07x14 - 4 Chefs Compete Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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07x14 - 4 Chefs Compete Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) Previously on Hell's Kitchen, Chef Ramsay set up a challenge that tested an important quality of being a great Chef.

Today, I'm going to test your ability to teach.

(Announcer) Without touching the ingredients, they had to replicate a dish from the Savoy in London.

They're pretty.


They can't cook.

Ugh! You look good, fish.

(Announcer) And the two best teachers were Jay I honestly thought Jay had sliced that.

And Holli.

It tastes delicious.

Really? I mean, yeah.

(Announcer) Jay had a narrow victory (Gordon) Really well done.

(Announcer) But chose Holli to accompany him on a romantic flight in the Goodyear blimp.

(Ben) So are they part of the mile high club now you think? [Laughs]

It's so awesome.

(Announcer) At dinner service, Chef Ramsay wanted perfection from his final four.

Hi, I'm looking for a leader.

Let's go! (Announcer) But Ben had communication issues.

How long on the duck and beef? Ben.

Look at me.

Will you [Bleep]

Wake up and talk to you team! (Announcer) Holli had some mishaps on fish.

It's undercooked.

Come on! [bleep]



I'm ready.

(Announcer) Autumn struggled on garnish.

(Gordon) You serve me cold spinach again, Autumn, yeah, you're [Bleep]


(Announcer) Jay, however, was flawless on appetizers.

Work it, Jay.

Yes, Chef.

I strive every day to step up and be the leader.

(Announcer) Somehow they pulled together Really well done.

And had their best dinner service yet.

This is the first time we've had no food come back to the kitchen.

(Announcer) Shining star Jay had to select two nominees.

Autumn, you're my first choice.

(Announcer) But choosing between his friend and his love interest proved more difficult.

Someone tell me what to do.

It's your choice, Jay.

(Announcer) At elimination, Jay nominated Autumn, Chef.

(Announcer) And Ben.

(Announcer) But Chef Ramsay, still on a high over the successful dinner service, shocked everyone.

None of you deserve to go home.

(Announcer) And then he surprised the Chefs by reuniting them with their families.

I missed you, buggy.

You're so beautiful.

(Announcer) But their time together was short

And Chef Ramsay closed the evening with a message for the final four.

I'm gonna push the boundaries out even further.

I'm gonna turn it up another notch.

[The Ohio Players' "Fire"]

Fire uh, uh fire uh woo woo woo woo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child yes, it does the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smokin', baby baby, woo woo the way you push push lets me know that you're goo
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no fire what I said, child ow fire yeah, yeah, yeah fire yeah, yeah, yeah fire yeah, yeah, yeah (announcer) And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

That was rough, but I am doing this for my son.

So I have to win now.

Oh, man.


I would just k*ll to go to London and be the Chef of Savoy.

You all right? No.


I missed you, buggy.

I missed you, buggy.

I'm here to have a better life for my wife and child.

But that's not
- you know, that's not the only reason I'm here.

I'm here because I love cooking.

I'm gonna really push myself to win this competition.

(Autumn) Was it good to see your family? I think some people here may have been hurt by seeing their families.

I think it may have taken the focus off the prize.

But for me, it just fires me up even more.

Like, I want to come home the winner.

(Announcer) It's a new day in Hell's Kitchen and the final four wake up to some surprising news.

[Phone ringing]


(Heather) Chef Ramsay has something very special planned for you guys.

So can you please dress nice.

Let's go.

Should I shower? Oh, God.

I need to shave.

Shave my legs.

I have to shave my legs.

What do you think, suit? Should I suit it? Hmm.

I'm wearing jeans.

Chef Ramsay says, you know, "dress up.

" And this is me dressed up.

I don't even own a suit.

(Ben) Morning, Chef.

(Gordon) Wow.

Holy mackerel.

Very smart.


Yes, Chef.

How come everyone's so smart and you look like a sack of [Bleep]

? [Laughs]

I feel smart.

(Gordon) Look at you standing next to Benjamin.

I'm smarter than Ben.

[Holli and Autumn laugh]

As you know, one of you is gonna become the head Chef at the brand
-new Savoy grill inside the Savoy hotel.

Currently, the hotel is under $150 million renovation.

So it's gonna be immaculate.

Because of the renovation, I can't take you now to the Savoy grill.

But I have brought the Savoy grill to you.



, table for four, please, sir.


Ladies, gentlemen, please follow me.

(Gordon) Let's go.


Take a seat.

This is nice, yes? Okay, I've prepared some dishes, okay, from the menu at the Savoy.

Dig in, guys.

Come on.

The Savoy is not just a restaurant.

It was the start of the renowned power lunch.

I would definitely love to be the Chef at the Savoy.

You're not just a Chef at a hotel.

You know, it's part of history.

(Gordon) From every top politician to Hollywood stars to members of the royal family.


By the way, did you enjoy that? (Holli) It was very good.

It's delicious.



'Cause you've now got Let's go.

45 minutes from now, guys, yes? (Announcer) The Chefs now have 45 minutes to recreate Chef Ramsay's dish.

Let's go.

(Announcer) As they have already consumed the dish, he has provided another one to help them determine the exact ingredients he utilized.

When I took my first bite of the dish with Chef Ramsay, I wasn't really paying that much of attention to it.

So I immediately went over and really studied the dish.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay has selected this difficult challenge to test the final four Chefs' palates.

I knew immediately that it was venison.

It just is a no

I walked right into the walk

There's no doubt in my mind.

[Pots and pans crashing]

If I don't perform 100%, my days here are numbered because everyone else here thinks that I don't have what it takes.

[Meat and articles crashing]


to go, guys, yes? (Announcer) While Autumn, Holli, and Benjamin all have chosen venison as the main component of their dish, Jay has yet to make a decision.

I wasn't sure of the protein.

And so I was going to cook all three off and just see what it was.

(Announcer) With the cooking of the meat underway, the Chefs now try to figure out what the key ingredient is in the puree.

I knew it was fruit so I decided to do the apple puree.

I made it taste as good as I possibly could.

So that was my only strategy.

(Announcer) While three of the four Chefs have chosen an apple puree, Jay has decided to make his with pear.

Ten minutes to go, guys.

Yes, Chef.




Oven's not even on.

(Announcer) With only minutes left, three of the Chefs have determined that a key missing ingredient is pancetta.

Autumn, however, has added bacon.

I kind of checked out what other people were doing.

I was curious.

I'm, like, "hey, well, what are you doing over there?" She put in bacon instead of pancetta.

I mean, you can't tell the difference in the thickness? Hot coming behind.

Last two minutes, guys.

Start thinking about plating up.

I think everybody else is using venison.

But I'm very much convinced that it's beef.

I'm gonna take a chance.

If I'm right, I look like a rock star.

And if I'm wrong, I'll look like an ass.

Last minute, guys.


Finish my sauce.

Good, Autumn.

While I was doing the challenge, I'm just thinking to myself, like, "I could win this.

I could win this.

I could win this.

" I feel really, really good.

3, 2, 1.

And stop.


Let's go! Holli, bring your dish up, please.

Let's go.

(Announcer) In the taste it, now make it challenge It tastes delicious.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay is looking for two important factors.

Puree's delicious.

(Announcer) Did the Chefs use the correct ingredients in the puree And in the puree, apple and bacon.


(Announcer) And most importantly, do they have the right protein? I think it was a pan
-roasted flank steak 'cause I definitely tasted beef.

Protein cooked delicious.


Thank you Chef.


First of all, well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.


Yes, Chef.

You're the only one that used pear.

The puree was pear.

Um, Jay, you're also the only one that used flank steak.

Yes, Chef.

It's pretty obvious in terms of flavor and just the texture of the thing, the protein was (Announcer) In the taste it, now make it challenge, Jay was the only Chef who correctly identified pear as the main ingredient for the puree.

He was also the only Chef to choose beef for the protein while all the rest used venison.

(Gordon) Jay, you're the only one that used flank steak.

Yes, Chef.

It's pretty obvious the protein was Venison.


Had you got the protein right, you win.

Even though I only got one ingredient wrong, the one ingredient was the most important ingredient.

And that's the one I messed up.

So that totally sucked for me.

It's a very, very close finish, this one.

I really need to win challenges.

I can't stress how much I need to win.

Here's what I'm gonna do.

Um, the top two, i'm gonna taste again.

Benjamin And Holli, let me taste your top two dishes.

I just
-I just want it so much.


Just don't want to go home.


Did you dissect it? Did you break it down, Benjamin? Yes, Chef.

The puree is the apple puree.

Yes, Chef.

This is tough.

This is very tight.

Both have the exact vegetables.

Both have the wrong purees.

Both have the right protein.

Very, very tough.

My decision is Holli, you're the winner.

Thank you, Chef.

It feels so nice to win these challenges because "jay and ben" [Clicks tongue]

Think they are, like, superstar Chefs.

And maybe they're starting to realize, like, hey, guys, I can cook.


Tough on that, Benjamin.

Very, very tough.

The sauce was slightly watery and I put a glaze on the plate.

I didn't put a sauce.

I'm really pissed off.

There's no doubt in my [Bleep]

Mind I should've won the challenge because I'm the best cook.

On the back of that performance, Holli, you're gonna be spending the most amazing day on a luxury yacht.

This boat is beautiful.

Sit back and relax.

Yes, Chef, I will.

Losers, whilst Holli's out sunbathing her bits and Bobs [Laughs]

I want the dorms cleaned inside out.

When we first arrived, there were 16 of you.

With a decrease in size from 16 to a nice 4
-bedroom suite, I want you to get rid of all the old pots and pans, all the duvets, the beds.

Punishments are sucky.

But to not be able to go on the reward, that's the worst part for me.

I mean, I would love nothing more than to spend time with Holli.


Back up to the dorms.

Yes, Holli, get ready.

Thank you, Chef.

Well done.

Thank you.


She put so much [Bleep]

On her plate.

I mean, it looked like slop.

Holli is not passionate about food.

She's more worried about going out drinking and partying than cooking.

That drives me nuts.

If I lost to Holli, I'd be really angry.

But if I lost to Autumn, I would be suicidal.

I know I can beat Holli.

But I don't know if I want to just be able to beat Holli.

I think I want to go out
- like, I want to lose to someone good.

I totally want to go against Jay in the finals because I want to crush his little fancy fancy food.

You know what, even if I don't win and she wins, I'll still be further than her in three years from now.

Oh, of course, dude.

There's no doubt.


How are you? Good.


Nice to see you again.

Come on in.




How are you? How are you? Good.


Thank you.

How do you feel? Good.


I feel great.

(Heather) So what we're gonna be packing up We're 16 people down to four.

So everybody that's not here, we need to pack up their stuff, pack all the dishes This is gross.

Pack up the beds, break down the bed frames.

This sucks.

Make sure we wear our back braces.

It doesn't even fit.

It looks like a girdle.

I look like a dominatrix.

I was thinking more like an idiot.

An idiot? Just kidding.

Holli's on a boat somewhere Oh.

Oh, look at this.

(Holli) This is amazing.

-Philippe) Look at this.

(Holli) Beautiful.


This boat looks nice.


Yeah, please, welcome.

Mama! Oh, my God! Hi, you guys.


Oh, my God.

Mama, we're on a ship.

You're on a ship? Oh, come here.



Oh, my God.

I'm so happy.

So so happy.

I've missed my son so much.

I love you.

I love you too.

Hi! It's fun.

Whoa! (Holli) Today is the best day I've ever had in my life.

(Child) Whoa, I just got wet.

It was awesome.

I love that.

with the mattresses.

I've been meaning to learn how to levitate things.

The fish are playing tag.

When I'm lugging mattresses back and forth, Autumn talks the whole time.

In Japan, when you move, the movers engineer these, um, like, conveyor belts.

They take out your window.

Right in my ear just talks, talks, talks.

My dad's mom is, like, 5'2".

It's easier if we just throw it.


I'm ready at this point to throw myself down the stairs.

This place, honestly, it messes with your mind.

Hell's Kitchen? I bet.

It's like hell.

Phil's my best friend and my son's dad.

He is with me I've never done anything harder than this in my entire life.


Seeing him, and seeing my son, and seeing his happy face Good luck, mama.

I'm gonna win.

And I'm gonna take Phil and my son to London and he's gonna have an amazing life.

Can I see a big smile? I love you.

Yeah, big smiles.


And I'm ready to fight that much harder.

Bye, mama! Bye.

I love you.

I love you.

Love you.

I love you.

He had bunk beds I'm gonna k*ll her.

And his brother's older than him and
- hi, Holli.

Hi, guys.

So how was it? It was really cool.




His brother used to make him pay a toll to get on the bunk bed.

How was your trip? It was good.

So short.

What'd you do? We go on the yacht.

Then my son and Phil, like, step out.

It totally sucks knowing that the reward was hanging out with your family.

I missed a day with my daughter and my wife.

You know what, it was literally an hour and a half with them.

Holli won that challenge.

That's such bull[Bleep]


I should've won the challenge.

You guys want me to carry it? I got it.

I don't give a [Bleep]


Oh, wait, Mr.

muscle Ben's got a little attitude.

A little chip on his shoulder right now.

Part of his problem is that he doesn't know when it's time to relax.

That sucks.

(Announcer) As a new day begins in Hell's Kitchen, Benjamin awakes with a new problem that may have been caused by yesterday's punishment.



My back and lower back hurts and my shoulder hurts.

If I reach for stuff, it hurts.

If I turn my head, it hurts.

I'm, like
- I'm nervous today.


I mean, I don't know what to do.

I could feel it in, like, my
-like my chest.

Like, like, just the pressure, like, in my shoulders.

I mean, I don't think I can prep.

Bye, Ben.


If Ben sits this one out, that to me is just ridiculous.

There's no point of even being in Hell's Kitchen if you can't prep a station.


(Scott) How we doing? Good.

Ben's back's pretty [Bleep]


He's, like, almost in tears.

Yeah, well, everybody's just gonna have to be a little bit more involved today because we are short one person.


I don't understand why he did what he did yesterday.

I guess he just lifted stuff wrong.

Why are you going to go all out for a punishment, but not for dinner service? Why would you do that, you know? We get to pay for it and do the prep.

It sucks, you know.

We have a lot of work to do.

It's a lot of Wellingtons.

And Ben's being a bitch.

He must be, like, dying.

[Snoring loudly]

Wonder what Ben's deal is.

(Holli) I mean, I feel really bad for him.

But I just know with myself there's no way in hell I could just stay there.


When I went to the hot tub, I was, like, short of breath.

I don't know why.

I was just, like, really short of breath.

I can't sit here any more.

It's not gonna get better just sitting here.

I tried to relax, lay down.

All these things I did, it just
- they're not helping.

You say the back pain comes up to your shoulders.

Any other symptoms you're having? Cause you look a little anxious.

A little worked up.

Well, I'm upset because
- 'cause I can't bend over.


What would you like us to do? Like, what, you know, what do you feel like you want? I
-I mean, I really (Announcer) After several attempts to relieve his back pain It hurts my chest.

Benjamin requests to see a chiropractor.

It's at a point where I know we can win a lot of money and it can change my life.

But I
-I don't think I can do it.

I really don't think I can do it.

If you want to do it, I'll make sure you do it, all right? So have a seat.

Real quick.

(Announcer) While Benjamin gets a much
-needed adjustment [Back and neck cracking]

The rest of the team takes a much
-needed break from prep.

If he bows out, it's gonna change everything.

I mean, I feel horrible saying this, but I kind of hope he Can't do it.


I mean, one less person to fight against.

Why not? I think Ben might be, you know, looking for a way out.

If you want it bad enough, you're gonna just stick it out.

If I lost both of my hands in a horrible accident, I think I would still try to cook with my feet.

He's really good so it would help for him to go, you know? Yeah.

Your body moved great.

It's just now about just relaxing a little bit.

You should be fine.

You'll definitely feel better.


All right? Thank you.

Don't give up.

Everyone's got a little pain, but it'll get better.

I can move now, but it still hurts.

I know in this
- in this condition, I can't cook on the line.

(Holli) How are you? (Ben) I'm don't think I look good.

(Holli) You're not good.


I'm done.

Really? Yeah.

Really? I'm out.




I'm sorry, Ben.

All right, Ben, that's your decision.

I think it's a ridiculous and crazy decision to make.

But happy trails.


Go home.

I'll send you a postcard from London.


I wonder what service is gonna be like now though.


I have no idea.

It's one less.

That's all I know.

I'm not gonna go kick the guy down the stairs, but [Bleep]


Welcome back.

Thank you.

That's it.


I think it's, uh, for good.

What a shame.

All the way? Have a little back pain? Waste of time.

I need to tell Chef I can't do it.

I can't bend over.

I need to reach.

I can't handle any more.

I'm gonna go home.

Oh, look at Ben.

Where's Ben? He just walked out.

He's gone.

Where'd he go? He probably has to go tell Chef upstairs in the office.

[Knock at door]

Come in.

Sit down.

I pulled my back out, Chef.

It's progressively gotten worse.

And it's just taken so much out.

And I'm feeling pretty beat up, Chef.

Here's the thing.

We're at the final hurdle now.


So if I didn't think you were capable of doing this, you would've left ages ago.

But deep down inside, i know how good you are.

You're throwing away something that you may regret.

Just think carefully.

The ball's in your court.

Yes, Chef.

If he comes in here after napping all day, be [Bleep]


I'll be [Bleep]


I'm starting to get mad now.

Here he comes.

What's up? (Announcer) It's just 30 minutes before dinner service.

And Benjamin has told Chef Ramsay that his back pain may force him to leave Hell's Kitchen.

You're throwing away something that you may regret.

Just think carefully.

And he must now let his competitors know his final decision.

What's up? Yeah.

When Ben walked in the first thing I really wanted to do is throw a pan at him.

So you're not in that much pain right now then? You still are.

You quit.

You gave up.

You didn't [Bleep]

Help with prep.

You have no business being back in the kitchen at all.



I feel the same way.

You okay to work? Yeah, I'll
-I'll work.

- I'll get it done.

I'm actually really happy that Ben's here because I honestly want to just beat him outright.


Good afternoon.

Hello, Chef.



Right, guys.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Big one tonight.

I'm looking for a head Chef to run the Savoy grill.

A Chef with great leadership qualities.

Tonight, we're going to test that by each and every one of you taking a turn running the hot plate.

Now, I'm handing you the reins of Hell's Kitchen.

And each and every one of you are going to have to show me what it's like running your kitchen.

Let's go guys, yeah? On the sections.

And let's get cracking, yes? I didn't feel like I could really cook.

But when you talk to Chef, he, you know, he's inspiring.

So I'm just gonna go in there and just cook and try and forget about the pain.

And I'll push through and
-and do the best I can.

Right, Jean
-Philippe, open Hell's Kitchen, please
-let's go.

(Announcer) It's another fully booked dinner service at Hell's Kitchen.

I'm going to have the, uh, pan
-friend scallops.

(Man) Gonna have the lamb Wellington.



(Announcer) And Chef Ramsay is looking to separate the Chefs from the cooks (Gordon) Start one order.

Four cover, table 51.

Two scallop.

Two Risotto.

Entree: Two beef, one duck, one Wellington.

(Contestants) Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) By scrutinizing how each of the final four run the pass for a portion of the service.


Service please now.

Jay, I want you on the hot plate, please.

Let's go.

Let's go.

(Announcer) As each Chef takes a turn at the pass, sous
-Chef Scott will cover their station.

We're going now table 14 and table 33, yes? Yes, Chef.

I've been an executive Chef for 13 years.

So I think running the pass will, you know, come a little bit easier to me 'cause I have a lot of experience.

Chef Jay.


Two tables, please.

Thank you.

Listen up, guys.

On order, fire, please, two scallops, one Risotto, one dory.

Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Minute, 30 seconds.

Scallops going up with the salad.

Get a Risotto coming, please.

Risotto's coming right now.

Thank you.

Okay, then right after the pass is clear, one scallop, truffle salad, capellini, Risotto up.

Yes, Chef! Yes, Chef! Jay did well running the pass.

I always knew what the next order was.



Thank you.

I think Jay going up first set the standards very, very high.

Table 34, please.

Let's go, guys.

Service, please.



Benjamin, two beef Wellington, duck.

Three minutes.

It's really hard to believe that Ben was in so much pain he was going to quit, but then he comes into service, everything's fine.

Beef medium is resting.

(Jay) Makes me really mad that I worked an extra eight hours today to carry his ass.

(Announcer) Jay has done well running his brigade.

Benjamin, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

But now faces his first quality control test as sous
-Chef Scott substitutes an important ingredient in the crab capellini.

Let's go.


Chef Scott, this is lobster, not crab.

It is? Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure.

You sure? It looks like crab.

It's lobster, Chef.

Right, Jay.

Yes, Chef.

Well spotted.

Thank you, Chef.

Taste, taste, taste.

Let's go.

(Announcer) Jay passed his first quality control test.

But already, sous
-Chef Scott is coming up with the next sabotaged dish.


Service, please.

This Risotto has crab in it, Chef.

Are you sure? I'm sure.

It looks likes lobster.

It's crab.

Are you sure? I'm sure.


Well spotted.

I just love, you know, to keep handing Chef Scott food back and making him redo it.

I've been getting yelled at by Chef Scott every day.

So it's nice to, you know, pay it back a little bit.

Go, Jay.

Last table.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Okay, so two scallop, two Risotto coming.

Yes, Chef.

I think Jay is a natural leader out there.

Wellington the window.

Coming down.

This sounds really cocky, but I think I'm the only Chef here who can beat Jay in the finals.

Even with my back k*lling me.


Yes, Chef.

That meat's perfectly cooked.

Thank you, Chef.

Okay, Jay, well done.



Table 22, yes? (Announcer) It's 45 minutes into dinner service and thanks to Jay's command of the kitchen, most of the diners have received their appetizers.

That's really good.



(Announcer) And it's now time for another Chef to run the pass.

Holli, you're on the hot plate.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

I've never expedited before.

So I was a little nervous going into it.

Look at me.

Yeah? Assertive, calm, and make sure you run the brigade, yes? Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

Order in, Chef.

Thank you.

Come on, Holli.

Stop being scared, yeah? [Sizzling]

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Don't freeze.

Come on.

All right, order in! Appetizers: Two scallops one Risotto, one capellini.

Entree: One monkfish, one chicken, two Wellington.

(Contestants) Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) Holli has recovered from her nervous start, but she is about to be tested by an act of sabotage.

This time from an unlikely saboteur.

Order in, Chef.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Order in.

Six top.

Entrees: One monkfish.

One halibut.

Two Wellington.

One beef.

(Contestants) Yes, Chef.

Right, come on, look.

Come here.


You called out six covers at table 41.

How many entrees are on there? Come on.

Oh, my God.

You can't afford to say no, no, I understand.

"Where's my entree?" Oh, yes.

Get ahold of him! Okay.

Holli sucks.

She wasn't very authoritative.

-Philippe! Jean
-Philippe! I only have five entrees on here.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, she can cook.

But is she at the level to be a Chef at the hotel Savoy? There's no way.

How long? Over there.


Here, Holli, here! Yes, Chef.

How long? I got a little flustered.

It's, like, how do you do this? You've got to run the brigade.

You cannot let them run you, yes? Yes, Chef.

I'm looking for a leader, yeah? Not a [Bleep]

Line cook.

Yes, Chef.

Service, please.

How long for the three scallops, one capellini, one Risotto? Risotto, capellini.

Risotto, capellini over there.

Oops, sorry, Chef.

I'm sorry.




Sorry, Chef.


Oh, [Bleep]

Hell, guys.

(Jay! Wake up, Jay! (Jay) I'm sorry, Chef.


(Announcer) Tonight, each of the Chefs is taking a turn running the pass.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

But right now, even though it's Holli's turn, Jay has unfortunately got Chef Ramsay's attention and not in a good way.

Oops, sorry, Chef.

I'm sorry.



Sorry, Chef.

(Gordon) Unbelievable.


Oh, [Bleep]

Hell, guys.

Jay! Wake up, Jay! (Announcer) As Chef Ramsay cleans up Jay's spilled Risotto, sous
-Chef Scott is preparing Holli's next quality control test.


How long? Coming out of the pan right now.

Three scallop.


Scott, the scallops need to be cooked on the other side as well.

I thought we only cook them on one side.



How long for the scallops? Well spotted.

Four minutes.

Right away.

Holli, well done.

Straight back on the fish.

Let's go.

Benjamin, on the hot plate.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) Now it's Benjamin's turn to run the kitchen.

Order in, Chef.

Thank you.

Away: Two monkfish, two Wellington.

(Contestants) Yes, Chef.

Ben didn't have any pain.

He was running around just fine.

Two broccolini with that also.



How is this magic happening? Order in.

Six top.

One halibut, one monk, one chicken, two beef.

(Contestants) Yes, Chef.

(Scott) One medium

(Announcer) Benjamin is off to a strong start.

Let's go.

Two monk.

Two Wellington.

Let's go.

Two monk, two Wellington, (Announcer) But sous
-Chef Scott is ready with the first test.

Placing Wellington right now.

Two Wellington.

Check the temperature of the Wellington, yes? Yes, they are.

They're hot.

Don't sauce until you're happy.

Don't sauce until you're happy.

Put it down.


Come here.

Look at the meat.

That's venison.

That's lamb.

Look at the color.





(Ben) Yes, Chef.

(Gordon) Come on! One more.


(Announcer) Having failed his first quality control test, Benjamin tries to quickly correct his mistake.

Scott, I need another Wellington urgently right now.

You need another well
- a lamb Wellington.

Quality control.

Every [Bleep]

Time, yes? Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) But another sabotaged dish is making its way to the pass.

Chef, that's still rare.

The reason why, look at it.

Look at the beef.

It's not even fillet.

It's New York strip.

Come on.

Send it back.

Let's go.

Scott, I need a fillet.

Come on.

Eyes open.

Eyes open.

Eyes open.


Autumn, that's salty.


When I was cooking, I didn't even think of my back.

I just did everything.

Yeah, it is.

Well spotted.

Scallop, dory, how long? I have 30 seconds.

30 seconds.


Yeah, I thought my performance was pretty good.

You need to warm that croissant up.

It's not hot.

Okay, good.

After this, back on your station.

Oui, Chef.

Well done.

(Announcer) It's an hour and a half into dinner service.

And Benjamin's performance on the pass has kept entrees moving steadily out to the dining room.

Shouldn't talk with your mouth full, but it's delicious.

(Announcer) And now it's Autumn's turn to run the kitchen.

Autumn, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

I think that Chef Ramsay wants to see some really strong leadership qualities.

Standing by: One Wellington, two chicken, one monkfish.

I need everyone to say "yes, Chef.

" Yes, Chef.

It's almost like a power trip, you know, to get to be in Chef Ramsay's shoes.

I need the garnish.

Garnish will be ready in 30 seconds.

I need that garnish right now.

I need it right now.

I need 30 seconds.

I need garnish.

Autumn loves the sound of her voice.

Unfortunately, nobody else does.

Hey, monkfish, chicken, two Wellington.

Where are we? Autumn got a little bitchy.

It's, like, Autumn, you don't need to be a little Chef Ramsay.

-Philippe, I'm missing an entree on this table.

(Gordon) Well spotted.

(Announcer) Autumn has impressed Chef Ramsay with her command of the kitchen and attention to detail.

I need garnish for two Wellington.

(Announcer) But now sous
-Chef Scott is sending up a sabotaged dish.


Put it down.

Put it down.

Yeah? Taste the salsify.

What does it taste of? Taste.




Yes, Chef.

It's not funny.

Told you to taste everything.

Yes, Chef.

But that's not funny.

Why'd you find it funny? It's not funny.

It's not funny.


When I missed the parsnip, I, like, laughed at myself.

And, you know, of course, that's the worst thing to do because Chef Ramsay hates laughing.

Chef Scott, I need salsify, not parsnip.

-you're happy to stand here and make you look stupid, that's your [Bleep]

Problem, not mine.

(Announcer) Having failed to catch sous
-Chef Scott's sabotage of the garnish, Autumn seems determined not to let anything slip past her again.

Chef Scott, these are salty.

Are you sure? I'm sure.

Holli, this is cold.

This monkfish is cold.

There's no salt on the spinach.

Pasta's not cooked.

Autumn was sending everything back.

Jay, just a pinch more salt.

I made 113 Risotto tonight.

They were all fine.

So I thought she was almost trying to make us look bad.

I still need salt in that spinach, please.

Get it.



(Gordon) Well spotted.

Thank you.

Thank you.

(Announcer) Despite Autumn's overzealous leadership, there continues to be a steady flow of food leaving the kitchen.

That is delicious.

And now Chef Ramsay is ready to resume his rightful place at the pass.

Let's go, guys, yeah? (Ben) Yes, Chef.

Last two tickets.

Keep it going.

Let's go.

Dig deep.

Benjamin, let's go.

Yes, Chef.


Yes, Chef.

Snap out of it.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

(Jay) Two chicken, beef, two Wellington.

Garnish going up in a minute.

Come on, guys.

One minute.

Open oven.

Open oven.


Yes, Chef.

That meat's perfectly cooked.

Thank you, Chef.

(Gordon) Go, please.

This is heaven on earth.

Well done, guys.


Turn everything off.

Well done.

Well done.

Thank you.

Well done, Jay.

Thank you, Chef.

It's ironic how Ben had a great night tonight.

Yeah, that's weird.

Surprised, right? Didn't look like his back hurt.


(Announcer) After a strong dinner service in which each of the final four had an opportunity to run the pass, Chef Ramsay gets down to business.

Tonight, it's gonna be really difficult to send one of you home.

The only thing worse than that would be to send two of you home.

And, unfortunately, that is what's gonna happen.

Now get upstairs.

Decide who's staying and who's going.

Two of us are going home and then two of us are staying to the final.

I'm a better cook than Holli and Autumn.

So I hope they go home tonight.

Autumn, you're my first choice I think.

Tonight just for me sealed the deal.

(Ben) You don't deserve to be here.

You don't deserve a chance at the finals.

I think it sucks that the three of us had to prep today and you weren't there.

I've never
- never in my [Bleep]

Life have I let somebody else prep and I come in and cook.

From day one to this day, I've busted my ass harder than anybody else here.

You said it yourself, you quit.

I'm done.

Really? I'm out.




And if you quit, then why go on to the finals? (Ben) I felt miserable.

I looked like [Bleep]


And I was [Bleep]


I went out there and busted my ass.

And I cooked my ass off.

I had a [Bleep]

Really good service.

You had a great service.

But that's what
- honestly, that's what makes me kind of upset.

How many other people have had great services? I choose Holli.

I really think I'm the only person who can out cook you.


Clearly, you've all been doing a lot of thinking.

(Contestants) Yes, Chef.

(Gordon) Well, I don't want to hear your nominees because I want to hear from all four of you on who should be in the final two.

Benjamin, why do you belong in the final of Hell's Kitchen? Technically, i'm a good Chef.

I'm passionate.

I work hard.

I bounced back from today.

You know, I had a really tough day today.

And I came back and I really k*lled myself for this place.

I think I am the best cook here.

And I don't think anybody can touch my food.

Uh, Jay, tell me.

Chef, since I've been here, I've never had a bad service.

I've won a majority of my challenges.

I've been very consistent.

I'm super passionate.

And I feel like I could be the best Chef for you.


Well, I haven't had a golden ride here.

I've stood up on that platform more times than I've gotten to stand here and watch.

But at the same time, I've never quit.

It really shows that I'm resilient, that I'm strong, and
-and capable.


Chef, I have had pretty consistent services.

I've never been kicked out of the kitchen.

I've never been up for elimination.

And I know I'm strong enough to run the kitchen.

All of you, thank you.

My decision is a tough one.

The first person to leave Hell's Kitchen tonight is Autumn.

Come here young lady.

Let me tell you something, you have shown the most amazing commitment, passion, dedication, and fight beyond belief.

Don't you lose that.

Yes, Chef.

Thank you, my darling.

Thank you.

Thank you.

And good luck.

That is good enough to go to heaven for.

I'm happy to have made it this far.

I was able to overcome obstacles I didn't know that I had the strength in me to do.

No more drinks for Autumn.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

You are soulless.

I'm not soulless.

I left my phd program to cook.

I had a full ride.

But I gave that all up and made $10 an hour for two years because I love to cook.

I got stronger and stronger and I never gave up.

Autumn, you're in the final six.


Every elimination, I was being told by my teammates I wasn't passionate, I wasn't a team player.

And I proved everyone wrong.

And I'm really proud of myself for that.

Two of you are going through to the final.

The first person in the final of Hell's Kitchen Congratulations to Jay.

Well done.

Okay, Benjamin, Holli, the person going to the final with Jay Having the chance to become the next head Chef at the Savoy grill in London is (Announcer) Benjamin and Holli are about to find out which one of them will join Jay in the finals.

The person going to the final with a chance to become the next head Chef at the Savoy grill in London is This would change my life completely.

I want this more than anything in the world.




Do me one favor.

When you walk through those doors, you push yourself.

Do not give up.

I will not, Chef.

Promise me now.

I promise you, Chef.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you, Benjamin.

See you, Ben.


(Ben) Yes, Chef.

(Gordon) That meat's cooked perfectly.

The winning team, the blue team, just thank your lucky stars there's someone called Benjamin on there.

Being in Hell's Kitchen makes you appreciate every moment.

(Jay) Yeah.

(Jason) That is hot.

You're so big.

I gave it all and either I was gonna show off Jason, how long we got on those four chicken? Benjamin, well done.

Thank you very much.


Or I was gonna go down in flames because I was pushing it.

The time that I spent in Hell's Kitchen has definitely reconnected my passion.

There's no way I can go back to teaching.

Congratulations, Holli and Jay.

You so both deserve it.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you very much.


Your final and your biggest challenge is coming up.

So tonight, I want you now to start planning your own menus.

I've got a very important question for both of you.

Who's gonna win? I am.

I am, Chef.

Get upstairs.

You got a lot of work to do.

Well done! Thank you, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.

Really well done.

It's like the most unbelievable feeling ever.

Holli, I think she's a really good cook and I wouldn't say it's easy to beat her.

The bottom line is I'm here to win.

Ah! The chance for being the head Chef is definitely within my reach now.

So there's no nice Holli anymore.

I'm out for blood.


(Announcer) Next time on the season finale of Hell's Kitchen Whoo! [squeals]

(Announcer) It's lovers turned rivals Holli, I am going to mop the floor with you and your face.

(Announcer) As Holli, the banquet Chef from redlands, California I will do whatever it takes to win.

(Announcer) Takes on Jay, the executive Chef from Boston.

I feel like it should be a slam dunk.

(Announcer) Their former competitors are back to help.

[Holli laughs]

Jay, we're gonna blow your ass out the water.

(Announcer) But at dinner service Let's go, you guys! (Announcer) It seems that old dogs still can't learn new tricks.

I have a problem.

(Jay) She was not giving me a good sense that she had a clue.

Nilka, don't bring me up crap.

(Announcer) And when returning Chefs try to take over the kitchen I got it.

I got it.

I'll be more than willing to step up.

Next pickup: Two lobster, three steak.

I've got this.

I know what I'm doing.

It's not hard.



(Announcer) All hell breaks loose.


You know what, bitch You're gonna [Bleep]

Me, dude.

What's going on? Oh, hallelujah.

(Announcer) Who will win Hell's Kitchen May the best Chef win.

That's me.

(Announcer) And the dream job with Chef Ramsay in London? I'm scary confident.

Find out next time 1 It's your whole entire future right in front of you.

2 (Announcer) On the thrilling conclusion This is the biggest moment of my life.

(Announcer) Of Hell's Kitchen.
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