09x01 - 18 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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09x01 - 18 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Hundreds of thousands of chefs all across America dream of standing in front of these two doors.

Are you ready? Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Each season on Hell's Kitchen, one door is unlocked, and the dream You're the winner! Is fulfilled.

Oh, my God! Ladies and gentlemen, Hell's Kitchen winner Nona! Whoo! NowOpportunity is knocking on doors all across America.


You have been chosen to be" A chef on Hell's Kitchen! I'm gonna win! IWillDominate.

Victory, Jersey, fist pump, baby, yeah! This year, 18 chefs from across America descend on Hell's Kitchen, hoping they have the qualities they need to succeed.

I hate losing.

Like team spirit You better get outta my face.

He can't cook me out! He can't even get the risotto out! Work on your attitude! Intelligence Why can't we just reheat them? It's falling apart! When are you gonna learn? off.

Diplomacy Shut up for five seconds! I will slap you across the .


Humility Sorry.

I'm sorry, Chef.

I'm sorry, Chef.

I'm sorry, Chef.

It's my fault, Chef.

I'm very sorry, Chef.

Passion This is what I've worked for my whole life.

I'm not just some Pantry girl! Hold on.


Cry time? Drive Tommy, talk to me! I work Hard with them, for them
- ohh! I'm not giving up.

Well, Fight back! I got it, Chef.

I got it.

And an inquisitive nature.

Let me ask you a serious question right now.

Do you take medication? Never before has a group of chefs been so hungry for victory.

I never Quit! I signed up to win.

Never before has Chef Ramsay been so demanding.

It's raw! It's burnt! It's raw! Pathetic! This is embarrassing! It's the most volatile season yet.

Hang your heads in shame! Wow! These chefs will find out when they enter these doors It is a living hell.

That they're about to be pushed harder Aah! Than any chefs before.

Oh, no! No! It's disgusting! Chef, I
- shut up! Let's go, you! Three minutes, I said! Shut up! You want me to get out, then I'll get out! Get out! Get out! Oh, my God! What are you gonna do now? Any suggestions? Shut it down.

Shut it down.

I'm starting to understand why they call it Hell's Kitchen.

Welcome, everybody.

I'm James.

I'm the maitre d' here at Hell's Kitchen.

So are you excited to go to Hell's Kitchen? Oh! I can't wait to start cooking.

I'm a rock star in my own world, so being here and being treated like a rock star isn't really that much of a difference.

Where are we? Ramsay's house.

I am the hottest chef in the hottest restaurant in Dallas.

Me and Chef Ramsay'll be like that.

Watch out.

I walk tall, take 'em all, big or small, I never fall.

I'm here to win it, baby.

Everybody likes to have a good time, but it's not, "let's try to be nice and hold hands and be friends.

" It's me versus you, and I'm gonna steamroll you.

While the chefs are anxious to have their first taste of Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen
- what? Chef Ramsay has decided to give them an unexpected detour.

We pulled up outside, and it was like, "Welcome, Hell's Kitchen chefs.

" What? Like what is going on? Guys, so it looks like we've arrived.

Let's go.

Off the bus, please.

Let's go! I was super
-excited and nervous, like, what's going on? Like, holy ! Chefs are coming through.

Watch the leads.

Watch out, hot pan.

One, two, three.

Go to hair and makeup.

Let's go! You gonna make me look good, girl? All of a sudden we're getting hair and makeup.

It was insaneI mean, is this how a superstar feels? Oh, my God! I love it.

You guys ready to head upstairs? Good luck.

Thanks! You're gonna need it.

Good luck, everybody.

We hear like a crowd in the background.

Everyone's getting so excited! Yeah! Two minutes.

You ready? What the hell is going on here? We are not really gonna cook our signature dishes for all these people.

For a lot of people out there to just see us Damn, this is like the real deal.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Orpheum Theater.

Please put your hands together for the Hell's Kitchen Chefs! Seriously What on earth did you expect? A packed house? A standing ovation? Screaming fans? Really? Right now, none of you are stars.

ResumesMean nothing! Got it? Yes, Chef.

Got it? Yes, Chef! Un

I felt like I was getting berated.

I wanted to just be like, "Oh, we're unworthy, we're unworthy.

" But then it was like, boom, back down to earth.

I'm looking for someone to emerge and prove to me that they're worthy of being called a star.

Because this season of Hell's Kitchen the winner will earn a salary of $1/4 million.

Whoo! Yes! The winner will become the head chef in the most competitive restaurant city anywhere in the world New York City.

You know, I know I'm from down south, but Absolutely ready to handle the big
-time, man.

Yeah! $1/4 million dollars, and in New York.

It blew my mind! It blew my mind.

The winner will become the head chef at the upscale, unique, prestigious BLT Steak.

BLT Steak is absolutely amazing.

I'm from New York City.

I couldn't have wished for a more perfect scenario.

Get your asses back to Hell's Kitchen and cook me the best dish you've ever cooked.

Got it? Yes, Chef.

Get outta there.

Off you go.

Let's go
-don't stand there waiting for me.

Let's go! Stars? My ass.

"The Ohio Players' "Fire" " Fire whoo
-whoo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child yes, it does, uh the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby woo, woo the way you swerve, curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child when you're hot, you're hot you really sh**t your shot you're dynamite, child yeah the way you push, push let's me know that you're good you're gonna get your wish fire With the prize of being head chef still lingering in their minds, the chefs will now have to prepare their signature dishes.

Ah, ah, slow down.

That's me right there.

Okay, just say that, then.

It's cool.

Calm down.

My name is Elise.

I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

I am definitely not afraid to fight back.

Scared? Are you scared? They better watch themselves.

It's good.

It's good.

Why are you still talking? I don't know.

We playing like that? When you got 250k on the line, like I will elbow my mom outta my way.

20 minutes to go.

Coming down the line.

Actually being in Hell's Kitchen and cooking your signature dish, it's a little surreal at first.

Hot behind.

Behind, behind, behind.

But when it comes down to it, it's the same , different toilet, you know what I'm saying, same bologna, different bread.

If you want a bowl, the bowls are up in the back.

Thank you.

All right.

Ten minutes to go.

Boil over.

Boil over here! My competitors will absolutely be intimidated by me.

As soon as I walk into a room, every eye is on me.

It's just something
- some aura that I give off.

Down the line.

Three minutes go to! 'Scuse me.

I don't know whose plate this is, but it's gonna get knocked over.

You better not knock my plate over.

I got a little nervous and I got a little frazzled.

And it felt like those 45 minutes went by like that.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 And serve! Yes? Yes, Chef! The signature dishes are a chance for you to shine and stand out as individuals.

ButThis is actually your first team challenge.

The men's dishes will go head
-head with the ladies' dishes.

Let's get 'em, boys.


Let's go.

First up in the signature dish challenge Carrie, the Pantry Chef from Dallas, Texas, will face off against Will, a Sous Chef from New Jersey.

Ladies first.

What is it? It is a chicken
-fried rib
-eye, with Yukon gold mash and white truffle cream gravy.

I actually have a little sugar in there.


Say that again.

I have sugar in there.

That's what my mother always did! I do not know who, in their right mind, would put sugar in mashed potatoes.

Just try it.

Chef Ramsay is gonna love it, because it's delicious.

It's like an orgasm in your mouth
-come on.

Oh, God.

I'm sorry.

I don't mean to laugh.

Thatis disgusting.


First name.

Will from North Jersey.

-Italian? Italian and Jewish.

I grew up
- my friends called me a pizza bagel.


What is it? It is sheep's milk gnudi.

I'm a technician when it comes to culinary, you know what I'm saying? I don't worry about somebody eating my food.

I do it, and I do it right.

Um, that is delicious.

Thanks, Chef.

Great job.

Thanks, Chef.

A point to the pizza bagel.


Well done.

All right, Will.


Next two, please.

Let's go.

Um, right, first name is? Amanda.

What's the dish? This is eggplant rollatini with creamy polenta.

This is seasoned perfectly.

Thank you, Chef.

There's talent there.

Good job.

That's High praise coming from him.

I'm on cloud nine right now.


So first name is Brendan.


What is it? It's a recipe I hope that you recognize.

This is salmon with a basil cream sauce.

This came from Harvey's Restaurant where you were a cook.

That's right.

That's why I wanted to make it for you.

I did a lot of research, and I really wanted to show Chef Ramsay that I'm the type of guy that will go the extra distance.

I mean, the salmon's cooked perfectly.

Sauce is seasoned nice.


To both of you.

You both got the point.

Well done.

Next two, please.

Uh, ladies first.

First name is Jennifer.


From where? Boston, Massachusetts.

What's the dish? It's called Jenny's pork.

It's my special marinade on my pork.

Please, Chef Ramsay, please do not spit out my food.

It's not bad.

The pork's moist and tasty.

Thank you.

Someone up above answered me.

It didn't suck.

Pork's actually quite nice.

Jonathon from where? Memphis, Tennessee.

What the Is that on the plate? Call this the punch drunk chicken.

I got the southern flavor, you know? I put a lotta flavor in the food, raw but real, so If Chef Ramsay complains about it, well, he's full of , man.

Hold on, it gets worse.

The pineapple looks likecanned? Yes.

You open a can of pineapple and you stick it on top of a chicken.

Limited time today.

Limited time! 45 minutes.

Limited time.

Yes, sir.

You're so full of , even your eyes are brown.

You come in here and serve me a canned pineapple.

You can off now.


I'll pay for the ticket.

You tell me.

Forget it.

It's the signature dish challenge, and Jonathon, a head cook from Memphis, has just broken one of the cardinal rules.

You come in and serve me a canned pineapple.

You can off now.


You tell me.

No, sir.

It's an absolute, mess.

But the surprising fact was you opened it out of a can.

That's what pissed me off more than anything.

I'm not even gonna taste it.

Ladies, congratulations.

Let's go.

Next two, please.

Let's go, buddy.


First name and, uh, what in the hell is that on there? My name is Krupa.

This is a traditional gujarati dish of stuffed naan.

First off
-doesn't exactly look appetizing, does it? No.


It's like you've got four bits of on a plate

You're right.

Spices are raw, bland.

My dear Krupa, yeah? That is crappa.


He thought of me as a joke.

I'm better than this.

I'm so much more better than this.

Uh, right.

First name is Paul.


What's the dish? It's an eggplant involtini with crab and mascarpone ricotta.

It's actually quite nice.

Thank you, Chef.

You're a natural cook.


The gents.

Good job.

Slam dunk.

Next two.

Let's go, please.

First name.


What do you do? I'm a Sous Chef.

You're already a Sous Chef? Yes.

I'm still a young chef, but I know how good I am.

Tell me about the dish.

It's lamb lollipops with a red onion confiture.


You've overcooked the most important thing, the lamb.

If you're gonna have the balls to call yourself a Sous Chef, learn to cook lamb properly first.

Yes, Chef.

Okay, uh Steven.

What is that? I have seared diver scallops over wild mushroom risotto.

I've been cooking 30 years.

Nobody else has a chance in this thing.

Honestly, it's like toenails from a Dinosaur.

Look at them! It's got good flavor.

It's got good flavor.

You can't be that deluded.

The point goes to None of you.

Stop around.

Sorry, Chef.


Let's go.

After two disappointing dishes, line cook Elise Your scallops are cooked perfectly.

Thank you, Chef.

Takes on New Jersey Executive Chef Chino.

The miso is so strong, and it doesn't really sit well.

Well done, Elise.

And Elise ties it for the red team.

Next two, please.

Thank you.

Now line cook Monterray The sea bass you've nailed.

Thank you, sir.

Squares off against Kentucky Sous Chef Natalie.

The lamb is perfect.

Thank you, Chef.


You both got the point.

Okay, let's go.

Both, please, let's go.

With the score tied at four, line cook Elizabeth It's got that impact.

Makes an impression on Chef Ramsay.

It works.

The dish works.

While line cook Tommy The tattoo on the forehead, could you just lift up so I can have a quick look, if you don't mind.

Says rock and roll.

Makes an impression of his own.

So I've gotta take you serious.

I'd appreciate it if you did.

There's finesse in there.

It tastes nice.

Thank you.

Point's going to both of you.

Well done.

Well done.

Let's go.

Come on, Jason.

Last chance.

Now, with the score tied, it all comes down to the last two dishes.

What's the dish? This is pan
-roasted pistachio scallops with pureed parsnip.

The actual scallops, they taste nice, but you've burnt the top of them.

Yes, my scallops were a little bit burnt.

But he said they tasted good.

I was kind of in a panic.

What is it? It's a pork taco.

Why would you choose to do a taco on a day like today? Uh'Cause it's delicious.

Me being the last person up and knowing that I am just bringing up tacos I was so nervous! I
- personally believe it's very delicious, and I hope that you'll feel the same.

Oh, me.

It's gonna be great.

Well, let's do it properly, then, shall we? Point goes to Come on, come on, come on.


Good job.

That a boy, Jason.

Looks a mess, yet it tastes delicious.

Thank you, Chef.

Good job.

This is huge! I pulled off a win with some tacos.

Such an awesome feeling.

Well done.


Gents, you'll be treated to a unique feast in one of the hottest restaurants in downtown L.


, wining and dining with last season's winner of Hell's Kitchen, Nona.

How's that sound? Excellent, Chef.


Okay, ladies, you've got one miserable, horrible evening.

You'll be preparing Hell's Kitchen for the opening, cleaning both kitchens.

Got it? Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.


Let's go.

After claiming their first victory, the men head tLAla Market at L.


live This is awesome! To meet with last season's winner Nona! It felt really good to see Nona.

It was inspirational.

Ow! How are you? Great, great.

How are you doing? I got ripped apart tonight.

Yeah, that's okay.

So did I.

Every day when you go in there, and you fight, and you put your best foot forward every day, you have to remember that this for your life.

It's not just fun and games.

Sitting and talking to Nona kinda gave me an extra boost.

I listened to everything she said and I took it to heart, and I'm just gonna use that to my advantage.

Let's have a toast to the women.

They're scrubbing our mess.

Go blue! What is that? The kitchen looks like a tornado went through it.

There's no room for anything because there are so many dishes.

I put points on the board.

And I'm still mopping.

I'm a little upset that I'm here cleaning, because I earned my point.

That's right.

I won.

Krupa and Carrie sunk our team.

If it wasn't for those two, we would be out eating dinner right now.

! It's the end of the first day in Hell's Kitchen.

And with the grand reopening of the restaurant awaiting them Here we go.

The aspiring chefs are anxious to start their prep.

This is our first service.

The nerves are building, man.

The tension is building.

But all in all, I think we're just gonna dominate the red team.

Morning, Chef.

How we all doing today? Great, Chef.

We provided you with your own J.


Henckels knife sets.

Each one of you have a set.

Oh, my God! Those Henckel knives are the b*mb.

These knives are sharp.

Let's go, ladies.

Let's get it together.

Crank it up.


We lost 'cause of my horrible dish.

I'm hoping I will be able to shine today, because if I fail twice, I'm gonna sh**t myself.


While most of the chefs are feeling upbeat, one chef Seems to have lost his rhythm.

You all right, bro? No.

I'm getting like dizzy and .

Relax, bro.

Stop and take a breath, bro, you know? That's all I'm doing is breathing.

I don't feel good at all.

Jason looked like .

So I decided to go looking for him.

I helped him over to the medic.

What's going on, man? He's burning up.

He needs to cool down.

You could tell he's overheated.

Dude's sweating a lot.


Come sit down.

I'm fine.

He needs
-he needs to take it down a notch.

I just wanna go cook.

Feel really weak.

How long has this been going on for? I've been breathing like this like for the past hour.

An hour? Okay.

I'm all right.

You don't really sound all right.

It's just one hour before the grand reopening of Hell's Kitchen.

I'm all right.

You don't really sound all right.

And it appears as though the blue team may be one man down.

Why are my arms feel, like, weak? 'Cause you're breathing all crazy.

I'm like, what the hell, is he having a heart attack or something? That wasn't looking too good for him.

Chino, you're on desserts right now, bro, all right? A hundred percent I care about Jason's well
-being, but regardless, we can't sit there and harp on it because we still have a service to put out.

This is what a kitchen's about, man.

We gotta pull through, guys.

I gotcha.

I'm fine.

There you go.

Why don't we take some of this stuff off you? It's all wet.

I'm fine.

Hey, please I'm sorry, I don't mean to be like feisty, but I'm just really pissed off.

Minutes before service, Jason is rushed to the hospital, and Chef Ramsay lets the chefs in on his status.

All right, listen carefully, please.

Not good news.

Unfortunately, Jason's been taken to the hospital.

He'll be on a few days of bed rest.

He will not be returning back to Hell's Kitchen.

Damn, like, we didn't even really get out the gates and then like we're down a man.

Like how the hell'd that happen? I trust the rest of you are ready to go, yes? Yes, Chef! And I'm looking for a smooth service.

What's it gonna be? Smooth, Chef! Let's go.

Yes, Chef! Jason's gone.

Yeah, it sucks, because he's a good guy, but I have no doubt in my mind that eight of us guys are better than nine of those girls.


Yes, Chef? Open Hell's Kitchen.

Yes, Chef.

Tonight, Hell's Kitchen is once again the place to be in Los Angeles.

The restaurant has been redesigned with a stunning balcony above the kitchen that gives those diners a unique view of the action in the kitchen.


All right.

First orders, Chef.

Let's go.

Okay, blue team, here we are.

First ticket, the blue team.

One risotto, one scallops, one squab, one spaghetti.

Yes, Chef! I'm sorry, Chef, can you repeat that? Can I repeat that? I'm sorry, Chef.

Yeah, let me repeat it.


Yes, sir.

Can I repeat that.

Is he stupid? Okay, red team, come here.

Let's go.

First ticket.

Good luck.

Two tables away, table 40, one scallops, one risotto entree.

One risotto! One New York
- hey, madame.

I'm not gonna shout over you.

I've got ten seconds, a window to call these out.

Come here, youBig mouth.

Come here.

Call out the ticket.

Come here! Call out the ticket.

Y'all ready? We need one scallop, two risotto for appetizers.

While Elise delivers the order in the red kitchen Thank you.

Over in the blue kitchen One chef has made a delivery of his own.

Monterray, why are you giving me garnish? Just got fired a little bit too early, Chef.

So what does garnish go with? Garnish goes with entrees, Chef.


So then, are the entrees ready? No, Chef.

So why did you just send them on their own? Uh We haven't even sent the first table appetizers, now I've got the garnish! My apologies, Chef.

Never again.

off, Monterray.

While Monterray struggles with his timing Come on, guys, get a grip.

Talk to each other.

Back in the red kitchen, Carrie is ready with her first appetizer.

We got it? We're good? Yeah, let's go.

Scallops going to the pass.

So now we've got scallops and no risotto.

Where's the risotto? In my hand, Chef.

My scallops are up in the pass.

It was extremely frustrating, because I'm doing my part.

I was just like, Elise, come on.

Make some risotto.

Walking with a risotto.

Stop! No chance! This doesn't even look like a risotto.

It looks like a rice pudding.

Look at it.

! You start showing me you don't care about my customers I do care.

I'm gonna start showing you that I don't care about you.

Yes, Chef.

Can no one make a risotto? I'm on it, Chef.

Krupa's jumping on it, Chef.

Krupa? You're gonna have Krupa replace me? I'll kick Krupa's ass with a blindfold and a broken arm.

While Krupa fires up a new risotto Fire.

Over in the blue kitchen, Steven is eager to deliver his food to Chef Ramsay.

Can I come up with it? How's the scallop? Let's go up with it right now? Can I go? Go up.

Go up with it.

Don't go up with it, man.

Can I go? I'm ready.

No, no! Lotsa spaghetti up, guys.

Oh, me.

So the lobster's ready for the second table, thanks to Steven.

I just want the first.

I'm working on the first.

So why are you giving me the second? I
-I'll go one at a time.

The thought of you doing two things at once
-forget it! Just focus on the first ticket, Steven.

Yes, Chef.

Talk, bro.

Steven was very easily flustered, and I told him it wasn't time to put it up.

Risotto, scallop, we can go.

We don't have the time to sit here and do twice.

Going to the window.

Coming to the side, Chef.

Right behind.

Right behind.

Table 23, please.

Let's go.

Thanks to will, the blue diners are finally receiving their first appetizers.

Mmm! Ooh, that's good.

Thank you! Meanwhile, back in the red kitchen, Krupa Walking with the risotto! Has delivered her risotto for Chef Ramsay's approval.

Who made that risotto? I did, Chef.


Delicious! Thank you.

Good job, Krupa.

Uh! Uh! Krupa's back! Whoo! Go, team! Hey, hey, hey, hey.


Make ten more like that, finish service, then maybe Yes, Chef.

But don't start peeing your knickers now! Yes, Chef.

It's an hour into dinner service, and with Krupa's help, food is finally making its way out to the red diners.

The risotto's really good.

Meanwhile, the blue kitchen has moved on to entrees.

Blue team! It's the first table! Come on! And Chino is bringing his fish to the pass.

Hot, hot, hot.

What's he done to this? Blue team! Yes, Chef.

No garnish anywhere.

Still fragmented, and look
-it's burnt.

Chino! Come here, you
- It's 1 1/2 hours into opening night of Hell's Kitchen.

What are you doing? I
-I don't know.

And one chef may have just burned his last chance with Chef Ramsay.

I burned the miso cod.

And I should know , too, 'cause I'm Asian.

Oh, guys.

Chino really the cod up, man.

Basted that with roof tar or something.

Chino! Come here, you.

Yes, Chef? Get outta my sight.

Sit down.

Scott, get him peeling onions, garlic, but away from the stove.

There you go.

At least you won't be able to burn any of that.



Absolute useless.

While a benched Chino watches from the sidelines I want all the entrees! Yes, Chef! Krupa is ready to lead her team once again with their first entrees.

Let's get these entrees out together.

As girls, we've made a pact
- we are not losing tonight.

Wellington's ready.

I'm walking with it right now.

So it's a little bit more pressure for me not to up.

Who cooked the Wellington? Perfect.

Yes, Chef, thank you.

Thank God It was perfect.

Let's go, ladies.

Let's kick the boys' ass! Damn right! Service, cor the Wellington, please.

An entree leaving the kitchen.

Finally! Let's go.

Krupa's leadership has helped the red team get entrees out to their hungry diners.

It's worth the wait.

Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen Scallops are ready to go? Almost.

Steven has taken Chino's place on the fish station.

Fish was sinking like an anchor.

I said, yo, let me go help them out.

I know I can cook good.

-where are they? Yes! Let's go, you! Put the plate down and work with two hands.

Sorry, Chef.

Hurry up! Scallops are in the window! All right, come here, you.

Just touch.

They're springy, Chef.

They're what? Springy.

When you spring back, usually they're ready.

So they're ready, are they? I feel that they're ready.

That rubbery.

Sorry, Chef.

Everything Steven was touching was turning into tonight.

Know how they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Sit down and eat them.

Enjoy your Springy scallops.

Let me know how you feel halfway through.

Bon appetit.


I think they're perfect.

Come on, fellas.

Come on.

Chef Ramsay has already benched two members of the blue team.

I need two scallops! ! He is now looking for Tommy to rescue the fish station.

How's that? Hey, rock and roll Bozo, come here.

I go from springy to boiled bits of .

Ugh! Yeah, they sucked.

Took a hell of a dive.

Take a seat.

Eat them.

Service, please.

Little glass of wine, Sauvignon Blanc goes beautifully well with the raw ceviche skillet.

Hell's Kitchen weeds out the weak.

This competition is mine.

It's only a matter of time.

One, two, three of you, all on the fish station! I jumped over to help out, Chef.

Yeah, I wish you'd jumped in the oven! That would make my life a lot easier.

Nearly two hours into dinner service, the blue team has completely stalled on the fish station.

But over in the red kitchen Scallops are going up to the pass! Carrie is ready to impress Chef Ramsay with her scallops.

Carrie, scallops are overcooked.

The sca
- I want more color.

The pan's got to be hot.

Yes, Chef.

Oh, we're not about to go down on some scallops.

Come on, please.

The scallops are coming, Chef.

Let's go.

This early in the game, you know, get your together, keep it moving.

Look, they're boiled.

Rubber and boiled.

This is very, very frustrating, 'cause I just wanted to just make Chef Ramsay proud.

Start again.

Yes, Chef.

As the red team comes to a screeching halt Oh, for sake.

No food is leaving either kitchen.

I'm pretending it's my Beef Wellington.

And the diners, not surprisingly, are getting restless.

We don't need any more wine.

We need food.

Carved duck, lamb, Wellington.

How long? Five minutes, Chef.

Monterray, can you talk to me? Five minutes, Chef.


I want the garnish before the protein hit the window.

Got it? Yes, Chef.

Let's just put up one table.

Are you serious? Oh, I can't get a Pinot Noir? Are they all out of red? There's your teamwork there.

Really concerned.

The three stooges.

Got the Wellington coming up.

Jonathon, look at it.

Sure, Chef.

I apologize.

It's cooked perfectly.

Thank you, Chef.

First one of the night.

Let's go.

Thank you, Chef.

I have never in my life cooked a beef Wellington, but I've rocked it today and I'm gonna keep on rockin' it, man.

I got my Wellington ready.

Monterray, Brendan, I've got a Wellington cooked perfectly, but where's the garnish? My fault, fellas, my fault.

How long on garnish? Two minutes.

The protein's cooked perfectly.

By now it's stone cold.


Monterray, I got this.

Yeah, you got just a big old bag of "what the ?" Here you go.

Take it.

He's not even two minutes away.

He's miles away.

Get another Wellington in now! We cannot lose this dinner service.

Like, my ass is, like, seriously on the line.

While the blue team tries to recover from Monterray's mistimed garnish Away now, one sea bass, one chicken, one Wellington.

Yes, Chef.

Back in the red kitchen, Carrie is looking to redeem herself on the fish station.

I'll cook the fish.

I'll cook it.

But Elise has other plans.

I got it, babe.

No, I got it.

It's my station.

Don't push me.

Thank you.

Clearly, Carrie is a weaker cook than I am, so I felt like I wanted to take charge to impress Chef Ramsay.

Why is she cooking fish? I don't know what she's doing.

She just came over here and grabbed it, Chef.

I mean, are you kidding me? That bitch is just crazy.

What in the Is she doing? I didn't let her cook it.

She came over here and grabbed it, Chef.

Well, I was gonna cook it for you because we're all a team, right? Oh! She's trying to prove a point.

Elise! Yes, Chef.

I've got a six top dying for the appetizers, and you're cooking fish! I'll put the spaghetti up.

You, off.

Sit on the chef's table.

Ha! While Elise spends time in the penalty box, back on the blue side Jonathon, where are we? Wellington coming up! Jonathon has delivered another perfectly
-cooked Wellington.


All it needs now is the garnish from Brendan.

Filet is already up, bro.

Watch the potatoes.

They're about to burn.

Got 'em.

Pull 'em off! We're waiting on the sides.

Got 'em.

Brendan, look at me.

The potatoes in front of you, they're burnt.

You're standing over them.

Yes, Chef.

Brendan wanted to sit there and puff out his chest.

"I know how to do this.

I'm the man.

" you, bro.

You suck.

Come on, guys! That's twice in a row cooked to perfection and we can't even send a table together because nobody's together.

Smooth service, my ass! I have never in my whole career ever been stopped by side items.


The Wellingtons were coming out amazing and I was getting held up by potatoes? Come on! Do you have any idea how frustrating that is? Paul thinks he's a bad
-ass on the grill.

Don't you talk to me, dumpling.

With no food coming out of either kitchen, James has spotted a disturbing trend in the dining room.



Tables are walking out.

Blue team, they're walking out.

You, Muppets, get off your fat ass.

Let me show you something.

Not one entree has left this kitchen.

Not one.

Yes, Chef.

And look at the pans back there! Any bright ideas? Want me to jump in? I'll clean 'em.

I'm talking about the customers, not the pans! Yes, Chef.

Any ideas? No.

Eh? What are we gonna do now? They are walking out! off! Nearly three hours into service, the grand reopening of Hell's Kitchen They are walking out! Has become a disaster of grand proportions.

off! At that point, it was a train wreck on ice.

There was nothing we could do about it.


You're out of your misery.

Let's do this, ladies.

Come on.

Let's not disappoint the customers.

Carrie, they've gone! Shut it down.

! This, for me, has been the most disappointing opening ever.

Carrie, it wasn't the scallops I was concerned about.

It was about that nothing else was timed with it.

Well, the risotto kept coming back.

What was I supposed to do about that? Don't try to throw me under the bus about the risotto.

Your scallops came back more than once.

Your scallops came back more than twice and I offered to help you on the fish station because you can't cook fish.

Paul, Jonathon, you were sort of standing there with your pants down, getting absolutely every second.

How do you feel? .


I sent up the same four times and I waited for potatoes and carrots.

Brendan, are you not bothered or is it just
-? I am bothered, Chef, but, uh, we'll try not to let 'em down next time, Chef.


And I'm really happy for Paul that he actually learned how to cook proteins.

You want to pull 'em out right now, man? I mean, that what you want? I mean, honestly.

I mean, I'm just calling it as I see it.

I'm just saying.

The losing team tonight with zero entrees leaving the kitchen is the blue team.

Get back upstairs to the dorm, work as a team, and come to a consensus on which two are up for elimination.

Brendan don't know his ass from his elbow, but let me tell you something.

In baseball, this was a swing and a miss, strike three.

Then you hit yourself in the with the bat.

Anybody want to speak? Pauly, dude, it's all you, man.

First of all, you ever pull that on me again, I will slap you across the .

Shut up, dumpling.

I'll say whatever the I want, all right? Whatever the I want, meatball, all right? Don't ever act like a tough guy again.

Tough guy? You had the
- All right, all right, all right.

breadcrumb, dumpling ass.

Really, this guy is a meatball.

He got real lucky tonight.

You're irate.

I am irate! I'll say this
-obviously, Paul and Jonathon, those two sat there, they banged, bro.

I think we should take it
- I think we should take it to a vote.

I'ma call it out, man.

Sorry, bro.

No offense.

I'm gonna call Steven as number one.

No, no, no, listen.

I'm a team player.

We don't get that.

We don't.

You didn't even get entrees out.

Chino was burning fish left and right.

At least I fed some people apps.

Did they feed any entrees? No.

Big zero.

Look, sorry, I'm gonna go with Brendan and Chino just because nothing on that side got up.

This sucks, dude.

It's what we signed up for, guys.


Somebody's gonna go home, bro.

Men, have you reached a consensus? Yes, Chef.

Jonathon, who was the first nomination? The blue team's first nomination was Steve.

Why? Just the, uh, the different methods he used and failed.

The blue team's second nominee.

Well, Monterray actually was second.

Why, please? I've never had sides stop an entree from going out, and it was really
-it was really up, you know? It pissed me off a good bit.

Yeah? Worthy nominees.

But truthfully, I think there are three individuals deserving to step forward this evening.

Steven, Monterray, and The blue team has nominated Steve and Monterray for elimination, but Chef Ramsay wants to add a nominee of his own.

I think there are three individuals deserving to step forward.

Steven, Monterray, and Chino.

The three of you, step forward, please.

Let's go.


Yes, Chef.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I think I should stay in Hell's Kitchen, Chef, because I know I can do better than Steven.

Steven? Yes, Chef.

Why Steven? He tried to step up to the plate and he really didn't do what he said he was gonna do.

Neither did you.

Yes, Chef, I know.

I mean, at the end of the day, I was still in there, fighting.

You know, I tried to give it my all.

No matter how bad I started off, I kept fighting.

Chino, it just wasn't the garnish that stopped the entrees coming out.

Yes, Chef.

You had a pivotal position on the fish.

It's certainly unacceptable.

I thought I could do it until the miso cod, and, uh, I definitely overextended myself and I should have said something but I didn't.

You spent more time prepping garlic than you actually did physically cooking.

I'm looking for an executive chef.

I'm not looking for a prep cook.

So, Steven, you saw what went on.

Yes, Chef.

Who do you think out of all three of you should be leaving? Well, I already chose, uh, Monterray.

Chino and I, we did get a few appetizers out.

Right now, I'm having a difficult time.

Honestly, all three of you sucked.

My decision is Chino and Monterray.

That's right, both of you, back in line.

Steven, jacket off.

Your time is done.

Short and sweet.

Thank you.

Sorry, but I can't go through that again.

It's embarrassing being the first one kicked off.

I think that, uh, Chef Ramsay made a mistake, but it is what it is.

It's done.

You know, nice guys always finish last.

That's probably me.

Hell's Kitchen is a series of tests, and so far, we have achieved a failing grade.

Get a grip.


Got it? Yes, Chef.


Chef Ramsay gave me another chance, so I gotta bring my a
-plus game.

I'ma keep fighting.

I ain't hear no bell.

I gotta bring it.

And I'm so glad that I know that I am capable and that I pulled it off today.

From this point on, I'm just gonna get better and better and better and better.

Now it's time for me and Paul to go to the mattresses.

It's somebody I'm gonna have to keep my eye on, and it's somebody that I'm gonna have to eliminate sooner rather than later.


I realized early on that Steven had as much chance of being the head chef of BLT Steak as I do of winning a gold medal in figure skating.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen Let's go! A rude awakening What the ? Is followed by a feud on the red team.

Stop it already.

Oh, God, I just want to
-uhh! Then Let's move! At dinner service What the is going on? One chef does something so shocking Hold on! Are you lying to me? Why? It threatens to destroy the blue team.

I'm tired of getting my ass kicked! For good.

I did not come out here to be made a fool of.

Next time What are we gonna do now? On a thrilling I didn't sign up for this, bro.

Unbelievable Embarrassing! And expl*sive ! Hell's Kitchen.
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