08x02 - 14 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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08x02 - 14 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) Previously on Hell's Kitchen Whoa.


(Announcer) The Chefs got a glimpse of the prize restaurant.

One of you will become the head Chef.

(Announcer) La Market at the J.


Marriott in downtown Los Angeles.

[Shouting and laughter]

But in the signature challenge Hyah! (Announcer) They did little to show they were worthy.

This is a seafood pancake.

[speaks indistinctly]

Mardi Gras gumbo.


[Spits and coughs]

So sorry you don't like it.

It's inedible.

(Announcer) The next morning, Antonia had a mysterious illness I don't know what's wrong with me.

(Announcer) And left Hell's Kitchen for good.

At dinner service, Lisa was slow.

Oh, bangida, bangida, bangida.

Madame, what's happening here? (Announcer) Sabrina was selfish.

I cooked it for you, Chef.

Here's my food.


Everybody else.

(Announcer) Raj was confused.

We have a, um (Announcer) It was the worst opening night Tables a (announcer) In Hell's Kitchen history.

There's no winning team.

(Announcer) Raj, Trev, Sabrina, and Lisa were nominated for elimination.

Sabrina trashed her team.

I think that Nona should go home.

She snores.

She's good for nothing.

(Announcer) But saved herself.

I can do better, Chef.

Lisa, give me your jacket.

(Announcer) And Lisa had the unfortunate distinction of being the first to leave Hell's Kitchen.

[The Ohio Players' "Fire"]

Fire uh woo woo woo woo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child yes, it does the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smokin', baby baby the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child woo woo the way you push push lets me know that you're goo
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no, fire what I said, child ow fire fire (announcer) And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

(Raj) Thank you, everybody.

Told you the truth.

Whoo! Man.

To be back in the game.

Congratulations, Raj.

Thank you.

I am not gonna allow us to implode.

Just bring it tomorrow, Raj.

I will.

I will.

And then you got nothing to worry about.

We need to put the [Bleep]

behind us.

We need to let Raj in, and if we don't get the job done, we're gonna bury ourselves.

You made it too, Sabrina.

We both made it.

I told you.

You did.

You did say it.

I know that people clearly just don't like me.

But I'm not here for them, and I can't stand this.

She had a lot to say.

She broke down.

Sabrina threw Nona under a bus.

I think that Nona should go home, Chef.

She snores, and it keeps us all awake.

And I honestly believe she's good for nothing, Chef.


That's just what a [Bleep]

Child does.

Everybody snores.

Give me a break.

(Nona) You're an infant.

(Announcer) After a grueling dinner service, it seems like nothing can wake this group up.

[All snoring]

That is until Chef Ramsay sends a wake
-up call [Yells]

(Announcer) That's hard to ignore.

Let's go, guys.

Everybody up.




[Loud music]

Let's go, guys.

Everybody up.

I'm like, "what?" Oof.

Good morning.


Last night's service was memorable For all the wrong reasons.

Who's breathing? Who is that? Are you okay? (Sabrina) Raj was breathlittle bit cr, like [imitates heavy breathing]

[All imitate heavy breathing]

(Vinny) And it sounded like a big jerk.

Slow down.

Yes, Chef.

Okay, first of all, after service last night, I made a phone call to a very dear friend of mine.

This man is an international superstar, but he's just received a Michelin star.

[Loud music]

Please welcome (Nona) Smoke's coming through.

Asian marching band's doing their thing.

Masaharu Morimoto.

[Cheers and applause]

Masaharu Morimoto! Ai

[Cheers and applause]

This guy's a God.

Hi, guys.

Thank you.

Chef Morimoto's Sushi dishes are exquisite masterpieces.

Your next challenge is to re
-create Chef Morimoto's salmon cucumber avocado roll and the tuna nigiri.

(Jillian) I've never touched Sushi in my life.

I've never worked with chinese food ever.

Listen, watch, and learn.

So first one, tuna.

(Announcer) In this attention
-detail challenge, the Chefs will be re
-creating two of Chef Morimoto's specialties.

For the tuna nigiri, they must form the rice Making long way, longer, longer.

(Announcer) Then cut the tuna into even slices Each slice
- exact, same thickness.

(Announcer) And finally add wasabi to create the finished piece of Sushi.

(Gordon) And that's how you make the tuna nigiri.

I'm from the South.

We really don't have, you know, "suchi" a lot.

You know, I have to pay attention to everything.

(Announcer) In addition, they must make an inside
-out salmon roll by cutting the salmon, slicing the cucumbers, and finally rolling and cutting it into five even pieces.

Same amount in the center.

(Gordon) Look how perfect they are.

Just so there's no excuses, Chef Morimoto has brought miyabi Morimoto edition Sushi knives by henckels.

The best of the best.

An early bonus.

The team that wins the challenge willknives.

(Raj) The winning team gets the knives, and that's great.

Those knives are so incredible.

) It was so amazing.

Chef Morimoto, he's a Sushi master, and this was clearly something special.

Now, you're gonna do this in pairs.

The person beside you is your partner.

Are you ready? (All) Yes, Chef.

Ten minutes from now.

Off you go.

(Curtis) Coming down the line.

Coming down the line.

Each pair will have ten minutes to make nine perfect pieces of Sushi Pure attention to detail.

(All) Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) Four tuna nigiri Do the rice
- boom, boom, flip, boom, boom.

(Announcer) And five pieces of salmon roll.

(Melissa) I was paired with Gail.

I'm with the asian chick.

She has to know how to make Sushi.

It's not rolling right.

It's a [Bleep]


I'm getting a little nervous now.

Over halfway there.

Come on.

Damn it.

It's a lot harder than it looks.

How do we get the rice on the outside? You got to roll it.

Th mine looked like a dookie roll instead of a Sushi roll.

And roll that.

Good enough.

Last minute.

Come on, girls.

We're doing good.

Keep it up, bro.

Focus and move.

Wasabi, wasabi, wasabi.

Hmm? Ten, nine Guys, I got this.

(Gordon) Let's go.

Three, two, one.

And stop.

Teams are uneven.

Gentlemen, you've got ten seconds to decide which pair is the weakest link.



We are.


Right here, Chef, 'cause I know we suck.

First pair, Chef.

First pair.

Didn't take you long, that one, did it? No, Chef.

Show me what you have got.


Okay, let's start with the ladies.

(Announcer) The women are hoping that executive sous Chef Melissa and executive Chef Gail can get them off to a solid start.

One, two, three, four.

Where's the? I don't know where the fifth piece went, Chef.

Did you bite that? (Gail) No, Chef.

(Gordon) Out.


You'd think I'd be able to know how to make Sushi.


But I can't.

I'm not Japanese.

Who sliced that? I did, Chef.


Oh, my God.


A grand total of zero.

Let's go.

(Announcer) With Melissa and Gail clearly digging a hole for their team Thank you.

Well, at least you can count to five.

(Announcer) The pressure now shifts to sous Chefs Nona and Jillian.

It's cut beautifully.

Thank you, Chef.

Yeah, it's in.


Again, beautiful.





Good job.

Thank you, Chef.


Eight out of nine.

Let's go.

(Announcer) With Jillian and Nona getting a near
-perfect score, it's up to senior home executive Chef Emily and prina to keep the momentum going.


Beautifully done.


Good job.

Salmon sliced beautiful.

It's in.



In, in, in.


Dude, we got this.

(Gordon) Seven out of nine.

Well done.

Well done, well done, well done.

(Announcer) In spite of a horrible start by Melissa and Gail, the women manage to get Let's go.

(Announcer) First up for the men, children's camp Chef Louis and law firm Chef Rob.

Rolls cut beautifully.


It's there.




(Louis) The rolls were perfect.

The knife cuts were perfect.



Inside, I was doing a little happy dance.

Oh, dear.

No wasabi.



Rob, it should have immediately already been in your head to put wasabi on the tuna.

Those are the little blunders that are gonna [Bleep]

Us down the road.

It's too thick on one side.


Not good enough.

Four out of nine.

(Announcer) With a mediocre start of four acceptable Sushi, it's time to see if sous Chef Russell and personal Chef Raj Come on.

You're like a walking corpse.


(Announcer) Can get things moving in the right direction.

What's that? I've got a mush.

Where's the salmon? It all got pushed to the middle.






Who did the nigiri tuna? Me, Chef.

Raj, Chef.

I know it's Raj.


First tuna in.

No wasabi.


It's perfect, but Wasabi, yes or no? Yes.


(Boris) You left out the wasabi.

Jackass! Four for Raj and Russell.

Two, four, six, eight.

Let's go.

(Announcer) Catering Chef Boris and line cook vinny need almost all of their pieces to be perfect for the blue team to win.

Nine pieces here.

And you're seven away from tying.






Yeah! Three for a tie.

Four for a win.

(Nona) Oh, my God.

I am so nervous.

Cucumber's there.



What a shame.




The girls' team is screwed.



It's a tie.

One piece left.

It's molded beautifully.

Has it got wasabi in there? Come on, Boris.

Please tell me you didn't forget the wasabi.

(Announcer) The attention
-detail Sushi challenge is all tied up at 15.

One piece of nigiri tuna left.

(Announcer) And it all comes down to Boris and vinny's last piece of Sushi.

Has it got wasabi in there? It's in.


[Cheers and applause]

Whoo! We won! Gentlemen, well done.

You'll be joining me at the very exclusive cellar 360, where we'll be doing the most amazing wine tasting.

However, a slight issue, because it's not in Los Angeles.

It's in San Francisco.

Oh, [Bleep]

! [exclamations]

Hot damn.

I've been to Daytona, Talladega, but San Francisco? Hell, no.

Ladies, for the first time ever in Hell's Kitchen, we'll be serving Sushi.

And you will be prepping it,/i> put your heads down and get it done.

Gentlemen, hurry up, get changed.

We have a flight to catch.

Off you go.

Well done.

Ladies, upstairs you can all change into your Chef jackets.

Not doing a punishment, enjoying Chef Ramsay's company, it's gonna be a good day.

Yes! Let's roll, boys.

(Gail) I'm ashamed of myself.

I should have been paying attention.

I should have not let my knife get to me.

I'm so sorry, guys.

It happens.

Good morning.

Okay, sobe a long day.

There's a lot of stuff to do.

So let's get started.

(Sabrina) I would definitely blame Gail and Melissa for our loss today.

All they had to do was make two pieces.

Did the guys leave already? Who cares? See y'all later.

(Man) Bye, girls.

(Man #2) Wasabi! We'll see you later.

Be careful.


(Announcer) While the women begin their punishing task (Man) San Fran is thataway.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay wants the men to enjoy themselves.


Thank you.

Take care.

(Announcer) But he does have one rule.

(Gordon) I am not sitting next to Raj.


One minute, you're in the kitchen with Chef Morimoto, a dream in its own self, and then, an hour later, you're in San Francisco.

This country boy is on cloud nine.



Welcome to cellar 360, yeah? Don't run.

You'll have a heart attack.

(Boris) I love wine, and I love wine tasting.

Welcome to cellar 360, guys, beautiful San Francisco.

What are we gonna start off with first? Well, first one we're gonna have is the rosemount estate pinot grigio.

Taste that.

Look at the flavors.

Like with food, you got to know your wines, because one of you will be our rosemount estate ambassador.

Try these raisins and then try the white wine.

Look how they react on your palate.

I mean, it's a wine tasting, and this is really for education of the palate, but for me, it was like, "oh, my God, I need a glass of wine.

" Ha! I try to really only drink once a week.

Raj, you're supposed to sip it, not gulp it.

But, you know, ietty heavil.


Right, guys.

You enjoy that? (All) Yes, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.

Okay, I'm gonna get back to Hell's Kitchen.

I've arranged a stunning sunset dinner at the waterbar restaurant.

And, y some water.



[Overlapping chatter]

And tonight, spare a thought for the girls.


The guys are gonna love to hear about our day today.

(Nona) This stuff needs to be strained.

It's just kind of on standby right now 'cause Sabrina I already set the whole thing up, dude.

She's a bitch.

(Chef) I just got a call.

Our rice delivery's here.

So I need Sabrina and Nona.

Come with me, and we'll grab it.


(Woman) Okay, there we go.

So, you guys, check in the order and bring 'em on up.

Evert to go get a bag, she was, like, Frickin' far.

Come on.

Come on! Run.

It's, like, not even that far or that hard.

Come on.

Look, I'll do all of it, and you can just continue to play with the soy beans
- I don't know.

Oh, here we go.

Just do it.

(Woman) Come on.

Hurry up, guys.

Okay, ready? Let's cook.

(Announcer) While the punishment divides the red team, the reward unifies the blue team.

(Trev) I know I'm sitting here because of everybody else sitting at this table right now.

From me and Trev to y'all, honestly, we appreciate y'all pulling our dead weight.

A little bit of bonding to get us pumped up again so we can go in and win.

Hold on.

Let me call the girls up.


I hear them prepping.

Chef Ramsay has provided delicacies from around the world.

He would like you to try all of them.

One, two Oh, my God.

(Woman) God, really? Oh, no.


Shall we? Whoa.

How can you eat something that smells that bad? (Gail) I think it's good.

I'm filipino.

We eat everything.

This is [Bleep]


In my country, we eat some of this [Bleep]

, and we [Bleep]

Like it.

It's disgusting, seriously.

I'm a little insulted.

(Sabrina) I don't really care.

That's disgusting.

If you're gonna defend that, well, what's your defense on the challenge today? So it's your turn.

Bend her arm and put it in her mouth.


You all right over there? [gags]

[Sabrina vomits]

(Woman) Oh, down she goes.

(Announcer) The red team is two for two in losing challenges.

And while Gail is taking the punishment in stride In my country, we eat some of this [Bleep]

, and we [Bleep]

Like it.

(Announcer) Sabrina is finding it hard to swallow.



Down she goes.

Sabrina puked [Vomits]

And puked.

Ooh, there she goes again.


It's the punishment.

Take it like an adult.

You all right over there? [Vomits]

All right, guys.

Go up to the dorms.

Get a good night's sleep, 'cause tomorrow's gonna be a big day.

I think we're over Sabrina's pity party.

Her attitude stinks.

And I'm sick of it.

We don't need that.

Good night.

(Announcer) While the red team ends the day feeling quite low, the blue team returns Ow! That was the best! (Announcer) Flying high.

Wah! Very nice.

(Man) Nighty

(Announcer) It's a new day in Hell's Kitchen.

This is it, guys.

I want to bust this [Bleep]

Out today.

Beat their ass.

(Announcer) And while everyone has a lot to prove in tonight's dinner service Hot pot coming down.


(Announcer) There's one Chef You got to do this faster, bro.

Who needs a big improvement more than anyone else.

Dude, you can't put the yellow leaves in.

Every station needs this.

You cannot give us [Bleep]

Yellow parsley.

I just have zero expectations of Raj.

He has no clue what's going on.

You're not even cutting.

You're just patting it down and bruising it.

I'm really psyched to, like, shine tonight.


Tonight is a fresh start.

Opening service of Hell's Kitchen, you made our new maitre d's life a total misery.

Chef, I've got tables walking out.

They've been here for two hours, Chef.

So one of you from each team will become an assistant maitre d'.

Ladies, Jillian.

Gentlemen Vinny, it's gonna be you.

Oh, fantastic.

I'm gonna do my best for my guys in the kitchen and do whatever I possibly can.

Turn on the charm a little bit.

Get on your stations.

James, open Hell's Kitchen, please.

(James) Yes, Chef.

Okay, guys, let's go.

First couples arriving, yes? (Announcer) For tonight's dinner service, Jillian and vinny will be helping James as assistant maitre d's.

We have a phenomenal rosemount pinot noir.

(Announcer) In addition to his regular menu We are having a Sushi special tonight.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay has added a salmon roll appetizer.

Guys, we're open.

Let's get this done.

(Announcer) Hoping to get her kitchen off to a good start, Jillian delivers her first ticket quickly.




It says at a table of two, they've got three desserts.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I meant to write one.

Why are your hands shaking so badly? I'm scar
- I'm nervous.

What's the matter
- yeah, but Tonight is not about being nervous.

Holy crap.

How am I supposed to not be nervous when I got to go out in the dining room and try to be a maitre d', something I've never done before? You're a big girl now, yes? Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

Bloody hell.

Okay, ladies.

On order, yes? (All) Yes, Chef.

One special Sushi, one Risotto, one salad, one scallop.

(Announcer) While the red team is off and running Starting my Risotto, guys.

(Announcer) The blue team is just James, I don't know what vinny's doing, but I need some tickets in here, yes? Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) Waiting.

Yo, is that table 20? No, table 20 is right there.

The first one? I've got no tickets here, yes? Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

I know I screwed this all up.

But I'm telling you, I'm gonna get the order right.

Entrees? [sneezes]

(Announcer) Unfortunately for the blue team, it takes vinny over 30 minutes to deliver his first ticket.

Vinny, are you trying to sabotage your own team? No, not at all.

Now understand what you're doing.

Own up to it.

Yes, Chef.

On order, Two Risotto, two scallop, entree
- one chicken, three rib eye.

(All) Yes, Chef.

(Gordon) You come here.

You're standing here next to me, I called it out, and you just turned your fat ass around.

You didn't even acknowledge me.

I'm here.

Yes, Chef.

What do you need? I'm here.

What do I need? What did I just call out? What did I just call out, Raj? I'm talking to you.

[Exhales deeply]

(Louis) The fact that Raj is 49 and still alive and not in jail or an asylum is a [Bleep]


What did I just call out? I didn't catch it.

Oh, [Bleep]



(Annjust over half anr into dinner service, Raj hasn't even begun cooking, but has already disappointed Chef Ramsay.

Meanwhile, in the red kitchen, Gail is doing her best to get Chef Ramsay's stamp of approval.

We still good on that Risotto? I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I have to battle back from yesterday's challenge.

I have to stay focused and prove it to Ramsay, prove it to everyone, that I can cook.

I'm ready when you're ready.

I'm ready.

I'm walking up.

I heard.

Definitely concerned about apps tonight, you know, because if Gail [Bleep]

That up, then we're screwed.

Who made that Risotto? I did, Chef.

Very nice.


Thank you, Chef.

Chef Ramsay liked my Risotto! (Announcer) With Gail on appetizers and Sabrina on Sushi Walking up special Sushi.

Yeah, very nice.

Thank you, Chef.

(Gordon) Beautiful.

Go, please.

(Announcer) The red team is off to a good start.

And food is leaving the kitchen in a timely manner.

Oh, my God, it's really good.

Is it good? Yeah.

One Sushi, one chowder.

(All) Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

Going to the pass with the Sushi.

(Announcer) With the blue team already lagging behind because of vinny, Curtis is trying to get his kitchen back on track.


Working on it again, Chef.

Yeah, [Bleep]


Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen! Look at this.

[bleep, bleep, bleep]


Look at that there.

Look at that.

- come here, you.

It's not good enough for me.

It's not good enough for me.

Yes, Chef.

Working now, Chef.

Sushi's coming back.

Se you're not cooking.

Do you think that I'm gonna [Bleep]

? You can't even clean the [Bleep]

Off, Curtis.


Right off.

(Curtis) It looked like a staircase.

Yeah, he got that one on me.

(Announcer) Curtis' poor execution of the Sushi Service, please.

Go with that.

Come back for the Sushi, God forbid.

(Announcer) Has resulted in only one table of appetizers being served by the blue kitchen.

Excuse me, I'm so sorry.

You haven't had anything yet? No, we haven't eaten anything yet.

(Announcer) Meanwhile, the red team has successfully moved on to entrees.

Appetizers have now gone.

Yes? Yes, Chef.

We've never started like this.

Come on,come on.

(Announcer) With Nona on fish and Emily on meat (Emily) Beef's out of the oven.

(Woman) Good.

That's supposed to be mid
-well? M

(Announcer) There appears to be just one small problem.

Look, that's rare.

Oh, my God.


I'm screwed.

I have to start over.

What a [Bleep]


Because of the [Bleep]

Beef section.

You're cooking the halibut perfectly.

But it's getting [Bleep]


(Nona) Yes, Chef.


Hope you're happy with her.

(Nona) Yes, Chef.

Not really.

(Announcer) It's 90 minutes into dinner service, and food has been ridiculously slow leaving the blue kitchen.

Hello, guys.

(Announcer) But vinny has a plan to speed things up.

I'm gonna be perfectly honest with you.

If you guys order sides, you're gonna be here till next Tuesday.

I have zero confidence that Raj is getting out garnishes and sides.

No sides.

No sides.

So I came up with a little bit of a clever idea.

How's the service this evening? We couldn't order sides.

Why are you not allowed to order sides? Because I guess we get our food quicker if we don't order sides.

(James) No, no, no, no, no.

Um, let me go and speak to the Chef about this.

Could you check on that? No sides on there.

I don't know why.

Come over here.


Chef? Yes.

One of his tables, he's telling them they can only
- they can't have side orders 'cause it takes too long to get out of the kitchen.

(Vinny) What I said was I'd be happy to bring 'em to you
- shut up.

He said they could not have sides just 'cause it would take too long.

Come in here.

That is not what I told them.

Why? That is not what I told them.

(Gordon) What did you tell them? Exactly what I told them was this.

I said, "I'm telling you the truth, "the sides are delicious, but it's gonna take a lot longer if you want sides, so" Stop, everybody! Now Captain vinny here is telling the customers not to order sides.

Come here.

Did you tell him not to order sides? Of course not.

Would I say that? Don't [Bleep]

Shout at me.



You told him that.

Don't push the sides, so I look good.

I'm ready with the sides.

Look, I got all the sides ready.

I'm waiting for them
- (gordon) So why is he not taking the orders? I have no idea.

Look at these sides.

These are all ready.

- he's
-okay Do you want to know the truth? Yeah, I do want to know the truth.

The truth is, I have no faith that he's gonna be able to get the sides out.

You better understand one [Bleep]


You do not decide what goes out of this kitchen.

I do now.

Get out! (Vinny) Yes, Chef.

Get out, you! (Announcer) It's an hour and a half into dinner service, and vinny's plan to move things along Now Captain vinny here is telling the customers not to order sides.

(Announcer) Hasn't exactly been met with gratitude by Chef Ramsay.

Get out! Yes, Chef.

Get out, you! I really did what I thought was best for the guests and the customers.

I said exactly what was the truth, I felt bad for the people.

(Announcer) While vinny contemplates his fate in Hell's Kitchen They're not gonna want to serve that, are they? (Announcer) Emily is contemplating why her meat still isn't done.

I'm hoping the halibut and the beef is arriving soon.

Just waiting to go.

The medium
-rare beef is resting.

It'll be about a minute and a half, Chef.

Where's the mid
-well for the halibut? The mid
-well's still in the [Bleep]




(Emily) It was still rare.

I don't know what happened.

It was like reverse cooking over there.

Emily, Emily, Emily! (Emily) Yes, Chef.

(Gordon) Halibut's screwed now.

I don't know how to [Bleep]

Cook meat.

What? Turn that [Bleep]


(Emily) I just did.

I'm [Bleep]


I'm [Bleep]

On the halibut again.

We're all freakin' sinking.

What do you mean you can't cook meat? (Gordon) If you've given up (Emily) No, Chef.

Do me a favor.


Off home.

Walking around with your face on the floor when you've put your team in the [Bleep]


Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) While Emily struggles with her meat and her confidence You [Bleep]


I need to see you bounce back.

I've bounced, Chef.

(Announcer) Back in the blue kitchen, Boris is looking to take control of Trevor's fish.

Trev, you okay? Ah.

All right.

You know, I'm there for my guys.

You know, I'm the Captain.

Okay, guys, I'm here.

Either I'm going all the way with the ship, or I'm going down with the ship.

The [Bleep]

Time is here.

Let me know.

I'll do the [Bleep]

Scallops, okay? Boris, he thinks he needs to be the top guy, 'cause, you know, whatever reason.

Come on, brother.

Leave 'em alone.

I got 'em.

He kept muscling me out of the way and trying to do everything.

You want the responsibility, it's all yours.

I'm like, "oh, come on, get over yourself.

" Scallops coming up right now.

Go wants perfect scallops.

You know what? No problem.

Here you go, Chef.

I would never send in anything less than [Bleep]


How much [Bleep]

Do you want to [Bleep]

Take? (Gordon) Oh, guys, come on.

Oh, come on.

Come on, come on, come on.

One's cooked perfectly, and one's raw.



Trev, why are you not cooking the scallops? Boris grabbed it and ran with it, Chef.

How long for the scallops? scallops, yes.




Right off.

(Announcer) Thanks to Boris I'm gonna go inside the fridge and get more scallops.

(Announcer) Appetizers are still not leaving the blue kitchen.

Nearly two hours into service, two Risotto, two spaghetti, one [Bleep]


Meanwhile, the red kitchen has overcome their mistakes and served half their entrees.

How does it taste? Tastes delicious.


Beef's coming.

Beef is coming.

Chicken is coming.

(Announcer) And Melissa, on garnish, is looking to keep things running smoothly.

Beef in sauce, Chef.

Runny mash.

Yes, Chef.

Hey, hold on.

Hold on.

It gets better.

One, they're Stone cold.

And secondly, we don't even need them.

There's a Wellington up, Chef.


Come here, you.

One salmon, one halibut one chicken, one beef.

Where is the Wellington? Wellingtup right now.

Where? Where's the Wellington? It's not in the window, Chef.

It's right there.

It's on the next table.

Yes, Chef.

I just put up the wrong thing.

I can't explain it.

It's [Bleep]


You are about to sink your team.

Now Focus, Chef, yes.


Don't focus.

Swap places with Jillian.

Now [Bleep]


Yes, Chef.

Guys, I have to go out into the dining room.

Get out! Get out! [Bleep]

The explanation.

Get out! Jill.

I look like a bumbling [Bleep]


I have table 71 upstairs.

I need your coat, and you got to take my coat.


I am so frustrated and pissed off at myself, 'cause I know I am good.

(Jillian) What are you guys doing? What's going on? (Announcer) With Jillian quickly solving the issues on the garnish station Jillian, how's the garnish for my wellies? I got your mashed potatoes, and I got your carrots.

Let's go, please.

(Announcer) The red kitchen is back in a groove.

Service, please.

Come on, ladies.

Come on, ladies.

(Announcer) Meanwhile, what put the blue kitchen in trouble at the start of service Let's go.

What's going on on Sushi? He's not even cooking anything, and yet we're in a mess.

(Announcer) Continues to plague them almost two hours later.


Can you believe we're dragging on Sushi? Curtis got the kitchen off to a really bad start.

Damn it.

I'm [Bleep]


You know, I could slide over and help, but that's not my problem.

Let him sink.

I've got the Sushi now with no wasabi.

You, [Bleep]

Off out of here.

Gonna tell me to [Bleep]


Man, [Bleep]


(Gordon) I've had enough.

I've had enough! I tried my best.

At least, like some [Bleep]

, at least I [Bleep]


Give me a break.

Damn it.


(Announcer) As the number of blue team members in the dorm is multiplying Look at the [Bleep]


(Announcer) So are Raj's pans of garnish.

Come here.

The big [Bleep]

Sack of piss and wind.

You're stacking up your garnishes, and it's getting longer and longer and longer and longer.

In about five minutes' time, you're gonna have all those [Bleep]

Garnishes right outside the kitchen.

That's all I need, Chef.

Shut up.

Get out! I don't know what to do.

I mean, I don't know how to
- I don't know.

I don't know how to handle the situation.

I mean Get out! Now! I don't even know what the hell is going on or what happened or why [Breathing heavily]

(Announcer) With three Chefs from the blue team cooling off in the dorm [Shouts]

Two salads coming right now.

(Announcer) The remaining team members are eager to show Chef Ramsay what they're capable of.

(Gordon) Come here, all of you.



There's the walnuts on one.

There's the walnuts on the other.



Now you, you, you, and you, come here.

Now you, come here.

Get out.

Get out! (Louis) Not only did he throw us all out of the kitchen, he led us out of the kitchen.

It makes you feel like you're this big.

Almost had that [Bleep]


(Louis)Were calling ens for the last two hours.

I didn't come here to look like an [Bleep]

Two nights in a row, okay? And we're gonna do it again tomorrow if we don't
- okay, fellas, yeah.

How dare you condescend to me? I'm 28 years old! I've been a professional in this industry 14 years! I work at a camp, and I work my [Bleep]

Ass off.

Listen, listen, listen.

You're 50.

How dare you [Bleep]

Condescend to me? You stupid [Bleep]


Shut the [Bleep]


Listen, listen.

Shut the [Bleep]


How dare you condescend to me? Bro, you're 50 years old, and you couldn't pick parsley! You're a [Bleep]

Douche bag.

Don't, bro.

You're attacking me, [Bleep]


You're throwing [Bleep]

At me? Shut up.


You, man.


You, you bitch.

(Boris) Come on, man! (Announcer) After a complete meltdown in the blue kitchen Get out.

(Announcer) Where everyone struggled, one Chef seems to be getting a lot of attention.

(Vinny) Bro, you're 50 years old, and you couldn't pick parsley! You're a [Bleep]

Douche bag.

Don't, bro.

You're attacking me, [Bleep]



You, man.



Raj, you're a waste of life.


You, bitch.

You're a [Bleep]

Waste of life, Raj.



They just blame me 'cause I'm an easy target for them.

You know, here I am.

I'm in that snake pit.

And I'm the mongoose.

And the mongoose is trying to fight the cobra.

Listen, if you guys want to get out of this, you listen to me, okay? Okay, yeah.

Tell us how it is.

Show us what we got to do to do a better job.

(Announcer) While a horrible night has torn the blue team apart.

This guy is just too much.

(Announcer) Back in the red kitchen Come on, bust this out.

(Announcer) The women have banded together.

Last table
- keep it going.

(All) Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) And they have a complete service in their sights.

Hot coming down the line.

Walk with me to the salmon.

Tagliatelle's ready.

Yeah, that's it.

See the Wellington.

Et's go.

Thank you.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Yeah, not a massive celebration, but well done.

I told you I could cook! We finished dinner service, yay! [All cheering]

Whoo! I didn't get kicked off.

Men, you lost.

Vinny decided that it was a bright idea to tell the customers, "don't order sides because the kitchen can't deliver.

" How dare you? That's my decision and not yours.

None of you are here to kiss my ass, but I expect some [Bleep]

Respect! Yes, Chef.

Curtis, why was Sushi so hard for you this evening? I have no excuse, Chef.

Yes, Chef, I did.

All eight of you come up with two individuals for elimination.

(All) Yes, Chef.

Piss off, guys, yeah? We lost miserably.

I understand Ramsay being upset, but, you know, I was pissed too.

Who wants to start? Two people.

Well, you know one.

Obviously, Raj.

(All) Raj.

(Man) All right.

Sorry, Raj.

All right, first nominee's Raj for obvious reasons.

They're gonna vote for me when vinny goes out to the dining room and tells them, "don't order any sides 'cause Raj can't cook 'em.

" What an evil thing to do to somebody.

I mean, that's sick! (Man) So who's the other one? (Trev) Curtis.

(Russest have to be , Curtis kind of put us behind, you know.

It's nothing personal.

Who you going with? (Vinny) I'm gonna pick you, Curtis.

No hard feelings.

That's it, right? Raj and Curtis.

Sorry, bro.

(Curtis) My teammates put me up there, but guess what? It wasn't just me.

And I ain't giving up.

I was still a little bit clueless about the menu, but, honestly, with Boris, the last two services, there's been problems.

He flips out.

One thing I did notice tonight
- when Boris kind of shoved me out of the way and started doing [Bleep]

Scallops, I said, "I got this handled" Boris didn't really enter my mind, but then as soon as his name started getting mentioned, I started thinking about all the things.

Well, yeah, he did try and muscle me out of my own station today.


Boris Yes, Chef.

Who's the first nominee and why? The first nominee on the men's team tonight, Chef, is Raj.

He's done nothing but sabotage us, drag us down, and just did not contribute a single thing.

That is a lie.

I mean, that's a ridiculous accusation.

Don't even waste your breath.

The seven of us picked you twice.

I'd be crying upstairs if I was you I'd be humiliated.

Clearly, a lot of team harmony here.

Trev, second nominee and why.

After listening to my fellow teammates here, the general consensus It's Boris.

Why? He shoved me right off of the scallops tonight, and he thinks he's superman and he can do everything.

Boris, Raj, step forward.


Wait a second.

Somebody else needs to be up here.


Step forward.

(Announcer) After a horrible dinner service, the blue team has nominated Raj and Boris for elimination.

But Chef Ramsay has a nominee of his own.

Vinny, step forward.

I am pissed.

You have no right to recommend to the guests not to have a side with an entree.

After my first table waited nearly two hours for their appetizers, I just wanted them to have an opportunity to experience some of your food.

That's what they came here for.

Entrees on that menu are designed to go with sides.

Is that clear? Yes, Chef.

Tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

I'm sorry for my mistake.

I make a mistake, i make a mistake once and only once.


Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I should stay in Hell's Kitchen, Chef, because I am being falsely accused, and I'm getting more familiar with everything, and it's gonna be good.

I need a little more time.

I'm a slow learner.

You're 40


I need a fast learner.

Yes, Chef.


Yes, Chef.

Why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? I'm a strong team player.

I'm one of the stronger Chefs here.

In a time of need, I worked very hard to help my teammates out.

And I'm gonna be the last man standing, Chef.


I've seen enough.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Curtis.

Get your ass over here.

Because you completely destroyed the slim possibility of the blue team succeeding this evening.

Give me your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen, please.

(Curtis) Words can't even describe how I feel right now.

I mean, this experience meant so much to me, so much to my family.

I'm sorry.

Daddy gave it his best.


But I swear to God, I'll make it up to you.

Get a good night's sleep, because the seven of you need to fight back Quickly.

(All) Yes, Chef.

Now [Bleep]


The blue team should get used to getting their asses kicked.

They're like little dominoes, and the red team's gonna knock each one of them out.


I'm there scrambling, trying to save my [Bleep]

Guys' asses.

They threw me under not only the bus, they threw me under the train, the plane, the helicopter, and the [Bleep]


I know that the guys in my team are [Bleep]

Their pants knowing that Raj is going to destroy them.

I'm here to stay, whether you like it or not, 'cause I am the best! [Exclaims]



Curtis might have been a good ol' boy, but, unfortunately, he wasn't good at cooking.

Somebody take control.

(Announcer) On Hell's Kitchen This is gonna be real ugly.

(Announcer) It's Sabrina You guys all need to grow some [Bleep]


(Announcer) In an all
-out w*r with her teammates.

All these b*tches don't deserve to be here.

(Announcer) And on the blue team What the [Bleep]

Have you done so far? Shut up! (Announcer) The fighting reaches epic proportions.

Shut the [Bleep]


Pow! You [Bleep]


Come on, man.

(Announcer) But one Chef goes too far (Man) You son of a bitch.

(Woman) Look out! Look out! Look out! (Announcer) On a combative Say that again, eh? No, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Say that again.

(Announcer) Intense Raw! Raw! (Announcer) And shocking episode.

You suck.

Get out of my [Bleep]



[Sirens wailing]

(Announcer) That's next time on Hell's Kitchen.
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