08x13 - 4 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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08x13 - 4 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) Previously on Hell's Kitchen Chef Ramsay surprised the final five.

There's your kitchens! [Horn playing la cucaracha]

Are you kidding me? Catering trucks? (Announcer) With a signature lunch challenge Your favorite dish belongs to (Announcer) Gail's steak salad Well done! Really good.

(Announcer) Was a clear favorite.

Thanks, guys.

(Announcer) While Russell's grilled octopus You did not like this dish.

(Announcer) Was a clear disaster.

Russell's Mr.

fancy pants.

It was nice to see him come in dead last, that's for sure.

(Announcer) But at dinner service Jillian, they're overcooked.

Start the tea again.

(Announcer) Russell redeemed himself They have no color on that side.

The pan's not hot enough.

On the fish station.

(Gordon) Scallops cooked perfectly.

(Announcer) Nona, on the other hand, had a sub
-par performance.

Crunchy spaghetti.

Come on! (Announcer) While challenge winner Gail failed again.

Where's the garnish? Oops.

Not ready yet.

(Announcer) And again Gail is just completely non

(Announcer) And again Hard, undercooked, and stone cold.

This is not normal.

It's like a joke, like you've just been punked.

(Announcer) But it was Trev's mangling of the meat Put your finger on that.

They're overcooked.

(Announcer) That pushed Chef Ramsay over the edge.

It's like you're doing it on purpose! I'm done.

Good luck.


(Announcer) And right out the door.

We are [Bleep]


(Announcer) At elimination time, the Chefs had lots of choices, but chose Gail and Trev.

(Announcer) But Chef Ramsay had a message for Jillian.

Listen to me carefully You gotta pull it back.

I didn't like what I saw.

I know I disappointed you.

I disappointed myself.

(Announcer) In the end, early favorite Gail I thought that you were going to go a lot further.

(Announcer) The executive Chef from New York was forced to say "so long" to Hell's Kitchen.

[The Ohio Players' "Fire"]

Fire whoo
-whoo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a fuller love, child yes, it does, uh the way you squeeze and tease knocks to me my knees 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child woo, woo the way you push, push lets me know that you're good oh, yeah fire mm.

Ah! ah! fire fire (announcer) And now The continuation of Hell's Kitchen Talk about relief.

I feel like I'm white as a ghost right now.

How does it feel to be in the final four? Wow.

I made it to the final four.

And it's so close to the end.

And it's just like, oh, man.

Time for a cigarette.

Ooh, I wanna go out there with you.

Hell yeah, I wanna make it into the final three.

So I just have to come back tomorrow, and keep fighting, and just hope that I do better tomorrow than I did today.

I have to have a [Bleep]

stellar performance tomorrow, or I'm gonna get put up.

Did you think coming in here, the first dinner service, that it would be us four? I never thought Trev would make it this far.

At this point right now, I think my biggest competition's myself.

Basically Trevor is way over his head, and I don't think Nona's there either.

But I think Nona's better than Jillian.

Jillian had a lot of bad services lately.

So it's like she's falling apart.

(Jillian) Good night, monkey.

(Announcer) Nona, Russell, Trev, and Jillian designed by Chef Ramsay.

But they are about to face their most difficult one yet.


(All) Morning, Chef.

Okay, now that we're down to our final four, I'm gonna pair you up, yes? (All) Yes, Chef.

Trev and Jillian, one team.

Russell and Nona, one team.

Yes, Chef.

And I would just like you to come up with one great dish together.

(All) Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) What the Chefs don't know is that this cooking assignment is a mere distraction.

starting from now.

Oh, yeah.

(Announcer) And while they're busy preparing their dishes (Russell) What do you wanna do? (Announcer) In the red kitchen, Chef Ramsay is busy preparing their next challenge: Taste it, now make it.

Each of the Chefs will have to recreate Chef Ramsay's dish by completely relying on their palate.

Chef Ramsay believes that a great Chef should be able to identify the key ingredients of any dish simply by tasting it.

Okay, good.

Bring them down over here.

(Announcer) And he's going to use the dishes created by the final four to demonstrate.

Okay, Trev and Jillian first.

Uh, we did a little bit of
-don' yeah, I'm gonna let the taste do the talking.

Clearly, lamb cutlets.

In here, we have Pear, red pepper Yes, Chef.

Lambazine seasoned with cinnamon? Yep.

Wow, he's good.

Dude, this guy's palate is ridiculous.

Russell and Nona.

I wouldn't even have been able to do that.

And I made the [Bleep]


That's a rib eye.

Uh, there's a little kick right At the beginning.


That is not lime.

It's lemon.


Yeah, and it's not creme fraiche.

Mascarpone? Yep.

Yes, Chef.


Chef is definitely in the elite of super tasters.

Another delicious dish.

Thank you, Chef.

But get prepared now for your real challenge.

(Nona) What? What do you mean, that's not our challenge? Now, for your next challenge.

I want you to taste a dish that I've just cooked.

Once you've tasted it, you're gonna recreate it.


Now the person that comes closest to recreating this dish wins the challenge.

45 minutes.

Starting fromNow.

(Announcer) With no information about the ingredients or recipe, and only one sample dish to reference, each Chef must recreate the dish from sight, smell, and taste.

I'm trying to, like, pick out different things that I know are definitely in here.

But at the same time, I'm also kind of like Ah, it's so good.

Close your eyes.

Taste, taste, taste.

I eat pork all the time.

There's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that I'm eating pork right now.

Right away, I pick veal right up.

I'm very confident in my palate.

I definitely think I can recreate the dish.

When I pulled veal, Trev pulled veal.

And so I'm like, "okay, so he's watching me.

" And so then I go and I grab pork Just to [Bleep]

With him.


Hee, hee, hee.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Have some options up your sleeve, yes? (All) Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) Nona and Russell have decided on veal, while Jillian has selected pork.

Meanwhile, Trev is undecided but is playing it smart.

He said, "give yourself options," so I was doing two of everything that I was unsure of.

I did one pork and one veal.

I did sweet potatoes and I did the carrots.

Everybody's looking for any advantage they can get.

Let's good, guys, yeah? Make it count, yes.

The only thing I could taste in the puree was star anise.

I couldn't taste if it was carrots, butternut squash, or yams.

So I have to just go with my gut.

(Announcer) Russell decides to go with a yam puree, as do Nona and Jillian.

Trev, once again, hedges his bets.

I was stuck on the puree.

I mean, I've made both, but this was a natural sweetness.

And I was certain it was [Bleep]


So I went with it.

Last 15 minutes.

Don't even think about plating up till at least three minutes to go, yes? (All) Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) The final four have all chosen celery root and cabbage to garnish the main components of Chef Ramsay's dish.

But while everyone else used bacon to accent the cabbage, Nona tastes something else.

When I taste, I'm trying to feel the texture, and I knew it was pancetta.

(Announcer) Now that Nona's content with her pancetta, the Chefs must decode the final element of Chef Ramsay's dish
- the sauce.

Ooh, I think I know what the sauce is.

It was, like, a brown gravy truffle sauce.

A little chicken stock.

And I swear, it tasted exactly like the one that Chef Ramsay made.

(Announcer) The Chefs have all chosen the same base for their sauce.

But Trev, as usual, isn't done yet.

I'm really working on that sauce.

That sweetness you're only gonna get by using wine.

So I added that to

All right, got the sweetness.

(Gordon) Three minutes to go! Start putting the food on the plate.

I'm eating the pork, I'm eating the veal, I'm eating the pork, I'm eating the veal.

They're close in flavor and texture.

It's hard to [Bleep]


Ten, nine, eight So I made a snap judgment and I went with the pork.

(Gordon) Three, two, one.

And serve! Ooh, that was fun.

Ah, I forgot the puree.

It's sitting right there.

Ah, [Bleep]


Gah, great.

The [Bleep]


There I go again, rushing and not thinking, and [Bleep]


Okay, Jillian.

Let's go with you first, please.

Ladies first.

Yes, Chef.

Thank you very much.

Okay, what is it? Chef.

A roasted pork loin with brown truffle gravy and sweet potatoes.

Pork's cooked nicely.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you.


Thank you, Chef.

He didn't say anything bad about my plate, so at least my [Bleep]

Tastes good.


Describe the dish, please.

I have a pan
-seared veal, and I have cabbage with pancetta.


And for the puree, I have sweet potatoes with star anise.


Chef isn't saying anything.

He's just like, "yeah, nice.

Mm, mm.

" Mm.


So what is it? Nice, thank you.

Thank you.


It's a pan
-roasted veal loin.

Napa cabbage with a little bit of bacon, and sweet potato puree with a little bit of star anise.

And then, you know, I just seasoned it.

My plate looks exactly like Chef Ramsay's.

Everything looks spot on.


Thank you.

And what is it? Pork loin.

Pork loin.

Over a bed of the Napa cabbage.


And I did a port wine dark chicken sauce for it.

The sauce is delicious.

Thank you.

Why port wine? I tasted a little sweetness on the one that you gave us, so I was trying to search for that.

Yeah, interesting.

Where is your puree? Sitting behind you.


You made it and you didn't put it on.




Yeah, I know.

Why'd you make a stunning puree like that and then not put it on the plate? Spaced out.

You would've been the only one right.

For me to [Bleep]

Up something as stupid as forgetting to plate something, it's just
- it's unacceptable.

But at least nobody else got the carrot puree.

Okay, fascinating.

The one thing you all had, congratulations, was chicken stock.

Trev, you were the only one that had the port wine; Well done.

Thank you.

It was a port wine sauce.

Wow, wow, wow.

I could pull this off, maybe.

Okay, two pork, two veal.

Russell and Nona You are correct.





Thank you, Chef.

Veal, veal, veal, veal! It's totally veal! You two now.

Going with veal as the main protein.

Celery root, celery root.

Inside your puree is what? Star anise and a little bit of cream sauce.

Star anise.

And you put star anise in yours? Yeah, I boiled it off with star anise.


Congratulations to you both.

However, there is one dish that is slightly in front, down to the fine tuning.

Inside the cabbage, there is bacon, Russell.

Nona, inside your cabbage, there is pancetta.

Yes, Chef.

Congratulations (Announcer) In today's taste it, now make it challenge, the four finalists had to recreate one of Chef Ramsay's signature dishes.

Trev and Jillian used pork instead of veal.



(Announcer) And are out of the competition.

There is one dish slightly in front.

(Announcer) Now the battle is between Russell and Nona.

Russell, inside the cabbage there is bacon.

Nona, inside your cabbage there is pancetta.

Yes, Chef.

Congratulations [Suspenseful music]

Nona, pancetta is right.

Well done.


Yay! I finally won a challenge by myself.

I am so excited.

For your reward, you'll be heading off to Beverly Hills To the hands on spa.

[Cheers and screams]

To sit back, relax, and just get pampered.

Massage, facials And relax! I also have a little surprise for you upstairs waiting.


Uh, the rest of you, listen up carefully.

In Hell's Kitchen today, big day
- laundry day.

You'll be prepping, ironing, starching all the tablecloths.

And I've got a couple of jackets that need doing as well.

Don't get them too stiff.

I don't wanna look like a mummy.

Whatever, we get to do laundry all day and prep the kitchen for [Bleep]

Service tonight, yay.

(Gordon) Nona It would be a great shame for you to go to the spa alone.

You could now save someone from laundry day.

Ah! Look at their faces.


I'll pick Russ.

Thank you.

(Gordon) Well done.

I thought for sure Nona was gonna choose me.

I thought she was my girl.

What a bitch, man.

'Cause I really wanna [Bleep]


I'm pissed about it, I'm not even gonna lie.

You two, go off and get changed.

Yes, Chef.

Nona, great job.

Yes, Chef.

Really good job.


There's your new pan set.

Oh, my God! "Well done.

Lots of love, gor
-" oh, my God! I got the most amazing set of Demeyere cookware with three
-star Chef Gordon Ramsay's cookbook.

Signed, says "I love you, Nona.

You're my favorite.

" Yay! No, he didn't say that.

It didn't say that.

Awesome! Good job.

Thank you so much.

Nona works hard and she puts out a lot of effort.

Good for her, but I don't really care about pots and pans.

They can't make you a better cook.

You deserve it.

Okay, let's start getting some equipment and start stocking up the stations.

Let's get cutting boards, anything that we're gonna need.

You wanna do this side and I'll do that side? Bye, Jilli.


When you lose a damn challenge, it just brings you down to a level that sucks.

I just wanna go on a mountainside and be like everyone else.

Leave me the [Bleep]

Alone for a while.

(Tiffany) Hi.

Hi! How are you? Welcome.

I'm Tiffany, welcome to hands on.

Nice to meet you.

Hello, I'm Russell.

Anytime you take a little time off for yourself, it's hugely beneficial.

So, ugh! It just was awesome.

(Announcer) While Nona and Russell leave their troubles behind, back in Hell's Kitchen Laundry! Yay.

(Announcer) Jillian and Trev's troubles are just beginning.

So washing machine, dryer Most important thing for you to do are Chef Ramsay's Chef jackets.

And you know how picky he is.

I did not come here to lose [Bleep]

All the time.

After a while, it just gets kind of frustrating.

This sucks.

(Russell) Tiffany, are you married? [Giggles]



(Nona) Russell was totally flirting.

I'm like, "Russell, shut up.

" No.


(Announcer) While Russell makes a play at the spa, back in Hell's Kitchen, Jillian and Trev are working on a strategy of their own.

Bet that Nona and [Bleep]

Russell don't show up for two or three days now.

Let them get put up for elimination tonight, even if they do good.


-shaka! Ah, that's my I like it.

Jillian and I have already decided we don't want these two here anymore.

And we'd like to see us, the underdogs, take it away from the privileged.

(Jillian) Here they come.

What up? Hi, guys.

Hey, it's the pretty girls.


I really, really wanted to take Jillian, 'cause I know that she's been pretty down and out lately.

But picking Russell was more strategy than really anything.

'Cause if he goes with me, then that means I'm not on his target list.

Did you all have fun today? Yeah, [Bleep]



Yeah, well, be unhappy with yourself.

Don't be a bitch to us.

Jillian, she's got a bad attitude.

I feel like she's wasting all of our time.

She needs to go home.

Right, let's go, guys, yes? Get on your stations.

Yes, Chef.

Except you, Jillian.

I want two minutes with you, let's go.

Oh, [Bleep]


It's not looking good for Jillian right now.

I don't know what he goona say.

I have no idea.

I already know I sucked last service.

But I know that, any given second, Chef could tap you on the shoulder and say, "go home.

" That makes me scared as [Bleep]


Sit down.

(Announcer) Hell's Kitchen is moments away from opening.

Right, let's go, guys, yes? Get on your stations.

(Announcer) But one Chef Except you, Jillian.

I want two minutes with you.

(Announcer) Is wondering whether she'll make it to dinner service.

My stomach's in knots.

I've never worked this h my l, and to get sent home now, that would just be a straight kick in the face.

Close the door.

Okay, sit down.

When you first arrived here, you were not And I looked at you as a bit of an underdog.

Then you worked bloody hard.

And you proved me wrong.

But the last two dinner services You seem that you have lost your confidence.

Why? I don't know.

When I suck, like, I get
-I think I'm, like, harder on myself than everyone else.

'Cause I get so pissed at myself when I [Bleep]


You are a strong, determined girl with a great future.

But you've gotta stop beating yourself up at the first mistake.

And what you've got to learn To fight back, you've got to find that inner strength that you can be as good as anyone that's in Hell's Kitchen currently if you bounce back.

Yes, Chef.

You can do it.

Okay, Chef.

We're opening in 15, yes.

Thank you, Chef.

Talking to Chef Ramsay is the pep talk I needed.

To hear Chef Ramsay be like, "you're good, you just need to focus.

" Like, it
-it means the world to me.

Tonight is my night.

He's chosen me to be here for a reason, and I have to show him why.

Okay, James.

Yes, Chef? Open Hell's Kitchen.

Let's go.

Welcome to Hell's Kitchen.

I'm gonna start with the lobster spaghetti.

I'll get the halibut.

I'll take everything on page one.

Everything on page one.

(Announcer) After two terrible dinner services Let's start right from the very top.

One turbot salad, two spaghetti, three scallop.

(All) Yes, Chef.

Good, let's go.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay is counting on the final four to finally deliver.

Walking right now with spaghetti.

I'm really pumped for service tonight.

We've got a lot to prove, and I am absolutely going to show Chef that I can kick ass.


Yes? Nice color pasta.

Yes, Chef! I want a scallop garnish.

Let's go.

Scallop garnish right now, Chef.

Let's go.

Jillian That's delicious.

Thank you, Chef.

Aw, man.

I'm like, "hell yeah.

" I knew it tasted good, 'cause id it.

Russell, two scallops, let's go.

Scallops in the window.

I'm ready for service.

You gotta stay calm, cool, and collective, and push the food out; That's the key to the night.

Scallops cooked perfectly, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

I'm getting nervous.

We've never kicked off service like this.

Service, please.

It's good.

Keep it going, guys, yes? This is night and day from our last service.

(All) Yes, Chef! Coming with the risotto.

This is [Bleep]

Me off.

Stop! Come here, you.

Come here.

And you, as well.

Have a [Bleep]

Good taste.


It's [Bleep]


I love what's happening right now.

What's the first thing that comes to your mouth? (Russell) Pepper.

Yeah, can we have some risotto with the pepper, please? Re

Three stunning risottos, away.

Yes, Chef.

Sucks, sucks, sucks.

Three minutes out on that risotto.



That is raw! Russell Yo? Yo? Yeah? Oh, yo, hey.


Raw! That [Bleep]

Is raw! [Bleep]




-scallop like
-business puts up cold scallops.

One minute on a scallop.

Apparently, you're not all that and a bag of chips after all, are you? I don't wanna lose the momentum now! 'Cause everyone will start [Bleep]

Nodding off.

This is not good.

We started off great.

I don't know what happened; It just went downhill.

Go, go.

Scallop garnish, please.

Coming with risotto.

Garnish coming.


Service, please.

Let's go! (Announcer) Nona and Russell have rebounded on the appetizers.

You know where you're going, yes? It's really good, I love scallops.

Coming with risotto.

Service, please.

(Announcer) And food is now leaving the kitchen in a continual flow.

(Gordon) Service.

It's good.

(Announcer) And as the team moves on to entrees Entree, two Wellington, three beef.

Let's go, two Wellington in.

Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) The pressure shifts (all) Yes, Chef.

Serving Wellingtons all day.

All [Bleep]

Meat! [Clanging]

Whoops! Come on, Trev, stay in control.

Yes, Chef.

Don't panic.


Right off the bat, it was meat, meat, meat, meat, meat.

That's all it was.

I'm shaking in my boots.

I'm nervous as hell.

That's the only thing going through my head.

Checking the first welly.

Trev Just calm down! Use your carving knife.

It's serrated, so it's hard on there.

Watch, watch, watch.

Find your mark, fingers down Gently on the [Bleep]



Yeah, I wanna see your delicate touch again.

Find your mark Hold the pastry down, let the knife do the work.


Perfect, let's go.

Oh, my God.

I don't understand why Chef is over there doing the meat for Trev.

No oil in the pan.

You end up scorching the meat.

Leave the oil in there.

It has to work, yes? It's like training wheels with the little freakin' boink, boink, boink, boink on his bicycle.

(Gordon) Stay in control.

You got it.

(Gordon) Trev! Don't throw it in there.

Don't throw it in, we'll just stay calm.

When you throw in a steak like that, I can tell you're panicking.

Outside, 30 seconds.

Just out that side door now, and fill up your lungs, let's go.

Close the [Bleep]


Big deep breath.

Calm, 30 seconds.

Trev got kicked out and he had to go take a deep breath, and I was just kind of snickering.

He looked hilarious.

I can't help but laugh.

Back out, (Trev) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Come on, you know how [Bleep]

Counting goes.

There you go.

It's embarrassing.

It really is.

Ready? Let's go, big boy.

Stop panicking.


Busy, calm.

That's it, yeah? In the zone, yes? Look at me in the eyes.

In the [Bleep]



Let's go.

Wipe down.

Wipe down.

Let's go.

Garnish, please.

Garnish coming right now, Chef.



(Announcer) Trev's meat cooked by Chef Ramsay Beautiful sear on that meat.

(Announcer) Has met Chef Ramsay's approval, and now he's hoping Trev's time
-out will help him to cook more calmly Trev, don't panic.

(Announcer) And successfully deliver his own entrees.

Three Wellington, one salmon, yes? (All) Yes, Chef.

All right, let's go, let's get this done.

Let's go.

I just need to stay focused.

That's all I need to do.

I got one Wellington here.

I got three Wellington, one salmon, and I got one Wellington here.

Who's got confused? Where's the other two Wellingtons, buddy? Oh, I got confused.

Trev! Do you wanna go home? No, Chef! [Suspenseful music]

Ugh! Come here.

Come here, come here.

I said, "come here!" (Announcer) It's just over an hour into dinner service.

I've got 3 Wellington, 1 salmon and I got one Wellington here.

(Announcer) And even after a personal tutorial from Chef Ramsay on the meat station, Trev has managed to mess up again Where's the other two Wellingtons, buddy? Oh, right here.

I got confused.

(Announcer) Stalling all the entrees.

Trev, come here.

Come here.

Me here.

Out! [Bleep]





All on his own.

Close the [Bleep]

Door! Son of a bitch.

I knew it was three.

They were made, they were cooked, they were ready, they were perfect.

I just space
-cadeted because I didn't set myself up properly.

Three Wellington, one salmon.

Unbelievable! Cooked perfectly! Think! Come on, Trev.

Get this together, drive it home, get it done.

Let's go.

Slow down.

Yes, Chef.

Three Wellington, one salmon.

Salmon's in the window, you bring more Wellington.

That tells me you're not concentrating.

Hey, slow down.



All the way.

Service, please.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

(Announcer) The complete order has finally made it out to the dining room.

It's so good.

(Announcer) And now Chef Ramsay is looking to Russell Halibut, halibut sauce.

(Announcer) To keep the entrees moving.

Russell, I've got two halibut, yes? One's maximum color, one's done perfectly.

It's on the same table.

You've got one exactly the same as that? Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

I made one mistake.

I did one halibut bad.

He said it's not good enough, and I made him another one.

No big deal.


It's undercooked! It's raw! [Bleep]

, come on! Get it back in! Yes, Chef.

He wants to show that he's superman and he was trying to fly something out that wasn't gonna fly; He should've known better.



How? (Trev) We don't need a guy like that in charge.

Can you fix it? Yep.

I need two minutes on that.

And I guess if I have to be the guy, if I have to start raising my voice, I'll do it.

All right, we're pushing it.

We got two minutes.

What's the next ticket? Let's get that rocking for garnish.

All garnish to the window.

Jillian, please.

Garnish coming.

Go, thank you.

Halibut, you're walking? Yep, halibut walking.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Steaks following.

Halibut's perfectly cooked.

Thank you.

Let's go, guys.

(Announcer) The final four have found their groove.

The lamb is excellent.

(Announcer) And entrees are leaving the kitchen rapidly.

Garnish to the window.

Garnish to the window.

Jillian Yes, Chef! That's delicious.

Thank you, Chef.

That pep talk from Chef Ramsay before service, that got me pumped.

Mash tasted delicious.

Let's go.

Thank you, Chef.

Chef Jillian in the house! We're almost there! Lats, we got this.

(Announcer) With the finish line in sight I think the last two are gonna rely on me.

All I need is your salmon.

(Russell) I got you.

(Announcer) It's up to enemies Trev and Russell to work together.

How long on a salmon? Is it fired? It's gonna be in a minute here.

WellIt's not fired.

Every time Chef calls an order, you gotta wait until he fires it before you can start cooking.

I'd just be prepared for it.

Hold on, bro, let me just take care of That's fine.

I'm trying to be a step ahead of the game.

Russell should be working on the next one while thinking a couple of more tickets ahead of time.

Two minutes to the window! It's not even fired yet.

It's not even fired.

I knew it.

Hey, you asked me how long.

I gave you a time.

Don't just sit there and say, "I knew it.

" (Jillian) Don't yell, guys.

Come on.

Okay, Trevor.

If you tell me to fire something, and then it's not fired and it makes me look bad, you know what's gonna happen.

I'm gonna stick this size 12 so far up your [Bleep]

, dude, you're gonna be spitting shoelaces for, like, a week.

Dude, seriously.

I'm not trying to [Bleep]

You over, Russ.


(Russell) Just shut up.

Come on, don't argue.

Just be quiet and let's finish.

Those two fight so much.

Russell's a bully, and Trev's just [Bleep]

Around, acting like the [Bleep]


You guys wanna fail, then fail.

But not me.

Come on, guys.

One halibut, one risotto.

Salmon and a beef next.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Halibut's in the window.

There you go.

Service, please.

Another 30 seconds on the risotto.

(Gordon) Come on, Nona.

Go, come back for the risotto.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay has sent the halibut out to the dining room with the hopes that the risotto will soon follow.

Your risotto should just be a few minutes.


Can I just smell your food? (Announcer) but as the customer grows hungrier Come on, Nona, let's go! Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay grows impatient.

Risotto, please.

Yes, Chef.


It's not even green.

Oh, my God! Stop.

Come on.


Let's go, you.

Don't run away from me.

I'm not running away, Chef.


(Jillian) No flavor.

Bland! Again? I'm like, how do you [Bleep]

Up risottos twice? Bland! Yes, Chef.

On the back of it being bland, it's [Bleep]

Burned on the bottom of the [Bleep]


Aw, man.

This is such a shame! Chef was pissed.

Is that your best? No, it's not my best.

Well, [Bleep]

Give me your best or get out! (Announcer) Over two hours into dinner service, the final four
-Jillian, Nona, Russell, and Trev
- are just one and a half tables away From completing dinner service.

Come on, Nona, risotto, please.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

(Announcer) But Nona's risotto It's not even green.

(Announcer) Has brought the kitchen to a screeching halt.


Come on.

Bland! Is that your best? No, it's not my best.

Well, [Bleep]

Give me your best.

I knew it wasn't right, and I sent it anyway.

There's no excuse for it.

Let's go.

How long on the regroup? It'll be re

Last tables, yes? Yes, Chef! (Nona) This is my last ticket.

I'm like, "don't mess up, risotto.

Don't you mess up.

You don't mess up.

" So I'm literally having a one
-one with this risotto.


[Suspenseful music]


(Announcer) With Nona bouncing back with a perfect risotto Salmon coming right now, Chef.

(Announcer) The final four send out their last entrees That's everything.

Let's go.

Jump on desserts.

Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) And are moving onto desserts.

But one Chef is already looking ahead to elimination time.

So who are you voting up tonight, Trev? Huh? Who are you voting for tonight? I gotta think about it, don't I? I don't think there's much to think about.

No, I don't think so either.

Dude, I think it's painfully obvious who [Bleep]

Jillian and I are gonna vote for.

Did Jillian [Bleep]

Up tonight? Nope.

Russ has every reason to be [Bleep]


Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah switch it off, will you, please, yes? Tonight was probably the most important service we've had in Hell's Kitchen so far.

All: Yes, Chef.

After the last miserable, horrific, horrendous service, i desperately needed a comeback.

And that's exactly what I got.

All: Thank you, Chef.

It wasn't perfect, but it was bloody good.

For the first time in a long time I'm happy.

Now, here's the downside.

[Suspenseful music]

All four of you, go upstairs to the dorms and come up with two individuals for elimination.

[Dramatic music]

It sucks when you have a great service, and you still have to put somebody up.

But that's what we have to do.

I k*lled it on garnish tonight.

There's no reason I should go up for elimination.

I thought I had a great night too.

I'm nominating you two.

You guys were the ones that had [Bleep]

-Ups tonight.

I had a good night.

My votes are Trev My second one is Because of the scallops and the halibut.

Russ was not perfect tonight.

And Trev did not do too bad, but it's hard to go wrong when you have Chef Ramsay wiping your [Bleep]

For you.

My votes are for Trev and Russell too.

What the hell? What happened to the plan? Let them get put up for elimination tonight, even if they do good.


-shaka! (Trev) Jillian's selling me out.

I'm definitely voting for you, Trev, 'cause of your attitude and the communication lapses.

It's [Bleep]


How long on the salmon? Is it fired? Two minutes to the window! It's not even fired yet.

I knew it! Don't just sit there and say, "I knew it.

" Okay, Trevor.

If you talked to me like you talked to me before about that salmon, I would've slapped the [Bleep]

Out of you.

If you ever think you can cop an attitude like that with me, best believe you're gonna catch one to the side of your [Bleep]




I will [Bleep]

You up, bro.

Russ going off on Trev like that was absolutely uncalled for.

Russell's definitely nervous for elimination, because he could go home tonight.

(Russell) It's hilarious I'm being put up for elimination.

But the weakest link is Trevor, so I'm not scared at all.

Trev is the one that's going home tonight.

[Suspenseful music]

have you made a decision? All: Yes, Chef.

Trev, first nominee and why? First nominee seemed to be Pretty easy for everybody.

Uh, it was me.


I wasn't communicating well enough, apparently.

Second nominee and why? Second nominee is Russell.

Russell? His fish station tonight
- undercooked halibut and bad scallops.

[Exhales deeply]

Russell, Trev, step forward.

[Dramatic music]

right, Russell Why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? I've had a lot of peaks, and I've had some valleys, but I think I've shown you that I can get up to that leader platform and know how to push other people without them feeling offended.

I get concerned when your arrogance outshines your talent.

And I don't expect raw scallops from you.

Uh, Trev You panic.


You work too fast for your own good, and you trip over yourself.

Tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

Yes, I needed to slow down for a second.

But I thought I was doing a pretty damn good job.

I thought I stepped up to the caliber that you were looking for.

And that's not gonna stop at all.

Okay, the person leaving Hell's Kitchen Is [Dramatic music]

(Announcer) After a successful dinner service, the team nominated Trev and Russell for elimination.

Now it's time for Chef Ramsay to make his decision.

My decision is Trev.

Back in line.




Come here.

It's time for you To say hello to your girlfriend, Megan Oh get the [Bleep]

Out of here.

And your mom and dad.



[All laughing]

Oh, my God.

Completely dumbfounded, flabbergasted.

I honestly thought I was up for the firing squad.

Trev, here's your sister Annie, and your best friend, Josh.

No way.


Oh, my God.

Jillian, your boyfriend, Christopher, and your two sons, Dylan and Colin.

Come and say hello.

Hey, guys! [Laughing]


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Nona [Crying]

Keep it together.

Here's your husband, Curtis, and your baby boy, Jackson.

Let's go.

[Nona crying]

Hey, little hunky! Look at you, big boy! Mwah! Because we had a very good service, i decided to give you all a break and not eliminate someone.

Well done.

(Jillian) Thank you, Chef.


Take this time out and enjoy.

I wasn't expecting to see Annie at all.

And [Sighs]

I haven't cried yet, and I'll tell you, I was damn close when she came running through that door.

I missed you guys so much.

It's been so hard here.

I bet.




I don't even know what to say.

I'm speechless.

I feel like I'm, like, dreaming right now.

(Man) This is just terrific.

I'm so proud of you.

Aw, Rusty.

Of why I decided to be a Chef.

They all think, like, I'm the at, and they're all trying to get rid of me now.

Oh, wow.

I wanna do it for my girl I love you.

To make them all proud of me and know that all this time and this effort they've put into me was worth it.



Hello! Oh, my God.

That's my baby.

That's my baby boy.

And he's just, like, such a big boy now.

I can't even take it.


It just affirms the reason why I'm here.

You know, I'm doing this for my family.

I'm doing this for that little monkey face.

Mwah, there you go.

He's just absolutely everything to me.

(Gordon) I'm so sorry.

It's time to say good

I love you.

I love you so much.

I love you too.

Be good, okay? All right, high five.

All right.

To see my kids and to be like, "guys, I made it to the final four," and they're both like, "I'm so proud of you.

" It's all good.

(Gordon) Good night, guys.

Right, Chefs, did you enjoy that? All: Yeah.


There's a lot more surprises to come.

Get some rest.

Good night.

Good night, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you, Chef, so much.

Seeing my little sister show up just rekindled that spark for me.

I want this so bad.

I never wanted anything so bad in my entire life.

The best gift that I can give her is to win this thing.

(Russell) Now that I've seen my girl, my family, I have a fire burning bigger than any [Bleep]

California wildfire ever.

To get this job, I'm gonna give it everything that I got.

(announcer) Next time on Hell's Kitchen Listen carefully (Announcer) Chef Ramsay starts the day with a bombshell.

Two of you are going home this evening.

I have got to step it up.

I'm just gonna take control.

Now I'm ready to kick some ass.

This is my chance to lead, my chance to show what I'm made of.

(Announcer) The final four are in for the most intense dinner service of the season Listen to me! It's not good enough! You're not gonna [Bleep]

Screw me! (Announcer) Not just because Chef Ramsay is all over them You're doing the sides first, and we're forgetting the entrees! Entrees first! (Announcer) But the Chefs are all over each other.

It's in! Let's go, Trevor, make that [Bleep]


It's coming! Russ is a thug.

He's a jocko.

He's a meathead.

(Announcer) Everybody is determined to be in the final two.

This is my t, and I'm gonna [Bleep]


(Announcer) But their lack of sportsmanship Did you hear what I said? Yes, Chef.

Your halibut is raw! Shut the [Bleep]

Up! (Announcer) Pushes Chef Ramsay over the edge.

Aw, [Bleep]


Quit it.

Come here, you.

You're [Bleep]


Get out! Get out of here.

I cannot believe it.


(Announcer) Find out who survives one crazy night Trev! It's coming! You don't gotta yell.

I'm trying to help you out.

You're the one that's yelling at me, Jillian.

(Announcer) And makes it to the final two I'm gonna Win Hell's Kitchen.

I'm not gonna settle for second place.

(Announcer) For a chance to become head Chef of L.


Market in downtown Los Angeles The salary
-a quarter of a million dollars.

[Cheers and applause]

(Announcer) And spokesperson for Rosemount Estate Winery.

Sadly, there's only room for two.

[Dramatic music]

(Announcer) All next time on Hell's Kitchen.
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