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07x03 - Wrecking Ball

Posted: 10/22/13 05:18
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland":

It's all about location, location, location.

Now, you know that vacant lot, the one across from the big box store, on your way into town?

That is a perfect spot for a buff burger franchise.

So I finally got a meeting with Bob chomsky, the CEO- of buff burger, I know.

Never get involved with a franchise.

You know what that guy wanted for an upfront payment?

Well, let's just say it was in the high six figures.

The good news is, the insurance is gonna cover the cost of the house and the repairs to the barn.

That's good.

Just good?

Amy: Ty, look.

Ty: Amy Fleming...

Will you marry me?

Come on, rem!

Hi, Jack!

Jack: Where's the fire?

You seen Amy? No.

If you're looking for something to do, you could help me.

Clean dirt off an old truck?

No thanks.

Come on, remi, let's go!

[Hair dryer whirs, then abruptly stops]

Come on, Amy, just tell me how much longer you're gonna be!

Thirty seconds longer than when you asked me 30 seconds ago.

Amy! Sure you didn't forget anything?

Amy: Nope!

[Sighs] Okay.

There she goes!

So how are things going with the insurance claim?

Actually, I called them yesterday and the cheque is in the mail.

You got this? Yeah.

Well, that's good.

So you can buy your old man a coffee?

I'll even spring for a muffin.

You know, the great thing is me and Peter can finally find a place of our own.

Oh, house hunting with Peter.

Deja vu all over again.

It's different this time.

Oh, yeah? How? He's away half the time.

Is he dialling it in now?

He is not away in Vancouver all the time.

He's home now.

Oh, really. Special occasion?

Lou: Ha ha!

Tim: Uh-oh!

Lou: Oh honey, you dropped your pogy?

Tim: That's not good.

You know what?

Maybe grampa should buy you a real pogy.

That's all she needs to hear, dad.

Come on.

It's closed. How can it be closed?


Oh my gosh.

Jake: Maggie's for sale? Really?

Mallory: Yeah. They just locked the door and no one even bothered to tell me because hey, I just work there.

You'll find another job.

It wasn't just a job.

Maggie's was a huge part of my life.

I mean, my mom used to take me there when I was a baby.

I had my first milkshake there.

For all I know, I could've had my first solid food there too.

It was probably a French fry.

Those fries are tradition in this town oh well, things change.

Mallory: Yeah, but it still sucks.

Georgie: I don't understand why you're still mad at me.

[Scoffs] Come on, Georgie, I was in the bathroom with the door closed.

Not completely closed...

Hey, where's the big bay?

How come he's not with the other horses?

Um... what's that?

[Birds crow]

Stay here, Georgie why? What's going on?

Just stay here!


Come on!

Lou: How can Maggie's be for sale?

I mean, what's this town even gonna be without it?

Tim: I don't know. But somebody's gonna buy it, they're gonna change the name, it'll be business as usual.

Change the name? They can't change the name.

It's been Maggie's all my life.

You know, Maggie is more than just a place to buy a sack of oats and a cup of coffee, it's-it's an institution.

One of the very few authentic meeting places left.

Someone's probably just gonna tear it down and build a strip mall, and no one's even gonna remember it was-dad?

No, I wasn't aware of that. Is that right?

Oh, this is an interesting opportunity. [Sighs]

[Bird caws]

Georgie, no! No!

Georgie: He's not moving! What's wrong with him?

[Flies buzz loudly]

Take your horse and go back to the barn, okay?

But-please just do it.

[Reluctant sigh]

♪ And at the break of day, you sank into your dream, you dreamer

♪ oh, oh, oh... You dreamer

♪ you dreamer

Scott: Normally, my guess would be severe colic.

But there was cardiac muscle damage, which makes me think congestive heart failure.

I'll know more when I get to the lab.

I just don't get it. You know, he seemed fine.

Ty: You know anything about him?

Not really. He just got here.

I do know he was from a horse camp, and then a rescue centre saw him at an auction and they thought maybe I could re-home him, so they brought him here.

Guess I didn't do a very good job, did I?

[Grunts with effort]

[Truck rumbles up]

Tim: Hey! Hey-hey! Jack!

What happened to no heavy lifting?

I don't wanna have to scrape you off the ground again.

Jack: For your information, that new doctor gave me the once over and was very impressed by what she saw.

Great. So you passed the physical.


How did you do on the cognitive functioning test?

I remember how I feel about you.

A-ha! You remember buff chomsky?

Yeah, hamburger franchise.

Bison burgers. Buff as in buffalo.

Yeah. The guy who wouldn't take your calls.

Yeah. Well, guess who's calling who now?

Tables have turned, buddy.

Well, what does he want?

He wants to put a franchise in Hudson, and with Maggie's for sale, he's found his perfect location.

What, Maggie's?

Now, I know that franchises aren't cheap, but I'm telling you, with a little creative accounting, I can probably pull this deal together.

What? Maggie's? Maggie's is for sale?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I got a good feeling about this, Jack.

I mean the stars are aligning.

That's great. Wow.

Uh, I'm happy for you.

No, I am, Maggie. [Chuckles]

Okay. Give our love to soraya.

Thanks. Bye.

Mallory: So it's true, the end of an era.

Maggie is moving to London to be with soraya and she's selling everything.

Wow. That's a great opportunity for somebody.

I mean business is booming, great location.


Why don't you buy Maggie's, Lou?

[Scoffs] Yeah, right.

I'm serious.

You'd be a great owner uh-huh.

And I could be your manager.

Aren't you going to school in the fall?

Maybe. I don't know.

What do you mean? Didn't you get accepted?

Everywhere I applied.

There is so many acceptance letters on the fridge, my mom ran out of magnets.

That's amazing to have so many options.

Sometimes too many options is just as bad as none at all.

That's why I'm thinking of taking a gap year.

A gap year?

What does your mom think about that?

[Imitating her mom] "If you wanna waste a year of your life", you're on your own."

That's why you buying Maggie's is the perfect solution.

Yeah, maybe for you, but not for my bottom line.

What about the insurance money?

Peter would k*ll me.

Every penny is going into our new house.

Mallory: Why bother when you have a perfectly good place to live here!

Well, Peter doesn't quite see it that way.

Peter: Well, whoever buys it better have deep pockets 'cause you can bet Maggie's not just giving it away.

Amy: Well, I don't care who buys it as long as they don't change it.

There's been a feed store on that block since before the town was even incorporated in 1906.

Yeah, you were there for the opening, weren't you, Jack?

Lou: Seriously, 1906?

That would make Maggie's a heritage site.

Ty: What would that mean?

Lou: Plenty. You know, who ever buys it can't just demolish it or renovate it into... Let's say, a Starbucks or a fast food restaurant.

Tim: Look who's back - the horsey!

Mommy washed her.

She's all clean and she's better now.

Num, num, num, num...

Peter: Hey, Tim?

Sorry, we're actually trying not to do baby talk with her.

We're using normal adult speech.

When do you do this speaking?

The two minutes a day that you Skype from Vancouver?

Dad! Sorry.

That's okay, it's fine. Don't worry about it.

I'm sure he said all the nice sensitive things he's going to say for one evening.

That's my girl.

Just to be sure, I'm gonna take her to bed.

Let's go.

Nice one, dad.

Amy: Are you done with this, hon?

Hey, where's your ring?

I swear I just had it.

Oh, your ring?

Maybe I could help you out with that one.


Now, let's see... Where did I see it?

Ah, voila! Your ring!

Where was it?

In the bathroom.

Guess you're not mad at me now.

[Relieved sigh]

I love the ring, Ty, I do.

I just don't like to wear it when I'm working.

Ty: Well, I can see that.

Hey, what if, while you're working, you just wear it on a chain around your neck or something?

Yeah, like... Like a ball and chain.

Like a what?

Like a what?

I didn't realize being engaged to me was such a heavy burden.

Oh well, it has its moments.

Georgie: Hey, Amy, you read-y?

Okay, never mind.

Georgie and I usually do night check together.

I'll be right out, Georgie.

Well, why don't you go. I'll finish up here.

Really? Yep.

Wow! A fiancee who does dishes?

That's worth more than a diamond ring any day.

[Door closes]

[Crickets chirping]

Amy: You okay?

Georgie: Okay about what?

Amy: Well...

Seeing that horse this morning.

You think that's the first time I've seen something dead before?

Trust me, it's not.

Good to know.

Stuff dies all the time, and it's not like I really knew him.

He was just some random horse with no name.

I called him buddy.

Ever since he stepped off the trailer, he just looked like a buddy to me.


In my head, I called him thumper.

Because of his rabbit ears?


[Weeping softly]

Peter: [Sighs] Did you get those listings the agent sent?

Lou: Uh, yeah.

Agh! Don't get me wrong, I love your family.

But how great is it gonna be to have dinner alone, just the four of us, living the dream in a house we can call our own.

What's this? "Hudson heritage preservation program."

Lou: It's guidelines for what constitutes a heritage building, and Maggie's totally fits the criteria.

I mean somebody has to get on this.

Peter: Right.

Somebody that's not spending all their time trying to find their family a place to call home, right?

Lou: Yes, yes, another somebody.

Peter: Good.

Lou: [Sighs]

But like, just hypothetically, did you ever think about the great synergy there could be between a diner like Maggie's and the dude ranch?

I mean the opportunity for tie-ins.

No, no, I never have, but it sounds like you have.


I mean how crazy would that be?

Peter: Crazy.

Yeah, very crazy, okay?

Almost as crazy as being married with two kids and still having to listen to your grandfather snoring in the room down the hall.

Lou: [Chuckles]


We had our first date at Maggie's.

[Door opens and shuts]

Hey, um, are you doing some work in there?

Uh, just an estimate for a guy that's looking to buy the place.


And this guy's looking to renovate or...?

Nope. It's a tear down.

You know these national chains.

You could be in nunavut or Newark, New Jersey, they all look the same.

So what is it? Tim horton's? Wendy's?

Buff burger. You ever heard of it?

Lonesome trails cowboy camp.

Does that ring any bells?

Lonesome trails...

Yeah, I was just there doing spring vaccinations.

You still thinking about that bay horse?


Last July, they had a horse that d*ed.

Yeah, a blue roan.

Collicked right in front of those little campers.

Are you sure it was colic?

Because we've been learning about other conditions that look like colic, but they are not.

Really? You learned all that, did you?

Come on, boys!


No... No, not again.

Jake: So did you get the job?

Mallory: Nope. Apparently I'm under-qualified.

Jake: You wouldn't have been happy selling underwear all day, anyway.

Mallory: Since when was making a minimum wage job about following your bliss?

Jake: It's not. That's why I'm going to Paris.

Paris? Paris, Ontario? Paris, Texas?

Paris, France.

France? You're going to France?

I got a job in a wild west show.

In Paris? Who are you?

An international man of adventure?

I'm just a cowboy following his dream.

See ya.

[Tool clunks]

Hey, Jack! You need some help?

No, not from you, I don't.

You should take advantage of my generosity, you know, 'cause pretty soon I'm gonna be too busy to be generous.


[Suv rumbles to a stop]


Hi, Lou!

Tell me that you know nothing about buff burger coming to town.

I think you're the one who needs the help.

I might have gotten a call or two from buff chomsky.

And why would he call you?

He needs somebody local to help run his new operation.

And he chose you?

Dad, I don't even know what to say.

How about "congratulations on your new business opportunity," dad?

Lou: Congratulate you on turning a small town icon into a burger franchise?

Over my dead body.

You know what? You want a fight?

You got one!


What? She'll get over it.

Jack: Yeah, she'll get over it.

You are in for a world of hurt.

Lou: Oh, the mayor's busy.

No, actually I cannot wait until the town council meeting.

Because by then Maggie's will be a buff burger franchise.


Yeah, yeah. You bet I do.

How about this: Our heritage means more to us voters than a bison burger on a bun.


Did you guys lose something?

Um, my engagement ring.

I kind of took it off and...

You'd think she would've learned her lesson.

Amy, you lost your engagement ring?

I misplaced it, okay?

Just don't tell Ty.

I haven't lost it yet, all right?

I just haven't found it.

Lou: That is why I never take my ring off.

Ever since Peter told me what happened when his ex-wife dropped her ring down the toilet at his parents' farm.

Ew. Did they ever find it?

Oh yeah, yeah, they found it.

But by the time they drained the septic t*nk, the marriage was already over.


Hey, Scott, come check this out.

They haven't updated their website in over a year.

Oh yeah.

Some of these horses have gone to horse heaven already.

Like blue - blue roan.

Ty: Yeah, and bucky the big bay.

Oh, his lab results came in. I put them on your desk there.

Scott: So did you look at them?

Find out what k*lled him?

Ty: Well, you were right about the fibrous tissue in the heart muscle.

I was wrong about the pathogen.

It turns out there was a slow build up of toxins in his tissues.

So my guess would be it was something in the environment that k*lled him.

So what next, Dr. borden?

I think I'm gonna pay lonesome trails a visit.



This is definitely in the ball park.

Enh. No ensuite bathroom.

Look at this open plan. I love that one.

With two kids? I like doors.

Okay, good.

Fine. That's no problem.

We'll find something one of these years.

I'm sorry.

I'm just a little bit distracted.

But uh...

Yeah, I read your latest blog post.

Oh, did you?

As soon as I put it up, I got like 76 replies.

Crazy! But, you know, no one can believe some creep can just waltz into town and turn a heritage site into a burger franchise.

I must have missed that.

When was Maggie's declared a heritage site?

It's... on-going.

You know, it's a work in progress.


So instead of looking for a house, you're gonna become a crusader to save Maggie's, is that- no, honey, it's not like that.

Well, what's it like then?

Please tell me 'cause I'm...

Is it a family feud with your dad or something?

Okay, I'm sor- just do me a favour and ask yourself what's important to you and your family, okay?

And I really hope the answer's not a diner and a feed store.

[Birds chirp]

Mallory: Here's something I can do.

"Petite models wanted.

Must have your own car. No experience necessary."

No, no.

Okay, look, if you really need work, between the dude ranch and babysitting, there's always a ton to do around here.

Okay, but you're not giving up on Maggie's!

You know, the for sale sign is still in the window.

Actually, I've decided, from now on, I'm putting my family first.

I'm sorry, but you need Maggie's and, more importantly, Maggie's needs you!

And why is that?

Because if someone doesn't do something fast, the entire main street is gonna be renovated out of existence.

It's not a renovation, okay?

It's a tear down.

That's what buff burger does.

They just come in and they destroy the whole place.

Why wouldn't they? What do they care?

They don't.

I sorta wish I didn't either.


[Birds chirp]

Adele: You're a vet? We didn't call a vet.

Ty: Well, actually, I'm a vet student.

Dr. cardinal, he asked me to come by and re-check the horses after their vaccinations to make sure there's no adverse reactions.

Raymond: Good idea.

With camp starting in a week, better safe than sorry.


[Chickens cluck]

Ty: This one looks good.

No swelling at the injection site.

Raymond: At lonesome trails, we're all about the horses.

You see, Adele and me, we're not selling a product.

We offer an experience.

The triple c's: Communication, cooperation, compromise.

It equals... [Inhales deeply]

Perfect harmony.

Ty: Well, I'm all for harmony, but you shouldn't keep chickens so close to your horses there.

Raymond: Those birds, they have the run of the place.

Campers, they get a real kick out of 'em.

Ty: I'll bet.

I'm sure you're aware that some chicken feed has additives that aren't good for horses.


Stuff they put in feed to promote growth.

It's for poultry. But if horses eat it, it could build up in their system.


Well, it can eventually k*ll them.

What are you talking about? Our horses eat grain and hay, not chicken feed.

Maybe not on purpose, but they are eating it.

You had a horse die last summer, his name was blue.

Don't talk to me about blue.

And then the bay -
I think his name was bucky.

Bucky? Bucky's dead, too?

Ty: He d*ed from a build up of toxins in his system.

So what? You're calling me a horse k*ller now?

No. You see how these things get started?

Raymond: It's okay, Adele.

Adele: No, Raymond, it's not.

Listen, friend, I suggest you mind your own business.

How long do you think you're gonna be?

I need half an hour.

I'll give you fifteen minutes.

Sorry, pal.

Lou: You guys, great timing.

I need the kitchen.

Georgie: What are you making?

Lou: Muffins. For Maggie's.

Amy: Really, Lou? A bake sale? Come on.

Lou: No, no, no, see, the muffins are to remind people what they'll miss out on.

First, they eat the muffin, then they sign the petition.


Georgie: Ew...


Let's see what we got here.

There's hair, potato peel, fingernail clippings.

All: [Grossed out] Ugh!

No ring?

If it's not in this p-trap, it must have gone into the septic t*nk.

Grampa, please?

No. Not... no!


What the hell?

Amy, tell me this isn't ridiculous.

You know what's in here, don't ya?

Amy: Oh!

Come on, grampa, we've got to at least try.

You owe me for this.

Ty: Something wrong with the septic t*nk?

No, the t*nk's fine.

Georgie: But something else really smells.

[Sniffs] You!

Yeah, me.

Okay, I just got finished cleaning all the chicken crap out of my truck.

A little "gift" from the lonesome trails cowboy camp.

Or more like a message - don't come back.

Why don't you tell me all about it.

We'll get you into some sweatpants so I can wash those jeans.

Well... here goes nothing.
Where is everybody?

Lou: They'll be here.

I contacted all the local media and I even posted an online petition.

So they will come.

Mallory: Well, at least we got one concerned citizen.

Tim: Where is everybody?

What's this one?

Looks like banana... crunch. Mm. How much?

I'm not here to raise money, dad.

I'm here to raise awareness.

Tim: Lou, this buff burger thing, it makes a lot of financial sense.

I can show you their numbers and projections.

Honey, why don't you go in on it with me.

Dad, you don't get it, do you?

I want Maggie's to stay the way it is; You want to turn it into a franchise.

Tim: Here I thought you were a businesswoman.

Lou: For your information, complete strangers have been sending in online donations.

Buff burger is going down and you are going down with it!

Tim: No. Nobody's gonna stop buff burger unless they make a better offer and buy the damn place.

So maybe I will.

Maybe I will buy the damn place!

Well, it's gonna take real money, not nickel and dime donations.

Do you know how much they're asking for it?

Yeah, I do, and I can handle it no problem.

You think Peter's gonna let you touch that insurance money?

You're crazy.

I'd rather be crazy than a conniving opportunist who could care less about his community.

The thing about opportunists, Lou, is that we don't waste our time on lost causes.

Lou: Oh, talk about a lost cause!

Only a fool would go up against his own daughter, especially if that daughter is me!

Fine! You wanna make this personal?

You're on! That's for the muffin.

Keep it! Looks like you're gonna need it the way things are going.

Thank you.

Mallory: Hey, Tim!

Lou doesn't want your money.

No, no, keep it.

I'm sorry you had to see that.

A couple of hot-heads goin' at it.

Runs in the family.

Yeah, well, that's the beautiful thing about families, Mallory, you fight, you make up.

You know, for Lou and I, it's water off a duck's back.

Really? You're talking about Lou.

The one who was so mad at you she was turning purple?

Let me ask you something.

What is so wrong with a buffalo Patty on a bun?


I actually prefer it over beef.


When I get that franchise going...

When I get that franchise going, there's a job in it for you.

Okay. But I wouldn't wanna be a waitress.

I mean... If I were to work for you, I'd want to be manager.

Manager, wow!

Striking while the iron's hot.

Didn't know you were an opportunist.

See, despite what my daughter might say, being an opportunist is a good thing, manager Mallory.

I gotta run.

Hey. Hey.

Coming to bed?

Yeah, in a sec.

Uh, do you want to take a look at something?

Check this out.

I, uh, found these photos in the city archives.

The building actually dates back to 1902.

Peter: Hmm. And here I'm thinking you were looking at real estate listings.

I'm making my presentation tomorrow.

What presentation? To who?

The town council.


Well, we're looking at real estate tomorrow.

We got appointments, all these listings.

I know, I know.

But honey, if you can patient with me for a couple more days, then once I can get Maggie's declared a heritage site, buff burger will be out of the equation.

And then what, Lou?

And then I can buy the building for something pretty reasonable.

Oh! Buy the building?

[Yells] You wanna buy the building?!

Keep your voice down!

What is reasonable about that?

Honestly! How're you going to pay for it?

What, you got money hidden under the mattress I don't know about or something?

I'm working on a business plan, okay?

Okay, work on this.

Every cent from that insurance settlement has to go into the purchase of our new house.


Georgie: New house? Why do we need a new house?

I don't want to move. I like it here.

Georgie. [Sighs]

[Bedroom door slams] Perfect.

[Katie starts wailing]

Even better.

Tomorrow morning, I'm gonna go look at houses, okay?

I've taken time off work.

I cleared my schedule, I made it my priority.

I really hope you do the same.

Lou: Peter.

Daddy's coming, Katie.

Jack: So... I gotta agree with Peter.

Just give it up, Lou. Just move on.

I thought I was the good guy here.



Mallory: Lou, the meeting's about to start, where are you?

Now? You're gonna look for houses now?

I'm sorry, Mallory, but I'm doing what I have to do.

Georgie: I don't want to move and neither does Katie!

Peter: We're not moving.

We're looking for a place, right?

That we all like, and when we find it then we'll talk about moving, okay?

Ty: Uh, Lou, have you seen my jeans that Amy washed for me?

Uh, they're right here.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, thanks.

Are you looking for something?

Uh, no. Nothing. It's just...

Did you happen to see anything in the washer or the dryer?

The anything you didn't lose? Uh, no, but you're welcome to have a look.

Peter: All right, ready to go?

Lou: Are you kidding? It's gonna be great!

Road trip!

Peter: What's uh- what's he doing here?

Lou: I don't know.

Tim: Hey, I'm glad I caught you, guys.

Lou: Dad, bad timing, okay? We have a thing.

Tim: Lou, I know we have our differences, but there's always time for family.

Come here, I got something for you.

I've got a surprise for you!

Okay, here he is, everybody!

Oh, he's so cute!

Look, Katie, your first pony!

Here you go. Let's just see.

A real life pogy.


Here we go!

Georgie: Do you wanna go on a ride?

Let's go for a ride. Come on, pogy.

Tim: Let's go.

Can you believe Lou just weaseled out like that?

I was counting on that manager job.

Well, there's always buff burger.

Maybe you could talk to Tim.

I already did.

Does that make me just as weaselly as Lou?

What are you talking about?

I only cared about a stupid job.

Lou was fighting for our history.

In a couple of months, the kids in this town are just gonna be scarfing down buffalo burgers.

And they're not gonna give a thought to how Hudson was a pioneer town on a stagecoach line.

Or that this place is more than chain restaurants and big box stores.

Well, you sold me...

Bet you could sell him too.

The mayor?

You think I should talk to the mayor?

What would I say?


Excuse me. Excuse me, Mr. mayor.

Hi, I'm Mallory Wells.

Georgie: Brush the pony, Katie.

Good job. You're gotta press nice and hard, or else you're just tickling him.

Tim: So did Lou ever tell you that she and Amy had ponies before they could even walk?

Probably not.

Georgie: Can I take Katie for a ride?

Peter: Sure. I'll come with you!

Georgie: Okay.

Peter: You wanna go for a ride?! Let's go, come on.

Georgie: Come on, pogy.

Tim: Lou, that little pony... It's like a family tradition.

Actually, dad, it's like bribery.

Tim: Lou! Lou, slow down!

Honey, listen, help me understand something.

You and I don't agree on a business deal and now I can't buy gifts for my granddaughter?

So you can worm your way back into my good books?

You got this wrong.

This buff burger idea was not some...

Part of a conspiracy to ruin your life.

I wanted to build something.

I wanted to leave something for you kids.

Dad, I wanna build something too, and if you bothered to do any research, you would have seen that Maggie's has always turned a decent profit.

If you compare that to the exorbitant franchise fees you'd be paying...
[Phone vibrates]

Hang on, I gotta take this.

Hello! Buff!


Well, what do you mean?

Well, why is that my fault?

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Yeah, well, same to y-

[button beeps, phone auto dials]

We gotta talk.

Peter: Hey. Better be good.

I'm missing a pony ride for this.

Tim: Yeah, it's good, so just listen.

Buff chomsky didn't get his zoning change.

The town council just declared the entire block a heritage site.

Okay, I'm still not seeing how this is good news for me?

Buff chomsky won't be buying Maggie's to tear it down for his damn franchise, so Lou can put in an offer.

She can probably pick it up for a song.

Okay, I don't know if you've heard yet or not, Tim, but we're not interested in Maggie's.

We're trying to buy a house right now.

I'm missing my real estate appointment for this.

Oh, really? Yeah.

With two kids at home and a husband who's away half the time, why would Lou want to sit in a house by herself when she's got a perfectly good home here at heartland? See? Thanks.

I'm done here, Tim.

It's not about you, general.

It's about your wife, my daughter.

It's about Lou putting her heart and soul into a labour of love and making money hand over fist while she's at it.

What? What?

Are you not seeing what I'm saying here?

You know what I'm seeing, honestly?

It's just someone who's doing a one-eighty.

That's it.

Okay, yeah. I was a jerk.

I was a jerk for backing buff chomsky and not my daughter.

But now you have a chance to be a bigger jerk by standing in your wife's way.

I don't know what you want from me here, Tim, okay?

I'm not made of money, all right?

And even if they have re-zoned it or it's a heritage site now or whatever, Maggie's is not gonna come cheap, I'm telling you. Not cheap.

Not cheap, but doable...

If I get involved and help out.

What do you mean help out? What?

You talking about a loan or something?

Joint investment.

I'll take the money I was gonna put in that stupid franchise and I'll back my daughter instead.

I'll tell you, the problem with that is, the way things have been going with you and Lou, she's never gonna go for it.

Doesn't have to know.

Huh? Doesn't have to know.

What's that, we just shake hands and...

Your word and a handshake and that's it?

It's all it takes when you're family.

Georgie: What if we get arrested?

Amy: It's not gonna happen.

Ty: All I need is a small sample of the chicken feed that they're using, okay?

Georgie: Well, why don't you just ask them?

They were a little defensive before.

Georgie: Well, yeah, their camp sucks.

I mean all you have to do is go online.

A couple of kids saw a horse die last year, now no one wants to go back.

I mean I would never want to go there.

But you're gonna pretend like you do, right?

Right, Georgie?


Okay, let's go.

Raymond: Georgie, you are gonna love it here.

And your auntie Amy tells me you're a real horse crazy kid.

Georgie: Auntie Amy?

[Chickens cluck]

[Door creaks open]

Adele: Our campers come from all over the world.

Such a great group.

Georgie: Do we have to shower in groups?

'Cause that's not gonna happen.

[Chickens cluck]

[Feed rattles]

Amy: Hey, so why don't we check out the cabins where Georgie will be staying?

Georgie: Yeah, I'd really like that.

Raymond: But you haven't met the horses yet.

Amy: Yeah, but you see, Georgie is really particular about her sleeping arrangements.

[Loud clunk, chickens cluck]

Raymond: Hey! Hey you!

Adele: I thought you got the message.

You're not welcome here.

Ty: All right, let me explain.

I was just collecting some feed samples.

No, you're trespassing is what you're doing.

Adele, go call the cops.

Wait! Hold on a second. Hold on! Hold on, okay?

Look, I'm not trying to ruin your business.

I think I know what's poisoning your horses.

Raymond: We run a riding camp!

Why would we poison our horses?

Not on purpose, okay?

This chicken feed, it contains monensin it's that growth additive that I was telling you about.

Your horses are eating it.

That's why they're dying.

Georgie: Yeah, and your cred is like zero.

All you have to do is go online.

Raymond: Tell me about it.

Do you guys have any idea what it's like to have your name dragged through the mud?

Adele: Horse k*ller.

That's what they're calling me on Facebook and that Twitter.

Raymond: Families we've known for years have stopped sending their kids here.

Adele: Once something like that starts, you can't put the genie back in the bottle.

Ty: We just wanna help, okay?

All you gotta do is move a few bags of feed, clean up your barn, and keep your chickens away from your horses and you can prevent another horse from getting sick.

Might be too late for that.

[Horse snorts, heavy breathing]

Raymond: His name's catwalk.

Everyone's favourite.

Yesterday, he wouldn't touch his hay.

Just not being himself.

Ty: His heart rate is through the roof right now.

I keep walking him, try to make him drink.

Just figured it's colic.

Ty: Yeah, well, monensin poisoning has the same symptoms.

We gotta get him to the clinic or he might not make it till tomorrow.

We can't let that happen again.

And we won't.

Okay, let's go [clicks his tongue] Come on.

Come on.

[Dogs bark]

Amy: How is he?

He's good. He's hanging in there.

I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with you right now.

Well, don't be.

Amy, I gotta tell you something.

I screwed up big time.

What are you talking about?

Your ring? I lost it.

You lost it?

You left it by the sink in the kitchen that night and I put it in my jeans pocket and then you washed my jeans.

And I can't find it.

I searched everywhere, Amy.

I've looked everywhere.

Is that what you and Jack were doing the septic t*nk?

Like I said, everywhere.

So here I was breaking my back and the ring was in your pocket the whole time?

Ty: Well, it was.

Now I'm gonna be saving up for a new one.

Amy: I guess you'll just have to propose to me all over again.

Ty: Well, you better say yes the first time.

[Phone rings]

Lou: Excuse me.

Uh, hello? Hi.

Real estate agent.

Georgie: Congratulations on your new house.

Oh, for your information, miss smarty pants, she's not calling about a house.

Lou: What? No way.

Okay. Okay.

[Lou clears her throat]
So they accepted the offer...

And we just bought Maggie's!

Congratulations! That is so amazing!

And just how do you plan to manage all this?

Hire good people, stay out of the day-to-day.

Yeah. We'll see how long that lasts.

Georgie: So we don't have to move?

Peter: Ah, well, no.

No, for the time being, we're gonna stay right where we are.

We'll put the whole house hunting thing on hold for now, I guess.

Lou: Did I marry the right guy? Am I lucky or what?

Luck had nothing to do with it.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means that...

Everyone should be very proud of you...

Because Lou bought a diner!

Let's have a toast to that!

Lou: I did! I absolutely did. Amy: Way to go, Lou!

[Sighs] What have we done?

I have no idea.

Pj's. What do you think?

Ice cream cones?



How about elephants? Do you like those?

Katie: Mm-hm. Lou: No?

I usually let her pick her own.

Okay, go crazy.

So, your new manager starts tomorrow.

That's great, Mallory.

But you know being a manager, it's a full-time job.


And I promised Peter I'd be hands off.

I need someone, you know, long term.

That's me.

But, Mallory, what if you decide to go to school in the fall?

It's not gonna happen.

But what if it does?

I need someone I can trust one hundred percent to take care of absolutely everything.

Someone like me.

The same someone who talked to the mayor.

Zoning change denied. Heritage site done.

Wait... that was you?

Yeah. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, but if that doesn't prove that I'm committed...

What you did was amazing and I can't thank you enough.

But, you know, commitment is only part of it.

Being a manger is a huge job and for someone who's only waitressed part-time, I just-
I don't think you're ready.

Amy: Hey. I just wanted to say congrats and you're crazy... [Laughing]

And good luck.

Thanks, I think.

Amy: Good night, Katie.

Picking out your own pajamas.

Lou: Yeah.

What's that?

What you got there?



Katie, you found the ring, honey!

Good girl.

You know, I talked to Scott today.

He says the horses are doing really well.

Oh, good, that's a relief.

Hey, you wanna know what else is a relief?

What's that?

You found it! Where did you find it?!

Actually, Katie found it.



I want you know that...

Ring or no ring, I will always be there for you and I will always love you.

I'll always love you too.




I guess I was just hoping that you would propose again.



Let's see if I remember how to do this.

Amy Fleming...

Will you still marry me?

Amy: Hmm...

I guess so.


It kinda takes the surprise out of it, doesn't it?

♪ Tie me a circle from a piece of string ♪
♪ And I will wear it as your ring ♪
♪ know there ain't nothing I wouldn't give to you ♪
♪ If you asked me to ♪