09x13 - 5 Chefs Compete Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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09x13 - 5 Chefs Compete Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Chef Ramsay challenged the chefs Last ten minutes! To be creative within certain time constraints.

And although Jennifer lacked confidence No way is this gonna be ready.

It's probably the worst dish I ever made in my life.

Her 30
-minute seared lamb was impressive.

The lamb's delicious.

Good job.

But Paul's 20
-minute Pan
-roasted sea bass It's got finesse.

And Will's It's cooked beautifully.

Clinched the victory for the Blue Team.

You win the challenge.

Then at the first ever  Hell's Kitchen vip charity dinner I'm a say a prayer for us.

We need a lot of prayers.

Each chef was responsible for two courses.

Elizabeth, you're in charge.

This is your moment.

Yes, chef.

Elizabeth had problems leading.

You're five minutes too early.

I'll let them rest right now.

They're ready perfectly now.

Jennifer had problems with the Elise.

What the hell is wrong with you guys? Trying to sabotage me? And Will's Back off.

And Elise had problems with everybody.

Let's go! More prawns.

We already made 'em wait long enough.

Wipe the rims, please.

The Blue Team was united Paul, is that what you want? Everything looks good.

And won convincingly Congratulations.

Thank you, chef.

And were rewarded with black jackets.

Well done.

The Red Team continued to bicker Can you lead a team? Can you listen? Why don't you shut up for five seconds? I'm not gonna shut up, 'cause I'm fighting for my life.

Chef, this is exactly what happens all day.

But in the end, both Jennifer and Elise received their coveted black jackets.

Oh! Back in line.

Thank you, chef! And in spite of a passionate plea Please give me another shot, chef.

It was Elizabeth.

Whose dream of becoming head chef at BLT Steak in New York City Went up in flames.

And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen You're now one team.

Oh, my God.

Now get out of here.

Have a good night, chef.

Oh, my God.

This is huge.

Black jackets is a huge accomplishment.

It's like winning without winning.

I always felt that I was good enough for a black jacket.

Yeah! Yeah, boy! I never worked with Elise, but now that we're on one team, I Hope that all the that happened in the red kitchen dies with the red kitchen.

No hard feelings.

One team.


Down to the wire.

Yeah, guys, for real.

The Is done.

It better be done.

Yeah, we got to hold it down.

I don't know what's gonna happen when this team collides.

The guys on the Blue Team hate the drama and I don't think being in a black jacket is gonna help Elise's attitude.

I think it's gonna make it worse.

Black coats, black final five.

Final five! Hoorah.

It's on.

After a night of celebration, the final five are eager to tackle whatever chef Ramsay has in store for them.


 chefs in black.

Okay, your first individual challenge is all about presentation.

You'll be working with ugly foods.

There's foods like meatloaf, who, let's be honest, we have to sort of  work really hard to transform them into something stunning.

Now, Andy and Scott are in the dining room moving plates around.

There are five possibilities.

When I say, "go" Oh, my God.

Run and grab the plates with the name of the dish  that you want.

Oh, my God.

on your Marks, set Go! I have to make it to that eggplant parmesan no matter what.

I Will knock somebody down and drag 'em down the steps before they get to that eggplant before me.

Get off me! Get off me! Jeez, I'm not gonna make it up there.

Everybody already beat me to the stairs.

So instead of turning upstairs into a wrestling arena I took a leisurely stroll to the back of the room and grabbed the chicken and dumplings.

Yeah, I was pissed that I didn't get the eggplant, but unfortunately Elise got it.

Yes! My backup was gonna be the lasagna, but Jenn grabbed it.

We was k*lling the game.

So I got to make tuna casserole.

Okay, little miss speedy knickers, did you push Paul  down the stairs? Paul tried to jump over me and I told him, "get back.

" wow.

 that's right.

Okay, you have 50 minutes  to transform those ugly dishes into something that look phenomenal  and taste delicious.

And your time starts Now.

 off you go.

Don't run me over.

Right here.

For their first individual challenge, chef Ramsay is testing the chefs' presentation skills, as they attempt to transform a classic comfort food dish into something beautiful and delicious.

I've never made tuna casserole before.

That's a rough one, Paulie.

anybody have butter out  that they're not using? Yeah.

For me, meatloaf is amazing.

If I was ever on death row, my last meal would be my mother's meatloaf.

I like where your head's at, Â buddy.

Thank you, Tommy.

Nosy? Just was looking.

Elise is a pain in the ass, man, with everything.

It was just, like, every seven seconds I looked over, she had nine pans working for one dish.

Elise, you made eggplant parm.

It's not rocket science, man.

You don't need nine pans out.

I need another Pan.

Five minutes to go! Chef.

I got to get moving here.

You, dumplings.

Behind, behind, behind.


Come on! Ah! Five, four, three, two, one.

And serve.


Listen carefully.

For your first individual challenge, I have brought in the most amazing esteemed panel of judges.

Oh, my God.

Let's give a round of applause for our judges, please.


Welcome, welcome, welcome.

First, Lesley Bargar Suter, dine editor of L.



Susie Heller, Â author of cookbooks.

She's worked with Julia Childs.


Valerie Aikman
-Smith, food stylist, on some of Hollywood's biggest movies.

Deborah Jones, award
-winning food photographer.

Phenomenal chef Eric Greenspan, executive chef, owner of the foundry on Melrose.

Are you ready? Yes, chef.

Let's start off with Tommy.

This is impossible to carry.

Each judge Will rate the dishes on a scale of one to ten.

Looks like he's walking with a b*mb.

There we are.

First, they Will score it on presentation, and then they Will score it on taste.

A perfect score is 100 points.

I had to put a visually appealing twist on a traditional chicken and dumpling.

Which I petaled out to resemble a water Lily.

thank you.

Lesley, did it float your boat? It's beautiful, great color.

I think it's a lovely dish.

The top, the little garnish is perfect, because of the contrast.

I especially love the use of the onions.

The presentation's beautiful.

Would you be so kind to have a taste? The dumpling It's a little bit undercooked.

It's like a hard matzah ball.

The dumpling is a littleTough.

Judges, would you be so kind to score Tommy's dish on presentation? all right.

Total of 44 out of 50.

That's what I'm talking about.

Thank you, guys.

great start.

Now your Marks for taste, Â please.

Great news on  the presentation.

Taste slightly disappointing, however, a good start.

Let's go.

Up next is Paul with his fine
-dining take of tuna casserole.

I like it.

I think it's very simple, almost like a crab cake.

Thank you.

Honestly, the little round brown thing makes it kind of look cat food


please, judges.

For me, it was a little heavy on tuna.

I don't know whether  you used fresh tuna or canned tuna.

I used canned tuna.

I mean, canned tuna? You had a chance to really do something wild.

You gave us tuna casserole.

I'll eat it.

Judges, scores for presentation, please.



Oh, dear.

At the individual challenges, that's when it's your time to shine, but I didn't put up today.

I was very disappointed in myself.

Fell short, casserole scoring only 60 points, leaving Tommy as the chef to beat.

Next up Jennifer, let's go, please.

With her version of an Italian classic.

I have lasagna, Â which is ironic, 'cause I absolutely hate lasagna.

Who hates lasagna? Yikes.

She was like, "I hate lasagna, and, um, you gon' hate this dish too.

" I was like, "dang.

" Not a good way to start off.

For me, it's a little confusing, 'cause I look at it and I'm not really sure what I'm looking at.

But I do love the color.

Thank you.

Please dig in.

Well, lasagna it is.

Delicious it's not.

Um, this is a little disappointing.

Damn it.

Score for presentation, please.

Presentation score is 28.


taste scores, please.


  wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.

That's a total of 52 out of 100.

That's bad.

They did not like my lasagna.

I mean, seriously, these judges, like, ripped me apart.

your dish.

Ase present there wasn't any doubt in my mind that they were gonna love it because I put a lot of thought and preparation into my dish.

The dish that you're about  to enjoy is what I call a tower of eggplant parmesan.

Um, thoughts on presentation.

It's impressive, 'cause if a plate like that goes past you in a restaurant, you kind of want to tackle the waiter and take a bite of it before it gets to the other person.

I see the crispy fried
-ness of it.

I see the drip, the ooze of cheese.

It's screaming out, "eat me.

" Mmm.

It's delicious.

I'm amazed how it holds together.

It is not overwhelmed by the cheese, so I think you did a great job.

Thank you.

Scores for presentation, please, judges.

Great start.

 scores for taste, please.



Great job.

Total of 86.

That's the score to beat.

You've raised the bar.

Thank you.

Will, let's go  with the meatloaf, please.

Thank you.

Elise is now in the lead and all that stands in her way of victory is Will and his meatloaf.

Uh, for me, meatloaf is one of the most comforting foods in the world.

So I did bacon
-wrapped  meatloaf.

I poached it, caramelized the bacon in butter.

And the sauce is a fresh morel and ketchup jus.

The sauce, visually, for me, doesn't look that appetizing.


Judges, please.

The texture's nice.

It's even.

It's pleasing.

It's delicious.

Thank you very much.

I'm not a big meatloaf fan and I really I liked it.

Scores on presentation, please, judges.



Will, in order to beat Elise, you need a nearly  perfect score.

I know my food tastes good.

I'm just hoping that the judges get what I'm trying to do it.

Scores, please.

It's the first individual challenge for the final five.

The chefs have put their spin on classic dishes and Elise holds the lead.

Will just scored 38 out of 50 for presentation on his meatloaf.

And now it all comes down to the judges' score for taste.

Will, in order to beat Elise, you need a nearly perfect score.

Scores, please.


Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.

An almost perfect score.

Thank you, chef.

The winner of the challenge and many congratulations, Will.

Great job.

Really good job.

My taste scores were tens.

I definitely think that this is one of my proudest moments here.

My mom's gonna be very happy with that.

Elise, great job as well.

That was a close second.

Thank you, judges.

Thank you very much.

Thank you, guys.

All right, Will, here's the good news.

I've arranged for you to have a phenomenal dining experience of some of the most unique restaurants in L.



But it's no fun to dine alone.

I'd like you to choose one of your fellow chefs to dine with you.

Who you taking? I am gonna do the honorable thing and I'm gonna take Elise 'cause she came in second.

Really? Yes.

Thank you, Will.

You did a good job, girl.

Will made an honorable decision.

But if I won, would I have took Elise? No! Outside, you have a chauffer
-driven Rolls Royce Phantom.

What? Ballers.

Ballin'! That's awesome.

What? Uh, Will and Elise, get ready.

Your phantom is waiting.

Thank you, Will! Thank you! The rest of you, Â it's laundry day.

Oh, my God.

You'll be spending the afternoon washing in the old
-fashioned way.

Washboards, clotheslines, and please be so kind to finish my jacket.

Get out of here.

Yes, chef.

Thanks for taking me, Will! Now you and I get to spend a little one

I'm hoping that Elise coming with me on this reward helps build team morale, because in the past, a lot of people have had problems with Elise, and I don't want those problems.

Hell yeah.

Rhat's what I am talking about.

That is exactly what I'm talking about.

The chariot awaits, madame.

This is absolutely insane.

- Woo
- Stuntin'! all right.

That's Wolfgang Puck.

Look at them.

That's , dude.


You guys are traveling in style here.

How are you, chef? How are you? that is exactly what I'm talking about.

Can't wait to get inside and actually eat his food.


Thank you, chef.

Very excited, chef.

This is crazy.

I know.

Oh, my God.

It looks so extravagant.

thank you very much, chef.

this is basically the celebration of beets.

It's really the epitome of spring.

It's beautiful.

Enjoy it, all right? Thank you very much, chef.

Thank you.

Appreciate it.


Shall we? Let's go.


That is so good.

As an up and coming chef, to me, this is the absolute perfect way to spend the day.

This is one of the best  rewards yet.

While Elise and Will enjoy some of L.


's finest cuisine, back in Hell's Kitchen I can't believe I'm doing this.

Tommy, Jennifer, and Paul are suffering through laundry day.

I'm hoping that one of you  has done this before.

thank you very much, chef.


We use washing machines, lady.

I have never hand
-washed laundry in my life.

This is, like, super nasty.

Boil, bubble, toil, and trouble, what do you put  in a witch's brew? I've never worked with Tommy, so this is my first experience, and, uh, Tommy's very different.

God help me right now.

While Tommy marches to the beat of his own drummer welcome to foundry on Melrose.

Will and Elise have moved on to their second restaurant and a special meal prepared for them by chef Eric Greenspan.

Look at that.

It's so pretty.

This is our duck breast.


New York strip loin.

Can we eat it? Yay! Grub.

I got to tell you.

Really, really impressive stuff today.

Thank you, chef.

It is a pleasure  having you guys.

Thank you very much.

It's a pleasure being here.

It's a pleasure to be here.

That's b*mb.


You and I have never cooked together.

You know what I'm saying? And, uh, all the with the Red Team, we just got to  make sure that we do what we got to do as a team.

Kick ass and take some names on your way out the door.

Maybe some of your "prequestions" or thinking to yourself, "oh, she's about drama," Will be erased.

I know I was the most hated member of the Red Team, but I don't have to explain myself to anybody, especially in a competition setting.

Hello? I'd like to see everybody in the dining room with their jackets on urgently.

Yes, chef.

Downstairs to the dining room  urgently.

Oh, my God.

 what the hell is going on? listen carefully.

Tomorrow night, you will be in one kitchen together.

But there will be another team inside the red kitchen.

They too have had the honor of wearing a black jacket.


Oh, my God.

And I want you to meet your opponents right now.

From hell's kitchen five You want to hear something, dude? I Will cook circles around you.

You couldn't cook my.

Say hello to Ben.

I used to have a crush on Ben, so I recognize Ben.

Look at me.

I'm, like, all blushing.

Our next chef, from Hell's Kitchen six I'm earning my way back into the kitchen, chef.

You Let's go.

I am a fighter.

Get off my station, please! Tennille.

What? What? I remember Tennille.

She's a strong woman.

She's tough as nails.

I want to be just like her.

And now, from Hell's Kitchen eight How's my sides? You need I got I just need you to say, "I'm ready.

" Well done, trev.

Let's go! trev.

what? Holy.

Now, from Hell's Kitchen eight What happened to your eyebrows? Did you singe 'em off? No.

I got 'em tattooed on.

scallops cooked perfectly.

Come back to me! I Will, chef! Jillian.



And last Brace yourselves.

This is crazy.

From Hell's Kitchen six Don't touch me, bro.

Bitch, move over.

Let me put this food out.

Now! Let's go! You're gonna love it, brother.

You're gonna love it.

My name's van, by the way.


Yeah, baby! Game time! Game time! Whoo! It's great to see you all, Â yes.

Welcome back.

I really mean that.

Chefs, trust me.

They are here To kick your ass.

Let's get it on.

Whoo! You're not.

Bring it.

Did you guys bring your sunglasses? 'Cause we're about to shine.

Nah, I just brought body bags.

See what happens tomorrow night.

Game on.

I think the returning chefs are gonna bring their "a" game.

They all have a chip on their shoulder that they came here and they didn't make it to the end.

They're our stiffest competition so far in Hell's Kitchen and I'm not taking it lightly.


Each team Will be cooking a menu that you design.

What? Â that's right.


You Will have one hour  to decide what your menus Will be, yes.

All right.

Your hour starts from now.

Get going.

Let's do it.

Let's light this candle.

Much respect to the returning vets.

They're badass people.

Whoo! But we are going to kick their asses.

Let's go, baby.

This ain't mama first time at the rodeo.

I think the current chefs should be shaking in their boots, 'cause not only have we been here, but this is a chance for us to come in and compete for our reputations.

For us, it's a pride thing.

Second chance, baby.

Come on.

We all know the routine.

Apps first.

Apps first, knock 'em out.

A leafy salad, a nice tomato salad.

We could just do straight up Fried green tomatoes.

Fried green tomato? That sounds awesome.

Sounds delicious.

We're on top of our games tonight planning this menu.

We all got along.

It's 'cause we're vets, baby.

We been through this before.

Cool beans, guys.

I'm liking this.

What about lemon parmesan Risotto? With what garnish for it? Wild mushroom.

Do a lemon thyme Risotto with the mushroom, yeah.

I'm putting on the lemon parmesan Risotto.

Elise, write "lemon thyme Risotto," 'cause it's obviously gonna have parmesan cheese.

I heard you.


All right, take it easy.

It's not all what you want! What about my idea  with tuna tartare? I'll do tuna tartare.

Much respect to the returning vets.

All right, tuna tartare with, um do, like, a wasabi avocado Yeah.

Look, if I feel like everybody's ideas ain't being considered, then we gonna start nixing ideas, 'cause no person here is gonna dominate, 'cause it's a team effort.

We are.

We're making tuna tartare.

You are.

Everything that you guys say, I notice you try to stick with.

You wanted tuna tartare.

Anything that we're saying, you don't want.

You don't want tuna tartare? You can't say that at all, girl.

You got your Risotto up No, that's his Risotto.

I said "lemon parm.

" I didn't say "thyme.

" What do you guys  think of that, uh, wasabi crust Nope.

I don't like it.

I think the tuna tartare idea was a good idea.

I do too.

You brought it up.

I said "tuna tartare," and he completely dominated everything that was said.

I didn't even get to finish my thought.

So finish your thought.

What's the point? What's the point? Because we're here to listen.

No, you're not listening
- you know what?
- We need to chill right now.

Seriously, we all just need to chill.

Shut up! Elise You need to sit down for a minute! We need to get this going! I'm not cooking Will's menu.

I'm not cooking Paul's menu.

This is not Red Team I'm sick of this! Me too.

 this is exactly what  I was talking about when I said that we didn't want the Red Team's Coming over here! You had to have been the problem.


I'm not the problem, 'cause I'm still here.

Elise  no! You're trying to overstep and I'm not overstepping.

You came out here with a list you been writing for a week.

Just write "Elise's menu" on top.

You do what you want to do.

Why don't we write "Blue Team menu"? If you want to make the whole menu, go ahead, but I'm gonna vote you out if we lose.

I'm done.

I'm done.

I'm not dealing with this.

I'm done.

I'm gonna go home right now.

So? yeah.

Please come back.

Come back for what reason? Please stop the dramatics, Jennifer.

Oh, my God.

Elise, God.

"Oh, please.

Oh, please.

" This is so.

no, please, Will.

Oh, my God.

-bye! Fine.

Less competition.

Chef Ramsay is putting the final five to the test by having them cook against five chefs from previous seasons.

I'm not cooking Will's menu! I'm not cooking Paul's! Sit down.

 this is not Red Team,  Blue Team I'm sick of this! But Elise's antics have put Will over the edge.

You had to have been the problem.


You had to have been the problem on the Red Team.

I'm not the problem, 'cause I'm still here.

I'm gonna go home right now.

So? Will.

This is some.

No, please, Will.

Oh, my God.

-bye! If he wants to act like that about it, then fine.

Less competition.

I don't tolerate disrespect.

- Drop the!
- We got to get this done! There's just something about Elise that lights my fuse.

But I came here to win.

I got to stay focused on the prize.

And if it entails me having to remove myself from the situation, that's what I need to do.

Tuna tartare with shaved pickled cucumbers.

Are we gonna ever finish this? I'm loving this, man.

This is a total setup for success menu.

All right, so everybody's good? Yeah, definitely.

Okay, we'll see you guys tomorrow.

Winds down, hour clock the returning chefs are feeling confident in their menu, while the current chefs are forced to settle on theirs.

I like the menu.

Do you like the menu? It's fine.

Do you like it or is it fine? No, it's good.

It's a good menu.


You like it? All right.

I'm gonna throw up.

After a combative evening, the chefs prepare for their first dinner service together as the black team.

How's everyone looking? Everybody feel confident? Yeah.

But the veteran chefs competing in the red kitchen Everybody just start setting up the stations.

Are all business.

I've got garnish almost set up.

Let's go.

I think that the energy on the returning alumni black team is strong.

All of us feel like there's unfinished business, and the advantage that we have is that we're not concerned about who's gonna be eliminated.

We're here to just do the food.

Jennifer, that's how you want 'em? They look good.


I'm not gonna say the black team are bffs with Elise, but when service comes, we have to work as a team.

I didn't have time to put whipped cream in a pastry bag yet.

I'll help you work on all that.

We can't have a blow up tonight.

For Elise's sake, she better make sure that this service goes flawlessly.

'Cause if it doesn't, it's over.

Okay, James.

Yes, chef? Open Hell's Kitchen.

Let's go.


For tonight's dinner service, each team has created menus consisting of four appetizers, four entrees, and three desserts.

On order, 4 couples, table 20, two scallop, two Risotto, two beet salads.

Yes, chef.


Let's go.

Returning chefs, here we go.

On order, 4 couples, Â table 30, Entree, two tuna, two beef.

Yes, chef.

Whoo! This the moment.

Time to leave it all in the kitchen.

Let it all happen.

Let it all hang out.

Tonight is the night where it all goes down.


It's game time, baby.

Game time! While van pumps himself up in the red kitchen Hello! Five minutes to the window! Back in the blue kitchen How long on those beet salads? That's on Tommy.

There's just something about Elise that lights my fuse.

To get their team off to a strong start on appetizers.

Yo, you got to keep it clean, bro.

You got to make sure  they're clean.

I'm gonna say what I have to say to try to get a fire under Tommy's ass.

Get the beets off the damn rim of the plate.

Will, how long on that? How's that look? I would go a little less dressing on it.

Tommy was just, like, Will's bitch boy.


Yeah, it's good, right? Will was so busy holding his hands, both of 'em, and his.

Dude, the wonton chips, Tom.

sorry, man.

Let's go.

Come on, guys.

Roll the orders, yes.

Trev, take control.

Come on.

All right, let's go! How long? Yes, chef? Open Hell's Kitchen.

I'm more confident in the kitchen.

You're gonna have three gnocchis all day coming.

You're gonna have two prawns coming.

I got it.

I used to operate mile a minute.

Now I'm more cool, calm, collected.

Pull out those.

What did we decide? Ready, ready, ready.

If you're rushing around like an idiot, you're gonna look like an idiot.

I need three tomato salads They're right there.

They're right there.

I have that leadership about me now where, you know, people listen when I talk.

Prawn, prawn, prawn, plate.

Ben, Ben, Ben, need you.

Prawn, plate.

I've learned now to slow down in the kitchen, take your time, do it right.

Frisee salad to the window.

We don't need to make it that fast out or it's gonna sit.

All right, I just want to have I want to be ahead.

Just keep calm.

Yeah, buddy, yeah! What salad is that for? That's for the next one there.

Trev! Yeah.

You give me the frisee salad for the next table.

We're jumping ahead  of ourselves.

Come on, big boy.

One minute.

Take it back.

Trev, we don't even need this.

Now you gotta make it again.

It's 45 minutes into dinner service and thanks to Will Walking to the window, chef.

Walking to the window.

The black team of current chefs is off to a great start with appetizers That's fantastic.

And is now moving on to entrees.

I'm walking if you're walking 'em up.

oh, you're walking? I'm walking if you're walking.

Uh, what do you think? This one's perfect, right, Paul? Paul? Paul? This one's perfect, right? Yeah.

Huh? Yes or no? yes, yes.

 yes, Elise.

Elise was constantly questioning herself, which is not a great chef doesn't do.

That looks good to you? Yes.

Thank you.

That just proves to me you don't know what you're doing.

Paul  yes? you think that's medium or you think that's okay? I think that's fine.

All right.

where's the filet? Give me that filet, Elise! Right behind you.

Looks nice, the dish.

That beef's cooked perfectly.

Thank you, chef.

Elise has delivered perfect meat with a little guidance from Paul.

Meanwhile, in the other kitchen, Tennille is ready with her entrees.

two tuna coming up, chef.

Two tuna.

Guys, come here, quick! All of you! Touch that! It's ice cold! Hell's Kitchen is definitely what I remembered it to be Tennille! Yes, sir.

And worse.

How long, Tennille? I have two tuna, right? Chef talks like a car auctioneer.

Tennille, are we ready, are we going, are we moving? Let's go! My head is about to explode.

Somebody give me butter.

Anybody got butter over there? Can you grab me saute pans? Tennille on the fish station Bad.

What is this? Tennille! Chef? The tuna's overcooked.

It's like canned tuna.

Come on! Whoo.

  yes, chef.

While Tennille makes yet another attempt at the tuna, over in the blue kitchen, chef Ramsay is waiting on the Lobster.

How long, Paul? I'm walking it up right now, chef.

Come on, Paul.

 drive it.

Let's go! Lobster's overcooked.

Really overcooked.

Paul, come here.

Yes, chef? Your butter's too hot.

It's like rubber there, yes.

Come on.

Sorry, chef.

Drop me two more in there quickly.

Paul talks a good game, but when it comes to service, he just can't handle the pressure.

How long do you need, Paul? Uh, four min five.

Paul was hesitating.

I've been a leader since the first day I stepped in here.

Now it's my time.

I'm taking over.

Three minutes to the window, Paul? No, no, no.

Two minutes for you, Jennifer? All right.

Come on, let's go.

Elise, slow down.

Slow it down.

I need to get this lobster out first.

You're not gonna be bossing me around.

So you need more than three minutes? Just hold it.

Elise tries to bully everybody, but she ain't getting the best of me.

Lobster, Paul, how long, please? Three min Two minutes to the window! Oh, please.

Paul, it's your call! Two   I'm ready.

I'm ready.

Holding on Paul.

It's a hour and a half into service, and while the returning chefs are pushing out entrees yeah, buddy! Â yeah! Ha
-ha! Chef Ramsay is pushing Paul for lobster.

 how long, please? Three min Two minutes to the window! Oh, please.

Paul, it's your call! Two   I'm ready.

I'm ready.

Holding on Paul.

You're in control! Yes, chef! I'm looking for a leader, not a line cook.

Come on! Yes, let's go! Three minutes! As Paul tries to control Elise on the meat station I need garnish for two fish, garnish for two lobster in three! Three minutes heard! Over in the red kitchen Mahi
-mahi, tuna, lamb, beef.

Runnin' it! Coming at you! It took me a few minutes, but once I got my bearings in the kitchen, it was just like riding a bicycle.

Coming behind.

Very hot.

Fired back up, baby! Whoo! All right, how we doing? How we doing? Lamb's requested Oh, , here we go.

Hey, guys, guys, come on! Come on! All of you, come here! Lamb requested medium well.

Is that medium well? No, chef.

Come on! Come on, van! Pull it back, baby! I undercooked a lamb dish, and chef Ramsay threw 'em back at me.

What's new? Van, slow down! .

I know you can cook perfectly well, and your temperatures.

Yes, chef.

Let's go.

Five minutes to the window.

Two lamb, two beef! Let's go, van! This is why we're here, baby.

Into dinner service, and with van bouncing back Hey, van, they're cooked beautifully the filet.

Thank you, chef.

Food is now flying out of both kitchens.

That's really good.

Wow, that's quite different than what I thought.

All of you, come here.

All of you, hurry up! Right now, it's neck and neck.

There's three tickets left for you, and three tickets left for you.

Come on, let's go! And with major bragging rights on the line Out of my way then! It's anybody's game.

Go, go! Immediately go with two more bronzini.

Four bronzini all day.

We all know what the all day is, just get the up.

Tuna, beef, lamb.

How long? One of everything! If someone can help me, we'd be out of here in, like two seconds.

Push it out, you guys.

Watch your back, watch your back! Coming down, coming down, coming down.

It's just stone cold.

All of you, come here! All of you! Just touch that.

Don't be scared.

I'm not going to hurt you.

No, it's stone cold! I don't understand.

I need to win a service.

Get your together, put the bok choy in the damn Pan, get it hot, let's go.

Give them to me, Paul.

Give them to me.

In no way, shape, or form at that moment did my heart sink.

The only thing that it did was make me grab that Pan and put it on fire and do it myself.

One minute to the window, chef! Wait, wait, wait, wait, give me a minute! Come on, guys.

We're almost there.

Two tickets left.

I want to win so bad right now.

Men, let's go, let's go! Service, please.

Elise! Go, go.

Right behind, right behind.

Coming behind.

Pickup, let's go.

Come on, guys.

Let's finish strong.

Last ticket, guys.

 yes, chef.

They're on their last ticket, and so are you.

Let's show them what's what.

- Two filet ready to go.

- Let's not around.

Let's get this out now.

Come on, guys! Go, please.

Good job.

Good job.

Shake hands.

Thank you very much.

Good job, guys! Come on.

Come here quickly.

Come around quickly.

Tonight proved that you are all worthy of wearing a black jacket.

Now I've got some serious thinking to do.

Clear down.

Good job, well done.

Yes, chef.


Both kitchens  performed quite well.

As a matter of fact, I've gone through each and every customer  comment card.

Yes? There is one question on the comment card that determines tonight's winner.

It's the fairest way  I could decide.

The question is "would you return?" In one kitchen, Â 80% of your diners said they would return.

In the other kitchen, Said they would return.

The winning team tonight is Both the newly
-formed black team and the returning chefs had strong services, and chef Ramsay has decided to use customer comment cards to determine the winning team.

in one kitchen, Said they would return.

The winning team tonight is Current chefs! Oh, my God.

This is awesome.

Like I said, cream rises to the top.

I must say a big thank you to our returning chefs.

Great job.

thank you, guys.

it was an absolute pleasure.

But get the hell out of Hell's Kitchen.

Let's go! About right now, m frustrated this is my second chance, and I still can't shine, man.

But let them have it.

I'm executive chef, baby.

I'm executive now! okay, here's where  it gets a little bit sad.

Because unfortunately, I need you to go back to the dorm and give me the name  of two people that should be up for elimination.

What? go upstairs.

You got some serious talking to do.

It sucks knowing that somebody has to leave after we've had a good service.

But it's a competition, and someone's always got to go.

All right, I'll go first just because I hate talking about this.

Paul had a lobster come back.

Jennifer had a bok choy come back.

Will? Jenn And I'm gonna say Elise, based on the fact that it was so difficult to come up with something as stupid as conceptualizing a menu.

But we came up with a menu and it was a good menu, so But it was like pulling teeth.

But I didn't make  any mistakes, so you can vote for whoever you want.

I'm voting for Elise because I think she's Detrimental to the team.


I didn't have any mistakes tonight.

You asked everybody in the kitchen if your steaks were on temp.

No, I asked one steak You asked three you're a liar.

- No, I'm not a liar.

- I asked you one steak if you thought it was over.

- One steak.

- It was three times, Elise.

I asked you once! Paul.

 yeah? This one's perfect, right? Yes or no? Yes, yes.

That looks good to you? Yes.

You think that's medium, or you think that's okay? I think it's fine.

You want to put me out because you're scared.


I I Will beat you.

If I don't go home If I don't go home, you better watch it.

You're intimidated.

Yeah, you are.

Elise, you are cancer.

Your dish at the challenge yesterday was.

You keep making the same over and over again because you don't have no creativity.

Hold on, wait, let's squeeze a lemon and put some pieces of bread on it and that's fine.

Oh, yeah, whatever.

- Go yourself, Elise.

- I'll see you later.


Diplomacy is over.

All I can think is, "I could be going home.

" I don't want to look back and say, "I should've done this.

" I'm gonna say what I have to say.

Hey, can I talk to you alone for a minute? Yes.

Well, before I leave, 'cause I feel like I'm going home Um, I think  you are adorable.

And I've had a huge crush  on you from day one.

Aw, you're so cute.

I love you, too, Jen.

But you're from Boston, and I'm from New York.

It's not gonna work, but I love you, anyway.

Come here.

Come here, love.



I am so embarrassed right now.

Gym socks loves me.

She wants to hug me.

I am adorable.

Elise First nominee, and why, please? Jennifer, chef Because Jennifer had food come back tonight.

Team's second nominee The chefs successfully completed their first dinner service as the black team, and they defeated the team of returning chefs.

But chef Ramsay asked for two nominees.

The first one is Jennifer, chef.

Team's second nominee Me, chef.

Excuse me? Myself.

Why? Because I'm overly abrasive.

Overly abrasive? Yep.

Okay, Elise, Jennifer, step forward, please.

Jennifer, Â tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

Chef, I think I should stay in Hell's Kitchen, because I have so much more to show you.

I think I'm a better chef than Elise.

I think I have better leadership skills.

I'm here to show you that I can be a leader.

Truthfully, for me, on a personal note, you're just a little too quiet.

Elise, why do you think  you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Chef, I think I should stay in Hell's Kitchen, you're looking for someone who takes charge and can deliver, and that's me.

I'm up here because they're intimidated.

They're not intimidated.

Yes, they are.

Yes, they are.

They're not.

I can be less abrasive, but one thing I'll never be is a follower, like some people that are still here are.

Dude, honestly, get over yourself.



My decision is Jennifer Take off your jacket.

What? Listen to me.

This jacket is filthy dirty.

Get this one on and get back in line.

Oh, my God.


Elise Let me tell you something really important.

No one performed in such a way that they deserved to leave this competition.

You have  one more chance.

Get back in line.

What the? I brought in competition to raise your game.

And tonight you made me proud.

Good job tonight.

Thank you, chef.

Get out of here.

They're mad because I won't let them push me around.

I don't care about any of them.

I'm here for me Not for them, for me.

Elise's problem is that she trusts absolutely nobody else.

You can't be a good leader unless you know how to follow.

She's not gonna win Hell's Kitchen.

I'll be damned if I let that happen.

I am so embarrassed right now.

I shouldn't have told Paul, but I did.

I'll never live this down at all.

Tonight's service was the best yet in Hell's Kitchen.

Just like the returning chefs received a second chance, I decided to give Elise and Jennifer a second chance as well.

Hopefully they'll make the most of it.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen You thought you knew Elise.

Do you take medication? Elise, stop.

Because I think that you are living in another world.

You thought you'd seen her at her worst.

Tonight's service was the best yet in Hell's Kitchen.

But, baby, you ain't seen nothing yet.

I told you two minutes ago.

Don't start.

Get off my stove.

Get off of it.

- You got to get out of my space.

- Are you kidding me? Can anyone stop the diva chef from hell? Oh, hell, no.

A Table.

Te no one's picking it up! We're waiting on her.

For a change.

Watch her throw a tantrum now.

- You.


- And You, too.

She will take the entire kitchen down with her? When a restaurant  stops serving, everyone gets fired! I'm done! All of you, Off.

Find out next time on the most intense episode of Hell's Kitchen Go stick your head in that oven, and I'll talk to you through the gas burner.

Of the year.
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