10x04 - Back from the Front

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Three Stooges". Aired: 1934 - 1945.*
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The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970, best remembered for their 200 short-subject films.
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10x04 - Back from the Front

Post by bunniefuu »



It must be Grandma, kids.

Come in, Grandma.
Come in, Grandma.

Tizzy. Lizzy.

Dizzy. Inky.

Blinky. Stinky.

You look good.

Oh, you look wonderful.
Hey, why the getups?

Where's the masquerade party?

We're sailors on a steamship.

We signed on the dotty line.
We're working on a boat.

Kiss us goodbye.

I'm poisoned.




Oh, now, fun's fun. We gotta go.

Kiss us goodbye. Come on.

Oh, boy. We're off to sea.
To see what we can see.

See? Si, si.

♪ We're off to see the sea ♪

♪ And we're off to see the sea ♪

♪ We're off to see the sea
Oh, we're off to see the sea ♪

♪ We're off to see the sea
Where the wild winds blow ♪

♪ We're off to see the sea
Where the wild winds blow ♪

♪ We're off to see the sea
Where the wild winds blow ♪

♪ We're off To see the sea ♪

♪ Where the wild winds blow ♪

♪ oh-h-h ♪

♪ We're off to see the sea ♪

♪ Where the wild winds blow ♪

We forgot our duffel, bags.



Hiya, fellas. Ha-ha.


Oh, where'd you get the suntan?

Oh, am I seasick.

It's only mind over matter.
Ha-ha. That's all.

Hey, look what I got. Raw liver.

Have a bite.

What's the matter with him?
Hey, Larry, share my raw liver.

It's delicious. [GROANS]

What's the matter with you guys?
You can't take it.


Man: Hey!

Oh, pardon me.

♪ La lee la la-la la-la ♪

♪ At the creek With the boys ♪

♪ With their hunting and fishing
And through the trees ♪

♪ La lee la la-la la-la ♪

♪ At the creek with the boys ♪

♪ With their hunting and fishing
And through the trees ♪

Shut up, you.

You know, I was a born painter.

Hey. Why don't you look
where you're paintin'?

I'm paintin' where I'm lookin'.

Yuck. Why, you...

I'm sorry, Dungen.

Really, I'm very sorry, Dungen.

You are sorry, Dungen.
Get out of here.

Yes, Dungen.

What's the matter with you?
You wanna ruin the paint job?


Why, you...

I'll strangle you.


Somethin' tells me
we better take a walk.

Yeah, but run.


Wait a minute. We gotta figure
a way to get out of here.

Come on.

Hey, fellas.
I can't hear a thing.

Why not? I'm not listenin'.


Come on.


What a day.

Come on.
We can't get out that way.



What a day.

Oh. Come here, Larry.


So what? That's the ocean.
We can't go that way.



What a day. Ooh.

That's not the same day.



Hmm. That's the same day.

What are you takin' a shower

this time of the day for?
Come on.




Come on. Ow.

Brainless. We're stuck.


A whale.

Look at the size of that whale.
It's a whale of a whale.

Shut up. Stop talkin' to it.
Let's k*ll it.

I'll beat its brains out.

If I ever see
a can of beans again, why--


I hear a bell.

Heil Hitler. Heil Hitler.

Why are we stalled,
Lieutenant Dungen?

Number propeller shaft
is frozen, Herr kapitan.

It takes about
three hours to fix it.

There's a ship.
Anchored over there. See?

Come on, Fido. Full speed ahead.

And hamburgers are waiting.

Mush. Mush.

Full speed.

What a break. We're saved.

Oh, boy. We'll have
chicken and dumplings.

Where is everybody?

I'll find out.


MOE: A disguised raider.

We gotta use the old bean.

I couldn't look
another bean in the face.

Shut up.

We gotta get into
n*zi uniforms somehow.

If we're discovered, we're lost.

You're crazy.

If we're discovered,
we're found.


Shh. Quiet.

Go on.


Shh. Here comes someone.
Get in there, quick.

[GERMAN ACCENT] What is that?


This guy's clothes
will just fit me.

What about us?

Well, get somebody for yourself.

Oh, a hoarder, eh?

Well, hoarders is hoarders.

And what did the captain say?

Oh, he was going to promote me.

He told me I was a good boy.

That is good.

Well, I have cigarette.

What did you kick me for?

I didn't kick you.


So. You kick me, huh?
I didn't kick you.

You did kick--


Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

So far, so good.

If that ain't Dungen,
then I'm a bilge pump.

It's him, all right.
And he's a n*zi officer.

Lucky we got these beards.
He didn't recognize us.

Yeah. We better scram
before he gets back.

Yeah. I'd like to scram in
some breakfast. I'm starved.

You dummkopf.

Just for that,
you polish the deck g*n,

and you get no breakfast.

Oh, please, not that.
I'm starved.

See? Ja. I don't see.

Now, loafer, you clean that g*n.

I come back and inspect it
after breakfast.

Get busy.

Hup. Hup. Hup. Hup.


You schweinehund.

You clean that g*n,
or I throw you in irons.

Psst. Psst.

Don't worry, kid.
We'll smuggle some grub for ya.

Oh, boy. Make it turkey and ham.

And candied sweet potatoes
on the side.

And hot, buttered biscuits
and honey.

And smother the whole thing
in fried chicken.

But no beans.

It's in the bag.

Aye, aye, admiral.


I'll m*rder ya.

But I don't care.
Ha-ha. I'm gonna eat.


hey, I brought you some food.
Oh, good.

Gimme, gimme,
gimme, gimme. Ha-ha..

Oh, this is beans again.
Listen, you.

Quiet. That's all the
goose-steppin' heels have got.

Psst. I brought you
some breakfast.

That's what I call a pal.
Roast turkey, stuffed breast.

Oh, I love it. [YELLS]

Beans. That's all I get
is beans. Beans.

Shh. Here comes
the petty officer again.

Quick, ditch the beans.

Here. Give them to me.


Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

♪ La lee ♪

♪ In Alabammy ♪

♪ I'm humming to the beans ♪

Hey. Did you clean that g*n?

I wouldn't be surprised.

I will look.

Open that breach.


This g*n is filthy, I tell you.

Swab it out.

And you help him too.

Come on, come on.

When I ask for service,
give it to me.

Okay, you asked for it.


For this,
I hang you to the mast.


Come on.
Make yourself busy. Quick.



Heil Hitler.

ALL: Hang Hitler.

So. That's the way you waste
our delicious beans.

You dummkopf.

I hope the captain
didn't see you.

That's treason. That's mutiny.

I'll have you hung.
I'll have you shot for that.

Heil Hitler. Heil Hitler.

Heil Hitler. Heil Hitler.

Heil Hitler. Heil Hitler.

Heil nothing.

But, Herr Captain,
I did not do it.

It was those three new men.

CAPTAIN: What new
men? We have no new men.

[WHINES] Get out of h--

That dog was on
the American ship.

Americans. Spies.

Call the Gestapo.

[WHISTLE BLOWS] What's cooking?

It's our heads.
That's the general alarm.


Out of the way.
Out of the way, will you?


Now I know you,
you American swines.

Here they are.
Come and get them.

On the double. Quick.

Hurry. Dummkopfs. Come on.

Hey, blubberhead,

see those?


Why, you schweinehund.

Come on, you loafers.


Get the rope around them, Larry.


Hey, you Limburger destroyers,
come on up here.

Hey, skunks. This is the
beginning of the second front.


okay, skunks, come on.


Moe. Help.


Take it easy, kid.
You got the limit.

Ohh. Oh, boy.

A German whale. Come on.


We need one more
to make the pile even.

Come on, we'll get another one.

Cannot my whole ship's company
capture three men.

But, Herr Captain,

these are Americans.

We gotta get rid of
that captain and his officers.

Yeah, we gotta use strategy.

We can't use nobody.
There's only three of us.

Be quiet. I got it.

You better have it,
or we'll get it.

Shut up. [GROWLS]

Come on.

Such officers.

What would the fuehrer say
if he heard about this?

Three Americans making fools
of a shipload of Germans?

Heil Hitler. Heil Hitler.


You fail to catch three spies.
Blow out your brains.

But, mein fuehrer,
we are Nazis. We have no brains.

Then what you got, blow out.

Heil Hitler.

Hang Hitler.

When my field marshal
counts three, start blowing.

Heil Hitler. Heil Hitler.


What comes after one?

Two. Oh.

Never mind, fat boy.
I count myself.





Heil Hitler.

Ah, mein fuehrer.

Oh, my personality.
Thanks, buddy.

[STAMMERS] Get them!

Hey, porcupine, get the mop.

Quick. Hurry up.

CURLY: Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Okay, let 'em come.



Why, you... ratsies.

Look out.



Success. Success.
Success. Success.

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