08x11 - 6 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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08x11 - 6 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Just got dirty.

The blue team was divided with Russell on one side the more pissed off he gets, the more I'm smiling.

And Vinny and Trev on the other.

In the three entree relay challenge Let's go, Trev! Come on, Jilli! The dysfunctional men's team got a break Come on, Vinny! When Jillian dropped the ball.

Oh, no! Where's the salmon? I burned my hand.

That's why I dropped it.

And after three consecutive losses Congratulations to the men.

The blue team finally won a challenge.

I love buying stuff.

I love buying stuff! At dinner Don't make me look Stupid.

Yes, Chef! Nona was consistent Nona, very good, that risotto.

And Sabrina continued to surprise everyone That New York strip's cooked perfectly.

Let's go.

Thank you, Chef.

With another strong service.

Keep it like that now.

Yes, chef! But Gail was a miserable mess on fish.

Every table's the same! That's Raw! Get out! Yes, Chef.

Get out! In the blue kitchen Russell was rock solid Excellent.

But Vinny was horrific on meat Vinny, it's still Walking! Look at it! And a nightmare on fish.

The batch is raw! After both teams completed service Let's go.

Well done, well done, well done.

Chef Ramsay gave the Chefs an assignment Think about the one individual that doesn't belong in the final six.

And the Chefs were nearly unanimous.

Trev is the weakest, Chef.

Trevor, Chef.



And while Trev lost the popularity contest Never been a ladies' man.

Chef Ramsay felt there were two others more deserving.

Gail and Vinny, step forward.

Vinny, take off your jacket.

And with Vinny's surprising departure, the final six are now set, ready to do battle.

Let's go.

Fire whoo whoo whoo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a fuller love child yes it does the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smoking baby baby the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited child whoo whoo the way you push push lets me know that you're good oh you're gonna get fire what I said child ow fire ah! Fire fire And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

The final six.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Get out of here and get some sleep.

Well done, well done, well done.


Ow! Trev, sweet dreams, huh? Oh, yeah.

With one eye open.

The girls tried everything they could to get rid of me tonight.

Who was the first one with a black jacket? This guy and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

Final six, baby! What's that? What's that? Oh, that's black.

That's a black jacket.

So nice! "Congratulations.

Please enjoy my limited edition red wine.

" Oh, nice! No way.

Ah! Yes! Doesn't it look great on me? Black is definitely my color.

Black never looked so good.

It is good wine.

The receiving of black jackets is always a momentous occasion and the Chefs go to bed happy and content except for Four chicks in black jackets.

Trev, who has other things on his mind.

What a pain in the Ass.

It's me versus the chicks.

I got to look out for number one.

Got to drive a serious stake into that little harem.

And if you think I'm gonna Slow down, you're wrong.

I'm gonna outperform all their asses.

It's mine to lose.

Mine to win.

It's an early wake
-up, but today is unlike the other days these Chefs have faced before.

There are no more teams and they're about to be tested in their first individual challenge Morning.

Morning, Chef.

In my lifetime, I've been very fortunate to eat in some of the finest restaurants across the world.

The first impression is critical, right? Yes, Chef.

There's nothing like an amazing amuse
-bouche to really kick start off with that perfect dinner.

It's a one
-bite wonder, which brings me to this morning's challenge.

Each of you will create something that will make a spectacular first impression.

A unique amuse.

Yes? Yes, Chef.


I've invited a few exceptional Chefs to help me judge this amazing challenge.

Joining me now, he's not only a great Chef, but he's renowned as a bit of a maverick, please welcome Ludo Lefebvre, Chef
-owner of Ludobites.

I'm like, "oh, hell no.

That's a Chef?" Good to see you.

Are you well? Yes.

He's, like, all tan and he has, like, beautiful eyes.

I'm like, "that is so cute.

" How are you guys? Morning.

He is, like, a Chef God.


Now please welcome Michelin star Chefs, husband and wife team, owners of Hatfield's Restaurant, Quinn and Karen Hatfield.

Good morning.


Please say good morning to the Chef
-owner of Jar, Suzanne Tracht.

How are you? I'm good, thank you.

-owner of the two
-rated Restaurant Providence, please say good morning Cimarusti.

Michael, good morning.

Good morning.

Absolute pleasure.

Thank you so much.

Good to see you.

I've never been in the presence of that many Michelin stars.

This was a rare treat for me.

First individual challenge, I can't think of a better array of phenomenal judges.

For me to have to cook for these crazy
-ass three
-star Chefs, like
- I thought Michelin was a tire.

It was definitely nerve

These five amazing judges will be judging all of you, first off, on presentation, then they'll be judging you on taste.

So let it go, yes? Yes, Chef.

Excited? Yes, Chef.

Ready? Yes, Chef.

Off you go.

For the amuse
-bouche challenge, the Chef's creations will be judged on not just taste, but presentation as well.

And let your imagination go, guys, yes? Yes, Chef.

All right.

I run back into the kitchen and I open up the fridge and I see frog legs sitting there.

Froggy like daddy.

Daddy like froggy.

Chef Ramsay told me you gotta put your heart out there and try and I'm going way outside the box.

Yes, Chef.

Now that it's individual challenges, I think all these people do have something to be worried about.

I'm just gonna let my creativity go and I'm gonna k*ll this.

Ten minutes to go.

Yes, Chef.

Think about the presentation, yeah? Yes, Chef.

Let it go, yeah? Shrimp and grits is awesome.

Let's go, guys.

I'm Asian.

I know Asian flavors.

And I'm cooking the mini spring roll with chicken and I'm confident in my cooking.

Okay, guys.

Last minute.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go, Sabrina.

Yes, Chef.

You know, I've never made amuse
-bouche, but I have a lot of heart and I'm a fighter and I'm gonna give everything that I have.

Dude, Me.

Come on.

Okay, last 30 seconds.

Got hot, hot, hot, hot.

Let's go.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, and stop.



Each of our judges will score you from one to ten, first, on presentation, and then on taste.

So the maximum is 100.

Clear? Yes, Chef.


Gail, please.

Yes, Chef.


This is a sesame chicken spring roll.

The sauce is a peanut sauce made with honey, lime juice, soy sauce.

Okay, judges, impressions? Well done.

It looks great.

It looks crunchy.


And Ludo? Look good.

Very nice.

Can't wait to taste.

Okay, and scores for presentation, first, please.

Wow, wow, wow.


That is a good start.

Great start.

Yay! It looks good.


Judges, taste.

Away you go.

Comments as you're eating? I really enjoyed it.


Well done.

Scores, please, for taste? Wow, wow.

87 is the total.

Good start.

That will be the score to beat.

Sabrina, let's go.

All right, Gail's got a pretty g that's definitely gonna be, you know, a tough one to beat.

It's just a french bread that I pressed and smoked salmon, glazed carrots, um, a little jalapeno for heat.

Wait, actually, this one looks better.

Thank you.

Um, he is, like
- I don't know.

He's, like, a beautiful masterpiece.

Um, um, I hope you that you enjoy it, so.

Thank U very much.

It looks interesting.

Maybe a little Christmas

We'll give it a try.

Thank you.

Ludo? What? What did you just say? "You know, this is amuse
-bouche and I'm french.

" It's really the first contact with the customer.

"And a bonjour this and a oui, oui, that.

" You need to do something amazing.

You're breaking my heart, Chef Ludo.


I mean, seriously.

I mean, you guys, put some love in the plate.

You know what, Chef Ludo? It's over! It's over! It's over! I ain't gonna answer none of your calls! Leave me alone.

Judges, please, scores for presentation.

Time for the tasting.

Michael, how did that taste? Garlic, I don't think, is not the right way to start a meal.


Thank you.

The garlic's a little overwhelming for me.

What a shame.

No, I mean, you know, it was good flavor.

I mean, yes, it tastes a little garlic, but I like that.

I think it was great.

Oh, my God.

Like, okay, I'm playing! I'm playing! I'm playing! I'll take you back! Let's work it out.

That was what I was trying to do.

Chef Ludo, I love you.

Scores for taste, please, judges.


Thank you very much.


That's a total of 70.

Okay, next, Jillian, please.

Up next is Jillian's grilled pita bread with lemon
-dill cream sauce and sauteed vegetables.

First impressions? I think, for me, it's boring.

Boring? Boring.

The master Chefs are not particularly impressed My mom can do that.

With Jillian's presentation.

And her flavor I mean, it tastes like it looks.

There's not much going on there.

Leaves something to be desired as well.

Scores, please.

That's, like, a "d.

" I think that's even an "f" maybe.

And Gail is still the Chef to beat Nona.

As Nona approaches the judges with her twist on a Southern Shrimp and grits.

You could have been a little bit more inventive.

The judges aren't fans Of Nona's presentation.

Enough with the judgment.


And when it comes to taste Sometimes cumin can remind me of body odor.

Not to be gross or anything.

She doesn't fare much better.

Gail still in the lead with 87.

You think you've done enough to stay in the lead? I hope I have.

Okay, next.

Russell, present your dishes, please.

Gail, 87.

Still k*lling it.

You know, I'm sure she's confident.

I'm not gonna drop my head like I'm scared.

I'm going up there and I'm gonna sell my dish.

I did a hamachi crudo with a little apple celery broth.

First impressions? I say bravo.

It looks great.

Thank you.

It's very sexy.

I love the little drops of oil and the little radishes.

All very precise.

It's gorgeous.

Judges, please, could you score? Wow.


Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.


I'm just like, "damn, 50.

" I look at Gail and I'm like, "sorry.

I think you're in trouble.

" Russell, well done.

Very impressive.

Judges, would you like to taste, please? Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.

The judges give Russell a score of 50 total.

That's crazy.

It's a beautiful dish.

I hope it tastes terrible.

Impressions? It's really well done.

Thank you.

The score to beat is 87.

He needs 37 out of a possible 50 to tie.

Please, may we have your scores? Wow.

It's the first individual challenge for the Hell's Kitchen final six and Russell has scored a perfect Russell, well done.

Very impressive.

He needs to score 38 points on taste to take the lead from Gail.

Please, may we have your scores for the taste? Wow, wow, and wow.


Damn it! Russell, very, very impressive.

Brilliant work.

Really good.

Russell has scored a perfect 100 And, Trevor, let's go.

And now Trev, the 30
-old bartender from Chicago Morning, Chefs.

Must completely blow the judges away just to tie.

There we go.

I have to get Tens from all of them, so this thing better Taste awesome.

I parboiled frog legs.

Finally we have a smile on Ludo's face.

Chef Ramsay told me, you know, "go for it.

Out of the box.

" That's what I did and I went for it.

He says, "let it go.

" I let it go.

Trevor, you really let it go.

Uh I don't know how you make a frog leg look like that, Trevor.

You know, because
- i don't know.

I just didn't know what the hell it was until you told me what it was.

I was a little scared at first, frankly.

Maybe it tastes better.

Let's hope so.

It looks like maybe you put the frog in the blender.


You serve me that at a restaurant, I don't know if I want to stay.


Trev's long shot to impress the judges has fallen short on presentation 31.

Not as bad as I thought.

And the flavor of his dish Honestly, the most positive thing I can say about it Just adds insult It's very small.

To injury.

31 out of 50.


Apparently my amuse was quite amusing.

I go out of the box and all they can do is pooh
-pooh it.

Right there.

All right, Russell, congratulations.

Really well done.

Judges, you've been amazing.

Thank you so much for giving up your day to be here.

Really appreciate it.

Thank you once again, judges.


Russell, this is a great reward.

You're gonna have a tour of the prize restaurant L.




Our guide today will be the executive Chef that's unbelievable, Chef.

This is a great reward.

I know Kerry Simon's food, so I'm super stoked.

After the tour, we're gonna have a very special lunch.

Kerry has arranged for a table of four.

That's you, me, Kerry, and one more.

Pick whoever you want to join us.

I'll go with Gail, 'cause she finished second.



Thank you, Russ.

So, Russell and Gail, upstairs.

Get changed.

Get ready for the L.



Unfortunately, Jillian, Nona, Trev, Sabrina, a grueling day ahead of you.

You'll be prepping our kitchen.

However, first, please, I want you to go upstairs and give your living quarters a bloody good clean.

Bedrooms, patio, kitchen, and of course the bathrooms, yes? Yes, Chef.

You head upstairs.

The sous Chef will be up with your cleaning supplies, okay? Yes, Chef.

I'm pissed.

Cleaning up after all these jerks up here.

It's gross.

Punishment sucks bad.

All right.

Okay, everybody gather around.

You know it's time to start cleaning up here.

Everything needs to be spotless, okay? Let's get to it.


I'll do the kitchen.

It sucks.

It sucks to lose.

It really does.

I'll start the dirty work.

I'll go into the bathroom.

I didn't sign up for the bathroom duty when I signed up for Hell's Kitchen.

Have a good day or try to.

This is definitely the best reward so far, hanging out with Chef Ramsay and Chef Simon at L.



So I'm excited.

It could be my home for a year, so I want to make sure that I have a head start.

The L.


Market is at the center of a billion
-dollar development in downtown Los Angeles and it won't be long before one of our final six will become head Chef of this multimillion
-dollar restaurant.

Today, Gail and Russell are getting a sneak peek of what life could be like from executive Chef Kerry Simon.

How's it going, Chef? Hi.

How you guys doing? Good.


Kerry Simon.

Nice to meet you.

I'm Gail.

Nice to meet you.

Welcome to L.



Thank you.

It's beautiful.

I'm gonna give you a little tour of the restaurant.


Yes, Chef.

All right, follow me.

Thank you.

Walking into L.


Market, it's busy as hell and it's popping.

It's got 40
-high ceilings.

It's got beautiful chandeliers.

It's got all kinds of different colored tile around the kitchen highlighted.

It's got, like, a communal table that's a beautiful kind of rustic style.

It's a really amazing spot.

So this is the entrance to the kitchen.

Now this kitchen is very complex.

It's a very state
-art kitchen.

For Chef Simon to personally escort us through the kitchen is such an amazing thing.

Like, I might actually be standing in this one day wearing Chef whites.

This is just crazy.

Good to see you.


How are you? Good to see you.


Good to see you.

Yeah, welcome.


Sit down.

Sit down.

Sit down.



This place has changed since last we were here.

Amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing.

While Russell and Gail are living the high life at L.


Market, back at Hell's Kitchen, the rest of the Chefs Are on cleaning duty.


I absolutely hate cleaning.

That's why my husband does all the cleaning.

Ugh! What the hell is in this trash can? This Smells like rotten hot dog.

Oh, don't say that! I'll throw up.

While the rest of the black team continues to get down and dirty, over at L.


Market, Gail and Russell continue to get wined and dined.

First impression of the kitchen, what was it like? Being here is like fanning the flame of fire and desire.



Absolutely, definitely.

Russell? You know, I'm ready to go and it's gonna be foot to the gas.

Going into our next service, you already have the upper hand, knowing what's at stake.

So put it to your advantage.

You got to remember that, you know, you can't be complacent at all.

You've got to keep pushing, come up with new ideas and search for new ideas, and you have to inspire yourself.

And everything you do, think back to here.

Game on.

Definitely, Chef.

It's amazing to peek at the restaurant.

You know, if that doesn't get you motivated, gets you to know that the stakes are high and this isn't a game, I don't know what would.

Thank you.


Thank you, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.

Well done.

While the winners are getting a taste of the sweet life, back at Hell's Kitchen How much flour and egg for the pasta? Trev is still feeling Figure it out.



These girls totally Suck.

So, Trev, you guys said you usually keep your fish where? Fish station.

I'm sick of it.

I really am.

Are you supposed to put pepper on this or something? I don't know.

It's always me covering somebody else's ass.

Well, nobody's gonna cover me, so screw everybody else.

Pisses me off to no end.

What's in the ricotta? Mother, may I.

After an inspiring reward, Russell and Gail return Hey, guys.

Hey, how was it? It was good.

It was dope.

But there's no time for these two Chefs to relax All right, guys, let's go, please.


As a challenging dinner service awaits the final six.

Tonight, for the first time, one kitchen will be serving the entire dining room, so there's double the pressure.

This service has to prove not just to yourselves, but to me, that you're worthy of being in the final six.

Everything you touch, cook, send, taste tonight, think L.



Great communication.

Great teamwork.

Great style.

And to add a little bit more excitement in the dining room, I'll need one of you to do a stunning steak Diane, table size.

That person tonight will be Nona.

It's you.

Right on.

I'm going to miss Nona being in the kitchen with the team.

I really wish Trev would have got sent out there instead.

Seeing as you're all part in an amazing way of the final six, I wanted to give you something tasty.

Something that would make your mouth water.

Something that would get you excited.

Really excited.

That's hot.

Take a look at this.

Whoo! Who's hungry? Hell's Kitchen is moments away from opening, but before the first ticket is in Take a look at this.

Chef Ramsay has cooked up a surprise.

Who's hungry? Whoo! $1/4 million.

My God.

Holy moley.

Did you see all that money? Just smell it.

It smells Delicious.

$250,000? Like, I was not expecting that.

The winner will become the new head Chef at the L.


Market restaurant with a stunning salary.

$1/4 million.

And if that doesn't whet your appetite, you shouldn't be in here.

I want that money, man.

I want to put that in my bank account.

my life so much.

For one of you six, it's yours.

Show me your hunger big

What are we gonna be tonight? Hungry.


Get on your sections.

We're opened up in minutes, yes? Yes, Chef.


James? Yes, Chef? Let's go.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.

In addition to the regular fine
-dining menu, tonight, Chef Ramsay is featuring a table
-side steak Diane.

Don't set them on fire, okay? Okay.

Time to kick this bitch in the ass and roll.

Come on, guys.

I'm gonna push myself to the absolute limit.

We're not playing small ball anymore and you got to be going for a home run every time.

Here we go.

One dynamic team.

Good luck, everybody, yes? Yes, Chef.

On order, table 30, three scallops, one risotto, three spaghetti.

Yes, Chef.

Tonight, the entire dining room will be fed by one kitchen.

Let's go.

And it's up to Trev and Sabrina on appetizers and Gail on fish to get the dinner service off to a good start.

Sabrina, let's go.

I can walk this risotto in 30 seconds.

I might seem like a little dummy on the outside, but on the inside, I'm one cooking machine.

Walking the risotto.

Oh, no.

What is that? Sabrina! That is cooked .

And that is fried risotto.

Burnt! Come on, Sabrina.

Don't start us off like this.

I want risotto, not fried risotto! Yes, Chef.

Right now! Sabrina's first offering was disappointing, but Gail Scallops, please.

Walking up three scallops.

Is hoping that her scallops are worthy of praise.

There's Gail, two seconds.

Come down here.

There's no color! They need to be colored once and then turned over, no? Yes, Chef.

So now when you recook them, they're gonna be overcooked.

Start again, Gail.

Yes, Chef.

Guys, it's the first table! Come on! Sabrina and Gail can't get it together on apps.

Oh, no.

I need some action, Trevor.

Yes, Chef! Send spaghetti.

Luckily, I rock on appetizers.


I'm the king of lobster spaghetti.

Oh, dear.

Trev? See? Pasta's overcooked and it's stewed! Disgusting.

Let's go! Man, it's so hard to recover once you get off to such a horrible start.

We should be better than that by now.

Do you want me to cook? No, I don't want you to cook.

I know what the I'm doing.

It's the first table, guys.

Start the spaghetti! Start the spaghetti! I got it! I got it! I got it! No, start
- you got
- it's in! Run your mouth a little more, Russell.

Why don't you tell me how bad I'm Doing on appetizers, 'cause I can't see it? How long, Trev, for two spaghetti? Four! Four? Four minutes! That pasta's gonna cook in four minutes, Trev.

There's pasta in the bag! Stop yelling! Hey, you watch your mouth right now.

You don't stand over here and scream.

I'm the one that's waiting for food from you.

Get your Together and cook the pasta! I'm trying.

And all you want to do is berate me, belittle me, get on my ass? Piss off.

Talk about out of Control.

Come on, guys.


Okay, get the first table out.

Let's go.

Risotto! Walking, Chef! There you go.

Move your ass.

Three scallops.

Let's go.

Right here, Chef.


Service please.

Let's go.

Now that the first appetizers have finally left the kitchen It is pretty good.

The Chefs are hoping the momentum continues.

Two truffle salad, two spaghetti.

How long? And that can only be accomplished if Trev and Sabrina How long on apps, Trev? Work as a team.

I just gave you So keep talking! Come on.

She's making salads and she's calling me every 15 seconds, "how long on that spaghetti?" Just make the Salads.

Talk, Trev.

Talk! I am not counting down every 15 seconds.

How long? Oh, four minutes now! Four minutes.


How do you get a little whiny bitch like that to just shut up and cook? Take her off my hands.

Take her out back and put a b*llet right between her beady little eyes.

That's the point.

We're counting down, okay? Trev, let's go! Just quit bitching.

Let's put it out.

I'm not bitching, man.

It's salads.

How long does that take? Quit it.

Drop it right now.

You two
- you two, come here.

Look at me.

Come here, you.

I need a team.

Less shouting and about a little bit more cooking? I'm getting dragged down, yet no one's commanding their section! Yes, Chef.

Wake up! It's like me and Trevor, we need a relationship counselor.

I feel like I'm in, like, this bad relationship that I'm, like, desperately trying to get out of.

I need the apps out.

I need to go.

I need to move! Sabrina and Trev continue to prove that they can't work together again The rice is too white.

And again Watery again.

And again.

We've still got three tables of appetizers.

Chef Ramsay adjusts his game plan Entree, two halibut, two wellingtons, one rib eye.

Yes, Chef.

As he gets the kitchen moving on entrees.

I can't get the appetizers out.

Yes, Chef! Now it's up to Russell on meat, garnish, and Gail on the fish station to deliver on the main courses.

I'm ready.

Where's the halibut? Halibut's ready.

Where's the halibut garnish? Right here, Chef.

Oh, no.

Gail? It's not possible! That's what I got in the pass.

When it's brown, it's cooked.

When it's black, it's .

Stuck to the pan.


That's what I got given at the Pass! This is like a sabotage.

Nothing coming out.

There's no teamwork! There's no care! There's no passion! Off! I've never seen such chaos.

I'm dying! I'm dying! I'm Dying! He's gonna kick us all out of the kitchen.

All of you, just stop! We're done.

This is over.

Come here! It's the first dinner service in which the final six cook in the same kitchen I'm dying! I'm dying! I'm Dying! But so far, it's been anything but smooth Nothing coming out.

And Chef Ramsay All of you, just stop! Is angrier and more disappointed than he's ever been.

What's wrong with you? Nothing, Chef.

Look at me! Look, you ignorant bitch! Look at my Eyes when I'm talking to you.

Yes, Chef.

What's wrong with you? I'm trying to work, Chef.

I'm trying to communicate.

Wake up! Yes, Chef.

You, what's wrong with you? Nothing.

Get a grip! You got it.

You, you may bark, but it's All coming out.

And, you, look.

T stuck to the pan! We don't deserve to wear the black jackets and, you know, this far into the game, we should be able to run a kitchen.

For God's sake! Here, you're gonna have start a new one.

Guys, we need to move.

It's an hour and 15 minutes into dinner service and despite very little leaving the kitchen It's been over an hour.

I see them plating pasta.

Maybe it's ours.

Okay, that'd be good.

Chef Ramsay pushes on.

Nona, start the steak Diane.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef! Quickly.


Everything has to get timed perfectly so that when Nona's serving her steak Diane table
-side, make sure that my salmon's ready, so all of our food will be served together.

Whoo! Stand back.

The Steak Diane's about to be served! Whenever your salmon's ready, the garnish is now ready.

Lisa, here you are.

One salmon, one halibut.

E, please.


Oh, wow.

That is k*ller.

And the Chefs are finally up to speed Hot, hot.

And successfully delivering food.

Go, please.

Thank you a lot.


Now the pressure is on Sabrina and her Truffle salads! It's right here, Chef! You hurry up! It's not possible! The entrees are about to catch up with appetizers! It's not normal! I mean, the whole thing is upside down.

Walking it right now.

Come on, let's get rid of these apps, jump on entrees and help out.

Where's the other one? She's given up.

Her face tells a story.

No, I haven't, Chef.

Well, then fight back, you little bitch! Walking, Chef.

No dressing.

Man, you got to be kidding me.

Sabrina, come here, you.



Hey, come here.

I can see it's not dressed.

There you go.

Ah, Off.

Now it's even a salad.

How in the hell does a salad come back? That's the lowest of the lowest.

More dressing.



You take the lettuce, you squirt the Dressing on it, you toss it around a little bit with the grapes and the walnuts, and you set it on the plate.

That's it.

Where is the truffle salad? Right here, Chef.

Let's go.

Trev has successfully tossed Sabrina's salads and the diners are once again enjoying their appetizers.

That was very good.

In the kitchen, Chef Ramsay Away now, three salmon, one steak Diane, one Wellington.

Yes, Chef.

Continues to push entrees out.

Mash? Got it right here, Chef.

Oh, come on.

Come on.

Oh, Jillian.

That is salty as .

You're seasoning like this.

I thought it was a better idea to sprinkle the salt than to dip my nasty
-ass hand in it and put it in.

Season with your fingers.

Yes, Chef.

Taste your food.

I know you're mad.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Chef.

I know it was a bad idea.

I know.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

What do I got to do? Come on, Jillian! I'm working it, Chef.

Yeah, well, work a bit harder.

Jillian totally screwed up.

Salmon? Yes, Chef.

Coming right now.

But we're still a team.

We still have to work together to get this food out and that's the most important thing to me right now.

Three salmon.

What is all that water? Gail's version of grilled salmon.

Can you not grill salmon? Yes, Chef, I can.

I can cook fish.

I can do this.

I can do this.

I can do this.

I can cook fish.

Did I ask for poached salmon? No, Chef.

Why have you done this? You've given up.

I'm gonna keep fighting, Chef.

I'm gonna keep fighting.

Come on, Russell.

Serve the Wellington.

Yes, Wellington's coming.

You've got to push it out.


Oh, dear.

It's raw! Russell, come here.

They're undercooked.

Get your eyes tested.

We can't get all the food out and we're supposed to be the best Chefs.

It's embarrassing.

Don't try to send me ! Yes, Chef.

End of story! Yes, Chef.

That's all I ask for.

Yes, Chef.

Pay a bit of respect! Yes, Chef.

The whole service is blowing up in front of our faces right now.

Russell, come here.

And you, come here, you.

And you as well.

Let me just tell all of you for two Minutes.

Who gives a ? You've sunk.

You've got your hands full out there and you're screwing me.

Work as a Team! If we don't get this together, the hope of any of us trying to get L.


Market is just going out the window let's all just shut it down and Off home, all of you.

No! We're not giving up, Chef.

Our kitchen is in trouble.

Piece of .

I can't do this.

It's two hours into dinner service Unbelievable.

And with the final six unable to pull together and work as a team Let's all just shut it down.

No! We're not giving up, Chef.

Chef Ramsay delivers an ultimatum to all the Chefs.

The next person that makes the next mistake get A lot of you.

Get a grip! Yes, Chef.

I'm not going down.

Two halibut, two wellings, and one rib eye.

Come on, let's go.

Push this out.

Let's kick this service in the ass.

Let's go! Come on, push it out! Come on, don't deflate! Let's go! I'm walking on two halibut.

Let's go.

Garnish, please.

Chef Ramsay's threat motivates us to work harder and stay focused.

Coming up on all three.

Service, please.

We started flowing.


Coming down.


And we started to get into the groove of things.

Garnish! Here you go, Chef.

Service, please.

Thank you.


Rib eye coming.

We really need to fight back and push, push, push.

Rib eye.

Oh, come on.

It's raw in the center.

Russell, stop.

I can't take any more.

I can't do this.

I cannot do this any More! I can't do it anymore! It's not fair on Me and it's not fair on them! Get out! Off! Get out! Yeah, that's right! Get out! Get out! Hey, catch your blue steak.


This sucks.

It's a horrible feeling.

Feels like you're letting down the world.

Let me tell you something very, very quickly.

What I want to ask you all is to take off your jackets Bar you.

That's how pissed off I am.

At least one of you has to get the hell out of here tonight.

Get upstairs and think hard.

Two nominees for elimination.

Do something together for once tonight and cut the .

Off, will you? It totally sucked tonight.

Everybody across the board.

And everybody's gonna be pointing the finger at somebody else and most of the fingers are gonna pointed at app station and I got By having a ditz on my line.

We all know apps really dragged us down.

For me, I have to nominate Trev and Sabrina.

I agree.

I feel like apps really Up the whole kitchen.

It's clear.

To be honest, Trevor and Sabrina are both bad cooks.

I don't give a .

Send 'em both home.

I mean, like, that'd be optimal for me.

You know, I fought through that whole service.

I'm saying Gail and Sabrina.

I honestly think that Gail was equally Up as Trevor.

Trevor is a pansy
-ass bitch and Gail's ruined the fish station twice in a row.

In a row! I don't deserve to go home.

That's four.

That's four and that's two.

Everybody voted except for Nona.

So it's done.

Trev and Sabrina.

Can I say one thing to Gail? I don't feel like you communicated with me at all tonight on the fish station.

So what's your vote, Jillian? She already voted.

You can change it back though.

No, you can't change your votes.

We're not playing the wishy
-washy change votes.

I'm not playing that.

Russell, I don't know who the You think you are.

This could potentially be my last night here in Hell's Kitchen.

I'm very manipulative and I'm just gonna do whatever I got to to stay here.

I think that you should put Gail up, Jillian.

This is her second time crashing on the fish station.

And it is really easy, dude.

I got through the fish station.

Dude, I got through the meat station.

I got through garnish.

Like, I got through all these things, you know? Russell doesn't own this team.

You even said yourself.

You said Gail.

Sabrina's right.

Gail's really experienced, but she sucks ass in the kitchen and she didn't communicate with me at all tonight.

She really needs to go home.

I'm changing my vote.

I want to vote for Gail tonight and not Sabrina.


Jillian, what the Are you doing? So now it's tied three

Nona, it's on you.

I'm gonna have to go with Um Chef Ramsay's worst nightmare came true when the six finalists he chose were a complete embarrassment during dinner service.

And now, he will put an end to one of their dreams.

Sabrina, first nominee and why? Let's go.

First nominee, Chef, is Trevor, because he held apps.

He didn't get it out tonight.

And second nominee and why, please? Our team decided that Um, I should go up, because I didn't do well in the app station at all.

I tried to communicate, but it just didn't work.


Appetizer station step forward, both of you.

Partners in crime.

Trev, my patience is running out with you.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? And hurry up.

Tonight, I tried my damndest.

I was fixing mistake after mistake.

Kept putting it out.

Kept giving you what you needed.

I did not give up on the kitchen or the team at all tonight whatsoever.

Sabrina, you have been standing in front of me for so Long, you've molded my carpet.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I have never made the same mistake twice.

I apologize about tonight.

I really do.

I tried to work with Trevor and we don't get along, but honestly, I think, you know, that
- I think Trevor should stay and I think that I should stay and I think Gail should leave.

What? She's messed up numerous amounts of times and she's messed up on the fish station.

I'm fighting for Trevor.

Like, that's really weird, okay? And I just want you to know that she's an executive Chef and she can't get through the fish station.

I just don't want to go home, Chef.

I don't think that, like, it's the right time yet.

I messed up on the apps and I'm sorry.

Just give me another chance to show you that I won't mess it up again.

Where do I go? Is it both of you? Hope not.

My decision is Sabrina.

Give me your jacket.

You have got a big heart, you work exceptionally hard, but Young lady, you have a lot of growing up to do inside the kitchen and outside.

Yes, Chef.

Thank you for your commitment.

Thank you, Chef.

I wish you the best of luck.

I came here in Hell's Kitchen not knowing anything about how a brigade works.

What the Is this doing here? I don't know.

I'm sorry, Chef.

Being 22, I am a bit immature.

That's fine! Take a breath.

There is a lot that I have to learn about life.

You're all talk.

You're all talk.

Just check the attitude.

But I'm leaving Hell's Kitchen as a fighter.

I fought from day one.

Why else should I go home? I fought with Chef Ramsay.

She's given up.

No, I haven't, Chef! I fought with everybody.

You ain't done better than me at all! At all! Calm down your little ghetto attitude.

I gave it everything that I had.

Sabrina, finally, the pork cooked perfectly.

This experience has definitely changed my life forever.

I'm so happy.

I'm definitely gonna continue on this path, wherever it takes me.

Chef Ramsay hasn't seen the last of me.

Trevor, back in line.

Gail, wake up.

Yes, Chef.

Get out.

Good night, Chef.

Night, Chef.

Far from a good night.

I dodged the bus that Sabrina tried to throw me under tonight.

There's only five of us left.

I got to kick some ass.

I really have to show my stuff tomorrow.

I cannot let myself do what I did today at all the rest of the competition.

Hands down.

I just have to be spot on.

Oh, my God.

This is the last hurdle.

This is it.

Four more people standing in my way.

I can see L.


Market from here.

Sabrina was quite dramatic in her final plea, but I'm not looking for a drama queen.

I'm looking for a head Chef.

The winner of Hell's Kitchen will become head Chef of the brand
-new multimillion
-dollar restaurant L.


Market at the J.


Marriott Hotel in downtown Los Angeles.

The salary: $1/4 million.

And they will also tour the country as the official spokesperson of Rosemount Estate Winery.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen Every man and woman for themselves right now.

This is serious business.

The final five talk a big game I'm running this .

If anybody's standing in my way, they're just gonna have to get out.

But better at running their mouths I'll make it happen in five minutes.

I'm goona tell you every minute.

Than running their stations.

This is .

Overcooked scallops and crunchy spaghetti.

What are we doing here? When one Chef goes too far Four more beef on order.

- no, you can't sell that.

And tries to take over Hell's Kitchen.

Let's go! Just shut your mouth.

Don't tell me what to do.

How rude are you? You won't believe Chef Ramsay's shocking reaction.

Bunch of Idiots.

I'm done.

Oh, my God.

Good luck, superstars.

I've got to get out.

We are .


Oh, man.

It just gets more and more humiliating.

Come on! This is over.


It's all next time on Hell's Kitchen.

Do somebody some damage if I stay in there.
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