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01x24 - Zigby Writes a Story/ Zigby's Costume Contest

Posted: 07/28/23 16:09
by bunniefuu
♪ On a tropical island far away ♪

♪ A cheeky zebra loves to play

♪ Zigby

♪ Running through the jungle

♪ Uh oh, he's trotting into trouble ♪

♪ Zigby

♪ And his friends are here today ♪

♪ Zigby's off on a new adventure ♪

♪ Here's McMeer, his helpful friend ♪

♪ Bertie the bird says

♪ Please be careful

♪ But it's okay, it'll work out in the end ♪

♪ Zigby

♪ Running through the jungle

♪ Hurray

♪ He's trotted out of trouble

♪ Zigby

♪ And his friends are here to play ♪


Once upon a time, Cinderella lived

with her ugly step-sisters.

Who made her do all the work.

But the fairy godmother sent her to the ball

to meet the handsome prince who found her glass slipper

and they lived happily ever after.

Oh, I guess you know that one.

Um, let's try another story then.

(clears throat) Here we go.

Once, there was a duck who had six eggs.

And when the last one hatched

it was big and ugly,

but it grew up into a beautiful swan.

It's a good story, but you've read it to me a lot, Zara.

What about, Snow White?

That one too.



Puss in boots?





Oh, don't stop reading.

I love it when you read to me.

Well, that's it.

Sorry, there's no more stories in the book.

Let's go and see Zigby!

I bet he's got lots more story books.

I'm sorry, Laurence.

You've read all my story books.

What about that one.

That was my birthday present from Bertie.

It's not exactly a story.

It's called, Things That You Can Trip Over.

(chuckles) If you're not careful that is.

Aw, then nobody will ever be able

to read me a new story again.

Oh, I know a story,

it's about a mango that grows on a tree.

(clears throat) There's this mango, (chuckles)

and one day, (chuckles)

it grows on a tree!


I've had some brilliant ideas before,

but this has to be about the most brilliant!

I'm going to write a brand new story for Laurence!

Um, Zigby.

Are you sure you're not trotting into trouble?

You've never written a story before.

How hard can it be?

All you need are interesting characters

who do lots of interesting things!

This'll be fantastic!

Actually, if you can give me some quiet time,

I'll have this story written soon.


Let's go!

Oh, let's see how many of these things we can find!


Ah, finished!

C'mon everyone.

Let's listen to Zigby's story.

It's called The Three Little Chickens.

(clears throat)

Once, there were three little chickens

who each built a house.

The first one, built a house of straw.

The second one, built a house of bricks.

Um, Zigby?

I think I may have heard this story somewhere before.


But, I haven't even gotten to the part about the Big Bad--


Hm, I've heard it too.

I must've copied The Three Little Pigs story

without knowing.

I need some brand new ideas.

Where will I get them?




Ha ha, I'm fine.

That's it!

Everyone on the island does funny and interesting things,

I just have to watch them.

And I'm sure to find a great story.

You mean, I could be part of a story?

Oh, that's sounds like fun!

Oh, just give me five minutes.

I'm going home to think up some interesting stuff.

No McMeer, just do what you normally do.

That's the idea.

Sure, whatever you say.


What are you doing?

Mm, nothing.

Oh, look!

Zigby, there are mangoes growing on a tree!

This isn't the mango story again, is it?


It's much more interesting.

The story only had one mango, the tree has two mangoes!

Oh! (chuckles)

So it does!

Uh, let's go and see what Bertie's doing.

Good idea!

He might have a tree with three mangoes growing on it!

Hello, Bertie!

What's up?

Not much, I just, oh!

Hold on.

Oh look!

A golden egg!

How special and interesting and really worth writing about!

(laughs) But Laurence already knows the story

of the goose that lays the golden egg.

Or should I say, the goose that paints the golden egg.

I was only trying to help with your story.

Thanks Bertie.

But I need to find a brand new story.

If Vicky doesn't know I'm here,

then she'll act normal.

♪ La de dah de dah de dah

Oh no, Hansel, we're lost!

The birds must have eaten all the breadcrumbs we dropped,

to help us find our way home, Gretel.

Is that a house?


And it's made of gingerbread!

Someone told you I'm trying to write a story, didn't they?

Um, McMeer might have mentioned it.

We're just trying to help you get ideas.

Thanks, Clem, thanks, Vicky.

But Laurence already knows the story of Hansel and Gretel.

I need to find a new story.

Oh, excuse me.

Have you seen the Big Bad Wolf?

Because my grandma's all alone in her house

in the middle of the woods.

Hello, Little Red Riding Hood.

But I think Laurence knows that story by heart.

I bet in the story Laurence knows,

Little Red Riding Hood can't do this!



Thanks, Cel.

But I need to find a brand new story.

Someone's been sleeping in my bed!

Someone's been sleeping in my bed!

Someone's been sleeping in my bed,

and they're still there!

Thanks, Wink, Tink and Stink.

But Laurence has heard that story too.

What story?

You know, (chuckles) Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Thanks, but I need to find a brand new story.

And then the littlest bear said,

"Someone's been sleeping in my bed!"

Oh, no!

That's the Goldilocks story.

Ah, crazy coconuts!

All I can think of are famous fairy tales.

Not interesting stories about everyone on the island.

How's it going, Zigby?

Can we read the new story yet?

No, sorry, I haven't come up with anything new.


Well, I know everyone tried to help

by acting out all those fairy tales.

But it's just made it harder.

Or has it?

Cool bananas!

I've just had a great idea!

And I'm going to write you the best story ever!

(crowd murmuring)

That must be some story!

Yeah, I bet there's at least five mangoes in it!

Look, he's finished!

Have you written the story?

A brand new story?

Sure as I'm stripy!

Do you wanna hear it?


(crowd murmuring)

It's called "The best story ever."

(clears throat)

Once, there was a brave little lion,

his name was Laurence the Lion-Hearted.

One day, he went walking in the deep dark forest.

Oh, (chuckles) Laurence the Lion-Hearted, that's me!


He met his friend, Zigby the Zippy.

Who was running away from the Big Bad Wolf.

(crowd gasps)

They both ran fast, but the Big Bad Wolf was catching up!

Suddenly, someone appeared.

It was, Bertie the Brave!

Who gave the wolf a golden egg.

Which he tried to eat, but he broke his tooth!

And he ran away crying.

Bertie the brave. (laughs)

Laurence the Lion-Hearted and Zigby the Zippy realized

that they had run so far that they were lost.

(crowd gasps)

But then they met a brother and sister

called Vicky the Tricky and Clem the Clever.


They got as far as a gingerbread house,

and they were so hungry, the gobbled a hole in it!

As they laid down to rest, a voice cried out,

"who's been eating my house!"

(crowd gasps)

They jumped up, and guess who they saw!

The Three Bears!


But, they were friendly bears.

So they invited Laurence and Zigby to a fancy ball

at Little Red Riding Bell's place.

And everybody laughed

when Red Riding Bell juggled some mangoes.

And everybody lived happily ever after!

Except the Big Bad Wolf, who had a sore tooth.

(crowd cheers)

That was great, Zigby.

It's really fun being in a story.

And it was fun writing one.

So, when are you going to write your next story?

You don't have to, Zigby.

This one is so good, I want to read it again and again.

And again and again, and again--

(Upbeat music)

Can we help with the gardening, Zigby?

Sure, Birtie, you can rake the leaves!

And you can do the watering, McMeer.

Oh, yes, I was hoping you'd say the watering!

Where's the watering can?

Uh, it's in the garden shed.


Hm, where can it be?

Ah hah!



Hello, I am a robot.


Maybe I can use these, too!

I've nearly finished the leaves, Zigby!

And I've dug up all the weeds.

Where is McMeer?

He is taking a long time getting that watering can.

What's that?

(McMeer makes robot noises)

I am a watering robot and I'll water nonstop

To the very last drop

(laughing) It's McMeer in a robot costume!

Must water, must water

That's brilliant!

Mind those leaves, I've just raked them!

Must water, must water.

That's a great costume, McMeer!

Thanks, Zigby!

Hey, wouldn't it be fun if everyone made a costume?

(in unison) Yeah!

We could hold a big costume contest

And the first prize would be, uh

Oh, oh, it would have to be something really special

What about your robot costume?

That's really special

(robot voice) Fantastic idea!

And I thought, everyone made a costume

We could have a competition

for the most interesting one


And that is the first prize.

Wow, McMeer is the first prize!

No, his robot costume!

Even better!

I am going to get started on my costume

Right away!

Me too!


I already got my costume!

Oh, not anymore McMeer,

you agreed to give it away as the prize,


Huh? You mean this isn't mine now?

Hm, um, I guess not.

You can't give something away

and keep it, too.

Aw. I didn't think of that.

But that's alright!

I'll come up with a new costume,

and win the robot costume back!

Oh, but what if he can't win it back?

He will be very disappointed

You should change the prize, Zigby

Hm, but then everyone else will be disappointed.

Don't worry, McMeer will make a great new costume!

But it might not be the winning costume

I think you're trotting into trouble, Zigby!

He he he, I'm going to make the best costume ever!

Ta da, I'm Super McMeer!

My cape!

Oh no! My costume is ruined!

Oh well, I'll just have to think of a new one.

Zigby, you'll tell me if my costume is any good,

won't you?

(laughing) As sure as I'm stripey, Birtie!

Right, I'll go dressed as a lamp.



It's a good costume Birtie, but you might need to

dress up as something that can see.

Oh, I still don't have a costume,

or anything to make it out of.



What does this tea cozy look like?

I know!

It looks like Winks hat!

Hey, Wink!

I'm going to the costume contest dressed as you!

I'm not Wink, I'm Tink!

And I'm going dressed as Wink.


Wink is dressed as Stink, who is dressed as Tink

Who is dressed as Wink!

So you, and she, and he and she, and you, oh!

I'm going to have to take this hat off

It's making me confused.

Oh, are there lots of costumes in there Zara?

Yes, Lawrence.

We can dress up as pirates

or pirates

or pirates!

I know! Let's go as pirates!

I've tried everything and looks everywhere

But I can't seem to make another costumer!

And if I don't win the contest,

I won't ever have my robot costume back.

Oh, crazy coconuts, I really have trotted into trouble.

I never should have used your robot costume as the prize.

But maybe this will help you win it back!

It's my craft box!

But don't you need this to make your own costume?

Oh, it's okay, all I need is this white powder

and I become,

a white horse!

Wow, thanks Zigby!

I'm sure I can come up with a winning costume

with this craft box!

(upbeat music)

What if I, hm...

Maybe this could-

Oh, I wonder if, hm...

Oh, maybe if I close my eyes I can imagine something!


Oh, I love your costume

oh, you make the perfect princess, Vicky!

And you're a super duper superhero, Saline!


Now, which one of you is Wick again?

Let me guess, you're a pair of pirates.



Where's McMeer, Zigby!

It's time to choose the most interesting costume!

Uh, I'll go and find out what's holding him up.


Oh no, I fell asleep!

The contest must have started!

And I still don't have a costume.

Oh, now I'll never win the robot costume back.

I might as well give Zigby back his craft box.

McMeer, McMeer!


Are you all right, McMeer?

No, I'm covered in paste

I've fallen in a pile of leaves

and I can't win the costume contest

because I still don't have a costume!

Oh, cool, bananas, (laughing) yes you do have a costume!

Just come as you are, McMeer, and hurry.


Here comes McMeer!

And his amazing costume.

(audience gasp)

What are you all clapping for?

See for yourself


I look like some sort of leaf creature

(laughing) It's time to vote

for the most interesting costume

All those in favor of McMeer?

(audience cheer)

Congratulations McMeer, you win!

And here is your prize.

Woo hoo!

My robot costume!

I can't wait to put it back on!

But how are you going to get your leafy costume off?

That's a lot of leaves!

(laughing) Yeah! Tickly too!

Ah choo!

Problem solved!

♪(theme song)


♪ Zigby!