09x02 - 16 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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09x02 - 16 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Yeah, this is like the real deal.

all over America arrived with a dream of stardom None of you are stars.

But were quickly brought down to earth.

Are you scared? At signature dish That is delicious.

Great job.

Will made a good first impression.

Same bologna, different bread.

Carrie Oh.

That is disgusting.

And Steven What is that? Made an impact, but not in a good way.

This is like toenails from a dinosaur.

But the worst dish belonged to Krupa.

Krupa, that is crap

I'm so much better than this.

At the opening night dinner service Come on! I'm dying here! Krupa redeemed herself.

Who cooked the Wellington? Perfect.

Whoo! Go team! But don't start peeing your knickers now! Yes, Chef.

Carrie and Elise butted heads.

I got it.

No, I got it.

This is my station.

Don't push me.

What are you doing? Well, I was gonna cook it for you, because we're all a team, right? On the blue team Monterray, why are you giving me garnish? We haven't even sent the first table appetizers! The men, unbelievably, sent no entrees out to their diners Shut it down.

And lost the first dinner service.

Food service, my ass.

Choosing nominees I am irate.

Shut up, dumpling.

Led to a major blowout between Brendan and Paul.

I will slap you across the .

Shut up, meatball.

When it came time to send someone home, the men nominated Steve.

And Monterray.

And Chef Ramsay added a nominee of his own.

Chino, step forward, please.

But in the end, it was Steven.

Who saw his dream of being head chef at BLT Steak in New York City go up in flames.

Fire, uh whoo
-whoo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child yes, it does, uh the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child when you're hot, you're hot you really sh**t your shot you're dynamite, child yeah the way you push, push lets me know that you're good you're gonna get your wish oh no oh fire And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Please tell me how we can screw up tonight even more.

Dinner service tonight was so embarrassing, man.

I have never in my life had a side item stop an entree, dude.


I'm glad we lost.

This should be reality check numero uno.

The more we fought, the deeper we sank.

Brendan and Paul were bitching at each other like they a bunch of little girls, man.

You don't fight in front of Chef, bro.

This is nonsense.

Me and meatball got into it a little bit.

Paul is absolutely threatened by me.

If you think you're too good to communicate, leave that at the door, man, 'cause right now it's a team competition, and we gotta be a team, man.

After an abysmal dinner service, Chef Ramsay wants the chefs up early, so he's organized an early
-morning concert.

Oh, my God.

Move! What the is going on? Let's go! Downstairs, everybody! Let's go! Oh, my God.

Where are my pants? Run, run, run, run! When I finally opened the door, there's this kid just going away at it.

I wanted to take the guitar and smash it.

If I was as young as that kid with a new guitar, I'd probably do the same thing.

Let's go! I thought it was a Tsunami, but it was Justin Bieber's evil twin.

Let's go! Go! Let's go! Come through, please.

Ooh, it's chilly.


Hurry, hurry.

Let's go! I'm a guy, and I love the ladies.

So, you know, I'm scoping out.

The little short shorts Yeah, it got my heart going a little more this morning.

Good morning! Good morning, Chef! You guys look exhausted.

Did you not sleep last night? No.

It was, uh, a sleepless night.

Carrie, how do you sleep? I have sweet dreams.

You have sweet dreams? Really? Mm

I'm always ready to see Chef Ramsay! Well, on the back of the last performance, last service, I've had nightmares.


Well, I thought it was best we got an early start today.

Or, more importantly, a return back to basics.

And nothing can be more basic than being a master at meat temperatures.

For me, this is a chance to see who's strong enough to become the head chef of BLT Steak in Manhattan.

Time for your challenge.

You'll be working in teams of two, and each pair will have to prepare a stunning medium
-rare New York strip, a medium rib eye, a medium
-well filet, and a well
-done burger.

And, Will Because you're one person short, you're gonna be manning the grill on your own.

You do not wanna lose this challenge, trust me.

Hell, yes.

I know I can cook meat.

I'm definitely confident in going up against anybody here.

Got it? Yes, Chef.

Now, I've given you all Starting fromNow.

Find a grill.

Let's go.

After an opening
-night meltdown, Chef Ramsay has selected this back
-basics challenge in which the chefs must work in pairs and grill four cuts of meat to specific temperatures
- a medium
-rare New York strip, medium rib eye, medium
-well filet, and a well
-done burger.

Don't do that.

Just let it chill for a minute.

Oh, my God.

The mere sight of Carrie irritates me.

Dang, back up off my arm, dog! The bitch won't let me do .

Watch out.

Get off.

Ugh, God, I just wanna
-ugh! Will you stop it already? While sparks are already flying between Elise and Carrie You're so ridiculous.

Jonathon and Brendan Only thing that's missing is a beer cooler and .

I know.

Are completely laid

I know it's early, but , you know, every time you fire up the grill, you wanna grab a beer and, you know Exactly.

Men absolutely have an advantage over women over the grill.

Ever since we were cavemen, we've been roasting Woolly Mammoths over the open flame.

We're definitely gonna kick ass.

Ten minutes left! Let's go! How's that filet? It can stay on the lot.

Oh, yeah, we're not even close on that, bro.

While the pairs continue to frantically work their meat We should've threw that one on last.

Will, the only chef working as a solo Will, are you done? Letting 'em rest, Chef.

Has a more hands
-off approach.

You're letting 'em rest.

Wow, will is done.

Step on that flame
-broiled piece of mmm, mmm, mmm.

9, 8, 7 Awesome.

Yeah, that's gonna be nice.

Let's see which team has nailed their temperatures to perfection, yes? Let's start with Amanda and Krupa.

Let's go, please.

Okay, who cooked the New York? We both did.

On all the meats.

We both did, Chef.

-rare, yes? Yes, Chef.

If we don't win today, somebody might strangle somebody else.

We have to win.

You cooked it Medium

That's perfect.

Krupa and Amanda have the red team off to a good start.


Their next steak The rib eye Is absolutely perfect.

Whoo! Next is the filet mignon.

-well filet.

And it is medium

Great sear.

And if their burger is well
-done, the ladies will receive a perfect score.

Moist And well

Good job.

Four for four.

Whoo! That was perfect.

I would've kissed Amanda on the lips if we hadn't all not brushed our teeth.

Hell, yeah! Brendan, Jonathon, let's go.

With an outstanding start by the ladies, the pressure now shifts to Memphis head cook Jonathon Okay And New Jersey head chef Brendan.

New York strip.

That is not medium

Rib eye.

That is perfect.

Beautiful rib eye, man.

It was like flowers blooming and .

The filet, I asked for medium
-well, and it is perfect.

The burger.


I'm not even gonna cut it.

Just feel that.

I mean, it's like one of those joke turds that you stick on your granny's chair.

Really, dude? We're all supposed to be professionals.

I would imagine and hope that people know how to cook meat.

Piss off.

Okay, Carrie, Elise.

With the score four to two for the ladies Let's go! Pittsburgh line cook Elise and pantry chef from Dallas Carrie are eager to extend the red team's lead.

The New York strip That's not medium

That's rare.

It was Carrie's fault.

She was just standing there bitching and complaining when she should've been serious about the challenge.

Rib eye.

Who cooked that? I did, Chef.

That's not medium.

That's medium

Elise cooked every one of those steaks.

Every one of 'em.

Zero for two.

Not impressive at all.

I agree, Chef.

Okay, medium
-well filet.

Is it medium
-well? It's medium

All right, ladies! The burger.

Gray and dry.

Not happy with that.

One out of four.

Dear, oh, dear.

Come on, ladies.

You should not be here if you can only temp one out of four pieces of meat.

Right, next up.

The men are now trailing by three.

Let's go, let's go, let's go! But Pennsylvania executive chef Chino Perfect.

And New York line cook Tommy quickly close the gap.

-rare It is.

Three out of four.

Good job.

Tying the score at five.

Good job, fellas.

Next up, sous chefs Jamie and Natalie Medium




-done and still juicy
-good job.

Earn three more points for the red team.

I'm here to win.

We haven't left Hell's Kitchen.

It's time to win a challenge and get the hell out of here.

Paul and Monterray, let's go.

While Pennsylvania line cook Monterray Medium


And Florida junior sous Chef Paul It is medium

Thank you, Chef.

-done doesn't mean cremated.

Only get two of their four meat temperatures correct.



Okay, ladies, you have eight.

Men, seven.

It's close.

Let's go.

With the men trailing by just one point, Jennifer, Gina, and Elizabeth could win the competition for the women with a perfect score.

If the ladies get all of these right, they clinch the deal.

Now, New York strip, I asked for medium


Whoo! Nice.

Rib eye.

I asked for medium.

You cooked it Medium

Damn! No! With an incorrect temperature on the rib eye It's not medium

And the filet Damn! The ladies fail to close out the competition.

The burger.

I asked for well

A nice color on it.

A great sear, and the burger's moist.

Beautiful, beautiful.

Absolutely beautiful.

The scores are ten to ladies, seven to the guys.

Okay, will, let's go.

Come on, Will! If you get all four right, you win.

We're doomed.

It's ten

The only guy that we have left is Will, and everybody was having problems with the burgers today.


New York strip.

I asked for medium

And it is medium


Good job.

Ten, eight.

Okay, that's one.

He's got three more cuts of meat.

He's gonna up one.

Rib eye.

I asked for medium.

Please, please up.


Medium it is.


Next one is for the tie.

The filet I asked for a medium

You cooked it Medium


Good job, boys, good job.

Ladies, ten, gentlemen, ten.

Now it's all down to one burger.

-bye, girls.


So far, the men have fallen short of cooking a burger well

Come on, Chef.

Like, come on.

There has to be something wrong with one piece of meat of his.

You cooked the burger The back
-basics grilling challenge is all tied up.

Now it's all down To one burger.

And the blue team's fate rests squarely on Jersey City sous chef Will.

So far the men have fallen short of cooking a burger well

You cooked the burger Perfect.

That's what I'm talking about.

I play to win.

Perfect or nothing.


The men win four for four.

I'm pissed.

Carrie and Elise just k*lled us.

They got one out of four pieces of meat.

It shouldn't have happened.

Men, congratulations.

Great job.

Good job, fellas.

Good job.

We was all running around, hugging like girls at band camp.

Everybody's starting to bond, and that's what it's all about right now.

Right, for winning, my God, have I got a great reward for you.

Palm Springs! What? Oh, yes! Whoo! Palm Springs, baby! Whoo
-hoo! A little R&R.

Man, it feels good to win.

Get ready, because our private jet takes off in about 40 minutes.

Are you kidding me? What? So get upstairs.

Thank you.

Let's go, guys! Baller status.

I'm a big deal, and big deals get private planes.

Oh, dear, oh, dear.

Ladies, you had it in your grasp.

You were three points in front of the men.

Elise and Carrie, you guys screwed it for your team, and you're gonna have a very miserable, drawn
-out day.

I want my grills back to spotless condition.

And then later, we have a unique meat delivery coming.

I've got a plane to catch.

Uh, happy cleaning.

I'm pissed at Elise.

By one damn point.

You're gonna let your ego get in your way so that you it up for the whole team? Guess what? Your ass is gonna be the first one on the chopping block.

If she would've been your partner, too, you'd have been pissed off.

Like, she never shuts up.

This blows.

She gets on my last nerve.

And I get along with everybody.

Elise gets such a bad attitude about absolutely everything.

It's bringing the whole team down.

Shut up and do what you're here to do, which is cook.

I mean, even just to look at her makes me wanna sock her.

While the women are already a team divided, the men are united and are ready to take off for Palm Springs.

Let's go, guys.

Come on, Brendan.

I'm going to Palm Springs, bitch.

We jumped on the private plane, right up in the air.

I think I can see Hell's Kitchen from here.

Holy .

I got a little fear of flying.

I thought I was gonna myself.

He can cook temperatures perfectly.


But he can't fly.

Can't fly.

We touched down in Palm Springs.

Whoa! There it is! We get to the tram, and every one of our jaws was bottomed out, man.

Look at the view.


Look at that.

Now, this is amazing.

I've never seen anything like this.

Yeah, this is pretty crazy.

There we go.


It was absolutely incredible.

Oh, my gosh.

Welcome to the Top of Palm Springs.

Now, that's a proper view, yes? Can we just spare a thought for the girls back in HK? Sucks to be you.

Hear hear! Great job, guys.

While the men enjoy a taste of paradise, the women are about to get a taste of something else.

Chef Andi comes out with a blender.

I'm thinking we're, like, having a little cocktail.

Since we had a lot of meat, we don't want this to go to waste, so we'll drink our lunch.

Oh, my God.

No, no, no, no! I'm scared.

The texture was ungodly.

-uh! This is not gonna be good.

It was chunky.

There was sinew and fat.

Oh, my God.

If I throw up, I'm k*lling everyone.

Don't talk about it.

Just drink it and be done with it.

Oh, my God.

This is awful.

Trash can.

Trash can.

To me, Carrie looked like she was enjoying it.

She's probably had plenty of meat in her mouth.

Give me the trashcan, Jamie.

Look at that meat moustache! While the women try to swallow a disappointing loss, back in Palm Springs, the men get some quality time with Chef Ramsay.

This time, for me, is a special time to get to know you.

Monterray, what is the ambition? My ambition comes from my family, my wife, and my six kids.

Like, I do this for them.

Monterray's got six kids.

That's a lot of kids.

My father told me when we were younger that every generation, you need to step up the family's name, and, uh, I take that very seriously.

Chef Ramsay got to know us more on a personal level, he got to know what's driving us.

That took Chef Ramsay from being some bad
-ass chef in a kitchen to normal human being.


I come from a very accomplished family of lawyers, doctors, master's degrees, and always had the label "potential" on me.

And the first time I ever made a meal and served it to my family, they loved it, I mean loved.

It was simple roast turkey.

Aunts and uncles thought that I was just amazing.

I made Thanksgiving dinner.

My parents were like, "oh, my God.

Look what he can do," and my eyes lit up.

This is what I wanna do for the rest of my life.

It just dawned on me there.

It was, like, potential realized.


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Shut up, man.

There's a journey that you've gotta go on, and every service, you've got to get better.

So you gotta get your game face.

Bring that experience now back, and now the next service.

You guys couldn't get an entree out.

We've just been served three at the same time.

Thanks for rubbing salt into the wound.

While the guys enjoy Chef Ramsay's company outside the restaurant, back in Hell's Kitchen The ladies are about to get intimate with a beefy Hell's Kitchen delivery.

I knew there was gonna be a cow.

I knew it! Oh, my God, dude.

Like, really? You guys, we don't want this to drop on the floor, so make sure it's a team effort, okay? We're gonna lose it down here in the back.

I know.

I'm afraid I should be in the back.

Come on.

I got it.

Come on, come on, come on.

Oh, my God.

All right.

That cow was heavy.

I'm slipping.

I'm slipping too.

I get a cow's leg on my shoulder.

And it was absolutely a cluster.

So, um
-so your knife kits are right under there.

We'll just start cutting away.

So now we have to cut that meat.

That's how I feel about the punishment.

Yeah, we just gotta, like, lean as hard as we can, but once it snaps, it snaps.

I got all my weight on it.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Just taking out my aggressions for the whole day on this cow.

This is, like, awesome.

I feel like I'm, like, right there.

You guys are.

We're almost there, guys.

Yeah! Freedom.

I don't know if that's my blood or the cow's.

I'm just kidding.

It's the cow's.

Whoo! Way to go, ladies! All right, so let's continue our verbage, ladies.

This'll help us.

The confit potatoes? Confit potatoes are in butter.

No, they're in oil, because they're "confit.

" Yeah.

Even though we have been working all day, we have all been studying our asses off! We are not gonna lose service.

Beef Wellington.

Scoring it, and we're brushing it with egg.

What's in the egg mixture? Um I don't know.

Okay, that's what I'm saying.

This is good practice.

I don't wanna lose another challenge, but I don't feel like this will give us a disadvantage, because while the men are off drinking, they're not really thinking about game time tomorrow.

Guys, are you realizing that the guys are being set up for failure right now? Yeah, totally.

Do you think they're gonna do this when they get back? Hell, no.

What, you get a couple beers? No
-yeah, yeah.

Despite a day of heavy labor, the women are completely focused on doing whatever they can to be ready for tomorrow night's dinner service.

- crispy calamari.


Well, not all the women.

You don't have a boyfriend, do you? Nope, no boyfriend.

I haven't had time for boys.

I'm too focused on myself.

Today was a very long day.

I just wanted to have a glass of wine and talk with Brendan, because I'm done being punished.

I'm too selfish.

I focus on myself.

What happened to some little Dallas loser that you broke his heart or something? Oh, I've broke many hearts.

I have no doubt.

Just like
- I am not a prude.

But, like, seriously, what the is up? You don't know about me.

I'm evil.

Oh, are you devious, and evil, and stuff? No way.

I don't see it at all.

What are you doing? I don't think Carrie's priorities are in the right place.

Are you not gonna go to bed? You, too, baby.

Sweet dreams.

All right, now.

You be good.

I'll try.

Hey, Brendan! Yes? Come here for a sec.

Excuse me.

You rang? I'm not getting exercise here.

Well, we'll figure out a way for you to burn calories.

What a stank
-dank skank.

Shh! Tonight Hell's Kitchen opens for the second time, and while both teams get an early start on prep, the men seem confident.

How's everybody feeling, man? It's coming together.

I can feel it.

Palm Springs pulled team together.

Now we're bringing the A

The wolf pack is definitely howling tonight.

What's rocking, man? Whoo! Hell, yeah.

While Jonathon finds his inner wolf, Elise attempts to organize the women.

We need to break off in teams, divide these recipes up, and make sure we got everything needed down the list.


I think we may have an advantage going into service tonight because we all kept studying our asses off.

Squab gets pea sh**t, so we have the wrong one on there.

Let's go, ladies! Crank it up! Move on to the next thing.

Let's go, ladies! I had this amazing feeling that we were gonna have such a good night tonight.

We should go around to every station and label everything.

Yup, it's only gonna help.

I think that it'll be a turning point for us.

Let's kick some ass.


Yes, Chef? Let's go.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Tonight, in order to take some of the load off the kitchen, Chef Ramsay has chosen two items from the menu to be served tableside.

I'll have the prime rib.

Will and Carrie will be starting in the dining room, making Caesar salads.

And later, Krupa and Monterray will be carving prime rib.

All right, two pork chops.

Okay, ladies, here we go.

We're gonna kick off with the red team.

Four couples, table one, two Caesar salads, one scallop, one brisket.

Yes, Chef! Come on, ladies, let's go.

Said one brisket? One brisket, or two briskets? I think it's one, right? Okay.

The red team's gotta win tonight.

We have to prove that we're meant to be here.

Brisket salad.

I know we're gonna kick ass once we get goin'.

It's squab.


There's squab in here.


Who gave me the brisket? Taste that, Jennifer.

Come on.

It's a long way away from brisket.

It's pigeon! Yes, Chef.

Come on! Oh, my God.

Why did I mess up the first salad? Aye

Shake it off, shake it off.

While Jennifer's attempt at the brisket salad has gone afoul, over in the blue kitchen, Jonathon, Chino, and Brendan are working hard to get out their appetizers.

Caesar salad, risotto, penne, scallop.

Where are we? Penne walking.

Penne up.

Where's the risotto? Chino, how long? How long out on the risotto? Chino! Yes, Chef.

Get your head out of the rice and talk to him! Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Chino reminds me of a chipmunk on meth.

He's a little bit too hyperactive for me, and not all is calm in his world.

Burnt on the bottom.


Risotto burnt and overcooked on the bottom.

It's going to pot! I got it, Chef.

I got another one, Chef.

It looked like somebody just took the pan and in it and then tried to put some risotto on that, man.

Risotto, Chef.

I can't believe it.

He did it again.

I've got another burnt risotto.

It's burnt.

It's burnt! Chino, what the is going on? How long for the risotto? Eight minutes, Chef.

Eight minutes.

Excuse me.

I apologize.

Risotto's behind, yes? Come on, Chino! I can't have another bad service today.

Right now I have to take this more serious than everybody else.

I have to prove to Chef Ramsay that I belong here.

If you burn me that risotto one more time
- look at me.

Hey, look at me.

I'll drag you out of here.

No, Chef, no, Chef.

While Chino starts over on the risotto, back in the red kitchen How long on the first scallop? Right now.

The women are pulling together and are pushing out appetizers at a steady pace.

Service, please, table 30, thank you.

Service, please.

Pick up 51.

Let's go, Carrie! There's just one small issue.

Oh, my gosh.

I just found out I'm at the wrong table.

I'm so sorry! Two Caesar salad.

Carrie! Scallops are ready! Yes.

Customers don't wait for Caesar salad.

Come on! All right, so who's having the Caesar salad? Let's go, Carrie! Chef Ramsay was on me like white on rice.

Carrie! Yes, Chef.

Hurry up! Let's go, Carrie! What did I do to deserve this? Isn't this exciting? I need three Caesar salad.

Can someone go help her? Yes, I will.

How can we be backed up with the Caesar salad? What the .

Seriously, it's a Caesar salad.

Hi, I'm gonna be your assistant today.

While Krupa bails Carrie out, back in the blue kitchen Two risotto, Chef.

Chino has finally nailed a risotto.

Very nice, that risotto.

And appetizers are leaving the kitchen.

Keep it like that.

Yes, Chef.

You got my sea bass working? Brendan on the fish station is now ready to move on to entrees Sea bass is ready.

Are we ready to go on entrees? Brendan, I haven't
- I haven't called it.

Who called the entrees? Even if Chef Ramsay isn't.

Who's fire? I need fire.

Yes, Chef.

Sea bass is at fire and is ready.

What is going on? You've cooked the bass.

Is your meat ready? No, Chef.

And the garnish are ready? No, Chef.

You've got to work as a team.

Please! Brendan, man, he jumped the g*n.

You know, he's too busy trying not to up that he forgets it's about communicating.

Okay, let's go to the first entree together.

Yes, Chef.

Timing! Yes, Chef.

Away now
- one sea bass, one Wellington, one New York strip, one prime rib.

Yes, Chef.

Get another bass in! It's an hour into dinner service, and while the men have moved on to entrees They would like some fresh parmesan.

I got that parm for you.

The women, thanks to Krupa's speedy assist on the Caesar salads Enjoy your salad.

Thank you.

Have now caught up.

All right, let's go.



Yay! This is very good.

Here we go! Are we ready? Walking sea bass.

Nice job! Nice job! Brendan.

Yes, Chef.

Is that the same bass? No, Chef.

You didn't start a fresh one? Yes, I did, Chef.

So where's the old one, then? Threw it away, Chef.

Show me.


Chef, I can't find it.

Are you lying to me? 'Cause I'm gonna stop this whole kitchen.

I'm gonna ask you one more time to tell me the truth
- is that the bass from ten minutes ago, or is that a fresh one you've cooked? 'Cause I'm gonna turn this kitchen upside down.

Oh, my God.

It's an hour into dinner service, and the blue team has just delivered their first entrees.


Yes, Chef.

Is that the same bass? No, Chef.

But Chef Ramsay is a little suspicious.

You didn't start a fresh one? Yes, I did, Chef.

So where's the old one, then? Threw it away, Chef.

Show me.


Chef, I can't find it.

Are you lying to me? 'Cause I'm gonna stop this whole kitchen.

I'm gonna ask you one more time to tell me the truth
- is that the bass from ten minutes ago, or is that a fresh one you've cooked? 'Cause I'm gonna turn this kitchen upside down.

Is that old? Chef, yes.

Why? Start a new bass, start a new bass.


Everybody, stop.

New garnish.

Brendan's an idiot for lying to Chef Ramsay, 'cause, like, seriously, you're making a fool of yourself.

And how dare you go to the garbage can, search it, and turn me out like that.

Yes, Chef.

Firing again, firing again.

You do that to me one more time, trust me, the elimination.

I'll send you out there and then, let me tell you that.

Yes, Chef.

Won't happen again.

Chef Ramsay is not a stupid person.

I was blowing smoke up his , and he called me out on it.

Start again! Firing a new bass now, Chef.

While the blue team starts over on their first entree, over in the red kitchen, Elise Sea bass! Where's the chicken? Has decided to take on the role of leader.

Cut the Wellington.

Let's get our prep up to the window, ladies.

Elise has an awfully big mouth.

One minute to the window with black cod, lamb, confit potatoes, and Brussels sprouts.

Elise is on her little high horse right now.

She's not leading.

She's yelling and screaming.

Start carving.

How long, please? Ten minutes to the window.

Ten minutes? Ten seconds.

No, ten seconds I meant.

Don't point at me.

I'm not a dog.

Okay? Yes.

Let's get real a little bit.

Ten minutes? Listen
- no, I meant ten seconds.


Come here, you.

If you think I'm gonna tolerate your big, fat mouth by talking over me every time I'm trying to tell you something, I'll kick you out here and now.

Yes, Chef.

Let me finish my sentence, and don't be so rude.

Is that clear? Yes, Chef.

Give me a 30
-second window, and stop pointing at me like I'm some picture, got it? I
- good! Finally someone can get Elise to shut up, okay? Thank you, Chef Ramsay.

While Elise, for a moment, has been silenced in the red kitchen One duck, one lamb.

Let's go! The blue team is still struggling to get out their first entree.

Let's go! It's time to stop around! Let's do this! I'm waiting for the duck.

Let's move! Tommy, how long? Three minutes, buddy.

Hustle! I'm tired of getting my ass kicked! Chill out, please.

Stop arguing, and just put the food up.

Starting to piss me off, man.

Don't question what I'm doing until the chef yells at me.

I knew what I had to do, and I kept cranking it out.

Duck coming up.

My apologies.

Just relax.

Let me do my thing.

Oh, come on! Uh, Tommy The duck is overcooked! This is ridiculous, man! Tommy, start a new chicken.

It's overcooked.

That's a duck.

It's a duck.


Sorry, Chef.

All of you, come here.

Not one entree has left this kitchen.

Get it together! Yes, Chef! The men's kitchen has been riddled with problems, and they have yet to send out a single entree.

Can we get some more bread? I'm starving.

But the women are halfway through theirs.

Keep it together.

Ladies, let's go! Come on, ladies! Let's finish this strong.

Our team really needed someone to lead them vocally.

Let's go! We're getting ready to plate, ladies.

So I'm gonna drive these tickets.

You got butternut squash puree.


Let's go, ladies! Just refuse to lose tonight.

Go, please.

Krupa, start slicing.

Yes? The prime rib.

We are definitely rockin' it out.

Don't you love tableside food? We're gonna continue this momentum.

It's a beautiful thing.

Voila! Is that perfect timing, or is that perfect timing? Oh, my God.

Krupa, Krupa.

I dropped the whole prime rib on the floor.

Ohh, I feel like an ass.

Chef Ramsay, I just fell with the whole ribs in my hand, so
- oh, for sake.

The whole thing? The whole thing.

I'm sorry.

Oh, you're kidding me.

Oh, come on.

One simple task.

Monterray, Monterray Yes, Chef.

Once you finish the rib, serve the rib to Krupa.

Hey, butterfingers, when he's finished serving the rib from the blue team, take the trolley.

Do not drop it! Yes, Chef.

While Krupa takes the fall for the prime rib mishap Sea bass is ready! The men are ready with their third attempt at their first entree.

Oh, come on.

Brendan, it's raw.

Come on, bro! Really? Brendan, you suck.

You suck.

Blue team! Blue team! Yes, Chef.


It's just got worse.

Not one entree has left together yet.

Not one.

You me on the risotto, you screwed me on the duck, and now I've got a raw bass.

What're we gonna do now? Any suggestions? I've got one big suggestion.

You, you, you, you, you, out of here! Get upstairs! What the , man! It is so frustrating, dude.

Made us look like a bunch of little sissy
-ass b*tches, man.

Ladies! Yes, Chef.

I need four of you in here finishing the blue team.

Yes, Chef.

Any of you.

Having another person coming in to finish what I started is the most infuriating slap in the face, "Literally taking your out and whipping it across my chin" feeling that I have ever had in my life.

I ain't sign up for this, bro.

Send my ass home, bro.

Absolutely nothing came out right.

People just don't know how to cook.

That was, like, the biggest I've ever experienced in my life, man.

I've never been thrown outta no kitchen, bro.

It's embarrassing! Okay, okay.

All right, fine.

He can't cook ! He can't get the risotto out! Um I didn't sign up for this! I signed up to win! We're all supposed to be professional chefs, right? Right? I agree! So what the ? I'm not happy about it either.

You think you're pissed? I'm pissed, too, all right? We just got our asses kicked in a big game.

I don't like to lose ! This is the only thing I'm good at, bro.

I did not come out here to be made a fool of.

That's too much for me.

Nah, this is some .

Nearly two hours into a miserable dinner service for the blue team, Chef Ramsay has kicked the entire team out of the kitchen.

And not surprisingly, the finger
-pointing has begun.

I didn't sign up for this! I signed up to win! So what the ? I'm not happy about it either.

Nah, this is some .

Do you realize that they're all in our kitchen right now serving our guests? Yeah.

We're getting whupped by a bunch of chicks in there.

We just got schooled, man.

We should've had a pen and a piece of paper.

We should've been taking notes.

We just got our asses kicked, bro.

Like, come on, man! While tempers continue to flare on the blue team, the women Are now on fire Good job, ladies! In both kitchens.

Let's go, ladies.

We got this.

What did they do over here? I don't know.

It's a disaster.

Look at me.

Yes, Chef.

Last table.

Two Wellington, one sea bass, one New York strip.

Yes, Chef.

It felt good going over to the guys' kitchen and, you know, taking care of their tickets.

That felt awesome.

Oh, once we have it a little organized over here, I can see what's going on.

I got one Wellington.

The steak I'm about to cut.

I want that sauce as well.


Two Wellington, one sea bass.

Where is it? Come on.

Yes, Chef.

Two Wellington coming right now, Chef.

Sea bass.

Are you ready? You going? Let's go! Let's go! All right, let's go.

Sorry, Chef.

Thank you.

Uh, Krupa.

Yes, Chef.

Very nice, that sea bass.

Thank you, Chef.

Hell, yeah.

Service, please.

Ladies, well done.

Great job.

Thank you.

Thank you, Chef.


Oh, my God, I'm so excited.

We all rocked it in the guys' kitchen tonight.

It's the most amazing feeling.

Uh, ladies.

Yes, Chef.

That was a tough service, but we got there.

Great job.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

What happened? Hey, man, what do you think happened? All right, we got blasted to pieces.

We got the kicked out of us, and now here we are, all right? This is what I noticed
- people who weren't talking, kept getting sent back.

You didn't put up, you didn't put up then, you didn't talk.

What do you want us to do? Like, who yells the loudest
- no, it's not about who yells the loudest, bro, but nobody's doing what they say.

Stop the testosterone.

The reason why we don't win service is 'cause people don't help anybody here.

They're in it for themselves.

Instead, they like to just grill that person and just keep making it worse and rub salt in their wounds.

I do not wanna keep talking about this.

Let's go get this over with, all right? Let's go face the music.

Tonight was a tale of two kitchens.

Ladies, great job.

Men I'm disappointed.


Yes, Chef.

Who should leave Hell's Kitchen tonight? Paul, who should go? Brendan and Chino.


I voted for Brendan and Chino.

If you had to pick one.

I'd choose Chino.

Some of you guys are just a bunch of phonies.

You know that? All you do is scream what Chef Ramsay says.

And when Chef Ramsay leaves, you just clam up.

You don't wanna put yourself out there.

You can go yourself, Chino.

You know why they're winning? You know why the girls are winning? They may not like each other, but they all study their .

I'm getting blown out on risotto.

What do you do? You go help meat.

I didn't see you jumping in trying to help somebody else.

I couldn't, 'cause I was getting up.

How can I help someone if I'm Up? You ain't no game player.

Don't even know what it means.



Guys, guys.

Brendan and Chino.

Step forward.

Brendan, what is it in here that I haven't witnessed that you've got left? Heart, Chef.

I don't quit.


Those are things that you cannot teach.

I don't stop fighting.

I know what I want.

I want BLT Steak.

And I wanna apologize for lying to you about the fish.

I was mistaken in giving you the wrong answer, and that is not a reflection of me.


Yes, Chef.

Are you done? I'm not done.

I'm gonna be as honest as possible to you.

Maybe I'm not as good as I thought I was.

I thought I was pretty good before I came here, so it's been really humbling.

See, people like me, I will always get better at something.

No matter how old I am, I will get better at something, because I'll be honest with myself, and I can face the facts.

Are you better than Brendan? Absolutely.

I wouldn't be here if I didn't think that.


The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is After an embarrassing service in which they got kicked out of the kitchen and their diners fed by the women, the blue team has nominated Chino and Brendan for elimination.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen Is Brendan.

Give me your chef jacket.

Yes, Chef.

Your time's done, buddy.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you.

Good night.

I'm out.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

I'm sad to leave Hell's Kitchen, but, uh, I'm gonna go back to New York and lead another kitchen to greatness.

Uh, I just want to give a shout
-out to Carrie.

Good luck.

I am your biggest fan.

And, uh, call me.

All right? Chino.

Yes, Chef.

Get better.


Uh, ladies, I got a small problem.

I need to talk to you all.

We've only seen men leave the building.

Tomorrow morning I need to hear from a volunteer who will go to the men's team And give them much needed support.

Chef, um With all due respect, I would like to just roll with the six I have.

Be real, bro.

Hell, yeah, man.


We all agree on that, Chef.

We all agree, Chef.

We'd like to roll the way we're at.

I'm rolling the dice.

Damn that.


Thank you for your thought.

Let me tell you.

You're striving for a reputation.

I've got one.

And you are not gonna ruin it.

Get out of here.

With all due respect to the women, let us cook.

Let us show you what the six of us now have.

I do not like that idea whatso

They can't even put their away for five seconds and realize that they need some help? It's pretty ridiculous, and it's embarrassing.

I am zen.

You cannot penetrate me.

I'm the guy that has nothing to lose, and I really don't give a what anybody thinks.

Bunch of frauds.

The only thing bigger than Brendan's ego are the lies that he tells, and I can't have that in Hell's Kitchen.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen The chefs come face
-face with their worst fears.

With children in the dining room Aw! Let's do this! It's the chefs who are acting like infants.

I need a ham on the fly! I'm making it now.

You want to serve it, bro? You bring it to 'em.

The babies are out there.

Not in here.

In the blue kitchen Raw! This is embarrassing! One chef Look at him the entire freaking time.

Change your pot.

Walk the garnish up there now.

Can't play well with others.

Tommy, put the food back.

But the childlike behavior doesn't stop there.

Why are you in my space? I'm so mad, I could punch a wall out.

As the red team declares w*r on Carrie.

I didn't say a word.

Do you take medication? You're crazy.

Pushing Carrie to her breaking point.

You .

I did.

I am so pissed off right now.

It's one of the most confrontational Hell's Kitchens ever, and it's all coming your way next time.
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