08x04 - 12 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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08x04 - 12 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

(Announcer) Previously on Hell's Kitchen: Whaa! (Announcer) Raj was furious with Vinny's plan.

For you to tell the customer not to order food, that is sick.

Raj, Raj, Raj, please.

(Announcer) The next morning, Chef Ramsay tested ktchen's.

- Emily.

Bacon and sausage, got it? (Announcer) In the EMT breakfast challenge.

Raj, where's the scrambled egg? Okay.

Ce of seasoning! (Announcer) The men, dragged down by Raj's performance, failed miserably while the women Come on! (Announcer) Put their differences aside We just worked like a machine.

(Announcer) And won their first challenge by a landslide.

Frustrated by the loss You guys are a bunch of snakes! (Announcer) Trev went after Raj.

What the [Bleep]

Have you done so far? (Announcer) But Raj was having none of it.

Shut up! Shut the [Bleep]

Up! (Announcer) At dinner
- Welcome to Hell's Kitchen.

(Announcer) Emily proved to have a palate (Emily) More salt.

(Announcer) Only useful in a retirement home.

Taste, taste, taste.

(Announcer) And on the blue team Scallop up.

(Announcer) Raj overcooked the scallops.

Our first [Bleep]

Table! (Announcer) And undercooked the salmon.

It's [Bleep]

Raw! Come on, man! (Announcer) But thanks to Vinny Perfect, let's go.

(Announcer) The men still managed to win dinner service.

Aha! (Announcer) The red team nominated Emily and Sabrina.

Jillian disagreed.

Who did you vote for? Melissa, Chef.

(Announcer) And as usual, Sabrina held nothing back.

I have bigger balls and more determination than any of these [Bleep]

Girls here! (Announcer) In an unexpected turns Raj.

You, big boy, are out of your league.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay eliminated someone from the winning team who he felt was hopeless.

[The Ohio Players' "Fire"]

Fire uh woo woo, woo woo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child yes, it does the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited child, yeah wooo the way you push push lets me know that you're goo
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no fire what I said, child, ow fire got me burnin' got me burnin' uh, uh fire got me burnin' got me burnin' uh, uh fire got me burnin' (announcer) And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

He just hooked us up.

(Rob) That man just did us the biggest favor ever.


I was excited to have Raj tossed off.

Holy [Bleep]


I feel like I have 100,000 pound gorilla off my back.

That just made us double efficient right now.

(Trev) Absolutely.

Forget it.

The blue team's unbeatable at this point.

To a new beginning.

To a fantastic ending.


(Announcer) With the elimination of Raj, the blue team is clearly united, while the red team These b*tches are [Bleep]

Pissed at me.

Did you see them? Continues to be clearly divided.

They're shaking their [Bleep]

Heads at me, "that's not the reason.

" My team's pissed at me and all, but honestly, I don't really care.

Just because you're fat and ugly, that's why you don't like us, all right? They're not my team.

They singled me out.

But they're only making themselves look bad and stupid.

They haven't improved as much as I have.

They're executive Chefs that [Bleep]



Gonna start getting dirty.

It's turning into this [Bleep]

Backstabbing when it's still supposed to be about the team.

I don't want it to get dirty.

I don't want it to get dirty either, but it's gonna start getting dirty.

(Announcer) With a new day comes another chance for the teams to show patience with one another.

Come on, ladies.

Hell yeah.

(Announcer) While Chef Ramsay cares little about what happens in the dorms How many of you smoke? (Announcer) There is one regular activity that concerns him.


Almost half of you.

The next 48 hours, try your damndest not to smoke.

'Cause it affects the palate.

I've been a smoker for ten years.

But I'm gonna do it because my Chef told me to.

It is damaging how you cook.

Come on, man.

This is not the time or place to be trying to quit cigarettes, for crying out loud.

Okay, great Chefs, uh, are able to take something basic and turn it into something so for today's challenge, ravioli.

Ravioli, wow.

I really, really need my inspiration to come out on this one.

This is a ravioli dish that we serve back in London.

(Announcer) For this challenge, the Chefs will be creating their own ravioli.

Come up with something unique.

First, they must roll out the pasta Push it through nice and flat.

Prepare a creative filling We've got the most amazing ingredients there.

Carefully seal in the ingredients.

Squeeze all the air out.

And finally, they must properly cook the pasta.

The magic is making sure they do not burst.

A simple, delicious ravioli.


Today, each of you will have 30 minutes to create one stunning ravioli dish.

I want you to taste each of those dishes, and then rank your dishes in 1 to 6.

Yes, Chef.

30 minutes starting now.

(Announcer) In this test of creativity, Chef Ramsay is looking for the Chefs (Rob) I got the salmon.

Can I take chicken and pancetta? (Announcer) And make a ravioli dish that is innovative and tasty.

I'm gonna use swiss chard, mushroom, and bacon.

Ladies, a little bit of speed, let's go.

(Women) Yes, Chef.

How do I get this in here? Can you help me? 'Cause I don't
- it's not going through.

(Melissa) I just can't stand Sabrina.

She doesn't understand a kitchen at all.

[Groaning childishly]

Help me out, please.

She acts like an immature 12

I'm not gonna carry her dead weight.

let's go.

So when they start floating, or what's the deal? (Announcer) While Sabrina continues to annoy her team Come on.

Trev is doing what he can to please his.

Hey, Trev, hold my butter.


Can somebody turn on the fryer? Fire rockin'.

Give me a little squirt.

more, more, more, more, more.

I'm a team player.

I'm hoping just to show these guys that I can rock it out.

Get me a saute pan.

Trev can follow simple instructions or directions, but he's not a Chef.

He's a tool to be used.

All right, you wanna help me roll this? Not a problem.

Really, in the end, it benefits the team.

Anybody needs help, you let me know.

Last five minutes.

Yes, Chef.

Come on, ladies.

We gotta push it.

(Gordon) Start ranking, let's go.

(Man) Get everything on the plate, guys.

(Gordon) Ladies, get together and decide! This mushroom one is the best.

That's good.

Vinny's is good.

Who'll be going first? Number one, Vinny.

Number one.


You go two.

When those guys are all tasting, I'm like, "guys.

- guys?" Give it a bite.

(Gordon) Five First, Melissa.

Jillian second.

(Gordon) Four.

Russ, you wanna take three? I'll take four.

(Gordon) Three I'm last.

Two Taste it.

They didn't taste it.


Put me last.

(Gordon) And stop! Wow.

Are you happy with the ranking? (Various Chefs) Yes, Chef.

I wanna move, Chef.

Sorry? I wanna move my ranking.

Oh, [Bleep]


I don't have confidence in my dish.

I don't m to go down.

So I'm definitely fine to go last.

Clearly not enough confidence in your dish for an executive Chef.



Let's go.

(Announcer) First up are Melissa and Vinny.

These are the dishes that you thought were the best.

Melissa, what is it? I have chicken with pancetta and Walnut cream sauce.

I was a bit worried about the walnuts.

But no, it works well.

Nicely balanced.

Thank you, Chef.

Yeah, very nice indeed.

The sauce is not too rich.

Vinny, what is it? Swiss chard, bacon, Love the mozzarella.

That is delicious.

Thank you.

Really delicious.

But unfortunately, the one problem I have with yours
- a couple of the raviolis are broken.

Can you let me finish my sentence rather than talking over me? Don't be so [Bleep]


The one problem i have with your dish is that there's two or three raviolis there that are burst.

One meal to the ladies.

I got the point! I got the point.

Yes! Good job, Melissa.

Thank you, Chef.

Number twos.

Rob, Jillian, let's go.

Jillian, what is it? I put eggplant, spinach, garlic, shallots, and some ricotta cheese inside of it.

Pasta's beautiful.

That's delicious.

Thank you, Chef.

You managed to make ricotta exciting.

Thank you, Chef.

What is it, Rob? With a little bit of lemon zest and chive.

A little bit nervous about the word "mousse.

" But that's nice.

Thank you, Chef.

Really good.

Tough decision here.

Really tough.

The point's going to Both of you.

Well done.

Really well done.

I'm so psyched that I acal cooked something Chef Ramsay that he liked.


(Announcer) The women are still up by one.

And now sous Chef Nona's prosciutto and quail egg The egg yolk works perfectly.

Goes up against sous Chef Russell with his whipped ricotta and chile.

Seasoned beautifully.

And Russell scores for the blue team.



Well done.

(Announcer) With the teams tied at 2 Good.

Let's go.

(Announcer) Emily's duck confit ravioli In terms of the flavor, very nice.

Faces Louis' salmon mousse pine nut.


Bah! [Bleep]


That, quite frankly, is one of the worst I've ever seen.

Oh, my God.

Well done, ladies.

Good point.


(Announcer) Now the women are back in the lead.

And there are only two rounds left.

If the ladies clinch this point, they've won the competition; Let's go.

(Announcer) And the men are hoping Boris' feta spinach ravioli Delicious.

Thank you, Chef.

(Announcer) Has the edge on Sabrina's shrimp and oregano ravioli.

That's delicious.

Thanks, Chef.

I want more.

But there's one dish that has the edge.


Yes, Chef.

Yours are burst.

Men, congratulations.

Good point.

Thank you, Chef.

It's all tied up.

[exhales loudly]

Yeah! Congratulations.

Thank you, Chef.

Let's go.

(Announcer) With the ravioli challenge tied up, it all comes down to Trev and Gail in the battle of the lowest
-ranked dishes.


Yes, Chef.

What is it? Braised short ribs with a sun
-dried tomato paste broth.


ThatIs nice.

Very nice.

(Gail) Thank you, Chef.

Uh, Trev.

I went with the, uh, duck and the arugula and a little bit of mozzarella.

Yeah, that's quite interesting.

I don't have confidence in Trev.

He's a bartender.

We are [Bleep]


Bold combination.

Yet, it works.


But unfortunately, there's one problem.

One of those dishes there is underseasoned.

The point's going to (Announcer) For today's ravioli challenge, ams ranked their dishes from best to worst.

Tough decision here.

(Announcer) The score is tied, and now it's up to anked dishes from Trev and Gail to determine the winner.

The point's going to Men, well done.

Trevor, delicious dish.

Thank you, sir.

That is underseasoned.

It's such a shame because those dishes were not the worst.

They didn't even taste mine.

What? Oh, he's such a kiss

He's definitely looking to throw anybody he can under the bus.

They made up their minds before I even brought my plate over.


Who's got two thumbs and thinks he's the [Bleep]

Right now? This guy.

Taste it.

Taste the [Bleep]


That was perfect.

Maybe these guys will start taking me a little bit more seriously.

Tomorrow night, there's gonna be a very special dinner service, Italian night.

Yes? Yes, Chef.


That was the most inspirational ravioli.

It's going on the menu.


Just don't burst it.

I won't.


Ladies, for your punishment, you'll be prepping both kitchens.

You'll be making pasta from scratch.

And like any good Italian restaurant we'll be making our very own mozzarella.

Because Gail lost the challenge for us, we're just gonna have an exhausting day.

Thanks a lot, Gail.


You have a fantastic reward.

You'll be heading off to Palos Verdes to a oceanside resort, yes? Wow.

The Terranea Resort is beautiful.

Hurry up and get changed, 'cause that helicopter's leaving in 15 minutes.

[Joyful laughter]

We get to go in a helicopter.

Team blue pulls it through! Whoo! Yeah! I ain't never been in a helicopter before.


Hell, yeah! Helicopter.

Stylin' and profilin'! That sucks, man.

We should have won that [Bleep]


Right behind, hot.

You know what, Gail wasn't the only one who didn't get a point.

It was Sabrina.

We have so much left to do, huh? She didn't get a point.

I mean, she's just as wrong as Gail was for her underseasoning.

This might be good.

We need to bond as a team anyways.

Nobody likes each other on the red team.

Shall we go in the blue kitchen now? Hey, if you wanna do it
- whatever.

It's like me and Sabrina versus the other four.

There's a rift between us now and it's not gonna go away.

The boys, man, they get all the cool [Bleep]


That would be pretty cool to ride in a helicopter.

(Louis) Wow, this is crazy.

I've never been in a helicopter in my life.

It's not like being in a plane.

It's sort of like you're superman.

Like you just sort of rise from the tarmac and fly out over the city.

Look, mom, I'm flying.


Flying in a helicopter over a gorgeous coastline
- [clicks tongue]


I can definitely cross that off my bucket list.

) Meanwhile, back in Hell's Kitchen (Melissa) All right, ladies, our milk delivery just got here.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay has arranged for the women to receive some farm fresh dairy.

(Melissa) Hurry up, let's go.

(Gail) Oh (Nona) Cows! Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.


(Sabrina) He did say we were gonna make some fresh mozzarella today, but, I mean, I didn't think we were gonna have to milk cows.


She tried to k*ll me.


Look at me.

Two at a time.


Dude, I need to be on a farm.

I was freakin' a milk machine.

Look at you go.

Like, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha.

All right, who wants to go? Let Sabrina milk.

Ah! Sabrina was not interested in milking the cows.


, man.


I don't think she actually did milk the cow.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

Sit down and do it.

Dude, I don't wanna get [Bleep]

Kicked, man.

Sabrina, get the job done.

It not that [Bleep]


So what do you do with your fingers? I don't know.

I don't want milk all over me, I don't wanna touch the teats.

No, no, no, no, no I didn't wanna do that.

Hell no.

All right, you guys, let's go.

We have a lot more prep to do.

Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) While the red team goes from task to task, the men are teeing it up at the resort.

(Rob) All right, yeah! I don't like golf.

Eye on the ball, baby.

I'm just practicing, all right? Take it easy.

Boris, he was chopping at the ball like a Samurai.

Strike three! Strike three.

You're out! (Rob) Fore! Fore! Oh, man.

I hope no one's at the other end of that one.

[Cat meowing sound effect]


I have no interest in golf whatsoever.

Nice, Vinny.

[Men shouting]

That's a winner.



Hell of a shot, bro.


Vinny; First up, he hit the ravioli and it's on the menu.

Secondly, he put the ball closest to the pin.

And you've never played golf in your life.

One shot, bro.

If there wasn of beginner luck, it was Vinny today.

Oh, Vinny! This is just awful.

Did you expect anything different? Do you guys know if Chef wants us to saute the mushrooms the way that we always do it? I believe so, yes.

If that's what the recipe
- it doesn't have a recipe.

It says, "saute mushrooms.

" ) Sabrina, if you don't want the answer we're giving you, then don't ask us.

But then again, you don't know what the [Bleep]

You're doing, so you constantly have to ask everyone.

When you guys made pizza dough, they use table salt, right? You know, I use kosher for everything.


What the [Bleep]

, man? This is sugar and salt.

Well, then throw it away.

(Emily) And nothing we tell her sinks in.

There's, like, a pair of sunglasses that black out all hearing as well as sight.

Just chop faster.

(Sabrina) There's nothing that I hate more than prepping with people I can't stand.

Who else has made the pizza bread? [Bleep]


(Announcer) While Sabrina continues to isolate herself from the red team To beating the [Bleep]

Out of the girls! The blue team is getting closer than ever.

You know what? I feel like we deserve this more than the girls.

We are a complete team now.

I'm sick of hearing that.

(Announcer) Or maybe not.

It didn't feel like a team this morning, guys.

Well, what dyou
- what do you
- if you would have gone first, would you have won? Yeah, I think so.

You want to be one, you want to be two, you want to be three.

No, no, I didn't want to be 1.

I didn't want to be 6.

I just want to be part of the team.

I didn't feel like tha this morning.

I ended up fading to the background again.

I feel like that's all I can [Bleep]

Do here.

Stop sinking the moment.

You're being a Debbie Downer.



Stop acting like we just bypassed your dish like you were [Bleep]



You didn't even taste my [Bleep]

, though.

I was over there like a big kid trying to get in this game.

I wanna play.

Come on, here's my plate.

And nobody seems to get it, though.

I got shuffled to the end of line.


Stood there like an idiot.

What is the [Bleep]

Issue? I'm pissed about it.





Guys, guys, guys.

Just stop it.

(Announcer) The blue team won the challenge.

I get shuffled to the end of the line.

I [Bleep]

Stood there like an idiot.

(Announcer) But Trev is having a hard time enjoying the victory.

I'm pissed about it.

I really [Bleep]


What is the [Bleep]

Issue? Holy [Bleep]


You obviously don't have your ears open.

You're missing the point on this day.

This day is not meant for this.


Leave this [Bleep]

Behind us.

It wistake.

If there was any feelings hurt, then we all apologize.

We're a team at this point.

So raise your glass, let's do this like gentlemen, let's go in tomorrow night and kick some ass.


Hopefully, now we can just regroup as a team and just k*ll dinner service tomorrow night.

(Announcer) After a long arduous day, the women continue to get on each other's nerves.

Let's try to go a little faster, shall we? Speak for yourself.

But the men [cheering]

Seem to have put their differences aside.

Hey, girls.

Hey! So what you making? Hey, guys.


No, get out of our kitchen.

Can we have some of that sausage? We'll take it upstairs.

(Wom) No.

Go make us sometdinner.

I'm delicious.

Guys, what a day.

So let me ask you, Trev.

Have you stopped being a whiny bitch? I wasn't being a whiny bitch.

I'm done with these guys.

Today pissed me off.

A whole lot.



I need to have a cigarette.

I might as well start cozying up to the [Bleep]


I didn't even get a [Bleep]

Thank you.

I'm gonna make these guys look like [Bleep]


I'm sick of these [Bleep]


I'd rather be on your guys' team.

So guess what.

Not really.


It was worth a try.

[Both laughing]

(Announcer) Trev may not have gotten lucky last night.

But today, both teams are hoping to score.

Is everybody looking good? (Announcer) With a strong dinner service performance This is an absolute must
-win tonight, fellas.

Yeah, I put a couple extra drops of gel in my hair today because it's Italian night.


(Announcer) The Chefs are prepping a brand
-new menu.

We got a lot of [Bleep]

To do in a little bit of time.

Oh, that's terrible.

(Announcer) Unfortunately, not all of the recipes have been mastered.

It's like a bowl full of glue.

Not even in the ballpark.

The girls didn't make the raviolis the right way.

Well, if you guys didn't [Bleep]

Up the filling, you wouldn't have this work.

Should be a whole lot easier if you can get it done right.

Vinny's a bitch.

He's, like, throwing a fit about it.

If you didn't [Bleep]

Up reading the recipe, it would have been made right.

And he wants to argue and we tried to help his ass out.

I'm not gonna stop what I'm doing to we should just call him bobblehead.

Can't wait till he goes home.

He's not gonna [Bleep]


No way.

All right, ladies, let's go.

Gentlemen, line up, please.

Let's go.

I asked if you could just give up the smoking for 48 hours.

How are we doing? Trev.

Give it to me.

I cracked.

I had one last night.

See, I thought you were mentally strong.



How many? I'm still going strong.

Seriously? Telling you the truth.

I haven't had one at all.

That's great.

Don't be shocked if I keep going.

I'm not one to shy away from a challenge.



Zero? Yep.


Well done.


I smoked.

I'm human, I'm sorry.

Tonight is Italian night in Hell's Kitchen.

Simple, exquisite Italian cuisine.

We are gonna complete a service.

Get on your stations.

Let's go.

Locked, loaded, and ready to roll.

This is gonna be fast and furious.

Stay focused.

How you feelin', Sabrina? I got y'all right next to me if I need help, right? Right, James.

Let's go.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Yes, Chef.

[Victorious music]

thank you.

Thank you.

(Announcer) For Italian night, Chef Ramsay has created a menu s shrimp scampi, grilled pork chop, and chicken parmrmesan l as Vinny's ravioli.

Can I get the ravioli? Lobster spaghetti.

Alri and I'll have the gelato, please.


Thank you.

Orders, Chef.

Four items, table three, yes? Two melon, one Caesar salad, two scampi.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go, Russell.

Minute and a half, guys.

Tonight I am gonna shine.

All I gotta do is cook [Bleep]


On order, got raviolis pushing out, yes? Violi, one melon, one scampi.

Yes, Chef.

So I wanna get the [Bleep]

Out so we can just get the momentum going.

Appetizers, yes? Let's go, pick up.

(Announcer) Russell has the blue kitchen off to a strong start with the appetizers.

Now Chef Ramsay looks to Melissa in the red kitchen to do the same.

Two ravioli, two scampi, how long? Right now, Chef.

Where's the ravoli? I put the raviol
- no, right now, Chef.

Are you [Bleep]

Kidding me? Where's the other ravioli? Coming right now, Chef.

What have you done? Tell me.

Ravioli, Chef.

I'm not getting down on this.

One ravioli, it takes 45 seconds.

I'm good.

One ravioli.


(Gordon) Is that cooked? That can't be cooked in time, can it? Touch that.



You're just rushing it out and you're just treating me like a [Bleep]


So you forgot it.

It doesn't mean you have to make another mistake by sending me Stone cold ravioli.

Yes, Chef.

Melissa completely ruins everything.

What [Bleep]

Happened to the apps? They [Bleep]

Sunk, and it just made her look like a dumb ass.

Someone jump in and help her, please! One, two, three, four of you standing staring at her.

(Announcer) While diners on the red side wonder if they will ever get their food There's nothing coming out of the red kitchen.

One diner on the blue side is wondering if tonight will be the he pops the question.

Table 24 proposing to his girlfriend.

We'll do something special for dessert.

Look after them.


(Announcer) With Russell's success on the appetizers Your ravioli.

The blue team is now ready to move on to entrees.

Two pork chop.

One salmon, one chicken, one spaghetti, one rock shrimp, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Entrees go.

Main course coming up! Walking.

Now this is how our kitchen should run.

If we keep cooking like this, there's no way we can lose.

Oh, my God.



Salmon Stone cold.


No chance.

Yes, Chef.


No, no, no, no! Our first table, everything rolling barely.

Three minutes for salmon.

Come on, Louis.

You've gotta be better than this.

This is not complicated food.

Can anyone cook salmon on there? Louis is a camp cook, which means he grills.

And he can't grill a piece of salmon.

Wake up and stop panicking.

Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) While Louis starts over on his first entrees Refire! (Announcer) Back in the red kitchen, Melissa is ready to redeem herself on aetizers.

Three ravioli, one melon.

Yes, coming right now, Chef.

(Gordon) So three threes at once.



Oh, three nine, yes.

Yeah, and you've got
- 'ey, come here, you.

Three threes are six? I'm watching you like a Hawk.

Do you know why? You can't even count to nine.

You scare me.

What the [Bleep]

Is she doing over there? Melissa can't handle it.

Two threes are six.

Three threes are what? Nine.

Do you want me to come over there and cook for you? Right now, get it together, and we need you to focus.

Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) While Melissa works on getting her nine raviolis to the pass, in the blue kitchen, Chef Ramsey is to Louis for: Two pork chop, one salmon, one chicken.

Coming out of the oven right now, Chef.

That's one pork.

That's not two porks.

You've only got one pork on.

Yes, Chef.



Here we go.

Scott, is that how we showed you how to cook the pork? Not at all.


He's so buried, he's flustered, he doesn't know what to do.

Oh, guys.



I can handle this, man.

(Announcer) It's an hour into dinner service and Louis' problems in the kitchen are being felt by the customers in the dining room.

Is everybody hungry at this table, or is it just me? Meanwhile, in the red kitchen Hurry up, Melissa.

Ravioli right here, Chef.

(Announcer) Melissa has bounced back on appetizers.

Raviolis, please.

Enjoy your appetizers.

Thank you.

(Announcer) And now Sabrina is attempting to keep the momentum going with the entrees.

Two salmon, one pork chop, one mushroom.

How long on your salmon? I'm working the meat station.

Tonight is my night to put out or get out.

I'm still waiting for a word on two salmon, one pork, one mushroom.

Um, Chef, my pork
- just give me a [Bleep]

Time! Okay, four minutes on the pork, Chef! Talk to your team, then.

Yes, Chef.

I never really cooked a pork chop this big, and I'm poking it, I'm like, I don't know if that's ready.

It's like if the juices are clear, right? [Bleep]

I don't think it's ready, dude.

Okay, my pork needs to go a little longer, guys.

Ladies, nothing's coming out.

How long, Sabrina? Eight minutes.

Why are we going backwards? You dumb bitch.

You're burying us right now.

If we go down tonight, it's gonna be your fault.

UhFour minutes, Chef! What the [Bleep]

Is going on? Sabrina.




I'm burning, dude.

How long? Is someone gonna give me an answer? (Woman) Sabrina.

I didn't
-yes, Chef.

Sabrina! I've had enough.

Ladies, nothing's coming out.

(Announcer) It's an hour and 45 minutes into dinner service.

How long? Four more minutes.

(Announcer) And Sabrina's inability to get her timing right on the meat station.

How long, Sabrina? Eight minutes.

Why are we going backwards? Uh (Announcer) Has brought her kitchen to an abrupt halt.

Four more minutes.

-minute turn.

Wait, wait, not yet.

I'll let you know.

I'm gonna point to you, okay? I'm gonna point to you.

Can someone cook a [Bleep]

Pork chop with her now? We're getting backed up and backed up.

Everybody's telling me, "Sabrina, how long?" I've [Bleep]

Never done this [Bleep]


Hey, Melissa, is this okay, or should I put it back in the oven? Put it back in the oven.

Too pink.

Cooking meat is a basic thing.

She had not a clue.

Not a clue.

Two salmon, one pork, one mushroom.

How long? The pork's beautiful.

Doesn't mean the guests outside have to suffer.



Bring it up, let's go.

Walking to the window with pizza with the mushroom.

Service, please.

Go please.

You know where you're going, yes? (Announcer) With Melissa coming to the aid of her archenemy, Sabrina, entrees are making their way into the dining room.

Meanwhile, Louis (Gordon) How long, Louis? (Announcer) Has got his act together? Cooked perfectly.

(Announcer) And the blue kitchen Rock shrimp pizza.

(Announcer) Is back on track sending out entrees.

Service, please.

(Announcer) Unfortunately It's really burnt.

And it's, like, charcoal

Not all of it is being met with positive reviews.

Blue team.

Table three.

Come on, chunky monkey.

I trusted you.

I don't needo turn your pizzas upside down.

No, you shouldn't have to.

If it's [Bleep]

Burnt, don't send it.

In fact, you know what? [bleep]

To the bar.

Eat the pizza.

Get out, eat it, and come back! Come on, get over yourself.

That was the last thing I wanted to do while my team's getting pummeled, and it was so degrading.

You can't [Bleep]

Cook a pork chop.

He can't ace a [Bleep]


I don't know if that was really a punishment for Rob.

I mean, come on, Chef Ramsay sends the fat guy to the bar to go eat his own burnt pizza.


Humiliating [Bleep]


(Announcer) While Rob has some unwanted alone time, back in the red kitchen Two spaghetti, one pork working, yes? (Announcer) Gail is trying to get in sync with Sabrina.

How long on the second pork, Sabrina? Probably about seven, eight minutes.

I don't trust Sabrina at all.

She doesn't know her timing or her temperatures.

I'm gonna start my two spaghettis.

No, just wait.

Please wait.

From the beginning, Chef Ramsay told me that I wasn't a team player, and honestly, he's right, but here's the thing: Everybody thinks that I'm stupid, but you know what? I'm one manipulative [Bleep]


How long pork, two spaghetti? I'm ready.

I'm ready to walk, I'm ready to walk.

(Gail) What is going on, Sabrina? At are you doing to bring it up? Everything has to go out at the same time.

Finally, the pork cooked perfectly.

Are you serious? No way.

Service, please.

Jill, where's my pasta? Let's go.

I don't know what was up with Gail with her damn spaghetti.

Like, it doesn't take that long.

We're waiting for the pasta now.

It just makes Gail look bad.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Oh, [Bleep]


Gail! Yes, Chef.

The pasta's [Bleep]

Crunchy now.

Yes, Chef.

This is not good.

This is comical.

You're the most experienced.

All these [Bleep]

Gaps in between the dishes going out is not good enough! (Announcer) While the red team waits on Gail's pasta (Announcer) The blue team continues to struggle with entrees.

Maybe we're sitting on the wrong side.

(Announcer) And a marriage proposal The proposal table, they've been waiting a long time.

(Announcer) May not be happening tonight.

One chicken, one pork chop.

Five minutes, Chef.

He's trying to propose to his future fiancee.

Move, Louis.

Yes, Chef.

Don't make them break up before they even [Bleep]

Get married.

Cutting pork now.

Once you get behind on something you can't let things get to you.

I am just hitting my stride and I'm ready to rock.

The pork is [Bleep]


Chef Scott.

What? I [Bleep]

The pork.

It's pink.

It's pink, Chef.

You can't even put it on a pan, you [Bleep]

Damn slob? You gonna walk around with a pork chop in your hands like that? Get it in the [Bleep]

Oven! Yes, Chef! You walk around like a pig.

What kind of slob are you? Seriously, what the [Bleep]

? All of you, come here.

All of you! You [Bleep]

Go on the reward.

You take advantage.

You come back and you perform like [Bleep]

Idiots! Yes, Chef.

Get a grip! Or [Bleep]

Off! Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) While the blue team tries to regroup Fight back, guys.

Got it.

(Announcer) Boris decides that this Mia goo.

(Gordon) Can you stop washing pans? (Rob) Boris! Come on, Boris.

What the [Bleep]

? This is a [Bleep]

Kitchen! I'm trying to [Bleep]

Run a restaurant! Yes, Chef.

Come here, you.

You want to Wash pans? Get down there and [Bleep]

Off with you, yeah? Do it full time! Get on there! What a muppet.

(Boris) I've never been kicked out of the kitchen in my life.

It was all my [Bleep]


Any market is not looking for a [Bleep]

Head Chef in pans! Chef, proposal table, their entrees are still not out.

(Gordon) One chicken, one pork chop.

How long for this [Bleep]

Table? Yes, Chef, chicken in hand.

Here we go.

Here's the beginning of the end.

It's raw.

It's [Bleep]


Get out! (Louis) Yes, Chef.

Get out! And the bulldog washing dishes, both of you get out.

Vinny, on the meat, please.

(Louis) I went down in flames.


Yes? We both got tossed.


It makes you really, really doubt yourself as a cook.


! You'll have chicken in a minute 30.

Let's go, guys.

Let's work together.

We're gonna [Bleep]

Do this, and then we don't have anybody to [Bleep]

Worry about.

Let's go! Come on, Vinny, i need that chicken.

Let's go.

I'm getting used to when Chef Ramsay makes me go over and save the day.


Chicken up.

You tell me you want chicken parm just like this, I make it just like that.

It's really not very difficult.

Cutting pork chop.

Hot, behind.

No matter where you put me, I [Bleep]

Nail it.

(Gordon) Service, please.

(Announcer) With Boris and Louis out of the kitchen, the blue team led by Vinny Guys, don't forget the artichoke salad for the pork.

(Announcer) Has finally delivered entrees to the vip table Here we are.

I do apologize.

(Announcer) And quite possibly salvaged this man's plan to propose.

Meanwhile, the red team has finally put their differences to the side Service.

Come on, ladies.

We have three tickets left.

(Announcer) And is close to completing another dinner service.

Can you go with spaghetti? I can go with salmon.

I can go.

Let's go.


One spaghetti, one salmon, Chef.

(Gordon) Service, please.

We're feeling good and we pulled it together.

We did it as a team.

Here you go, Chef.

And finally, last tickes out.

Don't dare start celebrating.

In the blue team and help the guys.

Let's go.


Let's go.

I felt like slappin' a bitch when the girls got sent over.

We got rid of the dead weight, and I don't need them girls in my kitchen.

Three spaghetti, two pork, one salmon.

We just kind of got thrown into, like, a huge mess.

They don't need that yet.

Nobody over there knew what the hell was going on.

You got your tomato garnish for the top of your salmon? No! (Jillian) And they still had, like, seven tickets.

Okay, the pork's here.

Where's the polenta? Is my garnish up for a pork chop? Where's the polenta? Russ, did you put it up? Yeah, it's up there.

(Jillian) It's already up in the window.

He says it's up there.



All of you, just stop.

You're making yourself look so stupid.

And look, the food died.

It's like a funeral in here.

Do me one big favor.

Get out.

Get out.

Get the [Bleep]

Out! (Announcer) After serving all their diners, the women were brought in to save the men, but unfortunately Okay, the pork's here.

Where's the polenta? (Announcer) The men were incapable of being saved.

It's already up in the window.

Yeah, it's up there.

You're making yourself look so stupid.

It's like a funeral in here.

Do me one big favor.

Get out.

Get out! We'll cook Andi, Scott, let's go.

Let's throw a whole bunch of chicks into the mix and maybe it'll make everything all better.

No, it made it worse.

Too ma cooks in the kitchen, man.

(Announcer) Despite a miserable night in the kitchen Service, please.

(Annthere's one man in the dining room.

Crystal (Announcer) Who was hoping his night ends on a happy note.

Will you marry me? I will.

[The wedding march]

[ominous music]

Both teams are very, very weak, so all of you think hard about dropping some dead weight.

Two nominees from you and two nominees from you.

That's it.

Get out.

Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

(Jillian) It's just disappointing.

We almost finished service tonight.

We didn't think we were gonna have to put anyone up.

It sucks.

What do we base this one on? Tonight's performance? Or overall? I mean, what do we do? He said drop the dead weight.

Who's your dead weight? Melissa, you helped me a lot today, but Chef gets on your case a lot.

If it comes to who he's bitching at all the time, it's Melissa and Gail.

Um, what the hell is that about? That takes some stones to send somebody up there after they ran your station for you because you couldn't handle it.

I'm gonna have to go with Gail and Melissa too.

(Gail) I'm not the dead weight on my team.

I'm gonna fight.

I'm not worried at all.

You can put me up.

I don't give a [Bleep]



Louis was up for sure.

That's a no

And Boris, you were booted out.

Louis and Boris.

Look, guys, I think I did a good job tonight.

I don't deserve to be up there.

I didn't [Bleep]

Up any food.

Rob and Louis [Bleep]

Up food.

Rob, you were thrown out today, right? That was one pizza that I got thrown out for.

Don't start casting aspersions at people.

It's gonna make you look worse.

I'm just saying.

With all due respect, he got thrown out because of food.

I got thrown out because I was trying to help out.

I was washing a pot.

You know what? Bad timing.

Screw me.

Don't even cop out; You were back there, washing [Bleep]


That's a really piss
-poor reason.

I don't deserve to be up there.

I really don't.

I'm pissed.

I don't think either one of y'all deserve to go up there.

Honestly, I think it would be only one person.

Who? Who the [Bleep]

Do you think? We don't want Sabrina on the team anymore.

She is dead weight.

How come no one else sees this? You have got to fight and be like, "you know what? This is [Bleep]


" She [Bleep]

You guys over.

She [Bleep]

Me over.

She [Bleep]

Me over.

For some reason, this bitch is out to get me.

You know what? Game on.

I think we should put Sabrina up.

Why are you gonna do that again? If Melissa had not saved your ass tonight, it would have gone down.

I agree.

That's fine.

So put me up.

Put me up.

I don't give a [Bleep]

! Put me up.

Put me up.

Calm down your little ghetto attitude and shut the [Bleep]

Up! No! You're a little [Bleep]

Bitch! Yeah, you deserve to [Bleep]

Up! You're an executive Chef! Your work's not better than me at all, at all! Signature dish, challenges
- nothing! I totally lost respect for all of them.

I'm gonna make their lives literally hell.

Put my ghetto ass up there.

Go right ahead.

They haven't seen anything yet.

Nona, first nominee and why.

The first nominee was, uh, Melissa.


Why? Because, uh She didn't nominate her, Chef.

I nominated her.

Sabrina, I actually asked Nona.

So She's getting yelled at a lot.

She's nominated because she's been yelled at a lot.


Second nominee? The second
- the second nominee Is, um, Gail.

(Gordon) Gail? No.

Who is it? Um It's Sabrina.


(Announcer) Chef Ramsay has asked both teams for two nominees.

The red team has named their first Melissa.

(Announcer) But they are undecided Who is it? On their second.


Gail? No, it's Sabrina.

Okay, is it Gail or is it Sabrina? It's Sabrina, Chef.

No, no, why is it Sabrina over Gail? She's consistently behind on everything.

But I haven't been messing up.

That's complete [Bleep]





Yes, Chef.

First nominee and why, please.

Louis was our first nominee, Chef.

Couldn't get anything right on the meat station, so that was sinking our entrees.

Second nominee and why? Boris.

When we really needed him to step up and come help with meats, he was in the back, washing dishes.

Okay, Boris, Louis, Melissa, and Sabrina, get your ass over here.



Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Chef, tonight I let you down, and it kills me.

The reason I should stay in Hell's Kitchen, Chef, I'm a soldier.

I understand the chain of command.

I'll go stick my hand in the fryer if that's what you tell me to do.

And Chef, i'm a team player.

I think I should stay.


Chef, I'm one of the strongest Chefs on my team.

I have the experience and the knowledge that's required to run L.


's market.

If my team was sinking in the middle of service, the last thing I'll be doing is washing up.

No chance.



Uh, Melissa, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? Today I really felt I carried Sabrina.

And you said that you needed to get rid of dead weight, and I am definitely not dead weight on this team.

You panic.

You scare me because I turn my back and we're screwed.

Sabrina, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? Who would you rather have work for you? Somebody who has a title of an executive Chef (Gordon) Don't

Don't use that inexperience excuse on me ever again.

Yes, Chef.

Okay, my decision is Melissa Back in line.

Boris Get back in line.

Okay, the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Louis.

Your jacket off, big man.

Yes, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you.

Get back to camp.

Yes, Chef.

(Gordon) Back in line, missy.

(Louis) It's gonna be tough going back to camp and having to face my kids, but honestly, I can say that I represented myself well.

Hell's Kitchen definitely kicked my butt, but that's good for people, um, and that's the only way we grow.

I set each and every one of you up for success tonight and you turned it into failure.

Be ready to turn it around.

Now get out.

Sabrina is still here.

How is this possible? How? They think they've seen a ghetto
-ass bitch now? [Bleep]


Every day in this service, I'm gonna keep bringing my ghetto ass in there, and I'm gonna let them know what's up.

I've been thrown under the bus twice for no good reason.

I got a huge target on my back.

You know what? [bleep]


Take your best [Bleep]



Louis the camp cook dreamed of fine dining, but the only thing I would trust him with is toasting a marshmallow.

Kumbaya, my friend.

(Announcer) The winner of Hell's Kitchen will become head Chef of the brand
-new multi
-million dollar restaurant L.


Market in downtown Los Angeles.

The salary
- a quarter of a million dollars! [Cheering]

(Announcer) And they will also tour the country as the official spokesperson of rosemount estate winery.

Aah! What
- what is that? (Announcer) The first
-ever Hell's Kitchen prom What? (Announcer) Has the men [Laughs]

(Announcer) Behaving like spoiled teenagers.


! Watch your language.

I'm a grown
-ass man.

(Announcer) Even throwing tantrums in front of the special guests.

How about you back up ? I'm gonna yell what the [Bleep]

I want.

(Announcer) And forming cliques.

I'm out.

I'm the fifth wheel.

Guys, what can I do? Just tell me and I'll do it.

Don't talk to me right now.

Boris is a complete blockhead.

It would just be better if he wasn't even here.

(Announcer) And one of these Queens of the kitchen has a target on her back.

Sabrina, get out.

(Announcer) And she's going to ruin the party for everyone.

Guess what, b*tches.

It just blew up in your faces.

(Announcer) Principal Ramsay has had enough.

Oh, my God! They're soggy! It's cold in the [Bleep]

Middle! (Announcer) And someone is going to be expelled.

Why don't you make my life easy and just [Bleep]

Off home? (Announcer) It's the High School prom I hate [Bleep]

High schoolers.

(Announcer) From hell Those little kids are pushing me to the [Bleep]


(Announcer) Next time on Hell's Kitchen.
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