08x12 - 5 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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08x12 - 5 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Final six, baby! The final six Chefs Faced off in their first individual challenge.

Each of you will create a unique amuse.

Chef Ramsay invited five master Chefs to judge.

This was a rare treat for me.

Trev's frogs' legs earned him the lowest score.

It looks like maybe you put the frog in the blender.

While Russell I loved it.

Received a perfect score.

Russell, very, very impressive.

A perfect 100.

But at dinner service, everyone performed like a zero.

Russell, they're undercooked.

Get your eyes tested.

Trev continued to fall apart.

There's pasta in the bag! Stop yelling! Get your together and cook the pasta! Sabrina couldn't get appetizers out.

Truffle salads! It's not normal! How in the hell does a salad come back? You ignorant bitch, what's wrong with you? And Gail failed on fish.

That's what I got given at the pass! This far into the game, we should be able to run a kitchen.

For God's sake! Chef Ramsay was left with no choice.

I cannot do this anymore! Get out! Get out! Get out! The final six had to nominate two for elimination.

Jillian was gunning for Gail.

I don't feel like you communicated with me at all tonight.

Gail sucks in the kitchen.

But the group decided on Trev and Sabrina.

Sabrina had an unusual defense.

I think Trevor should stay, I should stay, and I think Gail should leave.

But Chef Ramsay had his mind made up.

Sabrina, give me your jacket.

Putting an end to the dream of the overachieving Fire whoo whoo whoo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm child yes it does the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smoking baby baby the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited child whoo whoo the way you push push let's me know that you're good oh you're gonna get fire what I said child fire ah! Fire fire And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Sabrina threw me under the bus.

I would never do that to anyone.

Sabrina really me over.

Ink Gail should leave.

What? She's an executive Chef and she can't get through the fish station.

Now I really have to show Chef Ramsay that I still have a lot of fight in me.

We're in his sights now.

Everybody else is getting ignored.

There's no room for error at all.

This is serious business.

The fun and games is over.

Well, there went our free pass.

It's really hard to hear Chef Ramsay say that he's disappointed.

You do everything you can and it's not enough.

It's never enough for Chef Ramsay.

We're here because he sees something in us.

Gail On me bad tonight.

And she knows that if there was a third person, she would have gone up.

She just needs to get her together.

She's gonna be the next one to go.

I don't feel like she's able to handle the pressure.

I don't feel like she's able to communicate and I think she needs to go back to being a desk executive Chef.

If that happens again, she's gone.

Gail dodged a b*llet tonight.

You know, she hasn't cleared a hurdle yet.

She's got a lot to prove.

If the fire's not lit now, it's not gonna get lit.

Well, I mean, it's pretty obvious who's gonna probably go home next.

Homeboy's gonna go home, whether he likes it or not.

Trevor will probably be next.

I don't think he has a chance.

This ain't a joke.

This is real
-deal Holyfield right here.

He's not even a Chef.

He's a bartender.

That's what I'm thinking, dude.

Gonna be crazy, ladies.

I've been telling Nona that since day one.


It's coming.

Very close.


While three of the five finalists are feeling pretty safe Let's go! We got to run! Go! Go! Go! Chef Ramsay is not exactly ready to pick a winner.

Let's go, guys.

Today's challenge has been designed to test another important quality of being head Chef at the prize restaurant.

Good morning.

Morning, Chef.

That L.


Market thing downtown, there's no question you have a completely different clientele for dinner service than you do for lunch.

-powered lawyers, agents, they're gonna be in and out, which brings me to our next individual challenge.

Today, each of you will serve a single lunch.

Something that can satisfy that clientele.

I'm really stoked for L.


Market and I'm ready to go.

Jump in the car.

I'll meet you there.

I'm ready to get gangster on these b*tches.

Going downtown to cook in L.


Market, it's just a little taste of what could be to come if I win Hell's Kitchen.

Let's go, guys.

There's your kitchens! Oh, my God, dude.

What? Oh, come on.

Did you honestly think you'll be cooking at L.


Market? Are you kidding me? Like, catering truck? These are the most amazing, state of the art food trucks, yes? Awesome.

Awesome! You got everything you could possibly want inside them to produce this exquisite lunch.

Yes, Chef.

This is, like, carnie style.

Throw me into a box with a griddle.

How am I gonna do this? Now we have spread the word that you guys are cooking this exquisite lunch.

Will be expecting five different samples.

Obviously, one from each of you.

The most popular dish will win the challenge.

Yes, Chef.

And here's the bad news: You only have one hour to get ready.

Yes, Chef.

Get going.

In today's food truck challenge Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Each Chef will have one hour to prepare 80 portions of their signature lunch.

Check all your ingredients, make sure everything's on, yes? Yes, Chef.

The Chefs have a wide array of ingredients to choose from in preparing their dish.


Nona will be serving a chicken salad and bacon sandwich on a croissant with sweet potato chips.

I don't even know what any of this equipment is? Where the hell is the oven? Okay, Jillian, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Jillian is preparing herb chicken with mixed vegetables.


Come on, baby, cook.

Trev, 30 minutes to go.

Let's go.

You got it.

Trev's dish is penne pasta with grilled Italian sausage and tomato sauce.

Whoo! That's good stuff.

I'm feeling great.

I'm feeling ready to rock and roll.

Oh, it smells good in here.

Seriously, we're at this point in the competition.

'Em all.

I want to win.

Beautiful! Yes, sir.

Russell's signature lunch is a grilled octopus and saffron aioli salad.

These are beautiful octopus.

I'm gonna be k*lling it.

I have enough experience serving lunch to gauge what people like and what they don't like.

I'm good.

I'm not gonna serve linguine and meatballs.

That's not my style.

Got to keep it gangster.

Let's go, Russell.

Yes, Chef! With time running out Okay, Gail? Yes, Chef? Last five.

Let's go.

Gail scrambles to finish her grilled skirt steak salad with mangoes and candy pecans.

After last night's dinner service, I'm really striving to win on individual challenges so I can prove my worth.

Start getting a plating up.

Let's go.

Come on, beer.

I can't this up.

It's a salad.

It's a salad.

One minute to go, guys! Last minute! Last minute! Let's go! Took way too much time here.

Let's go, Russell! 30 seconds to go.

Kick ass, man.

These customers wait for nobody.

Here they come.

Oh, my God.

All of a sudden, like, all these people started coming and I'm like, "oh, .

" Five, four, three
- Gail, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

One, and serve, guys! The 80 downtown professionals will sample each of the signature lunch dishes and choose their favorite.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

How are you doing? I'm doing good! And some of the Chefs are using all of their talents to sway the voters.

Man, there are so many good
-looking women.

How you doing, sweetheart? You enjoy that, okay? Man, I get all the cute girls today, don't I? That's a nice top.

You haven't even seen me wink at you yet.

Chicken salad sandwich.

Thank you.

Hey, I'm a southern girl.

That's how we roll.

This is what we do in the south.

We make sure everybody's having a good time.

Man, y'all are just multiplying.

Southern hospitality.

While some of the Chefs are relying on charm to sell their lunches What's shaking, baby? There you go.

Thank you.

Russell's dish Really? Octopus, huh? Is speaking for itself.

It's good to go.

Thank you.

Saw you kind of make a poopy face when I said, "octopus.

" Ugh.

Yeah, everything sounded good, but that octopus, I don't know.

I'm going for something a little different.

It doesn't look too good.

Give it a try.

All right.

Now that all 80 guests have sampled the lunches, they've been instructed to rank the dishes from best to worst.

Tell me what's been your favorite so far.

This one.

The pasta.

I really liked the steak.

I loved the octopus.

The chicken sandwich is very tasty.

Trevor was really entertaining.

Hey, who wants seconds? Okay, lunch is over Thank you, guys.

Okay, I have in my hand the results of our downtown power lunch.

I've asked our customers to vote for the dishes they most enjoyed and for the dishes that they didn't prefer, yes? Yes, Chef.

Unfortunately, said that this was the worst dish.

You did not like this dish, did you? No! And that dish belongs to Russell.

I was very confident in what I did, and, you know, I thought I k*lled it.

It's outside the box, you know? You guys want to go over there and eat some spaghetti and meatballs? Go ahead.

That's not my shtick.

Right, ladies and gentlemen.

With a staggering 40% of you preferring this dish The winning dish belongs to Wow.


In today's food truck challenge I have in my hand the results.

The final five Chefs battled it out to prove who's dish was most appealing to the downtown Los Angeles lunch crowd.

The worst dish belongs to Russell.

And your favorite dish belongs to Gail.

Well done! Very good.

Yes! I won! Take that.

Thanks, guys! Really well done.

Only 2% behind was Nona.

On! I was so close.

I was literally that close.

What the ? I lost to sweet potato chips and a damn salad? Seriously? Well done, my darling.

Thank you.

You have a very special day.

You're heading off to Beverly Hills Where you're gonna get the most amazing makeover by the famed hairdresser to the stars Jose Eber.

Huh? How cool is that? That sucks.

Why did Gail have to win? After, you'll be heading back to Hollywood where the most amazing celebrity fashion critic Steven Cojocaru, "Cojo," will be styling you for a new look from top to bottom.

Amazing, amazing, amazing.

That's great, Gail, 'cause you're the one that needs the makeover the most.

Sadly, for the rest of you, you'll be heading back to Hell's Kitchen where we need to fix up the outside ahead of tomorrow night's service.

I am just about done cleaning Hell's Kitchen.

I am really over the cleaning.

Thank you once again.

Thank y'all.

Thank you so much.


Let's go, guys.

Let's go.

Home sweet home.


I won the challenge.

Yay, me.

Seriously, I had so much fun today serving lunch for all those people.


It's just a great feeling to have won.

Everything that I'm doing, all that hard work, it's all coming together.

Good job, Gail.


I do feel bad that the rest of the team has to clean up that Hell's Kitchen, but I can't wait for my makeover.

I'm so excited.


Have a good time.

Have fun Congratulations.


God, 2%.

That's, like, one person.

I'm pissed.

I get beat out by a salad! "I want a salad.

" Eat some pasta, you mothers.

I'm sick of losing.

I cook good food, and it's not being appreciated.


If we were downtown Chicago, dude, pasta and Italian sausage with a fresh sauce right there.

Hands down, baby.

Hands down.

I don't really care if we were in Venezuela or Egypt.

It don't matter.

We all knew we were in California for this challenge, right? Yep.

Russell's Mr.

fancypants, so when he made octopus, it didn't shock me, but it was nice to see him come in dead last though, that's for sure.


I'm Gail.

I'm Jose.

Nice to meet you, Jose.

I've totally heard of Jose Eber.

Like, he does all the celebrities, everyone's hair, and he's just fantastic.

We're gonna transform you.

I'm really, really excited.

It needs to be, like, "wow.

" Va

I'm getting fabulous hair, make
-up, fabulous manicure.

This is fabulous.

Gosh, I could do this every day.

Are you a single woman? Yes, I am.

You are single for not much longer.

Okay, Gail, you ready for the new you? Ah! With the hair styling now completed Feels sexy? I love it.

Gail heads off to get a new wardrobe.


Meanwhile, the losers are getting a new outfit as well.

New jackets.

I freaking hate cleaning.

I need you to sweep these staircases.

Sweep the whole of the driveway.

We've got paint down here.

You've got to touch up these spots over here.

This sucks.

Okay, guys, let's get started.

Trevor, make sure you get the stainless steel on the doors.

Kidding me, right? You'd better get really busy.

Don't give a What he says.

I don't think you really want to run your mouth yet, do you? At least I come in second from last and not last.

You still lost.

How about not serving octopus off a catering truck? Blah, blah, blah.


Jillian's as creative as that wooden box right there.

I'd rather serve my food and lose than serve food that doesn't represent me.

I got this far in this competition by being myself and I'm not changing now.

Hey, guys, Chef Ramsay inspected the food trucks from the challenge this morning and he's decided that they need cleaning.

Oh, my God.

Are you kidding me? Oh, look who's here.

Gail! Spray her.


Hi, Gail.

How are you? Come over here.

It's really nice meeting you.

We have to do the Hollywood hair kiss.

I want to turn you into a glamour queen.


Cojo is, like, amazing.

So do you like color? I do.

I think you should try this on.

He's the stylist of the stars, and he's so energetic.

I'm so excited, I'm jumping out of my skin.

Me too.

Me too.

I love that.

Isn't this fun? And this is hot.

So we're giving you fire! Hot! We're in hell.

We like fire.

I'm feeling this.

I'm starting to get excited.

Open the jacket.

You are a star.

No one else can get this, like, royal treatment anywhere else.

Voila! Oh! I'm having a fashion seizure.

You should be.

Smoking! Oh, I look good.

I love it, love it, love it.

It just hugs where it needs to hug and it accentuates my boobs.

Channel that inner diva.

Inside the kitchen, I'm a terror.

Outside, I'm a terror now too, so watch out.

While cojo toasts to Gail's new attention
-getting look Cheers.



Back at Hell's Kitchen Trevor, can we get some more water? The Chefs are trying to get Trev's attention.

Dude, Trev! We're all, like trying to get his stupid stuff done and Trev's just like Come on.

You're taking too long.

We're all in black jackets, so just knock it off and go yell at somebody else.

-ha! I made Jillian wet.

We're done.

All right, come on then.

Head back to the dorms.

Afternoon, good evening, and good night.

I'm whipped.

I'm tired.

What's going on? Oh, my God! Look at your hair! Beautiful! Work it, girl.

Ooh, man.

That just blew me away.

Everything just kind of flowed and
- Trevor, stop staring at me.

What's in the bag from Jose Eber? Want me to show you? Yes.

Hello? This is how Gail walks in the room, 'cause she got a broken
-ass ankle.

The bitch looks like she just walked off of Flashdance.

It didn't look good to me.

Look like a mermaid.

Well, congratulations.


You look very, very, very pretty.

Let's kick some ass tomorrow night at dinner service.

That's all I'm thinking about.

Gail winning the challenge today doesn't make up for the fact that she sucks.

All right, I'll see you guys upstairs.


She's definitely the next person that needs to go.

The remaining five Chefs know that to succeed as individuals, they have to work as a group.

I'm ready to go.

A) I'm ready I' just keep it gangster.

Do it! But not all of them We got to take care of ourselves.

Right, man.

Are feeling that team spirit.

After yesterday and how awesome she did with that challenge, I feel like Gail's the easy target.

Why does this veloute keep exploding? I don't know.

If she needs help, I'm not gonna save her ass.

It's coming down to every man for themself.

The citrus butter's ready? Where did my serrated knife go? Sorry.



I haven't been on top of my game lately.

Nobody's talking to me.

I had better kick ass or else I'm going home.

The Chefs' dinner service as one team was a disaster Okay, guys, let's do this.

And Chef Ramsay is looking to motivate them Right, let's go, guys.

For a successful second attempt.

I want a great service.

I really need for you guys to succeed.

When we hit that end of the evening and that last ticket's gone, there's nothing like it in the world.

Yes, Chef.

Let's do stations.


Absolutely critical to get off to a great start.

Nona, that's you.

Yes, Chef.

With Russell, two of you on there.

Yes, Chef.

FishJillian, it's you.

Okay, Chef.

Own it.

Yes, Chef.

I will.

"G" for garnish.

"G" for Gail is you.

Yes, Chef.

Trev, meat.

You got it.

Yeah? Make it count, yeah? Yes, Chef.

Let's get on our stations.

Yes, Chef.

If none of us can do this dinner service tonight after everything we've been through, then none of us deserve to be here.

You working fish, ma? Yeah.

Are you comfortable cooking scallops I've never cooked 'em, but I've watched 'em be done, like, 8,000 times.

You want to bang some out and see
-practice? It's not that hard.

I cook scallops, halibut, and salmon.

That's it.

I'm excited to work the fish station.

I really hope to blow Chef Ramsay away tonight.

James Yes, Chef? Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

The halibut.

The pan
-seared halibut, please.

The lobster spaghetti.

I think I'm gonna be really original and have the clam chowder.

-top, Chef.

-top, thank you.

Here we go, guys, yeah? Nice, strong start to the service.

You owe it to yourselves.

On order, 4 couples, table 52.

Two scallops, two spaghetti entree, one salmon, one Wellington, two beef.

Yes, Chef.

Thank you.

Sounds like a kitchen.

Now cook like a kitchen.

Seven minutes.

Tell me when you're about three minutes out.

I'ma tell you every minute.

Straight after that, two scallops, one spaghetti, yes? Yes, Chef.

The dinner service starts, we're all communicating, and it's a great feeling.

We're getting off on the right foot.

All the dead weight's gone.

We should all just shine.

Are you good on one minute with two scallops, Jillian? Flipping my scallops in about 30 seconds, so I need probably, like, 1 minute.

One minute heard.

Walking up on garnish.

Two spaghetti, where is it? Walking.


Scallops now, please.

Those scallops went in ages ago.

Come on.

Jillian, are you ready on the last three scallops? They're not cooking evenly.

Yeah, they're overcooked.

Jillian, they're overcooked.

I've never been on the fish station when I had to cook scallops and I feel like a total .

Start the spaghetti again then.

Guys, it's our first table.

While the kitchen starts over on their first order of appetizers, the dining room welcomes a dignified table of 12.

Marines come in.

The dining room applauds them.

I'm really excited to cook food for them.

I love men in uniform.

With the dining room filling up I'll have the scallops.

Beef rib eye.

Grilled salmon.

And tickets pouring in Thank you.

The pressure is on to get food moving quickly out of the kitchen.

It's the first table, guys! Coming right now, Chef.

How is this possible? I have no idea what the Is going on with Jillian.

Just make sure you get as equal amounts of color on both sides.

She doesn't have that fine
-dining experience.

She's just not up to that level yet.

Like, in this pan, you can only do one order.

This pan, only two.

Just take 'em out.

But they're dead.

They have no color on that side.

It just gets more and more humiliating.

What am I doing wrong? The pan's not hot enough and you're overcrowding it, so it's boiling it.

Scallops again.

I got to get 'em going again.

They're overcrowded.

Start spaghetti again then.

Starting another spaghetti.

Come on! My lobster spaghetti takes seven minutes, so every time Jillian messes up on the scallops, we're seven minutes behind again.

Chef is literally about to k*ll us.

How long on the scallops? I'm going to the window right now.

Going in the window.

Are you ready? Yep.

Spaghetti? Walking up.

Right, scallops cooked perfectly.

Now get a grip.

Yes, Chef.

Come back to me.

I will, Chef.

Pasta's raw.

All of you, this is .

Dining room filling up, table of Marines, overcooked scallops, and crunchy spaghetti.

What are we doing here? Come on! Start the spaghetti again then.

Dropping spaghetti.

Seven minutes out.

We have got to get this together or we are all toast.

These customers are coming for an experience up there.

So far, we haven't even left the ground yet.

I think they're good.

Once Russell showed me it only takes a minute and a half, I'm like, "I'm gonna count to 90 every time just so I can get perfect scallops.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five
- I need scallops.

I need spaghetti.

Let's go.

So these are better, Chef? Nona, spaghetti now! Yes, Chef! Service.

and a steady flow of appetizers is finally leaving the kitchen.


And the arrival of another vip guest takes some of the focus off of the kitchen.

She looks great.


She's beautiful.

I'll do the salad and the fish.

Truffle salad? While Nona and Russell continue to work on appetizers Let's go.


Chef Ramsay is counting on Trev on the meat Two beef, one Wellington, one salmon.

I want to push this.

And Jillian on the fish Salmon in the oven.

To get going on the entrees.

The plan is to stand out as an individual tonight.

Ramsay put me at meat for a reason.

He wants to see what I can do.

Jillian? Salmon's got about two minutes, I'd say.

You should be driving it.

You're not waiting for her, are you? No.



So you're telling her.

All right.

Five minutes to the window.

Two beef, two halibut.

Two beef, two halibut.

Yes, Chef.

Make it happen in five minutes.

That's what I need to hear.

Jillian was getting a little flustered over on the fish station.

I needed to take control of it and help her out as much as I could, like always.

Get the halibut rocking.

Those are ready to go.

Why isn't the halibut seared? I don't know, Chef.

You're supposed to be pre
-searing it and pre
-braising it.

I mean, this is getting worse.

I'll help her out.

If you don't do it right, then get the Out of the way and let me do it.

I'm not gonna let us go down that easy and that quick.

It's like a joke.

Like you're just being punked.

Like you're being set up to look stupid.

Jillian, when you braise something and you want it to cook fast, put that bitch on the bottom.

While Russell leaves his appetizer station to help out Jillian on fish, the kitchen is stuck in neutral and no food is making it out to the dining room.

Appetizer, appetizer, appetizer.

The cojo gets very cranky when he doesn't have food.

Cutting meat! Garnish to the window.

Sauce, sauce.

Walking up right now.

Going to the window with meat.

Salmon right now, Chef.

I would have been If Russell wouldn't have came and helped me.

Service, please.

But after tonight, I believe Russell does have my back.

Don't use tongs.

You'll break it up.

Halibut, please! 30 seconds.

Nearly two hours into dinner service, Russell's tutorial on the fish station has paid off Service.

And the first set of entrees are making their way out to the dining room.

Now the Chefs must communicate and work together to build momentum.

Three beef, one Wellington, five minutes to the window.

I want it as fast as possible.

Yes, Chef.

Garnish, come on.

I need you to push it out.

How long? Hey, answer me.

That's all I want is a answer.

It was, like, communication breakdown.

I swear to God, that's become our theme song.

The scallops are in the pan.

Where is the scallop garnish? You got the garnish? Oops.

Not ready yet.

There's just so much going on.

I only have two hands.

Honestly, I am about to walk out.

I've had enough.

This is not normal.

We got off to a little bit of a rocky start, but our key is to keep rolling.

Boom, bang.

Gail really up.

Garnish, let's go! Gail's just completely non
- no, I got it.

Garnish, let's go.

Gail is literally shutting down.

She's just like
- come on, Gail.

Snap out of it.

Hurry up.

Hurry up.

Let's go, Gail.

Gail, one minute on garnish.

Give me what you've got, please.

Get it in the window, Gail, 'cause I'm walking up right now.

Let's go.

This is Gail during service.


Please, let's go to the window.

You want me to grab the garnish? No, no, no.

It's not ready yet.

I'm trying not to stay focused on garnish.

I'm trying to make sure, like, I have everything I need.

Situation under control.

I got it.

Come on, Gail.

You need to push it now.

Three beef, one Wellingtons.

Yes, Chef.

Garnish up.

Please, let's go.

Chef Ramsay expects a quality service from the final five.

Let's go.

So far tonight, all they've delivered hey, bozo.


Just all of you, look at me now.

It's like you're doing it on purpose.

Oh, Chef's losing it.

Hard, undercooked, and stone cold.

Three beef, our order on eight.

Just put your finger on that.

Look at us.

We deserve better than this.

Where's your passion? I'm done standing here with a bunch of idiots.

You all.

Good luck, superstars.



We are .

Come on! Oh, man.

Oh, there he is.

He's left.

This is over.


He was angry.

He was mad.

I'm gonna do somebody some damage if I stay in there.

Almost two hours into an extremely disappointing performance by the final five Hard, undercooked, and stone cold.

Trev's undercooked beef has pushed Chef Ramsay over the edge Mm

You all.

Good luck.

And out the door.

Holy .

What the just happened? Chef is pissed.


Let's go! Come on.


We as a team have to prove to Chef Ramsay that we're not quitters.

Trev, do you have a beef to go with that welly that's waiting? Yes, they're in.

With Chef Ramsay out of the kitchen, Nona and Russell step up to try to get food out to the hungry diners.

Four more beef on order.

Here come the beef.

Beef and garnish.

She's got your polenta fries.

Wellington coming on it's heels.

Yo, bro, it's dead.

It's dead.

Look at it.

It's brown.

Do you want me to shave it? No, you can't sell that.

What do you want me to do? Three more? I want you to go upstairs, pack your plaid shirt, take your skinny Brown
-tooth ass home.

What do you want me to do? I don't want you to cook any food, because I don't feel like the food you cook is acceptable.

I want you to get three more beef, because it can't
- we got six and then we got an order for four.

I don't have enough.

Who put you on the wheel? Last time I checked, this was Ramsay's house, not House of Russell.

They're all dead, dude.

They're way, way over.

The re
-fires are gonna take seven minutes.

He's .

Chef Russell has turned away Trev's meat Trev, what are we doing? Re
-firing every steak I got.

But Nona's appetizers Table one.

Have been deemed worthy.

Very moist.


I know.

Back in the kitchen, Trev makes a second attempt on his meat.

Come on, come on.

I can have three beef in a minute and a half.

Then I'm gonna need one Wellington also.

Okay, Wellington resting.

All three of those steaks that I brought up to Russell at the pass were fine, so I flashed 'em off.

I've been cooking now professionally for five years.

It's got to get done.

I'm ready to get this food out.

We have garnish? Garnish is walking.

Y'all ready? Look at that.

This is dead.

This is dead.

You can't sell that.

Yeah, right, dude.

The meat was gray.

It was dead.

There's no moisture left in 'em.

Okay, then I'm working with the ones that I got cooking in the oven.

I was trying to make something work.

I'm ready to kick him out.

Trev re
-fired this rib eye that had sat there for 15 minutes, then tried to bring it back up.

Very few entrees are leaving the kitchen Do we have awe could sell? Read off the tickets.

Three beef, one Wellington.

And returned to give our finalists one last chance at redemption.

Just all of you, look at me now.

Take a look at the big table in the center of the dining room.

Here, here.

They're Marines.

They fight back for a living.

Get your together, wake up, or off out of here.

You, get the off meat.

Russ, on meat.

Trev, appetizer.

Jillian, get to the garnish.

Gail, get on the fish.

Yes, Chef.

Next mistake, get out.

Chef Ramsay came back in the kitchen.

Then he was like, "Gail, Jillian, switch.

" I'm like, "are you serious?" Your halibut and salmon are seared off.


Hurry up.

Hurry up.

Let's go, Gail.

Yes, Chef.

I've been on the fish station, you know, twice already and I up, so I had better kick ass.

If not, I deserve to go home.

Trevor, he said not to crowd 'em.

You got three on the same sizzle tray.

What the ? You said you needed three flying.

I got three flying.

But they're dead already, bro.

Trevor, I got two words for you.

Go home.

Let alone cook a steak properly.

Three beef, one Wellington, urgently.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go then.

More than two hours into dinner service and Chef Ramsay's station switch Seems to have reinvigorated the Chefs Service, please.

And entrees are once again making their way out to the dining room.




The steak's good.

But their biggest challenge Now we're working the Marines table.

Five beef, four Wellington, three salmon.

Is still ahead of them.

Let's go, Gail.

Salmon's ready, yes? Got a salmon.


Yes, Chef? Come here.

Raw salmon.

Get out.

Straight away! Get out! That damn salmon.

So disappointed in myself.

I don't know why I can't cook fish.

I thought I would be able to turn this whole thing around.

With Gail out of the kitchen, it's up to Russell, Nona, Trev, and Jillian to complete the final table: A 12
-top of Marines.

We can start plating the garnish ? Let's go.

Obviously it's a 12

They all can't come at the same time.

Let's go.

Three salmon garnish.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Going up to the window with Wellingtons.

Service, please.

Sorry for the wait.

Thank you.


Jillian? Yes, Chef? Come here.

You just gave me that.

Jillian just took that out the oven and gave it to me.

I know it's easy for you strappy little, stuck
-up little bitch.

I care for those guys out there.


They're raw.


How rude are you? The only thing that's missing is the feathers.

Over two hours into a disastrous dinner service Next mistake, get out.

Chef Ramsay issued an ultimatum Gail.

Raw salmon.

Get out.

That he has made good on with Gail Get out! And now Off.

The only thing that's missing is the feathers.

Now it's up to Russell, Trev, and Nona to complete the 12
-top of Marines and finish dinner service.

Okay, I need three more beef.


Everything else is ready to go, Chef.

Service, please.

Apologize for the delay, will you? It's very good.

Very good.

Enjoy your meal.

Switch everything off.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Wipe down.

Tonight was the most frustrating time I've ever had in the history of Hell's Kitchen.

I feel really deeply let down.

A table of Marines returning from duty.

any appetizers got out.

It was like you didn't care.

Jillian, scallops.

What happened? I don't know, Chef.

I'm asking myself the same question.

You had much better services weeks ago when you were blue and red.

Maybe black's not your color.

Maybe you shouldn't be here.


Gail, you may be better off as a short
-order Chef, because you can only cook one table at a time.

If you ever open a restaurant, make sure it's done in your living room with one table.

Trev? Yes, Chef? Meat seared on the outside, cold in the middle.

It was cold.

Stone cold.


It was chaos.

That's me at my Max.

I've got to get out.

You drove me to that.

All of you, come up with two individuals for elimination.

Get out.

Chef Ramsay was clearly disappointed in our service and I can't say that I blame him.

We let him down and we got to vote two people out, so we got something to think about.

Honestly, I don't think any of us have anything to be proud of.

You guys did fine on apps.

I was having a rough time communicating with Gail.

I was having a horrible time communicating with Gail.

As always.

I'll vote for myself.

He tells me, "you should be a short
-order cook in your living room.

" I don't think Gail's able to handle the pressure.

It just doesn't work in Hell's Kitchen.

You got to be a tough
-ass to be up in here.

Those steaks were sitting up there sliced for 15 minutes and you tried to flash 'em.

I lost some respect for you, because you tried to pull a fast one on us.

Oh, off and go home already.

My steak might have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but there was a lot of that happened before that happened.

I'm really sick of being the punching bag around here when it comes to elimination.

Trev And here we go again.

Round two.

You just start shouting and it's complete chaos.

Nothing is coming out of your mouth as far as communication.

It's literally just noise.

Go yourself.

I don't think I did anything wrong tonight at all.

I don't.

I'm gonna vote for Jillian because of the scallops.

So that's my vote.

I know I Up tonight, but this is the first dinner service that I've had that I sucked.

Even though I Up though, I never gave up tonight.

I'd send 'em all home.

I don't give a .

Do it.

You know, you pissed it away yourself.

Go home.

I don't care.

Send 'em all three home.

Start the finals tomorrow.

Nona First nominee and why? Our first nominee is Gail.

She wasn't communicating.

She was in her own bubble and she had shutdown.

Second nominee and why? The second nominee is Um Chef Ramsay has asked for two nominees for elimination tonight and while Nona was quick to name the first Gail.

The second is proving to be a little more difficult.

Um, the second nominee Is Trev.

He was an absolute disaster on meat.

When you walked out and Russ and I tried to run the pass, he took the meat and tried to re
-fire it.

Really? Is that true, Trev? I wasn't trying to sneak anything in there.

I think everybody knows that's not my m.


So why send it if it wasn't right? I was just trying to make something work.


I feel really deeply let down because of one individual.


We may have gone to hell and back.

How dare you send me a raw egg? I know I disappointed you.

I disappointed myself.

But I have fought every day since I've been here.

I am not ready to go home, Chef.

Not at all.

Better pull it back.

I didn't like what I saw.

Okay, Trev, Gail, let's go.

Gail The big question i have for you: Do you care? Because I'm not so sure.

Of course I care.

When you kicked me out, I was bawling my eyes out.

I don't want to disappoint myself.

I don't want to disappoint my team.

It's too early for me to go.

I have so much more to give you.

I could give you my arm if you want me to.

Oh, dear, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear.

Uh, Trev, truthfully, are you in over your head? No, I'm not in over my head.

What have you got left that I haven't seen? Excellence.

I can do this.

I know I can.

This cannot be the end.

I won't accept it for myself at all.

Come on, Trev.

That's my decision.

That's not your call.


The person leaving Hell's Kitchen Is Gail.

Give me your jacket.

When you arrived in Hell's Kitchen, you showed such skill and I honestly thought that you were gonna go a lot further.

Good night.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I wish I could have stayed longer, but my time was up.

That chicken is sexy.

I thought I was a strong cook before I came to Hell's Kitchen.

Eggs right here.

Hot handle.

Be careful.

Who made that risotto? I did, Chef.

You raised the bar now.

You stay above it.

I told you I could cook.

But now after leaving Hell's Kitchen That is under

Gail, how long? Gail, wakey, wakey! Get a grip! I think I realized that I have a few things to work on.

I think your pan's a bit too hot.

Get out! Yes, Chef.

I did disappoint myself.

I'm so sorry, guys.

It happens.

You’re the most experienced.

It's not good enough! But there are so many highlights.

Gail? Yes, Chef? This beef is beautifully cooked.

Winning the challenges Thanks, guys.

And getting to go on the rewards Voila.

They totally outweigh all the lowlights.

He tells me, "you should be a short
-order cook in your living room.

" I leave here with great memories, new friends, fantastic clothes, and a great haircut.

Back in line.

All four of you, regroup and come back at a thousand miles an hour tomorrow.

Yes, Chef.

Good night.

Good night, Chef.

The light is there shining brightly at the end of the tunnel.

I'm going to fight until Chef either kills me or until I win.

Trevor is way over his head.

He is in a submarine underwater.

He has no chance to win.

Here I am in the final four.

What about that? I told you guys not to underestimate me.

Watch out for the dark horse, 'cause I climbed my way to the top of the mountain, for crying out loud.

I have to show that this is my kitchen.

So here's the new plan: I'm taking the reins right now.

If anybody's standing in my way, they're just gonna have to get out.

Gail's performance at Hell's Kitchen was up and down, up and down, and up and down.

Roller coasters are great for amusement parks, not kitchens.

The winner of Hell's Kitchen will become head Chef of the brand
-new multimillion dollar restaurant L.


Market at the J.


Marriott Hotel in downtown Los Angeles.

The salary: A $1/4 million.

And they will also tour the country as the official spokesperson of Rosemount Estate Winery.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen The final four are prepared to do whatever it takes Is that your best? No, it's not my best.

Well, give me your best! To achieve their dream Come on, Trev, get it done.

Buy's standards are higher than ever.

It's undercooked! It's raw! Come here, you.

Oh, my God.

Come here.

I knew it.

And you as well.

Come on.

Come here! Has Trev made his last mistake? Look at me in the eyes.

Out! Out! Get out! Has Jillian run out of second chances? It's such a shame! I want two minutes with you.

Let's go.

Any given second, Chef could tap you on the shoulder and say, "go home.

" That makes me scared as .

You want to go home? And what about bad boy Russell? If you talk to me like you talked to me before This time, he may have gone too far.

I will slap the Out of you.

What? Whoa.

And you'll find out why You know what those doors mean.

Nona is an emotional wreck at the end of the night.

Oh, my God.

The questions all get answered on the most intense episode of the season.

I have a fire burning bigger than any California wildfire ever.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen.
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