10x07 - 13 Chefs Compete, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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10x07 - 13 Chefs Compete, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen The civil w*r on the red team continued The Kimmie
-Robyn alliance is definitely gonna target me next.

Leaving Christina and Dana feeling vulnerable.

I have you, and, like, I have nobody else.

As for the blue team, Royce made a play for power I'll put my name up there, if you guys want a new leader.

But found little support.

He talks, "I'm like this, I'm like that.

I'm like this, I'm like that.

" I don't feel that you're leading.

I think you're blowing smoke and mirrors.

Stop trying to show off.

In the challenge You'll be creating a tasting menu for three fashion designers.

But judges explain exactly what they wanted Something with a little bit of spice.

I can't have anything fatty.

Which fell on deaf ears in the red kitchen.

We have eggplant fry.

Fried food is a big no

Quite bland.

We asked for something spicy.

And Robyn's supposed best friend was quick to lay blame I said spice.

She didn't want to use it.

Don't get bullied by Robyn.

I'm done with Robyn walking over me.

Blue team, congratulations.

Giving six men and one little lady a much
-needed victory.

Feels great to be a winner! After the challenge, the Robyn
-Kimmie rift deepened I didn't sabotage you.

As they unbelievably went from best friends Don't talk to me right now.

I don't even want to look at Robyn.

I've been nothing but helping this girl out since the beginning.

If I could hit her, I would.

Prior to the start of the first ever fashion show dinner service Gorgeous.

Chef Ramsay had very specific instructions Nothing gets sent until the first catwalk takes place.

That Clemenza either ignored Stop! Clemenza.

Or misunderstood.

What are you doing? Got four scallops, chef.


Either way, the blue team was in trouble.

Why is he cooking the scallops? Someone's leaving right now.

Tonight, find out if Clemenza has made his last mistake Ready to go home? On one of the most shocking What is this? Hell's Kitchens ever Stop! As the competition See that door out there? Yes, chef.

Hey, I'll boot you out there.

To become head chef at Gordon Ramsay Steak at Paris, Las Vegas continues.

Fire unh when you shake what you got and, girl, you've got a lot you're really something, child yes, you are the way you walk and talk really sets me off and I'm so excited the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby woo, woo, woo the way you push push lets me know that you're goo
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no, fire what I said, child fire And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Tonight, it's Hell's Kitchen's first ever fashion night.

We've gotta go.

I have to say one thing, and I need everyone, please, in their clothes now.

With the models in last
-minute prep for the show All right, let's get ready.

The red kitchen is getting pumped up for service to begin.

All right, ladies, let's look alive.

And in the blue kitchen, despite the fact that no diners have entered and chef Ramsay has yet to call an order, Clemenza mysteriously tries to get ahead by cooking one of Hell's Kitchen's most popular dishes in advance.

Stop! What are you doing? Nothing gets sent until the first catwalk.

You knew that, right? Yes, chef.

Did you know that? Yes, chef.

So why is he cooking the scallops? Clemenza, talk to me.

I made a mistake, chef.

It won't happen again.

Oh, come on.

I just start firing scallops like an idiot, and people that knew staring at me.

No one says a word.

How many portions of scallops have we wasted? Four.


Clemenza, come on.

He needs to be in attention to what the going on in that kitchen.

Okay, James, open Hell's Kitchen, please let's go.

Yes, chef.

For the first time in Hell's Kitchen history, there will be three mini
-fashion shows during dinner service, featuring the designs of Ina Soltani, Amanda Shay, and David Meister.

You look fabulous.

After each show, the chefs must be ready to send out the next course to the invited VIP guests.


To ensure that all the dishes get out as quickly as possible, chef Ramsay has selected Royce on the blue team and Kimmie, come on.

Kimmie on the red team Let's go, let's go, let's go.

To help plate food at the pass.

Hey, guys, remember really quick, there's models, and there's swimsuit models.

I've already ordered blinders.

You know what my blinder is? Chef Ramsay.

Ladies, an order Four scallops, two lobster salads.

Yes, chef.

The first part of the fashion show is about to begin.

I'll give you the heads
-up two minutes from the end.

And then we're flying.

Get organized.

Yes, chef.

I'm confident with the fish station I'm ready for it.

I don't wanna get yelled at.

I don't wanna get kicked out.

I want everything to be okay.

That's all I want.

While both teams prepare to start their appetizers, in the dining room Ladies and gentlemen, the ready
-wear collection of Ina Soltani.

Part one of the fashion show is beginning.

Ohh, models.

Lots of them.

It's gonna be a pretty hot night in Hell's Kitchen.

I hate those models.

Like, I don't want them looking at us.

I'm trying to work here.

Is she hungry, that girl? We should feed her.

They don't even eat.

Why are they in a restaurant? I definitely could pick them up and probably, like, snap them in half With one hand.

Just under two minutes to the window.

Yes, chef.

I should lose, like, I could be a fashion model.

Yes, look at me.

Ladies and gentlemen, Ina Soltani.

Thank you, ladies.

All right, ladies.

Yes, chef.

Spotlight's on us.

Here we go, overdrive.

Wake up, let's go.

Six scallops away.

Yes, chef.

We have only three appetizers.

If we can't pull this off, then that's pretty lame

Use this pan or this pan, but make sure it's in the center.

It's not hot enough.

Don't forget the oil.

All right, Barbie.

I'm gonna wait to throw the order on.

Just trying to help, Tiff, okay? Tiffany just has no finesse.

She doesn't pay attention.

And even when you try to correct her, it pisses her off.

Tiffany, they stick when the pan's not hot enough.

How come mine aren't sticking? That was yours.

I don't want help.

I'm sick of listening to her.

I don't care what she has to say.

She sucks.

She can't work on the line.

I've just had it.

Scallops, please! I got 'em right here.

They're just squawking and bitching at each other.

Leave it, stop.

Scallops, chef.

Chef, these aren't They're not cooked, Kimmy? No, they're not.

They're not even got any color on the back of them.


Hey, all of you.

Come here a minute.

Just come here.

Come here.

What is that? That, yeah that.

What hurts more than anything We've done this dish hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of time.

I'm not an "I told you so" kind of person, but, you know Who cooked them? I don't know You don't know! You don't know who cooked those scallops? Please.

Do you think I'm serving that? Trust me You are dreaming.

This is a joke now.

This is a joke.

It's not funny, chef.

I hate her.

It's a bad day, ladies.

While Tiffany takes control on the scallops In the blue kitchen Three lobster, two tuna, one scallops.

Let's go.

Justin and Roshni on appetizers and Clemenza on are ready with their first orders.

Here we go.

Service, please.

Thank you.

Things are coming out of the kitchen.

We're communicating, we're kicking ass.

It's clock work.

Three scallops, one lobster salads.

Yes, chef! After three scallops, one lobster Four scallops, two lobster, two tuna.

Yes, chef.

After that, four scallops.

After that I hope you're listening.

I hope you're listening.

Three lobster, two tuna, one scallops.

After that, four scallops away.

Let's go, Clemenza.

Come on, Clemenza! Yes, chef! While Clemenza prepares to cook a mountain of scallops In the red kitchen, Tiffany Walking out with six scallops, guys.

Is desperate to impress chef Ramsay with her second attempt.

Scallops, chef.


It looks amazing.

Oh, yeah.

That's right.

I am the .

With Tiffany's success on the scallops Service, please.

It's now up to close friends Christina and Dana One tuna walking.

On appetizers to keep up the momentum.

What do you guys need over here? But somebody is looking to help out the duo.

Do I need to make more green beans and stuff? I'm bringing this up.

Behind, coming through.

Just give it to me.

Let me help.

I'm trying to help Christina and Dana out, and they're like, "we don't need any help.

" Four lobster salads, yes? How long? Walking.

Let me help.

I trust you helping me.

Trust me helping you.

I'll heat it up for you.

You can do that if you want.

No, no, no.

I got it.

I'm looking at her like, "seriously?" I don't need your help right now.

Please just back the up.

She has, like, this big ego thing where she doesn't want any help.

Set it down.

I got it.

Well, one day, you're gonna need help, and no one's gonna give it to you 'cause you keep on pushing it away.

I feel good rhythm.

I think these guys they won't let me go over there.

Dude, I don't know what to tell you.

While Robyn is still looking for work, Christina and Dana manage to push out a steady stream of appetizers.

Service, please.

And 20 minutes into dinner service, all of the diners on the red side are thrilled with what they've received.

It's really good.

It's not what I was expecting at all.

Get ready for entrees, okay? Yes, chef.

Now the only thing standing in the way of the second part of the fashion show is a completed appetizer service, which means Scallop in the window.

Clemenza must deliver 16 orders of scallops.

Overcooked and rubber.

Start again.

Clemenza, you're holding us up.

I got six.

I got six orders going.

There's only so much room on one side of the stove.

Two scallops how long? Two minutes.

You got six scallops going.

There's no other room to get out another two.

Unless you want me to put two pans on my ass and start cooking back there, You're gonna have to wait.

How many? How many more? Clemenza I can see it in his face already how frustrated he's getting.

Can somebody help him with the scallops?! And I know we're going down.

You want me to sear some scallops on this side? Yes.

Okay, I got two orders working here.

We were just hoping that we would find out when the show will be able to start.

Hey, guys, hurry up! Come on! I've got to start the next show.

Scallops, please! Coming up.


Stop! All of you come here.

Look, now we got overcooked .

Horribly done, gray rubber.

Feel that.

Feel it.

It's cooked to .

Who cooked them? I did.

Guy, I'd rather you do it with control than try and rush them and create that mess.

Oh, my God.

We're done.


Clemenza! Scallops, please! Everyone in line now.

We're not stopping.

I'm running out of time.

on the first ever Hell's Kitchen fashion night If somebody tries to get you to change your shoes, hit them.

The red team has finished all their appetizers.

All right, guys.

Way to push through, man.

But the second part of the fashion show can't start Let's get in line.

Until the blue team completes their first course.

That's overcooked.

Start again.

Guy just fumbled on the scallops, and I'm watching Clemenza go down like a body in the east river.

Get that scallop perfectly, guys.

Come on, brother.

It's scallops.

I mean, it's scal

Scallops how long? Two minutes.

Three minutes.

Three minutes.

Three minutes, chef.

Royce, get out there and tell them we need an extra five minutes.

Hurry up.

Yes, chef.

Excuse me.

oh I find a room full of models.

I walked in, and as soon as I saw the first model, I was like Yes? We need an extra five minutes.

But she's wilting.

Love it if you could get it together really quick.

Yes, thank you very much.

I'll let everybody know.


I relayed my message and got the outta there.

I'm worrying about a perfect service.

I'm worrying about winning this $250,000, and then so I can take a model on a hot date, baby.


Scallops? Come on, Clemenza.

We got four right now.

We got three following.

It's a mess.

There's no way that I'm gonna sit there and let him go down.

No way.

I am jumping on.

Here we go.

Scallops, please how long? Good? Go.

Walking with three.

Right behind you.

From Brian, Clemenza's scallops are now worthy of being served to the VIP guests.

Let's go, please.

A disaster has been averted, as the men deliver all their appetizers.

Really good.

These scallops are out of this world.

James, please.

Sorry about the delay.

Let's do the second half, please.

Yes, chef.

Come here, quick.


That timing was dreadful.

Really dreadful.

Now we got a second show.

I'm gonna fire these entrees so as when that last model walks off that catwalk, our food is leaving.

Yes, chef.

What's your first six tables? Four beef and two swordfish.

That's six tables.

Yes, chef.

What's your first three tables? Our first three tables are swordfish, pigeon How many? Uh Come on, Barbie! Uh, we have five swordfish to start.

Robyn, what's going? Four beef and two pigeons.

Thank you.

It's four beef and two squab, bitch.

Get it right, miss know

I've told you Focus.

Something about this girl Barbie makes my skin crawl.

And those glasses, they're, like, fake glasses.

Wake up, guys.

Yes, chef.

Lock it in tight together, yes? Yes, chef.

Let's go.

Run the dishes through your minds.

Chef, we're gonna redeem ourselves.

You're gonna what? Redeem ourselves, chef.

We screwed up in the first part, so let's get our together, and let's get it back in the second part.

The swimwear designs of Amanda Shay.

Hey, baby.

Oh, , man.

Holy .

That is sexy.

How the am I supposed to cook with that going on? That's what we're going to deal with? Shut the up.

Don't look.

Don't look, guys.

So there's a few boobies and stuff like that running around.

I see those models, but they're not gonna distract me.

I'm focused.

Get those beef in the pan and get 'em seared.

My head is in the steaks.

Hijo la .

Guy, focus.


Guy! Pan's on fire.

charring now.

Look at what the we're doing here.

It's a filet steak.

Hardly any fat.

So it needs searing beautifully, but with control.

All Guy had to do was sear off the beef and then finish in the oven and let 'em rest.

So it seems very simple and basic, yet he was having a hard time doing that.

He tuned out.

Show's almost over.

Can we get a grip? Wake up, you, yeah? Yes, chef! While the blue team tries to focus on the task at hand, in the dining room, the last few swimsuit models hit the runway.

Stand by, ladies, yeah? And chef Ramsay is counting on both kitchens to have entrees ready as soon as this part of the show is over.

Three minutes to the window! Three minutes to window, chef! Let's go! No way I'm gonna be three minutes to the window.

There is a lot of filet on order.

She's gotta cook all that she has, and we better hope that they come out perfect because there's no extra.

Just under one minute to the window.

They're not done yet.

Let's go.

beef, man.


beef, beef.

The beef's not ready.

He's gonna yell at me.

Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God.

I'm about to get my ass handed to me on beef.

Keep 'em in there as long as possible.

Amanda Shay.

Yes, chef! Slicing.

Slice it and pray that it's cooked.

Beef, please.



Come on, please.

Robyn! Yes, chef? That's perfectly cooked, the beef.

Thank you, chef! Damn! That's right, son! The women deliver the first table of entrees.

Looks delicious.

This is really good.

In the blue kitchen Away now, three beef, six swordfish.

Royce, double
-check me.

My all
-day on my sword? Clemenza on fish and guy on meat I'm ready to go as soon as you tell me.

Appear to be in sync on the first entrees.

You ready? Yes, yes, yes.

I got this.

I'm focused, I'm just right in the zone.

Fish is my thing.

Clemenza it's his dish, the pride and joy of staten island.

So there should be no issue on the fish side.

Swordfish? Fish right now.

Right now, here.

Let's go.

Chef, this is hot.

Yeah, I hope it's hot.

It's the kitchen, you doughnut.

Oh, guys.


What is this, a hey.

What what is that? Rubber, overcooked.

One more swordfish.

Yeah, yeah, I got it.

I got it.

This is Clemenza's dish on the menu, and it's hard for him to execute this dish.

I got it, I got it.

I'm dying for a swordfish! One swordfish right here.

Gimme gimme a plate for the pass, please.

Anybody, somebody.

You know, Clemenza's like a lost cat sometimes.

He just doop de
-do de
-do Like, I don't get it.

Right here, right here.

I got it.


Go, go, go.

It's hot.

I get frazzled.

Everybody gets frazzled.

But you know what? I got it.

Service, please.

Let's go.

With Clemenza redeeming himself on the swordfish, the first order of blue entrees goes out to the dining room.

Oh, that's really good.

Meanwhile, in the red kitchen, chef Ramsay is relying on Robyn Away now, Robyn.

Two beef, two pigeon.

Yes, chef.

Two beef, two pigeon.

To keep up the good work on the meat station.

, my beef's overcooked.

It's over.

They're over.

That's well done.

Could someone go ask, see if the men have any more meat? How many do you need? I need two more beef, guys.


I'm scared.

I don't know.

I was like, "I don't want to go over there.

I'm scared.

" I was scared of chef.

Hold on.

I couldn't do it.

No beef? Couldn't get over there.

I don't wanna get yelled at.

Someone go get me another beef, please.

, no.

I'm not going over to the blue kitchen and get my ass reamed.

So all these girls on my team talk up the talk, but they don't back it up.

Get your finger out of your and stop being scared.

All right.

Start it.

Two? See if they have two extra.

I need my all
-day on sword.

Three beef.

Three beef.

Three beef.

I was looking, and I'm looking, and I started to go in.

Let's go.

And then here comes chef Ramsay.

I was like, "oh, this.

" I can't stop their service to get these beef.

There's no way.

I have overcooked beef, guys.

I asked.

What? They won't answer me.

I can't serve this beef.

You better say something.

Yes, chef.

Two beef, two pigeon.

Robyn was, like, all over the place.

He misses nothing.

Beef how long? How long? How long, Robyn? It's fashion night in Hell's Kitchen, and the models are ready for the last catwalk.

I need everyone lined up right now.

But chef Ramsay won't allow the show to go on until the last entrees have been served.

Away now, Robyn, two beef, two pigeon.

Unfortunately, Robyn, who started out so well on meat , my beef's overcooked.

Could someone go ask, see if the men have any more meat? Finds herself in a major predicament.

I can't serve this beef.

Better say something.

Beef how long? How long, Robyn? Chef, I have a overcooked beef.

What? No, that's it.

So any ideas? I would like to get another beef from the gentlemen so I can do it real quick.

Let me tell you something.

We just don't go to the blue kitchen and get what you want.

It's a competition, you silly cow.

Okay, yes, chef.

That's the last time I'm telling you all.

Got it? Yes, chef.

I am so glad I didn't get some filets from the blue kitchen.

I didn't get in trouble.

Get in the dining room.

Get a hold of James urgently.

And tell him you up.

Hurry up! Okay.

Yes, chef.

I guess I'm gonna have to walk my happy ass up to table 64 and tell them, "I'm sorry, ma'am.

We don't have your beef.

" Would you like a swordfish or a pigeon instead? Yes, pigeon.

Pigeon? We were talking about that earlier.



Thank you.

They're gonna do a pigeon, sir.

Let's go, let's go.

Three pigeon away.

Yes, chef! While Robyn gets back to work Let's go! Chef Ramsay now turns his attention to Tiffany on the fish station.

Swordfish? Swordfish, let's go.

Tiff, are you under control? Um, watch these while I start the other stuff.

Okay, perfect.

Just make sure they have nice marks.

I got you.

That's all of 'em.

Throw 'em up there when you're done.

You got it.

Christina goes over to help Tiffany with her swordfish.

It's Tiffany's station.

Give me four to start with, and then put the rest on the pan right here.

They'll sit there until we're ready.

It's all strategy.

She's letting everybody do the work, and they're taking the fall.

All right, let's give it one more turn, and then out with it.

While Tiffany does more supervising than cooking, in the blue kitchen Away now, three beef.

How long? How long for the garnish for the beef? Garnish is ready.

Cutting beef.

All eyes are on Guy on the meat station, who has an opportunity to shine.


Three beef to the pass.

off, Royce.

Royce, leave me alone.

All of you, come here.

Come here.

The beef's cold.


Just touch it at the back.

Put your hand on there.

It's not even hot.

It's not cold.

It's warm.

Come on, get it in the oven! We're making rookie mistakes at this point.

If you have hands with nerve endings, it's very easy to tell that things are cold.

Can I have the beef hot? Can I? Yes, chef.

Very kind of you.

While Guy tries to recover quickly on meat, in the red kitchen Just give me four.


cooked by her helper, Christina Behind.

Is ready for chef Ramsay's approval.

Oh, hell.

All of you, come here.

Just touch that.

Touch it.

They're cold.

Touch it.

Cold! Here, I have an extra one.

Christina grilled it, but then it's been sitting there.

Tiffany just brings it up to the pass.

Well, it's cold! Who cooked that? Tiffany's like Crickets.

I grilled it and put it on the resting tray.

You grilled it? Who's in charge of the fish? Tiffany's like, "wasn't me.

" It's your station.

Even if Christina cooked the swordfish, it's Tiffany's responsibility.

She shouldn't have sent a cold swordfish up there anyway.

She cooked it.

I've been bringing it up.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm not sending anything out of your station till you say okay.

So you're responsible for your own station.

What is this? Tiffany does not want to take blame for anything that's her fault.

Swordfish! Swordfish coming right now, chef.

She'll throw anybody under the bus when she can.

Here you are chef.

It's ugly.

It's fugly.

That's the last one right there.

Three pigeon how long? Got 'em right here, chef.


The red team has successfully delivered the last of their entrees to the pass.

So I need one swordfish here.

Finish that.

It's now up to Kimmie, the designated plater, to make sure that the dishes are ready to head to the dining room.

Oh, , sorry.

That's why the hand goes underneath.


It's getting hectic.

We're getting down to the wire.

So I am nervous as .

Come on, Kimmie.

Let's go.

Speed up a bit, Kimmie.

Let's go.

Let's go, Kimmie.

Hurry up.

I'm going as fast as I can, dude.

Where are those fingers? Let's go.

Yes, chef.

Time is of the essence.

Come on, Kimmie.

It takes very graceful hands, but you have to be fast.

If you're not fast, then you're .

That's intense up here.


Uh, nice.

Looks lovely.

Service, please.

With entrees completed in the red kitchen Let's go, clear down.

Yes, chef.

There are only two things standing in the way of the final part of the fashion show Where we at? Going to the pass right now.

Guy's hot beef Where's the beef? It's hot, chef.

I hope it's hot.

Service, please.

And Royce's ability Come on, Royce.

You're so awkward.

As a master plater.

Knowing that I can plate very well and I do plate up very beautiful dishes, it is really intimidating with chef Ramsay right next to me the whole entire time.

Don't start panicking, Royce.


I am not panicking.

Not with that.

How blegh.

Sorry, chef.

Hey, come here, you.

Come here.

Come here, you! I am not panicking! You're wiping plates with that.

You're wiping plates in front of our VIP guests, and there's these clean cloths here.

Sorry, chef.

And look.

That's it.

Get on the chef table.


Sit down.



Get out.

How dare you? I made one mistake, and it was a big mistake, and, you know, I won't make it ever again.

And it just brought me to another level.

Are you ready now, or are you gonna sit there like a idiot? Sorry, chef.

You clean a plate like that one more time with a dirty rag Hey.

Hey, big boy.

See that door out there? Yes, chef.

Hey, I'll boot you out there.

Sorry, chef.

I swear to God.

I'll push you through that door.

Service, please.


Now, with the entrees complete Stoves off, let's go.

It's showtime once again.

Ladies and gentlemen, the evening wear of David Meister.

Good job tonight, ladies.

Of course we're happy that we completed service with all of our team members still in the kitchen.

Doesn't really erase the tension or the kind of divide that's on our team.

But, to me, as long as we're getting it done in the kitchen for service, I don't really give a what happens outside of those doors.

Ladies and gentlemen, David Meister.

Stoves off.

My station put out half the dining room.

I give myself credit.

At this moment, yeah, I am a little proud of myself.

I'm feeling good.

There ain't no stopping me.

What's all that? me.

Hey, stop.

Stop, all of you.

All of you! , man.

Now what? Who cooked this? Clemenza, come here, you.

What the have you done? Oh, no, no, no.

Oh, my God.

The first ever Hell's Kitchen fashion night was a success, but despite the fact that dinner service is over What's all that? Chef Ramsay has something important to clear up between Clemenza and Royce.

Royce, come here, you.

Yes, chef.

It's right up there.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven.

Why have you cooked so much? No idea, chef.


I called for the all

It was 18, and I did 4 more.

It's not 4 more.

It is 11 more.

You told him 18? No, I told him I told you 16 plus 1.

Okay, 17.

I said, "what the is 16 plus 1?" You call 17, you .

It was 16 orders, plus 1.

That was everything all

But we don't need all these.

I was told 18, chef.

I owned up to what the I did.

He's with the And he wants to talk around in circles.

Hey, what the 's the matter with your brain? This was 18.

I told you exactly 16 plus 1.

And what are we gonna do with that? It's another waste.

Go on.

It's another waste, chef.

Go on, here we go.

You love that bin, don't you? Tell you what.

You hold it up.

You put them in.

Oh, my God.

Hell's Kitchen's first ever fashion night wasn't perfect.

It was careless at times.

However, one team definitely had the edge.

The winning team tonight Congratulations Red team.

You completed your apps ten minutes in front of blue team.

Clemenza Our guests hadn't even sat down, and you were firing scallops.

Even worse, that your team were watching you.

Royce I wish you saw Kimmie, the way she worked brilliant.

Nailed it.

Blue team.

Come up with two names ready to leave Hell's Kitchen.

off with you.

Ladies, good job.

Thank you, chef.

Kimmie, nice.

Me and Robyn are totally cool.

Earlier in the day, she disrespected me, but I love the girl to death.

I know she's proud of me.

I mean, friends fight.

I felt like we did a decent job at service.

You know, we kept bouncing back.

But I guess the girls just did better than us tonight.

I'm feeling really good right now.

We don't have to deal with elimination.

Whoop, whoop! Is there an ice cream scoop? Probably in that drawer.

Can we all take a deep breath and say, ", yeah, no elimination tonight"? Yeah! Do a little chicken dance.

All right, who wants to start? My first nominee is gonna be for Clemenza.



No way.

Some issues with the scallops.

Clemenza, you're holding us up.

I got six.

I got six on the stove.

Guys, hurry up! Come on! I've got to start the next show.

There's only so many scallop I can literally, physically do at a time.

I'm the easy target, but I got half the dinner service on my shoulder.

I could say, obviously, Clemenza.

Let's just say I would've put him in the corner in kindergarten for coloring outside the box.

I gotta say Clemenza.

Brian, your nomination? Clemenza.

That's it.

That's how it works.

I gave him a little spanking.

It's already a majority.

It's already a majority, so I don't think I'm the worst chef on the blue team.

I pulled my weight and then some on the team.

Second nominee? Pfft.


I don't know.

It's so difficult, man.

It's a very, very difficult second pick.

While the blue team digs in to find a second nominee, with her teammate.



I wanna ask you a question in private.

'Cause it only refers to you and myself.

Wanna sit down? No, it's only in regards to you and myself, and no one else needs to hear it.


I don't know what Robyn's deal is right now.

We won dinner service, and she's still starting .

She just can't help herself.

I was trying to ask you guys to help.

I knew you guys had it, but I didn't want to stand there.

I had a problem with Christina during dinner service.

She wouldn't let me help her out.

I'll heat it up for you.

You can do that if you want.

No, no, no.

I got it.

Need help over there? No, no, no.

Dude, I don't know what to tell you.

What it was is, like, at that point, that's when we were, like, in the thick of it, it wasn't like, "oh, I don't want your help.

" Like, "You, I got this.

" It was like, "dude, I'm in a rhythm.

I need to just run with it.

" But that's how I felt.

It's definitely nothing personal, no.

'Cause I noticed it, like, twice already.

Robyn definitely tends to take things hard, take things a little bit personally.

So I'm definitely over the drama.

Uh, I just don't need it.

No, it was nothing it wasn't anything like that.

Just I was in my rhythm, and Christina, there's no "I" in "team".

Next time, have fun trying to get through service by yourself.

Who's the second? I'm gonna I'm gonna say Guy.

You know how beef is.


Can be tricksy on you.

Guy, I'm just gonna put my vote for you.

I see where the wind is turning.

I have to try to do something to help me not go up there.

I'll go ahead and tell you.

You wanna go? It's Brian? You were right there next to Clemenza.

You're supposed to help him.

Honestly, the garnish station should've had the hot pans on and searing scallops with Clemenza.

Hold on one second, all right? All right, I'm helping Clemenza the entire time.

You nominate me? Really? I helped out as best as I could! I'm pissed.

Without my help, we would've been .


Brian! There's a little bit of luck for everyone.

After losing dinner service, the blue team has nominated Clemenza.

Obviously, Clemenza.

It's already a majority.

As for the second nominee, guy was a popular choice.

I'm gonna I'm gonna say Guy.

You know how beef is.

Can be tricksy on you.

But he wisely turned the attention to someone else.

It's Brian? I helped out as best as I could.

Brian! I did what my chef told me to do.

Does anybody else wanna go? Here's my thing, and I'll say this.

Clemenza, what do you got? I'm obviously not gonna nominate myself, although I'm already the choice candidate.

I don't wanna say you.

But I am, for one reason and one reason only.

Yes, you helped everybody else.

But as the leader, as my station's getting hit, that's where you should've been for that moment.

I'm irritated with Clemenza.

I ran around like crazy trying to, you know, give the support, and I thought I was being very vocal.

So I think that's .

Maybe I didn't see it.

I know you're giving me that look.

I don't if you see me, get someone else going on scallops.

Get someone else trying to help me.

But that's not the other issue, too.

The other issue You wanna nominate me.

I get it.

If you wanna do that, that's fine.

Clemenza's got a point.

Patrick is not leading the blue team.

I don't like a team leader that don't know how to lead.

You can give me the look of annoyance all day long.

It's not a personal thing.

Clemenza, are you nominating me? Yeah.

So all we got is Rosh left.

I can't decide my second nomination.

It's a huge decision.

It's a tough decision.


Uh, um Rosh, we need one.

Come on.

Oh, my God.

You guys are k*lling me.

What the ? Place a vote.

It's not supposed to be easy.

It's supposed to be difficult.

But you have to be decisive.

You have to.

You have to make a decision and go with it.

That's it.


Did you have a good discussion? Yes, chef.



First nominee.

The blue team decided the first nominee would be Clemenza.

Why? Based on his performance today with, uh, the fish station.

That had the main hiccups of tonight's service.

Second nominee.

Second nominee was very difficult for us, chef.

Really? Some of the members of the team felt that it should be Brian because he was next to fish.

He should've been able to help Clemenza out.


Yes, chef.

Chef, others voted for Guy.


Yes, chef.

So? Uh Come on, then.

Who is it? Uh Although both teams completed dinner service tonight, the red team earned higher marks, and the blue team is left to deliver two nominees to chef Ramsay for elimination.

They have already selected Clemenza.

Second nominee and why.

Uh Come on, then.

Who is it? Just based on what held service back twice, the second nominee is Guy.

Okay, let's go.

Clemenza, Guy, step forward, please.



Yes, chef.

Here you are, standing in front of me twice in a row.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I
-I'm not done.

I'm the least experienced one here, but I
-I fight every day.

I have Enough fight for for five people.

Are you a better chef than Clemenza? Clemenza can cook, but I'm a better chef, yes, chef.


Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I think I've been an asset to this team since the beginning.

I've won some challenges.

-I was my dish got on the menu tonight.


Yes, chef.

Who should be going home tonight? I would have to say Clemenza, chef.

Royce, same question.

You know, chef, cle uh, Clemenza.

Chef, I've always played 100%.

And even tonight, I felt like I played 100%.


Who should be going home tonight? I'm gonna say Clemenza.



Clemenza, chef.


Yes, chef.


Clemenza, chef.

Chef, I've chased animals.

I've dug trees.

I gave it my all every, single time I've been in that kitchen.

I've played 100%, and I have not once, not once ever have I stopped and let my guard down once.

I've tried to help everybody, do everything, and be every way that I possibly can be, and I've always played 100%.

And everybody's trying to get rid of me.

But you know what? I still put out better food than everybody standing there.

Clemenza, I want you to listen to me carefully.

You've done well.

You had a bad night.

Are you done? I'm not even close to done, chef.

I'm ready.

I'll go put out another dinner service right now if you need it.


Based on everything I've seen, witnessed My decision is Clemenza.

Back in line.

Yes! Uhh! Guy, your time is up, buddy.

Give me your jacket, please.

Thank you for the opportunity.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Thank you for your hard work.

I never thought that I would be eliminated this early in the game.

Chef Ramsey definitely made the wrong decision.

I stand behind everything that I did, and I stand behind every dish that I put out there.

I thought he would respect that.

Apparently, he doesn't.


Yes, chef.

You have passion.

Use it.

Yes, chef.

Piss off.

Clemenza? He has more heart than anyone on that team.

Clemenza definitely needs to look after himself and protect himself.

No one else is going to.

Clemenza's got the biggest passion in the world.

But at the end of the day, it takes organization, skill, and finesse.

Not just passion.

I found out who my friends are, and obviously, it's no one.

I got more love from the red team tonight.

Go figure.

If that's how it's gonna be, that's how it's gonna be.

I'll smile in your face as I'm taking the knife outta your back.

Guy's performance in Hell's Kitchen was extremely inconsistent.

And that is why I know he is not the guy to run Gordon Ramsay Steak.
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