10x11 - 10 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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10x11 - 10 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Hell's Kitchen During family steak night It's time to start showing chef Ramsay I mean business.

Patrick was desperate to shine Patrick! I'm sorry it's raw.

But all he did was disappoint.

Get out! Royce Chef, three minutes.

Tried to step up for his team.

Hey you Rolls
-Royce? Raw, and perfect.

I knew it was too good to be true.


In the red kitchen Fillet, two hanger.

Yes! You don't need to scream, Robyn.

No one could get along.

I didn't hear your garnish, Robyn.

Oh, my God.

The ongoing bad blood between Robyn and Kimmie Kimmie doesn't know what she's doing.

Hampered their ability to communicate You just told me to run.

And cook.

Are you kidding me? Touch that.

It's got more wrinkles on it than I have.

In another fierce battle You wanna talk, talk! Do not yell! Tiffany Tiffany doesn't care.

And Barbie I hate the stupid looks she gives to people.

Exchange jabs all night.

Look at you all.

What a sad situation.

Chef Ramsay tried to save the dinner service.

Justin, on the fish.

You, on the meat.

Let's go.

But it was beyond saving.

Leave my fish alone.

Talk to me, somebody, anybody.

Just get off my station, dude.

You, you, you, you, you, get out! Get out! Holy crap.

The winning team tonight There's no such thing.

The blue team nominated Patrick and Royce.

The red team nominated Tiffany and Robyn.

Chef Ramsay had a burning question.

Tiffany, how much, on a scale of one to ten, do you care? Like, a nine.

And Robyn vigorously defended herself.

I sometimes feel like I protect Kimmie.

Is this true? Don't turn around, Christina, 'cause I did.

Oh, really? So now you're in charge of me too? This is why I hate working on the red team.

I'd prefer to be on the blue team.

In the end, chef Ramsay sent Patrick.


Good night.

And gave Robyn You're joining the blue team.

Another chance of chasing her dream of becoming head chef at Gordon Ramsay's Steak at Paris, Las Vegas.

Fire unh when you shake what you got and girl you've got a lot you're really something, child yes, you are the way you walk and talk really sets me off and I'm so excited the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby woo, woo, woo the way you push push lets me know that you're goo
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no, fire what I said, child fire fire And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Good night.

Good night, chef.

Whatever the problem is, we all need to drop it now.

It's gotta be clean slate starting tomorrow.

Yes! I'm feeling Robyn's gone, and I've been waiting so long.

I am, uh, doing cartwheels on the inside.

Tomorrow needs to start new.

Moving forward.

We just we only have five.

We need to We gotta come together.

We just ha we have to.

Can we all get a beer and toast that ? While the red team happily shrugs off the past, on the blue team We're gonna kick some ass.

You know I work better with boys.

Robyn is fired up about the future.

I'm on the blue team where I want to be on the blue team.

At least the boys don't walk in with their periods and don't have catty when they walk into the kitchen.

Well, I'm just lettin' you all know, I'm gonna work twice as fast as him, twice as hard as you, twice as hard as you, 'cause that's my goal.

Robyn she is happy to be on the blue team, and hopefully she feels she has something to prove, but we don't need no controversy, we don't need no yelling, none of that kind of thing.

Like, if you're gonna do that, get the outta here.

I'm not gonna s*ab anyone's back.

That's not me.

I'm not a backstabber.

After another team shake
-up Robyn, let's go.

Both teams hope to leave last night's disappointing dinner service behind them Right, good morning.

Morning, chef.

And focus on what's right in front of them.

Oh, craps.

It's time for Hell's Kitchen version of craps.

Oh I don't know if I like this.

What the are we gonna do with a crap table? Now, as you can see, we have special dice.

Each of you will roll the dice down the table.

You must choose an ingredient beginning with that letter.

And come up with one stunning dish.

Think carefully.

It is absolutely critical that the ingredients you call out complement each other.

Let's play craps.

I'm pumped, I'm ready to go.

I've never played craps for ingredients, but I'm definitely feeling lucky at this point.

Okay, men, you're gonna be up first, yes? .

Off you go.

Big roll.

And it is a H.

Heirloom tomatoes.


Heirloom tomato.

And they're beautiful right now.

It's the key ingredient.

Something we can work with.

Come on, blue team.

Come on, baby.

And you're on a D! Daikon, chef.


White radish.

Really? Daikon? Robyn, let's go.

D! 10 seconds.

Uh, d, d, d
-d I'm thinking, protein, protein, protein, duck, duck, duck, duck Protein, protein, protein, protein, duck, duck, duck, duck.

Protein, protein, protein, protein, duck, duck, duck, duck Protein, protein, protein, protein, duck, duck, duck, duck.

Dragon fruit.

Holy crap.

You said dragon fruit.


It's the only thing I could think of.

Dragon fruit.

What the is dragon fruit? Wow.

What a dish.

Brian, let's go.

Come on, Brian.

Come on, baby.

And E.

E e Five seconds gone.

Uh, .

I'm telling you right now, as soon as you're standing there, your mind goes blank.

Uh Time up.

Let's go.

Uh Blank.

Um Edamame.

Uh, guys, um, I'm not opening a vegetarian restaurant in Vegas, let me tell you that.

The blue team can make a pretty nice salad.

Ugh! Royce.

Get that protein, Royce.

Come on, Royce.

Right now, we really need a protein.

I got bubbles in my stomach, and I'm nervous as hell.

Come on, baby.

And you're on a C! Three, two, one Time up.





Let's see what we got.

Right, start off with heirloom tomatoes, edamame, dragon fruit, daikon, and chicken.

Blue team.

Good luck.

That's probably the worst lineup of ingredients that I've ever seen.

What a bunch of idiots.


Tiffany, ready? Yes, chef.

Here we go.

Thank you, chef.

Cheer her on, ladies, let's go.

And C! C uh There's creme fraiche, there's cauliflower, calamari, celery root, celery How can you go wrong with that? Three, two, one Chicory.




I'm sorry.

Chicory? Ugh.

What the , dude, like, really? Barbie, you ready? I'm ready, chef.

Here we go.

Let's go.

Come on, Barbie.

You got L.

Please don't have a brain fart, please don't have a brain fart.

Lamb, chef.


Yeah! Not only do we have a protein, we have an awesome protein! Barbie, good job.

Chicory and lamb, they go good together.

Now they got something going on, we could be in trouble.

You got a T! Turnips.



Chicory, lamb, turnips Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm B! Brussels sprouts.

Yeah! Last one.

Off you go.

When I get up there, I'm looking at the components we have, and our dish is kind of coming together as, like, a nice, like, kind of fall harvest meal.

T! Truffles, please.


Okay, great.

Good job.

Good pick.

Oh, yeah Like, we've got a classy dish going here.

We have this one in the bag.

Okay, ladies, there's a quick recap.

Chicory, lamb, turnip, brussels sprouts, and truffle.

Okay, you've got 30 minutes to cook one stunning dish.

Your time starts Now.

Off you go.

While the women quickly come together I'll do the chicory.

I'll do the lamb.

I'll do the brussels sprouts.

I have the truffles.

To design their fall harvest meal, over in the blue kitchen The dragon fruit.

They're still searching for a theme to tie their ingredients together.

I really don't know what the We're gonna do with dragon fruit, but I'm trying to run through it in my head, and it it's not easy.

You have daikon, dragon fruit, and edamame.

You have three asians.

Yeah, we need something to tie them both in and bring it all together.


Let's go.

In spite of not knowing exactly where their dish is going to end up, the blue team gets to work.

But over in the red kitchen Oh, my God, we got fresh truffles.

Barbie wants to be involved in every element of the dish.

What if we do the turnip puree the way we did the salmon last night? Barbie, we need to get that lamb in the pan.

But her team wants her to focus on what she's been assigned.

Lamb has to get seared immediately.

It's gonna take the entire time to cook.

How 'bout we grill the endive? Barbie, let's get the lamb going.

Barbie, like, we have to get the lamb in the pan.

Like, no joke.

Come on.

Dana, relax.

It's my thing.

I'm good with the lamb.

While Barbie stands by her lamb, I need ice to In the blue kitchen Very nice.

Brian has finally fallen for the dragon fruit.

I mean, that looks like sushi.


I know.

Robyn opens up the dragon fruit.

I'm like Ahh I mean, it's like every planet aligns.

We should do some some sort of roll.

What are we doing with the dragon fruit? Dragon fruit, we're making a sushi with it.


That's good.

Two minutes to go! Does anyone else want to taste the brussels sprouts? Yeah, sure.

Don't put 'em on the plate.

What? Chef will hate those crispy leaves.

Don't put 'em on the plate.

They're my favorite ones! You gotta start slicing the meat, Barbie, you gotta.

Chicken's almost ready.

It's not gonna have much time to rest, though.

Justin, I think it's done.

Everybody bring all your components to the front! Dragon fruit looks good, you guys.

Lamb looks great, Barbie.

Thank you.


Royce, be careful with that bad boy.

I don't think it's ready to yeah, it is.

Guys, finesse.

Five, four Let's garnish last.

Put the chicken on it.

three, two, one And stop! Okay, red team, blue team, are you happy with your dish? Yes, chef.

Okay, red team.

What is it, please? Our herb
-crusted rack of lamb.

Underneath, we have some crispy, roasted brussels sprouts and also some braised endive with chicory.

Who cooked the lamb? I did, chef.


Great job.

Dana, come on.

I tried to tell you.

That lamb is cooked perfectly.

Thank you, chef.

And that crust is delicious.

Um, brussels sprouts, uh Who'd done the sprouts? I did.

A silly letdown.

They're sort of crunchy.

It's just I don't know.

I think a little bit more attention to detail could've gone into the sprouts.

You know, if maybe Dana had worried more about her brussels sprouts than my lamb What a dumbass.

Blue team.

Yes, chef.

What is it, please? Chef, we have a charred chicken roulade with a dragon fruit vinaigrette, edamame puree, and a daikon sushi roll.

The dragon fruit daikon sushi roll is delicious.

Thank you, chef.


Edamame puree Tough one to get right.

But you've nailed it, 'cause it's got that nice, earthy flavor.

Good job, guys.

Yeah, this is a good job.

It's cleverly put together.

But, um, chicken's slightly overcooked.

I saw Royce slicing the chicken way too early.

You sliced it piping hot, which is a big mistake, because it's dehydrated on top.

I shouldn't have sliced the chicken too early.

I up.

Um, this is a tough one.

Two very accomplished dishes.

It's a tough one.

Very tough.

There's one dish that has the edge.

Congratulations In the think
-feet craps challenge, the teams had to work together to turn five ingredients into one balanced entree.

The red team's herb
-crusted lamb dish That lamb's cooked perfectly.

Is neck
-neck with the blue team's charred chicken roulade.

That's a good job.

Absolutely delicious.

Leaving chef Ramsay with a tough decision.

There's one dish that has the edge.

Congratulations Blue team.

Yes! Good job.

Really good job, indeed.

I feel amazing winning my first challenge with the blue team.

I belong on the blue team.

Sweet justice, yo.

Blue team, listen carefully.

You're gonna be spending the next 24 hours in Vegas.

You'll be staying at the Paris Hotel, right above the prize restaurant.

Yes! Gordon Ramsay's Steak in Vegas.

I've arranged for a high rollers suite.

Yeah, baby! Get out of here.

Get changed.

Vegas, baby, Vegas! Yes! Vegas, baby! Ladies The sprouts were the letdown.

Undercooked, crunchy.

Wasn't good enough.

Come on, Dana.

Dark, crunchy brussels sprouts? For real, dude? Ugh, I'm just so mad.

I'm shaking, I'm so mad.

While the blue team are off in Vegas having a late, late night, you'll be having a late night as well.

And, in fact, you're gonna be up all night.

Because you're gonna be preparing a very serious special at tomorrow night's dinner service.

We are doing the most amazing pulled pork.

You'll be slow
-roasting the pork.

That's going to take between 12 and 15 hours.

You're up for a late night.

Kimmie, what's the matter? Nothing.

I'm good.

Get up to the door.

Andi will call you when she's ready.

Yes, chef.

Kimmie, we lost.

Big deal.

Get over it.

I don't know why she needs to cry after every challenge.

, I wanna go to Vegas so bad.

I'm pissed off at the crunchy
-ass brussels sprouts.

She thinks she runs our team, dude.

That's her problem, and that's what pisses me off so much.

Uh, I just picture her face on that thing, man.

Dana thinks she's better than everybody, and I just wanna wring Dana's neck right now.

I'm super pissed.

All right, so why don't we use this time as a bonding experience? Vegas! Vegas, baby, Vegas.

Go yourselves.

Here we go.

Oh, my God.

Let's do it.

Let's go, Vegas, baby.

High five, Vegas.

Yeah, baby.

We're going to Vegas! Whoo! Hi, how are you, sir? Welcome to Paris Las Vegas.

Why don't you follow me into the suite? Thank you.

Thank you! If the president of this hotel is here greeting us, we're in store for something phenomenal.


You did it right, man, you did it right.

Thank you, chef! This is fantastic.

Sushi, lobster, and girls.

There was a total chocolate dessert buffet, there was girls.

On the other side of the room, there was a bar, and there was more girls.

Then there was food, and girls? Honey, I'm home! You go to Vegas, go big or go home, and chef Ramsay knows how to go big.

Look at the size of those shrimp.

We're all excited.

We have no idea where we're going, but we know it's gonna be good, and we know it's gonna be totally VIP.

Salut! While the blue team prepares for an exciting night in Sin City, back at Hell's Kitchen, Tiffany Isn't she cute? Prepares for a hot date with some pork.

I'm gonna try my best to just take care of that pig, 'cause he needs me.

I'm gonna smell good tonight.

Pig and I bonded.

You look so happy right now, Tiffany, I'm being serious.

Dude, you're gonna, like, sleep with that tonight or something.

Tiffany cannot get enough of this pig.

Yeah! Like in a creepy way.

Like, she loves this pig.

All right, here we go.

While the red team gets ready for their long night in Hell's Kitchen, the blue team is out painting the town.

What's happenin'? Red.



Congratulations on your win.

What do I call you? You can call me Mr.


Brian was very into Carrot Top.

Come here, you, I'm gonna give you a kiss on the face.

You know, I make props.

That's what I do.

So I thought of one just for you guys.

This is a chef hat, so when he's yellin' at ya You can be like, "I can't I can't hear it.

I don't know what you're talking about.

" You guys wanna take a picture? Yeah.

This is the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

That's my hand on your ass.

Who has it better than me right now? I feel like a superstar.

So I'm ready to rock and roll.

I'm talking about party my ass off.

Can we get girls over here? Who does this? Who does this? Yeah, baby! Opa! That is ed up.

There's this big, red button on the side of the grill.

And, uh, when an hour expires, there's this horrendous alarm that goes off throughout the dorm.

I'm so pissed.

And it will not stop ringing until one of us hits that red button, so that they check the coals, check the internal temperature of the pig, baste it, flip it Oh, my God.

And then starts another hour until, uh, the alarm goes off again.

I can't believe they're gonna do this all night.

Hit the button! I'm tired now.

This is, by far, the worst punishment I've had to do since I've been here.

Does it have to be that loud? We could be in Vegas right now.

After being on pig patrol throughout the night About ready? The red team wakes up to More work.

Really tired.

We're really exhausted from last night, but we're all just trying to stay awake.



What up? Barbie.

I'm good.

Christina, good? If we just knock out this prep, we'll be ready for service tonight.

Blue team's back.

Hello, ladies! Vegas! Vegas! Hello, chef Christina.


What is the matter with you? It's a mask.

, man.

The blue team is completely energized by their trip to Vegas.

Make it happen, guys.

Unfortunately, the team's newest member Wow, you guys totally do everything different.

Is a little confused.

The guys do different things than the red team, so, I'm so confused right now.

Are you guys putting whipped cream in your squeeze bottle? We don't.

I do it different over there.

I don't like to pour the whole mix in there.

I don't give a what they put up on the red team.

You are now blue.

You are no longer red.

We do not have vaginas.

I trust you guys, so I'm gonna see how it rolls.

Ladies, let's go.

Yes, chef.

Blue team, line up.


Yes, chef.

So I expect this to be our best service yet.

Yes, chef.


Tonight, there will be guests, once again, at our chef tables.

Okay, in the blue kitchen, on the chef table, the winner of season nine, American Idol, Lee DeWyze.

With the season ten finalist, Haley Reinhart.

Uh, ladies, in the red kitchen, you'll have one of the greatest soccer players No way.

To ever play the game.

Oh! After eliminating a number of the weaker chefs, chef Ramsay is expecting tonight's service to be a good one, so Tonight, there will be guests, once again, at our chef tables.

The blue team will have American Idol season nine winner Lee DeWyze.

And one of the stars from season ten Haley Reinhart.

And the red team will be hosting One of the greatest soccer players No way.

To ever play the game.

You have David Beckham.

Oh! Oh, my God! I don't get star

I truly don't.

But what girl doesn't think David Beckham is smoking hot? Even me I like women, and I think he's smoking hot.

Let's go.

Get on your sections.

Everything's good? Yup.

Let's go, ladies! Whoo! Whoo

Let's go.


Yes, chef? Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.


I'm not that good at cooking, I'll admit.

For tonight's dinner service, both teams are excited to host their VIP guests.

Welcome back, my darling.

Good to see you.

Are you good? You too.

Yes, I'm very well.


I will.

But in the red kitchen There's David Beckham.

Oh, you gotta be me, dude, he is so hot.

The excitement is a little overwhelming.

When David Beckham arrives, I'm just like, "Holy .

Holy .

He rode in on a rainbow, carried by a unicorn, eating a cupcake.

He is a magical creature.

Absolute pleasure.

Good to see you.

Thank you very much.

How are you, Brooklyn? Good to see you.


Uh, Dana, please look after our guests.

Yes, chef.

Who's gonna be waiting on David Beckham? That would be me, thank you very much.

We have an appetizer special, which is a pulled pork pizza.

I'll definitely try that.

All right, just give us one minute, we'll get that for ya.

Chef table first, yes? Two flatbread.

Yes, chef.

While the red team gets to work on a very important table of appetizers, in the blue kitchen Table one, two scallops.

Straight after, look at me, chef's table.

Two flatbread.

Yes, chef! It's up to Clemenza on the fish station to get the dinner service off to a good start.

I got two scallops coming right now! I think after yesterday, we're on a roll.

I'm feeling really confident at this point in time.

Oh, dear.


Hey, all of you.

Hey, come here.

Look at the state of that.

Really? There's still water now, look.

There's no excuse to be scallops up at this point in the game.

Honestly, Clemenza? Honestly? Seriously, guys.

I'm getting really pissed off.

-what the ? Clemenza, what's the deal, buddy? Talk to me! Scallop in the window.

Coming through.

Two scallop up.

Service, please.

Clemenza has quickly rebounded and delivered acceptable scallops.

And over in the red kitchen, Dana is hoping to score with her kitchen's flatbread.

me, dude.

Dana, are you good? I need you to work me a new pizza.

I got it.

I'll work it, I'll work it.

No worries.

No rush.

David's pizza is this big, like, mangled mess.

He's sitting right there, like, what the hell's going on over there? Kimmie, I can do this.

Coming behind.

Oh, .

This oven is just Not cooperating.

I go over, and I put the peel in to turn it, and same thing happens to me.

I'm like, oh, my God.


It's stuck.

Let's make another one.

We were fumbling like we'd never even been in a kitchen before.

Hungry? Yes.

Please, please work this time.

All right, Dana, it's good.


Hang this for me, please.

Thank God.

Third time's a charm.

Enjoy it.

It's really good.

With the Beckhams enjoying their flatbread Two flatbread, table 63.

Yes, chef.

Two scallops, two lobster spaghetti.

How long? One flatbread coming right behind, chef.

Service, please.

The red team tries to stay focused on the rest of their diners.

Next ticket, ladies.

And over in the blue kitchen An order.

Chef's table.

Two flatbread.

How long? If it's not working, get it out.

If it's not working, get it out.

There are more mystifying flatbread issues.

Get rid of that, man.

Get rid of that.

Get rid of it, it's broken in 90 Pieces.

What happened to that? It broke, chef.

We broke a pizza? Oh, come on.

Uh Not good.

It's just like you've all given up.

That's gonna stick in there.

Look at the rips.

It's gonna stick in there.

More dough.

Ugh This is my first night cooking with the blue team Do you want me to help you do the flatbreads? Watch that pizza.

And the ship is definitely sinking.

But I am not going down.

Flatbread working hard, guys! How long, Robyn? Flatbread.

I'm coating! Let's go.



With Robyn taking the lead, the VIPs in the blue kitchen are finally singing the praises of their flatbread.

It's good.

Meanwhile, the red team has continued to push out appetizers.

Service, please.

And all they need to move on to entrees Scallops.

How long? Behind.

Is a perfect order of scallops from Tiffany.


Yes, chef.

Those scallops are cooked perfectly.

Thank you, chef.

I've got these scallops down.

I know what's up.

I'm just gonna give myself a pat on the back.

Good job, Tiffany.

Oh, ladies.

I've never had the appetizers leave that smoothly.

Keep it going.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

Thanks to Tiffany's stellar scallops, all the diners on the red side have received their appetizers.

Meanwhile, over in the blue kitchen risotto garnish will be a minute.

A leader is emerging.

Thank you! Robyn is vocal.

Robyn's calling times, she's calling orders, she just impressed the outta me.

You ready? I'm walking.

Got it.


With Robyn steering the ship Service, please.

The blue team has finished most of their appetizers.

Three Wellington, two sea bass, one New York strip.

How long? Wellington walking.

Now, it's up to Royce on meat to keep the flow going on entrees.


Hey, all of you.

Come here.

Three different Wellingtons.

Part mid
-rare, part medium, and that one's on the medium to medium

And you're expecting me to put that on the same table? No, chef.

I'll fix it, chef.

Really, Royce? Unacceptable.




Yes, chef.

Uh, flip the tickets.

Yes, chef.

Can I go two pork, two New York strip, one cod.

How long? Four minutes.


Royce has no idea what the 's going on.

He's like a ostrich with his head underneath the sand.

Two pork, two New York.

How long, Royce? The two New Yorks are down, they got eight minutes.

Are you kidding me, man? You screwed the three Wellington.


So flip the ticket.

Yes, chef.

You said four minutes.

Yes, chef.

Now you're saying eight.

I need five minutes, chef.

Royce is in a funk.

He's all over the place.

He can't seem to bounce back.

Royce, how long? Five minutes, chef.

Still five minutes! It's just five minutes every time I look at you! I just You said five minutes ago.

Then four minutes, chef.

Hey, you, come here, you.

Hey, you, you, come here.

You stay there.

Come here, you.

Come here.

All of you come here.


This is not good at all.

I'm burnt out.

I'm done.

I've had enough.

An hour into dinner service, and after several failed attempts to get an accurate time on Royce's meat How long, Royce? The two New Yorks are down.

They got eight minutes.

You said four minutes.

Yes, chef.

Now you're saying eight.

I need five minutes, chef.

Chef Ramsay has extended a special invitation Come here, hey, all of you.

come here.

To the men on the blue team.

I've got Lee and Haley on the chef table, and David Beckham and his son in there.

I don't know what's going on.

It's like you lost it! Have a meeting here, get a grip, and I swear to God, when you walk back through that door, change your attitude, or off.

Yes, chef.

Get out now, ! Yes, chef.

Let's go, Robyn.

It's only me left in my kitchen.

I'm like a deer in headlights, like Come on, Robyn.

Let's get the momentum.

Let's keep going.

Come on.

You got two spaghetti working, yes? Yes, chef.

I got two spaghettis working right now, chef.

Okay, you got two risotto started already? Yes, chef, I got it right there on the side.

Oh, man, I can't So, boys, please take a couple deep breaths and get your ass back in here now.

Then get the two risotto ready as well, too.

Yes Chef.

While Robyn is forced into a solo performance, the idols and the rest of the diners on the blue side, continue to wait for food.

Good thing they have bread.


But over in the red kitchen Service, please.

The women have served over half their entrees.

I love the Wellington.

And chef Ramsay is hoping that Barbie on meat Coming down behind! And Tiffany on fish Coming up with the fish.

You have the garnish for sea bass? Yup.

Right here, behind you.

Continue to deliver perfectly
-cooked food.

Sea bass? That's a cod.

That was actually ordered.

Hey, all of you, come here.

I asked for three pork, three Wellington, one sea bass.

I get three pork, two Wellington, and one cod.

Oh, .

Oh, .

I had five perfectly
-cooked pieces of meat on that order.

How could you not know the difference between the cod and the sea bass? Come on, what are you doing? Hey, Tiffany.

Yes, chef.

Get the sea bass in! Yes, chef.

I got it, I got it.

Don't worry about it.

That's a cod! That's a cod, that's a cod! Well, what's that, then? Isn't that sea bass? Whoops.

Your mind must be somewhere else if you're mistaken twice.

Cod for sea bass.

And do you know what it hurts? A great start.

Yes, chef.

Sorry, chef.

Okay, yeah, so, my fish up the whole order.

Well, but you know what? I'll put another one on.

It'll be done in three minutes, okay? Hot, chef.



The red team has managed to recover from Tiffany's fish mix

Service, please.

And over in the blue kitchen Two pork walking.

The men are back.

And Royce on meat, and Clemenza on fish Comin' through.

Are ready to prove that chef Ramsay's pep talk did not fall on deaf ears.

The is that? All of you, come on.

Hey, psst, come here.

I am so pissed off.

Royce Look.

It's like a doorstop.

It'll take them all year to eat that.

Look how dry that is.

It's dry as .

Even squeezing it, I can't get juice out of it.

I'm sorry.

Royce works at a steakhouse.

He should really be able to pump these meats out.

And I mean, I'm really losing it at this point.

I'll fix it, chef.

Hey, hold on, it gets worse.

Clemenza, look at it.

It's burnt! Look at the state of that.

Look at the color of it.

Clemenza just can't get the hang of it.

He's just so confused and lost and stuck and checked
-out, it's a nightmare.

Hey, you.

Hey, look.

You look like a slob.

Your jacket's all undone, you're cooking like a donkey.

It's just look at me.

Ready to go home? No way, chef.

Get a grip! Yes, chef.

While Clemenza's cod and Royce's pork chops failed to make the grade, over in the red kitchen I got pork chops, chef.

Walking with the meatballs.

Barbie and Kimmie are hoping their entrees will score high marks with David Beckham.

Dana, serve chef table please, yes? Yes, chef.


Here we go.

All right.

Meatballs and spaghetti.


Thank you.

And the pork chop.

Thank you.

It's really good.

David Beckham liked my pork chop.

I made that pork chop.

I'm cooking meat.

I'm in my element again.

I'm doing it right.

Here's your pork, chef.

The pork and the Wellington were cooked perfectly.

Thank you, chef.

Keep it going.

Yes, chef.

Thanks to Barbie's perfect run on meat, the women are nearly finished with their entrees.

Guys, we're almost there.

Two more tickets.

But over in the blue kitchen I want two pork, two New York strip.

Yes, chef.

It's a completely different story, as they are still attempting to serve their first table of entrees.

Two New York strip, two pork chop.

Ten minutes, chef.

Ten minutes.

Oh, .

Ten minutes.

Chef Ramsay wasn't happy about that.

Honestly, I don't know where to go.

Sorry, chef.

Blue team.

Clusterin five Hey, look at me.

Hey, stop there, look at me.

Four Stop.

All of you.

Three Honestly, I swear to God Two I'm seriously One.

You, you, you, you Two hours into dinner service, the blue team has still not served a single entree, and chef Ramsay knows he has to do something drastic.

Hey, look at me.

Hey, stop there.

Look at me.

Stop, all of you.

Come here.

Look at you.

Come here.

Come here.


We look at the women's side, and they completed their service.

You, you, you, you, you, come here.

Dana, serve dessert.

I am embarrassed that the red team has to come help us.

Hey, blue team! We're manning up, and we're gonna double up on the stations to get this machine going, let's go! How long on a sea bass, pork chop? The blue team are pathetic.

The whole blue kitchen was in disarray.

It's just three, just three.

I already got one order here.

Come on, come on, Brian, don't waste food.

There was nothing organized and together.

Clearly, they have a problem cooking and communicating.

You're not counting orders.

You're not counting orders.

Listen, you really gonna argue with him right now, huh? No, I'm helping.

I'm trying to help him.

Tiffany talks to me like she's up here, and I'm down here.

Do me a favor, though.

Don't don't do that.

Okay? Stop.


'Cause you know what? This is why you guys get up.

Whoa, whoa.


Talk about the orders.

Don't tell us what we do wrong.

Stop, stop, stop.

It took every bit of everything that I have inside me not to turn around and shove her head into the fryer.

I'm not talking.

I'm just cooking.

It's all good.

You guys are really freaking out.

We're here to help, not make it worse for 'em.

It's not the time or the place to fight.

We're here to help out the blue kitchen, and I'm just trying to organize, like, so we can get some of this food out.

After two pork, two strip, I got a strip and sea bass, VIP! With Christina leading the way Follow me with that sauce, Royce.

One strip, sauce is behind me, chef.

The red team takes control of the entrees.

And all of the diners And that rib That is so good.

And the VIPs are finally served.

This is really good.

It's my favorite.

Ladies, clean up, please.

Yes, chef.

Yeah! Clean up! All right, ladies, come here quickly.

Yes, chef.

That's one of the best services you've ever had.

Thank you, chef.

Really good job.

And, clearly, you won.

Well done.

Good job.

Thank you, chef.

Good job.

Way to just be present at the table.

Yeah, we deserved to win.

You know, I'm feeling great, not having to put somebody up for elimination.

I feel really good about that.

All right, guys, come here.

Yes, chef.

Come here, come here.

How do I say this? The only person who did well on the men's team was a woman.

Honestly? Seriously? Royce? Overcooked pork.

Brian, flatbreads.

You were screwed before you even started.

Clemenza, watching you cook tonight was watching a car crash.

The women in the red team blew you away.

Go up to the dorms.

Come back to me with two individuals up for elimination.

Get out of here.

You're now.

Get out of here.

Oh, man, chef Ramsay pretty much obliterated our souls.

I'll start.

-I have to put up Royce for the issues with the pork and the beef, um, and then I have to put up Clemenza for the issues with scallops.

Seriously, nothing against any of ya, but I'm in' angry.

Yeah, I ed up two or three orders of scallops.


See my ass cheeks? I don't give a flying .

I got a lot of drive left in me, and I ain't going anywhere.

I don't think I deserve to go home.

I gotta say Royce and Brian.

I had scallops come back, but I basically bailed out that entire flatbread.

I said you came over and .


I had three issues.

So, out of that, to me, versus a ton of scallops and flatbreads that we couldn't even get out to even get appetizers out, so that's why I'm putting up Brian and Clemenza.

I'm not the weakest link.

We know this.

Everybody knows this.

Gordon Ramsay knows this.

So, it's like .

My decision's really hard to make because it's my first day here, you know what I'm saying? So, I don't know.

You gotta put at least one up, Robyn.

This sucks.

You know what I'm saying? I hate doing this .

Go, Robyn.

Make a decision.

You don't have a choice.

You gotta make a call.

Make a decision.

Be decisive.

Robyn, you gotta do it.

I'm too Brian and Royce.

I tie it up.

So, why don't we have chef make the decision? No.

No way.


I think tonight's gonna be the crazst night, and the most emotional, craziest night we've ever seen.

And anybody here's got a shot at going home.

Ladies, well done.

Thank you, chef.


Yes, chef.

First nominee for the blue team, and why, please.

Uh, first nominee was Royce.


Royce he let the team down.

Second nominee and why.

After a disappointing dinner service where the blue team had to be bailed out by the red team, they have nominated Royce.

He let the team down.

And now must give chef Ramsay their second choice.

The second nominee was Clemenza.


Yes, chef.

'Cause of the scallops.

Royce, Clemenza, step forward.


Yes, chef.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I beat myself up for my mistakes, and I keep coming back.

Who beat you up? No, no, I mean physically.

I beat myself up for my mistakes.

And I walk prouder every day in here and try to do better.

And I keep trying to do better and get to that level of perfection that you want.

I'm opening Gordon Ramsay's Steak this year.

Yeah? Not in 2025.


Look at the state of you.

There's more food on your jacket than what you served tonight on plates.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Chef, I've been on the top of almost every challenge.

I can cook, I do have the passion.

I do have the hunger for it.

For some reason, tonight, I just had a mind on scallops.

Big boy, I think you're done.

No way, chef.

My decision is Clemenza, Royce, both of you give me your jackets.

Let's go, Royce.

Oh, my God.

Royce Yes, chef.

Gimme that jacket.

Your time is done.

Give my regards to Ralph.

Get out of here.

Of course I'm not okay with leaving.

I know I'm better than everybody else.

I came here driven, focused, I pushed myself.

I don't think I deserve to be standing here.

Clemenza, gimme your jacket.

You are really disappointing.

I expected so much more.

I know you did, chef.

And bigger than that, you're a filthy mess.

Get a clean jacket on, and get back in line.

Yeah, safe.

Yeah, safe.


Yes, chef.

Try to stay clean.

I will, chef.

Just for one service.

You're like a pig rolling around in all day long.

Yes, chef.

All of you.

Take a look around.

We started off with 18.

We're now down to 9.

Good night.

Good night, chef.

I thought I was done.

I really thought I was done.

I'm glad to be here.

You know, I'm literally I'm glad I got the second chance.

And there's not gonna be a third chance.

This is it.

Do or die.

It's make or break.

We're down at, like, 50%.

I can't believe it.

Like, it's eight people that I have to work harder than.

I need to carry my confidence with me and just make it happen.

Royce came in promising a Rolls
-Royce service.

But instead, his service was like a broken
-down car.

Time to send Royce to the junkyard.
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