. Let's go.

Hey, who are you?

It don't matter, pop.

We're gonna stick around here
for a while. Don't panic.

Hey, look, my daughter and her
son, they don't belong here.

They just dropped by
for a visit.

Please let them go.
Please let them go!

I'm sorry, pop.

Right now, they're extra money
in my bank account.

How you doing, hotshot?


It might be a trick.
Roarke never quits.

Watch him.

All right, come on out of there!

You tell them how it is, pop.

I don't know the guy
with the flag,

but that's Roarke
behind the car.

What's your name?


Tim Fogerty.
I'm the caretaker.

I've been here since
they closed down the place.


I got a daughter in there,
and a grandson.

There's no telling what those
men will do to them.

All right, take it easy.

We'll give you all
the help we can.

They got a man with them,
uh, brown hair and a mustache.

Yes, a police Lieutenant.

Is he okay?

Please, I don't care
what happens to me,

but my daughter
and the little boy...

Don't take all day, pop!

What does he want?

He's so crazy.

♪ don't know
what the world's coming to. ♪

Hoodlums telling
the police what to do.

Where's it all gonna end?

But first off, he wants
everything outside the fence.

No cars and no cops.

right outside the gate.

He doesn't want any helicopters.

No police helicopters--

Starting right off.

Then what?

He wants a half a million
dollars delivered up here.

And he wants a jet
on the east landing strip

of the Burbank Airport,
fueled and ready to take off.

What about the hostages?

Soon as he's on board the jet,
he'll let them go free.

Sure. Then he'll use
the plane crew as hostages.

Come on, pop!

That's enough now.

Come on back!

What'|| I tell him?

Tell him I'll get back
to him as soon as possible.

Take up a position
outside the fence.

Tell Larry
to take the chopper on home.

♪ got an idea. ♪

It's a long shot,
but it just might work.

I'll try anything.

Gotta get those people
out of there.

Let's head down the hill.

♪ noticed a spot on the way up. ♪

What do you think?

Well, if you're real lucky,

you'll probably
only break one leg.

Yeah, but I might also get up
there and put a g*n on Roarke.

Looks pretty chancy, Joe.

What choice have you got?

You can't go in the front way.

Okay, but it's a police job.
I'll let one of my men try it.


it's my baby.

Okay, Joe.

Good luck.

This is Victor Roarke,
fugitive from a m*rder charge,

and the brains behind one
of the boldest escape plots

in the history of the Southland.

At this moment,
Roarke and three other...

Hey, hear that? The brains.

How about that?
♪ finally got some recognition. ♪ an abandoned
transmitting facility

high atop the Santa Monica

While Roarke's demands are
being weighed

by law enforcement agencies,
KBEX-TV will bring you bulletins

as they break
throughout the day.

On Wall Street this morning,

computers and glammers
lead a brisk upward...

Don't point that g*n at me!
Put that down!

You make him mind.

...moderately on profit-taking,

following their recent sharp

Utilities and transportations
were firm,

and entertainment stocks
attracted speculative attention.

The weather fore--

Hey, Lieutenant, they didn't
even mention your name.

You really rate, don't you?

What's this all about?

He wants to go to the bathroom.

Is that right, kid?

It's just off the bedroom there.

Let me see the g*n.

Give me some a*mo.

Not bad!

Get going.

I'm gonna have a look around.

If anybody gives you
any trouble,

let them have some real marbles.

Any action?

Not yet.

Maybe we'll have
to nudge 'em a bit.

Keep your eyes peeled.

Hey, what's the gas situation?

Well, we got enough
to get to Burbank Airport.

That's for sure.

You know, today is
my first time in a chopper.

Not bad.

Maybe I'll get me one.

Where's the kid?

Still in the bathroom.

I'll go and get him.

Hey, Philips,
the kid just got out!

Make sure he don't get past you!


Cover that area
right over there.





Now, take it easy, son.

I'm on your side.

Now, if you do exactly what
I tell you and stay dead quiet,

I'll have you back with
your mother in no time at all.


You sure?

Good boy.

Now, you stand against this wall
and be very quiet.

Chase, Philips, back here!

When I tell you,

♪ want you to run and hide
behind that box, okay? ♪

Go on.

I saw you, kid.

Come on out.

Come on.

You want to make it
tough on yourself?



I'll take the g*n, Roarke.

Hey, Roarke!

Roarke, where are you?

Hey, did you get the kid?

Tell them to stay
right where they are.

Stay right where you are!

{cocks g*n

Now tell them
what the situation is.

Uh, this is
the situation in here.

Mannix has, uh,
got a g*n at my back.

So this is what you got to do.

Go inside...

and put a b*llet
into the Lieutenant!


And then I want you to bring
the kid's mother out here,

and I'm going to show Mannix
what other tricks

♪ got up my sleeve. ♪

Get going, man.

But, Roarke, what are
they going to do to you?

♪ don't know. ♪

That's his problem.

Okay, Roarke, you win.

Hold it!

The marble goes to the kid.

g*ns go to me.

You got a .

I can beat that.

If you're interested
in a little action, Joe,

my money's on Chuck.

Well, you always did
go for the sure thing.

And you went for the long shot.

♪ got a ...! ♪

Hey, knock it off.


Police headquarters?

Yeah. Uh, my name is Roarke.

Victor Roarke.

Yeah, the very one.

How about that?

You got a Paul Haber
up here in the hills.

You know him? Good.

Uh, connect me
with his, uh, car phone, okay?


Control to One-King-Seven.

Come in, One-King-Seven.

Haber speaking.

Uh, this is Roarke.

I want to have a little
conference with you.

Come to the gate alone,

and I'll tell you when to stop.

And when I do, you stop.


That's far enough!

What about the half million?

♪ haven't heard yet. ♪

Not good enough.

♪ want it here within the hour. ♪

I can't guarantee that.

I can guarantee it.

What about the jet?

They're working on it.

You call me on the phone
when it's squared away.

You got one hour, understand?

Mannix, you tell him what
happens if the phone don't ring.

He starts getting rid of the
hostages, one every minutes.

Paul, he's not bluffing.

Starting with him!

I'll do my best.

Come on back.

Come on.

Your sandwiches.

Thank you, ma'am.

A dame with your class
that can cook.

What's your old man
thinking about

he lets you out of the house?

My husband's dead.

Pop was a Marine like Grandpa.


That's not a good enough excuse
to die, kid.

Thank you.

♪ need some rest. ♪

I'm going to use
your room, okay, pop?

You mind, mister,
if I get a pipe

and some tobacco out of my room?

Long as you're going to be
in there for a while.

Oh, sure, w*r hero.

What you said about Sarah--
that's just bluff, isn't it?

Yeah, pop.

You know how it is.

Sarah and the boy are
all I got left in the world.

Well, my lawyer said
you'd be alone.

What are they doing here?

♪ didn't know
they were coming by. ♪

They just dropped in
for a visit.

You know, the boy's been getting
a little much for her to handle.

She thought that he needed
some man-to-man talk.

Well, that's what she's getting,
ain't she?

Some man talk.

That lawyer fella told me
I didn't have to do anything

but look the other way
when the helicopter landed.

He didn't say anything
about a g*ng holing up here.

Oh, I get it.

You figure with
all your extra inconvenience,

uh, you should get a bigger
share of the take, right?


Not for me.

I only got into this
for Sarah and the boy.

They've been having
a pretty hard time of it.

The pension isn't enough to
raise the kid and educate him.

Didn't you come in here
for your pipe and tobacco?

Hey, pop, you got a problem;
I'll sleep on it.

Hey, Grandpa,
how come you haven't

eaten any of your food yet?

Just not hungry.

That's, uh...

that's quite a g*n, Chuck.

Grandpa made it for me.

The barrel's
from a real shotgun.

He's great with g*ns.

Tell them, Grandpa.

Well, they're not
interested, son.

Sure they are.

And tell them
how you lost your leg.

How did it happen, Mr. Fogerty?

Land mine, Guadalcanal.

Career Marine?


But you keep your hand in
with g*ns, huh?

Well, I do a little hunting
up in the hills, mostly quail.



Yep. The one he's got.

You, uh, wouldn't happen to have
a shell around, would you?

Come along with me, son.

Let's play a little checkers.

There you are, Mrs. Toiler.
Thank you.

I suppose you'll
wind up with some country

that doesn't have
an extradition treaty

with the United States, right?

Aren't too many of those left.

Lebanon, Syria, Algeria.

How are you on languages?

I speak American.

What are you going to do
when you run out of money?

You gonna say, "This is
a stickup” in Arabic?

That's funny.

♪ need one shotgun shell. ♪

Where does your father
keep his amm*nit*on?

The dresser in his room,
in with the linen.

Linen-- like dish towels?

Roarke's in there.

I've got to have it.

What's on your mind, lady?

♪ need a clean dish towel. ♪

They're in my father's room.

Now, you know the boss
is asleep in there.

I'll be very quiet.

Leave the door open.

Leave the door open.

Hey, what you doing?

I had to get a clean dish towel.

Oh, yeah?

You come into a man's bedroom,

you ought to be
a little more friendly.


Leave her alone.

I've really had it
with you, Mannix.

I've had it with you.



Oh, hello, Lieutenant.

Yes, this is Roarke.


Yeah, right.
Thanks, yeah.

That was the Lieutenant.

And he's got the money,
and we got a jet ready

and waiting and warming
up for us over in Burbank!

You know what
that means, Mannix?

It means you can start
counting the seconds.

All right, that's it.

Put the bag down, Lieutenant.

There's just one question.

What about the hostages?

Like I told you, soon as I'm
on a jet, I'll let them go.

♪ got no reason
to harm those people. ♪

Except Mannix?

We'll play that one
by ear, okay?

Chase, get the money.

All right, warm her up.

Taking off as soon
as I've made a count.


Okay, Mannix, right there.

Okay, you two,
♪ want you right over there. ♪

Come on, let's move.

Lady, bring me a pencil
and some paper.

Count this.

Where's the kid?

Taking a nap.

♪ locked the bathroom door. ♪

Pop, come here.

Well, what's this for?

That's for renting the hall.

bucks, okay?

Mr. Fogerty, I've been
wondering something.

How could Roarke have two
getaway cars stashed up here,

unless you were in on the deal?

Dad, tell him he's wrong.

You've been working all along
with this... this animal?

Hey, lady, I mean...
what do you got against money?

Here's a half a million dollars.

You ever seen anything
so beautiful?

I only did it for you, honey--
for you and Chuck.

How else can I get my hands
on some real money?

Oh, Sarah, listen to me...

Hey, lady, can you bring the kid
out here, please?

What do you want him for?

Oh, when I leave here,
you two are coming with me.

Please take me and leave him.

I'm sorry, I can't do that.

♪ need the both of you
so nobody gets fancy with me. ♪

As soon as I get to where
I'm going, don't worry,

I'll have no further
use for you, dear.

So the both of you can
come home safe and sound, okay?

Now, go get the kid
and bring him out here.

You go in get him, or do I have
to drag him out? Get him!

You won't hurt him?
You'll send them back?

You meant that, didn't you?
You heard what I said, pop.


Come on, Chuck, we're leaving.

Are we going home?

Yes, darling, we are.

Everything will be all right.

I promise.

Well, what do you say, Chase?
It's all good, daddy.

Okay. How are you doing,
sonny boy? Have a good nap?

I guess so.

Your mama tell you the surprise
♪ got in store for you? ♪

Well, you got a treat
in store for you.

You and me and your mom are
going on a plane ride.

How about that?
I don't want to go.

What do you mean?

It's a jet, miles an hour.

Is it okay, Mom?

Okay, good boy.

Come on, let's go.

Where's my g*n?

Now what?
Where's my g*n?

Where'd you leave it?

I put it on that table.

It was right here.

Hey, pop...

where do you keep
your shotgun shells?

I'm asking you a question.

In the bedroom.

Lady... is that a fact?

Lieutenant, stand up.

Get up!

All right, Mannix.

I'm sure you wouldn't want
to lose your fine friend

in about five seconds.

So take the kid's g*n
and put it on the table.

Very carefully.

Pick up the g*n, kid.

What'd you say?


You tell Philips to bring
the chopper around in back.

It'll be safer there
for a takeoff.

Kid, I think it's terrible

a big lug like that
takes your g*n.

♪ think you should teach him
a lesson, don't you? ♪

And the way to teach
him a lesson

is to give him a hit.

Now, you take your g*n,

and you hit him
with one of those marbles.

And that'll
teach him a lesson, okay?

Leave the boy be.

Shut up.

Go ahead.

♪ don't want to. ♪

Well, if you do, I'll leave you
and your mom behind

when we take off, okay?

And I'll give you ten seconds
to think about it.

One, two,










Okay, I'll have to do it myself.

Come here.

Give me the g*n.

Give me that.

Get over there with your mother.

Lieutenant, right over this way.


Now go! Go!

Help me!

Hey, help me!

♪ called in. ♪

That chopper's going
exactly nowhere.

Baby, I'm sorry.

I made such a lashup
for you and Chuck.

♪ didn't mean it. ♪

Grandpa?! Grandpa?!



Chuck, listen to me.

You gotta be brave.

Like Grandpa?

Your grandpa was a hero.

Like in the w*r?

Like in the w*r.