09x04 - 14 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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09x04 - 14 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Look at all those red jackets.

It's like an army there.

When Chef Ramsay asked for a volunteer to go to the blue team Who's volunteering? I am, chef.

I enjoy working with guys.

But Chef Ramsay chose Natalie Instead.

Later, a fast and furious mommy
-me brunch They're going to bring you some food.

Tested the kitchen's teamwork.

Let's go, guys.

Bang it out.

Let's do this.

Right now.

The red team got bogged down, as the w*r between Carrie and Elise continued.

Carrie, you're running around frazzled.

I want to get this done.

Guys, pick it up.

With Natalie organizing the blue team Come on, come on, come on.

Talk to each other.

Talk to each other.

They sailed to their third
-consecutive challenge win.


Hello, ladies.

At dinner service, when the doors opened for family night The red kitchen warriors were at it again.

Are you standing there with your hands on your hip while we're trying to put this ticket out? On the blue team, a lackluster performance from Chino, Chino, Chino! Didn't stop Will Get your broccoli to go now.

Get your spinach going.

From leading his team to victory.

Come on, guys.

Last ticket.

We got it.

In the red kitchen, Amanda was completely lost on the fish station.

How long for the first two bass? I forgot about it.


Carrie continued to cause confusion.

It's raw! Raw! This is embarrassing! Get out of here, all of you.

And hang your heads in shame.

Shut it down.

Elise had Carrie on the ropes.

I called it.

I said if Carrie's on meat, we're .

The I did! But Carrie pleaded her case to Chef Ramsay.

I want to prove to you I am good enough.

I love cooking.

And ultimately it was Amanda.

That saw her dream of becoming head chef at BLT Steak in New York City come to an end.

Fire uh, uh the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child yes, it does the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smokin', baby baby the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child when you're hot, you're hot you really sh**t your shot you're dynamite, child yeah the way you push, push let's me know that you're goo
-d you're gonna get your wish oh, no fire And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen I can't believe we lost somebody with so much potential and kept baggage.

I am in shock right now.

I can't believe Carrie's still here.

It's just mind
-boggling to me.

This is up Because he's kept somebody who sucks the worst out of all of us.

I bet you she won't slide past the blade again, 'cause she's not gonna get better.

She sucks.

I am so over Elise and her mouth and her attitude.

I've had enough.

She stood there and did nothing, and she's still here.

Her mouth is gonna send her home.

Chef Ramsay doesn't put up with that crap.

And Krupa had the nerve to say anything.

She's the second weakest link.

She's not gonna last.

She's number two.

You know what? I got one thing to say to that

Aah! Elise does not know how to shut up.

Her attitude puts everybody off.

Krupa, what are you doing? Moving out.

Why? Me and Elise have had a problem from the get

She's had an issue with me from day one.

How did I have an issue? She has never said anything about you.


Really? 'Cause she's said plenty to my face.

I said her naan bread was a piece of , and if that's your signature dish and that's the best you got and that's what represents you Keep your opinions to yourself.

No! No! If you don't want to hear other people's opinions, don't move in a house with 14 other people.

I'm moving over there, right? I'm gonna be out of your face, right? I'm mad about your attitude.

That's what I got mad about.

No, you were mad about your naan bread.

No, I got mad about your attitude, your fake
-ass attitude.

Because I told
- aagh! This is why I need this room.

She got her nerve.

Are we gonna be able to get a long? After a late night Get everybody up.

Get up, guys.

Get up! Sous chefs Scott and Andi show up bright and early.

You got overalls.

You have boots.

Everybody get dressed.

Come on, guys.

With special gear for today's challenge.

Can I get a yee
-haw? Come on, everybody downstairs.

Go, go, go, go.

-haw! Let's go, guys.

Good morning.

Good morning, Chef.

Okay, as you can see, we have a chicken delivery this morning.

Are you ready to unload the truck? Yes, Chef.

Thanks, driver.

Lucky for you, you don't have to.

Today you're gonna get up close and personal with a key ingredient
- a chicken.

Man, I'm from Jersey.

We don't chase chickens where I come from.

We chase chicks.


For today's challenge, each team will produce four chicken dishes.

To determine what ingredients you're gonna be lucky enough to use, each of you will go into that pen, grab a chicken, deposit it into your bin, and then run to the board and select an ingredient.

The key is to get as many ingredients in five minutes as possible.

Everybody ready? Yes, Chef.

I think today is, like, our day.

We haven't won a challenge yet.

We really need to step it up now, and we need to win a challenge.

Five minutes Starts now.

In today's challenge The chefs must race to catch as many chickens as they can.

I'm from Tennessee, dude.

I know how to catch chickens.

It's a talent.

Come on, Jamie, go! The more chickens they catch I got almonds.

Almonds! The more ingredients they'll have to use when they're making their four chicken dishes.

Tomatoes! Agh! Go get 'em, monty! Choke the chicken.

This is like off a scene of Rocky right now.

If Sylvester Stallone can catch a chicken, I can catch a chicken.

These chickens is fast.


Yeah! Come on! Come on, Jamie! Kentucky farm girl Natalie has no problem diving into the competition Coconut milk.

While her teammate Come on, Chino.

There you go! Shows off some cowboy skills of his own.

Chino might not be the strongest cook we got here, but damn it, can he choke a chicken.

City slickers Krupa And Gina Aren't afraid to mix it up with the chickens.

Radish! Come on! And both teams wrangle enough chickens to complete the first part of the challenge.

Three, two, one.

And stop.

Well done.

Ladies, nine ingredients.

Blue team, Good job.

Everybody happy? Yes, Chef.

Go and get changed.

And I'll see you in five.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

After a quick clean and a quick change Scott and Andi, bring out the chicken, please.

As you can see, you only have one lonely chicken.

When you cut that chicken up, make sure you have a portion that is good enough to show off that dish.

You've all got 30 minutes, starting from now.

The teams will cook their four dishes in pairs.

Who's frying? We are.

We need a breast, please.

Chef Ramsay wants each pair using a different technique.

They will either grill, saute, roast, or fry.

I'm putting a little more salt.


And they're only permitted to use the ingredients selected earlier.

Is that the chicken in, Carrie? Chicken's in.

Chef Ramsay teamed me up with Gina, which I'm super excited about, and we have fried chicken.


Super easy.

We're gonna knock this one out.

All right, Gina, what do you think, baby? That look pretty? Does that look pretty? Gina? Yes.

Make sure it's done in the center.

All right.

Ten minutes gone.

Just under 20 minutes to go.

Watch that chicken.

I'm on it.

I just turned it.

All right, brother.

I'm on it.

I knew exactly what I wanted to do with the dish.

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

I cooked the bacon on the grill, the garbanzo beans on the grill, everything on the grill.

Yes, it's done.

Take it off.

How you want me to cut it? Make it look good.

! Relax, relax.

Oh, my God.

I cannot believe this.

The breast falls on the floor.

We don't even have enough chicken to even put on a plate.

Cannot use it.

Chill out.

Chill out.

My fault.

My fault.

While Monterray and Tommy try to work with what they have left, over in the red kitchen Carrie, how's the chicken doing? Oh, it's still a little raw.

Carrie makes a grim discovery.

Carrie! It's a little raw.

I got to finish it off in the oven? Yes.



It was raw.

That much of it in the center was raw.

Really? There's no way that's gonna be done.

Just leave it in there.

One minute to go.

Come on.

Come on.

Get our chicken.

Get our chicken.

We got to cut it.

Let's go.

Come on.

, Carrie! Three, two, one, and stop.

Gina, I did everything I was supposed to do.

This is so embarrassing.

You don't know what you're doing if you're cooking chicken and it's that raw in the center.


Everybody confident in their dishes? Gina, first of all, you're shaking your head.

Talk to me honestly.

Chef, honestly, our chicken's raw.

What? Our chicken is raw.

Why is it raw? We fried it, put it in the oven.

- I'm talking.

Carrie cooked the chicken.

She didn't have it in the fryer long enough, and it didn't have long enough to finish in the oven.

So it's raw.

Come on, ladies.

I can't believe that.

What's going on there, Elise? I don't have anything against anybody, but it seems that the common denominator is always Carrie.

Guess we're seeing time and time again that everywhere Carrie goes, it's horrendous.

Listen to me and listen carefully.

I've got a couple of guests coming in here, so hold it together.

Yes, Chef.

From People magazine, senior writer Jen Garcia.

And from Entertainment Weekly, editor Dave Karger.

Good to see you both.


Welcome, welcome.

Thanks for having us.

Please take a seat.

By the way, the chef today with the best dish on the winning team will be featured with me in People magazine.

I love that magazine.

I get it every week.

Let's start off with the battle of the fried, please.

Let's go, Paul.

First up, Carrie and Gina square off against Paul.

Gina, would you be so kind to explain to the guests what happened, please? I was on the team with Carrie, and the chicken was completely raw in the center.

I'm sorry, Chef.

Get back in line, please.

I'm humiliated by our dish.

But, Gina, she just wants to throw me under the bus.

It's so hard.

I don't like girls.

It's raw, Carrie.

Shut the up.

Oh, it's really raw.


When I think of fried chicken, I think Southern style, so I made roasted corn, and then I made a nice rosemary grit and just a basic gravy.

It's classic.

It's simple.

It tastes good.

Thank you.

It's not easy to eat, but it's worth it once you get the taste.

Thank you.

Clearly no competition.

Anything has to be better than raw chicken.

-nil to the blue.

Well done.

Good job.

Thank you.

Next we have the battle of the saute.

Next, Jennifer and Krupa attempt to even the score, as their chicken cacciatore It was a bit much on the plate.

It's delicious.

It does taste better than it looks.

Faces Jonathon and Will's lemon
-herb sauteed chicken.

It's beautiful.

I could easily see this on the page of our magazine.

I'd like to give you both a point.


Great job.

Let's go
- the battle of the grilled chicken.

Up next, it's Jamie versus Monterray and Tommy.

If Jamie's grilled chicken salad loses, the blue team will win.

What'd you think? I think the flavors threw me off a little bit.

But the chicken's cooked really well.

Overall, I did enjoy it.


It is cooked really perfectly.

Thank you.

Uh, Tommy.

Not much chicken on there, though.


What happened to the chicken, please? We had a slipup on the cutting board, and the end piece fell.

Onto the floor? Yes.

It's not on the plate.

Don't worry.

Half the chicken is missing.

Congratulations, red team.

Well done.

It's all gonna come down to the roast.

With the score tied Come on.

Let's go.

Come on, Elise.

The roasted chicken will decide it all, as Elise and Elizabeth take on Natalie and Chino.

I have for you today a succulent roasted chicken.

It also has a butternut
-squash puree and a Swiss chard sauteed with sweated onions and garlic.

It's beautiful.

The colors pop.

They really do.

It looks like it could come from a restaurant kitchen.

Whose idea was it? It was my idea, Chef.


She wanted all the limelight on her, but it was 50/50.

You don't like sharing, do you? No.


Didn't think so.

Um, Natalie, please.

What I have for you all today is a roasted chicken coconut curry soup.

It's delicious.

It was kind of unexpected for me.


Pretty great.

Oh, yeah, I have to agree.

I like that a lot.

The chicken has a great spice to it.

You've nailed the chicken.

Back in line, thank you, while we have a little conflab.

Thank you.

Yeah, it's a tough one, that one, very tough.

We're on a winning streak, and we're gonna walk out with the win today, man, definitely.

Okay, that was tough, 'cause it was all down to the last dish.

I'm sick of losing.

I'm sick of doing punishments.

I want to get out of this house before I hurt somebody.

We have to win this one.

Congratulations goes to Today in a challenge that had the chefs cooking chicken using four different techniques, the teams are all tied up, and it comes down to one last match.

It's all down to the last dish.

Will it be Chino and Natalie's curry chicken soup or Elizabeth and Elise's succulent roasted chicken? Congratulations goes to Red team.

I won! I'm so excited.

I knew that my dish was the best out there.

First challenge won
- good job, guys.

Me and Elizabeth's dish.

Okay, in spite of a disastrous start, you get to fly the coop.

Yes! And you'll be spending all day go
-carting at K1 Speedway.

I cannot wait to go go
-carting! Yay! The best dish, the one that had the visual impact, belongs to Elise and Elizabeth.

Well done.

I cannot believe that we are gonna be in a magazine.

This is everything I ever wanted out of life.

A round of applause for the judges, please.

Thank you.

Okay, red team, get out of here.

We're going out.

We won.

Good job, guys.

Yes! Oh, my God.

This is the best day of my life.

Okay, blue team, whilst the red team will be breaking land
-speed records today, you'll be cooped up today.

You'll all be working with, you guessed it, chicken.

I want the most amazing beautifully done.

Clean out the carcasses.

Peel onions, and get that stock absolutely stunning.

It just kind of pisses me off that Carrie brought up raw chicken today

We shouldn't have lost.

We're gonna start off making chicken stock, okay? Yeah.

I don't know if Elise is gonna fit in that go cart with that head of hers.

They might have to get her a bigger helmet or some .

Hey, guys.

Hey! Bye, guys bye, guys.

Don't wreck.

I mean, have fun.

I will.

You know they're gonna turn that go
-cart racing into bumper cars, right? Yeah, go

I'm so happy to get out of here.

-bye, Hell's Kitchen.

Whoo! Let's go.

Hi, ladies.


Hope you guys are all ready to have a great time today.

We're gonna get suited up and get ready to race, okay? So let's get going.

I've never raced a car before, never.

But I am going to kick some butt in go

I love go

We take off.

Each one of us slams on the gas.

It was, like, a rush.

I actually don't have a license.

I'm from Manhattan, New York.

The go
-carts were really fast.

It was kind of, like, scary for me.

I was freaked out.

In my head, I was going about 100 miles an hour.

I guess I was driving like Miss Daisy.

While Jennifer takes her time getting around the track, back in Hell's Kitchen So you want me to go over some menu items? The blue team is looking to make good use of their time together in the kitchen.

Yeah, why don't we go over it again, guys, since we're standing here? We might as well occupy our time in the right way.

All right.

Order in.

Squab, risotto, scallop, tart.

-Wellington, cod, strip, and bass.

Rice is going.


Starting to go, starting to go, starting to go.

We had our first two services
- it was a loss, and it sucked.

Doing my fish thing.

We got an opportunity to work out any kinks that we might have seen in service.

Three minutes out.

Now I'm gonna say, "Okay, dude, it's not ready.

"So it's still in the oven.

So, hey, you got to give me four minutes.

" No, that's not good.

How long? You got to give me four minutes, dude.

Chino sat there and was like
- okay, three minutes
- three minutes
- three minutes! He can't even fake being a good cook.

So I need two minutes.

Well, say I'm behind again.

I mean, really? There's no cooking involved.

I mean, how hard is that? That's it.

I'm just gonna try
- hurry up! Chino! While Chino puts the brakes on his team's dinner rehearsal Attention, ladies, this is your final race.

The red team is ready to put the pedal to the metal.

The final race is me, Elise, and Carrie.

The three of us had the fastest times.

No bumping! There was no way I was gonna allow Carrie to win the race.

I'm gonna run Carrie off the road.

Oh, my God! She
- I know.

Elise is a freak behind the wheel.

If I can't win, the next better woman in line to win it is Jamie.

As long as Carrie didn't get to have the trophy and try to find something to brag about, I was okay.

Continue winning challenges.

With dinner service looming, the chefs are hard at work preparing.

Keep your head on your shoulders.

Don't freak out.

We need to win, boys.

While the blue team seems focused and united, in the red kitchen, Elise That's all we have? Yeah, that was everything you gave us.

That's why I put eight eggs on there, 'cause it cooks down.

Would you stop talking to me like I'm your child? Has found someone else to agitate.


You need to calm down.

I am calm.

I'm just saying
- you're not.

You're always talking back to me, and you don't need to talk back to me.

I'm here.

You're here.

Get it straight.

Hello? I heard you.

You're so disrespectful.

It's less than 30 minutes before the doors of Hell's Kitchen open, and one chef on the red team You need to calm down.

I am calm.

I'm just saying
- you're not.

You're always talking back to me, and you don't need to talk back to me.

Seems to have a problem with authority.

I'm here.

You're here.

Get it straight.

Hello? I heard you.

You're so disrespectful.

I think this is the first time I smiled all day.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.


Yes, Chef.

Let's go, please.

Open Hell's Kitchen.

Yes, Chef.

For tonight's dinner service, there will be extra pressure on the chefs, as both teams will have V.



guests sitting at the chef's tables.

World champion volleyball players Misty May
-Treanor and Jen Kessy will be dining in the red kitchen Ooh, I'm excited.

While the blue kitchen will play host to multi
-olympic gold medalist swimmers Janet Evans and Mark Spitz.

So nice to see you both.

How are you, darling? Nice to meet you.


You both look great.

Oh, we're all girls on this side.

All girls on the red team.

Tonight we had special guests at the chef's table, which really puts on the pressure, because the chef's table is so close, they're watching you.

I mean, it's different when they're watching you from the dining room.

We've got two olympic ladies cheering for us over there.

Come on.

So, fingers crossed.

Girl power.

Nice to see you both.


Yes, Chef.

You can host the chef's table.

Yes, Chef.

Oh, my God.

I love them.

I saw them, well, not live, but on TV.

It was so awesome.

Hi, ladies.

I have to say congratulations.

And I think you're great.

Come on.

Red team Two scallops, one cioppino, one cod, one lamb, one Wellington.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go, Elise.

Come on.

Yes, Chef.

I'm feeling very confident about dinner service because Carrie won't be on meats.

So tonight will go a lot better than last service.

I need four minutes.

Okay, four minutes.

While Elise gets the red team started on appetizers Okay, blue team, here we go.

Chef Ramsay is ready with the blue team's first ticket.

One risotto, one Caesar salad, one lobster spaghetti.

Yes, Chef.


Hello, I'm Janet.

How are you, my darling? Good to see you.

Welcome, Janet.

Nice to see you.

Mark Spitz.

Both my wife and I are big fans.

Thank you.

Please sit down.

Hey, Jonathon, you're on desserts, so it'll be easy for you to look after them, yes? I'm a Mark Spitz fan, Chef.

Janet Evans and Mark Spitz at the chef's table.

It was awesome.

Gold medal service.

Let's go.

I'm a big fan.

Hey, how you doing? And Mrs.

Janet Evans.

Could I get y'all anything right now? Sure.


Back in the red kitchen Scallops
-where are they? Walking with scallops.

Elise is ready with her first appetizer.


Yes, Chef.

I've got no color on there.

They're rubbery.

They're watery.

wake up, Elise.

Yes, Chef.

Mix it with salt.

Don't turn them till they're nice and golden.

Chef Ramsay, when he teaches, it's easy to learn from him.

But if he teaches you something, you better get it right.

Scallops, please.

Yes, Chef! Elise.

Yes, Chef.

They're cooked perfectly.

Thank you, Chef.

I'm proud of myself.

It started off rough, but I recovered, and that's what's important.

With Elise delivering gold medal scallops Come on, Tommy.

Over in the blue kitchen Right behind you, Chef.

Tommy is hoping to score with his appetizer.

Thank you, sir.

Making Caesar salad
- so easy.

Like, you know, I knew she would like it.

How is everything? Her dressing actually was a little bit too saturated.


My salad was, like, soaking in dressing.

How do you up salad? How hard is that ? I'm just gonna make a fresh salad.

There's no sense in this .

Excuse my language.

That's okay.

Scallops, how long? I need another Caesar with a little less dressing.


Come here, you.

I'm pissed off you just throw it in the trash.

Miss Evans said her Caesar salad was drowned in dressing.

Who dressed the Caesar salad? Who dressed it? I did.

Come here, you.

You can't dress a salad? I can, Chef, and I will do it right now.

While Tommy takes another run at dressing the Caesar salad, back in the red kitchen How long on your scallops, Elise? Right now.

Carrie is coordinating the times for her team's appetizers.

Let's go.

What do you mean "right now"? She said she could bring it.

Listen, don't ask her.

Ask me.

Are you ready? Just give me two minutes.

I'm walking with scallops.

No, no.


Carrie calls it and said we were ready to go up.

Be quiet, Elise.

Elise and Carrie fight, no matter what.

It really brings the rest of us down.

Okay, Elise, you can go up now.

No, we're not going up now, 'cause I had to start my scallops over.

Oh, come on.

Start your scallops.

Let's go.

Come on.

It's an hour into dinner service, and thanks to Natalie Come on, guys.

Keep talking to each other.

The blue team has delivered most of their appetizers.


I like it.

And now Chef Ramsay is looking to Monterray to deliver the first entrees.

Cod, bass.


, .

The sea bass is falling apart.

Sea bass is what? The sea bass fell apart.

Oh, boy.

When you take the fish out of the pan, you leave it on the spatula.

It fell apart.

There's nothing I can do
-it fell apart.

Leave it on the spatula.

Is that what you did? No, it's not
- no, you didn't.

So it's the fish's fault again? No, it's not.

It fell apart.

There's nothing I can do.

It fell apart.

There is something you can do, because you should be Responsible enough to care! You're gonna lie to my face and tell me there's nothing you can do! I understand what he's telling me, and I'm listening to him, but you ain't gonna keep cussing at me.

I don't give a who you are
- Chef Ramsay, Chef Scott, Chef Andi.

You ain't gonna keep talking to me like that.

So don't sit here and me and tell me that there's nothing you can do! You're giving up.

Shut up! It's an hour and a half into dinner service.

So don't sit here and tell me that there's nothing you can do! You're giving up.

You up.

Shut up! And Monterray has decided to go toe
-toe with sous chef Scott.

Alls you have to do is bring it up.

And it won't break.

I understand.

Do you? I'm positive.

Then do it.

Then do it.


Well, you, too, then.

When you got too much pride and you want to stand there and cuss Chef Scott, that's the that needs to go home.

Pass me some goose necks, please.

Just shut him down and send his ass home right now.

That's a done deal.

You want me to cut the Wellington? Yes, Chef.

All right.

Pass me a goose neck.

I can't do everything for everybody, damn it.

I'm helping everybody I can.

Man up and man your station.

Get the out of here.

Whatever, man.

You're the float.


Jon was floating.

If you're floating, you float, and you help everybody.

That's what a float does.

Hey, if you're gonna quit, then just quit now.

How about that? Guys, stop, get on your stations, and start the damn food.

Start the food, and that's it.

I'm doing everything I can do.

Dude, you're working desserts.

You man the up.

You have time to yell at each other, but not time to cook.

Guys, guys, guys.


Personally, I'd love to watch them both beat the out of each other.

However, we got Mark Spitz and Janet Evans in the kitchen
- two olympic gold medalist swimmers.

And people are gonna argue? It's embarrassing.

Two hours into dinner service Hot.


Go, please, yeah? The red team has finally delivered all their appetizers to their hungry diners They're finally here.

Okay, bon appetit.

And is in the process of sending out entrees.

Oh, hold on.

Hey, stop.

Have you sliced the New York strip? Yes, Chef.

Oh, my God.


You don't slice it until when, Gina? Till you're ready to walk.

So is the bass ready? I'm nowhere near ready.

Oh, my God.

How long do you need on your bass, Elise? I need at least seven minutes.

Well done.

Well done.

You think it's funny, Gina? I don't think it's funny at all, Chef.

I was like, "get me out of here.

" Like, I wish I could have just disappeared and been, like, sitting in a bubble bath somewhere, drinking champagne.

Come on, ladies, get it together.

Yes, Chef.

While Gina has stalled the red kitchen We got to get our timing together, ladies, seriously.

In the blue kitchen, Monterray has finally sent an acceptable sea bass.

Let's go.

Really good.

Okay, let's go.

Chef's table
- one lamb, one Wellington.

Yes, Chef! Now it's up to Chino on the meat station to get entrees out to the Olympians.

Let's go, Chino.

Yes, Chef.

You got to let will know when you're gonna have all that up.

One minute out.

One minute out, walking garnish.

I was going over there to help Chino.

I got it.

I got it.

You know, try to communicate with the kitchen what the times were for his meat.

Chino, how long until it's ready? It's gonna be three more minutes, Chef.

You need three minutes? "Give me a minute.

Give me a minute.

" You mean a actual minute, like, 60 seconds? "Oh, I need three minutes.

" So I'm sorry.

A minute
- yeah, it's gonna be a minute.

I'm sorry.

Like, one minute? Yeah, I thought it was gonna be a minute, but I was wrong.

Yes, I understand that, but you have to call real time.

I was wrong.

You don't need to preach to me, okay, so it doesn't help.

It doesn't help.

Okay? Just go away.


I just want to put up the food.

What is that? Cold, too, ice cold.

Chino! All of you, come here.

Just touch that.

Touch the meat.

Touch the meat.

It's raw.

Raw! Come on.

We got to get it together.

Come on, guys.

While Chino starts over on the special guests' entrees, in the red kitchen Watch this table
- V.



chef's table.

Yes, Chef.

Elise is ready to hand off her sea bass to Chef Ramsay.

Behind you.


Coming through, coming through.

Sea bass.

What's she done to that? Elise.

Yes, Chef.

Come here.

Come here.

That's right, come here.

I got one bass dry, yeah, and one bass raw.

Raw! Raw! Get the bass back in the pan.

Elise had some problems on the fish station.

I mean, I thought chef was about to kick her out of the kitchen.

I was kind of hoping for him to, but, you know Elise.

Yes, Chef.

I don't know what kind of frame of mind you're in, but it's not on a championship performance, let me tell you.

Elise will never admit that she's wrong, and she just stood there with her eyebrows up and just looking.

Who are you gonna blame now? Nobody, Chef.

It's about time you looked at yourself in the mirror and took some responsibility.

Yes, Chef.

While Elise makes another sea bass, over in the blue kitchen, Chino is ready with his second attempt at entrees for the Olympians.

Look at that.

-up .

And that.

That's raw.

Yep, it's pink.

Blue team Stop.

Come here, you.

Look at that.

That is raw.

That is white fat.

And what have you done to this? What is that? So now you just Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

I feel like a dumbass, moron, idiot.

'Cause I can cook better than that.

It just
-it's embarrassing.

There you go.

All of you, off out of here.

Get upstairs.

I'm so pissed, it's not even funny.

We sucked.

The way I look at it is, anytime you get a service shut down, you suck.

My apologies.

On the last service, they were good
-that's what hurts.

You got to fight for it.


After shutting down the blue kitchen I want to serve the chef's table
-one lamb, one bass.

Chef Ramsay looks to the red team to deliver entrees to both chef's tables.

How long? You ready, Elise? Yep.

Slicing, guys.


Hurry up, Gina! Yes, Chef.

Oh, come on.


All of you come here.

What is that? It's raw, Chef.

I just sliced into it.

Oh, really? I'd never have guessed.

So, in front of these ladies here, this is how we want to perform? Raw bass, overcooked bass.

Raw lamb
- what an embarrassment.

Sorry, Chef.

Why are you doing this to me? It's like being in a volleyball match, and I'm the ball getting pounded.

I was just like, "Oh, my God.

" It was bad.

Let me tell you something really important.

Shut it down.

Get out! After shutting down both kitchens I'd rather send something.

Oui, Chef.

Chef Ramsay has sous chefs Scott and Andi make the entrees for the chef's tables.

And after a disastrous dinner service, Chef Ramsay sums up the evening with one word Pathetic.

So, therefore, the winning team tonight is Nobody.

Both teams think of two individuals that could really make your team stronger by exiting.

Get out of here.

Chino was struggling in the kitchen.

You don't come to Hell's Kitchen to learn how to cook.

You should already know.

Is there any need to discuss what's going on? I'm gonna be honest with you guys.

I know that I things up, but, Natalie, don't make me look worse.

I was trying to help you, and if it came off that way, I'm sorry.

It's like rubbing salt on the wound.

If you're not gonna help, just don't help.

It's like you were actually on the red team at that point.

She wasn't there to really help.

She was there to exasperate how badly I was doing.

Don't make yourself look good to make me look bad.

I think you did what you had to do, girl.

You know that.

Why are you crying? Natalie, come on, girl.

What's wrong? Don't cry, girl.

Don't cry.

She was very quiet, and then she started crying.

She likes to put on a show, and it's a joke.

We're here as a team, girl.

You know that.

I have a teammate that thinks I was trying to him on purpose.

I wasn't lying.

You want to take all that that I did for you and flip it around on me
- hell, no.

I don't deserve that.

I care about everybody.

And I would never, ever, ever take this so much as a competition that I want to screw my own team
-I would never do that.

We know who's going up, and that's all that needs to be said.

All right, I wrote everybody's name down.

What we're gonna do is just put a hash mark next to whoever had a bad something, day one, Krupa, on the first challenge Nobody else seemed to take charge of how we were gonna deliberate and how we're gonna decide, so I just came up with the idea with the tally marks.

What does anybody think? The first service, everybody gets a point besides me.

I don't think so.

Let's be real about this .

Second service was perfect, except we were waiting on Carrie's Caesar salad, and he was sending people to help her toss salads.


It's the truth.

If I remember correctly, he said that was one of the best services of all Hell's Kitchen history.

Why would I get a point? Somebody had to come help you.

I think this is .

Elise, overall, collectively, we'd be a lot better if you weren't running your mouth all the time.

Ha! Whatever.



I'm so tired of the yip
-yip dog.

I would like to dropkick her out of here.

I am not gonna let you just walk all over me anymore, Elise.

Nobody's walking all over you.

We're doing the point system.

No, I think this point system blows.

This is fair all the way around the board.

I think we should vote.

What? Why? Because you know you're gonna get another point? It's who would make the team stronger by leaving.

Let's get these points done.

I don't put up raw chicken.

What happened tonight? Hold up! I'm talking.

I don't put up raw fish.

Shut up.

I'm talking.

I'm talking.

I'm tired of hearing you talk.

The second service, you weren't in the kitchen, I ran the meat station, and we went to victory, because I was on the meat station, and everybody could concentrate.

Everybody knew their time.

Oh, yeah, what happened tonight? So what? I didn't give up.

So what? I didn't give up.

Shut up.

I'm talking.

Don't with me, Elise.

Blue team, have you come to a decision? Yes, Chef.

Natalie, first nominee? Chino, Chef.


He was on the meat station.

And the meats weren't cooked to the right temperature.

Who is the blue team's second nominee? Monterray, Chef.

Why? Based on tonight's dinner service, not being able to get out the fish.

Red team, have you come to a decision? Yes, Chef.

Jennifer, first nominee and why, please.

Carrie, Chef.



Carrie is our bottom player.


Who is the red team's second nominee? The second nominee is With no winning team, Chef Ramsay has asked both teams to nominate two members for elimination.

The blue team chose Monterray and Chino.

And the red team has nominated Carrie, Chef.

Who is the red team's second nominee? The second nominee is Elise.


Why? The team feels that the arguments between Carrie and Elise is definitely part of our problem.

Elise, Carrie, Chino, Monterray, step forward, please.

Monterray, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? I know I'm a strong cook.

I just had a bad night tonight.

You looked so out of it.

You weren't even responding to the help that was being given.

You just shut down.

I don't believe I shut down.

I won't say that I gave up, 'cause that's the last thing I do.

You shut down.

I didn't shut down, Chef.

I don't care what you say, he say, or anybody else in back of me say.

I don't take from nobody.

Chino Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? It's been rough.

It's been rough, to say the least.

And I feel embarrassed.

I wish I could show the guys, man, what I can do, 'cause What is it that I haven't seen that you've got left in your t*nk? Redemption
- that's a big part of who I am, and I'm not gonna give up.

That I won't do.

Carrie, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? You know, Chef, I know I've had a rough start.

I'm not gonna deny that, and I know I'm better than this.

I am a fighter.

It's in my heart.

It's in my soul.

Right now we have to think as a team.

And Elise
- she is not a team player at all.

I have stepped up my game every service, every challenge.

I've gotten better.

If you ask my team who they'd rather see leave between me and Carrie, I'm sure the answer would be Carrie.

Elizabeth, if you had to drop Elise or Carrie, who would you drop? Carrie, Chef.


Elise, Chef.

Krupa, who would you have dropped? Elise as well.

Jennifer, who would you drop? Elise.

Gina? Elise, Chef.

Natalie, you were in the red team? Who would you send home
- Elise or Carrie? Elise, Chef.

No hesitation there.

Elise, I did what you asked.

I took a vote.

Here's the sad news for you.

Your team want you out of there so badly, you may be better off.

I can guarantee one thing.

I never make the same mistake twice.

This is my first time on the carpet.

This is her second, his second, and his third.

It is not my time to go yet, Chef.

I'm not here to throw anybody under the bus.

It's too late.

I can work on my attitude.

But you can't give somebody common sense and talent, especially when you're 31.

I'm 26.

I have so much to learn and so much more to give.

Are you done? Okay.

Time for a difficult decision.

My decision is Elise.

Stop crying and get back in line.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Chino.

Three strikes, you're out, buddy.

Give me your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen.

Thank you, Chef.

I'm disappointed.

My expectations were a lot higher.

I came here to cook, you know, and it's a shame that I didn't get a chance to cook a little bit more.

But I will never sell out.

I'll leave this place with my dignity intact.

Listen carefully.

From tonight on, things are gonna get a lot more difficult.

Now off, all of you.

Elise thinks that we all turned against her, that she thought she had friends.

There's gonna be hair

It's gonna be a bloodbath.

I just hope I'm never on a team with Elise again.

She just does not get it.

You're being voted off because you're the bitch.

Everybody hates a winner.

And I learned tonight that I don't have any friends in the house.

They don't know who they with.

Chino took his time in Hell's Kitchen very seriously.

The problem is he seriously couldn't cook.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen I'm a winner.

Am I modest? No.

I know where I came from.

It's Elise versus everybody.

I know you don't like me, and you would love to see me go up.

Will you quit taking it personal? Get the over it.

But what will happen when the red team's nice girl I was stewing the Guinea hen.

I grabbed that when there was still two on there.

Bitch, get off my Guinea hen.

Flips her switch Walking with my scallop.

And dares to go toe
-toe What? I don't have everything.

You bitch.

With the queen of mean? Well, let the games begin.

I did call it, Elise.

Well, then make sure I heard you.

It's like two cats fighting.

At dinner, you won't believe who Chef Ramsay throws out.

Talk to each other! Get out! I can't bare to look at you anymore.

It's a Hell's Kitchen Piss off! You'll have to see He could send two people home.

He could send four people home.

To believe.

Bring it on.
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