09x15 - 4 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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09x15 - 4 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

This season on Hell's Kitchen came to Los Angeles looking for their shot at culinary stardom.

Ladies and gentlemen, Hell's Kitchen chefs.

But chef Ramsay quickly brought the chefs back down to Earth.

None of you are stars! And put them to the test.

- Let's go!
- In a variety of ways.


Stop! Wow.

Touchdown! Wellington, perfect.

Whoo! Blue Team, let's go then.

They were rewarded Oh, my God! Red Team! This season, however, did have an abundance of meltdowns.

- Ohh!
- I'm not doing it anymore! What the hell is wrong with you? I don't work with people that speak English! Damn it! And expl*sive confrontations.

You gonna quit, then just quit now.

You ain't gonna talk to me that type of way, I know that! Nooo! I'm sick of this! You need to work on your attitude! In this, the most competitive season yet Give me your chef jacket.

It was hard for the eliminated chefs to say good

Please give me another shot, chef.

Good night and good luck.

But now, only four remain.

Tonight, one of those four will win Hell's Kitchen and claim the position of head chef at BLT Steak in New York City.

Will it be Paul the pit bull, a junior sous chef from davie, Florida? The cod and the bass! He was definitely the most intense chef of the year.

I will slap you across the face.

He can't cook scallops! He can't get the risotto out! Agh! Paul dropped the ball early in the competition.

Paul! It's raw.

It's our first table! I'm struggling, Paul! Pink chicken! Get out! ! Aagh! But he never stopped believing in himself.

I had the worst service of my life.

I have enough determination to make sure it won't happen again! My fire isn't out! He rallied back with strong performance Paul, you win the challenge.


After performance Paul, that's nicely garnished there.

Redemption! Spelled P

And now is one of the favorites.

Can Paul's dogged determination bring him to victory? Tonight's service is gonna solidify why I'm gonna win Hell's Kitchen.

Tommy, the wild card, A line cook from Brewster, New York.

Come on! Focus.

Tommy made an immediate mark.

- The tattoo on the forehead.

- Says "rock & roll.

" So I've gotta take you serious.

I'd appreciate it if you did.

Although he often played the comedian I can see the sky! Elise, you all right? Look like you got a bone to pick.

Hey! His unique dishes were impressive.

I've never thought about using quail egg on lamb.

- That actually works quite well.

- Thank you.

I'm definitely more tuned in than people think I am.

And in the last couple of services, he made his voice heard in the kitchen.

Will, you put up plates, followed by me.

I knock down the puree.

Pauly, you tail me with the carrots.

- All right.

- Very nice, Tommy.

Thank you, chef.

But will this unorthodox chef be able to rock and roll all the way to victory? I'm gonna have my eye on the prize, believe you me.

And not just my lazy eye.

My good eye.

Three Wellington, one New York strip.

Will, the machine, A sous chef from New Jersey I'm a technician when it comes to culinary.

- I do it and I do it right.

- That is delicious.

Proved to be an unstoppable force right from the start.

Let's do this! Leading the Blue Team to one challenge win after another.

Will, you win the challenge.

Good job.

You've cooked the burger Perfect.

The winner of the challenge: Will, great job.

And driving the blue kitchen with his brash style.

Just frickin' pay attention to what you're doing! Guys, pick it up! Keep pumpin' it till the last ticket's out.

Can will win the coveted title he desperately desires? I am ready to k*ll 'em all and sort the bodies out later on.

It looks like it's been chewed by your dog! Elise, the fighter.

A line cook from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania I need another sea bass, the right way! Came out swinging.

You scared? No! No! Shut up! I'm talking.

And one chef in particular drew the full force of her fury.

Start packing every dinner service, 'cause I'm gonna make sure your ass is going home.

You don't have to yell at me.

I'm right here.

You better get out of my face.

Never afraid to speak her mind I'm fighting for my life right now.

Elise also had the talent to back up her big mouth.

Who's gonna lead the Red Team?
- I am, chef.

- Let's go, then! Let's go, ladies! I see myself as a natural
-born leader.

I do have a big mouth, but I know how to use it.

We have got to do this.

I am not sending nobody home hungry.

Can the last woman standing be the last chef standing? I'm gonna kick some serious ass 'cause they're not even gonna see it coming.

Four top
-skilled competitors remain.

Tommy, talk to me! But only one can be crowned the winner.

Don't interrupt me, and I'll tell you! Whose dream will come true? I'm sorry, but I have standards, and that is not it.

Are you deliberately trying to me here or what? Find out right now Who will be the next head chef at BLT Steak.

On the season finale of Hell's Kitchen.

Ladies and gentlemen, Hell's Kitchen winner Yes! And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

- Wow.

- Whoo! Who is the weakest chef?
- Jennifer is.

- Jennifer, chef.

I'd have to say it's Elise.

All personal set aside, you can cook.

Thank you.

And the people that actually cook should stay.

I'm back.

I'm here.

-whoo! You know? That wasn't me doining something Me doing anyone a favor.

The truth.

That was me being real.

Don't give a hug? You gonna be mad at me.

I'm not mad at you, but I *** them a hug That was real.

Come on, I don't get one? I got your back.

No, you don't.

Making it this far in the competition is an impressive achievement.

- Good morning.

- Good morning, chef.

But chef Ramsay isn't about to let the final four rest on their laurels.

I think is really important at this stage of the competition that you constantly get inspired.

And your next challenge will inspire you.

In fact, not just the challenge but the judges will be even more inspiring.

Would you like to meet the judges? Yes, chef.

I think you should.

Please welcome judge number one Oh, my God!
- Elise
- No way! Your son, Chris Jr.

, your husband Chris and your aunt Deloris.

Say "hi, mama.

" It felt really good to see my son.

Words can't express how much I've missed him througout this journey.

It seems like he's grown up so much since I've been away, and he's motivation for me being here.

Ready for your next vip?
- Tommy
- Oh Your mom Diana, and your girlfriend Kaitlin.


Gimme a kiss.

Easy, Tommy.

Easy, Tommy.

Tommy, is s a family show! Tommy's girlfriend is really pretty.

I mean, I'm not saying that I didn't expect it, but I didn't expect that.

- Hell yeah!
- Here's your brother Chris.

God, I missed you.

So proud of you, baby.

Oh, my God! So proud of you.

Will, here's your mother Michelle and your wife Tara.

- I miss you so much.

- How are you? To actually see my wife and my mother, I mean Absolutely crazy and insane and inspiring.

I'll leave you alone for a couple of minutes.


My wife and my mother are in my head every minute of every hour of every day.

I look at your picture every single day.

Oh, Tommy.

Tommy's girlfiend is 19, so that's the joke.

I love you so much.

I love you.

I think we might have got married when I go home.

- Really?
- Mm



Your mom's there.

For God's sake, man! I'm getting yelled at here.

I've been up every time they had the opportunity.

Just because of you.

I've had a lot of highs, and I've had a lot of lows.

Lows, like, where I thought I was gonna go home.

- I love you, mommy.

- I love you too.

This is crazy.

I can't believe you're here.

I can't believe I'm here either.

It's been the hardest thing in the world not to be able to go see my brother.

My brother is my best friend, right now is my brother to walk through the doors.

How's that for inspiration?
- Very inspiring, chef.

- Amazing, chef.

Okay, families, first of all I'd like to say a big thank you.

But unfortunately, it's timtoto go.

I don't want to say good

Tommy, wrap up the homework.

- Paul, please.

- Yes, chef.

Elise, say good
-bye to your lovely family.

I love you.

I love you.

Chris, take it easy.

Love you, baby.

Tommy get back over there.

My head is in a totally different realm right now.

I am ready to beat the out of people k*ll 'em all and sort the bodies out later on.

Let's go.

The chefs have just had a brief but satisfying visit with their loved ones.

Now it's time to get back to business.

Now, seeing how they are the final four, chef Ramsay has decided to cook up one of his most difficult challenges.

This is your next challenge.

- Ooh.

- It's time for "taste it, now make it.

" You're all gonna have to duplicate this dish.

The chef that comes closest to recreating this dish will clearly win the challenge.

The winner gets to spend the rest of the day with your family.

Oh, my God.

I'm, like, super nervous right now.

Everything's on the line today with this challenge.

I just want to spend the afternoon with the most beautiful woman in the world.

I'm bringing everything I have.

- Are you ready?
- Yes, chef.

Your time starts now.

In the "taste it, now make it" challenge, each chef must recreate chef Ramsay's dish from sight, smell, touch, and taste.

What is that? However, they get no information about the ingredntnts or the recipe.

I can't figure it out.

While it's important for the chefs to analyze every component of the dish.

Identifying the main protein is absolutely critical.

The battle within myself was the fish.

I could not tell if it was cod or Halibut.

I was, like, ugh! "I know it's one of these two for sure, but I just don't know.

" One little tip You can cook two different sorts of fish, and drop one with two minutes to go.

Come on, Elise.

I see your beasty little eyes watching everybody like a hawk.

Stop worrying about everybody else worry about your dish.

Looking at the fish, tasting the fish, I'm 99% sure that it's monkfish.

So, I'm gonna look by the Gordon, die by the Gordon And I'm gonna go with what I feel.

Whoo! Will and Tommy have decided on monkfish while Elise is going with Halibut.

Paul is still unsure, but has narrowed it down to two choices.

The only think I was really reserved about, was the cooked fish That was the hardest thing to determine because cod and monkfish look similar, so I seared both.

I just wanted to be So I'm trying to figure out what the ham is wrapped around the fish.

It was not salty enough to be prosciutto.

I grabbed the serrano ham because it was the least salty.

I think I have a damn good palate.

I look over at Tommy, and I was, like, that's definitely not it.

I was, like, what the is he doing? While Tommy believes that chef Ramsay used serrano ham in his dish, Will, Elise, and Paul have all opted to use prosciutto.

Four minutes.

Step up a gear.

Meanwhile, all of the final four have chosen mushrooms, kale, and cream to garnish their entrees.

Start plating, guys.

Behind, behind.

Five, four, three, two, one.

And stop, guys.

Let's go.

All right.

Is everybody happy with their dish? Yes, chef.

Okay, let's start off with Tommy.

- Oh, jeez, I hate going first.

- Let's go.

I can't stand going first.

It's the worst in the world.

I shouldn't have put my dish close to the chef.

I should have scooted to the back.

Right, tell me what you did.

Fish what did you use?
- I used monkfish.

- Monkfish? Why monkfish? I tasted it, and then just looked at it, and then took the best guess I had.

And you wrapped the monkfish in what? Um, I believe it's a serrano.


The sauce.

Cooked down some cream.

That's kale underneath.

- Not bad.

All right.

- Was I close? I'll let you know.

Back oththe line, thank you.

Okay, Elise.

Uh, fish what is it? Halibut.


I've got one Halibut, one monkfish.

- And it's wrapped in?
- Prosciutto.

- Okay.

Thank you.

- Yeah.

- Will.

- Yes, chef.

- The fish what is it?
- I did a monkfish.

- Monkfish?
- Yes, chef.

Were you copying Tommy? Not at all, chef.

What did you wrap the monkfish in? Prosciutto.

And monkfish was your first Was my one and only choice of fish.

- It tastes good.

I'll let you know.

- Thank you.

- Excellent.

Thank you.

- Thank you, chef.

All right, Paul.

Yes, chef.

Let's go.

I cooked off two pieces of fish.

I cooked off a monkfish and a cod.

- So what is this fish?
- This is the cod.

- Cod.


- Yes.

Confidence level super high because I think it's cod.

I don't think it was monkfish.

It didn't look the same.

It might have been Halibut, but I mean, I was confident it wasn't monkfish.

And the cod's wrapped in
- Prosciutto.

- Really? Okay, we've got two monkfish, one Halibut, and one cod.

You all got mushrooms, you all used kale, you all got cream.

That's about where it stops, huh? Now, Tommy Yes.

You are the only one who used sorrano ham.

Is that good or bad? It wasn't right.

Prosciutto was the right ingredient.

Congratulations, all three of you.

- Tommy, game over, big boy.

- Damn it! Okay, the person with the dish that is closest to recreating mine Congratulations It's the "taste it, now make it" challenge.

Tommy, game over, big boy.

Damn it.

With Tommy out of the running, it all comes down to who chose the right fish.

Will had monkfish, Paul had cod, and Elise had Halibut.

The person with the dish that is closest to recreating mine Congratulations
- Paul!
- Yes! Bloody spot
-on! Well done.

Yes! Awesome! You have an amazing day today.

Not only do you get the chance to spend time
- With my brother!
- What? With your big brother.


- We're in L.


, right?
- Yes, chef.

You're going to the Dodger game.

- What'd he say?
- Going to the Dodger game, son.


I would have loved to have spent the day at the Dodger game with my wife and my mother.

So I have nobody to blame but myself.

It doesn't mean Paul was better than me, it's just that I screwed myself.

Look what cod got you.

Exactly! This right here is the greatest reward I could possibly get.

To go sit and watch baseball with my brother, and just come back here ready to kick everyone's ass.

The rest of you, today Is moving day in Hell's Kitchen.

I need everything moved out.

Oh, no, come on.

No, don't do that to me.

Everybody up to the dorms.

Well done.

- Enjoy the game.

- Yes, chef.

- Enjoy it with your brother.

- Well done, Pauly.

Hey, guys.

- Hello.

- Welcome, welcome.

- Welcome to Dodger Stadium
- Thank you.

Which I call blue heaven on Earth.


Which one of you is the chef? I am, sir.

You know how to make pasta vizule? I can make some pasta vizule.

- Tommy Lasorda
- Go on in.

Let's go.

The epitome, the icon of Dodgers baseball.

This is a once in a lifetime thing.

I don't think I've ever stood on a major league field before.

You deserve it, buddy.

Me and my brother are huge Yankee fans, but the second you walk onto the field in Dodger Stadium, yo you feel the history.

You feel the presence of greatness.

You feel the legends that have walked on that field.

- How you guys doing?
- How you doing?
- How's everything?
- I'm great.

- How are you?
- Wow.

- This is awesome.

- What's happening? Where you guys from? South Florida, but originally from New York.

Oh, yeah? You too? Huge Yankee fans, we are.


I met the Yankee legend himself, Don Mattingly! The only thing missing was his awesome moustache.

- Very nice, man.

- Well, nice to meet you guys.

- Nice to meet you too, sir.

- All right.

We'll try to get a "w" for you guys tonight.

- Hopefully.

- Thank you.

- Take care.

Good luck.

- Thank you.

- Good luck to you.

- Awesome.

I shook Don Mattingly's hand.

He wished me good luck in this competition! That's it.

It does not get any better than this.

That is the pinnacle of greatness in Paul's book.

I can't stop smiling.

That made my whole trip right there.

Now I have to go and win.

- Now go and win.

- I gotta go and win.

While Paul enjoys some face time with major league legends This room is kinda nasty.

Back in Hell's Kitchen, the losers come face to face with a major league mess.

Oh, hell no, dude.

I'm gonna start in the other room.

Breaking down the dorms is pretty gross because females are disgusting creatures.

- Oh,.

- For real, dude!
- Oh, my God!
- What? Whose bed was this? Jennifer.

And whose bed was that?
- Jennifer.

- Jennifer, Jennifer and Jennifer.

You guys are nasty! Cheeseburgers and roast beef sandwiches under the bed.

And, like, this is the girls we're talking about.

They're the most grimy ladies.

Oh, what the is that? There's, like, a stain under this one.

Why don't you smell it, Tommy? Tell us what it is.

Elise, give it a taste.

You have the best palate.

This is a great day for the Niedermann brothers.

It definitely is.

And now here to throw out the first pitch this evening, Gordon Ramsay.

Yeah, chef! Yeah! Like, of all the people that can come and throw a first pitch, it's gonna be chef.

All right, Gordon.

Time for you to bring the heat.

I didn't think I would have ever saw chef in Dodger Blue instead of chef white, but you know what, he looked good in Dodger blue, I ain't gonna lie.

Hey, chef! You cannot go to a baseball game without a famous Dodger dog.

Yes? Oh, absolutely.

- Now, enjoy.

- Ah, thank you, chef.

- How are you, buddy?
- Good, chef.

- Are you enjoying it?
- Yes.

What an afternoon.

See what happens when you win a challenge? Yeah.

- Best wishes.

- Thank you, chef.

Good to see you, buddy.

Yes? Good to see you.

- Likewise.

Enjoy the game.

- Yes, chef.

It didn't bounce.


It didn't bounce.

- Take care, guys.

- Take it easy, chef.

Beers, hot dogs, bros, and baseball.

You can't beat that with a stick.

It's a big day in Hell's Kitchen, and the chefs are busy preparing for the most important dinner service of their lives.

That's mascarpone.

No, that's butter.

That's mascarpone.

Oh, you're right.

I thought it was butter.

I think Tommy has made it this far because of his ability to take the back seat and to be bossed around.

But now there's four of us, and Tommy's next.

Let's go, guys, yeah? Okay, tonight is all about leadership.

Each of you will have a turn to run the pass.

Tonight is the dinner service that is gonna determine who makes it to the final two.

For half of you here, it's over.

I honestly can't believe that two people are going home tonight.

I mean, this makes everything that much more real.

The biggest day of your cooking career is about to start.

Got it? Yes, chef.

Go on your stations, yeah? Let's go, guys.

Okay, James, let's go.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Yes, chef.

There is clearly a lot riding on tonight's dinner service.

When it's over, two chefs will be going home, and two chefs will be moving on to the final.

Here we go.

Chef Ramsay will provide a series of quality
-control tests to challenge the chefs when they're leading the kitchen at the pass.

First up is Paul.

- Paul, you with me?
- Yes, chef.

- Run the hot plate.

Let's go.

- Yes, chef.

Appetizers four scallops and a risotto followed by two Wellington, a sea bass, and a cod.

- Heard that.

- Yes, chef.

Five minutes on the first risotto.

Pauly is gonna be on top.

I'm gonna show you why I'm a big deal tonight.

- Scallops.

- Risotto's up.

Service, please.



How long on the two Wellingtons, cod, and bass? I can rock.

You tell me when you want it.


Let's go.

Tommy, how long on the fish?
- Let's go, Tommy.

- Tommy How long's it gonna be, Tommy? I love Tommy to death, but in the kitchen, he doesn't talk! Tommy, how long on the fish? A minute and a half.

Minute and a half heard.

A minute out.

Waiting on fish, chef.

Cod's coming, chef.

- Chef, I think this is under.

- It's raw.

- Tommy, this fish is raw.

- What's up? Tommy, one more minute in the oven.

Throw it right back in the oven, I'll plate everything else.

As Paul works to recover from Tommy's raw fish, he's about to face chef Ramsay's first sabotage as chef Scott puts shrimp instead of lobster in the capellini.

Two capellini? Capellini right now.

Okay, come here, you.

Come here.

Yes, chef.

It's shrimp.

It's shrimp.

Oh, it is shrimp.

It's not lobster.

Chef Scott sent me capellini with shrimp instead of lobster.

You win some, you lose some.

It's how you bounce back that makes you the chef you are.

- What's the matter with them?
- They're shrimp.

- Oh, really?
- Don't let it happen again, all right? Despite failing his first quality control test Server, please.

Paul is doing a solid job leading the kitchen, and pushes food out to the diners at a steady pace.

- Wow.

- Cheers.

But back in the kitchen, one more test awaits him, and his name is Tommy! I need one cod right now to finish the table.

How long?
- Now?
- I'd say, uh
- Tommy, talk!
- Pauly was too antsy.

He's calling where's this? Where's this? Where's this? Like, literally, I'm opening my mouth to answer him, and he won't give me a chance to speak.

He's just frantic and yelling for everything.

One cod.

I need it right now.

How long? Um
- Tommy!
- It's coming.

One cod.

How long, Tommy? If they're already flustered, it's not gonna do no point in screaming and yelling at somebody.

That's not leadership.

- How long?
- Right, uh
- Tommy, talk to me!
- I'm listening to you.

But you're not talking to me!
- I've answered you 1,000 times.

- No, you haven't! Tonight, chef Ramsay is testing the final four's leadership abilities running the pass.

Right now, Paul is in the hot seat.

But with Tommy now struggling on the fish station, Paul has lost his cool, and the kitchen, for the first time tonight, it's a bit of a standstill.

- Tommy, talk to me!
- I'm listening to you.

But you're not talking to me! I've answered you 1,000 times.

- No, you haven't!
- Two minutes!
- Ah.

- Thank you! There's a difference between asking for something and totally bitching somebody out.

Elise, can you run this up? Thank you.

With Tommy's cod finally going out into the dining room
- I apologize.

- Thank you ever so much.

Paul's turn at the pass is over.

- Okay, good.

- Thank you, chef.

And it's time for the next chef to be tested.

Tommy, let's go! Chef Ramsay's been on my case since I got here about being a quiet guy.

Now I get to be loud guy and prove to him that I can work the pass.

I'm excited.

- Let's go.

- All right.

Take the tickets with you.

Come on, let's go.

All right, we got six top.

Two mussel, two scallop, one lobster capellini,
- and one risotto.

- Yes, chef.

I'm articulate and thorough when I speak to my team when I'm on the line.

Tommy, read me back those apps again.

Two mussels, two scallops
- I need the whole order.

- What? The whole big top.

I'm giving it to you right now.

Don't interrupt me, and I'll tell you! Hold on.

Let me look.

Two mussel, two scallop, one cap, one risotto.

- Thank you.

- We two minutes out on that? Hold on one second.

I didn't know what the hell was going on.

- For the scallops?
- The con what? What the did you just say? Okay! Got it? It's already out there.

How the hell did that get over there? While Tommy attempts to keep it together on the pass, out of the dining room, James is about to deliver the next planned sabotage of the night.

Order in, four top.

All right.

Thank you, James.

Coming in.

Entrees are one sea bass, one welly, one filet, and one cod.

What? What is a filet? Uh, no.

Good question.

So why don't you go ask him and then come back to me with the order, all right? There's no filet on the menu, Tommy.

Come on.

Read them out inin your mind first before you call them out.

All right.

Hey, James.

Yes, chef.

Who's making me read here? Let me change that for you.

It's an hour into dinner service They are coming.

I do apologize for the wait.

And with a little help from his chefs Chef, walking up.

Walking with garnish.

- Let's go.

- Thank you, Pauly.

Tommy has managed to push out appetizers Thank you.


Yeah! It's perfect.

And is ready to move his brigade on to entrees.

All right.

Three wellys, one strip.

A minute and a half on garnish? No.

You have two and half minutes out on me, which means you got two minutes out on garnish.

Yeah, that's what I said.

You said a minute and a half.

I don't think Tommy did so hot, but we picked up the slack, and we did what we needed to do.

- You want it now?
- Yeah, bring it to me now.


Despite Tommy's uneven leadership Put the food up.

Put your food up.


Complete these.

Entrees are leaving the kitchen.


Slow down.

Slow the down over there.

And is now time for someone else to take over.

Elise, you, on the hot plate.

She's gotta put her money where her mouth is now.

This is it, sweetheart.

Put up or shut up.

You drive the tickets.

That's what's going now.

Fire away.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

Let me get your attention.

Walking in I need one scallops, one risotto.

- How long to the window?
- Six minutes.

- All right.

- Six minutes heard.

I can run a kitchen, I'm a great leader, and I'm gonna kick some serious ass 'cause they're not even goa a see it coming.

Scallops walking.

Elise is off and running.

But what she doesn't know is that a sabotage
- awaits her at the pass.

- Let's go.

Taste that.

It's not even cauliflower, it's potato puree.

Yes, it is.

- Why'd you put it on, then?
- Sorry, chef.

I thought it was cauliflower puree.

You just tasted it.


What's the matter with you? Nothing.

Look at me.

Talk to me.

Oh, come on.

I am very hard on myself, and I can become emotional when something means so much to me.

You can't stop.

Come on! But I was, like, "damn that, I refuse to shed a tear tonight.

" So right now I'm looking for one sea bass, two Wellington how long? One minute out, chef.

One minute out.

One minute on that.

I picked myself up, I dusted myself back off, and we got the ball rolling.

- Potato puree.

- Yep.

Coming right up.

Just as Elise gets back on track, she's about to be tested again.

Chef Scott has replaced the potato mash with parsnip puree.

Three sea bass and a new York strip next.

Yes, Will? This isn't mash.

This is parsnip.

You sure?
- Yes.


- Where did that come from? I don't know.

You don't know?
- Well spotted.

Hey, a great catch.

- Thank you.

After rebounding with her quality control, Elise is looking to set a high standard for her turn at the pass.

These look like.

- Tommy.

- What's up? Is this for real? Look at it.

It looks like it's been chewed by your dog.

Elise was trying to be a little miniature chef Ramsay.

There's only one chef Ramsay, and one big mouth.

I need another sea bass the right way.

Get it together.

It'll be cooked right, babe.

For real? First of all, don't call me babe.

Second of all, give me some sea bass
- that ain't up.

- Thank you.

I'm sorry, but I have standards, and that is not it.

Good job.

Great standards.

Thank you, chef.

This is good.

Quality control perfect let's go.

I need my carrots yesterday! Right now.


Service! Bass, please.

And I'm looking for beignets.

It felt good up there.

Once I got a rhythm of how the tickets were supposed to go, I was, like, I really like this.

Potato puree, please.

I'm dying in the window.

Elise, you want me to slice? Slice.


Thank you, will.

This is my home right here.

I was, like, ooh, I like the feeling! That looks good.

Service! Elise brought her game.

- Double check.

- Let's go.

Service mpmplete.

The only thing I could do is do everything in my power to make sure she doesn't win.

I'm done? Okay.

Let's go, will.

Yes, chef.

Well done, Elise.

Thank you, chef.

All right, let's go.

We're going there One sea bass, a couple wellys, one New York strip.

Yes? From there, Capellini, one scallops.

Entree at the window.

Let's go.

It's you telling them.

You're not asking them.

All right, guys, listen up.

Picking up one sea bass, one cod, one welly, one strip.

- How long?
- Four minutes.

Four minutes heard.

Three and a half on garnish.

Tonight is all about leadership.

It's all about being a leader.

You can put me anywhere in the kitchen, and I will succeed You know what I'm saying? Will is off to a strong start, but chef Scott it preparing his first quality control test.

Chef, can you take that back and give me a beef and not a lamb?
- Which one's the lamb?
- That's the lamb.

Thank you very much.

And that's not strip, that's hanger.

Appreciate it, though, chef.



Will has passed chef Ramsay's first test.

But his greatest test may be in front of him.

- Elise.

- What? How long on spinach? It's coming right now.

Why is there raw pasta in the spinach? You want me to do it over? Yeah, I would love you for you to do that spinach over, please.


Well spotted.

What's raw pasta doing in there? I don't know how that got in there, sir.

Elise, I think she's a really, really shady female, and the second she gets a chance, she's gonna stick a knife right in your back.

I just asked you to do the spinach over 30 seconds ago.

Why would you just take it and put it onto another plate? Why are you being an? I'm not.

But I just asked you to do it over 30 seconds ago.


Why would you put black pepper in the potatoes? Are you deliberately trying to me here or what? That was an accident.

How was that an accident? It's not day one! He's, like, "oh, it's all about me, and you're trying to me.

" I was like, nobody gives a about you.

Ready to slice anytime.

Sauce is ready.

- Don't try to me like this.

- I'm not.

You're the one that's trying to me.

Will! With my pants on.

Will! Will!
- I've got the sea bass!
- Will! I need garnish, Elise.

Will, slice? No, I can't let you slice yet 'cause now she's gotta do the potatoes over.

Nothing's coming out.

Yeah, I know.

If I had garnish, then everything would be a little better.

Don't blame me.

You're not driving the team.

All you're doing is barking.

No, you're just trying to me is what you're trying to do.


Come on, guys.

Attitude and a half on a girl that can't cook for.


On order, table three Two scallops, one mussels, on risotto.

Entrees, one sea bass, one cod, two New York strip.

No answer.

Guys, can I get some talk back? Come on, guys.

Everything's starting to die here.

Come on, let's pick this up a little bit.

Elise, Tommy, chef Scott, please? Everybody stopped talking when will got up to the pass like a domino effect.

It all fell apart.

- The energy's gone.

- Guys, come on!
- Will.

- Yes, chef.

It's just not happening.

They're all switched off.

In the dinner service, which will determine which two chefs move on to the finals Let's go, guys.

Will sailed through chef Ramsay's quality control test.

But after battling with Elise, his brigade is in a bit of a funk.

Come on, guys, everything's starting to die here.

Come on, let's pick this up a little bit.

Elise, Tommy, chef Scott, please? I have no idea why people weren't answering me.

I just expect people to answer me when I talk.

But I definitely think that Elise was down to sabotage me the entire time.

Come on, guys, let's go.

How long on three Wellingtons, two cod, one New York strip? A minute out.

A minute out? Thank you very much.

- Paul, a minute, 30, slice the meat.

- Yes, chef.

Tommy, a minute, 15, I want the fish.

All right? Will did a lot of barking up on that pass.

He needs to learn some motivational techniques because he has zero.

You're spotting the quality control brilliantly.

What you haven't got is the team working for you.

They're working against you.


- Service, please.

- Go, go, go.

Come on, go.

Beef Wellington for you, ma'am.

Oh, that's great.

Right, will, jump back on service, please.

With the final four back on the line, chef Ramsay pushes out the remaining tickets.

- Garnish.

- Yes, chef.


Last table.

Let's go.

Service, please.

Oh, wow.

Walk it.

That's it.

- Wow, what a night.

- Turn the out.

Tonight was tough.

And everybody had their ups and downs.

All of you go back to the dorm and think carefully of why you deserve a place in the final.

Get out of here.

That was definetly the biggest service so far.

Probably the most important of my life as a young chef.

I'm happy about it.

I think it went well as a whole.

I didn't think I did bad.

You think I did that bad? But honestly, do you guys think I did all right? I thought I did decent, right? You know, maybe I didn't do as good as I thought.

Tough crowd.

- I'm not worried about Tommy.

- I'm worried about Elise, 'cause she did a good job tonight.

Hey, Elise.

What? Nothing I've done here has ever been personal, and nothing of it ever will be.

I got respect for you.

You know what I'm saying? Because you're a tough chick, and you want what you want.

You know what I'm saying? I feel like will feels now that it's a competition.

He feels that I did a good enough job tonight to make it to the finals, and he's scared.

You're a good chef.

You know what you're doing.

All right? Thanks.

I'm just trying to come correct.


There's a lot to consider, and there is one person who I have, by now, learned to understand And honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I truly appreciate.

But I know this individual is just not ready to become the next head chef of BLT Steak, New York.

That person is With only two individuals moving on to the final, chef Ramsay is now ready to announce which chef will be the first to leave tonight.

That person is Tommy.

Please take off your jacket.

Keep your head up, kid.

Love the energy.

So keep going.


You belong in the kitchen.

Wouldn't have it any other way.

- I need the jacket.

- Absolutely.

Without the tattoos.

I don't think they come with it.

- Thank you, chef.

- Well done.

Well done.

Later, guys.

-up job, kid.

The tattoo on the forehead Says "rock & roll.

" So I've gotta take you serious? I'd appreciate it if you did.

When I arrived in Hell's Kitchen, my goal was to create some passion and some art.

Good job.

I mean, really good job.

Hey, Will, what do you think of this? He looks like a sexy train robber.

Go for it, Tommy.

The whole time I was here, I tried to stay true to myself.

I don't care about mineral baths and foot massages and rich people.

I like chicken wings and domestic beer and motorcycle rides.

What's up, ladies? Tommy.

Psst, your mom's there.

It's been a learning experience, a humbling experience.

He's not talking to me, he's not communicating.

Tommy, you have to talk to him! At the same time, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

This is what it feels like to be better than everybody else.

I'm a culinary juggernaut right now compared to when I walked in the door.

This isn't the end.

This is the beginning for me.

And I'm just gonna keep on climbing until I conquer the world.

Now there's just three.

Two of you will be battling it out one more time to determine who will be the next head chef at BLT Steak in New York City.

Will, Why do think you deserve, a place in the finals? Chef, I should be in the finals because this is what I'm born to do.

This is it.

I'm a chef.

Nobody in this world can tell me different.

- Nobody.

- Paul.

I think tonight I solidified why I deserve to be in the finale.

Yeah, it wasn't perfect, but I felt that I communicated well, I commanded respect, i motivated my team.

I feel that this is my destiny.


I believe with all my heart, chef, that I deserve a place in the finals because I've grown the most here out of anyone.

No one thought that I could do it, but I knew all along that I had greatness inside of me.

And I promise to you that I am the epitome of what Hell's Kitchen is about.

As passionate as ever.


The first person into the final Is Will.


Congratulations, Will.

Great job.


Paul, Elise, now I have to choose between you two.

And I could easily visualize either one of you in the final.

That's how close it is.

But there's one of you that I feel can command the kitchen better than the other and won't back down, no matter what.

The person joining Will Is
- Paul!
- Yes! Thank you, chef.

Thank you.

Well done.

You did a good job.

You did a great job, Elise.


You did an awesome job, Elise.

You have nothing to be ashamed of.

You go home with your head held high.

Elise, step forward, my darling.

You should not be in tears now.

Listen to me.

I've never met anyone so resilient in all my years as you.

You're teflon.

Well done.

Thank you.

Keep your head up high.

Understand? Yes.


You know what, keep your jacket.

You deserve it.

Thank you.

Okay? Right.

Come here.

Well done.

Come on, stop crying! Be proud.

Prep the Wellington.

Let's get our prep up to the window, ladies.

Let's go, baby, baby.

- Very nice.

- I love the spaghetti.

Yes, chef.

I came here to prove that I can throw down in a kitchen with the best of 'em.

Filet, coconut, sour cream.

Red Team wins! But they was intimidated by my leadership skills from day one I walked in here.

No one else is gonna talk.

I'm gonna talk for everybody.

You better get out of my face.

You need to work on your attitude! I've been slammed hold on.

Boo hoo.

Crying time? No.

I've been kicked while I'm down, and I still got back up.

Perfectly cooked, the Wellington.

Thank you, chef.

I fought hard to be here.

Why don't you shut up for five seconds? I'm not gonna shut up.

'Cause I'm fighting for my life right now.

Thank you, chef Ramsay, for being hard on me Wake up, Elise! Yes, chef.

They're rubbery, they're watery.

And helping me to improve on my weaknesses.


Yes, chef.

They're cooked perfectly.

Thank you, chef.

After Hell's Kitchen, I am prepared for any obstacle that comes my way, because nothing can be harder than this.

Okay, both of you listen very carefully.

Yes, chef.

Your biggest service is yet to comeme Miming u I it'ththe epic battle yoyou'veeen wawaiting for.

Nnnnncncer) Previous onn Hell's Kitchen.


< /i> let's go guys.

Chef Ramsay tested the final four at e e ss.

Tommy, talk to me.

Dot t interrupt me and I'll tell you.

Can you take that back and give me a beef and not a lamb good.

Well spotted.

It looks like it's been chewed by your dog.

And while Tommy worked on convincing himse he did well ouough I don't think I did bad.

Do you think I did that bad? Tough crowd.

Elise was sure she did enough to make it to the final two.

Elise, I got respect for you because you're a tough chick, and you want what you want.

He feels that I did a good enough job tonight to make it to the finals, and he's scared.

But chef Ramsay knew who his final two were, and eliminated Tommy.

-up job, kid.

- And
- Elise, you know what, keep your jacket.

You deserve it.

Tonight, the matchup we've all been waiting for.

It's totally 100% game on.

From the beginning, Paul's passion defined him.

Hustle! I'm tired of getting my ass kicked! And despite some early setbacks You, office.

It's embarrassing! Paul only got stronger You win the challenge.

Congratulations, well done.

Thank you, chef.

Dominating the last two individual challenges.

Yes! Bloody spot on.

Well done.

Yes! Awesome.

Will established himself as the one to beat early on.

That is delicious, great job.

I don't worry about somebody eating my food.

I do it, and I do it right.

And he continued to shine You've cooked the burger, perfect.

- All season long.

- Oh, my gosh.


Will, you win the challenge.

Well done, brother.

Scores, please.

- Wo a an almost perfect score.

- Will, great job.

I said it from day one, and I'll say it now The only one that can beat me is me.

Two worthy competitors Come on, guys! Put it all on the line.

- This one's raw.

- Oh, me.

- Who will triumph
- Talk to your brigade.

And become the head chef of BLT Steak in New York I'm not going down without a fight, I can tell you that much.

And the winner of Hell's Kitchen? This is it.

Push! Push! Push! Find outRight now.
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