07x05 - 12 Chefs Compete Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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07x05 - 12 Chefs Compete Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) Previously, on Hell's Kitchen (Gordon) Congratulations.

(Announcer) The men won another challenge.

Men, well done.

(Announcer) But just barely.

Had that duck been cooked perfectly, you would have won.

Agh! You want to die! (Announcer) And the women had to prep both kitchens.

Rats! (Announcer) Leading to a major Maria meltdown.


Chef Ramsay is gonna be so upset.

He's gonna eat us alive.

(Announcer) At dinner service Get your game faces on.

(Announcer) the chefs set out to prove they have what it takes Let's win this [bleep]

tonight, guys.

(Announcer) to be head Chef at Gordon Ramsay's new restaurant in London's Savoy Hotel.

Whoo! (Announcer) In the red kitchen Nilka, that Wellington's cooked beautifully.

Thank you, Chef! (Announcer) Nilka delivered on the meat station.

I rocked that [bleep]


(Announcer) But Siobhan was lost on appetizers.

I've got lobster in the [bleep]


Oh, yeah, that is lobster.

(Announcer) And Autumn failed on the fish station.

Where's the salmon? Ready, Chef! You handle fish like you're a [bleep]


(Announcer) In the blue kitchen, Salvatore had his best service yet.

(Gordon) Salvatore! Salmon cooked perfectly! Thank you, Chef! (Announcer) While his friend and mentor, Scott, had his worst.

That's [bleep]

rare! You're [bleep]

miles off! (Announcer) Both teams finished service.

Well done.

Switch off.

(Announcer) Salvatore and Nilka each had to nominate a teammate for elimination.

I chose Autumn.

My decision is Scott.

Both of you, take your [bleep]

jackets off.

(Announcer) But Chef Ramsay took the opportunity You are in the blue team.

You, get in the red team! (Announcer) to give Scott and Autumn a chance to rebound on new teams.

Now I'm gonna come out to play.

- Make it count.

- Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

[The Ohio players' "Fire"]


Uh, uh.



The way you walk and talk really sets me off, to a fuller love, child.

Yes, it does.

The way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees, 'cause I'm smokin', baby.


The way you push, push, lets me know that you're good.


Oh, y'all.


What I said, child, ow.




(announcer) And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

(Jason) What's up, blue? [laughing]

Where are you? I really thought, after elimination, we'd all hug Autumn, but she was already in with the boys.

You're blue already? As if she was never on our team.


So she doesn't come back to see us? Welcome aboard.

Happy to be here, guys.

It was definitely a bit of a shock switching to the red team.

So my approach is gonna change a bit.

I'm gonna stop trying to help other people out.

We're gonna be a team, right, that's it?
- Yeah.

- All right? I'm gonna try and help Scott out now.

I'm with you guys now, so we [bleep]

k*ll it.

We're going to.

(Announcer) It's 7:15 in the morning Everybody up.

Gather around.

(Announcer) and sous chefs Scott and Andy have an announcement.

I have these outfits for you here.

- Get dressed, okay?
- Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) And the chefs think they know what's in store for them.

Uh, we're butchering.

You guys are dressed up like butchers for a reason.

I kind of feel like we're going to a slaughterhouse.

You eat an animal, you might as well k*ll one.

I mean, I'm not too worried about that.

Come on, guys, let's go.

Move it.

Quick, come on.

(Maria) Pigs.

- Aww.

- They're cute.

They're so damn cute.

- Let's go.

- Oh, my God.

Oh, no.

[pigs squealing]

Has anyone ever butchered a pig before? (All) No, Chef.

It's an easy process.

I'm looking in the pen, and the pigs just playing.

They don't know they gonna die today.

[pigs squealing]

Honestly, I'm not gonna make you butcher the pigs today, okay? All of you will be in there grabbing a pig.

We're gonna have to catch a pig.

On that pig will be a collar with an ingredient.

- Is that clear? (All) Yes, Chef.

Okay, let's go.

(Announcer) In the pen, there are six collars with pork cuts and six collars with side ingredients.

The Chefs must race to catch what they think are the best ingredients.

(Gordon) On your marks, get set, off you go!
- Go, go, go, go!
- Come on, Nilka, go! (Announcer) Each team must grab three pork cuts and three side ingredients that they will pair up and cook with afterward.

- Go! (Gordon) What did you get? Pork chop, Chef.

(Announcer) With pork being one of the most versatile meats to work with, Chef Ramsay is using this challenge to test the Chef's adaptability and creativity.

(Woman) Hurry, Nilka, you've already got one in!
- Pick it up!
- Oh, my God.

Whew! I'm like, "Me, me! I wanna go first.

" Get in there, they're fast, they're slick, I'm out of breath.

I'm like, oh, my God.

(Autumn) Get bacon, get bacon.

Get bacon, bacon.

Oh, my God! Damn bacon! [shouting and squealing]


I was trying to get bacon, but the bacon was too damn fast.

[pigs squealing]

You've got bacon! Faster, faster! Pick it up! [squealing]

- Nilka, you have to get one.

- Gotta get him! Nilka, just pick one up! We're gonna get stuck with like [bleep]

pig ass or something.

(Announcer) As Nilka struggles to catch a pig It's hot, and you [bleep]

stink! (Announcer) The blue team is snatching up the best ingredients.

Come on, Ben! Grab him! Just grab him! [cheers]


What do you got? I don't know.

It's blood sausage.

Blood sausage.

(Announcer) After Nilka's less
-impressive selection, blood sausage, Siobhan dives in.


Ohh! Would have gotten all six pigs if I had to.


Well done.

(Announcer) And the red teams grabs whatever they can get their hands on.

What'd you get? I don't even know.

Prunes, we got prunes.

Prunes? It doesn't sound the most appetizing.

But I'm confident we can make it pop.


What is it, Holli? (Jason) Come on, Autumn! Come on, baby, let's go! Come on, Autumn, your first act on the blue team! [squealing]

- Cabbage.

- Cabbage.

Good job, Autumn.

(Gordon) Come on, Scott! That's him! That's him! Come here! (Announcer) With only two collars left, it's up to Maria and Salvatore to grab the final ingredient for their team.

Come, hog! [teammates shouting]

Yeah! (Ed) Sal, get him!
- Just get him!
- Boinky
-boinky! Grab 'em! They won't bite! [indistinct shouting]

(Fran) Yeah, Maria! (Jason) Superman, go! Go, superman, go!
- Good job, good job.

- Good job, Sally! What are you worrying about?
- I didn't want to hurt him.

- You ain't gonna hurt him.

He's still a baby.

Right, now that you caught your pigs, discuss amongst you which is the best ingredient to go with your cutlet of pork, yes? Quickly, let's go.

You want to do the loin and the bok choy? Make it like a sweet and sour or something or That's a great idea.

You two together, you two together, and us two together.

We're gonna do, like, a nice sausage, and we're gonna garnish it with prunes.

It's the best thing.

Now you get to cooking.

See you back down in the kitchen in five minutes, yes? (All) Yes, Chef.

Hurry it up! (Announcer) After a fast cleanup Let's go! Okay, guys, fourty
-five minutes from now.

(Announcer) the teams begin their work in pairs, creating three stunning pork dishes.

How we doing on that pork? Okay? Looking good.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay is expecting the teams to match the appropriate side ingredient with the right cut of pork.

That's not done.

Make sure it's cooked through.

That's all.

I haven't worked with any of the ladies yet on the red team, so it might be important for me to just kind of stand back.

I'll take control of the soup completely.

Kind of sit back and watch how everybody works.

How are you guys doing over there on the prunes? You gonna try and fry them? Okay.

That's brilliant.

Scott's definitely got a little bit of Autumn in him.

I'd say take it out now, wrap it in foil, let it rest.

- I say another minute.

- Do another minute then.

He needs to stop trying to put his two cents into everything.

Scott, are you running the red team now? I'm just offering advice, Chef, that's all.

(Announcer) While Scott is quickly making a name for himself on the red team, over in the blue kitchen, Autumn already has a nickname.

Where are you guys' tasting spoon? Right now, I'm an outsider.

They don't know me very well.

Anyone see the tasting spoon? I just have to get comfortable with my team, and I think we'll be able to work together really well.

I'm gonna make a honey mustard, then.

Well, just a little bit of mustard? It'll be really tasty.

(Announcer) While Autumn gets shot down by her partner Jason, the team of Fran and Nilka It's so mushy! (Announcer) have a problem of their own.

Is it supposed to be mushy? Yeah.

I've never cooked with blood sausage.

Fran never cooked with blood sausage.

It was all nasty and brown and black looking.

Where's your sausage at, guys? In the oven.

Pull it out real quick and just make sure it's not blowing up.

Oh, [bleep]

me! It just bust.

You're supposed to prick it before you cook it.

Damn it! Last minute, guys! I'm so not happy with this.

Beautiful, beautiful.

Go go, go, go, go.

Wipe your rim, Fran! Here, Fran! (Gordon) Three, two, one! Stop! Okay, let's go.

(Announcer) Up first, Nilka and Fran's dish will face off against Benjamin and Ed's.

What's your dish? We have the blood sausage with a prune puree.

Already, you look negative.

I'm not pleased with the plate.

That's why I don't look happy.

I'm really, really not.



Who in the [bleep]

chose prune with blood sausage? Talk to me, red team! You're gonna do like a nice sausage, and we're gonna garnish it with prunes.

It's the best thing.

(Fran) It was his decision to put those items onto the plate.

And Scott's trying not to own up to it.

And it went completely wrong.

Understatement of the year.

I knew it.

I'd just rather had went up there with an empty plate like, "Voila, Chef.

" That's a [bleep]


Doh! All right, Benjamin.

What is that? Pan
-roasted pork loin, rissoled with thyme, star anise, and baby bok choy.

The dish that we did was a beautiful dish.

The pork was [bleep]


That was delicious.

Just phenomenal.

I mean, I would have made love to it right there.

Absolutely delicious.

Thank you, Chef.

Well done.

-nil for the blue team.

Right! Holli, Jason, let's go.

(Announcer) Next up, Holli and Siobhan try to even the score as their dish squares off against Jason and Autumn's.

Jason, let's start with you.

What is that? It's a honey
-glazed bacon, Chef, with honey slaw.

Bacon? How is it cooked? We crisped it up in the pan lightly and glazed it with some honey, Chef.

Tastes nice.

Thank you, Chef.

However With the honey in the slaw, it's too sweet.

No mustard in there to sort of counteract the sort of the level of sweetness going on.

I said to Jason, "I should use mustard.

" I'm gonna make like a honey mustard, then.

I should have done it.

It was the one thing missing from my dish.

What is that? Okay, we have a fennel
-crusted pork tenderloin with a sweet
-sour apple.

And then a mustard sauce.


The pork tenderloin is cooked perfectly.

And on that basis, yeah, well done, red team.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Thank you, Chef.

Okay, Maria and Jay, let's go.

(Announcer) With the score tied at one, it's Maria and Scott's dish versus Jay and Salvatore's.


Jay, what is that? It's a Latin
-rubbed pork loin chop served over some pinto beans.

Who cooked the pork?
- I did, Chef.

- Tastes nice.

Thank you, Chef.

Maria, what is that? You know, when we had sweet potato, I was, like, sweet potato soup, ham hock, and then we do it like a honey
-infused the oil.

We put another pan over it and let it, like, pressure cook, like, one sprig, again, with the thyme, just like let it kind of marinate.

Not like a lot at all.


(Maria) I don't know, maybe I talk a little too much.

I don't know if it's just flat
-out a lack of self

That was the first thing I thought.

I was like, ham hock, gotta braise it.

Gotta do some sort of soup, and It's outrag look at me right now.

I can't even stop myself.

Nice soup.

The winning dish Congratulations! (Announcer) The score is tied in the pork challenge, and it all comes down to Jay's pork chop and Maria's sweet potato soup.

Maria, congratulations! 'Cause you just screwed your team.

Listen to me.

I asked for the ham hock as the main ingredient.

And you're serving me a sweet potato soup garnished with spoon of ham hock.

Blue team, congratulations.

Back in line.



I'm an idiot.

Okay, punishment.

On the back of losing that challenge, you're gonna be getting down and dirty.

Andy, bring in the overalls, please.

You're definitely gonna need those.

Why? 'Cause those pigs outside, they need a good, nose
-tail clean.

- Is that clear? (All) Yes, Chef! Okay, blue team, congratulations, yeah? We've got something very special planned for you all.

Uh, Scott, please bring in their robes.

Thank you, Chef.

Whilst the losers will be cleaning all the mud off those beautiful pigs, all of you will be getting into the mud.

You're going to the Glen Ivy Hot Springs.

This spa is amazing, okay? Enjoy it.

Get upstairs.

I'll call you back in five minutes.

Thank you, Chef.

(Nilka) I told you I wasn't happy with that [bleep]


I was so mad.

I'm embarrassed that I actually put something like that out.

So was I.

(Fran) The red team I thought was on a comeback.

And it kind of sucks to lose again, I gotta tell you.

This [bleep]

is so stupid.

You know, we keep taking it as a positive when we lose, but today hurt.

I think today hurt the most out of all of them.


Oh, man.

All right, guys, grab the pigs.

Bring them in.

Wash them.

Who wants to get washed first? Hey, little guy.

[pigs squealing]

(Announcer) While the red team chases down their punishment the blue team arrives at their spa reward.

The Glen Ivy Hot Springs was just straight
-out beautiful.

It was crazy.

It just looked like a place, you know, the celebrities go and hang out.

I can't wait to get a massage.

My muscles have been k*lling me.

My back was aching.

And the spa day that is right up my alley.

(Jay) I've never been to a spa before.

"The Grotto.

" The Grotto may have been the gayest thing I've ever done in my entire life.

Right over here with Megan.

(Jay) We had four girls paint us with some kind of seaweed wrap stuff.

Okay, Sal! [laughter]

And then we sat down and talked for a while.

Hey, I kind of like it.

Ah, you like it, huh? (Jay) And then we showered together.

This was a good challenge to win.

Yeah, this beats pigs any day.

The squealing, it's so high

Sounds like a pig horror movie.


Calm him down! [squealing]

- Mine's mean!
- Whoo! Angry one.

Wow! I haven't heard a noise like that.

Oh, my God!
- What do I do?
- Relax.


You're okay.

What about its butt? Whew! Check it out.

I definitely feel welcome on the blue team.

I'll be one of the boys faster than they'll know it.

Oh! (Ed) I could sit here all day.

Autumn's gonna be a nice addition to the blue team.

I think she'll gel just fine.

If my wife sees this [laughing]

she's gonna be a little jealous.

I would rather have her than Scott.


Autumn, so far, we're one with you on our team.


(Announcer) After the blue team returns to the dorm, the chefs have a rare moment of down time in Hell's Kitchen to get to know each other better.

You just wait until I tell you my story.

Salvatore is definitely the Italian Dr.


People like to talk to him.

Tell a secret that you have in your closet.

He seems to get things out of people that you would never think in a million years.

Go, baby.

I have, probably, the biggest porn collection out of anybody I know.

I don't know [laughter]

- We need to talk.

- Yeah.


No, I made I've made porn with peop significant others.

You see, it's coming out.

I'm taking you in the right it's never been aired anywhere, that I know of.

I I I'm at a loss for words, and that usually doesn't happen.

All right, I'll tell you my story.

(Salvatore) Go, baby.

I used to work somewhat topless and somewhat nude.

My name was Shannon or Shannon Marie, or S&M was my nickname.

And I used to do fetish balls and Like you tied up people? [imitates whip cracking]

There's be dominatrix stuff.

There'd be S&M stuff.

I like S&M.


Get downstairs.

(Fran) We learned a lot of interesting things tonight.

You just say, you know, these are chefs.

Chefs are not the typical personality.

And I would be completely nude and have body paint on me and stuff.

Get the pastry brush.

Get the barbecue sauce.


(Announcer) It's a new day in Hell's Kitchen, and with tonight being the fifth dinner service, Chef Ramsay has decided to test the chefs in a way he's never done before.

Okay, tonight, it's the first time ever that Hell's Kitchen is going barbecue.

I love to cook barbecue, and I think that it's awesome that we're serving barbecue food in a fine dining atmosphere.

Let's go, in the kitchens.

Up! (All) Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) With a brand
-new menu to master, and only eight hours before the doors open, the chefs get to work.

Rack it out, rack it out.

We gotta get this done, you guys.

Did we find the lime butter? Never thought I'd be cooking collard greens here, boy.

Just like home, honey? Baked beans, pulled pork.

Gonna be the most intense barbecue restaurant in the world.

I know, right? If I learn how to do this right, think I'm gonna go open up a barbecue place.

(Announcer) While the blue team jokingly maps out Benjamin's future, Nilka is seriously getting ahead of herself.

Chicken is frying perfect.

(Gordon) Oh, come on.

Why are we frying chicken off already? Come here, all of you.

Bring me that tray of chicken that's fried off.

This is a barbecue evening, yes? Not a fast food joint.

We haven't even got an order on yet, and you've fried half the [bleep]


You're [bleep]

yourselves before you even start! (Announcer) It's three hours until opening and the chefs are preparing for the first
-ever fine dining barbecue night.

And Nilka is prepared.

We haven't even got an order on yet, and you've fried half the [bleep]


(Announcer) But not in a good way.

Look what you're doing to yourselves.

You're [bleep]

yourselves before you even start.

There's a whole bloody screaming match about the [bleep]


I can't [bleep]

take it.

They don't even do that in fast food [bleep]

- Come on, Nilka.

- Yes?
- You start sulking.

- I'm good.

Not like a petulant teenager.

I'm good, Chef.

(Announcer) With dinner service rapidly approaching, Chef Ramsay has a last
-minute problem.

The demand for tonight has been extraordinary.

We're overbooked.

So we'll do a double seating.

Whilst the blue team is serving, the red team is cooking.

Then we'll switch it around.

- Got it? (All) Yes, Chef! Let's go! (All) Yes, Chef!
- Jean

- Yes, Chef? Open Hell's Kitchen for barbecue night.

(Announcer) Tonight, Chef Ramsay has replaced the regular menu with upscale barbecue dishes, including smoked ribs, a kobe beef burger, and crab hushpuppies.

We have a really exciting menu.

Some really fabulous barbecue.

(Announcer) For first of tonight's two seatings, the red team will be in the kitchen, and they will have two hours to serve the entire dining room.

- Chef, order up.

- Thank you.

- Excellent, bring it.

- Thank you, Chef.

Two crab, one shrimp, one salad.

You don't like it, I'll bring it right back to you.


Where's the crab? I'm going on crab.

(Gordon) Let's go! Maria, they're raw.

They're raw.

Look what you're doing.

It's not undercooked.

It's [bleep]

raw! Come on, one crab, urgently! [bleep]


Maria, I need two more crab on top of the one you got.

I know.

[whispered scream]

We've completely stopped the kitchen for a hush puppy.

I need the crab! Can you just give me an answer? Thirty seconds, four days? How long on those hush puppies? Somebody answer me.

How long on the crab? It's not down.

Okay, well Don't "Mmm" me! (Announcer) While Maria struggles with the crab hush puppies, Salvatore is hoping that tonight's performance in the dining room will go a little more smoothly than his last one.

Second time in my life being, uh, dining room.

- So I kind of
- Really? Cool.


First time I was there, it was a bad experience for me.

Show me.

Oh, my God.

What is that? Are you writing in Japanese? Let's go.

Oh, [bleep]


What is that there? What does that say? What what
- you went to school, right?
- No, Chef.

You didn't go to school?
- No, Chef.

- What were you doing? Came to America because my f family needed me, needed money.

So what were you doing when you didn't go to school? Working every day, Chef, to feed to help my father and my mom's bills.

Thank you for being honest.

I've always been honest, Chef.

Just take your time.

Look at that.

(Announcer) Despite poorly
-written tickets coming in, Fran is pushing her teammates to get food out.

Guys, I'm ready.

Are you ready? How's those crabs?
- You put 'em here?
- Oh, it's like [bleep]


(Fran) Is the crab ready? Hello!
- Yes.

- Thanks, so answer me! But I didn't hear you! It's not you can't ask me.

You can ask me, but you yelling at me, and I'm trying to help him.

Well, it's just a yes or no.

I didn't hear you! I know.

Sensitive, man.

Who the [bleep]

are you yelling at? Like, I didn't [bleep]

hear you.

Like I'm gonna ignore your ass on purpose.

Hey, guys, let's not [bleep]

argue, all right? Let's just cook.

The red team, it was a disaster.

They would just, like, stop in the middle of dinner service and fight.

We're not arguing, I just Okay, then let's not scream at each other, let's cook.

- Any crab come up?
- No! If I bring crab up, I'll tell you.

[overlapping arguing]

Two swordfish, one Look at it, if you want to take anything out of it.

What's that? [bleep]

hell's bells.

Guys, listen to Chef.

Stop it! Stop! I'm calling out an order, and not one of you is even answering me! Listen to me, you [bleep]

idiots! Work as a team! (All) Yes, Chef! (Announcer) With the red team falling apart, one chef does what she can to bring them back together.

This one's hot, Chef.

- So it's Fran.

- Yes.

Well done on appetizers.

Yes, Chef.

Fran did a really good job tonight.

She never gave up and she never stopped trying.

The appetizers are flying out! Keep it going! (Announcer) It's an hour and fifteen minutes into dinner service, and, thanks to Fran, diners are enjoying their appetizers.

(Announcer) The red team is now sending entrees out to the dining room.

One burger, medium well.

One burger, medium.

(Announcer) But one Chef on the blue team If you need me to take something back, I'll be happy to.

(Announcer) is making sure they don't stay there.

You you have a look on your face.

- Undercooked?
- A little under.

Okay, I'm gonna take those right back to the kitchen.

I got myself all pretty.

Gonna charm the tables.

I'm gonna send anything back just for the sake of sending it back and hope that that collapses the red team.

Oh, guys, come on.

What's the matter? It was supposed to be medium, and Medium and medium well, yes? These are wrong.

Siobhan, Siobhan, Siobhan.

Burger requested medium well.

Stone cold in the middle and it's [bleep]


Ah, [bleep]


Okay, refire two burgers! Tables are starting to complain! You sure? If you're unhappy with it, I can always go and get you some more.

What do you think? You sure? Okay.

(Announcer) While Autumn hopes to do her part to keep the red team busy, back in the red kitchen, Scott hopes to impress Chef Ramsay with his fried chicken.

Coming now, Chef.

How long is he cooking this for? Scott! This chicken is like something from outer space.

Just feel it a little bit.

It's cooked to [bleep]

! It's like something from a leftover fast food joint, Scott.


Scott's got the most experience, but he still screwed up the whole chicken section.

I mean, just a complete disaster.

Blackened bull [bleep]

chicken! Oh, my God.

Close the [bleep]

oven door! I don't want the conversation going on with the oven door open.

She's gonna come past with a [bleep]

pan, walk into that, and bang! One [bleep]

arm in the fryer, one in the [bleep]

stove! Now stop it! Yes, Chef.

He was working so dangerous, Scott.

He should have known better.

We never cook with the door open! Health and [bleep]

safety! (Scott) It's the worst [bleep]

night of my life right now.

I feel miserable right now.

Thank God nobody got hurt.

We're now the most dangerous kitchen in the [bleep]


(Announcer) With food coming back, Scott being careless, and time running out Come on, ladies, you can do it, come on! (Announcer) the red team is finally making a big push to get out as much food as possible.

(Gordon) Last minute, guys! Coming up! That looks good.

Oh, dear.

All of you, come here! All of you! That's my fault.

It's completely my fault.

It was the last one I did.

(Gordon) It's raw! (Announcer) It's barbecue night in Hell's Kitchen, and with one minute left in the first seating, Siobhan's final entree is not quite up to Chef Ramsay's standards.

It was the last one I did.

It's raw! I should have asked I needed more time.

Stop! Time's up.

Enough is enough! [bleep]

shut it down! [bleep]



That was just such a [bleep]


I mean, I don't know what else to say.

I don't know how many more of these [bleep]

services I can handle like this.

(Announcer) With the first dinner seating coming to a close, the tables are now turned.

And the blue team will be in the kitchen with only two hours to complete the second seating.

(Gordon) Right.

Open Hell's Kitchen for the second barbecue.

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

People are coming down.

They're walking in.

(Announcer) While the blue team is excited to be back in their element Game faces on.

(Announcer) the red team is clearly out of theirs.

Oh, wait, you're not my table.

Hey, guys.

I need some [bleep]


- Nilka.

- Yes, Chef.

What are you doing? I'm trying to I'm getting this together, Chef.

Oh, my God.

Being a waitress is not an easy job.

Okay, the desserts.

So much technical [bleep]

that goes with it.

I had to rewrite the tickets, like, three times each.

I'm like, [bleep]

! Where's J.


? Hey The clock's ticking away.

- Let's go.

- I know, I know, I know.

Let's go.

Give it Chef, order in.

Table 44, sir.

What's taking so long? Ten minutes till the first [bleep]


An order for table 44, yes? One shrimp, one crab, one salad, one bake.

Yes, Chef, coming right now.

How are you guys enjoying Hell's Kitchen? I can imagine.

I can imagine.

- Shrimp right here, Chef.

- Nice.

(Announcer) The tickets may be coming in slowly, but Jay is getting his appetizers out quickly.

- Yes, Chef?
- Well done yet.

(Announcer) And Chef Ramsay is moving on to entrees.

One more corn away! To salt the chicken.

He's not even answering me.


Salvatore, one more corn! I don't understand why, soon as he gets in the kitchen, he just, like, shuts down.

You tell me what to do, I'll do it.

I think, uh, you know, he's in a spiral, and that's sort of unfortunately starting to get on my nerves.

Salvatore, get one corn going.

Salvatore! Salvatore, come here! Why'd you stop? You're not talking anymore!
- Why are you stopped talking?
- Sorry, Chef.

- Open up!
- Yes, Chef! Unreal.

Let's go.

Come on then, madam.

- You already have
- Maria!
- Where's the ticket?
- Here.

- Come on then.

- Sorry, Chef.



She's so weird.

You already have a table 33.


Chef! That table 33 we double
-took the order, and that's a double order, Chef.

So how can you take the same order twice? I took it and Holli took it.

Are you trying to screw the blue team? No way.

Holli! Holli, get your ass in here! Uh, excuse me one second, please.


Come here, you.

This is out of order.

I took 33's order, and you took 33's order.

- So we double
- 33 is in my section.

If 33 is in her section, it's my fault.

And Maria's, like, losing it right now.

Yeah, I took their orders Listen to me.

Listen to me! Just out of interest, when you hit the table the second time, why didn't you at least check if their order's been taken? I don't know.

You don't know.

I think she's overstressed or something, 'cause she's just not there.

Now [bleep]

off and leave me alone.

(Announcer) Disgusted with the red team, Chef Ramsay turns his attention to Autumn's next order of ribs.

Oh, [bleep]


All of you, come here! Come [bleep]


Just touch inside that.

- Oh.

- Oh [bleep]


They're stone [bleep]

cold! Ice cold in the center!
- Yes, Chef!
- Look at the way her legs just walking around like you're just shopping.

I'm not walking around, Chef.

I'm I'm rushing.

- You're rushing?
- Yes, Chef.

Well, I'd hate to see you slow.

(Announcer) It's an hour and a half into the blue team's dinner service, and all of the diners have received appetizers.

This is not what you ordered? (Announcer) Just not the ones they asked for.

- Thank you very much.

- Thank you.

So bring the dates back,
- and you tell Chef why.

- Certainly.

What's the matter? He doesn't want the dates.

Why? Because I sold him I wrote down dates and he wanted shrimp.

So you're lying to me! You [bleep]

up the order! Not intentionally.

Not inten Come in here, you.

Come in, come in.

Come in! Surprise.

I screwed up.


I wrote down shrimp, and they wanted dates.

Or I wrote down dates, and they wanted shrimp.

Basically, she [bleep]

up the order, yeah? She [bleep]

up the order.

I can do a refire in ten seconds, Chef.

(Announcer) With the clock running out on their two hours Come on, guys, you got twenty
-five minutes to clear this board, yes? (All) Yes, Chef! (Announcer) the blue team is moving quickly.

But not carefully.

All of you, come here! So who's the [bleep]

-ass? Who's the [bleep]

-ass? (Jason) I put the chicken in there, Chef.

What, with the fries? I just dropped the chicken in the fries, Chef.

(Jay) Come on, let's go.

Let's go! Get the chicken, come on!
- Jason!
- Yes, Chef?
- Jason, look at me!
- I'm looking, Chef! [bleep]

not good enough! (Jason) Yes, Chef! It's a [bleep]

fine dining restaurant, yeah? Not a [bleep]

fast food pickup joint! Get the fries out of there first, then put your [bleep]

chicken in there! Yes, Chef! The fries wasn't done, Chef.

The fries are a [bleep]

side! Get your chicken, go and get your [bleep]

listen to me, Jason! I'm listening, Chef! Then do it, then! Do it! (Announcer) It's barbecue night, and the blue team has just twenty minutes to complete their dinner service.

After making a shocking discovery Who's the [bleep]

-ass? (Announcer) Chef Ramsay has a simple request for Jason.

Get the fries out of there first, then put your [bleep]

chicken in there! Yes, Chef.

The fries wasn't done, Chef.

The fries are a [bleep]

side! Get your chicken going, get the [bleep]

- Listen to me, Jason!
- I'm listening, Chef! Then do it then!
- Do it!
- I'm doing it, Chef! (Jason) I see him, put up with his [bleep]

ass [bleep]


He's [bleep]


I don't give a [bleep]



I don't know what's going through Jason's head.

I just want to turn around and say, "Shut the [bleep]


" Just listen to what Chef has to say.

Don't talk back to Chef like that.

Come on, guys, there's ten minutes left.

- Come on, let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

I need the [bleep]

entrees! Come on, let's push this out.

Service, please.

Coming down hot.

[overlapping chatter]

Five minutes.

- Hurry up, Autumn!
- Yes, Chef! Work it! Come on! Go.


(Gordon) One minute left! Are you ready? I'm ready to go off with that.

- Hurry up, Jason!
- Give me three minutes.

Three minutes.

It's not possible to be that [bleep]




Time! I told you to speed it up.

Everything off! If our team loses tonight, it'll be bye, bye, see you I'm going home.

I love you, honey.

Meet me at the airport.



Out of all the services so far in Hell's Kitchen, that was our worst.

We're talking basic barbecue, yes? Was that really the best we could do? Personally, I thought it was supposed to have been easier.

So losing team tonight overall combined, as a team effort the red team.

It's almost like you all hate each other.

There was one Chef, however, that did impress me.

Fran, you were on top of your game with the appetizers.

Now get upstairs and think of two individuals in your team up for elimination.

(Fran) I had a really good night.

Chef acknowledged it, so that felt good.

But we are tired of losing.

I can't believe we're [bleep]

doing this again.



I can't [bleep]

believe it.

Yeah, it's not fun.

At all.

Sorry that I [bleep]

up the service.

I did one of the worst services that I've ever had.

That should have been, like, the easiest station of the night, for sure.

We both [bleep]


Plain and simple! Well, like, the difference is I put in a hard
-ass effort from the start.

You didn't.

Look, I'd love to keep everybody.

I've got to put two.

It doesn't matter.

I've got to put two.

And you got to fight for your [bleep]

life like I have.

(Fran) I don't know about Scott yet.

It seems as if maybe Scott's not as good as he perceives to be.

I've been stepping up to the plate, and I [bleep]

up tonight.

My stuff was not cooked properly.

I had those couple burgers get sent back that were raw.

But I take full blame for my screwed
-up food, period.

I'm just really hard on myself.

You got to get a little stronger.

If I go up for elimination again tonight, I'll probably be [bleep]

sent home as well.

And I don't want to [bleep]

go home.

I'm not ready for it.

I'm ready to [bleep]


That's it.

(Scott) By no means am I gonna go pack my bags.

I just want to look after myself now.

And I'll put up a fight till the end.

Can I just explain one thing? Yeah.


(Fran) Scott has a point.

But I really would need to think about it, because who else is left? Right.


First nominee, and why.

Maria, Chef.

Why? Maria has totally fallen apart.

She's an emotional rollercoaster and she has kept our team down long enough.


Second nominee and why.

My second nominee is Nilka.

It would have been nice for you to let me know that, though.

Don't just bring me up here and surprise me.

(Announcer) After putting Maria up for elimination, Fran nominated Nilka.

It would have been nice for you to let me know that, though.

Don't just bring me up here and surprise me.

No Scott? No, I felt Scott is a very strong team player in the kitchen.

See, this type of attitude is where we have a bit of a problem.

(Gordon) Maria, Nilka Scott.

Get your [bleep]

asses up here.

Nilka Yes, Chef? You had a bad service.

But not as bad as these two.

Back in line.

Absolutely, Chef.

And stand close to Fran.

Okay, Maria Why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? I had an awful, awful service today.

Like, worst ever.

And, honestly, I really feel that I can do better.

I feel that you know I can do better.

What I'm really struggling to believe with you is the level of commitment, Maria.

Do you hold any pride, dignity, and passion in this industry? If I didn't, I wouldn't be fighting with you right now in order to stay.

Scott Why are you back here? Blue team, red team.

What's going on? I come in and bust ass every [bleep]


I work harder than anyone else in the kitchen, prep

I'm not looking for a [bleep]

prep chef to run the Savoy Grill.

I understand that, Chef.

I'm looking for a phenomenal chef, great leadership qualities.

I possess all those.


You can teach technique, you can't teach leadership.

I have leadership abilities.

If you need me to learn different techniques to be correct, I will do so.

But you have to cook.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen Maria.

Give me your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen.

- Thank you.

- Here you go, Chef.

Now [bleep]


I really didn't show the heart.

I didn't show all of my capabilities.

But, based on performance alone, Scott had a worse service than me.

Plain and simple.

Back in line, you.

Yes, Chef.

Fran I give you a responsibility.

Follow your instincts.

Good night.

(Scott) I'm tired of talking [bleep]


I'm tried of trying to be the big badass, because I'm kind of wearing sheep's clothing right now.

I can cook, and I will prove that I can cook.

(Nilka) I hope Fran feels like a jackass right now.

Because she should.

I can't be her friend.

I don't want to work with her.

And that's it.

(Fran) Our team is in shambles, as far as I'm concerned right now.

I am truly sorry for what I have just done.

Bad judgment.

Such a bad judgment.

(Gordon) Maria was in over her head.

On garnish, she was lost, and her team paid the cost.

That's why her life in Hell's Kitchen is dead.

(announcer) Coming up next on Hell's Kitchen Nilka Y'all can kiss my [bleep]


(Announcer) and Scott She took all the [bleep]

that I wanted to use.

(Announcer) do more trash talking.

(Scott) It's difficult when you're working with people that don't have a lot of talent or skill.

(Announcer) And cooking.

Scott is so cocky.

(Announcer) At dinner service Just cook! (Announcer) it's the good (Gordon) That's cooked perfectly, the Wellington.

(Announcer) the bad It's stone cold in the middle! (Announcer) and the clueless.

Pasta? No one told me I was cooking pasta.

It's a disaster! (Announcer) One Chef makes a career
-ending mistake.

You just lost my trust! (Announcer) And every chef in Hell's Kitchen This is shambolic! (Announcer) will pay the price.


off, all of you! Get out! (Announcer) Right now Get out! (Announcer) on Hell's Kitchen.
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