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05x23 - Scapegoat

Posted: 07/30/23 08:55
by bunniefuu
You said it was
very important, Mr. Dexter.

I assure you it is.
You going to make it?

Stop worrying.

We've been plagued by severe
cargo pilferage the last few months.

A number of large shipments
have just disappeared.

We're a young company, we can't
afford to take that kind of beating.

So, we'd like you to find out
what's been going on.

I'm awfully sorry, Mr. Dexter,
but I'm on an assignment right now.

Can it wait?
I'm afraid not.

How long before you're free?

Oh, uh, three or four days.

No problem.

You were highly recommended.
I'd just as soon wait.

In that case,
I'll call you the moment I'm free.

Mr. Mannix--

In that case,
I'll call you the moment I'm free.

What do you think?
Hey, you're good.

Wrong. I'm perfect.

And as long as you're here,

perhaps I can fill you in
on the background of the problem.


Here's the record to date, listing
every disappearance and its value.

Shouldn't take you any more
than a half hour.

Give you that much more time
when you get back to us.


Well, we're finished.

You look great.


Not bad for a man who's gonna
be dead in three days.


Southeastern Airways, Flight
now arriving at Gate .

Southeastern Airways, Flight
now arriving at Gate .

Hey! Hey you!

Hey, Joel Joe Mannix!

Anyhow, you've got a fix on the problem.

Yes and I'll get back
to you as soon as I can.

Thanks for your time, Mr. Mannix.


Amazing job.

How did it go?

Piece of cake.

Excellent. Place clean?

Clean as a whistle.

Let's go.

Hi, Peggy.

Joe, London called while you were out.
Said it was important.

Would you see if you can get
them back on the phone?

Overseas Operator , please.

I confirmed your reservations,

and your tickets are upstairs
next to your bag.

Next to your tickets.

Hello? Yes, ready for that London call
for Mr. Mannix?

Thank you.

He'll be right on.

Oh, hello, Mr. Simonson?
Joe Mannix here.

No, no, no, everything is fine.
No one has any idea at all.

Yes, my plane leaves in--

Two hours. Flight...

Flight .

Yes, I'll see you then. Bye.

Well, I'm on my way.
Anything I can bring you from London?

Yes. London.

Hi, Art.
Is Joe here?

Art, social visit?
Were you out at the airport earlier?

Yeah, why?
What were you doing out there?

I was talking to a Mr. Dexter,
head of a small cargo company.

Do you know a man named Harvey Grant?
Sure. He's an ex-cop.

He's now a security guard
at the airport.

That's right.
At the customs terminal.

He tried to stop a prowler an hour ago
and almost got his jaw broken.

I'm sorry. Is he all right?
He'll be fine, but he's boiling.

What's all this got to do with me?

He identified the prowler, Joe.

He said it was you.


Art, you know that's ridiculous.

Sure, I know personally,

but officially, I've got to have
some answers, for the brass.

Okay. Peggy, see if you can
get Mr. Dexter on the phone.

Al right.

And I wasn't
in the Customs Terminal all day.

The trouble is Harvey Grant
is certain it was you.

He isn't happy about it, but he's sure.

Is Mr. Dexter there?


Thank you very much.

Uh, Joe, Cargo Air is closed.

The answering service says that
Dexter's been out of town on business

for two days.

Any idea why Harvey Grant
was so certain he saw you?


What are you working on?

Sorry, Art.

I've got illegal entry plus as*ault.
Now that's a lot of heat.

I want you to start leveling with me.

Look, Art, if you're gonna book me,
book me.

Otherwise I'm leaving for London.

I'll be back in three days.
I'll fill in the details then,

and we'll clear this whole thing up.

What's the name of your client,
at least?

Three days, Art.

Al right.

I'll think of something
to put in my report.

But remember, Joe, three days.

Come on, relax.
I promise I'll be back.

I'll see you.

What was that all about?

When I get back,

Mr. Dexter's going
to have to answer a few questions.

Anyway, I'm leaving and so are you.

Joe, I thought I'd hang around,
just in case--

Peggy, go. Drop out until Tuesday.

Find a nice place to relax.
That's an order.

Well, I did make reservations at
Sand Valley Inn. Just in case.

Have a nice trip, Joe.

Good afternoon.

Move over to the bar.

Put your hands on the counter.

You ought to call your answering
service, Mr. Dexter.

They think you're still out of town.

You were very efficient with the
Lieutenant just now. I like that.

You, too? I take it you had something
to do

with a security guard named Harvey Grant
being slugged a little while ago?

I suppose you're also
interested in the fact

that I'm on my way to London?

And you're going to stop me?
I wouldn't dream of stopping you.

That would be the last thing
in the world I'd want to happen.

It's time for Mr. Mannix' nap.


A little square, but not too bad.

These are your tickets, your passport.
Your suitcase is packed.

Your plane leaves in an hour.
I can hardly wait.

I hear London's a swinging town.
Keep your mind on business.

$ million worth.

Good morning, Mr. Mannix.

Welcome to Silvertown.

Founded . Died .

Current population three:
you, me, and Angel.

Nearest main road is miles.
Nearest town is .

Nowhere to go, no way to get there.

Charming, isn't it?

How long am I going to be here?
Just long enough.

Mr. Mannix?

You've been cleared through customs,
Mr. Mannix.

Your baggage will be sent on.

Mr. Simonson's waiting for you.
All right.

Mr. Simonson?
Glad to see you, Mr. Mannix!

Everything's in order,
just waiting for you.

Put it down there.

I'd say enough food
for about three days.


You're buying the time it would have
taken me to finish my other job.

Two professionals. No, three.

You, Angel.

And somebody who looks a lot like me.

I like you, Mannix. You never stop
thinking. We can't relax with him.

I didn't figure to.

Rotary off the jeep.

All that's necessary is reasonable
cooperation for the time being.

Until you get the $ million.

You've got somebody impersonating me.

Somebody who's now got my passport,
my airline tickets and my name.

Somebody who can get to T.E. Simonson
because Simonson hired Joe Mannix.

Your man has got three days
to steal the Wallingford jewels

and frame me for it.

You've got it all, except the ending.
Which is?

We've established an irrational
pattern on your part.

as*ault of a guard, refusal to explain.

Then your part in a daring theft,

followed by let's call it
a falling-out among thieves.

We quarreled over
the division of spoils.

We fought,
you put up an heroic struggle...

but you lost.

Put these on.

Is this what my double will be wearing
when he comes back from London?

Put them on.


Simply magnificent, Your Grace.
Please, call me Alec.

Yes, I was rather fortunate in having
some successful pirates for ancestors.

Whatever they saw,
they coveted and seized.

However, they left me with a gaudy
lifestyle which can only be supported

by the sale of these baubles.


As beautiful as the Crown
Jewels themselves.

As soon as they reach the United States,

they go to the Pacific Fine Arts Museum
as a bequest.

Do you mean to say that you're spending
$ million purely out of public spirit?

I've made a lot of money, Alec,
but it hasn't bought me anything.

I guess I'm spending some of it

to make me feel that earning
the money was worthwhile.

Well, I'm very happy you
bought them, Mr. Simonson.

At any rate, the Wallingford
Collection is now yours.

Well, what do you plan to do with them?

We're going to make
a public announcement

that the Collection will be delivered
to Mr. Simonson's hotel, under guard.

That it will go with us
on the plane Sunday night--

Heavily guarded, of course.

But, my dear fellow,

that announcement will attract
every jewel thief in Europe.

I hope so.

I'm taking the jewels with me now
in this briefcase.

I'm catching a plane later today.

I will have landed in Los Angeles
by the time...

this empty jewel chest
is delivered to the hotel.

I will wait for Mr. Simonson
in Los Angeles.

It'll work perfectly, gentlemen,
believe me.

I'll pick you up at your hotel
and drop you at the airport.

I'll be ready to leave
in exactly one hour.

Mobile Operator?

This is S-. Any calls?

Thanks, I'll call again later.

Still nothing.


Don't get optimistic.

I was just thinking that
if things didn't work out,

I might be around to meet
my next life insurance premium.

Mr. Mannix,
our Mannix is a very good man.

He'll be here soon with the jewels,

and your policy will be payable in full.

Get him inside!


Over there!

Hi, there!

Good mornin', man.
I said to Karin--

Oh, this is Karin my granddaughter...

I said, "That light's
got to be a mirage.

There ain't nobody
living in Silvertown."

Then I thought
maybe somebody's in trouble.

Oh, I'm Johnny Gundersen.

Ben Johnson. A pleasure, Mr. Gundersen.
Miss Gundersen.

Johnny and Karin.
You prospecting?

No, uh, rock-hunting.
A hobby of mine.

Way out here?

Well, I like being by myself.

Me, too.

Been prospecting most of my life.

Johnny's got a nose for it.
He can smell gold through solid rock.

We're partners. Been that way ever since
she lost her mom and dad.

I, uh, got stuck with her.

Well, I guess if you've been
out prospecting,

you're anxious
to get back to civilization.

That's right for sure.
Well, we'll be gettin' on our way.

Nice to have met you, Mr. Johnson.

And I hope you find some nice rocks.

Thanks. Goodbye.

Good bye!

Hold it, Mannix!

We heard the shot.

What's going on?

I'm sorry, Johnny, Karin.

I really am sorry.

Operator, this is Joe Mannix.

I placed a call
to the United States earlier.

Would you try again, please?

I'm warnin' you.
I got people expectin' me.

Please, don't hurt him.
Then keep him quiet.

What's goin' on?
What are they gonna do to us?

You and your grandfather will be
all right. It's me they want.


This is James Dexter.

Mr. Dexter, Joe Mannix.

I've finished the job.

I'm on my way.

How did everything go?

Piece of cake.

Good to hear from you, Mr. Mannix.

As soon as you arrive,
we'll finish the project.

It won't do any good, Karin.
Those men are professionals.

♪ guess I'm slovvin' down.
I can't make it out. ♪

Stealing a couple a million dollars
somewhere in England.

You don't run into that sort of thing
scratching around the Paiute mountains.

I know it's hard to believe,
but it is happening.

When they get that boodle,
they won't need us any more, right?

It's all right, Mr. Mannix,
I'm grown up.

You don't have to spell
the words out for me.

Those men are big-time thieves.

They're not going to leave anybody
around to point out their trail.

Come on, honey.

Don't look to the bad side so fast.

It's there. Not lookin' at it
won't change anything.

You said they're professionals.
You are too, right?

Johnny and |,
about all we can do is listen to you

and try to help if there's any way.

That jeep of yours,
does it have any special equipment?

Weapons or anything?

Nothing special

that I can think of anyways. Karin?

Well, there's a .,
but the firing pin's jammed.

There's a machete,
pick and shovel, drills...

rock picks, that's about all.

And I'm afraid nobody's waitin' on us.
Johnny just made that up.

Me and Karin...
we're all the family we've got.

I guess you'd call us
a couple of loners.

Isn't there somebody who'll miss you?

Somebody at the place
where you got the supplies?

Afraid not.

How about out in the desert,
did you run across anybody at all?

We kept away from people...

at least the ones we spotted.


If you keep pulling on that rope, Miss,
you're gonna end up with sore wrists.

Angel, here, was in the Navy.

What're you gonna do with us?

It's unfortunate,
but in this wicked world,

good Samaritans finish last.

Next time you hear a g*nsh*t,
keep moving. Don't get involved.

It's getting out of hand,
isn't it, Dexter?

I put together a plan, and it's working.

I intend to see it through.
No matter who or what?

If necessary.

Come on, let's go!

What do you want with me?

We're going to be leaving soon.

We need a good place to hide
the things we won't be taking along.

You know this town, am I right?
About as well as anybody.

You're going to find us that place.

Don't worry, Karin. They won't hurt him.
They haven't got what they want yet.

I've got to give you credit, Mr. Mannix.

You've used all the publicity about
my buying the Wallingford Collection

to protect it. I like that.
Thank you, Mr. Simonson.

Thank you very much.
I'll see you in Los Angeles on Monday.

Please form single lines.
Have your luggage ready for inspection.

Oh, guard, do you realize

that three of these fire extinguishers
are out of commission?

I'm sorry, Mister...
Yes, I know, I know.

It's not your headache.
But it is mine.

Things are going
to straighten out around here!

Yes, sir.

How deep is it?
Oh, , feet.

Ain't anybody going to find anything
you dump down there.

Then, after Mom and Dad were k*lled,

Johnny took me in.

We were about all there was
of the family.

We've been together ever since,
from the time I was .

That's right.

Don't laugh, Johnny's good. He's been
through this country just about forever,

and he's made some strikes, too.

Nothing big,
but enough to keep us going.

Except he needs me to look after him.

You know, he's just not practical.

How old is Johnny?

Well, sure, that's part of it. .

And you?


I know it's a funny life for a girl
looking after Johnny.

But when I needed him, he was there,

and as long as he needs me--

Hey, I'm not being heroic or anything.

I love him. I mean, we're a family.

I was thinking, after this trip,

maybe Johnny could take it easy
for a while,

and maybe I could go back to school.

I was just thinking about it.

I guess I'd better stop
day-dreaming, right?

Are they---

Would they really k*ll us
just like that?

It's possible.

Poor Johnny.

After all these years,
and now just when--

Now just when... what?

We made a strike--
gold up in the Paiutes.

Where is the gold?

It's packed in the jeep,
under the tarp.

We panned bags.

Enough so Johnny
could take it easy for awhile.

Where's Johnny?

Shouldn't call him Johnny.
He's your grandfather.

You ought to have some respect.

Cut him loose.

Give me the knife.



I'm fine, honey. Just fine.

We'll be leaving soon, Miss.
We can't leave any trace behind.

I'm afraid that includes your jeep.

We'll dump it in the mine shaft
your grandfather so kindly found for us.


" Johnny!

Behave yourself, old man,
or you won't get any older.

Now, we're all going
to do a little work.

All right, Johnny,
lead me to the mine shaft.

Johnny, let's go.

Just keep working, old man.

All three of them, right?

I'll give you a hand with that.

Karin told me about the gold.

It was stupid of me trying to save it
just now. What's the difference?

I guess you're right. They all go.

Might make a difference
if we take a gamble.

I'm willing. In fact,
I didn't know we had any chances.

He's here.

It worked.

Just keep working, old man.

Listen, if you let us go, I can pay you.
I got gold in there.


You got a soft head, old man.

No, it's true. They made a strike.
There's gold dust under that tarp.

He's telling you the truth.

Okay, let's see it.

Ever see a fortune
in gold before, Angel?

I guess it ain't worth anything
to an old man now.


Come on, Johnny!

Hold it!

Come on, Johnny!

What happened?
He's got gold!

You fool.

I've examined the evidence, Captain,
and I think Mannix was framed.

They got him out to Cargo Air
to set him up.

That place is practically
nothing but a front.

Art, we've got an identification
from Mr. Simonson in London.

Mannix was there.
We've got a make on Mannix' car.

He got by customs using
the rat hole he set up days ago

when he was spotted by Harvey Grant
and identified as Joe Mannix!

I know Joe Mannix, too. And I don't
buy the package, either, not yet.

But I'm getting pressure
from both London and Washington.

Now I want Mannix in here,
and I want answers. In a hurry.

We've got a trace on his car.
He's headed east into the desert.

I've got a helicopter standing by.
I'll find him.



We covered the desert for , miles.
Even a jackrabbit couldn't hide there.

I had to be sure.
He never left the town.

The girl would never leave without
the old man. Neither would Mannix.

We could be in Vancouver tonight,
pick up the passports...

and be in Europe
without leaving a trace.

Sell the collection
and we're home free.

I go with that.

Leaving Mannix and the girl
with our descriptions.

Who'd buy any of the jewels
with the heat on?

We'd be running
for the rest of our lives,

which I figure, if we're lucky,
at about two months.

What do we do now?
We find them.

How? With a duck call?

Exactly what I had in mind.


I've got a deal for you and the girl!

Karin, don't listen to him.!

We've got to stall for time.

The police must be on it by now.
They'll pick up traces on my car.

They'll find us.
What about Johnny?

They won't hurt him
as long as they don't have us.

Mannix! I'm going to k*ll the old man
now unless you come out!

Don't make me do it!

We can work out a deal.

Mannix, keep the girl away!

I'm an old man.
It don't matter any morel


He's lying. He will k*ll us, won't he?

Well, I just can't let Johnny
die out there alone.

All right, move out.
Cover the streets.

Did you hear that, Miss Gundersen?

You don't want to sacrifice
your grandfather, do you?

Do you have a key to the jeep?

There's an extra one
under the dashboard.

Let's go.

Well, go ahead, why don't you?

I will, old man...

when the time comes.

Now listen to me, Karin.

I'm going to go to the other side
of this building.

When I divert their attention,

I want you to head for the jeep
and get out of here.

I can't.
Karin, they won't k*ll us.

If you get away,
there's no point to it.

It's the only chance we have.

Good girl.

Angel, he's in the alley.

You won't get very far without this.

Let's go.

Let's go!

It's me, Art.

Karin, Johnny,
this is Lieutenant Malcolm.

Lieutenant, I'm holding you personally
responsible for the safety of my gold.

Gold? What gold?

What's going on, Joe?

Ask him.


Joe Mannix.