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01x11 - Zigby and the Unicorn/ Zigby and the Dinosaur

Posted: 07/28/23 15:59
by bunniefuu
♪ On a tropical island far away ♪

♪ A cheeky zebra loves to play

♪ Zigby, running through the jungle ♪

♪ Uh oh, he's trotting into trouble ♪

♪ Zigby and his friends are here today ♪

♪ Zigby is off on a new adventure ♪

♪ Here's McMeer, his helpful friend ♪

♪ Bertie the Bird says, please be careful, but it's okay ♪

♪ It'll work out in the end

♪ Zigby, running through the jungle ♪

♪ Hurray, he's trotted out of trouble ♪

♪ Zigby, and his friends are here to play ♪

♪ Zigby

(cheerful music)

And when the brave little lion,

spoke the magic words, he saw a unicorn.

The brave...

A unicorn, wow!

Have you ever seen a unicorn, Zara?

Unicorns are only in stories, Laurence.

Now, where was I?

The brave little lion gave the unicorn some food,

and asked him to grant him a wish.

A wish, so, unicorns are magic?

It's only a story, Laurence.

Unicorns aren't really real.

Can I keep reading? >> Sure.

But they must be real.

The unicorn shook his silver mane and--

Or how would there be drawings of them?

How would they know what to draw?

Oh, Laurence, hm, I don't think you really want to listen.

Why don't you just look at the pictures.

Oh, Zara, oh.

If she won't read to me, then I'll ask Zigby.

He'll know about unicorns for sure.

Zigby, Zigby!

Zigby, are unicorns real?

Unicorns, huh?

Yes. Zara says they're only in stories,

but I bet you've seen a real one.

Well, no. I haven't seen one.

No, me neither.

Uh-uh. >> Oh.

But hold on, maybe they're just shy.

Maybe that's why we're never seen one.

We can't be sure they're not real.

I want to see a unicorn, I want to see a unicorn!

Ha ha! >> Me too!

And me!

I feel one of my world famous brilliant ideas coming on.

Let's all try to find a unicorn together!

Yeah, thanks, Zigby.

Let's find a unicorn! >> Yeah!

I think you might be trotting into trouble, Zigby.

Unicorns could be very hard to find.

They might be hard to spot, Bertie, but it's got

to be worth it!

Come on Laurence.

How do you think we could find a unicorn?

In the story, the brave lion cub,

gave the unicorn some food. >> Food, good idea.


But, but who knows what sort of food unicorns like to eat.

If I was a unicorn, I'd like cake.

Everyone likes cake, and we need a hide.

Great, a Hide!

Uh, what's a hide?

Come on, I'll show you.

(playful music)

There, now we hide inside here

so we can see the unicorn but it can't see us.

That's why its called a hide.

Like hide and seek!

Ha ha, I knew that.

There's Bertie, he's brought cake.

Hi Bertie!


Great, I'm starving!

Hold, its for the unicorn, remember?

Oh ha, of course.

So lets get into the hide, its just like hide and seek.

Its green and its leafy and its..


Zigby, Lawrence,

where did you go? >> Here!


Oh don't hide like that.

(playful music)

What do we do now? >> We watch and wait.

Good plan! >> Shhh, quietly.

Oh, even better plan.


When's the unicorn coming?

It has been a long time, Zigby.

Lawrence, was there anything else in the book

that might help us find a unicorn?

Um, in the picture the unicorn was standing on a rock,

in the moonlight. >> Moonlight, that's it!

It is? >> Yes!

That's why the unicorn hasn't come.

They only come out at night time.

Well if we're waiting 'til night time,

then I'd better go and check out--

The cake will be fine.

What makes you think I was talking about the cake?

(enchanted playful music)

Can you see okay?

Just keep watching and waiting.

We gotta stay alert and..


Zigby, wake up, he's been.

What, who?

We all fell asleep and the unicorn came

and ate some of the cake, look!

Oh, and we missed it!

Oh, dear. >> Missed what?


Well, all that waiting made me hungry.

We need another plan.

Lawrence, what else happened in the unicorn story?

Um, you mean before or after the magic words?

Magic words, what magic words?

Unicorn, unicorn come to me.

When I count from one, two um three.

One, two, three.


Lets all say the magic words together!

Good idea Zigby, and lets do it at the same time!

Unicorn, unicorn come to me!

When I count from one, two, three!

One, two, three!

Three! >> Three!

Hmm, huh uh, it's not working Zigby.

(whimsical music)

We tried everything, Zigby.

Oh, maybe we won't find a unicorn after all.

Don't give up Lawrence, I'm not giving up!

I'm going to find you a unicorn tonight!

Tonight, really, are you sure?

As sure as I'm stripey!

Come to the waterhole tonight and be ready

to meet a unicorn. >> Thanks Zigby!

Oh I can't wait till tonight!


Oh Zigby, this feels like trouble to me.

Now you've practically promised him a unicorn!

Crazy coconuts, I know, but I can't let him down.

He really wants there to be a unicorn.

Yeah, we all do! >> But where are we going

to find one?


(whimsical music)

Cool bananas, that's it!

A unicorn may be closer than we think.

The unicorn is in your cupboard?

Nope, just these ice cream cones.

How do I look?


Is the unicorn far away Bertie?

Okay, we're here Lawrence.

Let's hide behind this bush.

Where is Zigby and Mcmeer?

Uh, they'll be along later, just watch that rock.

(playful music)


Wow, a unicorn!


Just stay very still, we don't want to scare him.

Lawrence, Lawrence!

Oh, magic unicorn you've come.

You're really real? >> Of course I'm real.

Can I pet you? >> Uh, oh no, no, no, uh.

Oh, Lawrence here you are.

Let's not bother the nice unicorn any longer.

But I haven't asked for my wish yet.

I have a very special wish. >> A wish?

Oh dear, uh, um yes I'll grant your wish.

But, um I, um first I have to go get some uh..

Ouch, watch where you're going, Zigby!

Hmm, Zigby?


Oh dear.

Uh, I'm sorry Lawrence.

Its wrong to try to fool someone.

That's all right Zigby, I know you just wanted

to help me see a unicorn.

If we had been a real unicorn,

we would've granted your wish.

Sure we would!

What would you have wished for?

I wish, I really wish

that Zara would read me stories again.

Oh, well I can't grant that wish.

But I know someone who might.

(playful music)

So you'll read stories to me again Zara?

I love it when you do. >> Of course I will!

I wasn't really upset, what would you like to hear?

The stories from the brave lion cub.


How did I know.

Here's a new one, The Brave Little Lion And The Troll.

(bouncy music)

(bug buzzing)

ZaraHello, everyone!

crowdHi, Zara!

I'm out hunting dinosaurs!

Anyone want to join me?


Yes- T-Rex dinosaurs!


They're like really huge lizards.

So they shouldn't be too hard to find.

BertieOh, hang on! Dinosaurs were only around

a really long time ago.

You mean, I won't be able to find

any dinosaurs now?

Bertie's right, Zara. You won't find any dinosaurs now.

They're all gone.


But maybe we can find some dinosaur relics!

McMareUm-hmm, yeah! Relics - they sound tasty!

(laughing) You can't eat relics, McMare!

Relics are things left behind from a long time ago.

Dinosaur relics would be buried under the ground!

Yay! I'll go and get my shovel

so we can dig them up!

Dinosaur relics could be hard to find.

Zara's going to be really disappointed

if she doesn't find any.

I know. That's why we're gonna make sure

she does find some - by burying our own dino relics!

Oh, I think this might be trotting into trouble, Zigby.

If it makes Zara happy, then it's no trouble at all.

I'll go and borrow some shovels from Celine.

(bouncy music)

CelineThere you are, Zigby!

Thank you, Celine!

Oh, all those birds are back again.

Shoo! Shoo!

Oh - they turned up when I started planting seeds

to grow more beautiful flowers.

But every time I plant the seeds,

the birds dig them up and eat them!

(birds pecking and singing)

I even built a scarecrow to scare them away,

but it doesn't seem to be working very well.

Hmmm. Maybe it looks too friendly.

I could build you a scarier one.

Would you?

Hey, sure as I'm stripey!

I'll get it done as soon as I can.

Thanks, Zigby.

Now, I've got to get more seeds.

(bouncy music)


Whew! Digging is a lot of hard work.

It sure is - whew!

How will we get everything buried before Zara gets back?

Ta da - all done!

That was fun!

Whoa! Great job, McMare!

ZaraGreat job with what?

Oh - see all those mounds of dirt?

Zigby- Uh - he thinks they're the best digging spots.

This looks like the perfect place to find dinosaur relics.

Doesn't it?

Yeah! Let's start digging!

(bouncy music)


Huh? Oh - I found something!

Oh, it's just some old bucket.

A bucket? Nah - it looks more like

a dinosaur's teacup to me.

(Zigby nudges friends)

Yeah, it sure looks like it to me, too!

[Bertie] Mm hmm, mm hmm.

Really? Wow!

My first real dino relic!

Uh, you do know that dinosaurs

didn't really drink tea?

Yeah, but isn't this a fun game for Zara?

Oh - there must be more! Let's dig them all up!

(bouncy music)


(frog croaking)

So, Zigby - what's this?

A dinosaur's ring

And a dinosaur's toothpick.

And this?

That is a, uh,

A dinosaur's comb!

Uh, yes! McMare must be right! Whew!

Wow, McMare!

You sure do know a lot about dinosaurs.

I do?

Oh yeah, I do!

I can't wait to show all these to everyone!

(bouncy music)

Come one! Come all! (mumbles)

See the amazing wonder of the island!

ElephantOh - it's incredible!

FlamingoHow fabulous!

See real-live dinosaur relics,

used by a dinosaur that once ruled our island!

Wow! Who'd believe it?

A real dinosaur that's right here on our island!

This is so exciting!

Uh, those are the things we buried, remember?

It's still exciting!

Let's dig for more relics!

CrowdYay! >> Let's dig everywhere!

[Lawrence The Lion] Let's find more relics!

Yeah, let's dig, dig, dig!

CrowdDig! Dig! Dig!

Oh dear, now everyone is going to dig.

Should we tell them the truth, Zigby?

But Zara's having so much fun! Everyone is!

Besides, I'm sure this whole dinosaur thing

will be over soon.

(melodic music)


(bouncy music)

Yep, any time now, and it'll all be over.

Whoever knew my little dinosaur hunt

would turn out this big?

Hmmm, yeah. Who would've thought?

Thanks for helping me with this, Zigby!

Come on, Lawrence, let's go and think

of a name for my dinosaur.

(melodic music)

This is what Suzy looked like.

She was a T-Rex.

FrogHow do we know she's a girl?


That's because she wore a skirt!

Yes - a skirt!

FlamingoAnd earrings


She sure left a lot of things lying around!

Oh - maybe

her house was close by to here!

Her house?

Imagine what we could find inside!

I hope she's got a fridge - with food!

We have to find it.

Where will we start looking?

The only place we haven't dug is Celine's garden.

And it's just over there.

Uhhh - maybe that's not such a good idea.

MonkeyWhat are we waiting for?

Last one there is a rotten banana!



Crazy coconuts - Celine loves her garden!

She'll be so upset if she comes back

and finds it all dug up!

All right, Bertie - we have to stop them.

I didn't say anything!

(bouncy music)


Stop! Everyone, stop!

Stop! Everyone, stop!

CrowdWhat? Why?

Zigby, what's going on?

We, uh, we can't dig up Celine's garden

just because we think there's a dinosaur house

buried here.

We have to do it in the name of science!

Yeah - science!

What's science?

I don't know.

Sounds like a fruit.

Who cares? Let's dig.


But there is no house!

There's isn't even a dinosaur!



But, but what about all the relics we found?


I, uh, made it all up.

I made the whole thing up.

I buried all those things and just pretended

they were dino relics.


So, there is no Suzy after all?

I'm sorry, Zara, you were so excited

I didn't want to disappoint you.

But tricking others leads to trouble.

Yeah, I was excited.

I really wanted there to be a dinosaur.

Um, so what do we do with the relics we dug up?

We could bury them again,

if we can remember where we found them.

Or, cool bananas!

Maybe we can have a dinosaur after all!

(melodic music)

There, that should do it!

Fellow relic hunters, meet

Suzy the dinosaur!

She's a T-Rex.


Now there really is a dinosaur on the island!

And there's no better place to put it than here

in Celine's garden, where it can scare away the birds.

(bouncy music)

Ohhh! A dinosaur in my garden!

Celine, meet Suzy, the dino-scarecrow.

(laughing) At least I don't have to worry

about my seeds being eaten anymore!

crowdHa, ha, ha!

(bouncy music)