08x07 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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08x07 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) Previously on Hell's Kitchen It may have only been morning (All) Morning, chef.

(Announcer) But chef Ramsay began the day with a shocking move Melissa, give me your jacket, because you're in the blue team.

(Announcer) To wake up Melissa.

Now I want to see you shine.

(Announcer) But he didn't stop there Red team, you're lacking a leader.

(Announcer) Asking Trev to step up.

Trev, your jacket and the red team.

(Announcer) Then, in the creative
-salad challenge (Gordon) I want to see how imaginative you are.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay invited the senior food editor of bon appetit to judge.

This lady knows her stuff.

It's a lovely salad.

Thank you.

(Announcer) The bad This dish minds me of a hot dog.

(Announcer) And the ugly.

It's visually a train wreck.

(Announcer) But there was one dish that stood out above the rest The scallop was perfectly cooked.

(Announcer)Elonged to.


(Announcer) Who clinched it for the blue team.

Good job, buddy.

(Announcer) During dinner service Trevor, welcome to the red team.

(Announcer) In the red kitchen Come on, girls! (Announcer) Gail pushed out the appetizers Gail, delicious, delicious, delicious.

Thank you, chef.

(Announcer) But Sabrina on garnish Where's the rest? Come on! Can't do it all! I can't do it all! (Announcer) And Nona on fish They're not coloring, man.

(Announcer) Failed to deliver.

Scallops are raw! (Announcer) In the blue kitchen How long on scallops? (Announcer) Russell took charge.


I am focused.

No, you're not! (Announcer) But Boris was a disaster on garnish.

I like [Bleep]

Mashed potatoes! You're a [Bleep]

Embarrassment! Get out! (Announcer) And Melissa followed up a performance where she overcooked a mountain of meat by ruining a sea of scallops.

I [Bleep]

The team, chef.

I've had enough! (Announcer) Both teams That was horrific.

(Announcer) Had to nominate one person The red team has nominated Sabrina.

The blue team nominated Boris.

(Announcer) But chef Ramsay wasn't satisfied with the nominees.

(Gordon) Nona, Melissa, step forward.

(Announcer) And in the end it was Melissa.

(Announcer) The 31
-ol sous chef from Albany whose dream of winning Hell's Kitchen went up in flames.

[The Ohio Players' "Fire"]

Fire Whoo Whoo Whoo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a fuller love child yes, it does the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smoking, baby, baby the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child yeah, woo woo the way you push, push lets me know that you're good ha ha ha! you're gonna get your wish fire what I said, child, ow fire uh uh fire uh uh (announcer) And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Goodnight All: Goodnight Chef.

Trevor can you come here please.

You know I've dodged the b*llet five times.

Like all I'm asking of everyone is like a clean slate.

I'm beginning to run out of luck.

We don't have anything against you, Sabrina we don't.

Just check the attitude.

I don't think I have an attitude, man.

You do.

You do.

You do.

The truth hurts, you know? I have a bad attitude.

You guys are right.

You guys are right.

I'm serious.

I just have to come in tomorrow with a new attitude, because I'm not ready to leave yet.

I'm not gonna have an attitude anymore.

I promise.

I don't believe a damn thing Sabrina says! "Oh, I'm gonna show you that I'm humble.

"I'm gonna show you that I won't have an attitude.

I'm hungry.

" No, you're a ghetto bitch.

It's time for Sabrina to go home, bad.

Chef hates me.

He [Bleep]

Hates me.

There's no way any of us can help you with that.

(Boris) I'm disappointed in myself.

I expected to come here, kick ass, be a [Bleep]


You know? I need to make a comeback.

That's my third time tonight.

You skated by by the skin of your teeth tonight, big boy.

Just got to do this, guys.

Got a couple people that got [Bleep]

To prove and, you know, just got to keep moving forward.

Boris is on his last string, so we've been carrying him for about the last week.

You know, I'm not gonna do it anymore.

It's just unbelievable.

(Announcer) It's been a rough night for Sabrina and Boris, but as a new day begins, they know it's a new opportunity to fight back and show chef Ramsay what they're made of.

Let's go! Holy [Bleep]


Oh, [Bleep]


Wow, wow, wow, wow.

I see this covered table with this black sheet over it, and I'm like, "I wonder if that is a corpse.

" Right, good morning.

(All) Morning, chef.

Okay, as you know, great chefs are imaginative, yeah? Have to think fast on their feet.

They understand the combination, the executions, and the marriage of ingredients instantly.

And they're willing to gamble, yes? (All) Yes, chef.

Which brings us to our next challenge.



Especially made for Hell's Kitchen.


It's roulette.

It's roulette.


So excited.

I love roulette.

Oh, I love roulette.

So much fun.

Listen to me.

There are 18 different letters on the wheel.

Each of you will spin the wheel.

Every time you land on the letter, you have ten seconds to come up with an ingredient beginning with that letter.

And then each team comes up with one stunning dish using your chosen five ingredients.

Obviously, gentlemen, there's four of you in the blue team.

Vinny, you'll spin twice.

Yes, chef.

Everyone ready to begin? (All) Yes, chef.

Let's go.

Blue team first.

Let's go.

(Announcer) In this challenge, each chef will choose one ingredient based on a spin of the wheel.


Are you ready? I'm ready.

(Announcer) Vinny is leading off and it's important that he selects an ingredient that his team can build on.

And you go "k.

" Ten seconds.


Uh Five.




Vinny's [Bleep]

Fast on his feet.

Boom, boom, boom
- kale, yes, excellent.

Back around.

Come on, vin.


" Ten seconds from now.

Uh Ah! Yams.

(Gordon) Yams? Boris.

Let's go, Boris.


" Ten seconds from now.


Miso? [laughter]

When Boris said, "miso," I just looked at the rest of the team, and they were just like, "oh, my God.

" Miso? Miso.

Yeah, we really didn't need miso.

It's hard to work with.

It's hard to get it right.

Okay, miso.





(Announcer) After three spins, the men have two unusual vegetables We're working with kale, yam (Announcer) And one asian seasoning.

And miso.

Yes, we are.

(Announcer) And with only two spins left, they desperately need a main ingredient.

We don't have anything.

We'vaccomplished zero here.

Spin the ball, big boy.

Let's go.

It's all on my bacing good.

Here we go.

And " ten seconds from now.

Um Striped bass.

Striped bass? Boom
-striped bass, right on the money.


Nice one.

Good choice.

Off you go.

And you're "a.

" Asparagus.

Asparagus? Okay, good.

And That's what you're working with.

Back in line.

(Announcer) The blue team has completed the selection phase of the challenge.


(Announcer) And now it's time for the red team to have their spin at the wheel.

Off you go.



" Ten seconds from now.

Come on, Trev.

Come on, Trevor.


" So easy.

And immediately I think radicchio, raspberry, roast beef, radishes, red peppers, ravioli, rib eye, ricotta, refried beans, risotto, e, rhubarb, ribs, rice.

Ingredient, please.


Rutabaga? Rutabaga? Really, Trevor? Adventurous.

(Announcer) After wrestling with his "r"s, Trev's radical roulette result is the random root Rutabaga.

Where the [Bleep]

That one came from, I don't know.

Off you go, Jillian.

(Announcer) Next up is Jillian Make it count.

(Announcer) And she chooses "C.

" Ten seconds from now.


(Gordon) Cauliflower.

(Announcer) While Sabrina picks Um, bok choy.

Bok choy.


Rutabaga, cauliflower, bok choy.



We might be.

Gail, good luck on that one.

Ten seconds with "f.

" [Sighs]

We really need a core for this dish right now.

Fennel, chef.

Fennel? "Fennel" comes flying out of her mouth and I'm scared right now.

Abt what you have And What the hell are we gonna do with these ingredients? Like, we can make some crazy weird soup or something.

This is getting scary.

Start thinking about that main ingredient.

Off you go.

Come on, Nona.

You got to get us a protein, girl.


" Ten seconds from now.




My girl Nona nails it.

Now we got a protein.

We can make this work.

Well done.

Thank God for that.

Okay, everybody ready to begin cooking? (All) Yes, chef.

Yes? Off you go.

(Announcer) The teams have only 30 minutes to figure out the best way to combine their ingredients and make a spectacular entree.

I think we should do a cauliflower puree.

Rutabaga chips.

I came up with the goofy thing rutabaga, so it was up to me to come up with options.


I just got to get the seasoning right on those.



That's good.

I don't know how to work with miso.

I know how to work with miso.

I picked miso.

I will stand by miso.

I take the responsibility of doing the miso myself.

I think we're there, okay? I think we're there.

At this point in time, it's do or die.

- aprons coming your way.

Okay, guys, I got the miso.

Get it working, though, if you're gonna get a broth going.

Get it working.

Miso is kind of one of those things that's on the fence.

We're gonna have to have Boris work with it and have him k*ll it, because if he doesn't, we're gonna go down.

Are you confident in that? Yes.

I would not have chosen it if I didn't know what to do with it.

Or that you didn't know what else to do with an "m.

" Guys have no [Bleep]

Confidence in me.

That really [Bleep]


If they don't have faith in me, that's one thing, but I have faith in myself.

I don't give a [Bleep]

What you think.

I will make this [Bleep]


Taste it.

How does that taste? Tastes pretty good.


Well, thank you.

I nailed it.

This is what I do.

Trust me when I tell you this is a man who knows his miso.

It works.

This miso broth, it's growing on me real fast.

I'm thinking it's gonna be pretty hot this dish now.

(Announcer) Boris' miso has won the blue team over.

Yeah, it tastes nice.

(Announcer) Meanwhile, in the red kitchen, the verdict is still out So how are those chips? (Announcer) On Trev's rutabaga.

Taste 'em.

I've never really cooked rutabaga chips before.

I really wasn't sure what was gonna work and what wasn't.

Tastes burnt.

The chips were burnt and bitter, and I'm like, "mm, mm

Chef's not gonna accept that.

" I think this is gonna be fine.

(Announcer) Trev has managed to impress one person with his rutabaga Tastes good.

(Announcer) Himself.

No, no, no, no, no.

(Announcer) But he's not the only one who's impressed with his own cooking.

Working with yam and asparagus is simple
- simple, simple, simple.

What else do you have in there? All I'm goa do is just blanch these off
-that's it.

I just don't know if we're going in the right direction with the yams and the asparagus.

Wow, dude, seriously? It seemed simple and plain put some cilantro in there too.

But I can't do everything by myself.

You know what you could do? Is you could get some coriander to tie in the [Bleep]


I don't think we should.

Fine, don't do it.

Five minutes to go! You guys want to taste the puree? More butter, more salt.

The cauliflower puree was giving me a hard time.

We can get it creamier, though, can't we? It's not looking good.

Can't get it any more creamier.

It's all right.

Just use lots of butter.

Come on, guys.

Let's go.

I'm gonna do everything I can and make it work, 'cause if not, then we're [Bleep]


Oh, my God.

Mmm! Okay, it's [Bleep]



Last minute to go! (All) Yes, chef.

Here we go.

Let's go! Start plating! Let's bring it together, guys.

Fennel sauce is done.

Fennel is done.

Okay, hold on.

Where we going? Right here on top of the bok.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yo, grab the Fleur de sel real quick.

(Gordon) Ten, nine Come on, cgo, go, go, go.

(Gordon) Eight, seven There's no Fleur de sel.

Yes, there is.

(Gordon) Six, five Do not go back there! (Gordon) Four, three Put the plate up.

(Gordon) Two, one, and stop.

Let's go, guys.

Each team had to turn their five individually selected ingredients into one stunning dish.

Okay, let's start off with the red team first, shall we? Sabrina, bring the dish forward, please.

Thank you.


(Announcer) The red am has made a grilled
-salmon dish in a cauliflower puree with baby bok choy, pan
-roasted fennel, and rutabaga chips.

Salmon is cooked perfectly.


Thank you, chef.

Yes, chef.

The fennel's delicious.

It's nice.

Unfortunately, the cauliflower puree split.

It's almost like you've had too much butter in there.

I dropped in whole butter.

What a shame.

It tastes nice, but it looks like [Bleep]



Come on, Nona.

To [Bleep]

Something up like that is, like, such a rookie mistake.

The chips, who did that? I did, chef.

Bitter! I'm disappointed with those.

For those [Bleep]

Stupid rutabaga chips.

Right, blue team, let's go.

(Annncer) It's now time for the blue team to present their pan
-seared striped bass with braised kale, asparagus, and fried yams in a light miso broth.

- all that wow factor.

That looks nice.

Like, ours didn't look that nice.

Fish cooked perfectly.

Miso tasted delicious.

Boris, that was you, yes? Yes, chef.

Sweet, delicious.

I knew it! I knew it! That right then and there just makes everything worth it.

My problem with that dish is the asparagus and the yams.

It's like it's sort of
- it's lazy 'cause there's nothing exciting.

Who cooked the asparagus and the yams? I did, chef.

This is the chance for you guys to do something different, something just with flavor.

So Hard, very hard, 'cause there's areas of flair, but then there's areas of blandness
- the asparagus and the yam.

I could match that th thecauliflower.

I don't expect that at this level, that's all.


Okay, tough decision
- real tough decision, because the fish was cooked perfectly.

The winning team on a very tough challenge
- cauliflower that looked a mess, but it tasted delicious.

The red team, congratulations.

[Cheers and applause]


(Gordon) Well done.

Holy [Bleep]


I can't believe we just pulled this off.

Thank you, chef.

Red team, well done.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you, chef.

Listen carefully.

I'm sending you to a resort that both Jennifer Lopez and Elton John this special place is in Vegas.

[Cheers and applause]

You'll be staying at the Rio all suites and hotel.

Your suite is 14,000 square feet.


Head up to the dorms and start packing.

Let's go.


Rock on.

We're going to Vegas! Vegas! Hey, red team.

Blue team On our next dinner service, we are hosting an exclusive family night.

Each table will be welcomed with an assortment of fries.

So, blue team, for your punishment, you'll be spending the day washing, peeling, cutting, preparing well over 1,000 potatoes.

Your delivery of potatoes is actually here, so head outside.

Let's go.

I'm just pissed about this.

I didn't come to Hell's Kitchen to cook [Bleep]


Open the door.


Holy [Bleep]


There's potatoes everywhere, man.

It's a mess, and guess what
- we got to pick it up.

That is one big truck.

Bye, guys.

Bye, guys.


Have fun.

Have fun peeling potatoes, boys! We'll be in Vegas! Whoo! Hi.

Welcome to southwest.

I'm so excited.

I've never been to Vegas.

I got my hooker boots on, and I'm gonna have a good time.

Yeah, this is awesome, man.

(Announcer) While it seems like the sky's the limit for the red team There's a lot of [Bleep]


(Announcer) It seems like there's no limit to the blue team's punishment.

Tell me about it.

This is my fifth bust

By the time we're done with this, don't we have to cut them all, you know, for fries and [Bleep]

? We'll probably be here until dinner service tomorrow, just because Rob didn't grill the asparagus.

Thanks, buddy.

I'm tired of this.

(All) Go, red team! (Trev) Vegas
-I've never been here before.

This is the v.



Treatment I've been waiting for.

Welcome to your suite.




(Nona) We open the doors to palazzo suites, and it's just marble tile everywhere [Gasps]

Monstrous ice sculptures with Sushi and lobster and caviar.

[Plays piano]


Welcome to the big time! I have never in my entire life seen anything like the suite that we're in right now.

Oh, there's a jacuzzi here too! It is absolutely beautiful
- the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

Lap of luxury.

I'm actually really enjoying this potato business here.

I'm Russian.

I love the potato.

You could fry.

You could bake it.

You could make potato soup.

You could live on that [Bleep]


I couldn't think of a better reward than to peel [Bleep]

It's great.

Boris does a lot of this and he does very little this.

I love it.

If Boris doesn't step up, he's gonna go home.

I'd rather be doing this than going to Vegas.

(Announcer) While the blue team knows exactly what they'll be doing for the next several hours [Cell phone rings]

The red team Hello? (Announcer) Is in for a big surprise.

Who is it? They're not saying anything.

Hello? [Breathing heavily]

All I hear is breathing.

Hello? Let me handle this.

Hello? Hello! It's penn and teller.

Open the [Bleep]

Door! Door! Open the door! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Hi.



We're penn and teller.

(Announcer) The red team is thoroughly enjoying their reward high atop the Vegas strip in their [Knock on door]

Door! (Announcer) And it's about to become Hi.


(Announcer) Even more magical.

We're penn and teller.

Show us around this place.

Is it nice in here? I'll be damned if it's not penn and teller in front of me.


You guys had all won here? I got penn and teller in my room.

I'm just in awe.

These two guys are great magicians.

You want an envelope? Yes! And we got gifts.

It was just the top of all tops.

"You're a winner at one of Las Vegas' resorts.

" Two nights

No way.

What? Yeah! Gonna do okay.


Where you going, girl? Yeah! Hell, yeah! I'm about to come back up in here and party.

This is the "awesomest" reward ever.

It is so cool.

Can we get a picture with you? (All) Yes! I love it.

One, two, three, smile.


(Announcer) While the red team parties the night away in Vegas, back in Hell's Kitchen, it's all business.

We have to k*ll it tomorrow, bro.

We have to carry Boris tomorrow.

-he's just out of his league.

If he goes down, it's gonna drag the rest of us down with him.

I don't want to lose, and if we lose, I know what the reason why is gonna be.

I ain't going up.

You ain't going up.

So it's gonna be them two.

And they know it.

Not only do , Ramsay knows it.

He knows we're the two studs in this [Bleep]


I won't let him down.

Talk to you in the morning.

(Announcer) It may be a brand
-new day in Hell's Kitchen, but the blue team shares the same old opinion of Boris.

(Russell) Boris, what are you doing? The puree.


You're wasting your time.

Work on something else.



I know where I stand with my team.

I know that they consider me a weak link.

Tonight is the night that I need to make a comeback.

Boris definitely has a lot to prove.

He needs a miracle.

(Announcer) While the blue team preps for tonight's dinner service, the red team returns from Vegas Hey, guys.

What (announcer) Hoping to continue their winning streak.

We just got back from Vegas, and the red team
- we're excited.

Come on! We're gonna go, and we're gonna [Bleep]

k*ll it tonight just like we've been doing.

(Jillian) Sabrina, are you gonna pull this [Bleep]

Out or what? Well, dude, I don't want to pull it out right now.

We can wait till service.

No, we need to pull it out.

It needs to come out.


Sabrina said she was gonna change her attitude, but her attitude sucks.

I swear to God if she doesn't set this [Bleep]

Station, I'm gonna kick her ass.

It's like a joke, man.

I'm so over Sabrina.

If we lose tonight, tely going back up for elimination, no doubt about it.

Okay, let's go, guys.

(Announcer) Every night in Hell's Kitchen has its challenges.

Tonight is family night.

(Announcer) But tonight, there's little room for error.

In amongst those diners tonight will be my family.

This is intimidating.

If we [Bleep]

It up, man, chef's never going to forgive us.

I don't plan on being embarrassed.

Now, five pairs of hands against four.

Trev? Yes, chef? Your team has the extra person, so drive the red team forward, yes? Yes, chef.

Chef Ramsay wants me to take over that leadership position, so I'm gonna take us to where we need to go.

Okay, outside there's a Hell's Kitchen carnival.

Hey are gonna enter the dining room happy.

They're gonna sit down happy, and they're gonna eat happy.

What am I gonna be after service? (All) Happy, chef! Right.

Let's go.

All right, James, open Hell's Kitchen, please.

All right, chef.

[Bell rings]

[Indistinct chatter]

Thank you.

Yeah! (Announcer) It's family night at Hell's Kitchen.

Can I have one of these necklaces? (Announcer) And in addition to the regular fine
-dining menu, chef Ramsay is featuring a children's menu.

As a special treat, each table will receive a welcoming platter of french fries.

Let's go, Trev.

I want those fries out, guys, yes? It's right here.

Ready, chef.

It's a kids' menu.

We're cooking for four
-, five
-, six
-, seven
-, eight
-, nine
-, ten

Guys, fries going! They just want something that's gonna taste good.

It shouldn't be that big of a problem.

Coming with the fries! Fries go straight out, guys, yes? (All) Yes, chef.

Let's go, Rob.

And go.

It was my fault that we lost the challengeEvidently.

There's a lot of pressure on me right now and I'm gonna fight for my life tonight.

I'm not going down.


(Gordon) Good.

Look at that.


(Announcer) Both kitchens had no problem pushing out the fries.


Very nice.

They're really good.

Gentlemen, standby.

Here we go.

First ticket.

Two risotto.

(All) Yes, chef.

(Announcer) Now it's up to Vinny to deliver on the appetizer station.

Work it, Vinny, yes? No problem.

Not one person is of a cook as m and I'm cool with running apps.

To me, that's a piece of cake.

Hot behind you.

Oh, dear.

How many risotto is that? Two.

Come here, you.

You're doubling up on the portions.

I've got enough for four.

You're cooking too much! Yes, chef.

And it's a pure waste! All of this just wasted! Yes, chef.

People that eat fine dining are not used to getting portions made for, like, andre the giant.

If I was the owner of the L.


market and you were my best chef, you're toast! (Announcer) While Vinny works to deliver a little less risotto, over in the red kitchen I got problems with this.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay is expecting a little more.

Touch more puree in there.

It's a pea risotto.

Come on, let's go.

The freaking risotto, man
- that [Bleep]

Just hates me.

I just want to kick the risotto's ass.

Jillian, let's go.

Yes, chef! See, that's better.

I don't want to see any white rice.

Yes, chef.

Keep it going, Jillian, yes? Yes, chef.


(Announcer) into dinner service Thank you.

Thank you.

(Announcer) And more than half of the families have been served their appetizers.

That one's mine.

It's good.


(Announcer) And one v.



Table is hoping their father will make sure that they get Fed next.

It's your family.

Here we go.

On order, six covers, table one.

Yes, chef? Three wings, one mozzarella, one risotto, one truffle salad.

(All) Yes, chef.

My family.

We better get this [Bleep]

Order right.

Let's go, guys, yes? Three wings, one moz is coming, chef.

Vinny, are you ready on the risotto? No, no.

Vinny, I need the [Bleep]


What are you doing? I can't sit there and, you know, go like this and have my risottos magically finish.

Hurry up, Vinny! We've got to go up now! Yes, chef.

I grabbed the risotto I had just sent up for the previous table.

There's nothing wrong with it.

Yo, I'm going up for risotto, guys.

That's not fair.

That's old.

Trying to get away.

Hey, bozo, come here, you.

Yes, chef? What happened? Yeah, shut your fat East
-coast mouth.

Yes, chef.

This table that you just sent me that [Bleep]

For happens to be my family.

Oh, no.

What are you doing? And even if it's not my family, they deserve a fresh risotto.

Look at me.

Yes, chef.

You dirty little [Bleep]


And if you can't be bothered to do it, [bleep]

Off up out of here.

Do you want to go home? (announcer) It's family night at Hell's Kitchen, and Vinny has taken a shortcut That's old.

with the wrong table.

Dirty little [Bleep]


And this table that you just sent me that [Bleep]

For whether it's my family or not, if your family were here or your family were here or your family, I'd make your family or your wife, your children a fresh [Bleeprisotto! Yeah, that's the [Bleep]

I served five minutes ago.

(Russell) Okay, re

Come on, guys.

Everybody's really happy apart from your family.

(Gordon) Apart from my family? Yeah.

Come on, Vinny! Yes, chef.

Sorry about that.

Won't happen again.

I'll fix it.

That's all he wants to hear.

And that's it.

Hot behind, chef.

(Announcer) Vinny has quickly made a fresh risotto.

Service, please.

Table one.


Tell them it wasn't done on purpose.

Let's go.

(Announcer) And chef Ramsay's wife, tana Lovely, thank you.

(Announcer) And their four kids, Megan, matilda, Holly, and Jack, are enjoying their appetizers.


(Announcer) Meanwhile, in the red kitchen Standby.

Our first entree.

Two beef.

Yes, chef.

(Announcer) Sabrina is being assisted Hey, Trev, you want to give my beef a feel
- (announcer) By a less
-thrilled Trev on the meat station.

Let me know how much longer I need to put it in there for.

Sabrina is just a Thorn in my side.

I have no idea what's going on in [Bleep]

That blonde little head of hers.

Yeah, a little bit longer.

See what they say.

Let it rest? How long, Trev? She wasn't confident enough in her own station, in her own cooking ability to just send the food.

Get it in the window.

Got it, Trev! Hot, hot, hot, hot.

Behind, behind, behind, behind.


Look at that.

Perfectly cooked.

Yes, chef.

Oh, thank God! I knew that I can cook meat, and I can cook it well.

(Announcer) Trev's hard work on the meat station has paid off Yes, chef! (Announcer) For Sabrina.


(Announcer) Meanwhile, back in the blue kitchen, chef Ramsay asks that eternal question.

Where's the beef, Boris? And you're sweating like a pig.

Slicing the meat right now.

Wipe down your board, you dirty [Bleep]


You've cooked that perfectly, and you're about to slice on that.

Disgusting! Y, chef.

Oh, [Bleep]


There you go, Boris.

Yes, chef.

There you go.

Boris is a pig.

He's a Russian [Bleep]


There you go.

I'm sorry, chef.

It will not happen again.

I was just trying to get the food out in a timely manner.

[Sighs deeply]

Beef! Here's the beef, chef.

Service, please.

(Announcer) While Boris takes a moment to clean up his act, in the red kitchen Sabrina, where's the beef? Right here, chef.

I'm cutting the beef.

That's it, chef.

(Announcer) Sabra has her act together.

Don't cut that meat.

I'm a minute out.

(Announcer) Unfortunately, Nona, on the garnish station, doesn't.

Oh, come on.

Nona, I need you.

I need you like there's no tomorrow.


Speed up! Garnish is hard.

I am [Bleep]


Here you go.

Here's the beef.

Polenta fries.

Garnish! Garnish! Garnish! Hang on.

If I have to drag these b*tches kicking and screaming through service and get us done and work as a team, I'm gonna [Bleep]

Do it.

Nona, I need it now! Just give me a time! Yeah.

It's like you've gone to the toilet.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six You're [Bleep]

Crowding me, dude.

Back up.

Three, two, one.

Give 'em to me.

Here we go.

Polenta fries.

Yeah, yeah.


There it is.

(Announcer) Unable to solely count on Nona, Trev helps push out the garnish.

Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen It's my family's order
- one salmon, one beef, one macaroni and cheese, one bolognese, two burgers.

Let's go, guys.

Let's make it happen.

(Announcer) The men are scrambling to get entrees out to chef Ramsay's family.

Chef, I'm coming up with the salmon.

Two beef coming up to the pass.

Two burgers.

One bolognese up.

Where's the macaroni, please? All right, I'm a little behind right now on garnish.

Oh, come on.

I am in the weeds so high, I don't know which way is up.


When are we gonna get a little help on this garnish, man? As soon as I can breathe.

Russell claims he was in the weeds and couldn't get to me.

What did Russ do
- a few chicken fingers and two burgers? [Bleep]


How dare he not slide to help me? I'm pissed.

I'm behind, and we're gonna be [Bleep]

Omeone doesn't jump with me here.

I don't know where he got off thinking that we were gonna be his bitch tonight, but that was definitely not my role.

I'm here to do my job.

I'm not here to babysit you.

Ah! [bleep]

(Announcer) While Rob flies solo on garnish, over in the red kitchen Where's the chicken? Six minutes.

(Announcer) Sabrina on meat What's this for? (Announcer) Has Trev (Sabrina) It's for the next order.

I had to keep on and on and on her about times.

The chicken takes six minutes, and a grilled cheese takes two minutes, tops.

Why would you start it just to let it sit there? Grilled cheese only takes two minutes.

I know.

I'm just getting it hot, Trevor.

-you got to
- it's a la minute.

I know what I'm doing, Trevor.

Can you stop giving me an attitude, dude? I know what I'm doing.

Thank you.

"I know what I'm doing, and you don't need to da
-da," and I'm like, "whoa.

" I'm not giving the attitude.

I'm trying to speed this up and get it up That's fine, Trevor.

But if it's [Bleep]

Cold, it's gonna be horrible.

Sabrina, knock it off! Shut up! I'm running the show tonight.

Shut your [Bleep]


Give me when I ask it and do what you're [Bleep]


Quit it right now.

He's a maniac, honestly, and, like, not in a good way.

Two chicken, where are they? Come on! Push this out! Check that chicken! Check this chicken, Trev! Yeah, go with it.

Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot.

Here's that chicken, chef.


That's raw.

Sabrina! Trevor, if you don't know what you're talking about, (gordon) Hurry up! I can't drag these tables with children in the dining room.

Let's go! (Announcerina must ruh to re
-fire her chicken, because out in the dining room These customers are not very good at waiting.

I'm hungry.

(Announcer) Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen Come on, Rob.

(Announcer) All the men need to complete the Ramsay family table is Rob's macaroni and cheese.

Vinny, get your ass over here.

He's weeded.

He's weeded bad.

What do you need? Two macaronis! Get him two macaronis.

Let's go! It doesn't matter.

Now you do, so don't put up dog [Bleep]


So if he's not ready, then [Bleep]

Him! I'll send it separate, okay? Service, please.

Come on, guys.


In England, we eat at the same [Bleep]


Come on, Rob.

It's my family.

My son's still waiting for the macaroni and cheese.

Now I'm worried now.

Here we go again.

Dinner service is going horrible.



Rob, come on! Come on! Rob, move your ass! Hurry up! (Announcer) Two hours into dinner service, and almost everyone in the Ramsay family has their entree.

My son's still waiting for the macaroni and cheese.

In England, we eat at the same time.

(Russell) It's Mac and cheese, bro.

It's not steak.

It's not chicken.

It's easy.

Come on, Rob.

Yes, chef.


(Announcer) Rob has finally completed the Ramsay's table.

And in the red kitchen Here's your chicken.

This is hot, okay? (Announcer) Sabrina and Trev have put their differences aside long enough to entrees.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

(Announcer) Now both teams work to complete their final tickets.

Push this out, guys.

We're gonna fight back.

Service, please.

Go, please.

We got our groove on.

We got our sync on.

(Gordon) Delicious, delicious, delicious.

Working, working, working.

We start hustling, and we're going.

We're banging away.

Hot behind.

(Gordon) Service, please.

Keep it going.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

We started rough Gail, this speed and accuracy is amazing.

Keep it up.

Yes, chef.

But we finished strong.

Last table.

(Gail) One milkshake, one chocolate cake.

(Gordon) Service, please.


It's the best thing in the whole wide world? (Gordon) Good.

Switch off.

Clear down.

Let's get through this very quickly, yes? I cannot believe what we did.

I said I wanted customers to be happy and you know what? comment cards Said they left Happy.

Well done.


Thank you, chef.

Finally, finally, finally.

How did it feel? Great, chef.


Now, unfortunately, elimination has to take place.



Each team
- blue team, red team
- come up with two suggestions based on what you saw from tonight's service.

Think hard.

Clear? (All) Yes, chef.


We did good, and, like, we have to nominate two people to go up for elimination.

It sucks.

So who's the two that we're gonna nominate? Did anything get sent back? A chicken.

You were helping me on chicken, Trevor, so if I go up, you should too.

(Trev) Wow.

Sabrina, he was helping you out.

Every time, "check this.

Check this.

Check this.

" I was trying to help you out.

You just threw me under the bus.


You just made one vote easy
- Sabrina.

(Jillian) I agree.

That's it.

Sabrina's on her way home.

If you are gonna [Bleep]

Me, guess what.

I'm gonna [Bleep]

You right back.

We already know one.

It sucks, but, Nona, without help, you would have died tonight.

What Trev said is about right.

I struggled, but I
- I didn't get anything sent back.

I busted my ass tonight.

I don't want to go home.

(Gail) Nona struggled.

She pulled us down during service tonight.

We were behind 'cause of the garnish station.

Just go up there and fight.

He ain't gonna send you home, girl.

You got it.

Guys, I've been up on the chopping block three times, and to be quite honest with you, I really don't feel like going up there again.


So what you're saying is I should just vote myself up because you've gone up three times and put myself in danger.

Seems like su1c1de.

We're not stupid, Boris.

The weakest team member is Boris.

He can kiss his Russian ass good

Boris has to go home.

I'm not going home.

I don't deserve to go.

I'm not ready to go home.

I'm gonna fight till the last drop of sweat.

I'm voting for Vinny.

Okay, so do what you got to do, but I got no business going up there tonight.

I made one mistake, and I corrected the mistake quick, and it turned out to really not be that big of a deal.

The two people that were getting yelled at the most tonight were Boris and Rob.

I have no choice but to vote for the two of you.


I don't feel like I should go up there either.

I [Bleep]

Worked my ass off.

I thought Russell could have slid.

He saw me fighting the whole night by myself on garnish.


Damn! I understand.

Listen, Russell, based on what I'm feeling, I felt a little slide could have been warranted here and there.


Damn, bro.

Russell, I feel like, should be the one up there.

He could have slid over and helped me, but he decided not to do that.

I got [Bleep]

Peppered there.

So that's your votes.


That's fine.



Tough one, this one.

Very tough.

Nona, red team's first nominee, and why? Uh, first nomination tonight is Sabrina For lack of communication and teamwork throughout the service.

Second nominee, and why, please? The second nomination is myself, chef.

And why? Based on tonight's performance, I was in the weeds pretty much the whole night.


Blue team.

Russell, first nominee, and why, please? Our first nominee is, uh, Boris.

He didn't pull his weight tonight, and it still is not getting into his head, so he needs to go home.


Second nominee, and why? Second nominee is Rob.

Rob was buried all night, and, you know, everyone was trying to help him, and he clearly buried us.

Okay, I asked you for two suggestions, and I'm gonna take one from each team.

From the red Nona, step forward.

From the blue Rob.

(Announcer) Both teams completed dinner service, but had to nominate two of their own for elimination.

The red team put up Sabrina and Nona.

The blue team, Boris and Rob.

Then chef Ramsay I'm gonna take one from each team.

(Announcer) Narrowed the field.

Nona and Rob, step forward.

Right, Nona, are you the next chef for the L.


market? Yes, chef.

I'm not convinced.

Tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

I'm a hell of a team player.

I give everything I've got.

I fight, I push back, and I never give up.

I put my head down, and I fight through it.

Something quite humble and honest about you.

I just need to see this fight.

Rob, tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

Chef, I know tonight was a rough night, but I fought through it way to the end, and I never stopped fighting.

I got zero support on that station.

I fought all the way through it.

You had no support? So, yes, I was alone on the station.

Russell, is that true that he had no support? Absolutely not, chef.

I can't do everything on the station for him, chef, at the end of the day.

That's not how it went, chef, really, honestly, and everybody knows that.

I mean, I just felt like Russell definitely had, you know, an opportunity to step over and slide, and I just think he just stayed the speed limit and didn't floor it for us tonight.

I worked hard.

I dug deep, and I did the best I could with what I had.


I thought long and hard about this.

My decision is Rob.

Because it's filthy dirty.

This one is a clean one.

Get it on.

Get back in line.

Nona, back in line.

Both of you, hey, relax.

It was a good service.

Why should anyone go home? [laughter]

Really? What? You can't do that to a fat guy, chef.

It was a great service.

Oh, my God.

After six horrible services, we finally cracked it on service seven.

Yes, chef! Thank you very much.

Yes? My God, yes? Well done.

Well done.

Well done.

Well done.


Thank you, chef.

Glad to have you back.

I pushed you guys to the very limit, and you cracked it, so tonight you all get a pass.

But let me tell you something.

We will not be getting another one.

Get a really good night's sleep, because tomorrow it's gonna be a bitch.

Good night.

Get some sleep.

Thank you, chef.

Good night.

Rob, I can feel that heart beating from here.


Me, man.

That was insane.

I plan on never being in that [Bleep]

Position again.

Nona, when we go down, we bounce back.

Yes, chef.

I've got to step it up.

I want the L.



I want this.

I want this for myself.

I want this for my family.

I want to win it.

(Boris) I'm not going anywhere.

I refuse to die.

I refuse to go home.

There's only three ways I can leave
- dead, a winner, or arrested.

I'm definitely not planning on getting arrested.

(Gordon) Tonight I finally got a respectable service, so I gave them a little respect and didn't send anyone home.

But tomorrow they're in for the most intense dinner service in the history of Hell's Kitchen.

(Announcer) The winner of Hell's Kitchen will become head chef of the brand
-new multimillion
-dollar restaurant, L.


Market, at the J.


Marriott hotel in downtown Los Angeles.

The salary
-a quarter of a million dollars.

[Cheers and applause]

(Announcer) And they will also tour the country as the official spokesperson of rosemount estate winery.

Next time, it's a dinner service unlike any other.

It is our 100th service.

(Announcer) It's a Hell's Kitchen milestone and you won't believe who's coming to dinner.

Who's coming out that limo? I'm getting real excited.

[Cheers and applause]

Good to see you guys.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay wants nothing less than perfection.

Raise the bar now.

You stay above it.

(Announcer) And he's more intense Stop panicking! Just [Bleep]

Focus! (Announcer) Than ever.

Wake up! I would love some help! [Bleep]


Don't do this to me tonight.

(Announcer) Sabrina and Trev battle all night in the kitchen Help me! I am! Don't [Bleep]

Get on my ass! (Announceren in the d.

You're a bitch.

(Announcer) They have the showdown you've been waiting for.

Don't start on me.

I own my [Bleep]

Station! Whatever! (Announcer) And when it comes time to send someone home Take your jacket off! (Announcer) Chef Ramsay feels he needs to do something drastic.

I'm not finished yet.

Get your ass up here.

(Announcer) You don't want to miss the 100th dinner service [Bleep]


(Announcer) Next time on a special edition of Hell's Kitchen.

(Gordon) My customers deserve the best.

What a letdown.
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