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01x25 - Zigby's Fix-It Shop/ Zigby's Sleeplese Night

Posted: 07/28/23 16:10
by bunniefuu
♪ On a tropical island far away ♪

♪ A cheeky zebra loves to play

♪ Zigby running through the jungle ♪

♪ Uh-Oh

♪ He's trotting into trouble

♪ Zigby and his friends are here today ♪

♪ Zigby's off on a new adventure ♪

♪ Here's McMeer his helpful friend ♪

♪ Bertie the bird says please be careful ♪

♪ But it's okay

♪ It'll work out in the end

♪ Zigby running through the jungle ♪

♪ Hurray

♪ He's trotting out of trouble

♪ Zigby and his friends are here to play ♪

♪ Zigby

(playful music)


McMeer what is that?

It's my latest creation.

I call it McMeer's pudding surprise!

Pudding surprise?

What's in it?

I don't know.

That's the surprise!

I took lots of food from the pantry and mixed it together.

Like some?

(McMeer grunts)

Wow it's really sticky.

I can't get the spoon out.



Oh no!

My favorite spoon!

Oh, it's okay McMeer.

I can fix it.

Watch this.

There, good as new.

Thanks Zigby!

You are good at fixing things.

Yes I suppose I am.

Hey, why don't I use my fix-it skills

to help everyone on the island?

Great idea Zigby!

And we can help you help them.

(playful music)

Welcome to Zigby's fix-it shop.

We fix anything!

I think you might be trotting into trouble Zigby.

What if there's something you can't fix?

Oh, Bertie, with the right tools,

I'm sure we can fix anything.

This sign will let everyone know

Zigby's fix-it shop is open for business.

Hi Zigby.

We're ready.

Hi Zara.

Hi Laurence.

Welcome to Zigby's fix-it shop.

We fix,

uh ready for what exactly?

Our game of oogly boogly remember?

You promised to play with us.

You didn't forget,

did you?

I uh-

that is I-I did sort of forget.

What's this then?

A fix-it shop?

How lucky.

I just happened to have something that needs fixing.

Oh, broken umbrella eh?

You've come to the right place Clem.

We fix anything!

But what about the game?

Okay I'll play right after I fix Clem's umbrella.

It shouldn't take long.


I did say it was broken.

(light playful music)

Oh he's still not finished.

Well I hope it's soon.

There, one fixified umbrella.

You did a great job fixifying my umbrella Zigby.

I'm going to tell everyone about your fix-it shop.

See, all done,

so I can play now.

[Zara And Laurence] Yay!

(monkeys howling)

Fix my toy!

No fix mine.

Mine first!

MonkeysFix it!

Zigby help!


But you said we could play now.

(monkeys arguing)

They need me to fix their things.

Why don't you start playing,

and I'll join you when I'm done.

I promise.


Come on Laurence,

let's try to play with just two of us.

Everyone please wait in line,

and you'll have your turn.


Bertie, McMeer could you help Elle fix her table?

And I'll help Wink, Tink, and Stink.


No worries.

Who's first?

(monkeys arguing)

Here's how we'll play.

You throw the ball,

and I'll hit it.

Who's gonna catch it?

You are.



Oh dear.

We really could use Zigby to catch.

There you go,

all fixified.


Thank you Zigby.

It's mine.

(monkeys howling)

How are you two doing?

All done over here.

Me too.



[Bertie And McMeer] Oops.

(group laughs)

Let's try again,

but this time try hard to catch it.



My latest mud sculpture.

It's fabulous Celine.

So stylish,

and so flamingo-y.

Oh, is was nothing Vicky.

I simply modeled it after you.

I know.

(giggles softly)

And I made it as a surprise present for you.





(glass shatters)

What was that?

(gasps loudly)

Laurence and I are sorry we broke your sculpture.

Sorry, we were just playing.

It's okay.

It was only an accident.

Vicky's right,

but it's going to take me a whole day

to make a new one.

Hey you don't have to.

Zigby has a fix-it shop,

and he can fix anything.

(playful music)


All fixified, Elle.

Thank you Zigby!


Now I can finally play oogly boogly

with Zara and Laurence.

Oh Zigby!

Or maybe not.


You have a turn at hitting the ball.





Oops Laurence.

Ah, what do we do now?

(playful music)

There you go,

all fixified.

Thanks Zigby!

Now I can go and play with Zara and Laurence

like I promised.

[Zara And Laurence] Zigby!

Our bat broke!

And I've got a broken lamp!

And I've got a broken chair!

And we broke the truck again!

CrowdFix it!

Oh, crazy coconuts,

this is trouble.

Quiet everyone!


Zigby's fix-it shop is now closed.

(crowd gasps)


But you said you'd fix anything.


Yes I did,

and I will.

Only there's something else

very important I have to fix first.


What is it?

It's my broken promise to Zara and Laurence.

So let's play oogly boogly everyone!

(crowd cheers)

But the bat's broken.

(crowd gasps)

Don't worry,

you've come to the right place.

All I need is a little tape.


I've run out.

So we can't play after all.

Ah, I'm afraid not.

(crowd gasps)

So if we're not going to play,

let's eat!



Cool bananas!

That's it McMeer.

Where's your surprise pudding?

(playful music)

Is it fixified?

As sure as I'm stripy it is.


(playful music)



I'll get it.


(loud crash)

(crowd gasps)

Bertie, McMeer are you alright?

(crowd grunting)

Oh dear,

how are we going to fix this mess?

(McMeer slurps)


It's okay Bertie,

I think I can eat us out of this one.

(crowd laughs)

(playful music)


(yawning excessively)

Goodnight, Pokey. (sighs)

(water dripping) Huh?

What's that dripping noise?

(playful music)

(water dripping)

(grunts) That'll stop it.

(water dripping)


(grunts excessively)


Hmm, what I need is



A cork!

No drips now.

(faucet creaking)


Oh, I can still hear it!

I'll fix the tap in the morning, Pokey,

when I'm not so tired.

Right now, I need somewhere to sleep.

But where?

(playful music) (Bertie snoring)



(yelling) Careful!

It's not safe!

Oh, it's you Zigby!

Has something happened?

(laughing) No.

But I've got a dripping tap that's keeping me awake.

Can I share your bed for the night?

Well of course you can Zigby.

I'll make room for you.

Why don't you just fix the dripping tap?

I'm too tired now.

I'll fix it in the morning.

You could be trotting into trouble!

It's better to fix a little problem now

before it becomes a big problem later.


Bed's ready!

Thanks, Bertie.

I really appreciate this.

I've never slept in a bed

made out of twigs and sticks before.

Then you might need to wriggle a bit to get comfortable."], index ,…}

(Zigby grunting)

I'm sorry Bertie, but I've wriggled and wriggled and

I'm still not comfortable!

That goes for me too, now.

Gee, I'm sorry if I'm messing up your nest, Bertie.

I'll fix it in the morning.

Now we both need somewhere to sleep.

But where?

(playful music)

Hey, McMeer!

Who's there?

It's us, McMeer, Zigby and Bertie!

Oh, sorry Zigby, I can't see you.

Lemme turn on the light switch.

Oh (laughing) there you are!

We're sorry to wake you but

would you mind if we slept with you just for tonight?

Of course you can, come in!

(sighs) Thanks McMeer, goodnight!

That's okay.

Goodnight Zigby, goodnight Bertie.

Goodnight McMeer, goodnight Zigby!

Goodnight Bertie!

Goodnight Bertie, goodnight Zigby!

[Zigby and Bertie] Goodnight, McMeer.

(playful music)

(McMeer snoring)

(Bertie screaming)

I think this bed sharing is only going to work

if we all lie really still.




(sighs) That's better.

(all screaming)

I'm sorry we ruined your bed, McMeer.

I'll fix it in the morning.

Right now, we all need somewhere to sleep.

But where?

(playful music)

All MonkeysOf course you can sleep here!

Do you want the upper bunk or the bottom bunk?

Ooh, upper bunk please!

(all snoring)

(McMeer grunting)

(McMeer screaming)


Is everyone okay?


Luckily we landed on something soft.

(gasping) My blankie!

You saved us!

We're sorry for knocking you out of your tree.

No harm done, Zigby.

I guess we weren't meant to sleep in trees.

But we have to find somewhere to sleep!

But where?

(playful music)

Sorry to bother you Vicky,

but can we use your bed for the night

if you're not using it?

Oh, but I am using it!

All TogetherWhat?

The river is my bed.

This is how I sleep.

It's very comfortable.

Okay, let's give it a try!


We can't sleep in the river like Vicky.

But we have to sleep somewhere!

Maybe Celine has a bed!

(playful music)

Sorry to bother you, Celine.

But we've got nowhere to sleep tonight!

And we were wondering if we could share your hammock.

(Celine yawning)

Oh, of course you can!

There's enough room and hammocks are very comfortable!

(McMeer grunting)

Sorry to say it Celine,

but I don't think this hammock is that comfortable.

(Celine grunting)

Oh, you're right, McMeer!

Suddenly it's as hard as a rock!

That's because it's resting on rocks!

Aww, we're too heavy for the hammock.

Thanks Celine, but we'll have to find

somewhere else to sleep.

What if I got out of the hammock?

Oh no, no no!

I don't think that's a good idea!

(all screaming)



(playful music)

Crazy coconuts.

I really have trotted into trouble this time.

None of us has a bed for the night.

Well you still have your bed!

Yes, but the dripping tap will keep us awake.

Eh, dripping taps don't bother me!

And actually, I find the sound of water very soothing.

Well, in that case we'll go to my house!

But won't the dripping tap keep you awake?

Hmm, yes.

But you gave up your beds for me,

so I can give up a night's sleep for you.

(playful music)

You're not coming to bed, Zigby?

The dripping will keep me awake,

so I'm gonna read my book.

Goodnight then, Zigby.


Goodnight, Zigby.

(water dripping)

I can't sleep, Zigby.

Is it the dripping tap?

No, I miss my nest.

And I miss my burrow.

What if I make you some hot chocolate?

Will that help you sleep?

[Bertie and McMeer] Uhuh!

(playful music)

(both slurping) >> That's much better.

Thanks Zigby!

Yeah! (yawning)

I feel a lot sleepier now.

Why don't you go back to bed?

I'll be back up soon.

It's no use, Zigby.

We still miss our own beds.

Maybe if you sang us a bedtime song,

that would help us sleep!

Bedtime songs always put me to sleep!

(sighs) Me too.

If only there was someone who could sing us all a lullaby.

(laughs) Then I could go to sleep too.

(melody playing with water drips)

That dripping, it sounds different!


The jug, cup, and spoon make the drip sound like music!

Cool bananas!

Maybe there is a way for us all to have a lullaby!

Move over, friends.

I'm coming to bed too.

But won't the dripping tap keep you awake?

Not anymore!


[Bertie And McMeer] (gasp) A bedtime tune!

(laughing) Now we can all get some sleep!

Goodnight everyone!

Goodnight Zigby, goodnight Bertie!

BertieGoodnight Zigby, goodnight McMeer!

McMeerGoodnight Bertie, goodnight Zigby!

[Zigby And Bertie] Goodnight McMeer!

(all snoring)

(upbeat playful music)

♪ Zigby

♪ Zigby