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01x14 - Zigby's Swapping Day/Zigby Goes Green

Posted: 07/28/23 16:02
by bunniefuu
♪ On a tropical island far away, ♪

♪ A cheeky zebra loves to play

♪ Zigby, running through the jungle, ♪

♪ Uh oh, he's trotting into trouble ♪

♪ Zigby and his friends are here today ♪

♪ Zigby's off on a new adventure ♪

♪ Here's McMeer, his helpful friend ♪

♪ Birdie the bird says, "Please be careful!" ♪

♪ But it's okay, it'll work on in the end ♪

♪ Zigby

♪ Running through the jungle

♪ Hooray

♪ He's trotted out of trouble

♪ Zigby and his friends are here to play ♪

♪ Zigby

(childish music)

I collected this shell because it sparkles

and this one because of it's funny shape.


And this one because it's so big!

Oh, wow!

What did you collect on the beach, Lawrence?


I'll show you!

(playful music)

(pebbles falling) (gasping)

I found lots of interesting pebbles!


Wow, they're pretty!

And, oh, what's that?

A stripy pebble!




Look, Zigby!

Lawrence found a pebble that's stripy.

Just like me!

I really like it!

And Zara's got a special, big shell.

I really like it!

Then maybe you two should swap.

Uh, what do you mean?

You give your pebble to Zara,

and she gives her shell to you.

Then you both have what you want.

Does that sound fair?

Sounds fair to me! >> Sounds fair to me!


Swapping is fun, Zigby!

Yes, everyone should try it!

(sparkly zinging)

That gives me a great idea!

We could have a big swapping day,

when everyone could swap things.

Oh, oh!

Yes, yes!

A swapping day!

Oh, I don't know.

You might be trotting into trouble, Zigby.

Swapping can be a bit tricky sometimes.

What if we can't agree if a swap is fair?

But it'll be fun!

Like with Zara and Lawrence,

but with lots of different stuff to swap!

(cheerful music) (characters chattering)

Banana-licious bananas, here!

Picked from the yummiest banana tree.

We'll swap you these flowers,

for those banana-licious bananas.

Does that sound fair?

(flowers rustling)

Sounds fair to me!

(monkeys clamoring)

Building blocks to swap!

Build your own castle with my wooden blocks.

(pebbles and shells falling)

We'd like to swap our pebbles and shells for some blocks.


There's some lovely ones there for sure!

Does that sound fair?

Sounds fair to me.

Take a bucket each.

Get your homemade mud sculptures!

Made from the finest (mumbles).

These are fabulous, Celine!

Thank you, Vicky.

I even made one of you!


It's so beautiful, elegant, and stylish.

It looks just like me!

I'll swap you my necklace and earrings for the sculpture.

Does that sound fair?


Sounds fair to me.

Thank you!

What are you swapping, McMeer?

Mango muffins.

And what are you swapping them for?

Coconut muffins!

One mango muffin, please!

Oh, why thank you!

Have a coconut muffin!


Do mind if I do.


I'm not sure that's how swapping

is supposed to work, McMeer.

(chewing happily)

Seems fair to me!

(cheerful music)

(birds flapping)

See, Birdie?

I told you I wouldn't trot into trouble.

Look at all the happy swappers!

(monkeys clamoring)

Come on, Lawrence!

Let's build castles with our blocks!

I'll build a bigger one than you!


Swapping day was the best idea I've had.

(blocks clinking)

My castle's going to be a beauty!

Hm, I need more blocks.


Hey, Lawrence, would like to swap?

I'll give you

a muffin for some of your blocks.

No thanks, Zara.

But, it's only got one bite taken out of it.

Thanks Zara, but I don't want a muffin.

(calm music)


Oh hello, Vicky!

I don't like to complain, Celine,

but I've a bit of a problem with your sculpture.

It broke on the way home.

Oh, dear!

That's such a shame!

Let me give you another one.

The dancing meerkat is my favorite!

But I don't want a dancing meerkat,

I love the dancing flamingo!

Can you make me another?

Well, it would take me a whole day to make a new one,

but I'll do it for another set of earrings and a necklace.

But I already swapped you

a set of earrings and a necklace!

That was for the first sculpture.

But the first sculpture fell apart

soon after we swapped!

But it wasn't broken when we swapped.

But that means you'll have two necklaces

and I'll only have one sculpture.

That doesn't sound fair to me!

I don't like swapping!


Well, Zigby, do you still think that the

swapping day is the best idea you've ever had?


As sure as I'm stripy, Birdie.

This was just a little hiccup.

(cheerful music)

I'm so hungry!

I wish I had some bananas!

(banana hitting El)


Would you like to swap?

I'll swap these flowers back for those bananas.

Does that sound fair?

It sounds fair, but we don't wanna swap.

Do we?




We wanna keep the bananas!

Can't you eat something else?

Oh, yes.

But those are banana-licious bananas

from the yummiest banana tree on the island!

We know!



Sorry, El.


I wish I never swapped!

El doesn't seem to be a happy swapper either!

Well, at least Zara and Lawrence are happy.


here's my final offer.

I'll swap you the muffin, my bow, and the stripy pebble

for some of your blocks.


No, thanks.

But Zigby says we should swap.

Then you should swap your blocks with me.

I'll give you this shell for them.

Don't you understand?

I need more blocks!

And I want to keep mine!

Well in that case, I don't want to play with you anymore.

And I don't want to play with you either!

(upbeat music)

Crazy coconuts!

I had no idea swapping could be so tricky.

I really have trotted into trouble.

ElYou sure have!

(animals agreeing)

But I thought swapping would be fun.

It is.

But figuring out what's fair can be really hard sometimes.

And now Zara and Lawrence aren't

playing with each other anymore!


How can I figure out a way for

everyone to get what they want?


Anyone want a muffin?

Yes, but I haven't got anything to swap.


It's okay, I'm happy to share!


(characters chattering)

Cool bananas!

McMeer, you've given me a great idea,

but I need everyone's help.

I want you to get all the stuff you've been swapping

and meet me back here as soon as you can!

(cheerful music)

Hey, Zara.

What's wrong?

Lawrence isn't being fair!

I need blocks for my castle, but he won't swap with me.

Well, I know another way to build your castle.

And it isn't by swapping.

You do?


Come and see!

(fish splashing)

Zara isn't being fair.

She wants my blocks, but I need them for my castle.

Well, there is another way to build your castle.

There is?


Come and see!

(childish music)





I think there's enough here to build a fantastic castle.

Don't you?

Yeah! >> Yeah!

But what do we need to swap for all that?



I got so excited about swapping,

I forgot there's another way of doing things.




(blocks clinking)

Swapping was fun, Zigby,

but I think I like sharing best of all.


(cheerful music)

(Playful music)


That'll look nice and bright in my kitchen.

(playful music)

Look a coconut ball!

(playful music)



(playful music)

I'll get it.

(playful music)

(mysterious music)


Hmmm, I haven't seen that before.


Who wants to play Coconut Scoop?

I do!

How about you Zigby?


It's so beautiful!



(McMeer gasps)

What is that?

A piece of fruit.

Isn't it amazing?

(everyone awing)

HippoWhat's everyone looking at?

A piece of fruit on the yumbi tree.

But fruit doesn't grow on yumbi trees.

Hmm, that is strange,

very strange.

I've heard that the yumbi tree does grow fruit

once every hundred years.

(crowd gasping)

(crowd chattering)

And it's supposed to taste very delicious.

I've heard it tastes like strawberries and cream

mixed with mint and caramel flavored peanut butter.

(crowd chatters)

I know!

I'll eat it and tell you if it tastes as good as they say.

(laughs) No way.

(crowd protests)

We should share it!

I have an idea.

There's not enough for all of us

but there is enough for some of us.

Some of us?


So we can make two teams and play a game of Coconut Scoop.

The winning team will get the fruit as a prize

and they will share it.

EveryoneGreat idea!

I'm not sure about this, Zigby.

I think you may be trotting into trouble.

Both teams are really going to want to win.

It's okay Bertie.

It'll be fun!

(playful music)

Let's meet at the playing field in five minutes.

Tell everyone!

(playful music)

(crowd chatting)

(twigs snapping)

Here's five short twigs

and five long ones.

It's a great way to pick teams.

Whoever picks out a long twig

will be on one team

and whoever picks out a short one

will be on the other team.

BertieWell that sounds even.

Long one.

(Gasps) Long one!



A short one.

I want to try again.

Sorry, one turn each.

Short one!

Aha! >> Long one!

(cheering) >> Short!

All right! >> Yeah!

I can taste that yumbi fruit already.

Not if I have anything to do with it.



(monkeys chittering)



There aren't anymore twigs left.

Which team will Zigby be on?

Hmm. If I join in, the teams won't be even.

Here's an idea.

Why don't you be the referee

and you'll get a teeny piece of the fruit

no matter who wins.

(crowd agreeing)

A referee!


Uh, what's a referee?

It's someone who makes sure

everyone follows the rules of the game.

Now lets think of names for the teams.

I know!

Yellow is a good color.

We can be the Yellow Team!

Oh, and we can be the Blue Team!

Yellow TeamYellow, yellow, yellow!

Blue TeamBlue, blue, blue!

How about some game practice?

(crowd cheering)

(playful music)


Like this!

Dip and flip.

Dip and flip.

Everyone try it.

(moneky chittering)

GroupDip and flip.

Dip and flip.

Watch this.

Stoop and scoop.

Stoop and scoop.

GroupStoop and scoop.

Stoop and scoop.

Stoop and scoop.

Stoop and scoop.


Oh, yep, oh, whoa.


Oh, oh, whoa, wait.

Oh, oh no.

Oh, oh, watch out.


Good catch Bertie!

I'm so sorry about that.

Now where was I?

Oh yeah!

Dip and flip.


Oh, oh.

Try to keep on your own side.

LionSorry about that.

Wait, I have an idea!

We need some paint.



I'll paint a line down the middle of the field

so everyone will know which side is which.

Then we won't bump into each other.

(playful music)


There, that should do it.

Um, that's not quite the middle, McMeer.

I'll be right back.

This is the middle.

No it's not.

Now you're side is bigger.

Let's paint the whole field,

then we'll we know for sure.

(crowd agreeing)

(playful music)


What's going on?

Now this half is yellow

so it's just for the Yellow Team.

This is for Yellows.

(tense music)

Well this is only Blues.

Yellow TeamYellow is best!

We beat the rest!

We beat the rest

'cause Yellow is best!

Yay team!

Blue TeamWe are Blue!

We'll beat you!

We'll beat you

'cause we are Blue!

Yay team!

(crowd chanting) >> Crazy Coconuts!

This has all gone wrong!

(whistle blows)

May I have my paint back please?

(playful music)

Hi Zigby.

I just came from a hike and look.

I thought green was a nicer color for the jungle.

I know, but the Blues are painting everything blue

and the Yellows are painting everything yellow

instead of playing the game.

Zara told me about the game.

I want them to stop.

I've been pacing up and down like this

trying to think of what to do.




(grunts) Whoops.

(both gasping)

Cool bananas!

Blue and yellow make green!

I know how to trot right out of trouble

and I need this paint.

The paint?

Yep and you can help if you want to.

Just tell me how.

(playful music)

I have an announcement.

The contest for the yumbi fruit is canceled.

(crowd gasping and protesting)

And there no longer is Blue Team or a Yellow Team.

(crowd chattering)

Because there's going to be just one All Star Team instead.

So please, pick another twig.

(crowd chattering)

BertieThat's sounds like fun.

I got a medium twig.

(gasps) Me too.

And me.


Me too.

And me!

MonkeysUs too!

Me too!

(crowd cheering)

You're all on the same team

and the new team is going to be called the Green Team.

(crowd cheering)

Uh, one problem, Zigby.

If there's only one team,

who will get the yumbi fruit?

There isn't enough for all of us.

Oh yes there is.

We decided to mash up the yumbi fruit

and make yumbi muffins!

(crowd cheering)

Everyone gets to have a taste.

(crowd chattering)

Tastes like strawberries and cream.

With mint!

And caramel flavored peanut butter.


(crowd chattering)

Come on Green Team, let's play Coconut Scoop!


We're Green together!

Together we're Green!

The team that's together is-

EveryoneThe very best team!

Yay Green!


(theme music)


♪ Zigby!