10x17 - 5 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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10x17 - 5 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen.

We got black jackets! Who looks good in black? I do! After an evening of celebration over receiving black jackets The stakes are definitely higher.

I'm ready to win this whole thing.

Everyone had their eye on the prize.

No more playing around.

Early the next morning Everybody ready? Yes, chef.

Chef Ramsay decided it was time for one of his most difficult challenges.

It's now time for Taste It, Now Make It.

But this time, he added a little twist You'll be working and competing in pairs.

Clemenza and Dana There's some sort of wine in it.

I think it's that one.




Chose a different path.


Madeira! And I'm, like, "shh.

" And it paid off.

Dana, Clemenza.

You had the madeira.


Yes, yes, yes.

The next morning Come around.

Let's go.

Chef Ramsay had another difficult challenge for the final six.

Tonight, you will be competing against runners
-up of Hell's Kitchen.

Paula, Jay, Bonnie, Kevin, Virginia, Russell.

Somebody's going home.

That brought out the competitive spirit of the black team.

You guys are all definitely going home.

Your ass is gone.

I hope he goes down harder than anybody on that team.

The returning chefs I want to win.

Were out for redemption.

Five to the window.

Five in the window.

Got it.

I've never seen food this immaculate Let's just egg them.

But Robyn put the team off to a slow start.

Robyn, I want more salad dressing on it.

Robyn, all you had to do was put dressing on leaves.

And then Clemenza What are you doing? Began working on dishes that weren't even on order.

I got your lobster.

How come you've been doing something that's not on order? Barbie was outstanding on meat and helped pull the team together.

Beautifully cooked, Barbie.

Thank you, chef.

Right now, it's neck and neck.

Although both teams had excellent services.

The winning team tonight is Our returning runners

Great job.

Well done.

The black team came up a little short, and they had to nominate two chefs for elimination.

They chose Robyn.

And Clemenza, chef.

In the end, it was Robyn.

Who had her volatile ride in Hell's Kitchen come to an end.

Get out of here.

But chef Ramsay had a warning Clemenza.

I don't look at you and see Vegas.

That Clemenza knows he needs to take seriously I'll tattoo a slot machine on my ass if it helps.

If he wants to become the next head chef at Gordon Ramsay's Steak at Paris, Las Vegas.

Fire unh when you shake what you got and girl you've got a lot you're really something, child yes, you are the way you walk and talk really sets me off and I'm so excited the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby woo, woo, woo the way you push push lets me know that you're goo
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no, fire what I said, child fire And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Now get out of here.

Yes, chef.

It was her time, dude.


It was her time, a long time before that.

Normally, walking out of elimination is a little depressing, but tonight, we are walking out minus Robyn.

Yes, bring it, C.

And it feels so good.

It's such a relief.

I was never happy to see someone go until today.

I didn't want to work with her anymore.

Now you know how we felt, how happy were we when she moved to your team.


Clemenza, I'm glad you're still here, buddy.

It was just a mind .

I get put up again for elimination, and it actually lit a spark, so you're gonna see a whole new Clemenza tomorrow.

Fab five.

Watch out, tomorrow, I'm gonna coming in with a vengeance.

I'm excited for tomorrow.

The stakes are at the highest point they've ever been right now.

There's some strong competition in the final five, but I gotta step it up as hard as I can.

There's only five of us.

I know.

Each of the chefs are clearly considering how they can stay one step ahead of the competition.

Please don't snore.

Whoo hoo! Let's do it.

But this morning It'll be nice to give you a little treat.

They are all focused on trying to figure out what chef Ramsay has up his sleeve.

Why don't I cook you something delicious? Some comfort food.

When we think of comfort foods, I think about Chicken parm.


I don't know what's happening, but chicken parm.

Come on, chicken, marinara sauce, mozzarell.

Doesn't get better than that.

The secret of a good sauce marinara, Clemenza, is what? Garlic, onions, tomatoes come on, put heat in there.

Little bit of chili, yup.

How much? Keep keep going.

Fresh tomatoes.

Okay, chicken breast.


Pound it.

Nice and light.

I'm watching every little thing because chef Ramsay doesn't just cook us chicken parm to cook us chicken parm.

We're being tested on this.

Really crisp.

Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

There's got to be a catch.

All right, chef Ramsay, what is it? What have you got today? And there we go.

Dig in.

Have a little taste.



It's, like, really? My chicken parm will blow that out the water.

I'll have my people call your people and we'll do lunch.

And I'll show you how it's done.

You saw me make it, right? Simple comfort delicious food.


For your next challenge, I would like each of you to produce the exact duplicate of my chicken parmesan.

I knew it.

See, all right, here we go.

I'm amped up.

Bring it on, let's go.

Easy? Yes, chef.


Fact is, it's way too easy.

Isn't it? Yeah.

That's why today you won't actually be making it.

You'll be teaching someone else how to make it.

It's now time for Hell's Kitchen cooking school.


That's awesome.


I love teaching.

This is what I do.

I teach people how to cook.

Are you ready to meet your students? Yes, chef.

Give a warm welcome to Miss Teen USA 2010.

Oh, my goodness.

Right away, I pushed my patience button.


Miss Teen USA 2008.

In walked the most beautiful young ladies I've ever seen in my life.

It was a little mind

Miss Teen USA 2007.

Mind you, they're Miss Teen USA.

I wasn't thinking anything crazy.

Miss Teen USA 2006.

Oh, God.

Each of them are wearing, like, 6
-inch heels.

Miss Teen USA 2005.

You girls are not dressed to cook today.

Lovely ladies, uh, first of all, thank you so much for making the kitchen look so glamorous.

Chefs, across from each of you are your students.

Okay? Hi, there.

That's right.

You must recreate my chicken parm, 100% now.

Chefs, each of you cannot touch any ingredient.

All you can do is teach.

Oh, God.

Students, are you ready? Yes, chef.


You have 30 minutes.

Time starts Now.

Off you go.


Let's go.

All right, move back over here.

No running.

Chef Ramsay has selected this cooking school challenge to test the chef's ability to communicate, lead, and teach Tell me what to do, girlfriend.

Essential skills for a head chef.

Cut it, like, once, twice, three times, and then go across.

The chefs can supervise their students I really can't touch anything, huh? But they're not allowed to do any of the hands
-on cooking.

As thin as you possibly can.

Watch your fingers.

Yeah, I know.

Don't worry about it.

Let's start by cutting the top of the onion off.


All right, perfect.

Okay? Yeah, mince that.

Mince the onion? Like, isn't there, like, a machine you can use for that? Oh, my God.

Open her up.

It's a good thing I'm not a vegetarian.

Definitely is.

I had no idea we had a whole chicken that she had to break down.

Ooh Flip it over.

She's gonna cut her finger off.


I can't believe my pageant girl she's looking good with that raw chicken.

She's handling it.


That's awesome.

Do you know how to open wine? Give it a good cut, and you'll be able to rip it.

Just be careful.

Okay, and I need to get my thongs.

Tongs, tongs.

Tongs? You're doing, like, really, really good, honestly.

You know what it's like to cook in heels? While most of the teams have started their marinara sauce Let's come over to the sauce and check the sauce.

And are preparing to cook the chicken Take off the bread crumbs to get them where you need them.

One pair You see the onion skin? Is falling behind on the assignment.

Can you get that hair? God, yeah.

Thank you.

Dude, they better hurry up over there.

Barbie and Hilary are still dicing an onion.

Ten minutes to go.

Kid, we gotta rock now.


I am getting a little anxious with the time, but this is chef Ramsay's chicken parmesan.

It has to be perfect.

All right, we can do it.

Taste this one.

You're good, you're good.

Not used to green vegetables.

Let's go, ladies.

We really have to hustle.

I'm panicking.

That time is going so fast.

There's no way that we're going to make it.

All we got to do is get the chicken on the plate.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Three Wait, wait.

TwoOne And serve.

Let's go, ladies.


With the cooking complete First up, Christina and Katie, please.

Let's go.

Chef Ramsay will now determine which of the chefs has been the most effective teacher.

Love it.

Here we go.

Okay, uh Comparison, side
-side, which I like to see.

We had a big breast, I think.

You had a what? Big breast.

Big breast? Mm

Uh The chicken's cooked perfectly.



I would have preferred to see a touch more marinara sauce and less of the mozzarella, but great start.

I am super stoked.

Straight out the gate.

Well done.

With Christina and Katie setting the bar Next up, Justin and Kamie.


It's now up to Justin and 2010 Miss Teen USA Kamie to surpass it.

Visually, it's got impact.

That sauce is delicious.

Got the right amount of heat.

One criticism the chicken's slightly too thick.

With Justin and Kamie's dish receiving mixed reviews Next up, Dana and Allie, please.

Dana and her student, Miss Teen USA 2005 Allie, take their shot at impressing chef Ramsay.

Visually Beautiful.

What I'm excited about is that crispiness, here.


That amount of mozzarella becomes a little bit obtrusive, so it gets in the way.

Chef Ramsay, what is the best part of chicken parm? The melted cheese.

There's no such thing as too much cheese on chicken parm.

However, the sauce is delicious.

Good job.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.


Grab this dome.

This is really difficult.

Why can't ever challenge be as good as this? Okay.

Next up, Barbie and Hilary.


Thank you.


It's beautiful.


I mean, it really is.

The sauce is a near perfect.

You just raised the bar yet again.

Good job.

Thank you.

I think I did a really good job, but there is still Clemenza, and he's Italian.

Last but not least, Clemenza and Stevi.

Let's go.

Was Clemenza a good teacher? He was awesome.

When it comes to certain Italian things, I think I have marinara sauce flowing through my veins.

Chicken's cooked perfectly.

The problem we got is the sauce.

It needs to be blended down so it's a little bit finer.

It's very chunky.

Well, let me tell you, chef Ramsay.

You don't know everything.

That's classic marinara.

Thank you.

Thank you.

This is tough.

Very tough, indeed.

Um Tell you what, Hilary and Allie, I'd like to taste both your dishes one more time.

Come down, please, with your dishes.

Thank you.


It's coming down to me and Barbie.

I've really have no idea who chef Ramsay's going to pick.



So tough.

Hilary That's delicious.

Love the color.

And Allie It's still crispy now, this far down the line.


Tie, chef? A tie? The winner is In today's cooking school challenge Hilary and Allie, I'd like to taste both your dishes one more time.

The chefs had to teach Miss Teen USA winners how to cook chicken parmesan.

It's tough, this one.

Chef Ramsay has narrowed the field down to the top two.

It's Dana and Allie versus Barbie and Hilary.

The winner is Hilary.


Ahh! Barbie, well done.

Really good job.

Really good job.

Oh, my God.

I won! Yes! Really good job, indeed.

I am so proud of Hilary and I.

I know I'm a good leader.

Thank you for coming.

Bye, good luck.

I was a pageant winner, and now I'm a Hell's Kitchen winner.

And I'm totally going to put it on my resume.

Barbie, well done.

You are emerging, aren't you? Patience is a virtue.

"Patience is a virtue"? Being mediocre the whole competition? Was that your strategy? Okay, tomorrow night is Italian night.



That's right.


So Barbie, for today, I've arranged for you an amazing Italian
-inspired fun day.

So, tell me who'd you like to take along with you.

I'm kind of hoping she doesn't pick me.

Spending a day with Barbie or a punishment hey, I don't know which one's worse.


You're going to have an extraordinary lunch cooked by a unique chef.

Once you finish lunch, you're going to spend the afternoon kayaking in the Venice canals.

Oh, my God.

Listen, I have a brand
-new Maserati.

I'm handing you the keys.

What? As a matter of fact, it's my convertible.


Enjoy yourself, yeah? And bring it back in one piece.

Head upstairs.

Get changed.

I definitely didn't expect Barbie to pick me to go on this reward.

But from what I've seen lately, I feel like we have definitely bonded.

Thank you very much, honestly.

As I've said, tomorrow night is Italian night in Hell's Kitchen.

The secret of a good Italian menu is in the prep, and we have a huge amount of work to do, let me tell you that.

It's going to be a long and tedious day.

I'm just pissed at myself right now.

I need to make sure that I win something soon.

I just can't picture Barbie and Justin hanging out.

Oh, that made me so mad when chef was, like, "Barbie, what's happening?" "Patience is a virtue.

" Hey, guys.

See you later.

I'm seeing this new Barbie emerge, and I'm guessing she's had a strategy all along.

Maybe they're falling in love.

She's trying to build an alliance.

Oh, hell, yeah.


Oh, yeah.

Oh, my God, that's gorgeous.

Sick with it.



Chef's convertible is really, really sick.

Thank you for bringing me.

Cheers to that.

I think we did well.

Here we go.

This one is the best creation of the restaurant.

Best food orgasm, number one.


Food is better than sex and this one is the dish.

Oh, my God.


So good.


I'm so happy that Barbie chose me.

Oh, yeah.

That's unbelievable.


Ooh As Barbie and Justin reach the climax of their Italian lunch, back in Hell's Kitchen, one chef is having a love affair We're drying pasta.

It reminds me of the old days back in Brooklyn.

With his pasta.

Hey, mambo.

Anybody can make pasta, but a true Italian artist can make really good pasta.

Plain and simple.

What is happening here? Clemenza, mine won't go through.

Come on, Dana.

What are you doing? Clemenza, come over here for a second.

Did I start too thick? Nobody else knows how to roll dough.

The problem is you're taking too long, and the dough's drying out.

Crank, crank a little bit.

Let's just try and get these done.

I think I made these too small.

Now it's getting all long.

All right, Enough already, man.

Someone's getting cranky.

With a slight discord among the chefs in Hell's Kitchen, out on the Venice canals A kayak pulls up, who can it be? Barbie and Justin have found a nice harmony.

These houses are beautiful.

Seeing the canals I really felt like I could relax and I could enjoy myself and I had no worries.

A lot better than making pasta right now.

Yeah, a lot better than making pasta right now.

I don't want to do this anymore.

Yeah, I'm getting giddy and tired and I've had enough.

Why is this thing never ending? Yeah, we could be pulling an all

My thumb hurts, and my feet hurt, and my legs hurt, and my back hurts.

I just want this to end.

It's really annoying.

I'm starting to get punch drunk.

We're never going to finish this pasta.

What's going on, guys? Hey, guys.


We kayaked the Venice canals.

Lunch was really sick.

Chef's car is off the hook.

You guys start anything for dinner? Not yet.

I'm hungry.

All right, we'll get something going.

So hungry.

There's something in me that feels really bad for them.

I know how much it sucks to stay home to do the punishment.

I knew they were beat down.

I'm literally upstairs cooking dinner for them right now.


This is really good, Justin.

They're going to love it.

Dinner time.

We made dinner.

Dude, is that a joke? I don't want to look at pasta.

Are you guys kidding? You made pasta? So not cool.

We just rolled pasta for six hours.

Really, guys? Are you kidding me? It was really a nice dinner.

At least appreciate it? I don't think you cooked all that.

With all of the final five chefs having had their fill of pasta for the day I'm tired.

Gonna shower and hit the bed.

The chefs turn in early.

Tonight is Italian night.

And not only do they have a brand
-new menu to prep Dana, you busy? But for the first time this year, the entire dining room will be fed out of one kitchen.

Can you please help me with some of this chicken? Dinner service is probably the most important thing I've ever done in my life tonight.

The Italian stallion Clemenza's coming through, baby.

Stand back, step off, watch out.

Ah, you're pounding them a little thin.


This is ridiculous.

Clemenza, what are you doing? Mr.

Italiano takes it upon himself to pound the chicken breast like this big.

Some of these are, like, absurd.

Did Clemenza pound them all? Yeah, he started to pound them.

Why? Why would you do this? Nothing yesterday was this size at all.

I know.



Come here.

Come here.

Come here! Why did we did this? I don't know what to do.

I really don't.

I have no idea.

He it all, so I don't know what you guys want to do.

It's just moments before Hell's Kitchen opens for Italian night.


Unfortunately, the resident Italian may have gone a little too far preparing the kitchen's chicken cutlets.

Why did we do this? I don't know what to do anymore.

Clemenza screwed up half the chicken, so now I don't even have enough orders of chicken breaded.

Take out the ones that are ridiculously large, like this.


This isn't cool.

Not at all.

I love double work.

Yeah, I up.

And you know, I'm going to kick ass in dinner service.

And that's what matters.


It's Italian night in Hell's Kitchen, and tonight, there's nowhere to hide.

Show me you've got the heart of a champion.

Let's go, guys.

Yes, chef.



Open Hell's Kitchen for Italian night.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

Flatbread and filet mignon.

Tonight the Hell's Kitchen menu will feature crab capellini, butternut squash risotto, and filet of beef with handmade cavatelli pasta.

I'll have the flatbread.


Uh, chicken parmesan.

Move, Clemenza.

Yes, chef.

If there's ever a night for you to shine Yes, chef.

It's tonight.

Tonight is your night.

Let's go.

Bring it the on, baby.

Let's go.

Two 2s, on order.

two couples, table two.

Two risotto, two flatbreads.


One chicken, one salmon, one filet.

One shrimp tagliatelle.

Yes, chef.

What were the appetizers for that table, Clemenza? Clemenza, what were the appetizers on that table? I didn't hear it, chef.

Dude, pull it together.

Two deuces together, Clemenza.

Yeah, he's not even concentrating.

Two risotto going with two flatbread.

That's two 2s together.

Gotcha, gotcha.


What's on order? Two risotto, two flatbreads.

Can I have a "yes, chef"? Yes, chef! These things happen.

What are you going to do? Clemenza, can I help you? Can you help? What an understatement.

I think he needs help.

I'm grabbing a cutting board so I can help you cut.

Clemenza was completely disorganized.

I'm running out of the kitchen to get a cutting board.

Come on, get some organization, Clemenza.

Yes, chef.

He's everywhere.

No system whatsoever.

This is your night to shine, big boy.

Step up or step off.

Flatbread? Yes.

Right here, chef.

Two flatbread.


Oh, Clemenza.

How you can work in a mess and produce a stunning flatbread, I'll never know.

With Clemenza delivering half of the first table of appetizers Risotto, please.

Let's go.

Chef Ramsay looks to Barbie to complete the order.

That's delicious.

Everyone like that now.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

Nailed it.


All I want to do from here on out is put out perfect risotto.

Keep it going, Barbie.

Yes, chef.

Service, please.

The first order of appetizers has made it out to the dining room right on time.


Whoa, that's really good.

And chef Ramsay is looking to the final five to have a service to remember.

On order, 4 couples, table 23.

Three capellini, one risotto.

Entree one shrimp, one salmon, two filet.

Yes, chef.

Clemenza, what are those appetizers? I was talking over you, chef.

Hey, you're not even interested anymore, are you? Yes, I am, chef.

Clemenza doesn't listen.

He doesn't listen.

Call the , take it out yourself.

Yes, chef.

We got three capellini, one risotto.

One tagliatel, one salmon, two filet.

Yes, Clemenza.

Yes, thank you.

Hurry up with the risotto.

Yes, chef.

Stop, all of you.

Come here.


We produced a stunning risotto.

Taste that.

Literally was raw wine, no salt, and the risotto was hard as a rock.

It's like a white wine risotto.

You cook risotto and you're, like, "you know how to do it.

" There's no excuse for not being able to cook it correctly.

Look at me.

Hey, you.

You just switched off.

He's in the , and now you.

You're now out of control.

We're on dinner service 14! We should be able to get risotto right.

How long, Barbie? Walking up to you now.

Barbie, taste it.

If it tastes good, send it up.

If it tastes like , don't! Get out of the way.

Put it down.

And off with you, yeah? All of you.

Stop! Come here.

Taste it.

What does that need? Salt and cooked longer.

That was disgusting.

I mean, you don't send a risotto like this up to the pass.

It's like rice soup.

Well, you're cooking like idiots.

Get a grip.

Yes, chef.

Let me help you.

Let me tell you what I need.

Move that out of the way.

Take the risotto.

I got your risotto.

I'll do whatever it takes.

I'll do backflips over to the over stations if I gotta, but the bottom line is that food needs to go out.

I need the risotto first.

Clemenza, take the risotto.

Clemenza, take the risotto.

You need the risotto to go first.

You're not you're still a little bit watery.

Take the risotto! Looks like someone literally peed in the frying pan and added butter.

I just told you, take the risotto.

Barbie, you want to do it and sink yourself, go right ahead.

There's no helping this girl.


There we go.

Stop! Ah, .

Told you.

All of you, look at that .

Hey, now just taste that, all of you.

Come on, chef.

I know it sucks.

You just tell me it sucks, I'll understand.

Taste it.

Taste, you.

Tastes like cheese soup.



Look at it.


It's an insult to Italy.

You ready to go home? It's 45 minutes into Italian night, and Barbie's poor performance on risotto Look at that .

Has the kitchen in the toilet.

Look at it.


It's an insult to Italy.

Now, look at me.

Yes, chef.

I don't care if I go on now without you.

One more dish like that, madam don't wait till the end of service.

Do you, me, and all your team a favor and get the out of here.

Yes, chef.

I don't want to go home.

I know where the door is, and I want to be on this side of it.

Look at me.

Serious now.

Yes, chef.

Last time.

Yes, chef.

I have no idea what's going on with Barbie right now, but you can just hear the bombs dropping.

Risotto! Risotto's coming right now, chef.


Barbie's fourth attempt at the butternut squash risotto Service, please.

Has finally met chef Ramsay's standards.

Very good.

Barbie, you're working one four flatbread.

Push it out.

The kitchen is steadily sending food to the dining room.

Two capellini coming in, chef.

Service, please.

With a third of their appetizers completed Away now, first entree.

The final five move on to entrees.

One orecchiette, two filet, one chicken parm.

How long? I need six minutes.

Let's go.

I'm focusing on searing the 100 orders of filet that I have coming in.

It's a lot of meat, so I'm a little concerned.

And by a little, I mean a lot.


Stop, you.


All of you, come here.

Come here.

Talk to me.

What do you think? Obviously, the pan got too hot, chef.

Go on then, chef.

It's burned, chef.

Dana has two filets, and they are black as night.

Everything in the pan was black.

Oh, off.

The lot of you, will you? I should have just thrown them out.

What's the matter? I'm fine, chef.

Want to go home? No, chef! You're way out of control.

I'm fine, chef.

That's fine, is it? No.

It's not fine for me.

No, no.

Get a grip, yeah? Yes, chef.

And get it back.

Yes, chef.

With Dana slipping on the meat station, chef Ramsay You! Come here, you.

She can't drive it, can you drive it? Yes, chef.

Looks to Justin to take control of the kitchen.

How long for those tables? Five minutes on that next table Thank you.

After this one goes out first.

Thank you, finally.

Oui, chef.

I'm taking the reins.

I'm running this kitchen.

Two filet, two salmon.

You go with the filet first, I'll follow with the two salmon, okay? There's no way chef Ramsay's shutting us down tonight.

Two filet, walking.

Behind! I told him I'd get us through this.

I promise you, I'll get the food to you.

Dana! Thank you, those filet were cooked perfectly.

Are we back up now, are we? We're up, chef.

We're up.

We're going right into the next pickup.

You good with that or no? Yeah, the next pickup.


Thanks to Justin's leadership, ththe first entrees go out to the dining room.

Really tender.

Back in the kitchen, Barbie I got two capellini going with two flatbread.

And Clemenza Uh, flatbread now You got a minute.

Continue to send appetizers.

Service, please.

Push it! Let's go! Two filet, one salmon, one shrimp.

Let's go.

Now Justin on fish, Dana on meat, and Christina on garnish Christina, let me know when you're walking, please.

I got 60 seconds.

Are hoping to make the second half of service run more smoothly than the first.

How long, Dana? I'm walking.

Right behind.

Talk to me, chef.

Garnish is up for you.



All of you, stop.


Taste that.

Taste it.

What does that taste like? Burnt, chef.


And then what about seasoning? It needs salt, chef.

It needs salt.

Really? Everyone knows how much chef Ramsay feels about seasoning.

You know, there's no excuse.

What's happened to you guys all of a sudden? Christina, what's gone wrong? No I don't know, chef.

What I need to do is regain focus, regain control, and put up the food that I stand behind.

Is it coming? I'm right here, chef.

Are you tasting, are you? Why are you tasting it? Because I need to make sure it's seasoned properly.

Yeah, really? It's weird, that, no? For a chef to taste his own cookin.


The difference is night and day.

Yes, chef.

As Christina redeems herself on the garnish station, entrees are flying out of the kitchen.

Service, please.

And diners are thrilled with what they're receiving.


And with one table of appetizers left All right, both of you, come here.

Chef Ramsay has a wager for Barbie and Clemenza.

Do you think you can get the last table right? Yes, chef! Seriously? Yes, chef! I bet you $100 you don't.

Chef Ramsay, I'm definitely not taking that bet.

-I think you're right.

Barbie can't cook.

This is gonna take me a minute on that risotto.

I'm not ready on that risotto at all.

Get up there, Clemenza.

I'm going.

Follow, Barbie.

Come on.

Send this up.

Get those apps up.

My entrees are gonna die.

The last table appetizers are one of the most difficult things I've ever seen in my life.

I don't understand it.

These people have been sitting here for this long.

They're starving.

Please, just get it out.

Thank you.

What is that? What is that? I don't know.

Look, she's not even answering me.

It's the crab.

Hey, you.

Come here, you.

This is how bad it is.

One capellini, one risotto away.

And I got a bowl of capellini, and there's over two portions there.

You don't even know what you're doing anymore.

I've got too much capellini and not enough crab Yes, chef.

You stupid idiot.

Yes, chef.

Have you given up? Look at me.

I beg you to go home.

I just don't get it! I just I honestly do not understand what the is going on! An hour and a half into Italian night, and every table in the dining room has been served That is good.

Except for one.

Our last table hasn't gotten their appetizers yet.

Capellini, how long? Three minutes, chef.

Can you count down? Yes, chef.

Can you bring your team together? Yes, chef.

Can you do anything motivational? Sorry, guys.

What? The apps haven't gone out yet? We actually have to wait to serve entrees? Capellini coming, chef.

90 seconds, chef.

Barbie, where are you? Send those, uh, capellini.

Service, please.

Are you kidding me? Five people left, and this is what we do? Insane.

It is good.

Can we send the last table, please? One chicken parm, one orecchiette.

Yes, chef! Yes, chef.

I got your orecchiette coming.

Come on, Christina.


Garnish! Thank you.


Service, please.

The chef apologizes for the wait.

Wait an hour for your appetizers, your entrees come right out! That is not what I expected.

Switch off.

Clear down.

Yes, chef.

We have been on a amazing, long journey together.

But I did not expect this this evening.

You were way, way, way off the mark tonight.

On the verge of an embarrassment.

I am just bitterly disappointed.

Get upstairs Analyze everything.

Give me the one person you want to get rid of.

Leave me alone, guys.

I don't know what to say.

I'm pissed off.

I'm definitely disappointed in myself.

I expected more.

My pride my dignity like In the dustpan with the rest of that risotto.

Hey, you're fine, dude.

This is the first time you've made a mistake.


You've been solid this whole competition.


Christina, get a hold of yourself.

I know you're not used to making mistakes, but come on, girl.

What did you do that was so bad tonight? Nothing.

Dude, I gotta say this to you.

If you looked at who was the worst person in service, I'm sorry, it's Barbie.

Every one of those risottos, I had to tell her what to do, and she still didn't listen.

And that last one, I even said it.

"It's soupy.

It needs to cook out, and it needs salt.

" Clemenza's got a point.

You get put on a station like that where you're making pasta and risotto and you keep it up, that's real bad, especially at this point in the competition.

But I vote for Clemenza all the time.

I'm so sick of cleaning up after him.

So it's a difficult decision.

We all knew it going into service today.

If you up today, you had a good chance of going home.

Sit on your bed.


I just would be happy to see Barbie go.

I don't particularly like her, and tonight, Barbie really sucked.

She didn't have somebody strong to lean on, and she went down.

I get that.

Barbie, what happened tonight? You just bombed out? I had a bad night.

I can admit to it.

But Clemenza comes over to my station, he's in my way, bumping around, making a mess.

He's a oaf.

I should not have had that bad of a night.

Not at all.

Come on, Dana! Come on, let's go.

My vote is for Clemenza.


I vote for Barbie.

So you guys are voting for each other.

You guys need to vote.

Plain and simple.

We need to get a handle on what happened there.

I asked him for help and his help was not helping me.

Yeah, but I'm sorry.

When I'm when I'm when I'm telling somebody "don't bring up the risotto, it's not ready.

" I'm getting told, "bring up the risotto" and I'm getting screamed in my face.

Your back was towards me.

I wasn't screaming at you in your face.

Clemenza, take the risotto.

I got your risotto.

Take the risotto! I just told you, take the risotto! You said bring the thing up just exactly like that! I'm not gonna stand there and allow somebody to speak to me that way.

I'm sorry.

Too bad.

I'm definitely in danger of going home.

Not happy about it, don't think I deserve it.

It was Italian night.

The one night that I wanted to do good.

The one night I really got a chance to shine, and instead I got a smack in the face.

I'm I'm just Really? Like, really? Okay.

Both bombed.

We both bombed.

Both bombed.

Everyone seems to think that Barbie is annoying or she does stupid things, but you know what? That's all petty .

But she really did b*mb tonight.

Clemenza, on the other hand, is just a disaster.

If you're a mess and it doesn't bother you, then, you know, how can you organize a kitchen of 50? I mean, you were all both part of the station that bombed.

This is, like, I I don't know if I'm just, like, thrown off from tonight, but I don't know why I'm having such a hard time, like, putting my head around it.

I don't really know.

What a night.

It's such a shame.

You're supposed to be the unique talent.


I trust you've come to a consensus.

Chef, I don't think the team came to a final nomination, chef.

Does anyone have a pair of to tell the truth? I don't know either, chef.

After failing to truly come together as a team during dinner service, the chefs were asked to agree on the one person who will be nominated for elimination I trust you've come to a consensus.

And they have also failed at that.

Chef, I don't think the team came to a final nomination.

Does anyone have a pair of to tell the truth? I don't know either, chef.


Go on, Dana.

We were deliberating up until the very last moment.

It's between Barbie and Clemenza.

I want to hear from both of them.

Clemenza, Barbie.

Step forward.


Yes, chef.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I haven't lost my passion, chef.

You reminded me of where the door is, and I want to stay on this side of the door, chef.

No callback.

Lacking inspiration.

No leadership qualities.

Completely in the weeds.

Nothing was correct on your station.

I never gave up, chef.

You did give up.

That was not me at my best, but I never gave up.


Yes, chef.

Seventh time standing in front of me.

For 50% of your performance in this competition, you've been standing there.

Seven times standing in front of me! Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? 'Cause I have done some good, and I have done a lot of good.

Tonight was an embarrassment.

Being the Italian night, believe you me, I wanted to shine.

-I wanted to do more.

-I did not quit once towards service.

No matter what you said, no matter what was thrown at me, I kept going and going and going.

Why was there no synergy? I find it hard to trust Clemenza on the line.

He is disorganized.

He puts stuff everywhere! Oh Whoop

I told you on every risotto, it wasn't done right.

Your answer to me was, "take it up there.

" I'm not ready to go home and I'm not ready to give up.

I'm not gonna give up.

Chef, I've been a team player.

I've battled through everything.

I always give you 100%.

Every time I come down, I am ready for battle.


The person leaving Hell's Kitchen Clemenza.

Sorry, big boy.

Give me your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen, please.

Yes, chef.

I appreciate all your effort, but you're not ready It's been a pleasure.

For Vegas.

Love you, Clemenza.

Love you, snack pack.

Barbie, back in line.

Yes, chef.

Later, guys.

Hell's Kitchen, without a doubt, is the hardest thing I ever had to do.

Clemenza! I'm running out of time! It's been up and down and high and low.

You should be able to nail a New York
-style pizza.

This is a joke.

But I fought through it.

Dana, Clemenza, congratulations.

Yes! I've been up for elimination more than anybody.

And then I have to put up with Clemenza.


Clemenza, chef.

People thought I was down, people thought I was out.

I just kept coming and coming and coming back.

Everybody's trying to get rid of me, and I still put out better food than everybody standing there! Clemenza, back in line.

To get kicked out on Italian night is embarrassing, but coming to Hell's Kitchen has definitely put some spark back into me.

I know I'm going to the top.

Listen carefully.

Each of you has a one
-four chance of winning this competition.

Try and visualize becoming the head chef in Vegas, one of the most sought
-after playing fields for any chef anywhere in the world, with a salary of $1/4 million.

There is a lot at stake here.

This is where you really need to push it.

Yes, chef! Piss off.

Thank you, chef.

There's only three people I gotta get through to win this competition.

I've never been this focused.

I really am here for a reason, and that's because.

-I've cooked as hard as I possibly can.

All right, champagne.


This is real.

There is $1/4 million within my reach! Final four, guys! Final four, guys! I can smell it! I can taste it! And I want it! Justin, there's a note.

Read it.

"Congratulations on making it to the final four.

"Enjoy this.

The best part is yet to come.

Chef Ramsay.

" All righ Oh, ! Oh, my God! Next time Oh, my God! You won't believe who chef Ramsay allows into Hell's Kitchen.

It sucks so bad.

Man, this is kinda scary.

And then, in a dinner service that tests each chef's leadership qualities Each of you will have a turn running the pass.

Does Dana Dana, answer me.

It's gonna be ready when it's ready.

Really try to sabotage the other chefs to get ahead? Dana's dragging on fish.

I'm waiting for first table.

Does her closest ally, Christina Where's that cod, Dana? I need it walking! Become her new enemy? I don't give a about friendship, you.

Walking with cod.

Walk quickly! Dana, walking! Now Dana's me.

Wait, what? Right now, we're .

It's the moment they've all been waiting for.

I deserve to be in the finale.

I have to win tonight.

Honestly, I could see all four of you in the Hell's Kitchen final But there can only be two.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen.
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