09x07 - 11 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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09x07 - 11 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Chef Ramsay announced a special event.

We are going to be hosting a high
-school reunion.

Yes, chef.

In the tasting menu challenge, the Red Team failed to impress the reunion committee.

The guacamole was just a little bit too overpowering.

I'm not a big scallop person.

Too barbecue

And the Blue Team I had the perfect bite.

Oh, my gosh.

I need another bite.

Dominated the competition.

Blue Team, congratulations.

- A shutout.

Well done.

- Thank you, chef.

At the high
-reunion dinner Class of '91.

In the red kitchen Who's gonna lead the Red Team?
- I am, chef.

- Let's go, then.

Let's go, ladies! Elise had her best service yet.

I do have a big mouth, but I know how to use it.

They're nicely cooked, though beautiful.

- Good job, ladies.

- Whoo.

Elizabeth mastered the fish station Beautifully cooked, this snapper.

Thank you, chef.

But in the blue kitchen I want a special comeback service from you guys, yes? Yes, chef! Paul disappointed on fish The fish is raw! I don't expect that from you! And Monterray and Jonathon just made matters worse.

It's raw.

I am so pissed off.

Get out! The Red Team fed all their diners, and finished the Blue Team's dinner service as well.


Let's go.

- The Blue Team nominated
- Monterray.

- And
- Paul.

But chef Ramsay wasn't satisfied.

I want to hear from one other person.


Ultimately, chef Ramsay chose Monterray.

Give me your chef's jacket.

Your time is done in Hell's Kitchen.

And so Monterray's dream of becoming head chef at BLT Steak in New York City went up in flames.


And now, the continuation of hell's kitchen.

- You good?
- Yeah, I'm good.

I was a nervous wreck.

Chef Ramsay saw some weak points in me that he needed to bring to my attention, and it's time to knuckle up and buckle up, man.

I could feel my heart beat in my throat.

This is my second chance, so the next dinner service, man, I'm not gonna disappoint him.

- I'm ready to win a service.

- Me too.

I'm tired of losing.

And we're not doing it anymore.

Easy, girl.


How many glasses have you had? We need some more.

This is pretty normal for a chef.

Get off of a 16
-hour shift.

You're a mess.

And you have a drink or two, and then you just Sit back and relax.

Natalie, don't be making faces at me.

Oh, Krupa.

Damn right.

This is so hysterical.

I wouldn't really figure Krupa for, like, a big lightweight.

How are you gonna drink the liquor
- if you can't open the bottle?
- She's drunk.

I am not! I love Krupa.

I think she's funny.

She had a couple drinks.

Good for her.

Let her loosen up a little bit.

It's good to see her actually have some fun.

Oh, my God.

I'm Come on.

That's when you know you've had enough.

While everyone is energized and raring to go, there's one chef who, not surprisingly, is in a world of pain.


I feel like crap.

I guess I went a little overboard.

I don't even want to think about that again.

Oh, God.

I just want to move forward for the challenge.


Let's go.


So I thought I would get your minds going early this morning.

Look at this amazing table of ingredients.

What I'd like you all to do now is to think of something delicious based on the ingredients in front of you.

- Yes, chef.

- Let's go.



I do take it seriously when it's game time.

I start automatically thinking What I'm gonna do.

Can I get past you? Doesn't that smell amazing? There's so many different grains, fruits, oils.

I really have no idea what's going on.

Everyone's got an idea? Yes, chef.


Back in line, please.

Whatever it is, I need to step up and show chef Ramsay that it wasn't a mistake to keep me here.

Paul, what would you make? Grilled swordfish, blood
-orange reduction.

- Elise?
- The fresh berries, zabaglione sauce, and whipped cream.

- Jonathon?
- Honey
-glazed pork tenderloin.

All interesting thoughts.

But I'd like to get the opinions of two experts who are especially skilled at mixing the ingredients in front of me.

Hallie, Christina.

Morning, ladies.

Good morning.

Please, come in.

- How are you, my darling?
- Great.

Good to see you, too.

Now, ladies, take a quick look at the ingredients and tell us what you would do.

We'd make Beer.

These ladies would answer "beer"
- to just about everything, right?
- That's true.

These two ladies are beer sommeliers.


That's awesome.

Give us an example in terms of how we can use beer with the ingredients in front of us.

Can do like a baby back ribs braised in barley wine.


Rosemary thyme beer bread.

Salad with beer as a vinaigrette.

Jonathon, funny how you've just woken up all of a sudden.

She had me at "baby back ribs.

" Okay For today's challenge, you're cooking with Beer.


When they said "beer," I was like, "ugh.

" That's the last thing I need.

Ladies, please.

Hot chicks and beer? Let me tell you something, this doesn't suck.

That's exactly how I like my beer, chef.

Listen carefully, because each of you will be creating your own special dish using one or more of the beers.

Excited? Yes, chef.

Your time starts now.

Each chef has just 45 minutes to create a dish featuring one or more types of beer.

It's actually pretty refreshing for a stout.

Chef Ramsay has designed this challenge to test the chefs' creativity Excuse me, Natalie.

I'm gonna try some of this Belgian white here.

And their ability to create a well
-balanced and delicious dish I've got 1,000 ideas already, man.

Using a unique ingredient.

Jonathon, a little less time drinking and more time cooking would be greatly appreciative.

Yes, chef.

Oh, my God.

I want everything.

left to go.

Come on, ladies.

I want to win today.

Yeah, let's get this done.

Jonathon, time to shine.

Let's go.

Oh, I'm fixin' to shine, chef.

Ladies hungry? Yes.

I happen to be fond of beer.

- Oh, you did?
- I'm gonna crush this.

So, if you tell me to knock the cute blond out of the park with a phenomenal dish, you don't got to tell me twice.

Don't forget, when you're thinking about your dish, think of colors, too colors.


We got ladies to impress, you know what I'm saying? Yes, chef.

While Tommy seems focused on the task at hand, Krupa is anything but.

Krupa, what are you doing? I've got a rabbit braising in Um, um, raspberry Uh, the Belgian white.

If we're gonna win any challenge, each individual person has to be running at 100%.

And Krupa's running at about 50% right now.

Uh, wait.

Who are you saying "wait" to? Oh, uh, Elise I mean Gina.



- Five minutes, let's go.

- Yes, chef.

Pineapple I want to win, ladies.

Come on! Oh, my God! And serve.

Right, Red Team, Blue Team.

I want all of you to rank your dishes from one to five.

Red Team, you have one extra in your team, so you're going to drop one.

- Start now.

- Let's go, guys.

That doesn't have any flavor to me.

Is this chicken? Chicken? That's a funny
-looking chicken.

It's rabbit.

Rabbit, chicken, whatever it is, Krupa's was nasty.

I'm beyond pissed off.

My dish was not the worst.

Ooh, this sauce is weird.

Whose is this?
- It's mine.

- That's five.

- That's five?
- Really? That broth's weird.

It has something weird in it.

- What's in the sauce?
- The beer, chili That's what it is, the beer.

So five? Right? That's what we're doing? You want to send the broth up last.

Broth is five.

I was a little bit surprised that Paulie was ranked last, 'cause Paulie's a pretty good chef.

But his dish was bad, man.

Red Team, whose dish are you dropping? Elise.

Krupa's dish, because it's a little tough and under

Carrie, why do you look so pissed off? I didn't think mine deserved fifth.

Hey, listen, the good news is, at least you made the cut.

Hey, that's right, chef.

Paul and Carrie.

Let's go.

Let's go, Carrie.

Come on, Paul.

Come on, blue.

Let's start off with the ladies first.

Carrie, please.

I did filet.

I marinated it in a stout beer.

And with my sauce, I used the raspberry.

Put a little of the stout in there as well.

I think it's delicious.

I think you ladies will definitely enjoy it.

You can really taste the raspberry in there.


You can feel the beer in that dish.

I could see how you'd be a little burned
- that this is the fifth choice.

- Hey, it's all good.

Well done.

- Thank you.

- brilliant.

Paul, please.

What is that? Grilled piece of salmon with hefeweizen broth.

I was a little shocked when my team felt that my dish was the weakest.

Salmon's beautiful.


Time to taste the broth.

We'll see how it plays out.


She's, like, dying over there.


- That's bitter.

- Yes.

Ladies, I'm sure we're all in agreeance.

The point has to go to Carrie.

- Thank you, ladies.

- Thank you, chef.

I'm not just a pantry girl! Carrie, that was, for me, the best dish you've ever cooked.

Okay, your fourth place Jonathon and Elise.

Let's go.


What I made for you today is salmon.

Cooked it in the Belgian white beer.

It's interesting.

Unlike the last two dishes, it's a little more lighter, which is nice.

I tried to go lighter, because I know personally, when I drink beer, I'm full.

Well, look at the size of you.

It's no wonder.

Not even pint

Jonathon, please.


Ooh, wow.

Stand back.

When Jonathon pulled his lid off his dish, I was like What is that? Visually, it's got that sort of pineapple gone wild.

It was fruit salad on meat again.

I call this the, uh, punch
-drunk chicken.

You open a can of pineapple and you stick it on top of a chicken.

A lot of chefs are fascinated with proteins.

You are obsessed with fruit.

Explain to the ladies what the dish is, please.

I have a pan
-seared chicken breast.

I incorporated my raspberry lambic into my pineapple and bed of hash.

It's a pretty tasty dish.

It's sweet.

Too sweet? Yeah.

The thing about good beer is the balance.

And so I just think that this is just missing a little bit of that balance.

Ladies, um, Red Team or Blue Team? Red Team.

Thank you.

Congratulations, Elise.

Good job.

Good job, Elise.

Man, I'm I'm about to the point where I'm ready to say, "Using some fruits.

" But you know what? Inside, I can't let that happen.

I love fruit, man.

Okay, two
-nil to the Red Team.

Let's go, Jennifer.

With the red team leading two to zero, Jennifer's hefeweizen chicken and sausage stew I mean, visually, it looks like a plate of leftovers.

Is up against Natalie's chocolate stout filet.

Honestly, it's almost like you're drinking a beer.

Over Jennifer.

Iumphs good job, girl.

With the red team's lead cut to one, Elizabeth's Amber mussels and clams Salty.

It is salty.

Faces off against will's lambic
-infused venison loin.

I think it's delicious.

It has everything, that dish.

Is complete.

Team's comeback boo
-yah, kids.


Good job.

We'll shut 'em down.

With the score now tied Blue Team, Red Team, let's go.

It all comes down to the top
-ranked dishes from each team Jamie's for the Red Team and Tommy's for the blue.

Jamie, please.

I marinated the duck in the Belgian white with some garlic and shallots, and then the duck has a glaze of the raspberry beer reduction.

Ladies? It's good.

It's interesting.

Yeah, different.

I mean, the duck is, uh, delicious.

I was hoping somebody would do duck with a raspberry lambic.

Yeah, it's nice.

Tommy did duck with a raspberry lambic.

Did he really? They're the same dish? Yeah.

Very good.

Great job.

- Thank you.

- Okay, Tommy.

- Please wow the ladies.

- I did the duck as well.

Let me show you how it's done, Jamie.

All right, check it out.

Here's what we did here.

Oh, my gosh.

I boiled my purple potatoes down in the stout.

Then I just put a side of brussels sprouts, which were, uh, cooked down in your hefeweizen.


That's good.

Yeah, rock on.

It's pretty good.

This has a depth.


The meat has a saltiness.

And you still get the sweetness from the lambic.

Good job.

I mean, really good job.

Back in line, both of you, please.

Thank you, ladies.

Good job, Tommy.

I was just trying to flirt a little bit.

The cute brunette seemed to enjoy my company.

Two good dishes I mean, this is going to be really difficult.

One dish had an edge.

Congratulations goes to Chef Ramsey challenged the teams to cook creatively with beer.

The score is tied, and it all comes down to the final two dishes.

Two good dishes I mean, this is going to be really difficult.

Both Jamie and Tommy prepared versions of a lambic
-marinated duck.

And both dishes were ranked the best on their respective teams.

Congratulations goes to
- Blue Team!
- Yeah! Damn it.

It was like a ton of bricks just fell on us Again.

- All right.

- Good job, Tommy.

- Good job, Tommy.

- Way to go, guys.

Hell, yeah.

I aced it.

This definitely proves the fact that I'm just the most awesome of anyone in the world.

Ladies, a big thank
-you as always.

Thank you.

Yes? Great job.

Best wishes.

See you again.

Blue Team, I've got an amazing day.

Do you like speed? Meth or coke? Oh, my God.

Only kidding.

I'm only kidding.

Switch spots with me, please.

You're gonna make me stand next to him? Okay, all of you are gonna be V.



guests at the long beach Grand Prix Indy Car racing.

- Yes.

- Oh, fantastic.


Get yourselves up to the dorm as fast as possible and enjoy your day of speed.

Whoo! Oh, dear.

Ladies, it pains me to say this.

Today is delivery day.

Delivery day everyone knows.

This is the worst punishment.

That's right.

We've got up to Restocking, resupplying.

It's gonna be it's gonna be tough.

- It's okay.

- It's okay.

Elise, you okay? Mm

- What's wrong?
- Nothing.

What what do you mean "nothing"? You're standing there crying your eyes out.

Talk to me.

Nothing, chef.

Really? You're gonna cry 'cause we lost a challenge? Come on.

Suck it up.

It was like a little spoiled girl.

She doesn't get her way, she throws a fit.

It's okay.

Bring it on, chef.

I'm not crying.

I'll take it.

Start off by cleaning down the kitchens.

Let's go.

Your scream scared me more than the horn did.


Ice, ice, baby.

I don't want to lift that.

I'm livid.

I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I'm not mad as hell that we're about to be carrying all this stuff.

I got my point.

I'm just tired of being punished because the rest of the members on my team make rookie mistakes.


This punishment sucks.

The ice is, like, so cold.

Like, my arms are getting, like, frostbitten.

Can't take this.

This one's, like, wet.

It's heavy.

- You okay with two?
- Be careful.

Carrie, don't take on too much.

Oh, my God.

What a dum

While Elise seems to have put it in park at the punishment, the Blue Team rolls up to the racetrack.

Hot damn! We pull up, and all I see is the Hell's Kitchen indy car.

And it was badass.

I'm Paul, man.

Ari Luyendyk, Jr.

What's goin' on, man? Will.

Hey, how are you? We got to meet Simona, man.

A hot chick in a fast car Oh, that's right up my alley, man.


Yeah, baby! Time to rock and roll.

You know, the g's just snatch you back in the seat Speeds of way over 220, man.

It's a unbelievable feeling, man.

I'm gonna talk about this for the rest of my life.

-ha! I'm pretty bad in cooking, so you guys have to teach me something.

I'm pretty bad at driving a car.

I don't know anything about racing.

I met some really cute girl who drives cars.

So I was interested in, you know, stuff.

Where are you from?
- Switzerland.

- Switzerland?
- Yeah.

- I'm a big fan of your cheese.

- Huh?
- With the holes in it With the holes in it, yeah.

Paul, you got to work on your game.

- What do we got this time?
- What? Are you serious? There's no way I could carry in kegs that weigh more than some of us put together.

All right, one step at a time.

Can you lift it up? I can't do it.

Put it on the step, at least.

Really? Oh, my God.

I'm not being a baby, but this is heavy as hell.

It hurts.

Can someone walk with me and just get this one down? Elise is definitely a diva.

Every one inch, I'm like, "Elise, you got to pick it up.

" She's pissing me off.

I'm really just done with Elise.

She gets in this, like, rut of attitude.

And it's a weight that we carry all the time.

I'm here to win.

I'm not here to throw my back out.

This is ridiculous.

I got to stop.

Let's use the cart.

Well, can y'all three not get it? We can take our turn on the cart.

Does your name does that cart say "Carrie"?
- Elise, take the cart.

- Thank you.

I'm done with Elise.

Who died and made her queen? Why don't y'all just bring' em to the door, and I'll wheel 'em to the stack? Oh, does it have your name on it?
- You know what?
- My fist is about to have your teeth on it.

- How about that?
- Knock it off.


Elise is not a team player.

I was just absolutely fed up with her attitude.

Like, that's it.

You've hit your strike limit.

You're done.

I'm exhausted.

As the day comes to a close, the Blue Team is winding down from a day at the track.

Those race cars got moving today.

I was like Meanwhile, the Red Team Come on, Jennifer, what's up? Is all wound up.

All right.

Well, I'll be the leader I'll start.

Elise, I take the punishments so serious, and I feel like sometimes you don't.

I agree.

There's a lot of times where you stand around or take the easy jobs, and that irritates me.

When? You just tend to walk slow and tend to, like Yeah, because I'm not gonna overextend myself.

If I know I can't carry it or I know it's too heavy for me But it's okay for your teammates to be To haul every heavy? Some of 'em can carry more! Here we go.

Did I take two bags of ice on my shoulders like I was Hercules? No.

Because I'm not trying to impress any of these people here.

They're not the ones who's gonna say I can stay or can't.

This is your team.

The punishment is all of us.

The rest of us are busting our ass.

But I I bust my ass, too.

So that.

Fed up with Elise's diva attitude, the rest of the Red Team has confronted her about her lack of effort in today's punishment.

The punishment is all of us.

The rest of us are busting our ass, and you're like
- I bust my ass, too!
- That.

You're getting all defensive and stuff.

I'm not being defensive! I'm defending myself on the matter.

That's being defensive.


The Red Team got upset with me, and I don't really care, because I'm not here to make friends.

But in this game, you have to have a strategy.

I don't want there to be animosity.

I will try harder to move over this bump.

All right.

I just want to have a good service tomorrow.

And I will say whatever I have to say, because I don't like losing.

As both teams get an early start on a long day of prep, Elise can I help anybody with anything? Appears to have a new attitude.

You want to help me with this? Here's the salad for it.

There's backup down here.


This is interesting.

I think Elise is working on her attitude, 'cause at the end of the day, we need to figure out how we can win.

I just want to win.

Let's pray.

No, I'm just kidding.

Who's doing what here? I can work on the meats.

I'll help you knock some out real quick.

When you wrap those Wellingtons, do you do four in a sheet? Yep.

How many you have? Do several of these, man.

Let's face it, man.

You know, our dinner service is.

It's definitely a time for redemption for the Blue Team, so, by God, let it be tonight, you know? Please.

Paul, feel good today? My dish yesterday wasn't up to snuff.

Yeah, I'm definitely ready to bounce back.

Hopefully I keep my head above water tonight.

Everybody needs to keep their head in the game.

Do what you know.

And that's it.


Yes, chef? Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

It's beer night in Hell's Kitchen.

This looks like a water lamp.

In addition to special beer towers at every table, chef Ramsay has added Belgian ale
-steamed mussels and stout
-spiced venison to the menu.

Order in, chef.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Okay, here we go Three lobster spaghetti,
- one scallops.

- Yes, chef.

Come on, drive it, Elise.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

And work like a team.

Jamie, did you drop your scallops? Scallops are dropped right now.

I'm a minute and a half away on the spaghetti.


Want me to say it again, or are we good? I have a minute and a half out.

I don't want to jinx anything.

Elise is trying to work on holding her tongue.

I hope that it stays that way.

How long you need on your scallop? 'Cause I'm ready to go.

I can walk.

Where's the spaghetti? Walking with three lobster spaghettis.

We got one more scallop following this one, ladies.

Very nice, that lobster spaghetti.

Yes, chef.

- Lobster spaghetti.

- Thank you.

- Real good.

- Ladies Great start.

Keep it going.

Let's go, ladies! We can do this tonight.

The red kitchen's newfound team unity has them off to a good start on appetizers.

Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen, chef Ramsay is looking to Paul and Natalie to deliver on their appetizers.

Risotto, two scallops.

- Yes, chef.

- How long, Paul?
- Four minutes, chef.

- Four minutes.

- Paul.

- Yes, chef.

- Tonight is your comeback night.

- Yes, chef.

Let's go.

I want to hear it, yes? Yes, chef! I'm hoping that Paul can do a way better job than he did last dinner service.

One person has a bad night, it could bring the whole team down.

Very nice there, Paul.

Thank you, chef.

Scallops, please, Natalie.

I'm dying.

Let's go.

Coming right now, chef.

- First table, huh?
- Natalie!
- Yes, chef?
- They're rubber.

Touch them.

Come on, hurry up! That's our first table.

Come on! Chef Ramsay expects a lot out of me.

I would love to just be perfect all the time, but that doesn't happen in real life.

Hey, great risotto.

Unfortunately, Scallops.

Did you not see that the scallops were horrible? Just be vocal and say it.

"Yo, I up the scallops.

" I want it all absolutely on the money, yes?
- Yes, chef.

- Heard.

Refire! Please? Five minutes on the first table.

Five minutes heard.

Thank you.

While Natalie's unsatisfactory scallops have sent the Blue Team back to square one on their appetizers, in the red kitchen One mussels, one scallops away.

The Red Team is rolling, and just waiting on
- Elise!
- Yes, chef.

- Scallops!
- Sorry to keep you waiting.


Come here! All of you, come here.

Hey, look.


That's the state of where we are now.

I did tell her right before dinner service, I was like, "Elise, you need to drain that salad.

" Here's the salad for it.

There's backup down here.


As always.

She never listens.

Look at me.

Why is it in the water? I'm I didn't prep the station.

Carrie prepped the station.

- It's in water.

- I'm gonna drain it.

It is supposed to be drained before we start.

And I did ask you to do that.

I didn't What section are you on? I am on appetizers, chef.

Right, so who's responsible for draining the salads? I'm sorry, chef.

I'm draining it now.

As usual, it wasn't drained for me.

Despite Elise's soggy salad, the Red Team quickly recovers, getting most of their appetizers out to their hungry diners.

That looks really good.


Back in the blue kitchen Going up with scallops.

Natalie is ready to impress with her second attempt on the scallop appetizer.


Yes, chef? It's rubber.



- Come on, Natalie, please.

- Yes, chef.

The pan's not hot enough, Natalie Even from here.

It's got to be searing, quick.

It's searing, chef.

It's sizzling, chef.

- Not enough.

- Okay.

Not enough.

They're gonna boil.

The scallops are massive.

- Not enough.

- Okay.

Yes, chef.

You know, it's just really frustrating, you know.

When I was getting stuff sent back, I was having to trash scallops.

It's just, like, a catastrophe.

Oh, my God.

Look at all those scallops.

Will! Paul! Jonathon! Tommy! Come here! How many scallops are we having to refire? Natalie had to sear off a million scallops tonight, 'cause she couldn't get 'em right.

This is not gonna be good.

Oh, my God.

It's 45 minutes into dinner service.

What's wrong with those scallops? Those are ones I have to refire.

And chef Ramsay has discovered Natalie's dirty little secret.

How many scallops are we having to refire? Five minutes on the first.

Oh, come on.

We haven't even sent any out! Natalie, wake up! I'm sitting here watching Natalie sink faster than the Titanic on fish.

Take your pan.

Put it here.

Drop your scallops.

So I go over there to show her how to sear scallops.

Scallops I'm dying.

Let's go.

- You need a scallop up there now.

- Yeah.

Thank you.


Now you got the color on the scallops.

Stick to it, yes? Yes, chef.

- Good job, Natalie.

- Keep it going.


After a quick tutorial from will to Natalie, the Blue Team is back on track.

Scallops behind, hot.

Service, please.

Bon appetit.

Meanwhile, the red kitchen has moved on to entrees.

And the pressure now rests on Jamie on the fish station and Krupa on the meat station to keep the momentum going.

Krupa, how long? I need two minutes.

Meat and fish have to work with each other, so I was yelling at Krupa, "how much time? Krupa, how much time?"
- How long?
- One minute, chef.

My venison's going to be about two minutes.

That's what you called two minutes ago! She would give me times, but they were completely off.

Jamie, one minute or two minutes? Two minutes, chef.

- Come on, then!
- Yes, chef.

Pick it up.

It's really getting frustrating.

Sea bass ready.

I'm walking up with my venison and Wellington.

Jamie, Krupa Come here.

I got one sea bass pink and undercooked raw.

And the venison It's not even hot in the middle! What is that? Come on, Jamie! Krupa! Jamie and Krupa weren't communicating as a team, and that's been the problem on the Red Team.

Nobody wants to step up and be a leader, so I'm gonna be taking over.

One sea bass, one venison
- How long, ladies?
- Four minutes.

Four minutes to the window heard.

While Elise barks out orders, Jamie and Krupa refire their first entrees.

We got to pick this back up, ladies.

Over in the blue kitchen, Jonathon is keen to impress chef Ramsay.

Got the two Wellingtons and the venison right here, chef, yeah.

Oh, , no.

Come here, all of you.

The pastry Touch it with your fingers.

It's raw.

Chef, Tommy wrapped the Wellingtons.

- What'd you think?
- I think it's up, man.

Yeah? What'd you think, then, mister rock and roll?
- It's not good, chef.

- Not good.

I'll remedy this Wellington problem right now.

I'm calling Tommy out.

I can't let this make me look bad.

Are they all like that? I'll tell you right now, chef.

Yeah, it's it's , too, man.

Yes, chef, the second one I just cut was just like that.

Oh, my God.

Flour both sides of the pastry.

I did.

I was doing 'em with you, brother.

We were doing 'em together, side by side today.

So don't throw me under the bus.

Thanks, Tommy, for me on my Wellingtons right from the start thanks.

I mean, come on, man, Jonathon's running around the kitchen blaming Tommy for.

If it's raw, that's you not knowing how to cook.

Walk like a man, talk like a man, take it like a man, bro, straight up.

Thanks, Tommy.

Nearly 19 minutes into dinner service, the Wellington fiasco has created a logjam in the blue kitchen.

Meanwhile, the Red Team is ready to redeem themselves with their entrees.

Service, please.

And now that food is flying out of the kitchen Wow, look at that.

Oh, wow.

This is tender.

Two sea bass, one venison, one Wellington! How long? The old Elise returns.

Three minutes.

Krupa? Three minutes.

We got it, Elise.

Well, if no one else is gonna talk, I'm gonna talk for everybody.

You're yelling too much, a little too much.

How long? I don't know.

They won't
- Three minutes, I said!
- Don't throw it all on us.

I'm not throwing anything Yeah, you just did.

I'm trying to tell you what it is.

You're just yelling.

After that, you're gonna have one cod, one strip, and one venison.

She's confusing the out of me.

Elise stands there and yells every ticket.

Two sea bass, one Wellington, one venison is the next two tickets.

I was just like, "Shut up! Just shut up.

" Wellington, New York? I have the Wellington and the New York ready.

I'm cutting it right now.

Oh, this one's gonna be overcooked.


Oh, my God.

Holy .

This is not real.


Oh, come on.

Red Team, stop! Everything's overcooked.

Krupa was cooking all the meat wrong.

She was a nightmare.

What are you doing? I don't know, chef.

I honestly don't know what happened.

There was no reason.

I'm frazzled, chef.

I'm sorry.

You're telling me.

Krupa, do you want to go home?
- No, chef.

- Let's go! With Krupa threatening to derail the red kitchen, over on the blue side, Jonathon and Natalie continue to struggle to get the Blue Team back on track with their entrees.

- How long on the bass?
- Three and a half minutes.

I've never cooked sea bass here before.

But it's just like any other piece of fish.

And, you know, I've already messed up once.

You know, I don't plan on doing it again.

- How long do you need?
- Go ahead.

I'm fixing to cut two Wellingtons.


I think this Wellington's overdone.


Here it is, baby.

I'm almost to the point of panic.

Tommy prepped my Wellingtons like big balls of.

What am I supposed to do? That's a little bitty right there.

Probably going to get my ass handed to me on that one.



Oh, Me.

All of you, come here.

Ah Chef Ramsay's about to k*ll my ass.

One, I don't know what the that is.

It's a little one.

That's my fault, chef.

It won't happen again.

It's little it overcooked 'cause of the size.

I realize that.

It won't happen again.

I promise.

Just like that? And, you It's raw in the center! Raw.

You're a talented cook.

Chef, I've got some more Wellingtons.

You and you, Off.

Get out.

For cryin' out man, I'm I'm so sick of this , man.

- Hey.

Oh, hello.

- Take that with you.

I'm done.

I quit.

Jonathon! Come here, you.

You can kiss my ass.

Come here, you! Jonathon! It's two hours into dinner service.

You and you
- Off.

- Get out.

And an overcooked meat by Jonathon and an undercooked fish by Natalie have pushed chef Ramsay to the edge.

For cryin' out man, I'm I'm so sick of this, man.


I'm done.

I quit.

Jonathon! Come here, you.

- You can kiss my ass.

- Jonathon! I'd respect you more if you told me before you brought it to me.

- Anything to say?
- It won't happen again.

Don't dare bring me that.

Yes, chef.

It won't happen again.


It's just really frustrating.

Like, I know that I can do it.

I know that I'm a good chef.

You can't do stuff like that here.

And I know that.

I get on Wellingtons 'cause somebody else prepped 'em that don't know how, man.

You're responsible for it.

That's why we got to check everything.


I needed to get 'em out there, something.

If your prep's , then your service is gonna be.

I'm tired of being the fall guy.

With two Blue Team members banished to the dorm Two minutes on the next table, right?
- Heard that.

- Okay.

Paul, Tommy, and Will are determined to complete dinner service in spite of being shorthanded.

Tommy, minute and a half, yes or no?
- All good, buddy, yes.

- Okay.

Service, please.

- How was yours?
- Really good.

Come on, let's go.

With only a few tickets remaining, both teams race to complete dinner service.

Let's go.

Let's see if we can finish on a high, please.

Let's go.

Coming up with it right now.

I need one more minute on the venison.

Krupa, wake up.

Come on.

Eight plates, please.

Just follow me with 'em.

Garnish is in the window.

Let's go.

We had a rough start, but we finally got it together.

We completed service.

And that's all I care about.

- Paul, welcome back.

- Thank you, chef.

Yeah! Well, I think I got my swagger back tonight.

Welcome back, homeboy.

Switch off.

I'm looking for greatness.

It didn't happen tonight.

So the losing team is Red Team And Blue Team.

All of you, go back to the dorms and come up with two individuals from each team that you think should be leavinghell's kitchen.

Leave me alone, please.

My inexperience on fish that bit me in the ass tonight, but I'm definitely not the weakest chef in the kitchen, so I'm not ready to go.

I don't deserve to go home.

I know I don't.

Jonathon sent up an overcooked Wellington, so my vote's for Jonathon.

Are you kidding me, man? She had 30 scallops sitting there.

I didn't have 30 Wellingtons sitting there.

You cool with Jonathon and Natalie? I'm cool with that.

I mean, they got kicked out.

You know, I naturally got to go with Tommy.

I was stuck in the mud right off the rip, man.

You don't realize how bad that backed up the meat station.

It's not my fault he doesn't know the timings of the foods and when to rest meat.

-boy up, not me.

Whatever happens, happens.

This, dude.

So what are we thinking? We got to come up with two people, guys.

One, hello.


There's no if, ands, or buts about it.

I Up.

But I'm not giving up.

I'm gonna fight.

Who's the second one? I think that we should judge based off of who chef Ramsay was really on all night.

My vote is Jamie.

What's funny? You need to take responsibility for the that you do wrong.


I had a little bit of water in my salad, but everything else went out perfect.

I don't deserve to go up there.

You deserve to go up there more than I do.

First of all, I didn't say you should go up there, did I?
- You just did!
- No, I didn't.

- But you did.

You did.

- But I didn't.

She did not.

Be quiet for a second.

When chef Ramsay said I don't give a crap what Ramsay said.

What do you mean, you don't care what he said? Can I finish? Okay, go ahead.

Let me know when you're done.

- What the what?
- Just let me know when you're done! You need to work on your attitude!
- Oh, my God.

- And you do, too!
- No, I don't.

- All right, shut up.

Shut the up.

You're both pissing me off.

- Jamie, talk.

- I'm done.

There's no point in exhausting my words with you anymore.

Never have I been pushed the way Elise has pushed me.

I'm done dealing with her.


Blue Team, have you reached a consensus? Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

Will, first nominee and why? First nominee tonight, chef, is Natalie, 'cause she couldn't recover from her bad start on fish.

Second nominee and why? Second nominee tonight, chef Is Jonathon same reason.

He had difficulty recovering on the meat station tonight.

All right, Red Team.

Did you come to a consensus? Yes, chef.

Carrie, first nominee and why? First nominee is Krupa.

She started on the meat station and just, like, kept getting worse.

Second nominee and why? Second nominee is Um Both teams had to nominate two of their own for elimination.

The Blue Team chose Natalie and Jonathon.

And the Red Team chose Krupa.

Second nominee and why? The second nominee is Jamie.

- What's the matter?
- She had a raw sea bass.

But I thought everything else she sent out was fine.

So clearly, Jamie wasn't your choice for second nominee who was it? My second nominee was Elise, chef.


Why? She started yelling the tickets at us when we didn't need someone to continue yelling one ticket over and over and over again.

I completely disagree with Carrie, chef.

I feel that Carrie is intimidated by my assertiveness, and I felt like it was my duty to call tickets when other people weren't.

Natalie, Jonathon, Krupa Jamie Step forward, please.

Jamie, tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

Chef, I have a lot of fight in me.

I know that I'm a good cook.

I know I'm a strong line chef.

I don't expect you to make those kind of mistakes.

Krupa? Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Chef, I have a lot still to give.

And I can do this, without any doubt in my mind.

How much longer can I wait? I still have a lot to show you.

I've given you some good services, and I've given you some very bad ones, so You're just on a downward spiral.

Jonathon Tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

When you told me to off, I wish I would've just looked you in the eye and said no.

What? I wasn't ready to walk out of that kitchen because of somebody else's mistake.

Come on.


I mean, I
-I'm lost.

I mean, maybe you just got to do the honorable thing Give me your jacket.

No, chef.

I'm not.

I can't sit here and say that I performed like you want me to perform.

I know that you know that I'm better than that, and I know that I'm better than that.

I'm not so sure.

This is a very difficult decision.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen Krupa.

Okay, give me your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen.

Thank you, chef.

I know you have heart, but your time is done.

It hurts that I'm eliminated now, and I'm gonna kick myself for this for a very long time.

But I have not let anybody back home down, 'cause everybody knows how much I fight for things, and they know how much I have in me.

Blue Team, Red Team We're not done yet.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen We're not done yet.

The pressure is on You don't work hard.

You don't even break a sweat.

Game over.

As a huge celebrity visits Hell's Kitchen.

For the first time ever inhell's kitchen Oh, my God.

I'm, like, speechless.

The chefs are clearly on edge.

That's how we do it! I would love for people that speak English! And chef Ramsey's honesty is more brutal than ever.

That's already.

You rolled it looking like a pair of knickers.

But one chef dares to challenge Gordon Ramsay I'm not sending it out like that.

Over my dead body.

It looks like ! off! Others continues perform on their teammates.

I don't want him on my team anymore.

I tell you, dude, you're starting to piss me off.

All next time Because I help people.

Yeah, you help throw 'em under the bus.

On the most combative Hell's Kitchen of the year.

I could flip this whole dining room upside down.
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