07x12 - 5 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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07x12 - 5 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) Previously on Hell's Kitchen The chefs celebrated becoming To the final six.

This is where it gets really tough.

(Announcer) and were challenged to come up with dishes that not only tasted great, but looked great as well.


(Announcer) Jay was overconfident.

The only way I'm gonna lose this competition is if I make myself lose.

Thank you.

(Announcer) But it was Ben who was the star of the first individual challenge.


Fine, I didn't get first, but fifth? (Announcer) He was rewarded with a makeover and a photo sh**t.

(Woman) You look like a rock star.

(Announcer) But back at Hell's Kitchen, Jay turned his attention to Holli.

Holli, you should probably polish the wood, no? (Jay) I have two goals in Hell's Kitchen, and one is to sleep with Holli.

(Holli) Jay, you spray, I'll polish.

(Announcer) At dinner, Holli impressed on appetizers (Gordon) Very nice, those potatoes.

- Thank you, Chef.

(Announcer) and Jay got flustered on garnish.

- Where are you, Jay?
- The oh, for the Wellington? (Announcer) But when Ed failed on fish
- Ed!
- Yes, Chef? Fifth time.

It's still [bleep]

raw! (Announcer) and Ben failed to communicate (Gordon) You're not talking to any one again.

- Open up and start talking!
- Yes, Chef.

(Ben) I was a mess out there.

I thought I was gonna start crying.

Disappointing your idol sucks.

What are we doing? Ed and Benjamin! (Announcer) Chef Ramsay removed his two biggest problems.

You and you, get out! (Announcer) At elimination, the chefs nominated Autumn and Ed, and Chef Ramsay made a fast decision.

Ed, you're disintegrating, big boy.

(Announcer) So Ed left Hell's Kitchen, and his dream of becoming head chef at Chef Ramsay's new restaurant at the Savoy Hotel in London went up in flames.

[The Ohio Players' "Fire"]


Uh, uh.



Woo woo woo woo.

The way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child.

Yes, it does.

The way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees, 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby.

Woo woo woo.

The way you push, push, lets me know that you're goo

You're gonna get your wish.

Oh, no, fire.

What I said, child.





(announcer) And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

It's time, individually, to show me why you're worthy of being in the final five.

Now, [bleep]

off with you, yeah? (Jay) Ugh, I can't believe she squeaked by again.

It makes me [bleep]


I don't understand how Autumn is still here.

She's such a deadbeat.

(Jason) Autumn got more lives than a cat.

I'll say.

You want me to tell you the worst thing? Does she do anything good? I don't see Autumn improving.

She's annoying, and she's not a good cook.

She tries to get away with as little work as possible.



(Autumn) All I can do is keep being perfect and try my best, and that's all I can do.

That's all you really can do.

(Autumn) I might look like I don't know what I'm doing, but I do.

People think that I can't win, and I don't deserve to be here, and that I don't have any skills, and they're just wrong.

I'm gonna cuss those guys out after I win the challenge tomorrow.

(Announcer) As a new day begins, each of the chefs is looking for any opportunity
- to stand out.

- Let's go.

(Announcer) But today's challenge does not start at the restaurant but at a high
-end market.

Good morning.

Welcome to Owen's Market.

When you're a head chef, not only do you have to leave the kitchen, but what you have to think about is costs and being profitable.

You have to create dishes that start off with a basic product, and you end up charging a high
-end price for it.

(All) Yes, Chef.

So each of you have a whopping $10 Yeah? Use this money wisely.

You will have ten minutes.

Select the most amazing ingredients.

You've got one stunning dish
- to be created from that.

(All) Yes, Chef.

Off you go.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay has chosen a market known for its fresh local produce and quality meat and seafood.

(Jay) How much are these? Thank you.

(Jay) In my restaurant, I am responsible for my own pricing.

One nice piece of lamb chop I am very good at hitting food costs and making sure things are charged appropriately.

This is, like, the epitome of what I do.

Yeah, I'll take that, please.

Thank you.

The small lamb rib chop at the top $3.

25? Thank you very much.

I got a lamb loin with provencal vegetables.

The food I cook is fresh food.

We keep it simple.

We keep it beautiful.

Two minutes to go, guys.

- Veal.

You can cut it in half?
- Uh

This challenge is about value.

Veal is something that people love, don't get to order very often, and it's expensive.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.


I'm just looking around trying to figure out what the [bleep]

I'm gonna use.

I just had the vision of kumquats, five
-spice tuna, grabbing something else, seeing how that would fit in, and just to keep it under budget.

Oh, my God, look at that.

Oh, wow, that's special.

I'm thinking buying something cheap is better.

I did find some frozen ravioli.

It wasn't very costly.

(Gordon) Count how may items you've got in your basket.

Then start paying for it Let's go, guys.

Thank you much.

I didn't see a price on the bacon.

Wow, I have to put this back for sure.

This is a stick

I need everything for free.

There we go, baby.

No whammies.

(Man) Your total is $9.


All right.

(Announcer) The chefs now have thirty minutes to take their $10's worth of ingredients and make a profitable fine
-dining dish.

What the [bleep]

is wrong with this? (Holli) My dish has a ton of different flavors in it.

To actually get them to all tie in together, that's where it got tricky.

Okay, guys, fifteen minutes to go.

Oui, Chef.

Let's go.

Uh, whoops.

Excuse me.

Right behind.

Spill, spill, spill.

Let me get a towel down.


I got a strategy: Win.

Definitely I know how to cook and prepare a decent meal for cheap.

I strongly believe I can win this thing.

When I saw Jason's store
-bought ravioli, I was thinking to myself, well, at least I won't be last.

(Gordon) Five minutes to go.

Holli, reaching.

I need a sizzle.

I want to win the challenge today.

And I will prove Ben and Jay wrong.

Thirty seconds.

Excuse me.

(Gordon) Five, four, three, two, one, and stop.

To help me judge this challenge, I've brought in three experts.

These three all know how much it takes to run a successful business.

Judge number one Please welcome one of the country's premiere restaurateurs, yeah, who has twenty
-eight restaurants on the West coast.

(Jay) Before Chef even said his name, I knew who he was.

Chef Splichal is the most amazing chef.

Patina in L.


is one of the best restaurants in the city.

The man himself, Joaquim Splichal.

- Hey, Chef, good to see you.

- How are you? (All) Good morning, Chef.

Good morning.

Right, next up, the deputy editor for Saveur magazine.

Please welcome Dana Bowen.

Dana, nice to see you, my darling.

- Nice to see you.

- Welcome.

Good to see you.

And finally, the general manager at my own restaurant, the London, West Hollywood, Vern Lakusta.

- Vern, good morning.

- Good morning, Gordon.

Welcome, welcome, welcome excellent.

(Gordon) Now our judges are gonna taste all of your dishes, and then they're going to give me a price that they'd be willing to pay for that dish.

The chef with the highest average price is gonna win this challenge.

- Yes? (All) Yes, Chef.


Jay, bring your dish up.

This is lamb, which I crusted in fried pita bread, fresh herbs.

And then underneath it, just sort of a simple take on a Greek salad some Greek feta, cherry tomatoes, kalamata olives.

Yeah, the pita was a great idea.

Thank you.

- Jay, spot on.


- Thank you, Chef.

- I love what you did with the pita bread.

- Thank you.

- And you did this all for $10, right?
- $8.


- Wow.

That's pretty impressive.

- That's pretty impressive.

I loved it.

The spices, along with the fresh herbs, you get a really nice interplay there.

I thought the presentation was great, the flavors were great.

- Definitely a good winner.

A very good dish.

- Thank you.

What would you be happy to pay for that dish, please? Vern.

- $28.


- $28?
- Yeah, $28.

- Thank you.

I'd be happy to pay $30.

- $30?
- Yeah, yeah.

The average price for Jay's dish was $28.


- Well done, well done, well done.


- Thank you.

Jason, come on down.

Explain to our judges exactly what it is, please.

What I've done here is pan
-seared tilapia, langoustine shrimp.

I had purchased some roasted eggplant ravioli that I thought was nice.

- So you bought the raviolis?
- Yes, Chef.

(Jay) The second Jason said he bought the raviolis, Done Out for the count.

Didn't matter how good his dish was, you have that most beautiful store with the freshest, best ingredients, and you buy raviolis.

It it sometimes he doesn't think.

I'm not excited by the idea of going to a restaurant and eating a prepared ravioli.

You don't know how the raviolis are
- because you take a risk there.

- Right.

I don't see much more than $18 on that dish.

(Gordon) $18.

- I would have to say maybe $15.

- $15 as well.

That's an average price of $16.


The ravioli was clearly a bad move on my part, and I knew better.

My brain was thinking more about getting stuff cheap.

Okay, Ben, let's go.

I have a seared lamb loin chop with fondant potatoes, sauteed spinach with artichokes, and then red wine vinaigrette with provencal vegetables.

Is this a little bit a ratatouille idea? A little ratatouille, Chef.

- So Southern France
- Oui.

If you really thought about South of France, the ratatouille vegetables should be cooked together, because that's a very traditional recipe that exists for hundreds of years.

The vegetables are undercooked.

And these are flavors that I'm used to seeing together often.

And a little bit more on creativity would have been nice to see on that plate.

(Gordon) Vern, how was that for you? Presented well.

A little more searing.

But a good temperature on that meat.

I will say around $25 for that dish.

(Gordon) $25.


I would give it $25.

I'd say $25 as well.

- Thank you, Benjamin.

- Thank you, Chef.

Okay, average price for Benjamin's dish, $25.

(Benjamin) It sucks.

It sucks.

I don't think the dish was that bad.

(Gordon) Autumn, let's go.

- Presentation looks nice.

(Dana) Sure does.

I did a play on a New England boil.

There's some saffron crushed potatoes with a little bit of roasted corn.

And in place of the corned beef is a veal.

I've also got a horseradish mustard glaze.

I think the meat is beautifully cooked.

I love the fresh herbs.

- Really coming through.

I love this dish.

- Thank you.

I think the combination is quite good.

- You cooked the veal chop perfectly, rose.

- Thank you.

I love veal, I love corn, I love potatoes.

That's a dish that I would definitely order again.

- I'm gonna say $26.

(Gordon) $26.

- I'm $27.

- $27.

Oh, I'd be thrilled to pay $29.

Average price, $27.


Jay, still in the lead.


Autumn, well done.

(Autumn) So freakin' psyched.

$25, Ben.

Suck on these.

Okay, Holli.

Last one.

Let's go.


Good morning.

What I have here is a five
-spice seared ahi tuna.

And I seared it in the bacon fat to kind of bring, like, a heartiness to it.

And then I have a parsnip puree and kumquat sauce.

(Jay) I love Holli, but kumquats and bacon and parsnips and tuna? It doesn't even sound good.

A lot going on.

kumquats, five

That's bold.

Well, it's colorful, vibrant.

I'm getting a lot of contrasts.

The sauce is very bright, and it goes nicely with the tuna.

I'm not exactly sure how it goes with some of the hearty potato and bacon notes.

- Okay.

Thank you.

- I think the flavors are definitely there.

The parsnips puree, it really tastes good because the bacon gives it a salty flavor.

Yeah, spot on.


I love the flavors.

I love the bacon aspect.

Oh, yeah.

Bacon's always a good choice.


(Gordon) $27.

I think that the people get value for the dish.

Definitely it's a large portion.

I would pay $30 for the dish.

(Gordon) Dana? I, um [register bells chime]

(Announcer) In the profit margin challenge, Jay is currently in the lead.

The final judge's vote will determine the winner.

If Dana Bowen, the deputy editor of Saveur magazine, is willing to pay over $29 for the dish, Holli wins.

I think it's bold.

I'm excited by it.

I would say I would pay $32 for this.

Damn! Because there is a lot going on.

(Gordon) Holli, congratulations.

You have an average price of $29.


That beats Jay by $1.

- Well done, Holli.

- Thank you very much.

I'm feeling like I'm on cloud nine.

The best part about it is that everybody around me is realizing I'm a contender in this competition.

I'm just so happy I won.


Judges, thank you.

As always, an absolute pleasure.

- Thank you.

- Appreciate it.

Thank you very much.

- Appreciate your comments.

- Good to see you.

- Thank you, Vern.

Get back to work.

- I will.

Right, uh, losers, today's a special day in Hell's Kitchen because it's psst laundry day.


(Gordon) Ironing, steaming, starching the waiter's uniform.

And all our wonderful napkins and cloths.

- Holli
- Yes, Chef.

- is now Queen Holli.

- Yay.

You're gonna be spending a day at the ultra
-luxurious Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills [laughing]

at a private poolside cabana
- with Jean

- Whoa! After that, I want to give you $1,000 personally to go off and have fun at a kitchen supply store.

(Jason) I messed up once again.

That hurt.

I mean that too.

I like to shop.

I don't think it's fair that you spend all day alone with Jean

I think you should take one of your team.

Think very carefully on who you wish to take with you on that fabulous day.

- I'm gonna pick Jay.

- Thank you.

- Jay.

- He deserves a drink.

I was pretty psyched, you know, to spend quality time with Holli.

Holli and Jay, upstairs.

The rest of you, I'll call you for laundry, yes? I like my jackets not too stiff.

I'm going straight to get ready.

I'm not wasting any time.

I'm so thrilled.


I actually get to unwind and relax with Jay.

That's amazing.

I was hoping that you'd pick anybody but [bleep]


Like, oh, my gosh, if you pick Autumn I thought because of the shopping, she was gonna take Autumn.

But then I forgot how annoying Autumn is.

I'll pick out everything that needs to be buttoned.

You know what, my girl was involved with designing all the NBA apparel line the women's clothing.

(Benjamin) You know, Autumn always drives me crazy.

(Autumn) It's really about attitude, though.

Whenever she talks, she's annoying.

Did I ever tell you guys I was on Soul Train? Oh, God.

Is it still on, Jason? Look, you askin' the wrong person.

- Here they are.

- Hello.

(Holli) Jean
-Philippe is a sweet man.

Wow, you're not in a suit.

No, because I'm spending the day at the pool with you guys.

I think he's gonna ensure that we have a really good time.

(Holli) See you guys later.

Blue Jay, you suck.

Living the dream.

So that's why you picked him, because he was second.


- No other reason?
- And the blue hair.


(Holli) I think it'll be really fun with Jay.

You know, he's actually a really cool guy.

I like Jay.

It was a good dish.

So was yours.

- No, that's what I was talking about.

- Oh! Just kidding.

Yours was great.

Can we turn around, and can I pick somebody else? Good afternoon, welcome to the Peninsula, Beverly Hills.

- We'll go right this way.

- Thank you.

It's literally the most prestigious place in Beverly Hills It's amazing.

- Congratulations, Holli.

- You like the Peninsula? Congratulations on being second to me.

First loser.

Thank you.

So what's your background?
- My background
- Start when you were eleven.


I don't want to tell that story again.

- Um
- You know each other really well.


(Jay) All I could think of is why is Jean
-Philippe still here?
- Twenty
-four only?
- Mm

I went to culinary school.

Took a year off because I had a son.

- How old is the little one?
- Four.

- Four years old?
- Mm

And he lives with his dad.


What about you, Jay?
- Not married? Nothing like that?
- No.

No girlfriend.

He was saving himself for me.


Any more champagne, anyone? (Jean
-Philippe) Oh, we have questions.

Yes? Ah, well, it depends on what room or suite you're staying in.


Oh, my, well, I'm sure in that case we can I do.


Do you rent by the hour?
- A special rate.

- Oh, my God!
- Just kidding.

- Jay! We're not that type of hotel, so No.

We're not that type well, I'm not that type of person.

- Jay may be.

- Oh, my God.

- And the next course.

- Oh, wow.

This is love.

I would love for Jason and Autumn to see this.

(Andi) Here's your Spam sandwiches.


- Spam.


- Spam.

I ain't eating Spam.

Spam on white bread with mayo Yuck.

I would have eaten it if there was no mayo.

I just really just don't like mayo.

Never have.

I'll eat aioli.

You know, like a homemade, if I have to.

Or if it's on a dish or something, but You know, Autumn, she just talk too much.

That's all.

You know how in Atlanta a lot of customer service people aren't the brightest? This [bleep]

lasting for hours.

Just calm down.

What's happening what you think is happening is not happening.

It's amazing, ain't it? It's not happening.

It can't be happening.

Aah! You'll be somewhere, and like, I'm like, "No, that price is 232.

" [Holli laughing]

Let's go shop.

Pots and pans, yes.

Shopping at Surface is awesome.

They have everything you can possibly imagine.

And I had $1,000 to spend.

I'm so thrilled.


A wooden paddle.

It's a multi
-function paddle, Holli.

I think everything with you is multi

Will you buy me this?
- I'm serious.

- Grab it.

Hey, are you gonna buy anything for the rest of the team? [bleep]

the rest of the team.

Take these.

Can you take these as well, Jay? Thank you.

Oh, we could've bought a mini scoop! Enough.

Let's go.


I try to avoid clothing that has to be ironed.

I'm starting to lose it.

[Holli laughs]

I know your kind.

(Jay) You don't like nice people.

(Autumn) Why do you have a drink dispenser? Did you get a French press? No, I got a bunch of [bleep]

still in the car.

We're gonna be on the patio smoking cigarettes and drinking if you need us.


He's back.

(Jason) Holli and Jay, I think there's some chemistry between them.

I just think something's there between them.


-hour day.

Holli and Jay, I mean, I think there's a little energy there.

A little something going on.

A little somethin' somethin'.

They're both single.

You want another one? I'm okay for the next seven seconds.

(Autumn) I honestly don't think there's anything seriously going on between Holli and Jay.

I think that they had a good time.

And they had a few drinks
- assume the position.

- This is one of my favorites.

Maybe some minor flirtation back and forth.

I brought you guys towels.

(Autumn) Holy crap, this is going down.

Assume the position.

This is one of my favorites.

I brought you guys towels.

[Holli laughing]

(Autumn) Holy crap, this is going down.

Thanks, Autumn.

Good job.

Oh, my God, what a mess! Autumn, Autumn, Autumn.

This is gonna be awesome.


(Announcer) After an evening of relaxation Yesterday, for me, was like the best day I've had here.

(Announcer) the final five are ready to start prepping for Hell's Kitchen's twelfth dinner service.

- Good morning, chefs.

- Good morning.

Coming down, hot water.

(Benjamin) It's eleven o'clock right now.

We still need to work on the parmesano.

Yes sir.

That's what I'm doing.

See? [bleep]


Jason's horrible at prep.

I mean, he's so slow.

And just, I can't imagine him running a kitchen.

- Oh, [bleep]


- What's wrong? I forgot about the potatoes for the scallops.

Jason's a little slower than the rest of us during prep.

- You put anything in here yet?
- I seasoned it already.

He asks a lot more questions.

Are these pots the garnish?
- Garnish? Pots?
- Oh, no, no.

I think he's a couple steps behind everybody else.

Why are we so [bleep]

behind? [laughter]

All right, guys, let's go, quickly.


- Good afternoon.

(All) Good afternoon, Chef.

We need to come back tonight.

(All) Yes, Chef.

Tonight I'm gonna force you to communicate.

Here's what we're gonna do.

Each and every one of you are gonna switch stations constantly.

When I say change, it's change.

Chef Ramsay is switching everybody up.

It's gonna be challenging.

You really have to communicate, and man, you gotta have your A
-game tonight for real.


And Holli, the tuna with kumquats, absolutely delicious.

- That's going on the menu this evening.

- Yes, Chef.


Get on your sections.

Get set up.

(All) Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

All right, guys, we're ready, yes? (All) Yes, Chef.

- Yeah? Good.

- Right, Jean
- Chef.

Let's go open Hell's Kitchen, please.

(Announcer) In order to test the chefs' adaptability and communication skills I'm gonna try the filet of beef.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay will be forcing them to switch stations throughout dinner service.

- We're ready to go.

- Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Good, on order, four covers, table 12, guys, yes? (All) Yes, Chef.

- Do not go backwards.

- We're going forwards, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

Good luck.

Two scallops, two cappellini.

Entree, two tuna special, two Wellington.

(All) Yes, Chef.

- Let's go, guys.

- Yes, Chef.

- Two scallops, two cappellini.

- One minute.

- Jason, how long?
- Coming out in twenty seconds.

Okay, going up on garnish.

(Gordon) Nicely cooked, Jay.

- Thank you, Chef.

Scallops, please.

- You got scallops coming up?
- Yep.

- Scallops going right now.

- Okay.

Scallops, Chef.

- Jason.

- Yes, Chef.

I got one portion cooked beautiful Look and the rest are Look.

No color.

Just like [bleep]


- Hurry up.

Come on!
- Yes, Chef.

Jason's more of, like, a home style barbecue cook than someone who's gonna run the most amazing restaurant ever.

Come on, Jason.

That's it.

There you go, there you go.


Let's go, let's go.

(Gordon) Thank you.

What a [bleep]


- When they're not like that, don't bring them, okay?
- Yes, Chef, I won't.

What's next up? And now, two risotto, one scallops, one Dory.

First, look at me.

Everybody switch.

Let's go, this way.

Let's go.

- Come on, you guys.

Who's coming over here?
- Both of you over here.

- Switch! Switch! Come on.

- No, other way around, let's go.

That just needs tomato sauce.

This is just getting started.

Two halibut down the road.

Two halibut more? This is the only way to get you guys communicating.

- And it's gonna work, trust me.

- Yes, Chef.

Just open up and talk to each other.

(All) Yes, Chef.

- Are you listening? (All) Yes, Chef.

- Good.

Let's go.

- Okay
- What you got? You've got two Wellingtons.

How long they been in there?
- They've been in there eighteen minutes.

- Eighteen minutes.


- Jason.

- Yes, Chef.

How long for the two Wellington? Two Wellington, fourty
-five seconds.

We're not sending appetizers and entrees at the same time.

Get a grip, yes? Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

- Yes, Chef.


Oh, my God.

What's wrong? What's wrong.

Oh, [bleep]


They not ready.

There's no way those Wellingtons was in there eighteen minutes.

- They was raw when I cut 'em.

- Wellingtons please.

(Jason) Are you [bleep]

kidding me? Holli, she did not time her meat right.

It should have went in the convection with these.

How long for the two Wellington?
- They not
- Well, talk to me then! We'll just stop the table.

You can't just walk off in a huff.

- The minute you cut them, Jason
- Yes, Chef.

- and they're not ready, you gotta tell me.

- Yes, Chef.

We stop everybody else, Jason! Take the garnish back, Jay.

He's more interested about himself.

Holli just [bleep]

up everything.

It was ridiculous.


(Announcer) It's fourty
-five minutes into dinner service, and despite Jason's undercooked Wellingtons, food is going out to the dining room.

- The scallops are
- They're fabulous.

Oh, my God, this is so good.

(Announcer) Meanwhile, Benjamin, now on the fish station, is cooking Holli's challenge
-winning tuna.

Where's the tuna? Two tuna.

Yes, Chef.

You know, I really feel like tonight's the night that either I break out or I fail miserably.

Where's the tuna? (Benjamin) 'Cause I'm gonna really push it.

I'm gonna work hard.

- Holli.

- Yes, Chef.

Is that how you presented the [bleep]

tuna? No, Chef.

My tuna was raw inside.

Ben sent up tuna that was, like, [bleep]

well done.

Ben, the tuna is barely seared.

- That's cooked all the way through.

- Barely seared?
- It's a seared tuna!
- Yes, Chef.

I mean, somebody with his "technical abilities," he should have known that.

He better not mess with it.

I want it to go out perfectly.

- Come on, Benjamin, you've got to pull it back!
- Yes, Chef.

Go with the two Wellington, please, yeah? Come back with the two tuna.

I wish I could give you a time on when the next main course is gonna come out.

- Switch stations, guys, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

- Other way around.

Jay on the fish, let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

- You have two John Dory that are coming up right now.

- I got you.

Now you will [bleep]


Thirty seconds, guys.

Switching was a learning experience.

It takes you a second to get the feel for it.

It makes you really learn how to [bleep]


They have a ticket of John Dory first.

Then we have a ticket of risotto and scallops.

Two Dory.

Let's go.

Going up two Dory.

Two Dory, scallops right now, Chef.

Why is it all so dark? Jay, I want some finesse around this stuff.

Guys, it's not [bleep]

good enough.

Yes, Chef.

I don't want any butter in the [bleep]


I just want it nice and [bleep]


Don't get pissy with me.

Get what you [bleep]

even and come back and [bleep]

cook your [bleep]

ass off! I followed Ben into the fish station.

When I walked into fish, it was a mess.

I just was trying to cook.

It's really, really hard for me.

- You can't just stand there and go in a huff, big boy.

- Yes, Chef.

- Now it's time to [bleep]

bounce back a little bit.

- Yes, Chef.

How long on John Dory? (Jason) Through this whole competition, I looked at Jay as the one to beat.

How long on John Dory? But now that we coming to the end, Jay get yelled at.

He, you know, kinda [bleep]


How long on John Dory? Third time.

Oh, my God.

- I got one minute on two Dory and the scallop.

- Hurry.



One simple task switch sections, and we all [bleep]

start sinking.

Dory! Dory right now, Chef.

Go, please.


sorry about the delay.

- Look, everybody, switch! (All) Yes, Chef.

Whoever's on cold apps, Jason, this is you.

Three beef two medium
-well after that, okay? I'm screwed.

I have no idea.

Two Wellington, one duck, one tuna.

- Just send the four minutes to the window.

- Yes, Chef.

Come on, guys!
- Okay, how long on the tuna?
- You have two halibut.

- What?
- Two halibut.

No, that's not the order of the tickets.


Jay is not listening tonight.

Two Wellington, one duck, one tuna.

Yes, Chef.

One minute.

Searing my tuna.

Can you get it all together? I need a minute, guys.

I feel really good about the fact that I was really communicating through dinner service.

- Where's the two Wellington?
- Going up on Wellington! Tuna walking.

Let's go.

(Announcer) While Autumn's communication is helping get food out to the customers What's wrong? (Announcer) it's not all staying out.

- Coming back.

- Oh, [bleep]


Jay, two Wellington.

- Urgently!
- Yes, Chef.

How long on the Wellington? We've got fourteen minutes on the next Wellingtons.

- Fourteen minutes? Okay.

- Yeah.

Fourteen minutes? Are you serious? Okay, fourteen minutes on the re

Let's go.

Chef, two re
-fire Wellingtons.

Jay, you said fourteen minutes.

No, no, the next one.

Those are the re
-fire ones.

Oh, my God.

Garnish for the Wellington.

Let's go.

Garnish! Garnish, madam.

Oh, my God! (Announcer) It's an hour and fifteen minutes into dinner service.

You said fourteen minutes.

No, no, the next one.

Those are the re
-fire ones.

Oh, my God! (Announcer) And although there was a miscommunication on two re
-fired Wellingtons, Chef Ramsay is still looking for Holli to deliver the (Gordon) Garnish for the Wellington.

Let's go.

Garnish! Garnish, madam! Um, the garnish is not ready yet.



- Jay, are you doing this to make yourself look good?
- No, Chef.

So why can't you talk to her? "Re
-fire coming.

" I'm sorry, Chef.

I asked him, "How long on the re
-fire?" And he told me the wrong time.

So, you know, that really looks bad on me.

- Everybody switch sections.

- Yes, Chef.

What do you have? Two tuna, one chicken, one beef.

Talk to each other.

Wake up.

All right, Autumn, listen.

Chickens are all set.

- Fillets I just seared off.

- Okay.

- Okay?
- Thank you.

Wellington, let's go.

Where's the Wellington? I'm lost here, guys.

Jay really didn't let me know fully what was going on when I came onto the station.

He kind of just ran to the next station.

I had no idea what temperature any of my Wellingtons or my steaks were.

I've got medium

But I did the best I could under the circumstances.

- Autumn.

- Yes, Chef.

- That Wellington's cooked beautifully.

- Thank you.

(Announcer) Autumn was able to successfully take a handoff from Jay on the meat station.

- Scallops!
- Scallops.

(Announcer) And Holli is trying to get it together on the fish station.

(Gordon) Holli.

- Yes, Chef.

Very nicely roasted, those scallops, yes? Thank you, Chef.

(Announcer) While Holli gets a welcome compliment from Chef Ramsay (Gordon) Let's go.

(Announcer) she has an unwelcome guest on her fish station.

Seared scallops.

(Holli) Ben jumped onto my station.

I didn't ask for Ben's help.

You know, he likes to jump in without saying anything.

He just thinks he's a hero.

- Scallops.

- Scallops.

How long? Coming back.

Coming back.

Scallops, Chef.

- Ben.

- Yes, Chef.

Look, they're not cooked properly, and they're just like rubber.


Look, look.

No color, no sear.

Can I have a proper roasted scallop?
- With a bit of respect and a bit of care.

- Yes, Chef.

Come on, Benjamin.

The pan's hot, Chef.

Okay, spend one minute delegating the sections.

- Switch.

(Autumn) Yes, Chef.

I'm going on meats.

You're going on fish.

(Announcer) While the chefs once again are forced to adapt to their new stations
- Service, please.

- One halibut.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay continues to send food out to a fully booked dining room.

Service, please.

Table 20.

Let's go.

How's the halibut?
- Halibut over cooked?
- Way over cooked.

Yeah, way over cooked.

Table 11, the six

It just came out.

They're gonna eat the garnish, but the halibut's over cooked.

Who cooked that last six
-top? Jason, it was you.

(Autumn) Put another one on.

No, no, they don't want another one, okay? Yes, Chef.

Jason, he doesn't have the culinary skills.

- Ooh[bleep]


Damn it.

- It's obvious.

Two tuna, two beef.

Two minutes to the window.

- Let's go.

- Going with the Wellington.

Going up with the two tuna.

(Gordon) Talk to me, Benjamin.

Coming down.


Excuse me.


Hot pan.

Puree for the tuna.

He's not even talking to me now.

- Are you okay?
- He's not even talking to me.

I try to communicate, and it's hard to stay clear on each station and be, like, really vocal.

I'm talking in his ear and he's not even [bleep]

answering me.

But I was hustling.

I was [bleep]

hustling on that station.

(Jason) He going right now.

- All right.

Where's the halibut garnish? Ben tanked tonight.

He didn't meet up to anybody's standards.

Not his own and not Chef Ramsay's.

- Oh, just talk to me, Benjamin.

- Halibut garnish, Chef.

Put it down.

God, we're fine there, yeah? Three halibut, one tuna, two beef.

Two Dory, two truffle salad, yeah? Yes.

(Announcer) As Chef Ramsay leaves the kitchen for a quick moment (Scott) Tuna!
- Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) Sous
-Chef Scott steps in to keep the momentum going.

Hot sizzle platter, Chef.


(Scott) Wish I had the garnish for the tuna.

Garnish for the tuna, Chef.

(Announcer) And Benjamin unwisely decides this would be a good time to become a leader.

Next pickup, two chicken Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! (Announcer) Unfortunately for him, Chef Scott is not impressed.

You think for one minute you're gonna start [bleep]

running this pass? You may be a [bleep]

good cook,
- but you suck as a leader.

- Yes, Chef.

If you think you're gonna do my [bleep]

- I'll leave right now You think you can do it?
- No, Chef.

You think you can put up with all this [bleep]

- No, Chef.

- I know you can't.

Now get the [bleep]

over there, and don't ever come up to my pass again and try to take my [bleep]

place! (Announcer) It's two hours into dinner service, and Sous
-Chef Scott has been left in charge of the kitchen by Chef Ramsay.

Wish I had the garnish for the tuna.

Garnish for the tuna, Chef.

(Announcer) But Ben unwisely decides to take control.

Next pickup, two chicken Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Let me tell you something.

You think for one minute you're gonna start [bleep]

running this pass? You may be a [bleep]

good cook,
- but you suck as a leader.

- Yes, Chef.

If you think you're gonna do my [bleep]

- I'll leave right now You think you can do it?
- No, Chef.

You think you can put up with all this [bleep]

- No, Chef.

- I know you can't.

Now get the [bleep]

over there, and don't ever come up to my pass again and try to take my [bleep]

place! Holy crap.

I don't think Ben had a good night.

- You got it?
- Yes, Chef.

Get over there! Chef Scott ripped a [bleep]

you know, ripped my [bleep]

this big.

That totally sucked.

Last ticket.

Two tuna, two beef, man.

Two tuna, two beef.

(Holli) All right, got my beef?
- Er, beef?
- Beef's ready? (Jason) I know you're ready.

- Let's wait for garnish.

Yeah, let's wait
- Uh
- Let's go.

- You got two minutes.

(Holli) Two minutes.

- Ben, how you doing?
- Two tuna, two beef.

- Pot coming down.

- Okay, I'm behind.

Go, please.

Come back for the rest.

Come on, quickly.

(Gordon) Push out the desserts, Jay.

Switch off, yeah? (All) Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

And it's a wrap.

Any great chef can multitask.

I switched the sections, and each and every one of you switched off! If we are the best five, then why aren't we getting better? I think switching up to the different stations, and having to reset your mind kind of threw, you know, some for a loop.

Basically, what you're trying to say is it was too hard for you.

No, I'm not saying oh, no So who was it hard for? Help me out.

Honestly, I hate to say it, I think it was a little difficult for Ben.

And I think it caused Jay to close up.

(Gordon) Here's what I saw tonight.

One, two, three, four, five line cooks.

Go upstairs and think hard on which two are up for elimination.


Jason made me look stupid for no reason.

I have to retaliate.

You can't [bleep]

call me out and expect me just to take it like that.

I'm sorry, that's not gonna happen.

Let me ask you something, just for the sake of calling me out.

You think just because someone can call back two tuna they're a good cook? This is nothing personal.

Do you really want me to answer that? That's a dumb question.

I think it's [bleep]

up that you're gonna call me out and tell me that I don't communicate.

That's the only thing I'm saying.

I think you got a little quiet.

That's all.

You [bleep]

up just as much food as I did.

I said you got quiet.

Call me out because I didn't talk enough? Like that's what you're gonna beat me with? Oh, it's pathetic.

The only thing I said is that you got quiet in confrontation.

If you don't like that, then, Jay, you just don't like it.

- I don't like that.

- Well, [bleep]


- Can we go on, or
- Go ahead.

I have it in my head.

So I got all [bleep]

up on my appetizers because because they weren't pulled.

None of them were pulled.

The whole The [bleep]

garnishes were a mess too.

You think honestly.

Hold it stop!
- I'm not saying it was you.

- Thank you.

'Cause I know you ain't gonna say, in that amount of time did you see all that [bleep]

? So if you want to get nit
-picky, I think both of y'all was the quiet ones in the kitchen.

(Holli) Let's go to the next person.

Who's your next person? My next person is Autumn.

(Autumn) Ben doesn't like me, for whatever reason.

I'm completely a scapegoat in this situation.

But still, this is Ben.

He's starting to go down.

I've been like this.

That's what Chef Ramsay likes.

When I was taking over, I'm following behind Jay, my stations were just so messy when I got to them.

- Okay, so you're picking me.

- And Ben.

I'll go.

(Jay) I'm basically this strictly on who can run a hotel.

Autumn, I think you're on borrowed time.

I can't believe you're here.

Jason, I think you did good, but I don't think you're a phenomenal cook.

I think you're good at doing what people tell you to do.

Jay, the only reason you voted for me is 'cause I called you out about being quiet in service.

I'm picking Ben, because I think you just I think you really, really shut down,
- and I couldn't get you to
- On the garnishes? I'm just saying you shut down, and lack of communication.

And then the next You know, Jay didn't talk that much.

And then Jason could have been better.

To be honest, I wished Autumn would have [bleep]

up so I could have sent her out there.

I need a minute on the next one.

Ok Holli Who was the team's first nominee, and why, please?
- Ben.

- Why? He's had a few bad services lately, and lack of communication.

It was just a complete shutdown.

Second nominee? Who is it? (Announcer) Chef Ramsay has asked the final five to put two chefs up for elimination.

Their first nominee is Benjamin.

Holli, second nominee? Who is it? Jason.


Why? (Holli) Lack of culinary skills.

Slowness during prep.

Nobody thinks that he could actually run a restaurant.

Benjamin, Jason, step forward.

Jason, what haven't I seen so far in Hell's Kitchen? Total leadership.

Total control of the entire kitchen.

Why have you not managed to instill confidence in your team? It has nothing to do with culinary.

I think it's more personal.

And if that's the way that they feel, that's fine.

And if you think I'm the weakest chef here, then I respect your decision.

But that right there, [bleep]


Bottom line.

(Gordon) Benjamin Why can't you cook, talk, and listen at the same time? I think when it gets busy, I over think cooking.

And I need to just cook.

Here's the thing When you're under pressure, you you clam up.

I thought I did a good service.

You thought you did a good service? Really? The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Jason.

- Listen to me.


- Yes, Chef.

(Gordon) You haven't finished in this industry yet.

Thank you.

- Best wishes.

- Yes, Chef.

- Jason!
- Yes, Chef.

Those Wellingtons are perfectly cooked.

Jason, you smiled again for the third time today.

I'm happy.

(Jason) I'm proud of myself.

From the first dinner service up until my last dinner service, I elevated every time.

I'm not the weakest up in there.

That ain't [bleep]

me! Being here this long has made me truly a better chef, a better person, and a better leader.

Is Jason gonna win Hell's Kitchen? Yes.

I know something else is out there for me.

And being here was probably the catapult for that thing to happen.

But I loved the experience.

It was great.

Once in a lifetime.

Ups and downs, highs and lows.

It was wonderful.

But I'd never do [bleep]


Tomorrow, big day, guys.

Each and every one of you are gonna be tested in a completely different way.

Sleep on that.

Good night.

(Benjamin) I have never been so relieved in my life, but now I am gonna [bleep]

k*ll service.

I'm gonna [bleep]

k*ll it.

I know I can do it.

There's no [bleep]

doubt in my mind.

(Holli) It feels amazing to still be here.

But you never know what tomorrow's gonna bring.

You're never safe, but at least I know I'm safe for tonight.

(Jay) Here I am, down to the final four.

You know, I need to win this at this point I have to win.

Failure is not an option for me.

(Gordon) Jason was good enough to make it to the final five, but he just didn't instill the confidence I needed to see to be my head chef.

(Announcer) Next time on Hell's Kitchen, It's down to the final four.

(Benjamin) I could win this competition easily.

I don't have any friends here.

(Announcer) The men make a pact to get rid of the women.

I want to [bleep]

bury those girls.

I have every intention of making them look silly.

I'm ready.

(Announcer) But with so much at stake I can't even comprehend it.

(Announcer) double
-crossing I didn't [bleep]


He [bleep]


- Autumn.

(Announcer) and deceit
- Are you doing that to sabotage her?
- Absolutely not.

(Announcer) Rule the day.

- Time is running out for you! (Announcer) And when a relationship goes too far It seemed like, you know, a marriage proposal.

But I don't really want to live in L.


Let's look in London, okay? That just brought it to a whole new level.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay steps in.

I'm gonna do something I've never, ever done before in Hell's Kitchen, ever! (Announcer) And two chefs have to make the most difficult decision of their lives.

- Tell me what to do.

- It's your choice, Jay.

(Announcer) Next time on a very emotional episode (Holli) I love him.

(Announcer) of Hell's Kitchen.
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