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01x12 - Zigby and the Sleepy Head/ Zigby and the Hiccup

Posted: 07/28/23 16:00
by bunniefuu
♪ On a tropical island far away ♪

♪ A cheeky zebra loves to play

♪ Zigby, running through the jungle ♪

♪ Uh-oh, he's trotting into trouble ♪

♪ Zigby and his friends are here today ♪

♪ Zigby's off on a new adventure ♪

♪ Here's McMeer, his helpful friend ♪

♪ Bertie the Bird says please, be careful ♪

♪ But it's okay, it'll work out in the end ♪

♪ Zigby, running through the jungle ♪

♪ Hooray, he's trotted out of trouble ♪

♪ Zigby and his friends are here to play ♪


And there's lots and lots of cute baby turtles,

which hatch and come out of the sand only once every year.

Only once every year?

Yup, when the sun is highest in the sky,

right in the middle of the day,

and that day is tomorrow!


Zigby, where are we going to see

all these cute baby turtles?

We're going to Savannah Beach first thing in the morning.

But isn't that a long way?


We'll have to get up very early in the morning,

so it's bedtime now.


Night night!

Sleep tight, everyone.

(knocking on door) >> Huh?

Now who could that be?

Zigby, Zigby!

I wanna bring a turtle home with me to be my friend.

Well, not my best friend, because that's your job.

Well, they like to live in the sea.


But we could give one a name.

(gasps) Really?


See ya in the morning.

Very early, remember?


Night, Zigby.

(knocking on door)

Zigby, is there a special name, you know,

that turtles might like?

(chuckles) I'm sure they'd like any name you want.

(giggles) I can't wait!

(laughs) Me neither.

But tomorrow will come quicker if we go to sleep.

Oh yes, right you are!




I always sleep better under the stars.


Oh, I don't know how Zigby and Bertie can sleep!

I'm much too excited! (giggles)

Maybe counting stars will help me sleep.

One, two, three, um...

What comes after three?

Oh, start again.

One, two...

(bird chirps)


Zigby, are you sure it's safe?

Zigby, are you trotting into trouble?


(Bertie exclaims)

Sorry, Bertie.

I didn't mean to scare you,

but it's time to go to Savannah Beach.

But it's too early.

When you said early, I didn't think you meant this early.

Oh, it's a long way away.

The turtles won't wait for us if we're late.

Come on, let's wake McMeer!

Wake McMeer?

He doesn't like getting up this early.

It's okay, he probably didn't even go to sleep.

He was too excited.

You mean he was up late too?

Oh dear, this feels like trotting into trouble to me, Zigby."], index ,…}

Oh Bertie, it'll be all right.

You'll see.


McMeer, wake up!

Time to go, McMeer.

To see the cute little turtles!

Come on!


We'll never wake him up.

This'll do the trick.



Oh well, we could always see the turtles next year.

Bertie, have you ever seen me give up that easily?


These earmuffs will keep the noise out!


I can't hear you because I've got earmuffs on my ears!

Never mind.

And a-one, two, three!

(playing instruments loudly)


He's still asleep!

I told you, he's just not a morning meerkat.

If it takes much longer to wake him,

we'll have to eat breakfast as we walk.

I've got some food in my backpack.


Look, he's awake.


Come on, McMeer.

We're off to Savannah Beach, and we have to hurry.



When are we going to have something to eat?

We can have something now if you like.

Maybe McMeer would like...

Where is McMeer?

Maybe he wandered off.

He could be lost in the jungle!

We might not ever see him again! (exclaims)


Bertie, this is no time to panic.



He's fine, he's just sleeping.

I knew he'd be fine.



You don't want to miss those turtles, do you?

Look at the sun.

It won't be long 'til the middle of the day.

We'll never get to Savannah Beach in time

to see those turtles hatch.

We can't just leave McMeer here.

And he'll be more disappointed than anyone

if we miss the turtles.

There must be a way to get McMeer to Savannah Beach.

I just have to think of it, that's all.

That's it.

You carry this, and I'll carry--

You don't mean--

It'll be easy.


You're doing great, Zigby.

Just keep going, we're halfway there.

Good, so it's your turn.

I've never given a piggy back before.

I'm not sure I can do it on an empty tummy.

Sure you can.

We can have some food once we've seen the turtles.

That was close.


McMeer! >> McMeer!

(mumbles, snores)

Uh, I don't know, Zigby.

I have delicate bones.

You'll be fine.

Here we go.

(groans) See?

You did it.

Yeah, I did it! (laughs)

Uh-oh. (moans)

Are you okay, Bertie?

Yes, but is there a way (groans) we could share the load?"], index ,…}

Are you sure this will work?

Sure as I am stripy!

Savannah Beach, here we come!

One, two, one, two, one, two, one, two.

(both gasping and panting)

I gotta stop.

My tummy needs something to eat, now!

I haven't had anything since last night.

But Savannah Beach (gasps)

is just over the next (gasps) hill!

The sun!

It's nearly time for the turtles to come out.

I know we've only got a (gasps) few minutes,

but I just (sobs)

We're so close!

Try, Bertie.

You wanna see those little turtles, don't you?

I think so.


Crazy coconuts!

I don't have enough--




Well, look on the bright side, Bertie.

At least you finally got something in your tummy.

I suppose.

Pity we'll have to wait a whole year

for another chance to see those baby turtles.

That's a lot of sleeps.


Look! McMeer's awake!

Where are we?

We're at Savannah Beach,

and the baby turtles are probably hatching

just over this hill.


Yes, really.

But we just don't have enough energy

to carry you over there.

Cool bananas, we don't have to!

He's awake and he can go on his own legs,

and we've had our breakfast, so we've got enough energy.

You're right!

We might still get to see them.

Come on!

(all panting)


Coming all this way was worth it.

Yeah, it's just, well, just amazing!

McMeerOh look, here comes another one!

(chuckles) Hello, little one.

Now that's cute!


Look, so many turtles!

Who wants to be called Brian, or Kate?

Or, oh, I know a great name for a turtle!

Who wants to be called Carlin?

Where does McMeer get his energy?

(yawns) Must be mango power.

I'm going to be your friend and call you Sophie.

I think Sophie's a good name for a turtle.

Good luck in the sea, Sophie,

and Brian and Kate and Carlin and everyone!

Hey, come and have a look at my new friends.



Wake up!


What's wrong with you two?

I'm not tired at all.

Make sure you visit me when you come back.

Oh, and don't forget my name is McMeer,

and if you want to bring me a mango,

that would be nice!


(whimsical music)

There, the rock garden's finished.

And if we keep watering the rocks,

they'll grow big and strong.

I don't think rocks grow, McMeer.

Bertie's right.

Can you give me a hand moving this log?


This will make a great garden seat.


And it makes a even better toe squisher.

Maybe we should hold it the other way round

so it doesn't fall on our feet.


Huh, that's better.

Uh, just one problem, I think I'm stuck.

ZigbyMe too!


Whoa, look out!

What? >> Where?


(grunting) >> Careful!

Oh, I'm not sure I like riding!


But actually, it's sort of fun!

Woo hoo, look at me, I'm Wild Bill Bertie,

the famous rodeo rider, woo hoo!




That's the funniest thing I've seen

since Stink got his head stuck in a watermelon.

(laughing, slide whistle)

Oh Clem, are you all right?


Whoa! >> Look out!




(hiccups) That was great!

Do it again! (hiccups)

Oh no, now I've got the hiccups (hiccups).

Oh, what's wrong?

Um, nothing, it's just that you're red.

What are you talking about?

Hm, what's going on?

Why am I red? (hiccups)

You mean purple.

It happens every time you hiccup.

Heh heh, don't be ridicu (hiccup)

This can't be happening.

I only change color when I want to change color. (hiccups)

Oh, (sniffs) mmm, mangoey.

Hiccups always stop eventually.

You just have to wait.

(chiming music)

Hmm, why make him wait?

I'm going to cure Clem's hiccups right now.


Curing hiccups isn't all that easy.

I think you're hiccuping into trouble.

I mean, trotting into trouble again, Zigby.

Rest can help.

Why don't you rest at home while I figure out a hiccup cure?

But my home is wherever I want to blend in.


So it looks like I'm off to find somewhere pink.

(hiccup) Oh, I mean purple.

Right, this is what we do.

(calypso music)

Finally, some purple flowers.

Now I can do what a chameleon does,

and disappear!

This is more like it,


Here we go again.

(upbeat music)

Oh, this seems a bit sneaky.

But it's the best plan.

Startling someone always stops their hiccups.

Here he comes!

Ah, a perfect match! (hiccup)



It didn't work.

He wasn't startled at all.

Oh, please don't do that again.

It startled me.

I knew this would mean trouble.

(cheerful music)

Uh, so, as soon as you finish your drink,

you'll get back to curing Clem's hiccups?

Drinking water upside down is the cure.

Try it, Clem.

If you're sure it will really work.

Ha ha, sure as I'm stripey.

(gulps, hiccups)

(hiccup) Oh.


Uh, it doesn't seem to be working, Zigby.

We can't give up now.

Maybe Celine will have some ideas.

As long as they don't involve anyone shouting boo.

(flaps, cheerful music)

(falsetto singing)

Hold the note for as long as you can,

and ta da, no more hiccups.

Okay Clem, sing away!

(gasps) ♪ Oooooooooooo

Hey, I'm cured!

(hiccups rapidly)

Oh, dear, it's getting worse!

Now I look like fruit salad.

You're right.

There's only one thing left to do.

You're asking us for advice?

Whoha, what do you want to know?

The best way to scratch a back?

Or how to run round and around a tree

without getting dizzy?

Or how to fit six bananas in your mouth at the same time?

Uh, no.

Do you know any way to get rid of hiccups?

Oh, sure.

(slide whistle)

There's an old trick the monkeys have known about

for years, it's really simple.

(huffs and gasps)

Do I look silly?

I'm not used to doing stuff like this out in the open

where everybody can see me.

You look, um, fine.

Just keep going.

It doesn't seem to be working.

Hm, maybe this is the cure for fleas.

No, he just needs more flower petals thrown at him!

Come on!

(monkey screeching)

All those petals are going to make me, gah, achoo!


This is the worst luck so far.

But my hiccups have gone.

I'm cured!

Now I can disappear when I want to!

Thanks, everyone!


Uh, I'm stuck like this for good!

I knew it was the cure for fleas.

You might be stuck like that,

but look on the bright side, you won't get itchy.

(ladybug wings flap)

(downbeat music)

Oh, what's a chameleon who can't blend in,

and sneak around without anybody knowing?

I've had enough, I'm going off to live a long way away,

where no one else can see how silly

and unchameleonlike I look.

Oh, goodbye, everybody.

Please Zigby, stop him!

Crazy coconuts, you're right.

Wait, Clem, you have to stay!

Nope, I can't see why!

I've had enough, show's over, folks.

Because, because,

Cool bananas, that's it, the show!

You can't leave until you've seen the big show!


Trust me.

This is my most brilliant idea ever.

(cheerful music)

I don't know about this, Zigby.

I'm going to look a bit silly.

We can put up with looking silly

if it helps a friend like Clem.

After all, imagine how silly Clem feels right now.

Well, you're right, Zigby, but shouldn't we be trying

to get Clem to stay rather

than putting on a funny show for him?


It was laughing that made Clem start hiccuping

in the first place.

Maybe another big laugh will cure him.

Yeah, let's do it!

Great, but leave the mango there,

the food is for afterwards.

I knew that.

I'll go and make the introduction,

and then we can get on with the show.

Welcome, jungle friends,

especially multi colored chameleons!

Get ready to laugh yourself silly

as we present the Fantastic Funny Frolicksome Follies!


Oopsidaisy, (laughs) now that's funny!

Uh, right, well,

(clears throat) Uh, next it's Bertie

and his famous guinea fowl dance!

♪ Diddy daw daw daw guinea fowl! ♪

♪ Guinea foooo la la la.

(rattle) Oh.


It isn't going great so far,

but the best is yet to come.

Here's the amazing McMeer,

and his marvelous, mystifying magic!

I will now make this banana disappear

before your very eyes!

(boing, chewing)


Oh, I'm sorry, I just don't find anything funny anymore.

I'm going, see you later.

Oh, actually, I won't see you later.

Wait, there's more funny stuff to come!



McMeerUh oh!



Oh, oh, oh dear!

Look out, Bertie!



Oh, now that was funny!


Oh, look at me, I'm back to normal!


Oh thank you, thank you everybody!


(upbeat music)

♪ Zigby!

♪ Zigby!