07x05 - Thread the Needle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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07x05 - Thread the Needle

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Heartland":

Jack: What is that? What do you do?

I'm a doctor.


You tried to pull one over on me.

No, I didn't, I was-

So what did you do, Lou?

Did you share my entire medical history with this woman?

Georgie: Hey, guys.

Mallory, look who's here, my brother.

Jeff, Mallory.


Hi. You do exist.

Cassandra: I'm the one you should be firing.

I let Jeremy into the clinic the night Buckingham died.

Ty, I'm so sorry.

Man: All right, here we go.

[Coach calls out instructions]

[Hooves thunder]

Aren't they incredible?

Yeah, even in rehearsal.

Thanks for letting me come along, Scott.

It's not very often you get an inside look at the musical ride.

No problem.

I'm pretty excited to work with them myself.

Things may be crazy at the clinic, but this is one gig I couldn't pass up.

Coach: Heels down, heels down.

[Nervous snort, shrill whinny]


No, he's gotta get outta there, Ty.

You all right, Turner?

Yeah, yeah, I think so.

What the hell happened this time?

I-I'm fine.

Lou: Hi.

[Deep exhale]

Old biddy: Excuse me, miss, I have asked you twice for clean towels.

I'm sorry.

I'm just a little bit short-staffed, but I will be right with you.

[Phone ringing]

Heartland equestrian connection, Lou speaking.

Nicole, please tell me you are back from New York.

Another week?

No, I need you now. Mallory is gone, and between the diner and the dude ranch, I am stretched so thin.

I did. I put up wanted ads online and, so far, no bites.

Older woman: Excuse me! Still waiting.

One second.

Listen, I have to go, but just get back as soon as you can, okay?

Okay, bye.


I did not sign up for this.

Georgie: You know, this is the last one.

Jack: Nothing to worry about.

Next couple of days, we're gonna have more hay here than you can shake a stick at.

Georgie: Can't wait.

Do I get to pitch bales into the wagon?

Jack: [Laughs] I don't think so.

One of these bales weighs more than you, but you're welcome to come along.

You've just got to stay out of the way, that's all.

Come on, you have to give me a job.

I want to be a part of this.

Jack: Job, huh?

Okay. You can be the spotter.


Jack: Yeah, that's the guy that stands back at a distance, makes sure the load is distributed equally.

That is so not a real job.

Jeff; Hey, squirt!



How's it goin'?

Scott: He seemed perfectly fine to me.

Sgt. Decker: So why do they keep blowing up out there?

Wasn't the first time.

Scott: I can't say, but it's not physical.

Sgt. Decker: What's going on out there, Brian?

Brian: Nothing, sir. I don't know.

And that was just rehearsal.

What are you gonna do during the performance?

We'll put it together, sergeant.

It's like you're going backwards.

The show was supposed to be your debut.

We'll be ready, I-I swear.

Really? Because I don't see how.

Ty: Excuse me, sergeant Decker? Sorry to interrupt.

My name is Ty.

Amy here, I think, can help you out.

She has a really good track record with riders and their horses.


You think you can help us get these two on the same page?

Well, that depends.

Every partnership has its own set of issues.

I've seen Amy do some incredible things.

It'd be worth it to give her a shot.

Do you have time? Today even?

Yeah, sure.

I could work with you two up at the ranch, if that's okay with you?

Okay. But if I don't see some big improvement, I'm gonna pull you from the alberta show, got it?

Yes, sir.

♪ And at the break of day

♪ you sank into your dream

♪ you dreamer

♪ oh, oh, oh...

♪ You dreamer

♪ you dreamer

[low hum of chatter, playful laughter]

Whoa, whoa.

[Car rumbles up]


Lou! You work here?

You could say that. I own the place.

Great. I guess I won't need these.

Is that a resume?

Uh, yeah, I need a job for the summer and I saw the ad, but...

After that whole thing with Ty, you probably won't want me, so...

Right. Wait, um...

Have you ever done this before?

Um... not exactly, but I'm a fast learner.

[Glass shatters]

Girl: You did that on purpose!

It's all your fault! I'm telling!

You're hired.

Wait, you want me to take care of that?

No, mom! Mom!

Yeah! And while you're at it, you can turn down the volume on the kid.

Well, at the clinic, we'd use a muzzle.

Girl: Mom!

So how long are you staying?

Just a few days.

I've got two weeks off so I'm heading down the coast.

I'm going to go surfing in Baja.

You surf?

Jeff: Yeah, that's the plan.

But I wanted to stop by and see you first.

So what do you want to do?

Do you want to go on a trail ride?

Yeah, that's still not really my thing.

Um... oh, I have an idea.

Why don't we go hang out with that friend of yours, um, what's her name? Uh... Mallory.

Oh, she's travelling in Europe.

Europe? Oh.

We could always head down to Lou's dude ranch and pull out the canoe.

Wouldn't that be awesome?

Uh, yeah, yeah. Totally.


That's a crock of crap and you know it.

You could have told me you were going out of town.

What's going on?

Oh, your father, that's what's going on.

He just took off to moose jaw for a week.


Well, so, I need to bring in that hay.

Well, just wait until he gets back.

No way.

I'm not letting your father set the agenda.

What do we feed the horses in the meantime?

Grandpa, it's way too big a job to do on your own.

Think you can get a day off?

I don't know, Jack, work at the clinic's been pretty crazy.

Scott's looking for another vet assistant right now.

So no you, no Peter, no Caleb...

Of course, no Tim.

Forget it, I'll figure it out.

I was kind of hoping he wouldn't take part in it this year.

It's really strenuous work.

He seems like he's okay.

I guess.

You should have seen Phoenix and I.

It was like we were flying.

It was amazing, and I just knew that Olivia was eating her heart out.


Man: No, you listen.

I signed up for a two-hour trail ride and I'm going.

Cassandra: Obviously you didn't read the fine print on the waiver form because there is a weight restriction.

My wife's always on me about my weight, I don't need to hear it from you, too.


Then, I suggest you make some lifestyle changes and we'd be happy to accommodate you in the future.

I just want a horse.

Okay, let me see what I can do, okay?

Georgie: Hello? [Snaps fingers]
Jeff: What?

Georgie: Why don't you just go talk to her?

Go and talk to who?

Come on, you're practically drooling over that cassandra girl.

Hey, I bet you need a lifejacket or something if we're gonna go on that canoe.

No, I don't.

Oh, excuse me, I'm taking a canoe.

Taking it? Uh, are you a guest?

Uh, no, not exactly.

Then you're renting it, buddy.

That'll be twenty dollars.

But Lou's my mom.

No, no, it doesn't matter.

She wants twenty? No problem.

Here you go, and here's another twenty for your trouble.

Really? Isn't there a better way to spend your allowance?

Hey, I made that, and a whole lot more up in the oil sands.

Doesn't that violate some sort of child labour law or something?

And that canoe is totally booked.

Oh, burn.

Brian: Thanks for taking this on.

Amy: No problem. But I should warn you, there's only so much I can do in such little time.

I need to be ready for the show.

Well, I'll try my best, but...

You don't understand.

My whole family's coming to watch; My grandfather was in the ride.

So you want him to see you carrying on the tradition, I guess?

No. Uh, he passed away years ago.

It's my grandma.

That's how she remembers him - in his red serge, up on a black horse.

I just want to ride for her.

You will.

Now, sergeant Decker was saying that, you know, you two were really good together in the beginning.

Yeah, we kicked butt in the recruitment process.

So is there anything that could've happened between you that would change that?

Uh, not that I can think of.

All right, let's start by circling around those blue barrels.

Brian: All right.

[Clicks his tongue]

Amy: That looks good.

All right. Now, on the long side, I want you to do a nice extended trot and then collect him at the corners.

Very nice.

All right, in the next corner, I want you to do a nice sitting trot and then pick up a canter.

So we fix him yet?

Well, so far, from what I can see, there's nothing wrong to fix.

Cole's a great horse, he's super responsive.

So it's Turner.

Well, he's a great rider.

I mean he's confident.

Sgt. Decker: That's why he made the team.

So why do they keep screwing up lately in rehearsal?

I have no idea.

Well, let's find out.

Turner, let's see some figure eights through those barrels.

Yes, sir!



Sgt. Decker: Come on, Turner!

Pull it together!

Excuse me, sir, um, I need a break.

The thing that really needs fixing is that constable's attitude.

Hey, you were doing so well.

What happened out there?

I don't know.

From what I saw, all of a sudden, you started digging in on his sides and pulling on his reins.

I guess I lost focus.

Lost focus?

You were giving him all the wrong signals.

I choked under the pressure, all right?

Sarge has a way of getting inside my head.

Listen, if one person can stress you out, how do you think you're gonna perform in front of thousands?

I don't know.

I just gotta figure out a way to control it or it's gonna ruin everything.

Okay, we will.

It might take a few days, but I don't give up that easily.

Lou: Thank you.

Buttermilk fried chicken?

Jeff: Mmm, this looks great!

Yeah, it was even better when it was the daily special at Maggie's yesterday.

Oh hey, no, no, anything more than a pot of Mac and cheese is a step up for me.

And besides, you're too busy at work.

Tell me about it.

I am in desperate need of some more staff.

Oh yeah, that one girl at the dude ranch has an attitude, huh?

Um, cassandra, right?

Cassandra. Are you kiddin'?

Lou, how could you do that after what she did to Ty?

You guys, I have been so overworked between the dude ranch and the diner, I just...

Ty, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown when she showed up.

I just needed a body.

Well, you sure did pick a nice one.


Well, I'm just saying that she's hot.

Anyway, grandpa, how did it go with tricia today?

Your doctor?

Oh. We sort of missed each other.

You had an appointment.

Well, something came up.

Like what?

Well, like your father jumping town on me.

I spent the whole time trying to find somebody to help me with the hay.

You're not seriously considering throwing those heavy bales this year, are you?

Why not? I've been doing it all my life.

Grandpa, don't you think that, considering the circumstances, you might wanna just wait for dad?

No, I don't.

Jeff: Ty, wait up. Ty: What's up?

Jeff; Hey, so what happened between you and that cassandra chick?

Ty: Nothing.

Oh, ugly break-up, huh?


Okay, so what's the deal then?

There's no deal.

We just used to work together at the clinic.

She have a boyfriend?

I have no idea.

What's she all about, man?

You guys must have shot the breeze at work or something.

Yeah, I haven't really seen her in a while, so I can't help you, Jeff. Sorry.

Come on, man, do me a solid.

You gotta remember something.

She likes cars - uh, fast ones.

Really fast cars.


What kind of guy is she into?

[Starts engine]
One that's started shaving.

[Truck rumbles away]

Oh, Jeff is going to love these.

Are you kidding me?

Who doesn't love chocolate banana pancakes?

Oh, don't make them too big.

Where's the hitch pin?

The what? The hitch pin?

Don't give me that.

I need it to hook the hay wagon to that tractor.

I know you'd rather see me watching TV or something, but hiding that pin, it's not gonna stop me.

Okay, I didn't hide anything, and I resent the accusation.

Okay. Guess I'll just go to town and get another one.


Darn it.

You did hide it.

See those bubbles? Time to flip them.

[Happy sigh]

Wakey, wakey!

Hey, squirt!

I made you pancakes.

Oh, thanks, but I pretty much stick to coffee for breakfast.

That's okay, more for me.

I'm going to need the energy.

I'm going to show you what Phoenix and I can do.

Yes, I can't wait.

But first I just have to run into calgary.


That'll take a few hours. Can I come?

Oh well, I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?

And then you can show me how high you can jump that horse. Cool?

Cool. All right.

[Vehicles rumble]

Tricia: Hey, Lou.


Um, please don't tell me you're here for- yeah. But I don't see his truck anywhere.

I cannot believe he skipped out on another appointment.

You can't believe it? I'm the one wasting my time playing this ridiculous game of cat and mouse.

I am so sorry.

Maybe it's time Jack found another doctor.

Lou: No, no, no, no.

You have no idea how hard it was just to get him to see you.

He's just been taking care of this ranch so long, he doesn't know how to make time for his own health.

Well, he's down to his last chance.

I will talk to him, I swear.

Good luck with that. Thank you.

I'll see you later.

Thank you.

[Suv rumbles away]

[Musical ride music plays]

Okay, I want to make this seem as much like the musical ride as I can, so I'm gonna take spartan around that barrel, and I want you and Cole to come from the other way and go around - we'll meet in the middle.

Scott: Thread the needle. I got it.

Come on.

You're supposed to give us more space.

Amy: Well, you need to learn to be ready for anything.

Okay, let's try it again, and this time you go in front.

[Nervous snorts]
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Amy: Brian! Pull up! Brian, stop him!

Agh! Oof!

You all right?

I-I'm fine. I'm fine.

Maybe we should just take a break.

No. You know what? Let's call it a day.

Come on, Brian, we've just got it started.

These things take time.

Brian: No, I think this is something I've gotta figure out on my own.

What is that supposed to mean it means I just have to man up and deal with the pressure.

Tricia: I wouldn't be so hard on yourself.

From what I saw, that wasn't a simple case of performance anxiety.

Sorry, I'm tricia.

This is my grandpa's doctor.

This is Brian, he rides for the rcmp musical ride.


Those tremors...

What tremors?

They could be a sign of some underlying condition.

I mean you might wanna tell your medical team about it.

Yeah, thanks for the heads up.

I'll look into it.

[Gate clunks open]

[Low hum of chatter, playful laughter]

Cassandra: Oh man...

Hey! Scott.

So you're working here?

Yeah. You know, uh... Needed a summer job.

I thought you would've been at uh...

Yeah, but um...

Haven't had much luck getting on at a clinic.

I guess some things follow you around.

Sorry to hear that.

Hey, it is what it is.

Gotta get to work.

Yeah, me too.



[Car revs up]

Jeff: Hey. Cassandra, right?

I'm Jeff. We met yesterday.

Well, sort of. The canoe, remember?

You totally shot me down.

Obviously I didn't do a good enough job.

Ooh! Why are you so bitter?

You know, maybe you need a little bit of excitement in your life.

You're not gonna ask me to your prom in that thing, are you?

[Laughs] Okay, look, I'm almost twenty, and I've lived a lot in those years.

Not enough to get it when a girl's not into you.

Ouch! Look, I'm thinking you need to work off some of that aggression.

In your dreams.

Oh no, don't take it the wrong way.

What are you doing?

Thought you might want to help me take it for a test drive.

All right.

[Starts up the engine]

Hey, wait!

It's a rental!


I'll have one of those, and then, if you've got a minute, you can help me hook that wagon up to the tractor.

Grandpa, you're not still thinking about doing that tomorrow, are you?

Aw, not you too!


I know Lou has been overly "Lou" lately, but bringing in the hay is a lot of work, and I just think that it's not the craziest idea to hire a crew this year.

Jack: Amy...


I gotta wash up.

Tricia: [Door opens] Hello?

Hello again, tricia.

Tricia: Hey.

You know, I was heading back to my clinic and I had to turn back.

Something wasn't right with that guy on the horse.

I know. I know, and when he heard you were a doctor, he just... Yeah, I think he's in denial.

I mean, he knows something's wrong, but he's too afraid to deal with it.

Well, being in the musical ride, that's a lot of pressure.

Well, from what he saw, those spasms could put him and his horse at risk.

You need to convince him to see someone.

And what if he won't?

It's your call.

But if it were me, I'd make sure he was pulled from the ride until he did.
Well, look who's here.

[Sucks his teeth]

[Door opens]

Jack: You know, I'm sorry about that.

Tricia: Yeah, well, you should be!

Jack: I just got busy and things- tricia: Oh, you got busy?!

What, I got nothing but time on my hands?

That's not what I meant.

If you're not interested in taking care-I am interested in taking care- oh, yeah, yeah, you got a funny way of showing it.

Jack: I have one little heart attack and everybody thinks they have to treat me like a sick old man!

Why don't we do this examination right now?

[Door slams]
I have another appointment.

Tomorrow then.

I'm all booked up, Jack!

Day after tomorrow then.

Look, I'm not driving out here to admire the scenery, so you better be here or it's strike three, you're out.

[Truck starts up and rumbles away]

[Dogs barking]

Ty: Hey, Scott, I know it's bad timing, but do you think I could cut out for a few hours tomorrow?

Scott: Seriously?

With everything on our plate right now?

I know, it's just...

Jack's bringing in the hay tomorrow and he probably shouldn't be doing it by himself.

No, he shouldn't.

Okay, just get back here after you're done.

All right, I will. Thank you.

You know, we really could use another assistant here.

Scott: Well, I saw cassandra at the dude ranch.

She's working there.

Ty: Yup, I heard.

Pretty tough to get clinic work after what she pulled here.

Scott: Well, I was thinking, um, maybe I was too quick to let her go.

You were pretty quick to let me go.

You didn't seem to have a problem with that.


You know I didn't have a choice in that.

Okay, are you serious?

You're actually thinking about hiring cassandra back?

Scott: Well, it's not like she was in on what Jeremy did, and she confessed.

Probably not a good idea, eh? Forget I brought it up.

[Dogs barking]

Hey, squirt!


Hey, sorry I missed your practice.

It didn't happen. I was waiting for you.

Yeah, the day just kinda... Got away from me, but I'm back now!

Georgie: I don't know why.

I know that you'd rather hang out with cassandra than me, so why don't you just go do that!

Jeff: Wh-Georgie, come on!

Kids, huh?


Hey. Hey.

What was that about?

I don't know. Georgie sounded pretty upset.

She probably had a good reason.

Yeah. I wasn't expecting to see you tonight.

Well, I was gonna do some overtime with Scott, but uh...

He's thinking about hiring cassandra back.

Are you serious?

Yeah, I mean, we can use the extra hand at the clinic, Amy -

I'm not arguing that - but cassandra?

[Birds chirp]

[Door opens]

Lou: Hey, grandpa.

There's eggs on the stove if you want some.

Jack: I'm not hungry, but thank you.

What's the matter?

Jack: Aw...

Fuel injector pump on that tractor, nobody in town has one. They have to order it!

So we'll just have to wait on the hay?

Not if I can help it.

Old Seth fredrickson owes me a favour.

Great. So he can bring in the hay.

What do you mean? I just watch from the sidelines?

You could be the spotter.

You said it was a real job.

Jack: Just make sure everybody's in the north field at 1 P.M.

Because we are doin' this today!

Lou: Grandpa!

[Door opens and closes]

The fuel injector pump... Nice one.

It wasn't me this time.

I swear!

Mother: Well, it's about time!

Son: Aw, great.

Get prepared to be lectured on your lifestyle choices, ma.

I was just pointing out that the equestrian connection enforces a weight limit on our riding program.

What's this? Where's my extra bacon?!

I substituted our fresh fruit salad.

Mother: Fruit salad?

You sound like his uptight wife!

I practically raised my boy on bacon!

Cassandra: Well, you know what they say: You are what you eat.

Let me get that extra bacon for you.

Lou: Excuse us. What do you think you're doing?

Um, I guess there was a mix-up in the orders?

It doesn't sound like a mix-up to me.

I was just trying to help the guests make healthier choices.

More like giving him a lecture!

Well, somebody has to!

Yeah, yeah, except that's not really your job, is it?

Okay, you know what?

Apparently, I can't do anything right, so I quit!

Wait, sorry, you quit?!

Isn't that a little extreme?

This isn't a good fit for me.

And this isn't a good time for me to be losing staff, so...

Look, I'm sorry.

Mother: Hello? Order of bacon - still waiting!

Cassandra: What? You have something else for me to test drive?!

Jeff: That was a dirty trick.

Cassandra: Why? I brought it back in one piece.

What more do you want? It handles nice.

Jeff: Hey, look, I just want to get to know you!

What is your problem?!

Where to start? Let's see...

Well, I'm obviously not cut out for the hospitality industry.

What, you got fired?

No, I quit!

And I have no idea how I'll afford my next term!

I mean, I used to have a great job at vet clinic until I made a huge, stupid mistake with some guy and I'm still paying for it!

Does it have something to do with Ty?

Uh, yeah.

Mostly the fact that he can't seem to let it go and he's making my life miserable.

Well, hey, if there's anything I can do to help you out.

Can you just leave me alone?

[Door slams shut, car starts and rumbles away]

Amy: Brian, what's going on?

[Trailer door clanks open loudly]

Brian: Look...

Thanks for all your help, but like I said, this isn't working!

You know the sergeant is gonna ask me if you're able to ride.

And what are you gonna say?

I'm gonna say that you need a medical.

I'll get one after the tour.

No, you need one now.

Look, it could be nothing.

Brian: No, Amy, it's not nothing.

I, uh, I went to my doctor a few weeks ago.

And what did your doctor say?

I have multiple sclerosis.

Brian, I had no idea.


My grandma, she's sick, she's... she's really sick.

This would be her only chance to see me and now it's over.

This whole thing's over for me.

Amy: Brian, wait!

Let's just figure something out, okay?

Give me one more chance.

So we're still missing a couple of extra hands.

Georgie: I bet Jeffy would help.

I bet he would.
[Knock at the door]

Do you mind getting that, honey?

Yeah, sure.

Okay, so I'll drive and you throw the bales, right?

Okay, well, what about Jack?

That's the thing.

We need to make him feel like he's part of it without actually letting him do any of the work.

Georgie: [Door shuts] Come on in.

That's gonna be kinda tough.

Tricia: And demoralizing.

Uh, tricia, we're just trying to make sure he doesn't hurt himself.

By making him feel useless?

He's completely ignoring his health.

I mean, for your information, he's not even here, so he skipped yet another appointment.

Oh no, I see him tomorrow. I'm here to work with Amy.

I just came in to get a cup of coffee.


Ty: Well, let me get that for you.

Tricia: Thanks.

You know, I think I see why Jack's having a hard time accepting his condition.

I know you're all concerned for him, but you need to stop putting limits on what he can do.

He's still a strong, energetic, virile man.


Georgie: What's virile?

I'm just saying he's still very capable.

It's one thing to be careful, but maybe it's time for you guys to take off the kid gloves.


So I got you these little blunt spurs.

So if your legs start shaking you're not gonna be jabbing him in his side.

Brian: You know I can't control that.

Amy: I know, but we can minimize the effect it has on the horse.

And... I installed some padding on the bottom of your saddle, okay?

And we can put some in your boots too during the ride.

If your arms start spasming, best thing to do is to put slack in your reigns and grab onto this leather strap, okay?

Now, you just look where you want to go and Cole will take you there.

What if he doesn't?

You're just gonna have to trust him.

He knows his job, you just let him do it.

What's she doing here?

If we're gonna do this, I want tricia on hand.

You told her?


Well, I guess it can't be a secret anymore.

Let's get to work.

[Birds chirp]

Jeff: Hey, you seen Georgie?

Ty: She just left with Lou, went to meet Jack in the field.

Hey, you know, um, Cassie seems to be in a pretty tough spot right now.


Jeff: Maybe you need to let it go.

Maybe you don't know what you're talking about.

No, I think I do.

Well, maybe she's throwing you for a loop and you don't know it.

Jeff: What, so you're saying cass is a liar?

Ty: Well, she threw me under the bus.

Lost my job 'cause of her.

Okay, look, I don't know what happened with you guys.

I mean, she made mistakes, whatever.

It's just...

She seems like an okay person.

She's having a reallly rough time right now.

Shouldn't you be more concerned about Georgie than cass?

Me and Georgie, we're fine.

Really? You come all the way down here and you don't spend any time with her?

What gives, man?

I don't know, I'm not really good at this.

At what?

Being a big brother.

I mean, it's just- it's not like we grew up together, man.

It was always different homes and different families.

It's just...

We hardly even know each other and...

I mean, I'm trying, but...

I guess I don't know where to start.

All right, well, I do.

Follow me.

Lou: Seriously, grandpa?

Jack: And why not? This is how we used to do it!

Georgie: This is gonna be so cool!

Ty: Hey!

Look who showed up!

Georgie: Jeff!

See? I told you he'd come!

Jeff: So where do you guys want me?

Lou: You and Ty are gonna throw bales up to me and Georgie on the wagon.

So, Jack, you're not gonna...

No. No, somebody has to handle this team, and I'm bettin' none of you can.

Jeff: [Laughs]

[Wagon clatters]

Ty: You got it?

Lou: Yup!

[Bridles rattle, hooves thud]

Ty and Jeff: [Grunt with effort]

Ty: Come on, Jeff, let's go!

Jack: That's it. Hey.

Ty: I think my arms are gonna fall off!

Jack: You wait till mornin'.

Jeff: Oh, yeah, that was hard work. I'm still sweating!

Georgie: Yeah, it's, uh, it's pretty hot out here.

Maybe you should, uh, cool off!
[Water splashes]

Guys: [Grunt in surprise]
Lou: Georgie!

Ty: Hey! Jeff: Yeah, she's toast!

Ty: Get her! Jeff: Get back here, squirt!

Georgie: [Squeals] No, no, no, no!

Ty: Hey, Jeff, get her! Jeff: You're not getting away!

Ty: Get her, get her, get her! Georgie: [Shrieks] Get off!

Jeff: Oh! Georgie: Get off! Get off!

Jeff: [Laughing]
Georgie: No, guys, get off!

Ty: [Laughing]

Lou: [Chuckles]

Jack: Just so you know, I'll be the one throwin' the bales next year.

And I'm going to try to be okay with that.

Good. I want things to go back to normal, and you know I'm all right.

More than all right, according to tricia.

What'd she say?

Georgie, Ty and Jeff: [Yell and shout happily]

What did she say?


Lou: Get 'em, Georgie!

Georgie: Get away! Agh! Ty: Yeah! [Laughing]

Georgie: [Squeals] No!

Jeff: Agh! Georgie: [Laughs]

[Tongues cluck, hooves thud]

Amy: Did you see that? It's totally working!

Tricia: Yeah, sort of.

What're you talking about? That was perfect!

Now, when he's obviously feeling confident with your aids, but what's gonna happen when he's stressed?

Hey, uh, Amy, can we take a break?

I'm dying out here.

Amy: No, we're gonna go again, this time side-by-side.


[Hooves canter]

[Horses snort]

Brian: [Gasps and shakes]

[Horse snorts]

Amy: You okay? Brian: Yeah.

That actually worked.

Cole rode right through it. We did it!

Thank you.

Don't thank me yet, not until you've done it for real.

That's right, I'm gonna tell the sergeant that you can go on the musical ride.

[Exhales happily]

Cassandra: Hi.

Hey. Hey.

So you wanted to talk?

Scott: Yeah, um, so here's the thing: The clinic's been really busy and I've been having trouble finding a good assistant.

Right, what does that have to do with me?

Scott: Well, look, you, uh, you did good job here, and I just don't really have the time to train someone else.

I don't really understand.

You want your old job back?

Really?! And you're okay with this?

Scott: Actually, it was Ty's idea.

Yeah, of course I'll come back!

But all is not forgotten.

You will be put on probation.

I understand.

Can you start now?

Yeah, sure.

Scott: Great. We're going to spruce meadows.

Prep her on what needs to be done.


[Dogs barking]

Okay, so there's a shipment of vaccines that just came in that needs to be- thank you, Ty. Thank you.

Don't thank me.

I did it for Scott, he needs the help.


So let's just try and stay out of each other's way, okay?

[Dogs barking]

[Shovel scrapes]

Jeff: Hey! Georgie: You're gonna help?

Jeff: What? You think I'm afraid of a little horse poop?

Yeah, I kinda did.

Well, I better start doin' somethin' around here if I'm gonna convince Jack to let me stay for another week.

I'm not goin' to California.

What about surfing in Baja?

Some other time.


Georgie: [Laughs]

Tricia: So how you been feeling?

Great! How about you?

Pardon me?

You must get sick and tired of always asking everyone else how they're doin', so...

I don't really think about it.

I'm doing well, thanks.

Well, good.

I have to say you're in a better mood today.

Well, my health is important, so I guess these visits are a necessary evil.

[Laughing] That's not exactly the way I'd put it.

Your pulse is fine. Everything seems okay.

What, just okay?

Well, you're in pretty good shape.

What else do you want me say?

Well, I don't know. Let's see...

Maybe that I seem strong and healthy and...


♪ [Theme]

Announcer: Please welcome the musical ride of the royal Canadian mounted police!

Crowd: [Cheer and applaud]

Announcer: The riders and horses performing today welcome you to the show!

If you see something you like, feel free to applaud!

The members and the horses appreciate it!

Crowd: [Applauds]

Ty: He's doing great.

Amy: Yeah, but it's a long performance.

[Hooves thud]

Crowd: [Applauds]

[Hooves thud]

Ty: This is where he had all his issues, right?

[Quietly] Come on, Brian, come on, come on!

[Hooves thud]

Brian: [Gasps and grunts]

[Quietly] Come on, Brian! Come on!

[Relieved sigh, crowd applauds]

Announcer: The musical ride originated from the northwest mounted police as they made the great march across Canada in 1874!

The first recorded display of the musical ride took place in fort mcleod, alberta, in 1876!

Now the riders move to the centre of the arena to form the star!

Crowd: [Applauds and cheers]

[Hooves thud]

Announcer: Now, everyone get your cameras ready for one of the highlights of the musical ride!

The charge!

[Horse hooves thunder]

Crowd: [Applauds and cheers]

[Hooves thud]

Crowd: [Applauds and cheers]
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