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01x04 - Down In The Dumps/The Birdhouse

Posted: 07/28/23 17:32
by bunniefuu
[Cheerful melodic music]

[Bird chirping]

Now that it's spring, it's time to put away my winter scarf.

Hmm, no room in here.

I'll just put it in the top drawer.


Hmm, this is filled up too.

Where am I going to put this scarf?

Ruff, ruff, ruff!

Good idea, weenie.

I can put the scarf in that chest.


I never knew I had so much stuff.

Ruff, ruff

Ruff, ruff, ruff

Smart girl, weenie.

There must be room in the closet.

Hmm, it's a bit crowded.

But I'm sure I can make room for one little scarf.


Ooh! Oops.

Ruff oh.

This is--ungh-- a little tricky.


There we go, weenie girl.



Oh, what a mess.

I'll never get all this stuff back in.

Ow-rowr, ruff, ruff

That does it; it's time for a big clean-up.

Let's put everything I don't need in this wagon.

Then we can take it to the dump and throw it out.

Ruff, ruff!

* I don't need this.

* I don't need that.

* This tool, this stool, this cowboy hat. *

* This block, this clock, this front door mat. *

* I don't need this and that. *

* I don't need these. I don't need those. *

* These pots, these pans, this garden hose. *

* If I don't need it, out it goes. *

* I don't need these or those.



Nice and clean.

Come on, girl.

Let's take the rest of this stuff to the dump.

Ruff, ruff

[Cheerful music]

[Oswald grunting]

Hello, oswald, old pal.

Hi, there, weenie.

Where are you two going?

We're going to the dump to get rid of all this junk.

Hmm, say, don't throw this away.

I can use this.

Why do you want that old rake?

It's all bent.

But it's perfect for scratching my back feathers--watch.

Ahh, that feels good.

Thank you, oswald.

No. Thank you, henry.


A little to the left.

Howdy do, guys!

Where are you going with that wagon?

We're going to the dump to get rid of all this junk.


Can I have this?

What do you want with an empty picture frame, daisy?

It's a perfect hopscotch maker.


[Upbeat music]


Pretty sweet-o neat-o.

Thanks, oswald.

No. Thank you.

Bye, oswald.

Bye-bye, daisy.

Yippee! Whoo-hoo!

Hello, there, oswald, weenie.

Where are you going with that wagon?

We're going to the dump to get rid of all this junk.


Oswald, may I have this?

Sure, but what do you want with that pot, madame butterfly?

It has a hole in it.

Oh, that doesn't matter.

Catrina and I can have fun with it anyway.





Thank you very much, oswald.

No. Thank you.

[Cheerful music]




Well, hello, there, oswald.

Yes! Yes!


Where are you going, old boy?

We're going to the dump to get rid of all this junk.

[Together] the dump!

May I have this?

Yes! Yes! And this.

But what do you want with an old jug and a broken tennis racket?

We can make music.


Twang, twang, twang

Foom, foom, foom


Now listen to how they sound together.

Yes! Yes! Listen.

[Upbeat music]

[Together] thank you, oswald.

No. Thank you.

[Upbeat music]

[Cheerful string music]


We finally made it, weenie.


Okay, weenie girl, let's unload all this stuff.


Huh? Everything's gone.

Ruff, ruff

Someone had a use for each thing I was going to toss out.

This is the only thing left.

Chirp, chirp


Chirp, chirp

Thank you!

Well, that's the last straw.

Come on, weenie girl, let's go home.


Hey, look at this crate, weenie.

I can use this as a footstool.

And look at that old coffee pot.

I can plant flowers for daisy in that.

Oh, and it's a shame to let these storybooks go to waste.

And that coat rack.

Oh, and this mirror.

* I can use this. I can use that. *

* This rope, this soap, this baseball bat. *

* This plane, this cane, this floppy hat. *

* I've got a use for this and this and this and that. *

* And I've a use for that. *

You know, I'm really glad

We decided to clean up today, weenie.

Ruff, ruff, ruff

[Upright bass music]



[Birds chirping]



Hello, birds.


Ruff, ruff

Ooh, it's getting cold.

Look, weenie, everyone's going inside their nice, warm homes.


Except the birds.


They need a warm place to live too.

I know-- let's build them a house.

Ruff, ruff

Now, let's see.

What can we use to make a birdhouse?

An orange crate.

Yes, that's perfect.

We can break it up for wood.

Here's some glue and a hook.

Weenie, we're all set.

* A nice cozy house

* Not made for a mouse.

* It's not for a cat or dog or a bat. *

* It won't hold a horse or an elephant, of course. *

* Oh, haven't you heard?

* It's a house for a bird. *


It's done.

Ruff, ruff

Chirp, chirp, chirp


The birds will love it.


Hi, henry.

Hello, oswald.

Why are you carrying an umbrella?

It's nice and sunny out.

Well, it might rain.

You never know.

What do you have there?

It's a birdhouse.


What's the matter, henry?

Don't you like it?

Oh, I like it fine, oswald,

But I don't think the birds will.

It's not bright enough.

Why don't you paint it?

Paint it?


You know what birds like: polka dots.

Well, polka dots are beautiful.

Come on, weenie, let's get some paint.

[Cheerful music]



Hello, bingette.

Hi-ya, oswald.

Oh, can I get you something?

Yes, bingette.

I'm painting a birdhouse.

I need two bright colors.

Oh, bright, bright.

Let me see.

Ruff, ruff

Of course, weenie-- green and orange.

That's very bright.

Now, I was just going to say that.

We'll need some paint brushes too.

Thanks very much for your help, bingette.

Oh, well, just doing my job.

Come on, girl.


[Bird chirping]

First the orange.

Splurp, splurp



This sure is messy.

Do you want to help with the polka dots?

Ruff, ruff

Splat, splat

[Oswald laughs]

The house isn't the only thing that's polka dotted.

Ruff, ruff

Oh, look, weenie.

It's perfect.


Morning, oswald.

Good morning, daisy.

How do you like our birdhouse?

It looks great.

But, pee-yew, it smells like paint.

It does?


You know what birds like?

A house with sweet-smelling flowers.

Gosh, I never thought of that.

Come on, weenie.

Let's get some flowers for the birdhouse.

Beep, beep, beep

Hey, my favorite customer is back.

Hi, bingette.

We need some sweet-smelling flowers for our birdhouse.

How about some pink stinkers?



[Sniff] ooph.

They don't smell very sweet.

Hmm, sweet-smelling.



Rowr, rowr, ruff


Mmm, these honey blossoms do smell sweet, weenie.

I was just going to say that.

We'll take these.

Thanks again for your help, bingette.

That's what I'm here for.

[Cheerful music]

Okay, let's put these flowers in the windows.

Ruff, ruff

That a girl.



Now it smells beautiful.

Ruff, ruff

[Bell ringing]

Ring-a ding ding.

Ring-a ding ding.

Hi, egbert.

Hi, leo.

Good day, oswald.

Yes! Yes! A good day indeed.

What do you have there, oswald?

It's a birdhouse.



What? Don't you think it's pretty?

Well, it looks pretty.

Yes! Yes! And it smells pretty.


But it doesn't...

[Together] sound pretty!

You know what birds like: a house with bells.

Yes! Yes! Bells!

[Bell ringing]

Maybe you're right.

Come on, weenie.

Let's get some bells for the birdhouse.


Good-bye, oswald.

Yes! Yes!


[Together] ding-a-ling, ling.

[Bell rings]

Hi-ya, oswald.

Hi, bingette.

This time I need a bell for my birdhouse.

How about this?



I'm afraid that might scare the birds.

Oh, I got it.

How about this?

[Gentle tinkling]

Well, I'm afraid they won't hear that one at all.

We need something the birds would like to hear.

Let me think.

Ruff, ruff, ruff

Clang, clang, clang

That's just right.

Thanks again for your help, bingette.

What can I say?

I know my bells, huh?


Bye, bingette.

Ruff, ruff


Let's put these bells on.


There. We're finally done.

Now let's hang up the birdhouse.

Ruff, ruff, ruff

[Bells clanging]

Okay, birds, your new home is ready.


Tap, tap, tap

Peck, peck, peck


Why don't they like our birdhouse?

I thought we did everything birds like.

[Bells clanging]

[Thunder clapping]

Oh, my gosh.

A storm.

Hurry, girl. In here.


[Wind howling]

Oh, no.

Our birdhouse is ruined.

[Sighs heavily]


Look, weenie.

Ruff, ruff

Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!

Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!

It doesn't have polka dots or flowers or bells,

You know what birds like, weenie?

A nice, plain, simple house.

Ruff, ruff