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01x10 - Zigby Plays Doctor/ Zigby's Shortcut

Posted: 07/28/23 15:58
by bunniefuu
♪ On a tropical island far away ♪

♪ A cheeky zebra loves to play

♪ Zigby, running through the jungle ♪

♪ Uh-oh, he's trotting into trouble ♪

♪ Zigby, and his friends are here today ♪

♪ Zigby's off an a new adventure ♪

♪ Here's McMeer, his helpful friend ♪

♪ Bertie the bird says please be careful ♪

♪ But it's okay, it'll work out in the end ♪

♪ Zigby, running through the jungle ♪

♪ Hooray, he's trotted out of trouble ♪

♪ Zigby and his friends are here to play ♪


(lighthearted music)

(wings flapping)

(Elle grunts) (branch rustling)

Hi Elle! >> Hi!

Whoa, look at all those blueberries!

They look delicious!

I'm making pies for the pie festival!

(branch rustles)


I can hardly wait!

McMeer(munching) I can't wait at all!


(munches) Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

They're too delicious! (munches)

(laughs) That's okay, I have enough now.


My nose hurts!

That's probably because you've been using it

to pick all these berries.

(lighthearted music)

It does look a bit twisty.

You better go to the hospital!

Right, hospital, good idea, Zigby!

Uh, Zigby, small problem, there is no hospital here.

That is a problem!

How can she go to the hospital if there isn't one?

Hmm, then we'll make one!

Uh, I think you might be trotting

into trouble again, Zigby!

Hospitals can't be easy.

Uh, it's okay, Bertie, we can do it together.

(lighthearted music)

(footfalls stepping)

(door latch clicks)

Welcome to the hospital, Elle,

the doctors will be right with you.

(door slams)

(lighthearted music)

(footfalls stepping)

(door latch clicks)

Doctor Zigby, at your service.

And this is Doctor Zara.

Let's take a look at that nose of yours.

Hmm, very interesting. (stethoscope suctions)

I see.


You have a case of trunk-itis, (clicks tongue)

you need rest in bed.

Hospital helpers, take Elle into the hospital, please.

She needs to rest in bed until her nose is all better.

Doctor Zara and I will be in to check on her later.

(lighthearted music)

I came just as soon as I heard, Elle!

How are you feeling?

Fine, it's just a sore nose.

These are for you.

Oh, thank you, Selene, oh.

ZaraHow's my favorite patient?

Let me fluff up your pillows.

(Zara grunts) (pillow ruffles)

There, I hope that's more comfortable.

This will keep you cool, doctor's orders!

(leaf flapping) >> That's nice, thanks McMeer!

BertieOne lemonade, I hope it's cold enough.

Thank you, Bertie, ooh.

Oh, I'm thirsty too!

Can I have a drink?

Sorry, drinks are only for patients.

Could I be a patient?

You have to be sick.

I actually haven't been feeling very well today,


See? (leaf flapping)

I said that I haven't been feeling very well today,

ah-choo! >> Whoa!

I don't want to be a bother, but I really think

that I should see the doctor.

(lighthearted music)

Hmm, you say your throat's sore,

and you're feeling hot.

Hot and cold and dizzy.

It's a clear case of hippo-itis.

You need to rest in bed.

Hospital helpers?

One bed coming right up.

(laughs) Oh, oh,

ah-choo, ah-choo.

(bed creaks)

It's a good thing we built a hospital, we needed one!

Uh, I think I've caught what Selene has.

Do I look sick to you?

(screams) I'm covered in spots, (screams) look at them all!

(laughs) You've always had spots, Bertie.

But there are more of them now, help me doctor!

It looks like a case of spot-itis.

You need to rest in bed.

(wheels squeaking) (Zara grunts)

We'll take you to the ward.

(wheels squeaking) >> One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight, nine!

(lighthearted music) (bird squawks)

(pillow ruffles)


(leaf flaps)

(sighs) That looks fabulous!

I want to be in the hospital too.

(door latch clicks) Ah, I need to see a doctor!

I'm a doctor!

I'm not well.


my feathers,

they hurt!

See? (sighs)

(Vicky sighs and whines)

Hmm. >> What's the problem?

Vicky's feeling unwell! >> Every feather hurts.

Don't worry, we'll have you better in no time!

It's a clear case of fla-measles.

You need to rest in bed.

Ah, goodie, I'll have what she's having.

(Elle slurping) (leaf flapping)

Fan faster, please.

(McMeer pants) (leaf flapping)

Could I have another drink with ice?

And me, make mine a pink lemonade.

And I could use another pillow and a blanket.

And I'd like a new book, please.

Right away!

(lighthearted music)

Could you get a book for Bertie

and a blanket for Selene, no!

I mean a book for Selene and blanket for Vicky, no!

A book for Vicky, oh, just do your best!

No problem!

BertieCould someone raise my bed please?

Coming! (pants) (lighthearted music)

A little higher. (crank clicks)

Ah, no, lower,

(crank clicks) no, higher!

Where's my drink? >> Coming!

And my book! >> Right away!

And my drink. >> Book!

Pillow, another blanket! >> My book!

My drink! >> I need a blanket!

My drink! >> Pillow!

Book! >> Crazy coconuts,

this is trouble!

I need a blanket! >> My drink!

(sighs) We can't keep this up!

Another blanket. (door hinges creak)

(lighthearted music) (Zigby sighs)

Oh boy.

(sighs) Being a doctor sure is a lot of work.

Yep, and so is being a hospital helper.

(lighthearted music)

Hey, why's that bed empty?

That was Elle's bed. >> (gasps) She's gone!

I'll look for her. (door latch clicks)

(lighthearted music) (Zigby pants)

I've been looking all over for you!

Why did you leave the hospital?

You took such good care of me that I'm all better, see?

Huh, it does look better.

You're cured!

Also, the hospital was kind of busy.

It's more restful here.

(sighs) It is busy at the hospital, too busy!

How am I gonna make all those patients better? (sniffs)

Mmm, (smacks lips) those smell delicious!

Maybe some pie will help make your patients better.

Cool bananas, that's it Elle!

It could be just what our pie-loving patients need.

Could you bring them to the hospital when they're ready?

Okay, Zigby.

(lighthearted music)

I'm glad to see you're all looking better.

You'll soon be ready to go home.


But I'm still hot and cold

and dizzy.

My feathers still hurt.

Look at all my spots, I can't go home!

Hmm, that's too bad.

Then I guess you'll miss the pie festival.

(sniffs) My feathers don't hurt so much.


I guess I do feel better!

(footfalls stepping) >> I still have spots!

(laughs) You've always had spots, Bertie,

now go have some pie!

Oh yeah, huh, I've always had spots.

(footfalls stepping)

I'm too tired to move. (sighs)

And I'm too tired to eat.

You must be vary tired.

(yawns) I think I'll take a quick rest too.

(lighthearted music)

Mmm, that was delicious,

but where are Zigby, Zara, and McMeer?

They're probably tired out

from taking such good care of us.

Well they did take good care of us, didn't they?

The best.

We should do something nice for them.

And I know just what to do.

(lighthearted music) (wings flapping)

Mmm, num,

this pie is delicious!

Mmm, scrumptious.

(slurps and smacks lips) Mmm-mm, delicious!

(lighthearted music)

More please!

(laughs) Wow, you're feeling much better, McMeer!

(group laughs)

(playful music)

We made it McMeer!

We're on the other side of the Skunk Cabbage Swamp.

(sighs) That was hard work Zigby.

(huffs) you're telling me.

There you are Bertie.

Isn't exploring fun?


Only if you like getting twigs in your tail feathers.

Look, an opening in the bushes.

Oh, I wonder where it goes.

Let's find out!

I'm not coming.

Aw, cone on Bertie.

Where's your spirit of adventure?




Whoa! >> McMeer?

Whoa! >> Whoa!

(group laughing)

Swim for the shore!

Every bird for himself!


We're all going to.


Be perfectly all right.

Because we're in a warm water spring.



The water is nice and warm.

This spring is super for soaking in.

It's like a giant outdoor bathtub.

Big enough for everyone.

McMeer, Bertie, you've given me a great idea!

BothWe have?

We'll ask everyone on the island

to slide into this spring and soak themselves clean.

I'll call it Zigby's Slide and Soak.

Oh, oh, yeah!

I love sliding!

I love soaking!

And I love both!

(upbeat music) (panting)

I think a Slide and Soak is a great idea Zigby!

But the spring is on the far side

of the Skunk Cabbage Swamp.

It's a long walk and a smelly one

if you get too close to the cabbage.


Ugh, ew.


It did take us all morning to hike here.

I say you're trotting into trouble again.


How do we get our friends to the spring without

making them walk all around the swamp?

(gasps) What we need is a short cut!

That's right, a short cut!

What's a short cut?

It's a quick way of getting somewhere.

Those stepping stones!

That's our short cut!

Follow me!


These stepping stones are a great short cut!

Only, I'm not sure they're stepping stones.

Huh, good one Bertie, not stepping stones.




Ugh. >> Ew.

That really stinks!

(upbeat music)

♪ La la la la la la

What's that horrible smell?

It's bad enough to curl my feathers!

Ooh, I think it's coming from them.

Huh? >> What?

Actually, Bertie, you are a bit smelly.

It's not just Bertie.


Ugh, it's all of us!

What we need is a visit to the Slide and Soak!

What's a Slide and Soak?

Zara, friends, imagine slip sliding into a warm bath

and steam soaking yourselves clean in the sunshine.

That's the Slide and Soak,

and you're all invited to try it out.


I'll try it.

Having clean feathers is important to flamingos.

We'd love to come!

Wouldn't we Laurence?

Uh-huh. >> Let's go now!

Oh, it's far too late to go today.

After all, the spring is on the far side

of the Skunk Cabbage Swamp.


That far?

Yes, but we're working on a short cut through the swamp.

Through the swamp?

Sorry Zigby, we would go,

but we don't want to smell like you three.

But if you find a different way of getting there,

we'd go for sure.


(upbeat music)

There must be an easier way to get to the Slide and Soak.

I just have to think of it, that's all.

But we can't go around the swamp

and we can't go through the swamp.

A-ha, I've got it!

We'll go over the swamp.

That's brilliant!

Now all we need is a giant scrubbing brush!

(gasps) No, not a giant scrubbing brush!

But, a boardwalk!

(upbeat music)

A boardwalk is a kind of bridge made of boards

that you walk on.

I see.

That's brilliant Bertie!

Great idea Bertie!

Here's what we'll need to build it.

Bamboo cut into these sizes and vines.

Lots of vines.

(sighs) It's a big job.

We could use an extra pair of hands.

And a trunk!

We need Elle!

(cheerful music)

I can't wait to try out the Slide and Soak.

I love baths, and showers, and baths with showers.

Any sort of water really.

How are you doing with that vine, McMeer?

I'll have it down in a jiffy, Elle.


Here, let me.

(suspenseful music)


Hey, where did everyone go?


Whoa, very good.

We've got enough bamboo and vines

to start building the boardwalk.

It'll only take us a week.

A whole week? (gasps)

(upbeat music)

So, this boardwalk of yours will keep us clean

and away from the skunk cabbage?

Sure as I'm stripey Vicky.

How soon can we go to the Slide and Soak, Zigby?

Yes, how soon Zigby?

MonkeysHow soon Zigby?

Um, not much longer.

The grand opening will be, um, tomorrow!


That's fantastic!

I can't wait!

Just one more sleep Laurence!


Now remember McMeer, use two pieces of vine

wherever the bamboo joins.

That will make it strong.

Yes Bertie, I've got it.

Pieces of vine.

Two is one more than one, right?

Good news everyone!

The Slide and Soak is opening tomorrow!

So, we'll just have to build a little faster.



I'm off to get towels.


Oh, that's impossible.

I'll have to make a whole new plan.

But we only have enough bamboo

to build half the boardwalk.

And there's no time to gather more.

McMeer, if we split all the bamboo pieces in half,

we won't need as many.

We can make the vines go further too.

One piece instead of two.

Wherever the bamboo joins.


Bertie will be so pleased!

(upbeat music)

Bertie's spectacular swamp crossing boardwalk is now open!"], index ,…}


Oh, Zigby, I've finished my new plan.

Good work Bertie, but we won't need it.

The boardwalk is already finished!

Elle and I worked extra fast.

You did?

Oh, wait, before anyone crosses this boardwalk,

I've got to test it.


Hmm, hmm, hmm.


Well, it seems to be safe.

(cheering) (upbeat music)


(water splashes)


Do it again Elle!

Do it again!


Yes, my Slide and Soak is a success!

That was wonderful.

Oh, it does feel good to be clean

and the boardwalk made it all possible.

(suspenseful music)

What's that noise?


(crashing) >> Crazy coconuts!

(yelling) We're stuck!

Uh, you did use two pieces of vine

and full rounds of bamboo, didn't you?

Uh, not exactly. >> Not exactly.


I knew something was wrong.

There'll be a way out of this, as sure as I'm stripey.

I, uh, just need to think of it, that's all.



I just had my toenails done.

Oh, it's a good thing Vicky has such long legs

or her feather do would be totally ruined.

(gasps) Long legs?

Cool bananas!

That's it Bertie!

We'll give everyone long legs!

(upbeat music)

Race you home Laurence!

I like these stilts Zigby,

my feet aren't getting mucky at all!

And they're lots of fun!


(mud splashes)

Well, it did feel good to be clean.

Back to the Slide and Soak, Zigby?

(laughs) - Back to the Slide and Soak McMeer.

(upbeat music)

♪ Zigby

♪ Zigby