08x14 - 4 Chefs Compete Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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08x14 - 4 Chefs Compete Again

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) Previously on Hell's Kitchen, Chef Ramsay gave the final four their most difficult challenge yet.

The person that comes closest to recreating this dish wins the challenge.

(Announcer) Taste it, now make it.

(Gordon) Taste, taste, taste.


(Announcer) They had to replicate Chef Ramsay's dish, and it was between Nona had veal as the main protein.

You are correct.

(Announcer) Russell and Nona.

There is one dish that is slightly in front.


Nona, well done.

Yay! (Announcer) It was a slim, but overwhelming victory for the woman from Georgia.


Then Chef Ramsay turned his attention to Jillian (Gordon) I want two minutes with you.

Let's go.

(Announcer) Who seemed rattled in the last dinner service.

You've got to learn to fight back.

I can do that.

(Announcer) The pep talk seemed to work (Gordon) Jillian! Delicious garnish.

Thank you, Chef.

(Announcer) As Jillian had a near
-perfect service.

Chef Jillian in da house! (Announcer) The same could not be said for Russell and Trev.

Come on, bro! (Announcer) They continued to battle in the kitchen.

You asked me how long.

I gave you a time! Don't just sit there and say, "I knew it.

" (Trev) Just shut up.

(Announcer) And in the dorm.

If you talk to me like you talked before, I will slap the [Bleep]

Out of you.

Whoa! (Announcer) When it came time to send someone home, Chef Ramsay surprised everyone.


It's time for you to meet your mum and dad oh, my God.

(Announcer) By bringing a little piece of home to Hell's Kitchen.

That's my baby boy.

Because we had a very good service, i decided to not eliminate someone.

(Announcer) And so on the heels of a strong dinner service performance, the final four got a reprieve and a much appreciated reward.

[The Ohio Players' "Fire"]

Fire whoo whoo whoo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm child yes it does the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smoking baby baby the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited child whoo whoo the way you push push let's me know that you're good oh you're gonna get fire what I said child fire ah! [Screaming]

Fire fire (announcer) And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Thank you.

I can not believe I just saw my husband and my baby.

I cannot believe it.

No one is going to tell me that I cannot do this for my family.

I didn't expect to see Annie.

Is that your baby sister? Yeah.

Seeing my little sister show up, it really kindled the spark.

That whole reason that I'm here is because she believes that I can do this.

I have this sense of hope again.

God, that was so awesome.

Now you remember why you came? (Jillian) Winning Hell's Kitchen would change my life.

I live in a basement at my boyfriend's mom's house.

I need to give my kids a life that they deserve.

That's why I'm here.

(Announcer) After an emotional evening with their families, the Chefs are more motivated and more determined than ever.

This morning, they will be tested again.

Good morning.

Morning, Chef.

(Announcer) But before that begins, Chef Ramsay has some sobering news for the final four.

Now, listen carefully.

Tonight, we're open for service, and two of you will be going home.

I don't care who goes home, as long as I'm standing there tonight in the final two.

(Gordon) Today's challenge is one of the most sophisticated challenges we've ever had in the history of Hell's Kitchen.

Each of you will design and create a stunning dish using the combination of two cuisines, better known as fusion.

I've never cooked fusion in my life.

I don't even cook anything but, like, American food.

(Gordon) Each of you will be working with different ingredients from around the world.

They include India Uhh Greece, Spain, Thailand.

China, Italy, France.

I normally eat hot dogs, hamburgers, biscuits and gravy.

Finally, Mexico.


This is gonna be hard.

(Gordon) So there you see different ingredients from around the world, each table representing a distinct cuisine.

You excited? Yes, Chef.

This is how it's gonna work.

Under this dome, there are eight flags.

I'm gonna call you one at a time.

You're gonna pull two flags.

Nona? Yes? Off you go.

(Announcer) In Chef Ramsay's fusion challenge, he will be testing the Chefs' creativity, as they have to create a spectacular dish from the two countries they select.

You have Yay! Greece! Wow, wow, wow.



Sweet! And you're fusing it with Come on.

Wow, Greece and Italy.

Ha! Okay.

How easy is that? Those two mirror each other in cuisine.


Jillian, let's go.


Aha Thailand, you're gonna pair it with Wow, Spain.

Spain and Thailand together, fusion.


Please, just let me get France.

I can make something happen if I get France.


Vive la France.


Russell, you got french and you're gonna fuse it with Uh, India.

France and India.


It's not a bad place to begin with, France.

Love it.

I'm gonna go right up to the french table and pick [Bleep]

That I'm familiar with.

Everything else will take care of itself.

(Gordon) Trev? Let's see.

Oh, China.


And you're gonna fuse it with (Nona) Viva la Mexico! Mexico and China, two distinct cuisines.

I'm thinking maybe burrito pot stickers? (Gordon) 45 minutes, one dish, starting from now.

(Announcer) The Chefs may choose as many ingredients as they like.

It is important that Chef Ramsay is able to recognize the contribution that each country's cuisine had made to their dish.

Check out your protein, guys.

(Russell) This is the challenge for the real Chefs.

I have a good shot at winning, because I'm a great Chef, and, you know, I'm not gonna settle for second place.

Okay, five minutes gone.

Here we go.

This ought to be interesting.

(Announcer) While Russell, Nona, and Trev are already cooking, Jillian Don't even know what those are.

(Announcer) Is still searching.

Cockles? Mung bean? I don't know what any of that [Bleep]


I've never seen those vegetables or fruit or whatever that is.

No idea.

What the [Bleep]

Am I gonna do with all this? That smells good.

Puttin' some of that on there.

Yes, Chef.

Nona, what are you using? Shrimp and mussels.

Shrimp and mussels? Roasted tomatoes, balsamic.

And a chickpea, roasted chickpea with maraschino cherries.

I want to incorporate both countries equally, so I'm trying to pack it just chock full of all of the ingredients.


What you got goin' on? Duck foie gras a l'orange.

I'm gonna use duck because it's so clearly french.

I gonna use foie gras, because it's so clearly french.

Ah, [Bleep]



This marmalade's Indian.

Pfff! I don't think those beans are gonna be done in time, man.

Your beans? Yeah.

Okay, backup plan.

No beans.

What else can I use? This is not good.

Gonna try to get some kind of starch cooking.

Nine minutes to go, guys, yes? Yes, Chef.

Hi, my name's Trevor, and today, we're gonna take a little bit of China, take a little bit of Mexico and see what we can't come up with.

Whoo! Like it.

Some peppers, habaneros, some hot sauce, some chili sauce got a lot of spice going on today.

Let the fun begin.

Something burning? Spicy, spicy.

Definitely gonna have some heartburn after you get done eating, that's for sure.

Watch your hair.


Ha ha, real funny.

Five minutes to go, yes? [Bleep]

Beans aren't gonna be done in time.

Everyone else's dishes looked immaculate.

Last 30.


My dish sucks.

(Gordon) Five, four, three, two, one, and stop.

Okay, it's time to meet our judges.

Please welcome our first judge.

Philip Dubose, Executive Chef from Asia de Cuba and an expert in bending latin and asian cuisines.


Good morning, Chef.

Good morning, Chef.

Our next judge, please welcome Helene An.

She has been known as the mother of fusion, the Executive Chef, Crustacean.

Finally, our last judge.

Please welcome Lee Hefter, award
-winning Executive Chef of Spago.

(Jillian) World
-class Chefs are going to taste my dish.

I'm a [Bleep]

Nervous wreck.

Let's start with Trev, who fused China and Mexico together.

If Trev got Mexico and Texas, Trev couldn't make a flavor combination to save his life.

Good morning, Chefs.

Good morning.

I went with carne asada, sweetened it up a little bit.

Gave it that spice with a little bit of habanero, thought it brought it both together pretty well.

So you like chinese, so you like mexican.

Why not let the two have a little wedding and flavor expl*si*n? Helene, how was that for you.

A little bland.

A little bland? Okay.


I would say that it is a little bland.


It is very bland, the meat.

There was no marination on the meat at all.

It was way off balance.





I feel good about my dish.

It's really a big plate of food.

The flavors have really meshed well together.

Um, I had Greece and Italy.

(Helene) Ahh.

Went with a rustic seafood ragu with mussels and shrimp.

I used a greek pasta with roasted tomatoes and balsamic and some maraschino cherries and a splash of limoncello.

Wow, you definitely combined it.


(Gordon) Lee, how does that taste? (Lee) The mussels are cooked good, and the pasta still has a little bite to it, but sometimes we have problems incorporating too many things at the same time in one dish.

Almost like two separate dishes, perhaps.


Yeah, absolutely.

(Gordon) Nona, thank you.

(Jillian) If they're saying this about Nona's dish, I don't even want to know what they're gonna say about mine.


He combined France and India.



Russell has the benefit of being trained in french cuisine, so this should be pretty easy for Mr.

fancy pants.

I did a take on duck a l'orange.

I paired it with foie gras.

On the duck, I marinated it with curry powder, and then I finished it with a tamarind syrup.

How's that one, everybody? For me, the Indian spice in here is not enough for me.


Lee, please? The duck is overcooked, but I think that missing that That complete fusion of the Indian in it.

Is the duck overcooked? The duck is definitely overcooked, yeah.

Absolutely, and it is cut too thick.

I know my dish was the best dish served today, so you can kiss my ass.

I don't give a [Bleep]

About him.

(Gordon) Okay, thank you, Russell.

(Announcer) So far, Nona, Russell, and Trev have all had their share of criticism.

(Gordon) Ah, dear, how disappointing.

Okay, uh, Jillian, you are next.

(Announcer) Now all eyes are on a less than confident Jillian, who's about to face the judges.

Oh, [Bleep]

, here we go.

They all had some kind of criticism.

(Gordon) Thailand and Spain.

That's an interesting combination.

I'm having a nervous [Bleep]


I'm screwed.

(Announcer) Today, the Chefs have been challenged to combine cuisines from two countries into one amazing fusion dish.

So far Trev, Nona, and Russell have all failed to impress the judges.

(Gordon) Jillian, Thailand and Spain, please.

That's an interesting combination.

(Announcer) An Jillian has little hope she will do much better.

(Jillian) The judges were harsh, and that kind of freaked me out a little bit.

This is the most important challenge of my life.

I chose white rice, a little bit of marinated shrimp.

I threw some chorizo in there, and then marinated my shrimp in a little bit of spicy mayonnaise and some soybean curd.

(Gordon) Helene, how was that for you? Interesting dish.

I like it.

Thank you.

I think it's a nice
-tasting dish.

It's seasoned well.

Thank you very much.

It looks like a thai paella.


That's exactly what I was going for.

It is very good.

Thank you would you be happy to see that on your menu? Yes.

Better get a job, man, for real.

That went down well.

Thank you.

Thank you very much, Chef.

I appreciate it.

(Announcer) Remarkably, Jillian is the only Chef to receive praise from all the judges.

Which dish did you like best? (Announcer) And so picking the winner Jillian.

I would have to go with Jillian as well.

(Announcer) Is an easy decision.

(Gordon) Is it unanimous? Unanimously, I would go for it.

Thank you, Chef.

A round of applause for our judges, please.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Yeah! Across the board, I won that.

Ha ha, Russell.

This just proves why I'm still here, and I do have creativity.

(Gordon) Jillian, congratulations, thank you, Chef.

You and I are gonna be having an amazing lunch at one of the most renowned restaurants in the world, Spago.

Wow, enjoy it.

Nona, Russell, Trev, the dorm is furnished for 16, and there's only four of you left, so today's a move
-out day.

In addition to that, we're open for dinner tonight, so prep the kitchen.

A big service, yes? Yep.

Jillian? Yes, Chef.

Limo's gonna be here shortly, yes? I'll see you in a couple of minutes.

Yes, Chef.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

I'm so happy, man.

Like, I am flipping out right now, because we're going to lunch in a limo! Oh, my God, I gotta wear my expensive tall
-girl shoes today, so I can look good.

Hi, Chef.


You look beautiful.

Let's go, my darling.

I have hard time walking in tall shoes.

You look great.

Good to see you.


Please, jump in.

(Jillian) I am so excited.

Like, Chef Ramsay is so cool when he's not in the kitchen yelling at you and you just get to talk to him like a regular person.

How do you feel? Wonderful.

I was so glad you won.


Me, too.

Tough one, that one.

I'm just glad to beat Russell at anything, honestly.


Sometimes he's too cocky for his own good, in a way that he thinks it's in the bag, and it's not in the bag.


One in four chance.

You are that close.

It's amazing.

Talking to Chef Ramsay is a huge inspiration.

You've really upped your game, which is great.

I feel like I got just as good a chance as anyone to make it to the final two.

[Backup signal beeping]

[Horn blares]

Hey, guys.

There's a moving truck waiting for you.

Sure, James.

You got it? We got it.

All right, well, let's get to it.

I didn't do bad at the challenge today at all whatsoever.

Here I am doing the most physically straining punishment so far.

This is stupid.

I hate moving in general.

Taping up boxes, packing, moving, unloading it, loading it.

It's just, ugh This is gonna make my back stiff.

They told you to do something, let's just [Bleep]

Do it.

Trevor just wants to sit around and bitch and complain.

Trev, come on.

He's just like zit on your ass, and you want to pop [Bleep]

, but you know it's gonna hurt, and you can't reach it, that's Trevor.

You want some help? Not over the top of the thing.

(Trev) This is stupid.

Oh, [Bleep]

! Ow! Welcome to Spago.

Please, darling, come in.

Lee, how are you? Hi.

Congratulations again.

Thank you.

Come on in, let's get started.

Thank you very much.


Here we go.

Ohh! Hi, guys! (Gordon) Hello, guys.

Hell, yeah.

I was so happy to see my little guys.

Good to see you guys.

What a lovely surprise.


So you didn't know that was one coming, did you? No, but I was hoping it.

Man, this day couldn't get any better.

Your mummy won the most amazing challenge this morning.

How cool is that? Cool.

I mean, like, really cool.

Can we say congratulations, mummy? Water, my darling.

And you just clink glasses like that.

That's good luck.

There you go.

(Gordon) Brilliant.

[Fabric rips]

Oh, I just blew out the crotch in my pants.

I'm kind of over punishment, but I'm not gonna let him see it.

You know, I don't bitch, I don't complain.

I take it like a man.

I can take two of these.

No way, dude.

Yeah, for sure.

(Nona) It's one thing to be confident, but when you're super, overly cocky [Grunts]

You come off as a [Bleep]


You want some help? No, [Bleep]


I'll just take one.

And, darling, well done.

Darling, well done on the challenge.

I'm gonna disappear.

This is an important time for you to sit down and catch up and relax, yeah? Thank you, Chef.

I feel, like, a boost of energy from Chef Ramsay and my family.

It means the world to me right now.

Mmm! So you got dinner service tonight? Tonight's the big dinner service, and then eliminate to the final two.

Well, you've come so far, I'm so proud of you.

You're gonna win.



My family's been behind me It's my inspiration.

That's why I'm here.

I want to win for my kids, man.

Mama, you're gonna be famous.

Being able to see them today, that means everything to me.

You don't get to come home with us? Couple more days, buddy.

How come you can't come with us? [Sniffling]

Be a good guy, okay? If I have to be away from my kids, the least I can do is win, you know? I have to take the inspiration from my family and go into dinner service tonight, raring and ready to go, ready to make it to the final two, and I'm not gonna let anybody stand in my way.

Bye, guys.


Good luck.

(Announcer) In one hour, the doors to Hell's Kitchen will open.

At the end of tonight's dinner service, two Chefs will advance, and two Chefs will go home.

You make it happen.


(Announcer) With the pressure on, every last detail is being scrutinized Trevor, what is that, shallots? Yeah.

Can't use that.

(Announcer) By Russell.

That's not even a dice.

Dude, just leave me the [Bleep]

Alone today.

That's unacceptable.

Here, let me show you.

Trevor's a scrub.

I had to teach him how to dice shallots.

That's elementary style.

He doesn't even know how to tie his shoe unless somebody shows him.

Wow, thanks, buddy.

Just trying to help you.



Get away from me.



I hate you.


(Russell) What's going on? Nothing, Russ.

Okay, Trevor, do what you want, but if I work on that station, I'm just gonna throw 'em away.

(Jillian) Hola! (Nona) How was it? My kids were there.

Oh! That's so great! Oh, that's so wonderful.



Nona's the only one that welcomed me back.

Trev's looking just as down and gloomy as ever, Russell's looking pissed off.

To see Trev and Russell all poopy, that just makes me happy.

(Russell) Oh, dude, that's way too It's way too what? You can't do it on the heat.

Yeah, on the corner.

This is exactly how Chef Scott told me how to do it yesterday.

But did you take it down to syrup? (Jillian) I hope the Trev and Russell's attitude runs into service tonight, 'cause I want me and Nona to make it to the final two.

I put the cream in, and then I added
- but you have to boil the cream first.

I did.

I can't stand these people anymore.

I just wish they would go home.

We gotta do this, me and you, we gotta kick ass tonight.

I thought you said you boiled it.

I just added the butter two seconds before you walked in.

I'm not even playing, girl.

If I can do anything to hello you, I will.

We've been buds since day one, man.

It's time these b*tches won.

Leave me alone, okay? Okay.

Whatever, loser.

All right, guys, let's go.

Okay, tonight's service has to be the service of your lives, because I need to see who has the individual ability to lead a brigade.

That's why each of you, okay? Will get a turn running the pass.

This is my chance to lead, my chance to show what I'm made of, and I can't waste it.

You run the kitchen, or the kitchen runs you, okay? Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Set up the sections.

James? Yes, Chef? Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Yes, Chef.

[Dramatic music]

that's it, guys, yes? Ready, Trev? Yes, Chef.

(Gordon) Service of your life, yes? Let's go, yes? (Announcer) Tonight will be the true test of each of the Chef's leadership abilities.

It's the most important day of our life let's go, guys.

Good luck to you all, yes? Eyes wide open, yes? (Announcer) Chef Ramsay is looking to see who takes command of the kitchen I'm excited we're at the pass, dude.

(Announcer) Who inspires the brigade Welcome to the madhouse.

(Announcer) Who has high standards, and who gets the food out in the most efficient way.

Okay, guys, here we go, yes? Yes, Chef.

Two scallops entree, one halibut, one Wellington, two beef.

(All) Yes, Chef.

Scallops, please.

Scallops coming.

Garnish, please.

Garnish walking.

Here now.

(Announcer) With the service fully underway Service, please.

(Announcer) And appetizers leaving the kitchen Let's go.

You, on the hot plate, let's go.

Scott, please, on to the appetizers.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay is ready to pass the Baton over to Russell.

Away now, one salmon, one halibut, one beef, one Wellington.

Is your Wellington rested? My Wellington is rested! Six minutes! Six minutes, counting down! This service means more to me than anything else I've done in my culinary career.

Go on entrees! Go on entrees! Yes, Chef.

(Russell) I'm just gonna take control.

I'm gonna be telling you what I need, and I'm gonna be telling you when I need it and how I need it.

Service, please.

(Announcer) Russell is off to a good start.

It's good.

It's really good.

Taste, taste, taste, yes? Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) However, his quality control is about to be tested.

on two scallops, go with two truffle salads.

Plating two salads.

(Announcer) As Chef Scott tries to pull one over on him bu using pecans instead of walnuts in the truffle salads.

Two salads? Two salads, Chef.

I've come this far.

I've put out a lot of effort.

The expectations and the standards are gonna be high.

If anybody tries to sabotage me tonight, I'm gonna catch 'em.

Happy with the salads? No! Chef, Chef.

Can I get
- can I get walnuts? Those aren't walnuts? No, those are pecans.

(Scott) Oh, wow.

I've proved from day to day that, you know, I have leadership qualities.

Well spotted that's good.

This is my time to shine, and I'm gonna [Bleep]


Two truffle salads, one spaghetti, one scallop, six minutes.

Okay! Trevor, you heard me? Six? I heard! I said heard! Russ is a thug.

He's a jocko.

He's a meathead.

How long you out, Trevor? Come on, buddy.

Scallops coming! All he wants to do is throw me under the bus, sell me down the river, blame me for anything and everything that he can.

No [Bleep]


It's raw.

What's that? Raw.

Hey! Come on, [Bleep]


It's not even close.

I can't serve that.

Get another one going right away.

Fine! Right there, whatever.

Jillian? Yes, Chef? Get him a [Bleep]

Scallop fired, please.

Get your scallops on, guy, come on.

I'm goin' with the scallops! You don't gotta yell! I'm trying to help you out! You're the one that's yelling at me, Jillian! I was asking you, Trev.

You don't gotta get [Bleep]


Not the one coppin' a 'tude.

Help yourself then.

I'm dying now here.

I'm in the [Bleep]


Let's go, Trevor! Make that [Bleep]

Happen! Let's go! It's coming! Getting on my ass about it isn't gonna make it go any faster! Wow.

Make it [Bleep]

Happen, please.

It's in! (Announcer) Tonight Chef Ramsay is testing the finalists' ability to run the kitchen.

Russell easily passed his quality control test.

Let's go, Trevor.

Make that [Bleep]


Let's go! It's coming! (Announcer) But is having trouble keeping one of his Chefs in line.

Getting on my ass about it isn't gonna make it go any faster.


Make it [Bleep]

Happen, please.

It's in! Hey, come on! Hey, stop it! Come on, guys, we can't [Bleep]

Argue about it.

It's not gonna help anything.

Let's go! Yes, Chef.

Just get it done just get it done.



(Announcer) With Russell regaining control of the kitchen, food is once again making it out to the dining room.

Well done.

Let's go.

Yeah, and run your section.

Well done.

Chef Scott, switch back.


Thank you, Chef.

Right, Nona.

Yes, Chef? Pass your section over to Scott.

Let's go.

I'm anxious, I'm nervous.

This is the make or break you service.

This is it.

Watch everything, taste everything, and make sure you're on the game, yes? Two people are going home tonight, and I damn sure don't want to be one of them.

(Gordon) Come on, Nona.

Gotta convict it.

Let's go.

What's next, non? Away, four top, two scallops, one spaghetti, one truffle salad.

Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Come on, scallops.

Scallops are working! Nona, salad's on your left.

Scallops coming down.

Go, please (announcer) With Nona in command Thanks, James.

(Announcer) The kitchen is running smoothly.

Mash, please.

Coming right now.

It's a little loose.

(Announcer) But she's about to face he first quality control test.

Waiting on mash.

Wellingtons for you.

Beef are coming.

(Announcer) As Chef Scott delivers mashed celery root instead of mashed potatoes.

Taste, taste, taste, yes? Stop.

Bring that back.



Listen to me.


Taste that.

What is that? It tastes like mash.


In' hell.

You can't taste celery root there? No.

It celery root mash.

I don't know if my palate's all jacked up today or what.

It truly does taste like potato.

I'm sorry.

It really did.

That is celery root mash.

Can I get two
- two potato mash, please.

Two mash.

Nothing escapes your eye.

Nothing, yes? Yes, Chef.

Come on.

I have not performed to my full potential yet.

I know that I can do better.

I'm letting myself down.

Russell, we need a little more seasoning in the chowder, please.

It's time to cut the crap, man.

I have got to step it up.

Away, two beef, two Wellington.

Slicing my beef.

Behind, behind, left
-hand side.

-hand side.

Here you go, beef.

Here you go, non.


(Announcer) It's an hour and a half into dinner service.

Service, please.

(Announcer) And Nona and Russell have managed to feed half the dining room.

Well done.

Let's go.

Okay, Scott, take over the fish, please.

Ready, Trev? (Announcer) Now it's up to Trev to keep the momentum going.

All right, new order, one spaghetti, two scallops, one truffle salad.

How long? (Jillian) Nobody's listening to anything Trev says.

Just like, "blah blah blah," coming out his mouth.

Knock it out, guys.

Let's get 'em in, get 'em out.

Answer him.

(Jillian) Nobody respects him, and that's why, while he's on the pass, everyone's ignoring him.

One spaghetti, two scallops, one truffle salad.

Is there an answer? Yes, Chef! Yes, Chef! (Announcer) The Chefs may not be listening to Trev, but that doesn't stop him from calling more tickets.

One salmon, two beef, one Wellington, six minutes to the window! (Chefs) Six minutes! Thank you.

(Gordon) Stop, two people on salmon, Wellington! 'Cause you haven't sent the [Bleep]

Appetizers yet! Son of a bitch.

Son of a bitch? Oh, no! [Bleep]

Hell's right.

Trev sucks.

Sorry, Trev, you suck.

Come on, Trevor! (Announcer) With Trev at the pass, no food has left the kitchen.

Let's go.

Halibut, please.

Halibut right now! (Announcer) And the night is not getting any easier Halibut.

(Announcer) As Chef Scott brings his quality control test to the pass.

This isn't [Bleep]


Come on, Chef Scott, this is sea bass.

If you really want to throw me for a loop, try a little harder.

Well spotted.

(Announcer) While Trev got off to a rocky start, catching Chef Scott's sabotage has given him some confidence.

Up to the window, Jill.

Please and thank you.

Getting it, go.

(Announcer) And food is starting to flow out of the kitchen once again.

Please and thank you, get it going.

I'm surrounded by three people that think that I can't do this.

Service, please.

Here is my chance to prove to these guys that I'm an executive Chef, too.

I can do this and better than you.

That's exactly what I did.

Okay, back on the station.

Okay, right, Jillian, let's go.

Yes, Chef! I'm ready to do the damn thing, man.

I'm ready to kick some ass tonight, taking names, and I'm ready to go to the final two.

That's it.

Guys, listen up! Entrees! Three beef, two Wellington! Two Wellington in now! Come on, you answer me when I talk to you! Yes, Chef! I'm not [Bleep]

Playing around no more.

Next ticket, three spaghetti, two scallop, and a truffle salad! Trev! Did you hear what I said? Yes, I did! How many scallops do you have? Two.

All right.

Jillian, she had blood vessels popping out of her head 'cause she was screaming so hard.

Move your asses.

We gotta get this [Bleep]


Yes, Chef.

I was scared she was gonna give herself a brain aneurism.

Speed up, Russell! Come on! Spaghetti coming right now, Chef.

(Announcer) Jillian's assertiveness appears to be paying off.

I need my beef and my Wellington, please, now.

(Announcer) And the kitchen is running smoothly.

(Gordon) Very, very nice on the plate.

Thank you, Chef.

(Announcer) Now Chef Ramsay will see if her quality control is up to par, as Chef Scott delivers a New York strip, instead of a rib eye.

Two Wellington, one beef up.

Thank you, Chef.

A lot of sauce, Chef.

I don't need that much next time, please.

(Gordon) Stop.

It's a rib eye beef, yes? And that is a New York strip.

Come on.

Yeah? Yeah? This is not a rib eye! This is a New York strip! Come on! You sure? Yes, Chef.

I'm gonna [Bleep]

Be so a**l, I'm never gonna let something [Bleep]

Go by me without looking at it from here on out.

Need a new one right away.

Right now.

Come on, Jillian, you gotta have your eyes open, yes? (Announcer) After failing to notice Chef Scott's swapping of the meat I need that now! I need the halibut now, like five minutes ago.

Coming down.

(Announcer) Jillian is on high alert.

Come on, Trev.

You're not sending that [Bleep]


That one looks like crap.

Fire a new one.

Fire it now.

It's ready right now if you want it.

Come on! Trev, you're [Bleep]

Up, and it's not right.

This one's skinny as [Bleep]

And that one's fat as [Bleep]


You got a different one? It's gonna take six minutes if you want me to do that.

Well, this is not how they look on the same table.


They're not all cut equal.

Jillian is just, "rah rah rah rah rah," all over Trev.

Trev! Yes, Chef? Your halibut is [Bleep]

Raw! Come here! Come here! Look at that [Bleep]

, dude.

It's [Bleep]

Raw! Come on, how many times are you gonna do it? As many times as it takes? As many times as it takes to get it right! [Bleep]

Get it right, man! Doesn't make any sense to me.

I just don't understand.

Like, I don't get it.

You've got to control the kitchen, otherwise the kitchen controls you.

Yes, Chef.

You're screwing me on the pass! [Bleep]

You! They're all different [Bleep]

Sizes here.

(Gordon) Jillian! You have to convict this.

This is just not good enough.

Listen to me! It's not good enough! You may want to screw her, but you're not gonna screw me! Come here, you! (Announcer) It's two hours into dinner service.

You're screwing me on the pass! (Announcer) And the w*r between Jillian and Trev is escalating, and Chef Ramsay has had enough.

Jillian, you have to convict this.

This is just not good enough.

Listen to me! It's not good enough! You may want to screw her, but you're not gonna screw me! Come here, you.

Next time you [Bleep]

Her again or [Bleep]

Me with one halibut, you're [Bleep]

Out! Now wake up! A joke's a joke, but quit it! I wanted to throw, like, a [Bleep]

Hot pan at Trev's head.

Stop making me look bad.

Do your job.

Move it! Now, yeah? You know how it feels standing here, yes? [Bleep]



(Announcer) Now that all of the Chefs have had a chance to show their leadership capabilities.

Let's go! Last two tables, guys! Let's go, guys! Yeah? (Announcer) Chef Ramsay takes his rightful place at the pass to finish the service.

Finish it out tough, guys, come on! I know in my heart I did the best I could tonight, and I tried my hardest.

I just hope that it's good enough for me to make it to the final two.

That's called speed.


Come on, let's push it out, guys.

We're almost there.

Let's push it out.

Service, please.

Switch off.

That's all, well done.

We've come a long way.

Unfortunately, two of you are going home this evening.

I want you to go upstairs and have a bloody good discussion on who deserves to stay and who deserves to go home.

Got it? Yes, Chef.

Hyperventilating, dude.

I'm a nervous wreck.

I did not come to Hell's Kitchen to lose to Trev and Russell or Nona.

I came here to [Bleep]


I don't see any reason that I should be put up for elimination tonight at all.

I did great tonight.

I didn't like the way you ran the pass.

You were just sitting there screaming at me.

It was, "come on, Trev! Come on, Trev! Come on, Trev!" Trev, it's so obvious you had your fair share of struggles.


(Trev) Russ is a cocky son of a bitch.

He thinks he's the end all, be all, but, ultimately, I handled the pass better than anybody tonight.

I [Bleep]

Deserve to win it.

Since I've gotten the black jacket, I've been the most consistent.

Nona was absolutely horrible tonight.

That's the way i felt.

This is [Bleep]


I have fought my ass off.

I'm doing this for my family.

I'm not going up there.

Who's going up there then? I don't give a [Bleep]

Who's going up there, but I'm sure as hell not going up there.

Nona's acting like she's the only one that's worked hard for this.

We all have everything riding on this, and for her to sit down there and act crazy is pissing me off.

Because I've worked just as hard as she did, and I have a [Bleep]

Family, too.

None of us want to go home, Nona.

None of us.

[Dramatic music]



Let's get down to business.

I thought long and hard and studied the performances.

One of you is not ready to take on the job of the executive Chef at the L.



[Suspenseful music]

And that person is Trev.

Take your jacket off, big man.

You fought against all odds.


And your determination never waivered.

Good job.

I really mean that.

I appreciate the opportunity.

And good luck.

Hey, it's been a pleasure.

Later, you guys.


Bye, Trev.

I'm feeling, you know, disappointed.

I really overcame a lot at Hell's Kitchen.

It's an embarrassment.

I took more [Bleep]

From the other contestants than I did from Chef Ramsay.

Shut up! Or what? Shut the [Bleep]

Up! I was struggling with egos.

I just want to be part of the team.

What is the [Bleep]

Issue? I'm pissed about it.

With attitude.

How long? I need a minute, 30 on your chicken garnish! Thank you! All the big executive Chefs.

You want me to cook? No, I know what the [Bleep]

I'm doing.

I've stood on my own two feet in this kitchen.

Wellington's perfectly cooked.

Thank you, Chef.

Who's got two thumbs and thinks he's the [Bleep]

Right now? This guy.

I really, really tried to win this thing.

You may not be liked, but you got the jacket.

Damn straight.

It's mine to lose.

But, ultimately, heart and determination did not win out over experience, so [Bleep]



This is hard.

You've all earned the right to be in the final.

Sadly, there's only room for two.

Holy [Bleep]


Russell, why do you think you deserve to be in the final? I'm not gonna do myself justice by walking out of here now.

I need to get to the finals, and I need to prove to you that I work harder than anybody else.

I've come in, you know, and everyone's put the target on me, but I've lived up to the billing.

Thank you.

Nona, tell me why you think you should be in the final.

I came in here kind of as an underdog.

I didn't walk into this thinking this was gonna be a breeze, and I've given everything I've ever, ever had.

It means everything, everything to me to win this.

Jillian? I deserve to be in the final, because I've done nothing but kick ass.

I came here to win, too.

I have fought every day since I've been here, and I will never quit fighting.

Never, not till the day I die.


The first person advancing to the final is [Suspenseful music]



Really well done.

Thank you, Chef, so much.

I appreciate it.


The person joining Russell in the final will be (announcer) After numerous challenges and dinner services, the first Chef into the final is Russell.


(Announcer) Now it's time to find out who will be rewarded with the highly coveted remaining spot in the final.

Will it be Jillian or Nona? The person joining Russell will be It is not in the cards to go home tonight.

I came here to win.

I have to make it to the final two.

I'm doing this for me, I'm doing this for my family.

This is absolutely everything to me.

Congratulations Nona.

Well done.

Good job, Nona.

Well done, well done, well done.

Jillian, you have been a fierce competitor.

Come here.

Don't take that jacket off, 'cause you deserve to keep it on.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you for everything, Chef.

Well done I appreciate it.

Good luck.

Well done, my darling.

I've been chosen to be a Chef on Hell's Kitchen.

I never thought I would make it this far.

It actually tastes quite delicious.

Thank you, Chef.

This experience proved to me that I have what it takes to be a Chef.

Jillian, perfectly cooked.

I got great comments from some world
-class Chefs.

That is very good.

Would you be happy to see that on your menu? Yes.

I'm the only person that never got put up for elimination in Hell's Kitchen, and that says a lot.

(Gordon) Come on, Jillian! I'm working it, Chef.

Hoo! It's hard, but I did the best I could.

I burned my hand.

That's why I dropped it.

I saw you burn your hand.

I'm not gonna give up.

I know I made my kids proud, and I know this isn't the end for me.

Like, honestly, I don't feel like I deserve to be standing here.

I feel like I should be in the final two.

Well? Aah! Congratulations.

Oh, my God.

Well done.


Well done, big man.

Well done, well done, well done, well done.

How do you feel? Feels [Bleep]


This is ridiculous! I feel like I'm gonna puke.


I'm so proud and so happy to see you both standing there.

It's gonna be an amazing final.

Good luck.

Thank you so much.

Thank you, Chef.

Good night.

Thank you.

Ohh! I always knew I would be in the finals.

The biggest competition here is definitely myself.

I'm most definitely gonna win.

Whoo! Oh, snap! What? I have come a long way.

I have been down, and I've been up.

You can't break me.

You can count on that.

(Gordon) Jillian didn't let her lack of fine dining experience get in the way.

She made it this far because of her passion and determination.

Unfortunately, it just wasn't enough to get her into the final.
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