10x13 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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10x13 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Clemenza Robyn tried to align herself with Clemenza.

I have no problem kissing ass.

I know Justin and Brian got a bromance going on.

Then, in the much
-anticipated blind taste test Scallops.

Justin made Hell's Kitchen history Fig, chef.


Radish, chef.

Never before has anyone gotten a perfect score.

You have an extraordinary palate.

Giving the blue team another victory.

Third punishment in a row for the red team.

Ugh! I don't want to get used to this feeling.

Barbie, we need some help in here.

During punishment, Kimmie went after her new Nemesis, Barbie You're not gonna get the easy every time.

This is easy? For not pulling her weight.

Don't talk to me that way.

You gonna hit me? And then, later that evening, a surprise delivery Special delivery! Revealed their next test.

"To the contestants of Hell's Kitchen: Open immediately.

" All right, ready? Tomorrow night's dinner service, it's red versus blue menu.

On the blue team Scallops, and then a little lobster, and I pipe it into squash blossom.

I do like it.

Me and Justin both understand what chef Ramsay wants.

Justin, supported by his biggest fan, Brian, led the team as they created their menu Why don't we do, like, a ring mold? What are you doing, 1980? Cutting out Robyn and Clemenza.

Are you kidding me? Who the made you boss? The red team Could do a beer
-batter crust.


Wasn't on board with Kimmie's ideas.

the red team raced to prep their menu.

What the has she been doing with two hours for these mussels? And while Barbie slowed the team down Barbie's definitely set us back.

Tiffany's potatoes Potatoes aren't done.

They're crunchy! Had her team panicking.

Dana thinks she knows it all, but I know what fine dining is.

With minutes before Hell's Kitchen was set to open The blue team first hit a stumbling block.

Visually, it looks like something out of the 1980s.

Not good.

And then, a careless mistake There's bone everywhere.

You didn't take the bone out? Clemenza didn't check to see if there were still bones.

Had chef Ramsay looking for blood.

I'm about to kick you out of here.

See you later.

You ready to go home? Tonight, find out if Clemenza will even make it to dinner service.

We can't get out together.

Get ready for the most intense dinner service yet.

Come here! It's red versus blue menu It's your menu, my standards! That's not good enough! And chef Ramsay Expects nothing short of perfection.

I thought you cared.

I do, chef.

I don't know what the hell going on.

Lying bastard! Why'd you do it? I will nail you to the post! As he continues the search for his head chef at Gordon Ramsay Steak at Paris, Las Vegas.

I swear to God, I don't give a if the whole team goes home tonight.

I don't care.

Fire unh when you shake what you got and girl you've got a lot you're really something, child yes, you are the way you walk and talk really sets me off and I'm so excited the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby woo, woo, woo the way you push push lets me know that you're goo
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no, fire what I said, child fire fire And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Let's go.

Come on, come on, come on.

For tonight's dinner service, it's the biggest test both teams have faced so far.

It's red menu versus the blue.

But chef Ramsay's critique of the blue team's dishes What is it? Grilled quail.

MmThere's bone everywhere.

You didn't take the bone out? Is a major setback.

I'm about to kick you out of here.

And Clemenza's careless and dangerous mistake has chef Ramsay fuming.

Are you ready to go home? No, chef.

I'll fix it.

That quail's a disaster.

Yes, chef.

That needs some serious work on there.

Holy ! You know, I thought I was gone.

I really, seriously thought I was gone.

Now, with only 30 minutes until the doors open, the blue team has their work cut out for them.

I want this menu absolutely nailed.

Step up a gear a little bit.

This is your menu.

Let's go, yeah? Yes, chef.

All right, I will help inspect the quails and the asparagus.


I'm really worried about the dishes.

Before service starts, we have so much stuff to do.

We gotta get focused, we gotta have all our together.

He didn't say anything bad about the dishes.

I think you should oil, salt and pepper those and just char 'em on the grill.


These are all little, easy fixes.

Let's go, ladies.

Tonight's the night.

I can feel it in the air.

Let's go, Clemenza.

Yes, chef.

Bounce around to the other side.

Let's go.


Okay, red team, blue team, tonight is the night that it's the blue menu versus the red menu.

The girls better k*ll it tonight.

We set up for success, so it should be real easy tonight.

No excuses.

Your stations, your menu, my standards.

Got it? Yes, chef.

I don't think the red team is better than us at all.

I know that if we lose, it's just because we can't get our together.

There's no reason for it.

Okay, James.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Red versus blue menu.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

At tonight's dinner service, the red kitchen's menu will feature Christina's flatbread and Kimmie's rib eye, with Tiffany's potato gratin.

The blue team's menu will feature.

Justin's scallop
-stuffed squash blossoms, Justin's steak and fried onions, and Brian's sea bass.

I'm gonna start out with the beet salad.

Chef Ramsay will be using diner comment cards to help him determine the winner of tonight's dinner service.

And away, 4 couples, table 34.

Three flatbread, one beet salad.

Yes, chef.

On order, 3 couples away, table 64.

Two beet salad, one flatbread.

Yes, chef.

Two minutes, guys.

Two flatbread, one mussels, one beet salad.

Yes, chef.

Going in.

Right off the bat, I already have, like, eight flatbreads fired.

Two beet, one flatbread.

No answer.

Two beet, one flatbread! Four minutes, please.

Speed up, young lady.

Yes, chef.

I'm just like, "why do we have to start this way?" Can't we talk it out, hug it out, anything? Something? Gimme some love, chef Ramsay, please.

Beets out, walking.

Walking now with mussels.

Two flatbread.

I'm dying.

Christina! Come on, then.

Young lady, where's your vigor, where's your speed? Change your gear.

Yes, chef.

Where is it? It's right here, chef.

Somebody, like, help me out, please.

All right, I'm gonna come over here and help with the flatbreads, okay? Christina definitely talks a big game, but tonight, she's just losing it.

Thank you.

I'm walking with two flatbreads.

Service, please.

With Barbie's help Two flatbreads, chef.

The flatbread crisis has been avoided, and Christina is sending full orders of appetizers to the pass.

Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen, Robyn Excuse me, let me get the squash blossoms out.

Is hoping to get her team off to a quick start by cooking to perfection.

Justin's squash blossom appetizers.

Are you sure they're hot? It's just not cooked enough.

Too pink, no? Hey, come here.

Come here, all of you.


Just touch that.

Just touch it.



Just touch it.

Justin's dish is a scallop mousse with chunks of lobster in there, piped in a stupid flower.

Who the wants to eat a flower with mousse in it? Hey, stop, stop! All of you! I don't know what the hell is going on.

All of you this is your menu.

Yes, chef.

Your stations.

And you keep me standing there dying! Get in the game! Yes, chef.

Cook 'em all the way through.

Cook 'em all the way through.

This is your dish, and you told me five minutes.

And now it's not five minutes, bro.

You never cooked before? Feel the damn thing, and if it's ready, you send it up.

I don't understand where the thought process is in it.

Are you blaming somebody? Are blaming me for that? Actually, I am kinda blaming you, bro.

Yes, I'm blaming you, Justin.


You set me up for failure.

I did exactly what you said, and the first order of squash blossoms came back raw.


I knew it was too good to be true.

Now they're overcooked! Touch them.

They're like boiled to .

Hello! Touch them! Get a grip.

Get your head together.

I got my head.

I need more squashes done, please.

Hello, Justin, did you hear me? What do you want? What do you want me to do? Robyn, what the are you doing over there? Get yourself organized.

The only person that's gonna help you out here is yourself.

Madam, you're all over the place! I'm making more, chef.

While the blue team struggles to get out of the blocks It's the first table! Coming out right now, chef.

Coming out right now.

The red team Two flatbreads, chef.

Okay, go.

Is blazing along, having sent out more than half of their appetizers Oh, that is so good.

Away now, yes? Two halibut, one rib eye.

And are now ready with their first entrees.

Walking with two halibut.

That halibut's beautifully cooked.

Thank you, chef.

Good work, ladies.

Let's keep it going, okay? Kimmie, do you need any help? No, I got everything else.

Thank you.

I'm asking you if you need help, and you don't want it? Do you need any help with sauces? No.


Fine with me.

Pull the rib eyes out of there for me.

Barbie, you see two fat
-ass fingers from Memphis? I can handle this .

I don't need your help.


Oh, hello? Stop! All of you! Look, that's the stunning, beautiful duck, by the way.

Take a slice.

When chef makes you taste a dish, you know it's gonna be bad.

Take a slice.

Take a slice.

It's overcooked, Kimmie.


Overcooked, chef.

It's dry, it's disgusting.

What the hell? Overcooked, and the fat's not rendered through.

Bitch, shut the up.

You don't need to be eating my food and telling me what's wrong with it.

Your menu! Christina! Your menu! Yes, chef.

I know, chef.

I offered.

I can cook meat.

And duck.

We're coming right back, chef.

As Kimmie tries to nail the duck, in the blue kitchen Two crab, two scallops.

How long? Right away, chef.

Robyn Service, please.

Has finally figured out the scallop squash blossoms.

That's really good.

But some diners We don't have any more scallops.

That's all I got.

May be out of luck.

Chef, we don't have enough for that last order.

Justin didn't prep enough squash blossoms, so obviously, my faith in Justin has just went out the door.

We don't have enough scallops.

I prepped, I think.

She just kept it up, giving it raw, or giving it overcooked.

So of course we didn't have enough.

I'll take blame for when I up, but come on, really? I up there? Go and get James, take your ticket.

Yes, chef.

Hi, folks.

Unfortunately, we don't have the two scallops because I overcooked them and undercooked them.

I can replace them with two more crab salads or two carpaccios.

This is mortifying, embarrassing, humiliating.

I just want to crawl into a hole and die.

What would you like? We'll take the carpaccio.


Thank you very, very much.

You're welcome.

I do apologize.

I'll have it right out for you.

Here you go, chef.

Robyn is having major issues.

It's not personal, but as a chef, she sucks.

Chef filed a second order at six minutes after, chef.

Oh, man.

Let's go.

With Robyn's plan "B" in motion, the blue team is finally moving on to entrees.

On order, 6 couples, table 22.

Three New York strip, three bass.

Yes, chef.

Meanwhile, in the red kitchen Behind you, chef.

Kimmie is ready with her second attempt at the duck.

Nice, that, no? It looks lovely.



Meat has to be on point with the time.

I got it.

I got it.

If meat fails, then garnish fails, then fish fails.

Where's the rib eye? I'm walking right now.

The rest of my duck came out perfectly, and I just gotta make sure I am on point, or we're .

It's overcooked.


We've got overcooked rib eye.

It's all easy food, so if nobody can make it, then they shouldn't really be here.

I thought you cared.

I do, chef.

Yeah, so you're just like, "here you go, chef.

Here you go!" Kimmie, I hate losing dinner service.

I'm, like, aah! At this stage of the game, your menu, my standards.

That's not good enough! Given up? both teams have just about completed their appetizers.

Service, please.

And moved on to entrees.

Four rib eyes.

Yes, chef.

But Kimmie's inconsistent performance on the meat station It's overcooked.

Has chef Ramsay's confidence completely shaken.

Here you go.

You've given up? No, chef.

I swear to God, I don't give a if the whole team goes home tonight.

I don't care.

I got you right now, chef.

Oh, me, dude! Confidence, Kimmie, confidence! 'Cause I know I can do it.

You've given up? No, chef.

Look how flat it is.

It's like we've finished service.

We're not even halfway through.

She's slicing.

Come on, let's go! Yes, chef.

Come on, let's push.

Let's push.

Are the rib eye coming? Walking now.

Chef, this is hot.

There you go.

Kimmie That's beautifully cooked.


yeah! Service, please.

Kimmie has bounced back on the meat station, and entrees are making their way out to the dining room.

Everybody good? Keep talking.

Keep it up.

Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen Three New York strips, one sea bass! Justin, on meat Walking with the shrimp.

And Clemenza on fish Sea bass are up, chef.

Have come together to complete their first table of entrees.

Garnish in my hand.

Brian, there's onions missing.


They're not ready? I forgot about that.

It's my bad.

I up, chef.

Come here, you.

Your mind's still on the slides.

Look at me.

Get in the game or off.

Yes, chef.


I just completely forgot that they were even on the dish.

Stupid idiot.

I'm not getting m*rder*d on an onion ring.

On a fried, onion that's not happening tonight.

There's no way.

Get those onion rings up, guys.

Onion rings, Brian.

Garnish is up.

Oh, .

Stop! Come here, all of you.

Come here, come here.

Look, look.

Touch them.


Pile on there.

Pass it around.

It's like a golf ball, look.

No, chef Ramsay's not having that.

damn me.

Look at me.

You don't care.

I care, chef.

Hey, look at me.

If you cared, you'd question what you're doing.

I seen a glob of onion that he sent up.

Brian, come on.

It's not rocket science.

How long? Right now, chef.

In my hand.

Onions are up.


Service, please.

Garnished and ready for prime time, the blue team's first entrees have finally made it out to the dining room.

Oh, this is good.

Yeah, I like it.

Meanwhile, the red team Walking with two halibut.

Led by Dana That halibut's beautifully cooked.

Thank you, chef.

Continues to push out entrees.

How is everything? The lobster's raw? I do apologize.

But unfortunately, maitre d' James has some disappointing news for chef Ramsay.

They've all complained that it's raw.

Uh, guys, like, something's coming back.

Please don't be mine.

Please don't be mine! Dana! Oh, my God.

Are you kidding me? Yes, chef.

You cooked the halibut perfectly.

Raw lobster.

I mean, oh, come on.

Honestly? Look at it.

I trust you with the main fish, and you cook the lobster undercooked.

Yes, chef.

I thought the lobster claws at my station were already fully cooked, and all I had to do was re
-heat them in the water.

But apparently, that's not the case.

I mean, hell! I swear to God, it's pinker inside than Paris Hilton's lipstick! Yes, chef.

Come on, Dana that's not you.

You don't make mistakes like that.

Yes, chef.

I thought they were cooked all the way through.

It's my fault, chef.

Fight back.

The food has to be perfect, so I need to redeem myself and show that I'm strong in service.

Lobster claws.

Service, please.

While Dana's lobster leaves the kitchen for a second and hopefully final time, over in the blue kitchen I'm going in two minutes.

You follow me up, okay? Yes.

Justin is more vocal than ever, and takes the lead on entrees.

We're following right away with the entree, okay? You'll be all right with that? Talk to me, let me know.

Get it ready.

You know, Clemenza makes me nervous sometimes.

He's very slow and lackadaisical.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Clemenza, you ready with the fish? Yes? Talk to me.

Yes? Clemenza, are you okay with the fish? Yes, yes, I'm good.


Justin, I appreciate you helping, but shut the up.

I don't need you to tell me how many we got.

I'm just gonna keep making 'em.

Clemenza! That bass is cooked perfectly.

Thank you, chef.

Damn, how do you like me now, bitch? You know what I'm saying? This ain't my first dog and pony show.

Service, please.

While entrees continue to leave the blue kitchen at Clemenza standard time Keep it up, Clemenza.


Keep it up.

The red team Two duck, one halibut, one rib eye.

Walking now.

Seems to be back in the groove.

Service, please.

But one chef has a dirty little secret.

45 seconds on the ramp.

You're preparing fish garnish in a dirty pan! Oh, hello? All of you, I just watched Tiffany scrape out all the old .

So she gets e dirty pan and sticks all the fresh garnish in there.

Tiffany is definitely a little gross.

She's nasty.

When a chef can't be bothered to get a clean pan, and saute fresh vegetables, trust me, it tells me something.

Sorry, chef.

We have 2 million saute pans in Hell's Kitchen, and you're gonna pick up a dirty saute pan and cook in it.

How gross is that? Look at you! While Tiffany tries to clean up her act, in the blue kitchen Two sea bass, one quail, one New York strip, followed by two sea bass, two New York strip.

Justin Clemenza, you heard what he said? And Clemenza What? Can't seem to get their act together.

I just on it it's two it's two Okay, it's one, and then two.

One, and then two.

Two sea bass.


Minute and a half on the bass.

He's literally looked at me like deer in the headlights.

Like, "what the are you talking about?" Like, "I just told you.

Two, and then two!" Clemenza, what's up? Communication It was kind of hard to hear over Justin's yelling.

We're walking in one minute.

Shut your mouth.

Two sea bass, a quail, and a New York.



I'm going with the strip.

Yes, I'm ready.

I'm ready.

Behind you.


One is missing on there.

Where's the second sea bass? I'm coming up with two right now.

Why is he bringing two? One.


You're telling me one, he's telling me two.

Two sea bass, two New York strip.

-what? Come on, Clemenza.

What the ? I gotta fire another of meat now.

Every table, stop, start! Stop, start! Stop, start! Stop, start! And all because you haven't got the balls to say, "chef, i'm dragging the bass.

" I have the other sea bass right here.

Where? Lying bastard, you knew you hadn't got it.

Why'd you do it? I really don't understand you, chef.

I will nail you to the post! An hour and a half into dinner service, the blue team has only managed to serve half of their entrees One missing on there.

Leaving half of the diners waiting.

Where's the second sea bass? And thanks to Clemenza's confusion with the number of sea bass on order I will nail you to the post! They will continue to wait.

Can I just jump down there and get some food? Clemenza, if you got the fish in the oven, why don't you give it to Brian and help her with dessert? Clemenza, there's no option.

We're not losing.

The fish is in the oven, three and a half minutes.

What do you need? Give it to Brian.

While Brian tries to save the fish station, the red team has a ton of momentum and are almost done with entrees.

Thank you.

Unfortunately The potatoes are raw.

Not everything is edible.

They're raw.

It's a first for me.

Hey, Kimmie.

My mistake, Kimmie.

I mean, "come here," look.

Now we've got raw potatoes.


No, just touch them.

Touch the potatoes.

Can we just get done without getting yelled at? Like, all you have to do is take my potatoes and put them into a pan.

It's not hard.

That's the first time in my cooking career I've heard of a raw gratin dauphinoise.

You've given up, she doesn't care.

I do care.

Eehhhh off.

Don't tell me that I don't care.

I care about food more than I care about my family.

This so hurts! Your menu! Back on your station.

Come on, guys.

Tiffany, I told you five hours ago that they were crunchy.

Potatoes aren't done.

It's not a big deal.

See what it tastes like when it cools.

It should have been in the oven for a lot longer! I've been serving the same potatoes all night, and now all of a sudden we have a problem? When you brought them to me, you asked me, and I said they were crunchy.

I put them back in the oven.

We're just .

There is no way to get around this.

You're gonna have to give me a little bit of time so I can cook these potatoes that were put up already.

How long? Ten minutes.

While Tiffany's raw potatoes have brought the red kitchen to a grinding halt, in the blue kitchen, Justin Walking with the strip, going to the window behind you.

Is once again leading the charge.

Service, please.

Thank you.

And is determined to deliver the rest of his team's entrees.

Are they cooked properly? No? Oh, man.

Come here! Three New York strip, all medium, virtually medium

The three that came back were, like, slightly over.

Like, really slightly over.

I was pissed at myself.


I didn't want to overcook one prime steak.

I was doing fine the whole night.

I'll be ready soon.

Justin, he thinks he's a head honcho, king mighty everything.

Well, you know what, bro, you failed.

Let's help each other out before we get in the weeds.

That's the whole point of teamwork.

So how long? 28 minutes? Go on.

I was gonna say six minutes I guarantee it's not happening now, when it should be happening! The two quail are in the oven, and two bass How long? Six minutes, chef.

So why is it so long? I don't know what happened with the fish and the quail, chef.

Really? Justin, you know what, take responsibility from the time you started prepping until the time we sank like the Titanic! Own up, man up, and step up.

You're on.

Let's go! With diners on the blue side growing more hungry At least we have bread.

We do have bread.

And less hopeful, the red team is stuck on their last two tickets How long, tiff? I don't know, exactly.

Still waiting on Tiffany's under
-cooked potato garnish.

You should know.

They're your potatoes, right? That was your that was your component, right? That was your idea for the menu, right? I'm sorry, what do you want me to say? Don't give me that look.

Don't get an attitude.

You're just k*lling my steaks.

I don't know, Kimmie.

I don't know.

Tiffany Sorry.

No, you're not.

Yes, I am.

No, you're not! Yes, I am.

You're the sloppiest cook I've ever seen my whole entire life.


No, you're not! Okay, I'm not.

You have such a attitude.

Why don't you take a walk, and, Dana, take over her section.

Yes, chef.

Have fun.

Hey, look at Tiffany.

Let's make fun of her.

I don't care about anything, apparently, so what the ? You all just made me look like a idiot.


Come on, guys.

Let's finish it out.

Let's finish it out.

How long? Potatoes are not ready.

We're just waiting on the potatoes.

How do those potatoes look, Dana? No.

They're crunchy! So I ad cream, and I put 'em in the oven Again And againAnd again And again.

No matter how much I cook these potatoes, they are still crunchy.

the last ticket! Dude, these still aren't done.

In spite of being a couple of tables away from completing their service, the red team is stuck in neutral by the mystifying potatoes.

I told her they were mad
-crunchy, dude.

Meanwhile, the blue team, who have struggled all night Last table.

Is somehow at the finish line.

Get this last table.

Come on, do it right.

Where's the bass? Where's the other bass? The other bass? I just pulled it out of the oven.

I don't like the way it looks.

I think it needs more sear.

Don't like it.

I just want some color on top of it.

I didn't like the color.

A little bit of fish here, a little bit there.

You're stuffing you're face with dessert.

Hey, all of you, come here! Put that one down.

A blind man can see that's raw.



It's my fault.

It's my fault.

Honestly, your menu Your menu, your menu, your menu! You give me that followed by that.

You, you, you, you, get out! idiots.

Get the out of here! Two hours into the red menu versus blue menu dinner service, neither team has impressed chef Ramsay with the execution of their own dishes.

And in the blue kitchen All of you, come here! You give me that followed by that.

Brian's raw sea bass has finally pushed chef Ramsay over the edge.

You, you, you, you, get out! idiots! Get the out of here! I don't get it.

I don't get it.

We just got kicked out of our own kitchen, with our own menu, with our own dishes that we created.

How much of a do I feel like? Oh, come on, man.

I don't know what happened.

The fish wasn't cooked.

Why wasn't the fish cooked? Because you didn't have it.

Because you didn't tell me! Yes, I did.

I said, "two and two!" What the is going on here? I don't get it.

I mean, I'm not saying that I'm perfect, but I mean, really? Like, I don't even under like, you think I'm wrong here? But you kept saying, "I got two steak.

" What do you mean? It was the second ticket.

You kept telling me this is what you need now.

No, I said that's the final ticket the final ticket was two and two.

But you didn't say that.

Yes, I did.

While the blue team plays the blame game, back in their kitchen Scott, two bass in, please.

Two New York strip.

Two new Yorks are out and resting.

Chef Ramsay and chef Scott complete the final table.

JamesThat's what they should look like.

Go, please.

Thank you very much.

Meanwhile, in the red kitchen, "potatogate" is over, and the final table is now being served.


Let's go.

The potatoes finally finish, and I'm like, "oh, thank God.

" That is not what I expected.

Switch off, clear down, and off! Well, at least we didn't get kicked out of the kitchen.

Oh, nobody's in there? No.

They all got kicked out? Yeah.

Oh, my God, I didn't know that.

It is always good news to hear that the blue team has been kicked out of the kitchen.

At least we know we're not the losing team tonight.

All of you, listen carefully.

I have in my hand the comment cards.

I was hoping that they would decide the winning team.

Tonight, it was the most shocking dinner service yet.

Here's the sad news.

Your menu, your creativity, your execution, and supposedly your teamwork.

Blue team Embarrassing.

I mean, really embarrassing! It's like you just didn't care.

And ladies, raw potatoes.

And then, Dana Raw lobster.

I expected tonight to be your absolute best.

Unfortunately, it's gone down in history as one of your worst.

There will be no winning team.

I'm so confused right now.

Somebody tell me what the hell's going on! I don't even know what to say.

I really thought we had this.

Both teams, decide which two people you want to nominate to lose from your team.


We all busted our asses.

To get so close, you know, to put in such an effort, to fall flat, it just hurts, man, it hurts.

Who wants to start? I say Robyn.

I'm saying, uh Robyn.

Justin, I did exactly what you said for the squash blossoms.

It was your damn dish.

I'm putting up you for failing me.

You know, if someone really needs help, that's one thing.

If you don't know how to cook squash blossoms, that's your fault, not mine.

What did chef Ramsay say yesterday? Hold your own station down.

And ask for help.

And I asked you for help, and you denied it.

I can't believe it.

Robyn cannot take responsibility for herself at all.

She's a child.

I'm not gonna sit here and babysit people.

You had no idea what was going on.

Do you know why? Because they were all different sizes! No .

What, do you think every squash blossom grows the same size? Are you out of your mind? You set me up for failure, bro.

As a "leader," you should have set me up for success.

Justin, you know what, have respect.

Have respect.

No one cares! No one cares? He don't care and he don't care.

Clemenza? As much as I don't want to work with Robyn, Justin scares me.

I'm still kinda conflicted about the decision, but this is my chance to jump ahead of my competition and try to send Justin home.

I gotta say off.

After failing to successfully deliver on the menus they designed, each team was asked to nominate two chefs.

Justin and Brian have chosen Robyn as their first nominee, leaving Clemenza with the last word.

I gotta say Robyn, even though Robyn tried.

I'm not gonna put myself up.

Robyn, you're a idiot.

Get out.

Would anyone like to start? We'll let you go first.

My first vote is for Tiffany, based on the potatoes.

And then Kimmie kept saying, like, "how long? How long?" I told her three to five minutes.

So I couldn't give you an answer, Kimmie I didn't know.

I got totally set up to look like a piece of tonight.

She thinks she was set up.

Set up? By who? Do you think that we came and took the potatoes out of the oven while you weren't looking? No.

You cooked the potatoes.

They're crunchy.

That's it.

I'm voting for Tiffany and Barbie.

I'm gonna vote Tiffany.

Kimmie? Barbie, because of how she wasn't prepped today.

What the has she been doing with two hours for these mussels? Two and a half hours now.

At her pace, we'll never get it done.

You put us behind in prep.

Um, I did the lobsters.

Are you gonna let me finish? All right.

Are you gonna interrupt me or let me finish? You've been having this attitude all day with everybody.

I haven't said anything to everybody.

I just have been working.

I feel like, a little bit, like, it's not the things you say, it's, like, the looks that you've been giving people.

Are you serious? Are you serious? I'm getting nominated because I make faces? Ooh.



You said you're voting for Tiffany and Kimmie? Yes, I am.


Tiffany? What's the point? There's no point.

You have to.

Okay, Kimmie no offense and Barbie.


Barbie doesn't deserve to be here.

She can't cooperate with people.

She says some about everyone.

She'd rude to everybody.

She thinks she runs this place.

Christina? I'm really having a hard time with my second vote Barbie or Kimmie? Uh Would I rather work next to somebody that's not talking and has a ton of attitude, or would I rather work next to somebody that is in need of some direction and has a lot of questions? I don't know.

Um .

It's too much gray.

I don't know.

Justin, what's your second? Clemenza.

I vote for Brian because he did up on the onion straws and the two raw sea basses.

What the ? Brian, you're up.

There's no way that Justin's gonna vote for Brian, or Brian's gonna vote for Justin.

'Cause they've got this bromance going on.

I think they sleep on top of each other at night.


I don't think I deserve to be up there.

-lutely, positively no way should I deserve to be standing.

I don't think it's me.

He had raw onions, up onions, a bunch of different , but I go up again? I don't think I deserve to go up.

Each of you have all had moments where you've shown me you can cook at a phenomenal level.

And that's why tonight was so frustrating.


Yes, chef.

First nominee and why? First nominee is Robyn.

She got hit pretty hard in the appetizers.

Yeah, I'll say.

What's so funny, Robyn? Help me to understand.

Because before service tonight, chef, I asked for help.

And Justin's response to me was, "If I don't have too much meat to sear.

" What did she want me to do, chef? I'm not gonna spoon
-feed her.

Excuse me for one second.

I've never had to deal with turmoil on this team the whole time.

Now I have to deal with this, chef, and honestly, I don't want to deal with this .

I'm really embarrassed right now.

Sorry, chef.

I'm embarrassed that we got thrown out of tonight's service.

I'm embarrassed that you're still talking.

That's a leader? Brian, second nominee and why? Uh, second nominee is Clemenza tonight, chef.

Clemenza? Yes, chef.

Why? He had a few hiccups on fish.

-do! During prep today, he got his ass handed to him a few times.

During prep? During prep? I'm sorry, I find that a little offensive for you to point the finger at me, because you're saying something that's just wildly bugged out to me.

I had a dessert, and I had two entrees.


And the other two ideas were my ideas on the menu! What the hell is going on right now? After nominating Robyn for elimination, the blue team's second choice is Clemenza tonight, chef.

Who is less than thrilled with his team's decision.

I find that a little offensive for you to point the finger at me, because you're saying something that's just wildly bugged out to me.

Oh, blue team.

God, it hurts.

Oh, boy.

Uh, Christina.

Yes, chef.

Red team's first nominee and why? First nominee is Tiffany, chef.


Why? We hit a couple bumps throughout the night, but we felt like we could have pushed through it if the au gratin was cooked through.

And that's what, you know, basically made us stop.

Second nominee and why? Um, second nominee was Barbie.

Barbie? It was based on prep today.

We were working out a new menu and going from scratch.

So her prep was , and that's why she's up for elimination? So Barbie over Kimmie, right? Yes, chef.

Oh, dear.

Tiffany, Barbie, Robyn, Clemenza, step forward, please.

Let's go.

Tiffany Yes, chef.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I think that I'm a valuable team player to this team.

I have no problem going into the kitchen every day and helping my team members out.

I love working with these girls.

I really enjoy being here, and I want to stay here.

And I know I up on the potatoes today, and it's a huge mistake, and I feel so bad.

I just want to prove to you that I can do it.

Where's the passion, Tiffany? I have so much passion, chef.

Where's the desire? There is so much passion and desire.

But it has to be a natural hunger to stand out on the red team.

And right now, you're not standing out.


Yes, chef.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I think I should stay in Hell's Kitchen because I have been a team player.

They 100% want you out of there.

They've wanted me out of here since I've been here, chef, and I still want to be here.

Because the only person who matters to me is you.


Yes, chef.

You lied, and you threw all of us under the bus those last two tickets.

I have the other sea bass right here.

Where? You lying bastard, you knew you hadn't got it! Chef, if you want to stand here and call me an idiot or stupid, I can accept that.

No, no.

You're not an idiot, not stupid.

You lied.

I did not understand what you said.

I would not lie to you.

I don't lie.

It's not in my character.

You see, I say what it is to who it is for how it is.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Out of what went on today, I think I had the least of the problems on the team.


Yes, chef.

Clearly you're not a team player.

I feel like I am a team player, chef.

And I'm sorry if you don't see that.

I understand that I should be up here because I crashed on apps.

But I came through, and I fought through, and I try to fight harder.

It's not working in the red team, and it hasn't worked in the blue team.

One appetizer tonight, too cold.

And you still went down! I feel like I have a lot of heart and a lot of passion, and I don't want to go home yet.

I'm not ready to go home yet.

There's nowhere else I can put you.

I feel like I'd be fine on the blue team.

Whatever happens today is today.

Tomorrow's a new day.

I'm still gonna come in the kitchen and work with them.

Okay The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Tiffany.

I'm sorry, I cannot see a leader in you.

Please give me your jacket, and leave Hell's Kitchen.

Thank you.

Good night.

Thank you.

I never thought I'd be kicked out of this competition this early.

But Hell's Kitchen is harder than I thought it would ever be.

I wish I could have made it to the top two.

I tried my hardest.

Chef Ramsay, I'm sorry that I didn't prove myself as a leader tonight, but I know that I am, and, you know, hopefully one day you'll see that.

Clemenza, back in line.

Thank you, chef.

The two of you, back in line.

Listen, and listen carefully.

I want your best, or I'm gonna start getting rid of you a lot quicker.

Yes, chef.

I am not waiting any longer for you.

I swear to God, I can't take any more.

That's a warning.

Now, get out of here.

Yes, chef.

Before Robyn got here, the blue team never, ever argued about anything.

Now we gotta deal with turmoil, schizos Enough's enough.

Go home.

Tiff, I'm fighting for you.

It just sucks to see you go.

But I'm gonna fight for you.

I'm gonna get that bitch out of here, just for you.

I promise, Barbie's gonna be gone.

I didn't come here to make friends.

I came here to win.

I'm not giving up.

I'm not gonna let this get to me.

Even though they've tried to send me home four times, I'm still here.

They can't stop me.

The most passionate I ever saw Tiffany was moments ago, when she was already on her way out.

That was just too late.

Next time, it's Hell's Kitchen's first foray into Southern cuisine.

I'm about to rock this .

But does it all I'm gonna let it shine Go South? Stop! Kimmie! I could just cry.

I've got raw catfish! .

What are you thinking, Kimmie? This is not happening! No! disgrace! He's about to kick us out.

I'm so screwed.

And Let's go, bootsie.

Does Hell's Kitchen's resident comedian Brian How's it taste? Tastes like fish, chef.

Right now is not the time to crack jokes, bro.

Go too far? Stop! You give me a answer, that jacket's coming off, and you're going through that door home.

Yes, chef.


How did that fish taste? "Fish" is the first thing that came to my head.

It might be a night of down
-home cooking I feel like there's a lot of pressure on me because I'm from the South.

But it could turn into a night I don't need your sarcasm.

One minute? One minute.

Of outrageous infighting.

Barbie, she up again.

And intense confrontation.

Shut the up for a second.

Really? Somebody may get tossed straight the hell up out of the kitchen.

The blue team needs to wake the up.

Find out what really happens On the next Hell's Kitchen.

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